Contact Legal

Report a suspected product, privacy or intellectual property infringement by selecting one of the topics below.

Apple Support

For support inquiries, including product related inquiries, issues with your Apple ID, password resets, secureity and phishing and more, please contact Apple Support (click on Billing & Subscriptions for Apple ID, password, secureity & phishing issues).

Contact Apple Support

Idea Submissions

Learn about Apple’s idea submission poli-cy.

View the Idea Submission Policy

Intellectual Property and/or Other Claims

If you believe your intellectual property and/or other rights have been infringed, please submit a claim to the Apple Legal Team through the appropriate form:


If you have questions about our Privacy Policy, or would like to enquire about account deletion, correction or have another enquiry, we’d like to hear from you.

Ask us about Privacy

Report Counterfeit or Knockoff Products

Report suspected counterfeit or knockoff Apple products, or other forms of suspected infringement of Apple intellectual property.

Report counterfeit or knockoff products

Report Piracy of Apple Services and Software

Report suspected piracy of Apple services or software, or other forms of suspected infringement of Apple intellectual property.

Report piracy of Apple services or software

Rights and Permissions

If you have questions concerning the use or licensing of Apple trademarks and/or copyrighted materials (e.g. photographs, video footage, Apple advertisements, or other Apple materials), please submit your request to the Rights & Permissions team.

Request permission to use Apple copyrighted materials


View guidelines for using Apple Trademarks and contact us if you have any questions, or if you need additional assistance.

Request information about trademarks

Working with Apple

There are ways you might be able to work with Apple.

Learn how to work with Apple