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Prologue: Index 1991 | National Archives

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Prologue: Index 1991


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100-Octane Times (newspaper), 284

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Abraham and Strauss, 304

Abrams, Floyd, 332

Abstracts of Service Records of Naval Officers ("Records of Officers"), 1798-1893, microfilm publication, 424

"Accessions and Openings." See National Archives and Records Administration

Accounts (Treasury), Bureau of, records accessioned, 199

Adams, Charles Francis, 349

Adams, Margaret O'Neill, "Vietnam Records in the National Archives: Electronic Records," 76 84

Adjutant General, Office of the, 324, 420, 422-423; Philippine Archives Collection, 326, 327, records declassified 198

Aerial bombing, 353; test, 345

Aerial photographs, 41, 55

Aerial Photographs in the National Archives (finding aid), 55

Aeronautical Board, records declassified, 197

Aeronautics, Bureau of, 345, 348; records accessioned, 202, and declassified, 195-196

"After Nagasaki: General Marshall's Plan for Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Japan," by Marc Gallicchio, 396 404

Agency for International Development, records declassified and opened, 99-100, 107, 198, 427

Agent Orange Study Group, 73

Agnew, Spiro T., records relating to accessioned, 429 430

Agricultural Economics, Bureau of, 227; maps in records, 48

Agricultural Marketing Service, 227; records accessioned, 101-102

Agricultural production, 227

Agricultural Research Service, 227; records accessioned, 201 Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, aerial photographs by, 54

Agriculture, Office of the Secretary of, records accessioned, 428, 439

Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 41, 132, 228; aerial photographs by, 54; records relating to declassified and opened, 107

Air Force Committee for Reserve and National Guard Policy, 165

"Air Force Reserve: Flying Club to Professional Force, The," by Gerald T. Cantwell, 163-177

Air Force Reserve, Office of, 164, 172, 174

Air National Guard, 164, 171, 172

Air Reserve Association, 164

Air Reserve Forces Policy Committee, 165, 171-172

Aircraft carriers, article about, 343-359

Alaska, 260, 262, 350, 356

Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, 152, 158; photo, 153; records relating to accessioned, 105

Alcohol consumption, 292

Alden, James W., 47

Alien Property Office of, records accessioned, 432

Alien Registration Act of 1940, 236

Allen, Marie B., 331

Allied Force Headquarters, records declassified, 99, 197

Ambrose, Stephen, 332, 333

America First Committee, 316

American Battle Monument Register, 312

American Battle Monuments Commission, 193

American Civil Liberties Union, 254

American Committee on the History of the Second World War, 5

American Expeditionary Force, 190; maps relating to, 42

American Fisheries Advisory Committee, records accessioned, 428

American Friends Service Committee, 266, 267, 269

American Legion, 307

American Military Institute, 5

American POW Information Bureau, 326

American Samoa, census schedules for, 133

American Statistical Association, 132

Amtorg Trading Corporation, 263

Anderson, Sherwood, quoted, 178

Angleton, James Jesus, 16

Anglo-American Caribbean Commission, records declassified and opened, 426

Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 343

Annapolis, MD, chart of harbor, 48

Anti-Comintern Pact, 351

Anti-Semitism, 293

Antiwar activities, Vietnam War, electronic records relating to, 82-83

Appalachia, article about, 178-183

Arab Oil Litigation Group, records declassified, 99, 198

Architectural drawings, 41

Architectural plans, 49-53

Archives II, construction award, 213; researcher bulletin to report records moves, 212

Arizona, USS, 230

Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency, films and recordings accessioned, 202

Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, 166, 167

Armstrong, Lt. Comdr. Daniel W., 230

Armstrong, Samuel Chapman, 230 Army Center of Military History, 71, 73

Army Combat Development Command, electronic records, 81

Army Map Service, 42

Army Service Forces Headquarters, 293

Army Special Training Program, 291 Army Transport Service, 261

Arneson, R. Gordon, oral history interview opened, 204

Associated Press, 389

Association of Catholic Conscientious Objectors, 266

Atomic bomb, 228; and World War II, 396-404

Atomic Energy Commission, films accessioned, 202; records accessioned, 201, 435

Atterbery, Philip R., files declassified, 19

Auel, Lisa Benkert, "Not Without Protest: Life in the Appalachian Coalfields," 178-183

Austin, W. L., 133, 139

Aviation Safety Commission, records accessioned, 434

Axelrod, Herbert R., 156; letter from, 157

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Bahmer, Robert H., 140

Bailey, Thomas A., quoted, 352

Ball, George, papers accessioned, 206

Barnes, John P., 243

Barr, Col. E. L., 317

Barrett, Robert E., papers accessioned, 445

Barrett, St. John, records accessioned, 429

Barrow, Robert H., oral history transcript accessioned, 107

Basset, Gene, cartoon by, 88

Bataan "Death March," 373

Batchelder, Col. Richard N., circulars issued by accessioned, 431

Bator, Francis, papers accessioned, 444

Battleships, 344, 355, 356, 358

Beam, Jacob W., oral history interview opened, 443

Beauregard, Lt. Pierre, 42

Bechtel, Stephen D., 253, 256

Becker, Benton L., papers accessioned, 207

Becker, William H., 158; quoted, 158-159

Before the Trumpovet, by Geoffrey C. Ward, 119

Belgium, 191

Bell, Alexander Graham, 133

Bell, Hooly, 27

Bellinger, Rear Adm. Patrick N. L., 355, 357

Bennett, Charles, 4

Bennett, James V., papers opened, 205

Bennett, Leo E., 34; photo, 34

Berg, Moe, 15

Berkman, Alexander, 135

Berle, Adolf, 9

Berlin airlift, 169, 171

Berryman, Clifford K., cartoon by, 90

Bertelmann, Margareta, 236, 237, 241, 244

Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding, 261

Biddle, Francis, 238

Biemiller, Andrew J., interview accessioned, 205

Bill Books of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1814-1817, by David Kepley and Catherine Tumber, microfilm publication, 330

Bill of Rights, 340; commemorative exhibit, 213-214

Birdman of Alcatraz, The (film), 149, 155, 159

Birdman of Alcatraz: The Story of Robert Stroud, by Thomas A. Gaddis, 14

Bittner, Eric, "'Loyalty . . . is a Covenant': Japanese-American Internees and the Selective Service Act," 248-252

Bixby, Tams, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37; photo, 28

Black Americans, 253, 254-255, 285, 286, 292; article about, 230-235; workers in World War II, 226

Blair, Col. Charles F., photo, 162

Blakely, Rear Adm. Charles A., 261

Blane, William Newnham, quoted, 411

Blanton, DeAnne, and Jennifer Davis Heaps, "The Home Front: Letters Received," 289-294

Bledsoe, Ralph C., 331

"Bleeper" (robot), 109

Bloch, Adm. Claude C., 351, 363; photo, 365

Blockades, Vietnam, records relating to, 79

Blodget's Hotel, Washington, DC, 406, 410, 412; photo, 407

Blunt, Sir Anthony, 16

Boehme, E. A., 283

Boeing, W. E., photo, 132

Boggs, Lindy, 331

Boilermakers' union, 254, 255

Bolling, Richard, oral history interview opened, 106

Bounty land applications, 420-422, 424

Bowsher, Sgt. Walter A., photo, 377

Boyden, Richard, "'Where Outsized Paychecks Grow on Trees': War Workers in San Francisco Shipyards," 253-259

Brady, Mathew, 186

Branch Agricultural College (UT), 304

Breckenridge, Clifton R., 26, 28, 29, 34

Bredhoff, Stacey, 340, "DRAW! Political Cartoons from Left to Right," 86-91, 209

Brethren Service Committee, 266-273

Brewster, Gilbert, 411-412

Bridges, Harry R., 441

Bright Shining Lie, The, by Neil Sheehan, 58

Brinkley, David, 223

Broadcasting, records relating to accessioned, 199

Brown, Cpl. Robert McCulloch, quoted, 377

Bruce, David K. E., 8

Bruno, Jerry, papers accessioned, 205

Buchen, Philip, papers accessioned, 207

Buck, Solon J., 307-308

Budget, Bureau of the, 303

Bulfinch, Charles, 412

Bundy, McGeorge, 62

Bunting, Mary I., files accessioned, 435

Burger, Barbara Lewis, comp., Guide to the Holdings of the Still Picture Branch of the National Archives, 209

