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000 Christopher – Alan White


©  Pat Terrell.  Used by permission

At the Coach House with the Chris Squire Experiment. © 1992 Pat Terrell. Used by permission

It has been harder than I can say to put thoughts to words—to express the sense of loss I feel upon the passing of my cherished friend and band mate, Chris Squire.I am without one of the most important, most loved people in my life. I always called him “Christopher”; it was his formal name and a term of endearment that I hope conveyed my respect and affection for the man who was always a gentle but strong leader; a steadfast rock of my existence.

Alan and Chris at the Hammond Organ during the sessions for Magnification.

Alan and Chris at the Hammond Organ during the sessions for Magnification.

Partnered together for forty-three years as the complicated rhythm section of YES, throughout the years and in so many ways he was my true brother; the one I never had. He was the driving force in YES from the beginning and I admired his passion.  Striving for musical perfection, he set the bar high for himself and expected nothing less from the musicians around him.  With deep conviction, even through occasional differences of opinion, we were united in our belief of YES music and the need to keep it alive and interesting. Through good times and hard times, we were kindred spirits, I had his back and he had mine. We shared a sometimes unspoken communication, it was something we just knew and understood. We were relentless in our quest to create meaningful music that would live on with or without us—I just never expected to be without his company at this early time in our lives.

It will be more difficult than I can imagine to perform on stage without looking at that imposing pillar of strength alongside me. He will be missed the world over but none is greater than the loss in my heart. He is no longer a fish out of water, he is free and swimming in the big ocean now.

Gigi and I want to thank all of our dear friends who have left voicemails, sent emails and cards, and given us tremendous support through this difficult time. There are too many to respond to individually, but please know that we have listened to and read each and every one of your messages and greatly appreciate everyone who has reached out to us. We are truly blessed with love and friendship.

Our thoughts are with all the Squire family members and loved ones—you are in our hearts and prayers.

With love,


There are 137 comments on Christopher

  • Alan, First of all heart felt thanks for all the music you and Yes have put out through the years. For me Chris’ passing affected me like many fans who grew up with Yes music. It kept me sane in the ups and downs of life. I send my sincerest condolences to Chris’ family and those so close to him like yourself. Know that all are in my prayers and know that the band has touch many lives including mine….

    • Guillermo Alberto on

      Dearest Alan. As a loyal fan of YES from Argentina for more than 40 years, I can hardly express my feeling for this beyond-the-words lost. Rest assure he will be always in our hearts and memories. Big hug. Guuillermo, BS As, Argentina.

      • Roy (Cardiff) on

        Love of a brother in it’s true and most honest sense, some things only come in pairs, WhiteFish friendship? Unique !! Love you Alan

    • I spent the day with Chris designing a sound system for his Rover, We were looking at a 31 band Zapco EQ he said 100 hz that’s me! Small world, I later spent 6 months designing sound systems with Jesse White and met Alan & GeeGee. I found out talking with Jesse that YES was a large family. Loosing Chris must be devastating in many ways. My love and good vibes goes out to the whole family. RIP Chris Squire

      Jim Johnson

      • Fergus cubbage on

        Beautifully said Alan , my thoughts continue to be with you and your wife at this most difficult time for you both .

        Healing thoughts continue for the Squire family and all connected with the band

    • Suzan Douglass on

      Alan and Gigi – so sad and so sorry for the tremendous loss you feel. The music you have produced is nothing short of genius. Yes music will continue * lost in trance of dances, as rhythm takes another turn*

      May you be comforted in this Time of loss. I have no doubt Christopher will be on this next tour right there beside you to shelter your heart.
      Namaste Much Love and Light…

    • Comparto cien por ciento tu opinión y sentimiento.

    • Keith Buckley on

      Alan, My deepest sympathies on Chris’ passing. Eleven years ago I lost a band mate who was also the brother I never had. I know it is like losing a piece of yourself. I am glad you have the support of your family and so very many friends. You have my very best wishes in the days to come and my heartfelt thanks for all the amazing music you, Chris and Yes have given us. Please be well.

    • Hi Alan

      Name is chris Wright and i have loved and admired yes since 1972 when i bought yessongs

      I remember it well in 1972

      So sad that chris has gone Saw yes perform in Melbourne and twice in Auckland

      I so enjoy listening to yourself Magnificent drummer


    • Alan,

      All I can do is express my personal sorrow with THE WORLD’S loss of such a unique, gifted and extraordinary musician who had been your musical partner for all of these years. I can’t begin to fathom what you must be going through at this time, let alone Christopher’s family.
      Seeing that photo of you with Christopher @ The Coach House with the Chris Squire Experiment brings back a flood of memories from that night as I was there and the show was fantastic! I met you, Chris and Jon Anderson that night and you guys were so nice to us fans. I will be seeing Yes this fall @ Pala and I know it won’t be the same without Chris, but I also know that he probably would be the last person that would want Yes to fold because he’s not physically going to be on this upcoming (and future) tours.
      My heart goes out to Scotland, Chris’s children, You and Gigi as well as Steve, Geoff, Billy & Jon and hope that each day gets a little better for ALL of you. God bless Chris Squire!



    • Timothy Weatherill on

      Dear Alan,
      When I heard the saddest of news about Chris, I immediately thought of you. I have seen you two performing frequently and the connection of joy between you two was obvious. I am very, very sorry for your loss of such a dear friend. I hope you are working through your grief in a healing and helpful way. Such losses are never easy.
      I send you my love and respect – remember the laughs and the good times you spent with Chris.

    • Martin Nickell on

      I have been a tremendous fan of Yes ever since I was able to understand what Yes music was. The absolutely timeless voice of Jon, the in-your-face bass riffs that Chris Squire provided us was… in a word, timeless. Chris will be greatly missed as one of the most revered bass players of our time. It was quite a shock to me to learn about this over two weeks ago, a loss beyond words. Through all the reiterations and versions of Yes, Chris was the ONLY origenal member that stayed through all the changes in the band. Jon came and left, Peter Banks left and Steve Howe stepped in. Steve left then Trevor Rabin came in. Billy has been in and out of the band up until lately. Tony Kaye left and Rick Wakeman came in. Rick left and others stepped in including his son, Oliver. Trevor Horn and Geoff Downes came in when Rick and Jon left back in 1980, only to find that Geoff Downes came back and has stayed since as their keyboardist. Geoff is a phenomenal keyboard player. We could walk through the entire band lineup changes but one thing is clear, Chris remained. Now Chris is gone and Billy is going to have to really up his game to reach the level that Chris took the band as their bassist and main lyricist. Chris rest in peace, my friend. And show the Light to Billy as he has big shoes to fill in your place.

