TNA Impact KELLER'S TNA IMPACT WRESTLING REPORT 11/3: Ongoing live coverage of Storm defending against Roode
Nov 3, 2011 - 8:12:46 PM
By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor
NOVEMBER 3, 2011
-A video package aired on the ongoing saga of the intertwined Robert Roode and James Storm quests for the TNA Impact Wrestling Title, with Storm reacting to his win and offering the first defense to Roode.
-They cut to a crowd shot in Macon, Ga., which looked really good on TV even though the crowd was actually pretty small. James Storm came out to his new intro music as Mike Tenay and Taz hyped his first title defense against Roode. Storm walked into the ring with the type of confidence and bravado that says he's a star. He sipped his beer, soaked up the cheers of the fans, and then asked, "Macon, Georgia, is there any beer drinkers in the house tonight."
He said he learned growing up in the South things to help him become a better man. He said he learned to say "yes sir" and "yes ma'am." He said they treat everyone, no matter what walk of life they come from, with respect. And if someone disrespects the red, white, and blue, you beat them until every breath is out of them. "And one more thing. It never hurts to open a door for a lady." The crowd chanted "USA! USA!"
He said he was sitting back last night having a few cold ones and he wondered what they'll put on his tombstone. He said he came up with a list: "Son, brother, father, beer drinker, and now World Champion!" The fans chanted "Cowboy! Cowboy!" He said he can stand there and claim to be a fighting champion, but he's not going to fight seven days a week because he drinks too much beer for that. He said he likes to watch football and "Sunday's for church." He said all of the roads he has traveled brought him right there to Macon, Ga. He said he's been around the world six times, and one man has been by his side that whole time - his tag team partner, Bobby Roode.
Roode came out to his entrance music, so the Beer Money theme is retired. Storm told Roode everyone knows he got screwed out of the World Title in his match at Bound for Glory against Kurt Angle, so that's why he's giving him the first shot. Storm said his daughter wants him to bring the title home, though. Roode said, "From one father to another, I can respect that." He said he owes the success in his career to Storm. He said a few years ago they were both struggling as singles wrestlers, but when they formed a little tag team, it became an overnight success. He said Beer Money became one of the greatest tag teams in the history of the business. He said Storm came up with the name and the merchandise ideas and brought something out in him that he couldn't do on his own. He thanked him for giving him a second chance in his career. The fans applauded.
Roode said when Storm beat Angle, he was so proud to share that moment with him. He said he's been his best friend for four years and like a brother to him. He said tonight he has another opportunity and those opportunities don't come around all that often. He said he he's bringing it, and he knows Storm will, too. He suggested they do what they've done the last four years, and that's steal the show. "Let's blow the roof off this son of a bitch and have the match of our lives because when it's all said and done, whoever the victor is and whoever is holding the World Heavyweight Title will be known as the better man, and James you know as well as I do, that's all we've ever wanted." They fist-bumped and man-hugged. The Beer Money music then played, maybe for the final time, as they stood in opposite corners and saluted the fans.
(WK Reax: Excellent performance from both. Storm did more talking and really stood out as someone who I could see a lot of potential wrestling fans tuning in every week to watch do his thing. He brings a renegade spirit to the program that has been missing for years. There's no snarky insider comments, like C.M. Punk's version of being a renegade. There's no Corporate Kiddie PG feeling as there is with Cena. There's no tormented lost disturbed soul feeling like with Randy Orton. It's just a good ol' boy having fun and kicking ass. And he's not a relic from another era, either. This is a good sign that Storm can carry himself like a main evener in a long opening segment like this.)
-Tenay plugged Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray & Jeff Jarrett. Taz plugged that Ronnie from "Jersey Shore" will join Eric Young. They showed Young backstage with Ronnie.