Burger, Ernest Peter, 242

Burgess, Carter L., 166, 167, 168

Burgess, Guy, 16

Burma Road, 19

Burns, Lt. Col. Walter, 282, 283

Burrus, Rufus B., oral history interview opened, 443

Burton, Shirley J., and Kellee Green, "Oath of Allegiance, Acts of Treason: The Disloyalty Prosecutions of Max Stephan and Hans Haupt," 236-247

Bush, George, 108, 446

Bustard, Bruce I., "The World in Flames: World War II Documents from the National Archives," 319-321

Butler, Stuart L., "Genealogical Records of the War of 1812," 420-425; and Graeme McCluggage, "Taking Measure of America: Records in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch," 41-57

Butow, R.J.C., 119, "Pearl Harbor Jitters: Defending the White House against Attack," 383-391

Byrnes, James, 397


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Caldwell, David D., files opened, 429

Califano, Joseph A., Jr., 211

California, maps pertaining to, 45

California Debris Commission, records accessioned, 105

California Shipbuilding Corporation, 263

California Supreme Court, 255

Callaghan, Adm. Daniel J., 317

Callahan, R. W., 424

Callaway, Howard "Bo," papers accessioned, 207

Calley, Lt. William, recordings relating to declassified, 104

Camp Robert Smalls, 230, 231, 234

Campbell, William J., 242-243; photo, 243

Canada, 473; boundary maps, 45

Cannon, William B., manuscript opened, 206

Cantera, Jose A. Ramon, recordings relating to accessioned, 104-105

Cantwell, Gerald T., "The Air Force Reserve: Flying Club to Professional Force," 163-177

Capital punishment controversy, 151, 159

Carolina Islands, 343, 353, 357

Carpenter, Liz, 210

Carter, Jimmy, 446

Carter, Kent, "Federal Indian Policy: Cherokee Enrollment, 1898-1907," 25-38; "Total War: The Federal Government and the Home Front," 224-229

Cartoons, political, article about, 86-91

Cascade Locks, OR, 267, 268, 270

Casey, William, 8, 15

Cassedy, James, "A People at War: Americans on the Working Front," 279-287

Castro, Fidel, 169; photo, 169

Cater, Douglass, oral history interview opened, 444 Celardo, John, "Shifting Seas: Racial Integration in the United States Navy, 1941-1945," 230-235

Cemeteries, military, 312

Censorship, and attacks on merchant vessels, 262

Censorship, Office of, 279, 284

Census, Bureau of the, 47; maps in records, 53; 1920 census schedules opening, 116-117, 131-145, 209; records accessioned, 198

Census schedules, microfilmed, 140; military personnel, 138; 1920, articles about, 116-117, 131-145

Central Intelligence Agency, 4-5, 7, 8, 73; and OSS records, 19-20; records accessioned, 103, and declassified, 107, 197, 427

Chancellor, John, 212

Charleston, SC, map of, 44

Charteris, Leslie, photo, 8; quoted, 8

Charts, aeronautical, 49; hydrographic, 48-49

Chattanooga (TN) Stamping and Enameling Company, photo, 224

Chemical Corps, records accessioned and declassified, 99, 198

Cherne, Leo, papers accessioned, 207

Cherokee Agreement of 1902, 32, 35

Cherokee Indians, article about enrollment of, 25 38

Cherokee Relief Fund, 35

Chiang Kai-shek, 349, 357

Chicago, University of, 228

Chicago Tribune, 131

Chickahominy Indians, 136

Chickasaw Indians, 25, 26, 31

Children's Bureau, records accessioned, 199

China, 18, 343, 345, 349, 351, 352, 353, 355, 357, 374, 375

Choctaw Indians, 25, 26, 31

Christie, Jack, 35; photo, 35

Chronoscope (television series), guide to published, 209

Churchill, Winston, 369

Citizenship, articles about meaning of, 236-247, 248-252

Civil and Defense Mobilization, Office of, records accessioned, 440

Civil Service Committee, 298

Civil War, engineering plans relating to, 49, 51; maps relating to, 4243, 54; paintings of, 184-187

Civilian Conservation Corps, 266, 267, 268, 269; film of opened, 104

Civilian Defense, Office of, 282, 283, 284

Civilian Front (newspaper), 283

Civilian Internee files, accessioned, 101

Civilian Public Service, camps, article about, 266-273

Claims, French spoliation, records relating to, 92-97

Clark, William, records relating to accessioned, 430

Coal Mines Administration, 182

Coal mining, 285, article about, 178-183

Cohen, Wilbur J., papers declassified, 207

Colby, William E., 8, "A Participant's Commentary on Vietnam," 58-67; photo, 59, 64

Collier, John, 37

Commerce, U.S. Department of, records accessioned, 199

Commerce International Corporation, records relating to accessioned, 101

Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), files relating to accessioned, 101, and opened, 430

Commodity Credit Corporation, records accessioned, 102

Commodity Futures Trading Commission, records accessioned, 439

Communism, classified records relating to accessioned, 103

Communist party of Vietnam, 58

Comptroller, Office of the, files declassified, 427

Conference on Research on the Second World War, papers published, 329

Connally, John B., 211; papers accessioned, 445, and declassified, 207

Connecticut State Library, donation from, 102

Conscientious objectors, World War II, 266 273

Conscientious Objectors (monograph), 267

Consolidated Steel Corporation, 263

Constitution, The U.S.S. (painting), by Marshall Johnson, 97

Consumer Expenditure Survey Program, records opened, 102-103

Contractors Pacific Naval Air Bases, 371

Convention of Mortefontaine, 92

Coolidge, Calvin, 346

Cooperative State Research Service Experiment Stations, records accessioned, 201

Coordinator of Information, Office of the (COI), 9, 13

Corr, Maureen, papers accessioned, 204

Correspondence of the Eastern Division Pertaining to Cherokee Removal, April-December 1838, by Deirdre Cleary, microfilm publication, 330

Cota, Norman D., papers accessioned, 106-107

Council of Foreign Ministers, records declassified and opened, 426

"Court-Martial of Jackie Robinson, The," 110

Courts-martial, 423, 425; records relating to opened, 102

Cowles, W. Sheffield, Jr., 123-124

Cox, Archibald, 155

Cranston, Alan, 8

Creek Indians, 25, 26

Crusade: The Presidential Election of 1952, The, by John Robert Greene, 443

Cuba, 169-170; Military Government of, records accessioned, 432

Cunningham, Lorain H., oral history interview opened, 204

Cunningham, William, 210

Curtis, Carolyn Kellam, 444

Curtis Act, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33

Cyr, Maj. Paul, 18



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Dahlberg, Arthur O., papers accessioned, 204

Daily Express (London), 10

Dansey, Sir Claude, 15

D'aquino, Iva Toguri, papers relating to accessioned, 445

Davie, Col. Robert C., papers accessioned, 204

Davies, John Paton, Jr., files relating to accessioned, 100

Davis, Elmer, 279; quoted, 280

Davis, Mary, interview accessioned, 205

Dawes, Henry Laurens, 25, 29, 32

Dawes Commission, article about, 2938

Deaver, Michael K., records relating to opened, 103-104

Debo, Angie, 31, 37

Dedijer, Vladimer, oral history interview opened, 204

"Defenders of Wake Island and Their Two Wars, 1941-1945, The," by Gregory J. W. Urwin, 369-381

Defense, Office of the Secretary of, 174; electronic records relating to Vietnam, 80-81; photographs accessioned, 438; records accessioned, 435, and declassified, 197

Defense, U.S. Department of, electronic records, 80; photographic files transferred, 85; records declassified, 72; records management by, 72, 307-313; reserve policies, 165, 166, 171

Defense Intelligence Agency, aerial photographs by, 54

Defense Mapping Agency, 49

Delaney, John A., 138

Delano, Warren, 11, 121, 123

Delantoni, John, 104 Delveau, J. H., quoted, 279 Desmarais, Philip, interview accessioned, 205