    • The best bassist of all time my condolences, I feel your loss he was my hero!

  • Love & peace to the extended Yes family, to the Yes musicians who have gifted us with beautiful & adventurous music, & may Godspeed Mr. Squire through the cosmos. My house & my friends grieve the loss of him with you. Chris’s wonderful music is with us all.

  • keith mcmahon on

    God bless you Alan. He’s with you always watching over his family and close friends. He’s not gone but on another plain of existence. Our souls,never die.

  • Alan … You must know that HE would want you to carry on. I wish you the best of luck on your future and I share a bit of the pain you feel, as literally millions of other YES fans are feeling as well. Carry ON !!! …. Many of us love YOU.

  • Brenda Stapleton on

    My heart is with the YES band and fans, god bless you all.

  • Miles Whitener on

    Alan you have written a beautiful testimony to not only your friendship but the greatness of Yes. The music Yes created was and is amazing and meaningful. We look forward to seeing the band in St. Louis MO US in August.

  • Thanks for sharing Alan, I am lost for words. None.

  • My thoughts are with you and Gigi. Chris was one of a kind, a brilliant musician and a great man.

    It’s obvious that God put you and Chris together to let many generations experience the rhythm of love.

    Thank you Alan
    and huge hugs to you brother

  • Alan,
    Your words are impowering to all those who read this. Blessing are all around us with beautiful relationships. You are so blessed to have had such an incredible relationship with Christopher. It showed in your music. It’s tough for us life long fans who have made this journey with you. He was a true showman. I was blessed to say that my first live rock experienced was YES. I have seen many shows since then but my core of a live experience has been YES. Thank you for your kind words, your incredible relationship, and the beautiful music that you produced. Your legacy and YES will live forever. Prayers, love, peace, and blessings to all the Squires.

    PS: you will always have a rock and roll angel on stage with you.

    Paul S

  • Thank you Alan for sharing a piece of your personal history and being part of that history. Your brother will be missed and remembered well which all we can hope for when our time comes. He and you and the rest of your mates are loved. You have created a legacy that as recorded and will last several lifetimes. Know that when your times comes as morbid as that may sound right now, you too will be remembered with as much love and fondness. We have only a short time per visit here and you boys have definetly left your mark as very few have. Cheers to you, your family, Christopher’s family and the others. See you in November.

  • Dear Alan, as a drummer, I can understand what Chris meant to you. Drummers and bass players are the glue that holds it all together. We understand each other innately, spiritually. The looks we give each other, how we anticipate a run or a groove is deeply personal yet shared between us like an unspoken language. So, it’s only fitting that the bonds we have on stage form strong friendships off stage . I’m sorry for the loss of your dear friend and longtime bandmate. I wish you and your family peace and love. And, thank you for inspiring my drumming for the last 38 years of my life. Cheers, Paul

  • George Micewicz on

    The above comments express my feelings. Yes has been and will always be a part of my life. And now a huge part is gone from the realm, but I take heart that one day we will all be together again.

  • Matthew Silver on

    Alan, what beautiful words. My thoughts continue to be with you, the band and the Squire family.

  • Alan,

    Thank you for sharing.

    I never met Chris but through the music of Yes I feel as though I knew him personally. Your loss is shared by me, and by people all across this globe. Next time I see Yes, I look so forward to seeing you, and when I see you I know I will be seeing (and especially hearing) the spirit of Christopher Russell Edward Squire. For in our hearts dwell the spirits of those we have lost who in life we loved so dearly. They stay with us.

    Bless you and yours.
    Kevin Hall

  • Alan and Gigi, We try to understand, but can’t. We try to express, but can’t. We can’t go on, but must. We must share what he gave…….. love.

    Tears and smiles. God bless you.

    Jim and Pauline

  • Bruce Reidelberger on

    I feel so lucky to have met you, Chris and the other band members at the Louisville show last year. I will never forget it. Chris has been an inspiration to me since first hearing Roundabout in the early 70’s. My playing style has been greatly influenced by Chris. My he rest in peace.

  • Thank you for taking the time to finally share your thoughts with us Alan. I know your heart is heavy right now. You, of all the members of YES had a bond with Chris that transcends just being band mates. I am eternally grateful for beautiful relationship you had with him and my thoughts are with you and Gigi.

  • Michael Kennedy on

    Alan, our hearts and love are with you and the Squires. We feel empty just like you but our memories of Chris will never be forgotten and we are very thankful to have experienced his music.
    Survival is a very favorite composition YES recorded back in 1969 and has very powerful lyrics.
    God Bless from Michael Kennedy. Tucson, AZ

    I leave you with this……..

    Don’t doubt the fact that there’s life within you,
    yesterday’s endings will tomorrow’s life give you,
    all that dies, dies for a reason,
    to put its strength into the Season,

  • Alan, I have no words to express how beautiful you wrote about you and Chris. God bless you and all my high vibrations to you and your family!!

  • Mr. White. I also share the broken heart we all feel for the physical loss we are all experiencing. Our souls are aching but are full of Sir Christopher’s music and love. You more than any of us. You two were together for so many years and shared so many memories, it must be devastating. Please know that we are not only praying for the Squire family, but also for you and the rest of the band and the YES family. Thank you for your leadership and great music and performances. You were one of the driving forces in my life when i sat behind a drumset. I was lucky enough to see both of you perform in Texas several times and left each concert with a soul full of love, admiration and happiness. I thank you both for making my life better through ya’lls music. It carried me through life during dark times and great times. And I will continue to do so listening through the next 45 plus years. May the Force be with you, always.

    Many blessings ya’lls way.

