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Documentation for /geojson/

This service returns a GeoJSON representation of the US Drought Monitor for a given date. The date is specified in the date parameter, which should be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. If no date is provided, the latest valid USDM is returned.


  • 2024-08-09: Initial documentation release

Example Usage

Fetch the latest USDM:

Fetch the USDM for closest date to 20 March 2024:

CGI Arguments

The following table lists the CGI arguments that are accepted by this service. A HTTP GET request is required. Fields of type Multi-Params or CSV value can accept either a comma separated list or multiple parameter and value combinations. For example, ?foo=1&foo=2 is equivalent to ?foo=1,2.

Field Type Description
callback string JSONP callback function name
date string Date to query for, YYYY-MM-DD