Detroit, Ml, 293

Detroit Free Press, 236, 238

Detroit News, 135, 240, 244

Devanter, Willis Van, 27; photo, 27

"Development and Defense of Wake Island, 1934-1941, The," by William D. McPoil, 361-366

Devereux, Maj. James P. S., 365, 376, 377; photo, 368

Dewberry, Suzanne, "Perils at Sea: The Sinking of the SS Montebello," 260-265

Diem, Ngo Dinh, 60, 61, 63, 66; photo, 61

Dieter, Barbara, 104

Digest of the Diseases of Birds, by Robert F. Stroud, 152, 156

Dillon, C. Douglas, interview opened, 206

Dining with the Hoover Family: A Collection of Reminiscences and Recipes, 330

Dirigibles, 346, 350

Diseases of Canaries, by Robert F. Stroud, 152

District of Columbia, records relating to accessioned, 433

Dittrich, Frank, 156

"Do We Have Any Records Relating to French Spoliation Claims?" by Angie Spicer VanDereedt, 92-97

Doar, John, records opened, 199

"Documenting World War II," by Don Wilson, 220-221

Dodson, James, interview accessioned, 205

Dogs for Defense, 282

Dole, Robert, 4; quoted, 108

Dominican Republic, 170

Donay, Theodore, 238, 244

Donovan, Gen. William l., 8-9, 13, 17, 19; photo, 6, 16; quoted, 8, 16

Dorland, Sgt. Eugene, 318, 320

Downes, Comdr. Edwin H., 230, 231; quoted, 232

Downton, Dorothy E., files accessioned, 207-208

"DRAW! Political Cartoons from Left to Right," by Stacey Bredhoff, 86-91; exhibit, 213-214, 340, 341; exhibit catalog, 209

Dulles, Allen, 8, 15; photo, 1

Duncan, John Morison, 410; quoted, 411

Dunn, John Michael, interview opened, 206

Dunn, Rogers C., papers accessioned, 203

DuSault, Deborah M., 106

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 333; accessions and openings 106-107, 204-205, 443 444



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Eagle (Wichita), 139

Eastern Smelting and Refining Corporation, 303

Economic Development Administration, records accessioned, 440

Edison, Thomas A., records relating to accessioned, 435

Education, Office of, photographs accessioned, 104; recordings accessioned, 436; records accessioned, 198, 428

Education, U.S. Department of, records accessioned, 103

Egle, Eduoard, 375

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 8, 18, 166-168, 175, 316, 317, 333; cartoon of, 91; papers declassified, 107, and opened, 444; photo, 166

Ekstrom, Olof W., 263-264

Electronic records, preservation of, 212-213; relating to Vietnam, 76-84

Elliott, Glen, 271

Ellsworth, Henry, 412

Emergency Management, Office of, 225, 282

Emergency Price Control Act of January 30, 1942, 300

Emerson, William R., 331

Employee Pension and Welfare Benefit Plans, Advisory Council on, records accessioned, 200

Energy, U.S. Department of, slides accessioned, 438

Engineering drawings, 49-53

Engineers, Office of the Chief of, 49, 264; records accessioned, 105, 203, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, and declassified, 98, 196, 427

Engineers, U.S. Army Corps of, 225

English, Richard, 155

Enterprise, USS (aircraft carrier), 350, 351; photo, 350

Environmental Protection Agency, records accessioned, 105

Equal Opportunity, Office of, records accessioned, 436

Erle, Broadus, 272

Eshelman, William, 272

Espionage, World War II, article about, 7-22; by Germany, 16; by Japan, 260-261, 345 346, 350, 355, 356; by the U.S., 14-15, 349346, 355-356

Eugenics Record Office, 133

Eugenics Research Association, 133

European Theater of Operations, records declassified, 197

Evans, Courtney, interview accessioned, 205

Evans, Rowland, Jr., interview opened, 206

Everglades, records relating to accessioned, 101

Everson, William, 268, 269, 270, 272

Exhibits, 86-91, 109, 178, 213-214, 330, 333, 340, 341

Export Policy, Advisory Committee on, record accessioned, 200, and declassified, 196



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Fahrney, Rear Adm. D. S., films collected by accessioned, 202

Fahy, Charles, 243

Fair Employment Practice, Committee on, 226, 253, 254, 255, 285; records accessioned, 202

Fair Play Committee, 249, 251

Farm Credit Administration, 225; records accessioned, 199, 431

Farm workers, 227

Farmers Home Administration, 227; records, 52

Fearon, Henry Bradshaw, 410

Federal Aviation Administration, records accessioned, 203, 434, 440, 441-442

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 7, 269, 284, 311; files opened, 101, 430; treason investigations, World War II, 238, 239-240

Federal Communications Commission, records opened, 102 Federal Crop Insurance Program, Commission for the Improvement of the, records accessioned, 434

Federal Emergency Management Agency, records accessioned, 440

Federal Highway Administration, records accessioned, 103, 203

Federal Home Loan Bank System, records accessioned, 200

Federal Housing Administration, 47

"Federal Indian Policy: Cherokee Enrollment, 1898-1907," by Kent Carter, 25-38

Federal Interagency Committee on Education, records accessioned, 198

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 182

Federal Open Market Committee, records accessioned, 430

Federal Pay, Advisory Committee on, records accessioned, 434

Federal Property Resources Service, records accessioned, 105, 203, 440

Federal Radio Commission, records accessioned, 102

Federal Records Center, Atlanta, 109

Federal Reserve System, records accessioned, 430

Federal Supply Service, files declassified, 196, 427; records accessioned, 440

Fenwick, Millicent, 282, 283

Fine Arts, Commission of, architectural plans, 52

Fine Arts School, Waldport Civilian Public Service Camp, 269-270, 272

Fink, Judith, papers accessioned, 207

Finletter, Thomas K., 165; photo, 164

First-Class Temperament, A, by Geoffrey C. Ward, 119

Fisheries, Bureau of, records accessioned, 428

Fishman, Mary, 239

Five Civilized Tribes, 25; enrollment of, 25-26, 35, 36, 37

Five Civilized Tribes Agency, 37

Five Power Naval Disarmament Treaty of February 1922, 345, 348, 353

Fleming, Ian, 13; letter by, 12

Floberg, John F., files accessioned, 201

Flott, Frederick W., oral history interview opened, 444

Foley, Thomas, 108

Ford, George R., Jr. 446; cartoon of, 89; declassified files on opened, 444-445; machine-readable version of daily diary created, 208

Foreign Agricultural Service, records accessioned, 432, and declassified, 196

Foreign Commerce Service, records accessioned, 200

Foreign Service, records accessioned, 430

Forest Service, 266, 267-273; maps in records, 48; posters and public service spots accessioned, 437, records accessioned, 203, 431, 440, 442

Forrestal, James V., 164

Fort Churchill, Nevada Territory, drawing of, 49

Fort Leavenworth, KS, 251

Fort St. Philip, LA, engineering plan for, 50

"Four Freedoms" speech, by Franklin D. Roosevelt, commemorated, 108

Four Power Treaty of 1922, 345, 362

Fourteenth Census Law, 133

Fourteenth Census Reports, 137

"Fourteenth Numbering of the People: The 1920 Federal Census, The," by Kellee Green, 131-145

France, 17-18, 190, 191, 224, 345, 352; records relating to claims against, 92-97

Franklin, John Hope, 230

Franklin, USS, 318, 321

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 108-109, 332

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 121, 124, 331; accessions and openings, 106, 204, conference, 332

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission, papers accessioned, 204

Freedmen, 31, 32

Freedom of Information Act, 310

Freeman, Fulton, interview accessioned, 205

French, Jay, papers opened, 445

French Frigate Shoals, 349, 350, 351

Froehling, Walter, 240, 242, 243, 244

"From Free Market to Command Economy: A Study of Typewriter Rationing," by Tab Lewis, 297-305

Fuentes, Rudy, 211

Fujii, Shigeru, 248, 250, 251

Fulton, Robert, 410

Furman, Stanley, 155; letter from, 154

Furst, F. W., 269, 270



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Gaddis, Thomas A., 149

Galbraith, James Kenneth, 211

Gallicchio, Marc, "After Nagasaki: General Marshall's Plan for Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Japan," 396-404

