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This service does a number of different things with Local Storm Reports.


  • 2024-07-14: This service was migrated from a PHP based script to python. An attempt was made to not break the attribute names and types.

Example Requests

Provide all Local Storm Reports for Wisconsin on 13 July 2024. Note that a UTC date period is specified that equates to the US Central date.

Provide the LSRs associated with Des Moines Tornado Warning 47 and include any coincident warnings with each LSR report.

Provide LSRs from NWS Des Moines and Davenport for 21 May 2024 UTC,DVN&sts=2024-05-21T00:00Z&ets=2024-05-22T00:00Z

CGI Arguments

The following table lists the CGI arguments that are accepted by this service. A HTTP GET request is required. Fields of type Multi-Params or CSV value can accept either a comma separated list or multiple parameter and value combinations. For example, ?foo=1&foo=2 is equivalent to ?foo=1,2.

Field Type Description
callback string JSONP callback function
inc_ap boolean Include any associated warnings in the output.
eventid integer If provided, use the given eventid to find LSRs for.
phenomena string If provided, use the given VTEC event to find LSRs for.
significance string If provided, use the given VTEC event to find LSRs for.
states Multi-Params or CSV value If provided, use the given states to find LSRs for.
ets string Legacy and poorly constructed parameter YYYYmmddHHMI.
sts string Legacy and poorly constructed parameter YYYYmmddHHMI.
wfo string If provided, use the given WFO to find LSRs for.
wfos Multi-Params or CSV value If provided, use the given WFOs to find LSRs for.
year integer If provided, use this year for the given VTEC event.