(WK Reax: Young is way ahead of Daniel Bryan in the beard growing marathon.) [c]
Tenay called Karen Jarrett a biased leader of the Knockouts Division. Taz, ridiculously, took exception to Tenay's self-evident statement of fact. Kim and Rayne were accompanied by Karen and Traci Brooks. Tara and Tessmacher made a big production of taking off their cut t-shirts to reveal their red, white, and blue tops. Tenay kept hyping that "Ronnie from MTV's Jersey Shore" would be on the show later. MTV and Spike TV are under the same Viacom corporate umbrella. When Tara had Rayne down for a possible pin, Karen distracted the ref. Gail Kim then entered illegally and gave Tara her dropdown boot to the face, then put a groggy Rayne on top of Tara. The ref turned and counted the pin. Karen openly celebrated with the heel duo afterward. Traci didn't look as pleased. Tenay asked Taz if he agrees Karen is biased now. "She might be biased, a little bit," Taz conceded.
WINNERS: Kim & Rayne in 5:00 to capture the titles.
-Backstage Garret Bischoff said his dad wants the same thing he always wants - an apology. He said his whole life he's been apologizing to his dad whether he was right or wrong. He said he'll be the bigger man and give him his apology. "I'm going to apologize my way," he said. [c]
-Garret Bischoff walked to the ring to address his father, Eric Bischoff. He said the last few weeks have been crazy and he never thought it'd come down to this between him and his father. He said it blows his mind. When he said his dad wants an apology, boos rang out. He said he came out tonight to do that. He asked his dad to come out so he could do just that. Eric then walked out. His big video screen intro needs updating as it features him with the long hair instead of the close cut. He apologized for not living up to his expectations and letting him down at Bound for Glory. He said he's sorry he didn't grow up to be the man he wanted him to be, but what he's most sorry about is that he didn't do this years ago. He then punched Eric. Eric went down. Garret pounded away at him. Ric Flair and Gunner ran to the ring, so Garret bailed out. Bischoff yelled, "How dare you! How dare you, you son of a bitch. I'm going to kick your ass!" [c]
-Samoa Joe approached Sting backstage and asked how things were going. Sting said things were "peachy" (no one should say that anymore) ever since he won back control of the company. Joe's tone turned threatening as he said he knows there's a new sheriff in town, but if he doesn't treat him with respect and dignity, people could get hurt and that could reflect poorly on him. Sting said he understands that if Joe isn't happy, Joe's going to kill someone. Joe walked away and Bischoff walked up to Sting. He said: "We both know that if you could fire me right now, you'd do it that fast, but we also both know that you can't because before this all went down, we made sure we had iron clad contracts." Bischoff said if Sting gives him a chance to get back at his punk kid in the middle of the ring, he'll give Sting a chance to rewrite his contract. Sting said he was open to the idea, but he was going to run it by Garret first. Bischoff and Flair agreed that Garret would be up for it.
-Elsewhere Christopher Daniels was being followed by Jason Hervey (off-camera) with the roving camera. He said he's been on a winning streak, including definitively beating A.J. Styles twice. Hervey said Daniels said "I quit" and lost. Daniels said Styles played an audio tape and the proof is in who left the ring on his own feet. Daniels said he wants title shots now. He bragged about beating RVD last week. RVD walked up behind Daniels. Hervey pointed out Daniels used a screwdriver. Daniels said someone left a tool lying around, and he was just trying to clean up. He said it would destroy ratings if he accidentally impaled himself on a screwdriver. He said he doesn't need a screwdriver to beat RVD. RVD jumped Daniels. Daniels tried to fight back, but RVD threw him into the wall. Daniels broke free and fled. RVD said, "Run Daniels. I'll see you at Turning Point."
[Q4] [c]
Taz said Aries walked around like he's God's gift to Earth. Kid Kash walked up to Tenay and Taz at the start of the match. He called Sorrensen a disrespectful little boy who doesn't belong in his dressing room. He said he's a legend in this sport and when he walks through the dressing room, he expects Sorrensen to drop his bag and shake his hand. Sorrensen slingshot himself over the top rope at Aries, but Aries moved. Aries then did a suicide dive through the ropes, ramming Sorrensen hard into the ringside barrier. Kash continued ranting about demanding respect and learning that the fans and the other wrestlers can't be trusted. "Kick his face in!" shouted Kash. "Beat his ass!" Aries set up his brainbuster suplex, but as Aries looked over at Kash, Sorrensen surprised him with a roll-up for the win.