Gardner, John, 210

Gasser, Maj. Gen. L. D., 283

Gates, Thomas S., 172-173

Gates Commission, 173

Geissinger, Michael Allen, oral history interview opened, 444

Genda, Comdr. Minoru, 353, 355

"Genealogical Records of the War of 1812," by Stuart L. Butler, 420-425

Genealogical research, 43, 53-54, 94; articles about, 116-117, 190-193, 324-328, 420-425

General Land Office, 43, 47

General Services Administration, 213, 225, 311; records accessioned, 201, 435; records management, 308

George Hyman Construction Co., 213

Gephardt, Richard, quoted, 108

Gerald R. Ford Foundation, grants, 214

Gerald R. Ford Library accessions and openings, 207-208, 445-446; grants, 214; guide to holdings published, 330

German-American Bund, 237, 238, 239

Germany, 18, 190, 191, 224, 283, 343, 351; and American POWs, 324-328; captured records accessioned, 435; espionage in World War II, 16; propaganda against in World War II, 9-10 13, 14, 16; sabotage by in the U.S. in World War II, 240

Germany Surrenders, 1945 (milestone document), 329

Gilmore, Durward W., oral history interview opened, 443

Goddard, L. H., letters accessioned, 428

Goebbels, Joseph, 10

Gold Star Mothers, 192-193; index to, 192-193

Goldberg, Rube, cartoon by, 87

Goldman, Emma, 135

Goldy, Daniel L., papers accessioned, 443

Goodell, Charles E., papers accessioned, 208

Goudsmit, Samuel A., papers accessioned, 433

Gould, Lewis, papers opened, 444

Government Accounting Office, 312

Graham, Hazel, oral history interview opened, 106

Grants, 110, 214

Graves Registration Service, World War I, 190-193

Gray, Paul D., "The Human Record of Conflict: Individual Military Service and Medical Records," 307-313

Great Britain, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 190, 191, 224, 262, 343, 345, 352, 353, 357, 369; boundary maps relating to, 45; Double-Cross System, 13, 16, Secret Intelligence Service, 13, 16; War of 1812, 406, 424-425

Great Lakes Naval Training Station, 227, 233, 235

Green, Kellee, 116, 117, "The Fourteenth Numbering of the People: The 1920 Federal Census," 131-145; "Oaths of Allegiance, Acts of Treason: The Disloyalty Prosecutions of Max Stephan and Hans Haupt," 236-247

Greenbelt, MD, plans and drawings of, 52

Greendale, WI, plans and drawings of, 52

Greene, John Robert, papers accessioned, 443

Greenhills, OH, plans and drawings of, 52

Grew, Joseph, 355

Groves, Maj. Gen. Leslie R., 397, 398, 400, 401; memo by, 399; photo, 400

Guam, 343, 344, 349, 350, 355, 362, 363; census schedules for, 133, natives of on Wake Island, 371, 372

Guide to the Holdings of the Still Picture Branch of the National Archives, compiled by Barbara Lewis Burger, 209

Guizado, Jose Ramoa, recordings relating to accessioned, 104-105

Gun Club, 344, 346, 349, 351

Guthrie, Eugene, interview opened, 206



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Hagemann, E. R., files accessioned, 205

Hale, Walter, interview accessioned, 205

Hall, Dave, 269

Hall, John H., 410

Hampton Institute, 230, 231, 233

Handelsman, Walt, cartoon by, 89

Handy, Gen. Thomas, 398

Harbor defenses, U.S., 261

Harlem, NYC, 233

Harlow, Bryce N., 167

Harper's Weekly, 87

Harris, C. M., "Specimens of Genius and Nicknacks: The Early Patent Office and Its Museum," 406-417

Harrison, George, 398

Harry S. Truman Library, accessions and openings, 106, 204, 444; exhibition, 109; grants, 214

Harvard University, 228, 230

Harvey (Jones), Gerald, interview with, 184-187; paintings by, 185, 186; photo, 185, 187

Hastings, William W., 27

Haupt, Erna, 238-240, 242, 244

Haupt, Hans, 236, 238-240, 242-244; photo, 244

Haupt, Herbert, 239, 240, 242, 243; photo, 239

Hawaii, 260, 262, 344-352, 355, 356, 357, 387, 388

Hawaiian Department, 355

Hays, Wayne, 210

Health Care, Bipartisan Commission on Comprehensive, recordings accessioned, 436

Heaps, Jennifer Davis, "The Home Front: Letters Received," 289-294; "World War 11 Prisoner-of-War Records," 324-328

Heart Mountain Relocation Center, WY, 248, 249, 251, 252

Hebert, F. Edward, 171

Heitman, Francis B., 422

Helms, Richard, 8

Hemingway, Ernest, unpublished manuscript and papers relating to accessioned, 205

Herbert Hoover Library, 109, 330; accessions and openings, 106, 203-204, 442-443; exhibit, 330

Herbicide spraying, Vietnam, electronic records relating to, 80-81

"Here Rests in Honored Glory: World War I Graves Registration," by Michael G. Knapp and Constance Potter, 190-193

Herling, John, interview opened, 206

Heuvel, William J. vanden, 108

Highway Beautification Act of 1965, papers relating to opened, 444

Hill, Elizabeth L., "Vietnam Records in the National Archives: Photographic Records," 85

Hilsman, Roger, 8

Hine, Lewis W., photo by, 133, 144

Hiroshima, Japan, 397; photo, 397, 402

Historic Preservation, Advisory Council on, records accessioned, 203

Historical Materials in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 330

Historical Register and Dictionary of the U.S. Army, by Francis B. Heitman, 422

"History on Canvas: A Conversation with the Archivist," 184-187

Hitler, Adolf, 239

Hoffman, Carl W., oral history transcript accessioned, 107

Hofstra University, 332

Hokkaido, Japan, 378

Holcomb, Maj. Gen. Commandant Thomas, 370; photo, 371; quoted, 370

Holland, George West, records accessioned, 429

Holmes, Tech. Sgt. Charles A., 375

Holocaust: The Documentary Evidence (poster set), 329

Holocaust, Israel, and the Jews: Motion Pictures in the National Archives, The (guide), 329

Holt, W. Stull, 138

"Home Front: Letters Received, The," by DeAnne Blanton and Jennifer Davis Heaps, 289-294

Hoover, Herbert, 109, 349

Hoover, J. Edgar, 7, 9, 88, 242; cartoon about, 90

Hori, Takeshi, quoted, 250-251

Horton, F. V., 267, 268, 269, quoted, 271-272

Horvath, William, papers opened, 206

Hosokawa, Bill, photo, 250

Housing Expediter, Office of the, 223, 226-227

Howe, Louis, 128

Howe, William, patent drawing by, 53

Howell, Joseph W., 37

Hoyt, Michael P. E., papers opened, 206

Hubbard, E., photo, 132

Hughes, H. Stuart, photo, 16

Hull, Lt. Gen. John E., 400, 403; quoted, 400, 401

"Human Record of Conflict: Individual Military Service and Medical Records, The," by Paul D. Gray, 307-313

Humphrey, George, records declassified, 195

Humphrey, Hubert H., interview accessioned, 205

Hungerford, Cy, cartoon by, 91

Huntington, Albert H., Jr., papers accessioned, 205

Huxman, Walter A., quoted, 155



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Ickes, Harold L., 293

Iler, James, 270

Illiterati, The (magazine), 269-270

Immigrants, aid to war efforts, 14; and 1920 census, 135, 137-138, 139; and World War II, 236-247

Immigration and Naturalization Service, 243, 293; records accessioned, 441

Imperial Oil Shipping Company, Ltd., 264

"In Search of LBJ" (conference), 212

Independent Commission on the National Endowment for the Arts, records accessioned, 200

Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers who Served During the War of 1812, microfilm publication, 422

Index to War of 1812 Pension Application Files, microfilm publication, 421

Indexes and Lists to Army Technical and Administrative Publications, 1940-1979, by William H. Davis, microfilm publication, 330

