Request flyovers and narrow roads

The Routes API can return information about the following route features, when known:

  • Flyovers: Information about elevated road segments, such as overpasses and bridges.
  • Narrow roads: Information about roads that are deemed to be more narrow than normal.

No visual indicators are provided on the map.

Supported countries: India only

Why use it

Use the flyover and narrow route options to notify your users of these features. For example, provide alerts or visual indicators on the maps so that drivers using your app can readily anticipate these routes and adjust their driving accordingly.

For instructions, see the following sections:

Request flyover information

Your request must meet the following criteria:

  • Request a route in India.
  • Set travelMode to DRIVE or TWO-WHEELER.
  • Include "extraComputations": ["FLYOVER_INFO_ON_POLYLINE"].
  • Include a field mask for these fields:
    • routes.polyline_details.flyover_info
    • routes.polyline
  • Don't include the optimizeWaypointOrder parameter.

For details, see PolylineDetails.FlyoverInfo.

Example request: Flyover information

curl -X POST -d '{
  "origen": {
    "location": {
      "latLng": {
        "latitude": 28.57580734159006,
        "longitude": 77.02719067373043
  "destination": {
    "location": {
      "latLng": {
        "latitude": 28.595737365438477,
        "longitude": 77.16870453065245
  "travelMode": "DRIVE",
  "extraComputations": ["FLYOVER_INFO_ON_POLYLINE"]
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: routes.polyline_details.flyover,routes.polyline' \

Example response: Flyover information

  "routes": [{
    "polyline": {
      "encodedPolyline": "selmD}jcuM?oBcDAqEF}DCOOZuCfAwJFMJM\\_Cd@mEv@gFHQF_C?eIGe@_@{@g@u@MY@Wz@cCp@}AF_@MeC?kLFy@xZpBxRlAdJj@zCPlBRxPfApP|@`@MVUHQv@iF~@aFfAeEnA_EpAgD`@kAjCeF~FiKPa@NOx@iApAyCtA{C`@wAEg@Ba@Xq@TU`@MZCLY^QPQx@kAn@cAh@s@^YZ]fA{@lAs@bBy@`DiAtDwAdB_ARCP@z@m@dAeAbA_BpAcCd@oAr@eBRe@nEsIjAiBdAuBZw@n@{BTsANi@p@wAJ]h@wCr@oEr@yEvAwI`AuGt@gG`@oEt@wFr@}FpB_N`CiQ`AqGVoAbEcP^_Br@uDr@yEPqA^cEj@iERyCReEf@}GvBkQXwATgC@_@AYK]u@wAGa@IoHFaEFoAXuDVqBdBsLb@qDRuCRaELu@Rs@d@u@lBaC\\o@Tm@VwANcAHmADuCCsAKo@YkAU}@AQ@WHa@iJyTs@uAe@q@c@i@oA_AuAw@kBu@iEwAuDoA_JeDiB}@qAaA]a@u@gAeAoB_CoG}@eCgAoCw@wAsByCe@i@iCmDmAmB}BeDu@aAaHyJ_BwBCEyBaD}AkBu@u@uAy@gBw@yAc@gFoAiKmC}E{@eCk@sF}@YCwDIqDG{Tq@mB@_Ne@k@AoBGkAKaB]{Am@gBkAcAgAcBeCmAwBwAwCmDeGq@yAcAwCmCgJQu@i@gAw@mAaAkA{@u@oAu@eAe@kAa@}GcBEAkDq@aAWkKaBqDq@oMuBuBc@e@Ok@Wm@e@_AaAm@aA[}@a@uAy@aDmCmJSi@cAmDsEyNgAaDcDeKEo@gAkDkD{I_AyCg@qBeAqEU_AgA_D[{@gBoGaDaIqDaIYs@"
    "polylineDetails": {
      "flyoverInfo": [{
        "flyoverPresence": "EXISTS",
        "polylinePointIndex": {
          "startIndex": 153,
          "endIndex": 173
      }, {
        "flyoverPresence": "EXISTS",
        "polylinePointIndex": {
          "startIndex": 190,
          "endIndex": 213

Request narrow road information

Your request must meet the following criteria:

  • Request a route in India
  • Set travelMode to DRIVE.
  • Include "extraComputations": ["NARROW_ROAD_INFO_ON_POLYLINE"]
  • Include a field mask for these fields:

    • routes.polyline_details.narrow_road_info
    • routes.polyline.
  • Don't include the optimizeWaypointOrder parameter.

For details, see PolylineDetails.NarrowRoadInfo.

Example request: Narrow road information

curl -X POST -d '{
  "origen": {
    "location": {
      "latLng": {
        "latitude": 12.9598336,
        "longitude": 80.1659834
  "destination": {
    "location": {
      "latLng": {
        "latitude": 12.9593739,
        "longitude": 80.1723585
  "travelMode": "DRIVE",
  "extraComputations": ["NARROW_ROAD_INFO_ON_POLYLINE"]
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: `routes.polyline_details.narrow_road_info`,routes.polyline' \

Example response: Narrow roads

  "routes": [{
    "polyline": {
      "encodedPolyline": "{ebnA_mhhNqAGGeD?aAFq@Xy@Re@Jm@FmABOHOTQBYWgIBiHBo@j@@d@@"
    "polylineDetails": {
      "narrowRoadInfo": [{
        "narrowRoadPresence": "EXISTS",
        "polylinePointIndex": {
          "startIndex": 15,
          "endIndex": 16

Supported regions

Flyovers and narrow roads are supported in India only.


Google Maps Platform does not charge extra for the use of an experimental feature. You will be charged based on your usage of the API based on other parameters you set.

Learn more about billing for the Routes API.