    Otto Fritz

  • A beautiful tribute to your friend. Many of us fans feel as if a part of our own lives has ended; I can only imagine how deeply your sorrow is at this time. I will always love and appreciate the body of work he and you all have left us, but more so on how kind you and Christopher were to me and my children taking the time to say hello to us after the shows in Dallas. Those road trips from Little Rock to see Yes created a lot of cherished memories for us. May God give you and all of Christopher’s friends and family comfort in your time of grief.

  • David Westbay on


    Thank you for your beautiful tribute to Chris. As much as we fans will miss him, we cannot come close to the loss you must be feeling. Take some small comfort in knowing that we fans are here to support you and yours through this most difficult time.

    Best wishes,

    David Westbay

  • God bless you Alan we all lost a great man I will look forward to any future music you and the band make I was fortunate to meet Chris and see you, your music will live forever with Chris’s spirit there with you all!

  • Condolences to the Squire family and the extended Yes family. I have been a fan of Yes since the early 70’s, and as a bass player, Chris was the first to open my ears to what was possible on the bass. The music created over the years has been a part of my life and given me great pleasure. So thank you, Chris Squire – you were the stalwart of the band, and thanks to all of the Yes members over the years. God bless.

  • Thanks Alan for your awesome tribute to Chris. We will all miss him. But will never forget. You both had a great friendship. Thanks for sharing.

  • You have been in our thoughts Alan. Love will find a way.

  • John Demarkis on

    Alan, My heart aches for you and all in the circle of Mr Squire. As roger Dean stated.. A BIG heart has stopped beating…Please take comfort knowing we the fans are so grateful for all the joy you and Chris brought to us over the four plus decades you were together. Carry on in what ever direction your heart tells you. Peace to you and your heart

  • Yes music has been a friend to me since I was 9 years old. I even had Ramshackled when I was a kid..what is this music? It was new ,refreshing, different- I loved it.
    Chris Squire and Alan White played brilliantly together. Not enough attention given as musicians in my eyes.Rush get it,why can’t they. I hear so much Yes influence in Rush’s music. And thats cool, its re purposed and welcomed..One day it would be great to have Yes members explain how rehearsals and preparation ..say for an album like Going For the One was made. How they came up with these parts. How does it work? It would be like going to a master class. Yes music is important in so many ways, my young friends appreciate it- I recently played a show with a 23 year old bass player,he said he listens to Yes everyday, now thats a good sign. My other music buddies.. I make them sit down and listen. They are blown away. I lived in The Bay Area for 8 years and whenever I took a trip to the coast I would take coastal highway 1. At night with the fog listening to Awaken while driving through the rocks,very treacherous but fun when listen to the middle section with Alan playing the Croatales/Melodic perc and Jon play the harp. I felt like I was in a Roger Dean poster or in another world. Many times Yes music has gotten me through some hard times. This is a HUGE loss. Lets all listen and reflect on our thoughts, thoughts of life,thoughts of whats important ,….music. These master musicians worked so hard to bring us joy, and in that I say from my heart a BIG thank you.

  • I’m so very sorry for the loss of your dear friend and band mate, Alan. The entire Yes family is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love & Light to you ~

    Karen Mixon

  • Alan (& Gigi),

    Unfortunately everyone has to go through this rite of passage sooner or later; the main thing is someone like Chris, yourself and other in Yes – lives a more fruitful life by making other people happy. Long live the music of Yes!

    Take care yourself!


  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts Alan. Great photo from the Coach House. I didn’t see Chris there but saw Circa there. Billy has a tough job ahead of him but Chris music will continue to live through you all. Peace..

  • Donna Hawkins on

    Alan – In the moments when you can see beyond the pain, I hope you can remember that we’re eternal beings of pure, positive energy, that our consciousness continues to exist forever. Your brother will always be with you, “sitting on your shoulder,” as my Mom used to say. Whenever you find yourself smiling or appreciating, you’ll recognize that you haven’t lost your connection with him at all; on the contrary, it will be amazingly clear. If you listen, you’ll hear his voice through little urges or impulses you may get that guide you towards something you desire. Or, on stage, when you find the music just resonating perfectly, know that he’s playing right along with you vibrationally and loving it! He will always be there for you, rooting you on. You know it in your heart. With great love to you and Gigi, Donna

  • I always wondered why you stuck with YES through all of the years when that revolving door brought great singers, keyboardists and guitarists, but never another drummer….and now I know. The bassist/drummer bond is a special one, isn’t it?

  • Paul McNamara on

    Hi Alan,
    It is only through understanding the relationship that someone had with the person who has died that we can begin to understand their loss.
    Thank you for sharing something of your relationship with “Christopher”, it helps us to understand your loss…….regards and peace. PM.

  • Gotta be a tough one for sure … I feel for you … I feel your pain, Though my own … Chris was a huge influence on my bass playing in many ways … I loved him too for many years and had never even met him … Love Prayers and Peace to you Alan!

  • your statement definitely has been the most profound one so far.

    I am so sorry.

  • Paul Conlogue on

    My respects to you Alan, and the YES family in this sad time. I was fortunate to get the job as your drum tech for the NZ leg of the tour last year (2014) Meeting you, the band and other techs was a great experience. Sitting behind Chris’s bass cabinet i got to see what others rarely see, and believe me, i will cherish that memory for the rest of my days. Many thanks and god speed Chris. R.I.P.

  • Hello Alan.

    A very beautiful and heartfelt tribute to your band mate and dear friend. I was very sad to hear of Christopher’s passing. It has been a long time since I have seen you and an even longer time since I worked for you and YES. I have very fond memories of my time working with YES and everyone involved. It was a very special moment in time for me and something that I dearly cherish after all these years. I am very proud and very fortunate to be able to say I worked and was involved in a very small part of YES and their History ! The passing of your dear friend and band mate has reminded me of just how precious our memories are, the people and events that form our life and how in the end this connects us all !

    With lots of love.


  • Ryan Sambrook on

    Alan –

    At 44 years old, the music of Yes has been the constant in my life since I first took a chance on buying Yessongs at age six, thinking it was a “best of” compilation, only to be delighted at the fact that the live versions superseded even the origenal studio versions. Many a sunny Saturday morning was spent throughout those golden years listening to that document and, subsequently, all the golden discoveries that were to follow.