WINNER: Sorrensen in 5:00.
-Afterward Aries walked up the ramp and called Kash over to him. Aries told him he wanted to talk to him backstage. Kash said, "I'm going to get my knife. I'm going to cut that little bitch."
(WK Reax: That last line was too far and should have been edited out. That said, Kash was otherwise great on the mic. It's good overall to see X Division wrestlers with personalities who are cast as strong heels and faces having good matches that aren't just about getting in a bunch of spots and getting the crowd to chant "TNA! TNA!" and "Holy sh--!" Aries and Kash are the types of heels fans pay money to boo. Sorensen is a good clean-cut babyface.)
-They showed Young and Ronnie backstage. [c]
-In the locker room, Storm said he'd do anything for Roode, who's like a brother to him and he loves him to death, that title belt is what it's all about and it puts food on the table for his daughter. Then elsewhere Roode said they talked for years about what it would mean if they wrestled each other. For it to be with the World Title on the line is amazing. He said brothers fight and opportunities like this don't come around every day.
-Robbie E. and Rob Terry walked to the ring. They called out Young and Ronnie. Robbie said he doesn't know or care why he's hanging out with Grizzly Adams over there (Young with the big beard). Robbie said he has to tell him a few things. He said his show sucks, bro. Ronnie laughed. Robbie added, "And you suck." He said he's taken out guys who are bigger, badder, and definitely taller than him. He said he can kick his ass anytime he wants. Robbie called Ronnie a hamster and told him to go to the back and pack his bags and get off his turf before he "punks his ass like The Situation did, bitch." Ronnie tackled Robbie, but then Terry forearmed Ronnie. Terry then took out Young with an axe handle. Terry held Ronnie as Robbie E whipped him with his white leather belt. Robbie and Terry walked toward the back laughing. Young stood up and told them that whipping Ronnie with a belt is weird and totally uncalled for. Young said it's apparent to everyone that they're massive TV stars. He said Ronnie, who stopped selling his beating, is star of "Jersey Shore" while he, Young, is the High Chancellor of Television, master and defender of all things entertainment. He asked Sting to book them in a tag match against each other. Robbie E. yelled that it wouldn't happen.
(WK Reax: That was fine for what it was. Ronnie seemed to fit right in, and Young is cast well right now and plays his part well.) [c]
-Taz said that during the break Sting approved the tag match Young wanted.
-Ring intros for the tag match were next: First the heel duo, then Mr. Anderson with his self-introduction from the stage, and ending with Hardy.
Anderson is growing out his hair and it's darker than it used to be. Tenay said Jarrett takes it personal that Hardy was welcomed back. He said he was instrumental in bringing him to TNA in the first place so he should be able to block his return. Tenay called it a big-time high-profile tag team match-up. Jeff did the Jarrett strut early in the match. They plugged Dixie Carter's Twitter and Facebook pages. At 3:00 Ray and Anderson both tagged in. Ray bumped a few times for Anderson during a flurry of Anderson offense. Jarrett broke up an Anderson pin attempt. Hardy launched off of Anderson's back and crashed into Jarrett in the corner. With both heels down, Hardy and Anderson climbed to the top rope on opposite corners. Scott Steiner interfered and the ref called for the bell.
WINNERS: Anderson & Hardy in 4:00 via DQ.
-Afterward, Steiner hit Hardy across the back with a chair. Bully Ray brought his chain into the ring and he clotheslined Hardy with it. Ray gave Anderson the Bubba Bomb as Jarrett gave Hardy the Stroke. The three Immortal heels stood in the ring with their arms raised. [c]
-Sting approached Garret with his dad's offer - wrestle an opponent of Eric's choice in exchange for Sting getting to rewrite Eric's contract. Sting said he's known him since he was four years old. Garrett recited the stips, then thought about it, and then accepted the offer. Sting said it was the wrong thing to do and he apologized for even proposing it. Garrett insisted and begged him to let it happen. "Trust me, let me go out there. Let me do this," he said. Sting finally agreed.
