The DJPR Trade Dashboard provides a convenient way for users to browse publicly-accessible data about Victorian exports and imports.
Install from GitHub with:
if (!requireNamespace("remotes")) {
remotes::install_github("djpr-data/djprtradedash", dependencies = TRUE)
contains functions to download and tidy trade data from
publicly-available sources such as the ABS.
Import ABS balance of payments data by State/Territory with
#> # A tibble: 5,136 x 8
#> exports_imports indicator goods_services state date value series_id unit
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Exports Current Price Goods New South Wales 2011-09-01 11349 A85092741C $ Millions
#> 2 Exports Current Price Goods Victoria 2011-09-01 5756 A85092752K $ Millions
#> 3 Exports Current Price Goods Queensland 2011-09-01 14302 A85092700J $ Millions
#> 4 Exports Current Price Goods South Australia 2011-09-01 2959 A85092678X $ Millions
#> 5 Exports Current Price Goods Western Australia 2011-09-01 31872 A85092753L $ Millions
#> 6 Exports Current Price Goods Australian Capital Territory 2011-09-01 3 A85092743J $ Millions
#> 7 Exports Current Price Services New South Wales 2011-09-01 5832 A85092746R $ Millions
#> 8 Exports Current Price Services Victoria 2011-09-01 3280 A85092714W $ Millions
#> 9 Exports Current Price Services Queensland 2011-09-01 2440 A85092681L $ Millions
#> 10 Exports Current Price Services South Australia 2011-09-01 574 A85092701K $ Millions
#> # ... with 5,126 more rows
Import ABS merchandise exports data with read_merch()
read_merch(min_date = as.Date("2021-01-01"),
max_date = as.Date("2021-02-01"))
#> Downloading NSW export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> Downloading VIC export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> Downloading QLD export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> Downloading SA export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> Downloading WA export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> Downloading TAS export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> Downloading NT export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> Downloading ACT export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> Downloading NA export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> Downloading REEXP export merchandise trade data from 2021-01 to 2021-02
#> # A tibble: 71,504 x 8
#> date country_dest sitc_rev3 sitc_rev3_code origen unit value export_import
#> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 2021-02-01 Bhutan Commodities and transactions not ~ 9 Australian C~ 000s 3 export
#> 2 2021-01-01 Hong Kong (SAR of China) Commodities and transactions not ~ 9 Australian C~ 000s 558 export
#> 3 2021-01-01 Total Commodities and transactions not ~ 9 Australian C~ 000s 558 export
#> 4 2021-02-01 Total Commodities and transactions not ~ 9 Australian C~ 000s 545 export
#> 5 2021-02-01 United States of America Commodities and transactions not ~ 9 Australian C~ 000s 542 export
#> 6 2021-01-01 Hong Kong (SAR of China) Gold coin whether or not legal te~ 95 Australian C~ 000s 558 export
#> 7 2021-01-01 Hong Kong (SAR of China) Gold coin whether or not legal te~ 951 Australian C~ 000s 558 export
#> 8 2021-01-01 Total Gold coin whether or not legal te~ 95 Australian C~ 000s 558 export
#> 9 2021-01-01 Total Gold coin whether or not legal te~ 951 Australian C~ 000s 558 export
#> 10 2021-02-01 Spain Measuring, checking, analysing an~ 874 Australian C~ 000s 534 export
#> # ... with 71,494 more rows
Import ABS International Trade Supplementary Information with
read_supp("cy", 3)
#> # A tibble: 9,702 x 5
#> item year value subset abs_series
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 1999 NA NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> 2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e 1999 29 NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> 3 Transport 1999 2724 NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> 4 Passenger (b) 1999 1563 NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> 5 Freight 1999 235 NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> 6 Other 1999 728 NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> 7 Postal and courier services (c) 1999 198 NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> 8 Travel 1999 5132 NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> 9 Business 1999 623 NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> 10 Personal 1999 4509 NSW Table 3.1 International Trade in Services, Cred~
#> # ... with 9,692 more rows
The file data-raw/create_dash_data.R
uses the data functions (see
above) to download and tidy data. That data is then stored as internal
data objects in this package.
is merchandise exports data fromread_merch()
is balance of payments data fromread_bop()
is supplementary calendar year trade information fromread_supp("cy")
is supplementary financial year trade information fromread_supp("fy")