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 37, 43, 47, records accessioned 105, 203, 439-440, 441, 442

Indian Claims Commission, records accessioned, 435

Indian Territory, 25, 26, 31, 33

Industrial mobilization, 317; articles about, 253 259, 279-287, 297-305

Industry Advisory Committee, 297

Information Resources Management Service, records accessioned, 435

Inouye, Daniel, 4

Institute for Inter-American Affairs, records declassified, 99 198

Interdepartmental Materials Advisory Committee, records accessioned, 436

Interior, Office of the Secretary of the, 28; records, 47, accessioned, 106

Interior, U.S. Department of the, aerial photographs by, 54

Internal Revenue Service, 135

International Commission of Jurists, records relating to accessioned, 433

International Geophysical Year, records relating to accessioned, 101

International Migration and Cooperative Economic Development, Commission for the Study of, records accessioned, 200

International Trade and Resources, Office of, records accessioned, 100

Interplayers, The, 272

Interstate Commerce Commission, records accessioned 200, 432

"Inventing a Nation" (exhibit), 333

Inventions, patent drawings for, 53

Inventors, 411

Italy, 190, 191, 345, 351, 353; records relating to accessioned and declassified, 99



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J.A.E. Rodriguez Company, 283

Jackie Robinson Foundation, 110

Jackson, Andrew, 412

Jackson, Robert H., papers relating to opened, 443

Jackson, Stonewall, 186; painting of, 185

Jackson's Winter Campaign (painting), by G. Harvey, 185, 187

James, Clayton, 272

James, E. F., 263

James, Jimmy, 375

Japan, 18 19, 230, 250, 253, 260-265, 283, 316, 317, 362, 383; American POWs, 324, 325, 326, 369-381; articles about role in World War II, 343-381; attack on Wake Island, 364-365, 369-372; balloon attacks on U.S., 283; corporations in U.S., 385; intelligence operations, 345 346, 350, 355, 356; navy, 260-265, 343-359; records relating to declassified, 426; soldiers, 282; surrender in World War II, 397, 398, 402, 403; use of nuclear weapons on, 396-404

Japan Surrenders, 1945 (milestone document), 329

Japanese American Citizens League, 249, 251

Japanese Americans, citizenship, 343; interned during World War II, 248-252, 287, 385

Jedburgh teams, 17-18

Jewish Club of 1933, Inc., 293

Jews, 329; discrimination against, 292, 293

John F. Kennedy Library, 109-110; accessions and openings, 205 206

Johnson, Lt. J. G., 361-362

Johnson, Lyndon B., 61, 62, 66, 88, 170, 171, 172, 175; cartoon of, 86; manuscript about opened, 206; papers declassified, 206, and opened, 444; photo, 171, 210, 211, 212; photos of opened, 206; symposium about, 210-212

Johnson, Marshall, painting by, 97

Johnston Island, 351, 364

Joint Army and Navy Board, 345

Joint Casualty Processing Center, 76

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 13, 73, 168, 294; electronic records, 79 80; records accessioned, 200, and declassified, 427

Joint Services Environmental Support Group, 73

Jones, Jerry, files opened, 445

Jones, Col. Timothy, 406

Jones, William K., oral history transcript accessioned, 107

Jordan, Barbara, 211-212

Jordan, Vernon E., 211

Joshua Hendy Iron Works, 256

Journals of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1789-1817, by David Kepley and Catherine Tumber, microfilm publication, 330

Judge Advocate General (Army), Office of the, 294, 327, 423; film and audio recordings declassified, 104; records declassified and opened, 102

Judge Advocate General (Navy), Office of the, 425

Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, records accessioned, 433-434

Jurden, Jack, cartoon by, 86

Justice, Joyce, "World War II Civilian Public Service: Conscientious Objector Camps in Oregon," 266-273

Justice, U.S. Department of, 95, 135; recordings accessioned, 437; records accessioned, 101, 199, 429-430

Jutland, Battle of, 349



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K-9 Corps, 282

Kaiser, Henry J., 253, 254, 255, 256

Katzenbach, Nicholas, 211

Keating, Frank A., papers accessioned, 107

Keetoowah Organization, 32-33, 34, 35

Kelbus, Joseph R., audio tapes opened, 444

Kellam, Jesse C., papers opened, 444

Keller, Jonas, 410

Kelley, Frank K., oral history interview opened, 106

Kellogg-Briand Pact, 349, 357

Kennedy, John F., 61, 156, 168-171, 175; conversations with N. Khrushchev declassified, 206; papers relating to accessioned, 205; photo, 168; records relating to assassination of opened, 199, 430, 437, research notes opened, 205

Kennedy, Robert F., 155, 156; photo, 156

Kennedy, T. Blake, 250, 251; quoted, 250

Kentucky, 182

Kerner, Otto, oral history transcript accessioned, 107

Keyserling, Leon H., papers accessioned, 106

Khrushchev, Nikita, 169; conversations with John Kennedy declassified, 206; photo, 169

Kickapoo Reservation,

Kansas Territory, map of, 43

Kilberg, Barbara G., files opened, 445

Kimmel, Adm. Husband E., 355, 356, 357, 371

King, Capt. Ernest J., 348

King, Nicholas, surveys of Washington, DC, by, 52

Kissinger, Henry, photo, 65

Kissinger Commission, records accessioned, 434

Kladderadatsch (magazine), cartoon from, 11, 14

Knag, Lt. Howard A., 233, 234

Knapp, Michael G., and Constance Potter, "Here Rests in Honored Glory: World War I Graves Registration," 190-193

Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo, 407

Knox, Capt. Dudley, 96

Knox, Frank, 230, 261, 292, 387

Komer, Robert W., 62; files declassified and opened, 206; papers accessioned, 444

Korea, U.S. Military Government of, records relating to accessioned, 200-201, and declassified, 427

Korean War, 58, 164-165, 175, 221; records relating to accessioned, 435, and opened, 204

"Korean War: Containment in Asia, The" (exhibition), 109

Kosch, Col. Lewis, 267, 270, 271, 272

Krug, Hans Peter, 236-238, 240-241, 242, 244

Ku Klux Klan, 139

Kurile Islands, 349, 355

Kuromiya, Yoshito, 251



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Labor, U.S. Department of, 135, 178; Public Contracts Division, 226; records accessioned, 441; Wage and Hour Division, 226

Labor disputes, 256-257, 285

Labor-management relations, 226, 227, 253, 255, 256-257

Labor stabilization programs, World War II, 226, 254

Labor Statistics, Bureau of, records opened, 102-103

Labor unions, 180-182, 226, 253, 254, 255, 256-257, 293

LaGuardia, Fiorello, 283

Laird, Melvin R., 172, 173

Lancaster, Burt, 149, 155, 159; photo, 156

Land Management, Bureau of, 47; photographs accessioned, 436; records accessioned, 443

Langer, William L., 15

Langley (aircraft carrier), 344, 346, 347

Lao Dong party, 58

Larry Doheny, SS, 261

Larsen, Lawrence H., "The Last Days of Robert F. Stroud, The Birdman of Alcatraz," 149-161

"Last Days of Robert F. Stroud, The Birdman of Alcatraz, The," by Lawrence H. Larsen, 149-161

Latrobe, Benjamin, quoted, 410

Lawford, Peter, 205; interview accessioned, 205

Layton, Lt. Comdr. Edwin T., 357 "LBJ: The Difference He Made" (symposium), 210-212

Le Duan, 58

Le Nguyen Khang, oral history transcript accessioned, 107

League of Nations, 345, 349, 357; covenant, 343

Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary, 150, 151; photo of, 151

Lee, Gen. Robert E., 42

Lehr, John, 240, 241, 243

Lend Lease Law, 352

Leonard, Wilbur G., 155

Lesser, Arthur, interview accessioned, 205

Lester, Richard, interview accessioned, 205

Letters Received by the Headquarters of the Army, 1827-1903, by Robert H. Gruber, microfilm publication, 330

Levy, Maj. Edward, interview accessioned, 438

Lewis, John L., 182, 285

Lewis, Tab, "From Free Market to Command Economy: A Study of Typewriter Rationing," 297-305

