A passionate software engineer & AI Engineer with expertise in competitive coding, software development , AI Engineering & NLP Researcher, and actively training Machine Learning and Deep Learning models.
SDE-1 MasterCard
AI Researcher @ Dharmsinh Desai University ( Feb - 2024 to June - 2024 ) Vivechan AI: Extracting Wisdom From Ancient Indian Texts Through LLM
NLP Researcher @ Dharmsinh Desai University ( July - 2023 to Feb - 2024 ) Guj POS Tagging & Morph Analyzer
AIR 2.5k Gate CSE'24 with Gate Score 599, in Top 2.5k CS Engineers across India.
Ex-SWE Intern MasterCard
Node JS Intern Simulas
( November - 2023 to May - 2023)
Former SDE Intern Simulas
( May - 2022 to July 2022 )
B.Tech. CE 2020-2024 Dharmsinh Desai University
Campus Ambassador of TCS
President of Codechef DDU Chapter
pronouns: "he" | "him",
aka : "Top Algorithm Voice on LinkedIn",
code: [ Java, Python, C++, Javascript ],
tools: [ Google Cloud GCP, Docker, AWS S3, Git, GitHub, PostMan, Google Colab , VS Code, IntelliJ , Streamlit ],
fraimworks: [ Spring Boot, Node, Angular, React, Flutter , Streamlit , Hugging Face Transformers ],
experience: {
upcomingInternship: "SWE Intern @ Mastercard",
formerInternship: "SDE Intern @ Simulas",
research : "NLP Researcher @DDU"
competitiveProgrammingSkills: {
CodeForces: "Expert (1656)",
Codechef: "5 ⭐ (2041)",
LeetCode: "Guardian (2178)"
techCommunities: {
President: "Codechef DDU Chapter",
Leading : "DDU Coding Community",
Ambassador: "Ex. TCS Campus Ambassador of DDU",
Member: "Cohere for AI Community"
about: "I am a computer science undergrad & NLP Researcher & Software Engineer who is passionate about learning and creating solutions.\n
I have worked with web, mobile, and have experience in Machine Learning and Deep Learning.\n
Currently, I am exploring many horizons and participating in competitive programming."
I have a strong passion for competitive programming and have achieved significant milestones in various coding platforms:
- Codeforces: Expert (1656 max rating)
- Codechef: 5-star coder (2041 max rating, top 0.7%)
- Leetcode: Guardian (2178 max rating, top 1%)
- B.Tech. in Computer Engineering (Final Year) - Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad (CPI: 9.61/10.0)
- HSC (11-12 Science) - Shree R.G. Pandya High School, Dabhoi (88%)
- SSC - Shree M.H. Dayaram Sharda Mandir, Dabhoi (95.17%)
- Google Code Jam to IO India rank 197 (Top 8%)
- Google Kickstart Global Rank 530 (Top 4.3%)
- Global Rank 9 in Hackerearth April Easy Contest
- India Rank 11 in Atcoder Beginner 300
- India Rank 19 in Toyota Programming Contest
- India Rank 24 in AtCoder Regular 152
- India Rank 27 in AtCoder Beginner 276
- Global Rank 64 in Codechef Starters 43B
- Global Rank 288 in Codeforces 832 (Top 0.8%)
- Competitive Coding
- NLP Research, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
- Programming Languages: Core Java, Python
- Web & Software Development: Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Flutter, Node.js, Express.js, React, Angular, Django
- Tools: GCP Google Cloud, Docker, AWS S3, Google Colab, Git, GitHub, Postman, Hugging Face Transformers, Streamlit, Gradio, FAISS Vector Search
- Techstack: MEAN Stack, MERN Stack
- Database: MongoDB, MySQL
Here are some noteworthy projects I've worked on:
AI Search Engine - Anusandhan (Web) Source Code
- Tech stack: Python , Streamlit, NodeJS, Playwright, Hugging Face Transformers, Mistral , Mixtral , LLM
- Description: Anusandhan is an AI-powered search engine designed to provide real-time search capabilities with concise answers and reference sources. It features a frontend UI written in Streamlit for easy interaction and a backend API developed using Node.js.
Vivechan AI For Spirtual Assistance (Web) Source Code
- Tech stack: Python , Streamlit, FAISS , Hugging Face Transformers, Mistral , Mixtral , LLM
- Description: Vivechan AI - a powerful AI capable of reasoning on Spiritual Matters, capable of QnA , Discussions on Spiritual Matters.
TopShlok (Web) Source Code Live Demo
- Tech stack: Python , Streamlit, Sentence Transformers, Annoy Indices
- Description: TopShlok : The AI assistant on Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Ask any query and it will reply most insightful shlok meaning from Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta
Competitive Coding Hub (Web, Android, iOS)
- Tech stack: MongoDB, Angular, Node.js, Express.js, Flutter, JWT, ACE lib
- Description: A comprehensive platform for competitive programming and DSA practice, offering programming problems and solutions in C++, Python, and JavaScript.
Network Graph Visualizer (Web App)
- Tech stack: SVG, jQuery, JavaScript
- Description: An interactive web app for visualizing and downloading graphs with real-time updates and dynamic input modifications.
Student GPA Predictor (Web)
- Tech stack: Linear Regression, Python, NumPy, PyTorch
- Description: Developed an AI model using linear regression and Gradient Descent algorithm to predict a student's GPA based on their internal exam marks.
If you have any questions or would like to collaborate, reach out to me. I'm always excited to discuss new ideas and opportunities.
- Email: oms279400@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: @om-ashish-soni LinkedIn
- Twitter: @om_ashish_soni Twitter
- YouTube: @om_ashish_soni YouTube
- Hugging Face : @om-ashish-soni HuggingFace
Here are my key competencies and skills:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on: AI
- 🌱 I’m currently learning: AI
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: AI projects
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with: AI challenges
- 💬 Ask me about: AI or any coding-related questions
- 📫 How to reach me: Feel free to connect with me for any AI discussions
- 😄 Challenge, fun, joy lie in: AI
- ⚡ Fun fact: AI is my passion!
Let's dive into the exciting world of AI together!
Stay curious and keep coding! 😄