-Matt Morgan walked out to his full ring entrance. He called Crimson to the ring. Morgan told Crimson that over the past couple of months they've shared a common enemy in Samoa Joe, and they've watched each other's backs. He said he gets asked over and over when is Crimson finally going to take on the Blue Print or "Matt Morgan, can you beat up Crimson?" Morgan said it's a dumb question and doesn't deserve an answer. He said over the past couple of years he's busted his ass to cement his name as the top giant in the business, period. He said there isn't a seven footer in any organization who can touch what he does inside the ropes. He told Crimson that they should give the fans what they want and give them this dream match. Crimson said fans have been blowing up his Twitter, too, and that match seems to be what the fans want to see. Crimson said his undefeated streak can't be the real deal unless he takes out everybody who is anybody, including the best seven footer. Crimson said it's no mystery who is going to win the match, and he'd be willing to bet his bank account on it. He said he'd see Morgan's challenge and raise him. He told him to show up and bring his A-game because nobody is ending his streak, not even Morgan. They went nose to nose. Taz said he liked the confidence displayed by Crimson. Tenay wondered if Crimson could keep his streak alive at Turning Point.
(WK Reax: Good basic segment promoting a match between two babyfaces - at least for now - who have been fighting a common cause, but now want to test one another in a match. Morgan slowed down from his past rapid-fire speaking habit and seemed to speak from the heart about busting his ass to get to the next level in TNA. That was Crimson's best promo because he built up to the gravely voice at the end but spoke normally otherwise.) [c]
-A video package aired on Roode vs. Storm. Roode's ring entrance then took place. Then Storm. Borash then did his main event ring introductions.
4 -- JAMES STORM vs. BOBBY ROODE -- TNA Impact Wrestling Heavyweight Title Match
After a few minutes of moves and counter-moves, they cut to a break. [c]
(WK Reax: I understand and am taking into account the realities of needing to fit commercials into TV shows, but I disagree with the choice to cut away from a World Heavwyweight Title match in progress. I don't like it in any match as I think it sends the wrong message, but it's unacceptable when a title is on the line. Imagine UFC cutting away from a fight, much less a title fight that could end at any second? Imagine the NHL cutting away from OT in the playoffs? It just wouldn't happen. They should space out the commercials so they can air the match uninterrupted when a title is on the line. Doing otherwise tells fans, at least subconsciously, that a lot of the match is just filler and is skippable.)
After the break they continued to battle. Both men were down for an eight count at 8:00, then fought from their knees back to their feet, exchanging punches. At 11:00 Roode hit a spinebuster for a near fall. Both men were nearly counted out at 12:00. Roode countered a Storm DDT attempt into a crossface submission attempt. Storm reached the bottom rope to force a break. Storm came back with a top rope elbow for a two count. Storm set up the superkick. Roode stood, but caught Storm's leg, kicked him in the gut, and set up a fisherman's suplex. Storm blocked it. Roode whipped Storm into the corner and he almost hit the ref. Roode charged, but Storm moved. Storm then dropped Roode onto his knees. Roode tumbled to the floor where the ref was clutching his knee from a fall. Roode looked at the beer bottle sitting on the ringside steps and assessed the situation. Roode reached over and picked up the beer bottle. "Wait a minute," said Taz. Roode then KO'd Storm with the beer bottle. Storm fell back knocked out. The ref returned to the ring and counted the pin. The boo machine really kicked in here. Tenay said in disgust, "Are you kidding me?" Taz said he was shocked. Roode stood over Storm and spit on him a few times, then stood on his chest. "That's how you treat a brother? Bull(bleep)!" said Tenay as the show ended.
WINNER: Roode in 16:00 via DQ. (**1/2)
(WK Reax: The match itself was just okay. It was two babyfaces having a straight-up even-steven match that didn't get much out of first gear in the early minutes. The final minutes picked up. The camera work on Roode at ringside seeing that beer bottle and contemplating using it was really well done. Now we'll soon find out if Roode can make as good of a heel as Storm has been as a babyface. His body language was good after the win.)
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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