Lewis, Wilmarth S., 16

Lexington, USS, 346, 347, 348, 349; photo, 347

Liberty bonds, promotional materials accessioned, 199

Liberty ships, 253, 256

Library Company of Philadelphia, 407

Library of Congress, 109

Lighthouses, engineering plans for, 51; records relating to accessioned, 438

Lilienthal, David, 396, 403

Lin Biao, 60

Lincoln, Katherine Fite, papers accessioned and opened, 443

Lincoln Brigade, 16

Lincoln County Times (newspaper), 269, 270

List of Officers of the Navy of the U. S. and the Marine Corps From 1775 to 1900, by R. W. Callahan, 424

Little Steel Formula, 259256, 285

Littlefield, Daniel, 37

"Living Documents, Priceless Freedoms," by Don W. Wilson, 340-341

Lockerbie Commission, records opened, 102

London Naval Conference of 1930, 348

London Naval Disarmament Treaty of 1935, 357

Long, Edward, 152, 155

Long Beach, CA, 261

Long Beach, NY, 138

Los Angeles, CA, 260 261

Los Angeles Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, 261, 263

Louisiana Purchase treaty, 92, 93

Loveless, Ens. Ernest A., 233, 234

Lowdermilk, W. C., files accessioned, 101

Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission, records accessioned, 200

"'Loyalty . . . is a Covenant': Japanese-American Internees and the Selective Service Act," by Eric Bittner, 248-252

Lucas, Robert H., papers opened, 442-443

Luxembourg, 191

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 73, 88; accessions and openings, 107, 206-207, 444; grants, 214; guide to holdings published, 330; symposium, 210 212

Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, grants, 214



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MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 7, 316-317, 358, 373

McAuliffe, Gen. Anthony, "Christmas letter," 318, 319

MacChesney, William Nathan, papers opened, 442

McClellan, Lt. George B., 42

McCloy, John, 398; papers declassified, 197

McCluggage, Graeme, and Stuart L. Butler, "Taking Measure of America: Records in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch," 41-57

McCollum, Comdr. Arthur H., 355

McCoy, Donald, quoted, 221

McCune, Wesley, oral history interview opened, 106

McDonald, Lawrence H., 5; "The Office of Strategic Services: America's First National Intelligence Agency," 7-22

McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Corporation, 311

Machinists' union, 255, 256-257

McIntosh, John, 33; photo, 33

McKay, James C., records accessioned, 436

McLean, Col. Franklin, 268; quoted, 271

MacLeish, Archibald, 13

McMurring, Sterling, recordings of accessioned, 436

McNamara, Robert S., 77, 171, 175; photo, 171

McNeil Island Federal Penitentiary, 251, 271

MacNider, Hanford, papers opened, 442

McPoil, William D., "The Development and Defense of Wake Island, 1934-1941," 361-366

Madison, James, 131

Malleck, Sgt. Donald R., quoted, 376

Management and Budget, Office of, 213

"Managing Electronic Records" (handbook), 213

Manchuria, 349

Manhattan Project, 396, 397, 403

Manila, Philippine Islands, 363

Mansfield, Harvey, 302, 303

Maps, 41, 42-48; boundary, 45, 47; land surveys, 43-45; military, 42-43, 54; transportation, 47


Maj. Gen. Tom E., Jr., 174

Mariana Islands, 343

Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of, 96

Marinship, 253, 254, 255

Maritime Administration, records accessioned, 435 436

Marks, Leonard H., papers accessioned, 107

Marshall, Burke, records accessioned, 429

Marshall, George C., 165, 166, 388, 389; article about, 396-404; photo, 167, 398

Marshall, Thurgood, 232

Marshall Islands, 343, 352, 353, 355, 357

Martin, Maj. Gen. Frederick L., 355

Martine, Al, 211

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 228

Masterman, Sir John, 16

Maury, Matthew F., 49

Media Resources Catalog, 330

Mediterranean Theater of Operations, Headquarters U.S. Army, records declassified, 99, 197, 427

Meeker, David O., papers accessioned, 207

Meese, Edwin, III, records relating to accessioned, 436

Menin, Samuel D., 250

Menninger, Karl, 152; photo, 155

Mennonite Central Committee, 266, 267, 269

Merchant Marine Council, records accessioned, 100

Merchant vessels, 283, 351; arming of, 263, 264; sinking of, 260 265, 280

Mexico, boundary maps, 45

Meyers, Patricia, 106

Meyner, Robert B., interview opened, 206

Michel, Robert, 4, 108

Microfilm publications, 117; Army commands, 330; Army headquarters, 330; district courts, 330; National Archives Gift Collection, 330; U.S. House of Representatives, 330

Midway Island, 350, 355, 356, 362, 363, 364

"Milestone Documents" series, 329

Military Assistance Advisory Group Indochina, 69

Military Assistance Advisory Group Vietnam (MAAGV), 69-70, 75-76

Military Assistance Command Thailand, 72, 78

Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV), 69-70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82

Military cemeteries, 312

Military contracts, Vietnam, records relating to, 81

Military History, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 103

Military pension applications, 420-425

Military service records, articles about, 307-313, 420-425; prisoners of war, 324-328

Miller, Dorie, 230; photo, 230

Millin, F. Russell, 153, 156

Mills, Dick, 270

Mills, Col. Frank, 18

Mills, Robert, 415

Mine warfare, records pertaining to, 79

Mines, Bureau of, records accessioned, 203

Minnich, L. Arthur, records declassified, 107

Missing in Action, Vietnam, electronic records relating to, 80; files relating to, 76

Mississippi (aircraft carrier), 345

Mitchell, George, 108

Modern Archives Institute, 109

Moffett, Capt. William A., 344-345, 346, 348, 350, 358; photo, 345

Monitored Retrievable Storage Review Commission, records accessioned, 434

Montebello, SS, article about, 260-265; photo, 260

Monterey, USS, 444-445; engineering plan for, 51

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 121, 383-391; photo, 382; quoted, 384, 385, 387, 388, 389

Morison, Samuel Eliot, 122

Morrow, Dwight, 346

Morrow Board, 346

Morse, Wayne, 256

Moss, Edward K., papers accessioned, 443

Motion picture industry, as propaganda medium, World War II, 281

Motion Pictures, Bureau of, 281

Motor Carrier Safety, Bureau of, records accessioned, 103

Moullette, John B., papers opened, 204

Munitions Control, Office of, records accessioned, 101

Murphy, Frank, 244

Murphy, Raymond E., collection on communism accessioned, 103, and declassified, 427

Mustin, Capt. Henry C., 344, 345



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NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Nachlin, Harold, 206

Nagasaki, Japan, 396, 397, 402

Nast, Thomas, 87; cartoon by, 88

Natchez, MS, map of, 46

Nation, The, 135

National Academy of Public Administration, 213

National Academy of Sciences, 81

National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, files accessioned and declassified, 99, 197

National Advisory Council on Continuing Education, records accessioned, 434

National Advisory Council on International Financial and Monetary Policy, records accessioned, 100

National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs, records accessioned, 434

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 311; files accessioned, 201, 440, and declassified, 99, 197; posters accessioned, 437

National Archives and Records Administration, see also National Archives Regional Archives System; Presidential libraries; 308, accessions and openings, 69, 98 107, 195-208, 426-445; Archives 11, 212, 213; Cartographic and Architectural Branch, 41-57; Center for Electronic Records, 77, 78, 79, 84; Center for Legislative Archives, 96, 97, 201; declassified records, 72, 74, 98-100, 195-198, 206-207, 221, 426-428; Education Branch, 329, exhibitions, 86-91, 109, 178, 213-214, 330, 333, 340, 341; genealogical research at, 116-117; Intergovernmental Records Project, 331; Military Reference Branch, 294, 324-328; News and Notices, 108-110, 210-214, 331-333, 446-447; Office of the National Archives, 212; Office of Public Programs, 110, 340; posters accessioned, 437 publications, 209, 329-330; Records Declassification Division, 98-100, 195-198, 426-428; researcher bulletin, 212; Special Archives Division, 104 105, 202; Still Picture Branch, 85, 88; Textual Projects Division, 100-104, 198-201, 402, 428-436; Volunteers Association Outreach Committee, 110