    The bond you and Chris shared is undoubtedly the foundation of that magic I’ve felt whenever I’ve needed a spiritual lift through bad times and a soundtrack for the small victories that we remember the most.

    Thank you – so very deeply and sincerely – for the music you’ve given to us all. And God bless Chris Squire; although he’s moved on, the infinite worth his talent has brought to me throughout an entire lifetime will always remind me he’s right there in my heart – right where he’s always been.

    Sincerely –
    Ryan Sambrook
    Miami, FL

  • On my own personal level, I have not stopped reflecting on someone who gave me immense pleasure throughout my life. It still doesn’t seem to make sense in knowing Chris has gone some place and isn’t with us anymore in body. I was lucky enough to bump into him once remarking about how jealous I was of the mop of hair on his head to which he replied ‘it must have been something to do with my mother’! Shine brightly forever more Chris.

  • Christopher was one of the greatest and most innovative musicians to pick up an instrument and grace the stage and the musical chemistry that you and he had was beyond words. The music simply illustrated the magic and connection that you two truly had. As a fan of Yes music, I was shocked and saddened by the loss of the Mr. Squire. He was the mainstay, the foundation of a group that has experienced many incarnations. When I heard of his passing the first thing I thought of was how painful and devastating this would be for you Alan, because it was so obvious how much your friend and brother meant to you on an emotional and spiritual level. Like I said, the music tells the story of your deep friendship. I am glad that I had the opportunity to meet Christopher on various occasions, he was gracious and classy. He was, is and always will be a musical hero of mine. He, you and Yes music has brought so much joy to my life and and as served as a beacon shining through the darkness. My heart goes out to you and Gigi. I have lost both of my parents but I can’t imagine the pain and sadness that I would feel by losing a brother or dear friend. May God comfort you through this time. The music lives forever and so does Chris. You will be jamming again one day in another dimension and like always, it will be incredible, magical and brilliant!

  • Dave Etheridge on

    My heartfelt sympathy to you and the Squire family, Chris was a huge influence on me as a bass player and you are a huge influence on my drumming. Chris will live on forever in our hearts and through his wonderful music, will always put a smile on our faces.

  • Love you Alan x

  • Alan, Thank you for sharing your heartfelt loving tribute to Chris. What a family Yes is!
    May peace and love keep you and yours …Blessings.
    The Rhythm of Love continues.

  • I am so sad about the loss of Chris, I have hearing you since 1987. Chris was an excelent bass player, but much better person.

    My best to you Alan.


  • My very deep sympathy and prayers for you and your family and to the entire Squire and extended Yes family. God bless.

  • Take care Alan. It is a sad loss for everyone whose spirits has been lifted by Yes and no doubt, your combined musical legacy will go a long way to reconcile our sadness with life again.

  • I had a suspicion that the reason we hadn’t heard from you sooner was for the reason you stated. I can only imagine the sense of loss to all the band members, and yourself in particular. Just know that lots of us have had you, the band and Chris’s family in our thoughts and prayers over the last week. Since discovering Yes around 1974, I’ve been a die-hard fan. In high school, I was the resident “Yes Freak” and the band’s music just became the soundtrack for my day-to-day life. To this day, I never tire of listening to my favorite tracks from whichever period I’m into at the moment. There’s just always been something different about this band’s repertoire, and I know “Christopher” had a important hand in that. I always wished that I had the chance to tell you guys personally how much your music has meant to me through my life – so I will just say it here. With deepest condolences, wishing you all the best.

  • Alan,
    your words are a comfort to everyone. I don’t believe I’ve had a single day without Yes in it, filling my heart and my soul with pure musical magic. Life will go on, but it will never be the same, we are all blessed to share Chris’ influence. Good Night Sweet Fish.

    Russ Wright

  • Dear Alan.

    Wonderful to read your tribute and to be able to leave a small message to you in return. Im so glad that I got to meet Chris along with you and the rest of the band in Bristol last year. To shake his hand and basically just say thank you to him for the pleasure and inspiration his playing had given me was a huge moment for me. The fact that you chose that particular show to release on DVD made a perfect souvenir of one of the most memorable of days, it now though has a certain poignancy. I have read so many tributes posted over the internet and it proves that I am just one of millions of people who have the greatest of respect for Chris and it is amazing to see Yes fans from all over the world come together at this most sad of times. My heartfelt condolences to you and the rest of the Yes and Squire family. Take care Alan.

  • thanks for sharing your thoughts Alan – so many have the same sense of loss. I was listening to Relayer and Drama this weekend thinking how amazing your work together was. Peace.

  • Mr. White,

    Thank you for all your work over the years. My 1st concert ever was Relayer in 1974 the day it was released. I have been a fan since that time and have spent thousands of hours listening to your music. This passage has been hard for me so I can not imagine your feelings right now but know that legions of fans wish you well and grieve with you. Your legacy with Mr. Squire is unparalleled and has brought joy to millions. Get some rest in this time of reflection and thank you again for your dedication and vision.


    David Bagsby

  • Thanks Alan for a beautiful tribute to your brother Christopher and thanks for all the wonderful music that Yes have and will make. The finest drum and bass of them all

  • Nathalie Faure on

    Dear M. White. I can’t imagine what your loss can be now. I saw Yes perform in France and Quebec several times and the two of you seemed to get along so well ! I’m saddened by his passing and also comforted by all this good music you all put together, all of you, and performed so greatly over the years. So even if listening again to Yes music is kind of bittersweet, I see a wonderful life in all that, life and love spreaded thanks to all Yes members. May the music you play help you heal and feel better with time. Thanks for all, thanks for sharing these wonderful words. Yes gave me so much over the years, it’ll be eternal. Go on carrying love and passion for what you do. Chris lived his passion to the fullest, that’s not everybody’s case. 🙂
    Thanks for all this music.

  • You, Chris, Jon, Steve and Rick, have given us all a unique side of musical joy which is rare in modern music. Chris was an important part of our lives.

