Prologue | Fall 2008
Vol. 40, No. 3
Table of Contents
Prologue in Perspective: The Constitution: A Treasure Worth the Wait in Line
Allen Weinstein
The Insider's Guide to the Digital Vaults
Suzanne Isaacs
The Ordeal of a Biographer: Herbert Hoover Writes about Woodrow Wilson
Timothy Walch
Lynching: Ida B. Wells-Barnett and the Outrage over the Frazier Baker Murder
Trichita M. Chestnut
1783: Subject or Citizen?: The Treaty of Paris Sought to End a War and Resolve a Dilemma for U.S. and Canada
Michael Eamon and Lisa Royse
A Victor in Defeat: Chief Gall's Life on the Standing Rock Reservation
Robert W. Larson
Spotlight on NARA: The Electoral College: A Message from the "Dean"
Michael White
Genealogy Notes: The Forgotten Federal Census of 1885
Rebecca Crawford
Authors on the Record: The Work of Death: Historian Explores Neglected Aspect of Civil War
Foundation for the National Archives
Pieces of History: Louisa May Alcott's Civil War Service
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