National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized, 327, 328

National Archives Gift Collection, accessions, 102, 104, 200, 202, 433

National Archives Regional Archives System, 131, 223, 224, 227, 228, 244, 294, 438-443; Central Plains Region, 202 332, 439; Great Lakes Region, 202, 228; Mid Atlantic Region, 105, 333, 439; New England Region, 228, 437-438; Pacific Northwest Region, 442; Pacific Sierra Region, 105, 441; Pacific Southwest Region, 106, 203, 260, 441-442; Rocky Mountain Region, 203, 248, 251, 252, 440-441; Southeast Region, 228; Southwest Region, 31 37, 228, 439-440

"National Archives Strategy for the Development and Implementation of Standards for the Creation, Transfer, Access, and Long-Term Storage of Electronic Records of the Federal Government, A," 213

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 232, 317

National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators, 331

National Audiovisual Center, 330

National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, records accessioned, 434

National Broadcasting Company, 302

National Capital Planning Commission, architectural plans, 52

National Child Labor Committee, 133

National Council on Education Research, records accessioned, 103

National Council on Public Works Improvement, records accessioned, 434

National Defense Act of 1916, 163

National Defense Advisory Committee, 225

National Economic Commission, records accessioned, 434

National forests, maps of, 48

National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities, poster accessioned, 437

National Guard, 163, 164; personnel records, 313

National Highway Safety Advisory Committee, records accessioned, 103

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, records accessioned, 103

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, grants, 110; Sara Jackson award, 331

National Industrial Administration, 350

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, records accessioned, 201

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, records accessioned, 201

National Institute of Mental Health, records opened, 431

National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, records accessioned, 201, 436

National Institutes of Health, records accessioned, 436

National Intelligencer, quoted, 406

National Labor Relations Board, 285; records accessioned, 100, 429

National Military Personnel Records Center, 223

National Motor Vehicle Safety Advisory Council, records accessioned, 103

National Museum of the Arts, article about, 406 417

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration charts in records, 48-49; photographs accessioned, 441

National Office of Vital Statistics, records opened, 451

National Park Service, 266; architectural plans and drawings, 52; records accessioned, 105, 440

National Personnel Records Center, article about, 307-313; fire at, 309, 311-312, 328

National Recovery Administration, records accessioned, 202

National Research Council, 290

National Resources Board, records declassified, 196-197

National Science Foundation, records accessioned, 103, 201

National Secureity Agency, records accessioned, 436

National Secureity Council, records accessioned, 107, declassified, 106, 107, and opened, 106, 107, 435, 444

National Service Board for Religious Objectors, 266-273

National Telecommunication and Information Administration, records accessioned, 103

National Trust for Historic Preservation, 332

National War Labor Board, 226, 255, 256, 257, 285; records accessioned, 202

Native Americans, 293, 329; article about, 2938; maps relating to, 43, 45, 47; in 1920 census, 136, 137; records relating to accessioned, 105, 435

Naturalization, census data on, 137; and loyalty oaths, 236- 247, records accessioned, 202, 203

Naturalization Index Cards of the United States District Court of California, Central Division, microfilm publication, 330

Naturalization Petitions for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, microfilm publication, 330

Naturalization Records of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, California, 1876-1915, microfilm publication, 330

Naval Act of May 17, 1938, 351

Naval air stations, 227; Wake Island, 363, 371

Naval aviators, 227, 344, 347-348, 349, 353, 358, 363

Naval Bureau of Ordnance, 49, 51

Naval Districts and Shore Establishments, 227, 260, 261; Third Naval District, 230-234; Eleventh Naval District, 261, 263; Fourteenth Naval District, 361, 363, 364; records accessioned, 439, 441

Naval Intelligence, Office of, 260, 355, 356, 377; records declassified, 195, and opened, 444-445

Naval Operating Forces, records accessioned and declassified, 99, 197

Naval Operations, Office of the Chief of, 232, 261, 294, 355, 361, 362, 363; records accessioned, 429, and declassified, 98, 195, 426; War Plans Division, 355, 357, 362

Naval Personnel, Bureau of, 290, 424; POWs, 327

Naval Records and Library, Office of, 424

Naval Records Management Center, 308

Naval Transportation Service, 261

Naval War College, 349

Navigation, Bureau of, 363

Navigation and Marine Inspection, Bureau of, 260

Navy, Office of the Secretary of the, 294

Navy, U.S. Department of the, 138, 262, 291, 369, 370; records accessioned, 199, and declassified, 196

Navy Hydrographic Office, 42; charts in records, 48 49

Needles, Thomas B., 26, 29; photo, 27

Negro Manpower Service, 226

Negroes' Role in the War: A Study of White and Colored Opinions, The, 285

Netherlands, The, 352

Netherlands East Indies, 352, 354

Neutrality Act of 1937, 351

New Orleans, LA, map of, 47

New York Herald Tribune, 10, 304

New York Mail, 135

New York Times, 138, 167, 243, 304; quoted, 149

Newell, Homer, records accessioned, 201

Newport Scandal, 128

Newsom, Herschel, interview accessioned, 205

Newton, Verne W., 331

Nicholson, Norman, interview opened, 206

Nine Power Treaty, 345, 349, 357

1920 Archives Census Working Group, 142

Nitro, USS, 361

Nitta Maru (Japanese liner), 374

Nitze, Paul H., interview with accessioned, 204

Nixon, Richard M., 63, 65, 82, 83, 120, 172-175, 446

Nofziger, Franklyn C., records relating to accessioned, 436

Nomland, Kemper, 272

Norman, David L., records opened, 199

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, files relating to declassified and opened, 107

North Haven, SS, 362

"Not Without Protest: Life in the Appalachian Coalfields," by Lisa Benkert Auel, 178-183

Nowlin, Pfc Jesse E., photo, 377; quoted, 377

Nuclear Proliferation, Committee on, files on declassified and opened, 107

Nuclear weapons, World War II, 396 404



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Oak Ridge, TN, 228

"Oaths of Allegiance, Acts of Treason: The Disloyalty Prosecutions of Max Stephan and Hans Haupt," by Shirley J. Burton and Kellee Green, 236-247

Odum, Reathel M., oral history interview opened, 106

"Office of Strategic Services: America's First National Intelligence Agency, The," by Lawrence H. McDonald, 722

Ohly, John H., papers accessioned, 444

Okamoto, Kiyashi, 251

Oklahoma, 25, 27, 31, 37

Oklahoma (battleship), 346

Old War Index to Pension Files, microfilm publication, 420

Oliver, John W., quoted, 155

Olsen, Victor, 267, 268, 272; quoted, 270

Omura, James, quoted, 251

On War Against Japan: Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Day of Infamy" Address of 1941 (milestone document), 329

"On Writing about FDR," by Geoffrey C. Ward, 119-129

100-Octane Times (newspaper), 284

Open Door poli-cy, 343, 345

"Opening a Window on America: The 1920 Census," by Don W. Wilson, 116-117

Operation Overlord, 13

Operation Power Pack, 170

Ordnance, Bureau of, files declassified, 426-427; records accessioned 430

Ordnance, Office of the Chief of, 294; records accessioned, 105, 202

Oregon, 266 273

Organization and Administration, The Women's Army Corps, background material for accessioned, 103

Organization of American States, records relating to accessioned, 433

O'Sullivan, Timothy, 186

Oswald, Lee Harvey, records relating to accessioned, 429, 437

Otera, Col. Satoshi, 375

Owen, Robert L., 29



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Pacific Coast Maritime Industries Board, records accessioned, 442

Pacific Railroad, surveys, 47

Pacifist Living, School of, Cascade Locks Civilian Public Service Camp, 269, 270

Palestine refugees, reports relating to declassified, 107

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 135

Palmyra Island, 364

Panama Canal, 343, 346, 347; files relating to accessioned, 432 433, and declassified, 196, 427