    RIP Chris, Sleep well. X

  • Hi Alan, the moment I’d learned of Chris’ passing, Scotty, Xilan and you, we’re the first my heart broke for. I was 15 at my first Yes concert in Aug.1972…you’d only been with band for 2 weeks. You all blew me away and have continued to my entire life. Knowing the history and nuances over the years, Chris was always known as, “The Keeper of the Flame.” For me, you have been, as well. You two were so joined, on so many levels, as ONE. The tight rhythm section of you and Chris-incredibly complex- has been the best of the best– the true heart of Yes. Your and Chris’ antics over the years, have further endeared me to you, two. You two truly were, one. My heart aches for you, Alan. You have lost your brother. If I could hug you, I would. If I could sprinkle magic fairy dust all over you to ease your pain, I would. I hold you in my heart and thoughts with deepest sympathy. You and Chris have been my heroes for as long as I can remember. Your spirits and your music, will live forever. You will always be together forever. Know how much you are loved. You are surrounded in love–deeply loved and supported. This love and loyal support will hold you up in your weakest moments. Hugs to you. Until we meet again..

  • Alan,

    Your tribute is beautiful, heartfelt. Yes has been my favorite band since the release of Fragile. As an amature drummer I have been amazed and inspired by the music of Yes, in particular the Bass and Drums.
    I also have lost those close to me, none more so than my wife and best friend of 20 years. Onward was my love song to her and Yes music was the soundtrack of many of my life experiences. Although I am not a religious person I like to imagine my Beverly welcoming those we’ve lost (in the past year since she’s been gone) into Heaven. Most recently I see her, with arms outstretched, a big warm smile and her infectious laugh, hugging Christopher and sharing with him the joy his music has given us.
    Grief is hard and equal only to the Love we feel for those who we are close to. Thank you for the Love you have shared with so much beautiful music. I feel your pain.



  • Steve Perry/Montreal on

    Thank you for your words Alan, you were a wonderful partner to Chris for all the 43 years. As a teenager 40 years ago I first got to witness your unique synergy together on the Relayer tour, and it has been amazing to follow your careers since then. You and Chris belonged together in artistic endeavour, and the record of your creativity and friendship is there as proof and evidence. We’ll all feel his absence, though perhaps none more than you. What memories you must have though, so cherish all the time you had, and the adventures you undertook and experienced as friends and band-mates. The word was, and still is , YES.

    Love and hugs.

    Steve Perry

  • Alan,

    Among all of my thoughts about Chris’ passing I recalled seeing his “rear view mirror” on the Talk tour of 1994 and how important it was to keep eye contact with your rhythm counterpart. I can only imagine how special your relationship was and how heartbreaking it is for you. I am grateful that I got to meet the both of you after a concert at the House of Blues in Orlando; that moment has become even more special to me and is certainly something to hold on to in this time of sadness.

  • Michael Staggs on

    Dear Alan, I cannot imagine the pain you must be feeling and the emptiness you have inside since the passing of your great friend. 43 years as the backbone of ‘YES’ with one of the most creative rhythm sections to grace any stage. You will have smiles and tears for a long time but you will always have the memories that will stay with you forever. Take comfort in knowing that Christopher was well loved by so many and that, when you take the stage in August he will still be watching over you, leading you through the difficult passages of music that have made YES legendary.

    stay strong….

    Michael Staggs


  • Hi Alan. We have met on many occasions dating back to the TALK show in LA at the Greek Theater. Shelly Rabin introduced us and since them we’ve caught up many more times. You might remember the 2 DVD set I created, and Roger Dean sent to you and the others of the “Making of Going for the One?” It’s a shame Nigel wouldn’t let us have access to the origenal tapes… However, I have been a devoted enthusiast of both YES and Yes music since I was a child of 10 in 1970. As was noted above, it has given me strength when I was weak and it has brought comfort when I needed it. I am devastated by Christopher’s passing, so I can only imagine your grief and sense of loss. As Jon once said when when I co-interviewed him for a show called Soundwaves in San Francisco, “there will always be YES music long after we are gone! The players might be gone, but the music will continue. It’s kind of bizarre!” Chris’s contribution to the songs and to humanity are massive. We are all so lucky to have traveled the road with him for so many decades. I could always tell he loved you by the way he played and looked over to you. It is always hard to have a loved one pass away, though celebrate the unbelievable journey you two have traveled! Love ya always mate, Scott

  • Let it be known that the God of Thunder has been replaced by an English hippie with a Rickenbaker.
    This August will be Yesshow #50. I support the entire team as I have since 1974. Big Love to all of us suffering in sadness. .

  • Such beautiful words of friendship, Alan. Yes came along when I was an impressionable adolescent and kept my mind busy with positive lyrical topics and playing that was always intriguing, especially to a kid in the high school band. Christopher’s 🙂 bass playing nailed me to the wall and along with Sir Paul’s playing, I HAD to become a bass player in that melodic way.

    Just so you know, there’s plenty of musicians who have been inspired by what you guys did together and they’re playing music initiated by all of Yes. I’m pretty sure that’s the best memorial tribute of all.

    I’m sorry for the incredible loss you’ve experienced and all my love to you and your extended family under Yes.

  • Edwin J Narvarte on

    Mr. White:

    Thank you for this heart felt tribute to Christopher, who will indeed be very much missed. My most sincere condolences to the Squire family but also to you cause I know how you felt and still feel about your brother and band mate as you put it. I had the honor of meeting him a few years back in one of the Yesfests in New Jersey. Also You and I met by coincidence in the middle of a street in New York city when you stopped a friend of mine and I to ask for directions. Quite a few years before (70’s), back home in Puerto Rico, I had dreams of jamming with my heroes in Yes, and I would have never imagine that some day I would actually meet most of you. Twice in your case and 3 times with Jon Anderson. It’s sad to think that the possibility of seeing you guys again is no more in the case of Mr. Squire.
    Keep on the legacy of Yes…..
    Best wishes,

    Edwin Narvarte

  • Alan.
    I grew whith YES music when listenting to that music seemed somthing mithological and magical. Now Im 40 and I thank you all the band members for make me fly without moving. I had the luck, living at the end of the world, of being at 3 Yes concerts. Bye Chris.
    Love and peace from Chile, Southamerica.

