Us in the Landscape and the Landscape in us: Humans, Landscapes, and Foodways Across Time and Space

Created by Chelsea Schelley and Sarah Green

The goal of this sensory and place-based learning module is to examine how humans are connected to their landscapes through food, including food production, food preparation, and food preservation.

Click the links below to explore content and activities

1. Introduction (10 minutes)

2. Very, Very Important History (10 minutes)

3. Mapping Fun! (10 minutes)

4. Experience THIS (45 minutes)

5. Now I Wonder

6. Resources for More Learning

These modules were initially created as an experiential way to orient students and faculty to the Michigan Tech campus and surrounding landscape. On account of their value as a teaching resource for K-12 educators and informal audiences they have been made freely available for anyone to use and have been designed to accommodate virtual learning experiences. These modules may be modified to meet your learning and teaching needs, we kindly ask that you reference these resources with the following citation:

Gagnon, S. V., Green, S., Halverson, K., Scarlett, S., Schelly, C., and Vye, E.C. (2020). Local Literacy Experiences. Retrieved from, Google Sites. This is Contribution No. 79 of the Great Lakes Research Center at Michigan Technological University.

For those who have access to Canvas Commons, these modules are also available for download and import into your existing courses, simply search "Local Literacy."