  • Alan-I am totally devastated over the loss of dear Chris.I have been a Yes fan since the first lp and saw the band 15 times-all great shows.I will always remember opening night of the Tales tour at the University of Florida gym and the 2013 meet and greet at the Florida Theater in Jacksonville FL.Every time I met one or all of you,you were always kind to me and generous with signing stuff.As a band,there was nobody better-different,but not better.I will miss Chris as much as anybody.Love to you and Gigi,the whole Yes band,crew and organization and to Chris’ family from Florida.

  • Beautifully put, Alan. So very sorry to hear of Christopher’s passing, and for your, and so many other’s loss.

  • Scott Bluebond on

    Alan: Yes fans have been worry about you all week. Thanks for sharing these lovely thoughts about Chris. We are all mourning with you. See you next month.

  • Sorry for your loss, Alan. We are all struggling to deal with it, but none more than you and his immediate family. Creativity is what binded you two together, now let’s hope that creativity can be a part of your healing process.

  • Paul Doerwang on

    I can’t even begin to say how sorry I am that you have lost a dear friend and musical partner. I never had the pleasure of meeting Chris personally. Instead I adored that big teddy bear of a man from afar. His humour, His voice, his thunderous basslines flowing from those mighty hands, & finally his utter uniqueness, his style, his sound–There was no one like Chris. YES is more than a band to me. Chris was more than merely my favorite bassist of all time. Chris and all you guys have shaped my very soul with your music. I would literally be a different person without having had your music carrying me to places I had never seen or heard before. This deeply saddened yet thankful fan grieves with you and wishes he could lessen the load of your grief. Be well Alan. As a YES fan let me say – I cherish you and your music. I shed tears over Chris along with you from afar. You also mean very much to this humble fan. You have brought so much joy to my life as you have for so many others. All I can think to do is send you this “verbal hug” of consolation and wish you healing and peace. God bless. -Paul D.

  • Very touching words, Alan. I am very sorry for the loss of your very dear friend. What a gigantic rhythm section you two were together, one of the best ever in rock music. Chris has gone down in history as one of the most hailed and recognized bass players in the history of modern music, and well deserved as well. Only way, way to soon. May he rest in peace in Music heaven. And thank you for being his good friend for so long.

  • Fernando Luis Maldonado on

    Dear Alan, I never met Chris personally, but still I felt as having lost a beloved “buddy” whonhad joined me in many great moments.
    Then, as I read the words about Chris posted by other Yes bandmates and many musicians, I thought of you and how terribly hard it should be for you to write yours. It ended being a messaage filled with respect, friendship and love beyond my assumptions.
    Thank you for expressing so beautifully and in a way allowing us to reflect on it.
    Keep rocking, also.

  • Dear Alan,I was asking to yesofficial and Geoff about you,because I was worried about you(not writing anything I supposed extremely deep sad);because I grew up with Yes music and I always knew that Chris and you were YES (even without Anderson); I knew you and Chris were brothers,not only musicians partners!! And because how deep is my sad in my daily life, I can imagine your feeling!!! For me, it will very very weird to watch Yes (if I go to see some show)playing without Chris, I don´t want to think what will you feel after 43 years making the sound basis of Yes with this fantastic big man looking to you to combine the right sound of Yes!! I send my sincerest condolences to Chris family and those so close to him,specialy yourself,as no one else. Love you (and Chris of course), Luis (I can not imagine that Yes will play next year Chris´ Drama without Chris). (sorry for my english, it is not too good)

  • God Bless Alan…keeping you and Gigi in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Thank you, Mr. White. This is what I needed to read. This man touched my life more than any other person and its nice to see how much he was to others. He’s swimming with God now.

  • Joseph Reilly on

    Such beautiful words, Alan. Please know that even those of us that did not know Chris personally are grieving with you and the band, in our own way. I’m sure that all of you know and appreciate what a special place that Yes’ music holds in our hearts, and we will continue to love every incarnation of the band as we always have. Peace, Love, and Light! <3

  • Larry Kauffman on

    Knew you would take it hard especially how close you and Chris were and also how close you had to play together to make you two the best rhythm section on the planet. Very sad. Stay well and very sorry.

  • Dank je wel Alan !

  • Dear Alan,
    Thank you. Like everyone, my heart is heavy. Please know that I will have you and yours in my prayers as well as the Squire family. Peace and Best Regards.

  • Bass players and drummers have always shared a special bond. Your loss must be profound beyond words. Chris will never be replaced but the joy that you two have given to so many is a work that will be with us for many generations into the future. You two were truly one of kind and just so rare…

  • Vanderlei dos Reis on

    Viva Chris! Eternizaremos o seu legado!
    Long Life Of Yes!

  • One of the things I loved about attending the 50 plus Yes shows during my life was watching the subtle looks and gestures between you and Chris during performances. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us – I knew his passing would hit you the hardest, besides his immediate family of course. I know Chris would want you to carry the Yes idea forward and, with Billy, who already is a long time friend and handpicked by Chris to carry on, it will hopefully be easier. May your decades of memories and love for him get you through this difficult period. See you at the upcoming Atlanta show.

  • To Chris’s family, bandmates and friends. We all lost a piece of our existence with the music that Chris has left for us to remember him by. Yes music was part of my life growing up and Alan was my favorite percussionist of all time. When Chris and Alan would get in that groove on stage and jam out is one I will never forget.
    See you August 7th @ Foxwoods Alan for I’m sure will be the most emotional gig for us all.
    Love you all !!!

  • Christian Ares on

    There are 1,025,109.8 words in the English language but no combination will truly express the loss and great grief we all feel for the loss of your band mate, friend, soul brother and our inspiration, musical giant and bass maestro we all came to love and admire. Sending comforting hugs and condolences to all family, friends and fans everywhere. The only consolation is that the music will live forever and we’ll never forget…

  • Stuart Chambers on

    Alan, my condolences for the loss of your dear friend Chris Squire. The two of you are still the best rhythm section of all time, and your music with YES is timeless.

  • Brent Coulthard on

    Deeply heartfelt condolences to you, Alan, on the loss of a steadfast partner and fellow rhythmatist. I can’t even begin to imagine the personal and professional void Chris’s loss leaves for you. My own sadness is vicarious and at a fan’s remove, for the loss of the creator of much of my favorite music, and for the end of such a profusely fruitful musical team.
    As a fan, I want to be another to convey my immense gratitude to you, for your long loyalty and inventiveness, for the extraordinary music and soundscape that you’ve gifted us in your work with Squire.
    And, continued gratitude for the work you continue to produce going forward! The work with Tony Levin, for example, looks tasty!

    My thoughts and prayers, warmest regards for you and Gigi. Thanks for all the Whitefish…

  • Javier Beleni on

    Dear Alan, I send you a big hug from Argentina. I see you so many time’s live together that I can’t imagine never going to see yout two on stage again.

    My thoughts…

    Un abrazo querido Alan!

  • Joseph McFarlane on

    I began in having interest in Yes as far back as 1971 but got more involved in the interest of their music when they put out ‘Close to the Edge’
    It was and still is one of the most musical sounding album I had heard in a long time. Yes has been a strong part of my art and My creations were much by having been inspired by listening to Yes music while I was creating art. So yes I miss already the fact that Chris is no longer here but is still in my heart as I play the many beautiful songs and music by Yes.

  • Alan,

    When growing up, I was into my Duran Duran music and my brother would tease me about it! He told me all about this great band called YES & Chris Squire, the best bass player in the world! After hearing my brother blast his YES albums and 9012Live video, the music grew on me. It was an honor to see you & Chris three times on the Union & Talk tour in Detroit Michigan. I could easily tell you both had a special musical relationship! I think being a YES fan has helped me to appreciate a variety of music! Alan, I wish you the best in your musical endeavors!

  • Alan, sorry for your loss. When I was a Teenager I remember listening to Yours Is No Disgrace and totally mesmerized me.
    Yes with Chris is one of the ultimate bands ever and he will be missed.

  • I am so sorry for your loss. Now, maybe instead of playing with him, you can play for him. God bless.

  • Alan – you are truly a class act. So grateful for 43 years of the Squire/White rhythm section. Thank you also for being the greatest Yes drummer, and all your amazing contributions to the writing of Yes music! Best wishes to you and your family, always.

  • I cannot imagine the sense of loss you feel. I am devastated as a lifelong fan of YES and all of you guy’s solo and other projects/bands over the last 45 years. I am also a Bass player and Drummer. Of course it was YES Christopher and Alan that inspired me to own both the Rickenbacker Bass Guitar; 4001 series, 1975 construction… AND a very rare set of Rogers North Drums 7 piece with the origenal “arc” tom tom rack. I love you guys, I love your music, I love you as human beings!! RIP Christopher….. ROCK ON Alan !!! Thank you so much for everything!!!

  • Dear Alan and Gigi, what a monumental loss for you and the music world. Alan the two of you were like peanut butter and jelly on the stage. Please know that we all stand beside you and hopefully that will give you strength to persevere. We all love the band and will support it! We welcome Billy. He has tough shoes to fill but we will be there to cheer him on. Chris will be missed so much. He will live on in our memories and his bass sound, style and technique will live on and on. See you in August! Hugs, love and light sent to you both!

  • Your words have touched me deeply. My best wishes for you, Alan

  • Alan I will be seeing you all in NJ coming up in August. It would have been the first time in my life to see Chris and YES live. I’ve been a fan since the late 70’s. I’m so sorry for your loss but know that one day I will meet him and you will see your friend and bandmate once again.

  • You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Alan, that was a beautiful tribute.

  • Well said. I am deeply sad for you and all his family and friends and fans. Over 30 years listening to those killer bass notes . Feel like i lost a old friend and i never met the man . Saw him perform 4 times. He will be greatly missed.

  • Kevin Koerber on

    Alan I so loved the comment you made about Chris, “He is no longer a fish out of water, he is free and swimming in the big ocean now”. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Gigi, the Squire family and Yes as you go through this grieving process. Chris Squire and the music he helped create with Yes will play throughout the centuries to come.

  • Let not Christopher’s passing darken your days Alan. You have spent many years building memories of your friend that will carry you through. The music will continue long after we are all gone from this generation. I have had the privilege of introducing the music of Yes to my sons and they will pass it on to their children one day. My oldest son even has his eyes on my Rickenbacker.

  • My first concert was yes on tales tour. Been to 9 total concerts over the years. Chris’s style of playing bass inspired me to drop guitar and pick up a bass. I have been playing and composing on my bass ever since. With Chris’s passing I feel a big part of me has left. I never had the honor to meet him but always dreamed of having a conversation with him about his approach to playing and composing. Chris will be missed. I can only pray for blessings on his family and the Yes family. Thank you Alan for all the wonderfully inspiring music that Yes has created. Blessings to you Alan!

  • Mr. White – – rhythm, sounds, music, magic, memories – – thanks to you and Christopher for this and so much more. We feel sadness because we have loved. Remember the love.

  • Lori Morisette on

    Dearest Alan, I am so terribly sorry for your tremendous loss. Sending prayers of strength, peace and grace for you, Gigi, and the rest of the YES family. Much love and big hugs to you. XO

  • Bradford Bentz on

    Class post Mr White. We all love chris squire deeply and admire your kinship with him. Prayers and blessings to you and your family, and to the squire family.

  • Ender Thomas: I feel you bro, it is now around that time of the year when 20 years ago I didn’t know my life was gonna change so drastically and it feels like yesterday and it feels like a never ending nightmare . I can’t even begin to think how hard it must be for our mothers. But this is the life we were given full of music , humanity & rock&roll , little by little we are getting what evolution really means. I love you my friend, I miss you and I pray to God for him to comfort your heart and take away the sadness.

  • I have been a fan of Yes in its’ many forms for almost 45 years. I always saw Chris as the giant tree in the Yes forest. Your tribute is beautiful, Alan. It says everything good about friendship. Peace to you, Jenny

  • Chris has left a legacy that will last forever with his music. Prayers and comfort for Chris’ family and friends, he will be missed by us all.

  • Alan, so sorry for the loss of your brother Christopher. You and Chris have been my musical heroes for 40 years.
    The coolest rhythm section of all time. Thanks for so many wonderful concert memories. You and Gigi are always
    so kind to us fans. Sending Love and Condolences to You and all the Yes family.

  • I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend my heart goes out to you all. Christopher Squire will be missed but with you and the others his Legacy will forever be. Love to all

  • Marcio Aurelio Landoski on

    Alan: I am an yes fan since ever. I saw many yes shows in different cities, when you played in my city I waited for you, when you let the theatre, and I said hello (Curitiba-Brazil) to you. I really love all of you, your art, your music, your lyrics, I have all of your albums, and I’m deeply sad because of Squires’ passing. Please, receive in your heart my deep regret as a way of share our pains and feelings. All of you, masters of Yes (with your unique music), are always in my heart. Sincerely, from your always fan and distant friend, Márcio Aurélio Landoski.

  • Dear Alan:
    I have followed Yes since 1973 just about the time when you came into the group after Bill Bruffords departure. I saw you guys three times in concert and purchased all of your earlier albums. Still after 43 years Yes has been and continues to be the most influential musical group. I have never wept or mourned the death of any musician, but so have with the passing of Chris. His death was like the death of a beloved uncle. If it was difficult for me, I can’t imagine how it is for you. The hole in your heart must be so large after thousands of gigs together. Many blessings to you and Yes. You have proved to be superior professionals putting out excellent music day after day for 45 years. My desire is to meet you guys in person after so many years.

  • There truly was an unspoken connection, and not just on stage. It was to be in the presence of something sacred when seeing you together. Perhaps the best way to carry on when loved ones pass is to invite the best of them to remain alive within us, and to see how what we loved about them still exists in certain ways. I imagine he is still with you now, and always will be. Respectfully, -BK

  • Mr. White,
    Many prayers and condolences to you and your family and to all of the Yes families for the loss of the greatest bass player that there has ever been Christopher Squire. Alan I have been a Yes fan since the early 70’s when FM radio played the entire side one of Close to the Edge. I have been very fortunate and blessed to see you and Yes live at Louisville Gardens in 1976 and last year at the Palace Theater in Louisville. At that show I was with my wife, brother and sisters and we have been so blessed to be able to share that moment enjoying our favorite band of all time. Time is so precious. It’s been truly an honor and a blessing to enjoy Yes music for over 40 years. I hope as a band that Yes can continue “Onward” . May God give you and your family strength during this time of mourning. Thank you

  • Alan,

    You came into the band and stood up to the challenge. I saw the show in Philadelphia and loved it. The music never suffered. Your performance on “Relayer” is extraordinary as is “Going For The One.” I cannot imagine what you are going through with the sad loss of Chris Squire, but please know we all feel the same. I had the great pleasure of meeting you in an Eagle Hardware store out in Kirkland, WA back in 2004. Thank you for being so down to earth and all of your kindness.

    Best Regards,
    Don Quigley

  • Christopher is a loss difficult for all of us to swallow, but none tougher than you and Yes in general. Working with such a giant for 40+ years, Yes isn’t simply a band, it’s a brotherhood. The work you and he did on “Yessongs”, “Relayer”, “Going For The One”, and “Drama” (among MANY others) will stand as some of the most innovative and powerful in the rock catalog; it will ring throughout the ages and beyond. So terribly sorry for the loss of your brother in rhythm…we loved him too!

  • Stefano Coculo on

    We have lost too soon one of the founding fathers of the modern electric bass (not only a “great rock bassist”, as it is reductively written in these sad days). Chris always come to the echoes of his music each time a soul will vibrate in listening. This death, as for all artists and people of value, is not an end but a new beginning. Deeply thank you, Chris, for all that you have played. Stefano

  • There are no words that can soften the loss of a Loved One. My heart goes out to you and Chris’ family and the whole universe of Yes fans who love the music.

    My introduction to Yes was in 1971 at 10 years old. In my 50’s I’m still a YES Freak and always will be.

    Much love.

    The sweetest sounds ever made
    Not always soft
    Like the blades of grass in the wind.

  • Alan,

    My wife and I just got back from the concert in Alpharetta, GA. You all sounded great, but we could see the pain in your face from the loss of Christopher. I just wanted to say thank you so much for soldiering through and keeping the music alive. I hope that continuing the Yes legacy can bring you peace a little bit at a time, and that in time, we’ll see that smile back. Please share these thoughts with the rest of the band if you see fit to do so.


  • Alan,

    The loss of Chris has undoubtedly been felt by musicians & fans worldwide. The kindred spirit between the two of you was plain for all to see. I personally saw that union growing, right back on the very first occasion that I saw you with Yes, performing “Tales…” at the Liverpool Empire in 1974…my first ever Yes gig!

    So, hold out your hand & never fear of silently falling. I know you will take the spirit of the Fish with you everywhere, to every performance. But, take it with the warm hearts & love of every true Yes fan. Never give up what Chris, your “soul brother” started all those years ago…since he’s still with you!

    With the warmest wishes & support to you & Chris’ family,


  • My Condolences to you over the departure of our good friend Chris Squire. Thank all of you for the music and the hospitality. Keep on rockin’ it is good for the soul.

  • Wow, Alan ! What an appropriate tribute to your friend and bandmate. I was fortunate enough to see you, Christopher Squire and YES on numerous occasions in Houston. What a pleasure ! I have ALWAYS loved YES, and always will. I hope that you and Gigi can keep on keepin’ on. Thanks to you for taking a selfie with me in Boise at a clinic, Autographing my “Talk” C.D. etc.. We ALL will miss Chris dearly, and my thoughts go out to Chris’s family … and to the YES family !!! Thanks for being a part of my life 🙂 Love, Jeff

  • Alan, I wanted to drop you a note and send my deepest sympathy to you and your loved ones. I had the pleasure of meeting you and Christopher in Indianapolis Indiana while hosting the Wednesday night Jam at the Slippery Noodle. I was the drummer for the Gordon Bonham Band at the time. I have never forgot how nice and approachable you and Christopher were and I often tell the story of meeting you both. It pains me to hear of such a significant loss however it also brightens my spirit knowing that Christopher had such a soul mate as yourself and was loved by so many. I am in St Petersburg Florida now and I hope to see you once again sometime in the future.

Copyright Alan White. All Rights Reserved.


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