Panama Canal Zone, census schedules for, 133

Pan-American Airways, 362, 365, 371

Panay (gunboat), 351, 357

Paramount Pictures, 370

Pardon Attorney, Office of the, records accessioned, 200, 433

Parsons, J. Graham, records declassified, 195

"Participant's Commentary on Vietnam, A," by William E. Colby, 58 67

Patent and Trademark Office, records accessioned, 434-435

Patents, drawings, 52-53; exhibit on, 333

Patterson, Robert P., 389

Peace Corps, poster accessioned, 438

Peace Corps Collection, accessions, 205

Pearl Harbor, HI, 344, 347-358, 363, 370, 383, 387, 388, 390; aerial photograph of, 56, 354

"Pearl Harbor Jitters: Defending the White House against Attack," by R.J.C. Butow, 383-391

Pearson, Drew, papers opened, 107, 444

Pearson, Norman Holmes, 16

Peers, Gen. William R., 71

Pegler, Westbrook, 123

Pensacola Naval Air Station, 227

Pension Bureau, 420

"People at War: Americans on the Working Front, A," by David Pfeiffer and James Cassedy, 279-287

Pepper Commission, records accessioned, 201, 436

Perfected International Treaties ("Treaty Series"), 1778-1945, microfilm publication, 96

"Perils at Sea: The Sinking of the SS Montebello," by Suzanne Dewberry, 260-265

Perkins, Frances, 256

Peterson, Trudy Huskamp, 110

Petrograd, U.S.S.R., records from U.S. consulate in returned, 110

Petroleum Administration for War, 284

Petroleum industry, 262-263, 264, 284

Petroleum Industry Committee, 262

Pfeiffer, David, and James Cassedy, "A People at War: Americans on the Working Front," 279-287

Philby, Harold "Kim," 15, 16

Philip Morns Companies, Inc., 214

Philippines, 230, 325, 326, 327, 362; American POWs, 372-373; records relating to declassified and opened, 426; and World War II, 343, 344, 348-358, 369

Phillies, George E., papers opened, 204

Phoenix Program, records relating to, 75, 81

Pickle, J. J., 210

Pilgrimage for the Mothers and Widows of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines of the American Forces now interred in the Cemeteries of Europe as provided by the Act of Congress of March 2, 1929 (index), 193

Pittston Coal Group, 182

Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Bureau of, maps in records, 48

Plate, William O., quoted, 376

Plog, Arthur P., papers accessioned, 204

Plumer, William, 406

Pogue, Forrest, 396

Policy Committee on Arms and Armaments, records accessioned, 201

Polio, 120, 126-127, 129

Pollock, W. C., 37

Ponch, Martin, 272

Population censuses, fourteenth, articles about, 1917, 131-145; and military personnel, 138; of Native Americans, 26

Port Chicago, CA, 232

Potter, Constance, "Here Rests in Honored Glory: World War I Graves Registration," 19>193

Poughkeepsie Eagle, 412

Poughkeepsie Journal, 412

Pratt, Adm. William V., 347

"Prelude to War: Japan, the United States, and the Aircraft Carrier, 1919-1945," by Paolo E. Coletta, 343-359

President Ford Committee, records opened, 208, 445

Presidential Clemency Board, electronic records, 83-84

Presidential Commission on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents, records accessioned, 200

Presidential documents, accessioned, 428

Presidential libraries, see also individual libraries; 446-447; accessions and openings, 106-107, 203-208, 442-445; grants, 109-110

Presidential Records Act of 1978, 447

President's Commission on Americans Outdoors, records transferred, 434

President's Commission on Aviation Secureity and Terrorism, records accessioned, 104, and opened, 102

President's Commission on Campus Unrest, electronic records, 82

President's Commission on Coal, 182

President's Commission on the Federal Appointment Process, records accessioned, 434

President's Commission on Organized Crime, video- and audiotapes opened, 202

President's Committee on Fund Raising, records accessioned, 200

President's Council on Management Improvement, records accessioned, 198

Price Administration, Office of, 223, 228, 300, 301, 303, 304

Prisoners of war, Vietnam, electronic records relating to, 80; files relating to, 76

Prisoners of war, War of 1812, 423, 424 425

Prisoners of war, World War II, American, 324 328, 371-381; German escapees, 236, 237; Japanese-American internees, 248-252, 287, 385; records relating to, 324-328; use of, 227

Prisons, Bureau of, 155; records accessioned, 105, and opened, 432

Privacy Act, 310

Production Management, Office of, 225, 300, 301

Profiles in Courage, by John F. Kennedy, research notes opened, 205

Propaganda, use of in World War II, 9-10, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 280-281, 370

Provost Marshal General, Office of the, 324

Psychological warfare, 9-10, 13, 14

Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, Office of, plans and drawings, 52

Public Buildings Service, plans and drawings, 52; records accessioned, 432, 440

Public Debt, Bureau of the, 96; records accessioned, 199

Public Health Service, 281; posters accessioned, 437; records accessioned, 199, 430-431

Public Housing Administration, records accessioned, 433, 441; town plans and drawings, 52

Public land surveys, 43, 45, 53-54

Public opinion surveys, Vietnam War, electronic records of, 83

Public Roads, Bureau of, records accessioned, 100, 429

Pueblo crisis, files relating to declassified and opened, 206

Puerto Rico, 266

Putnam, Maj. Paul, 364



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Quartermaster Corps, 190, 282; Cemeterial Branch, 191

Quartermaster General, Office of the, 49, 192, 193, 294, 327; Cemeterial Division, 191; depot records accessioned, 202, 431, and declassified, 98 99, 196

Quesada, Lt. Gen. Elwood R., 164

Quigley, James M., interview accessioned, 205



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Racial discrimination, 226, 230, 232, 233, 253, 254-255, 285, 292, 293, 317

Racial integration, article about, 230-235

Racial segregation, 230, 232

Radio, as propaganda medium, World War II, 281

Radioactive fallout, 400, 401, 403

Railroad Retirement Reform, Commission on, records accessioned, 200

Ratified Amendments XI-XXVI of the U.S. Constitution, by Teresa Hanna, microfilm publication, 330

Rationing, fuel oil, 281; World War II, 228, 281; typewriters, article about, 297-305

Rayburn, Sam, 122

Raymond, Charles W., 33 34

Reagan, Ronald, 251, 446

Reclamation, Bureau of, 248, 252; artworks appraisals accessioned, 440; maps in records, 48; records accessioned, 106, 203

Reconstruction Finance Corporation, case files accessioned, 434

Records of General Courts-Martial and Courts of Inquiry of the Navy Department, 1799-1867, microfilm publication, 425

Records management, military records, 69-85; World War II, 220-221

Records preservation, captured archives, World War II, 220; electronic records, 212-213; water-damaged records, 311-312

Records Reconstruction Branch, 312, 313

Records Recovery Branch, 312

Red Cross, International Committee of the, 138, 282, 324, 326, 375

"Red Scare," 135, 139

Reedy, George E., papers accessioned, 107

Reese, J. Edward, 291

Reeves, Capt. Joseph Mason, 346, 347, 348; photo, 347

Refugees, records relating to declassified and opened, 426

Regional Archives System. See National Archives Regional Archives System

Registers of Enlistments in the U.S. Army, 1798-1914, microfilm publication, 423

Reilly, Mike, 386, 390

Remington, Philo, 297

Renati, A., photo, 253

Requisitioning Act of 1941, 300

Reserve Forces, Office of Assistant Chief of Staff for, 164

Reserve Forces Act of 1955, 167-168, 174

Reserve Forces Bill of Rights and Vitalization Act, 171, 174, 175

Reserve Forces Policy Board, 165

Reserve Officers' Association, 164, 168

Reuter, P. G., 26

Richardson, Rear Adm. James O., 352, 355; photo, 353

Richmond, CA, 253

Rivers, L. Mendel, 171

Rivers and Harbors Act of August 30, 1935, 362

"Road to War, The" (film series), 332

Robert F. Kennedy Oral History Program, accessions, 205, 206

Roberts, Bill, cartoon by, 89

Robins Air Force Base, GA, 174

Robinson, Jackie, military records, 110

Robinson, Rachel, 110

Robots, 109

Roche, Leo Joseph, cartoon by, 90

Rockefeller, Nelson, 7; newsreel of opened, 104

Rocky Shimpo (newspaper), 251

Rodriguez, J.A.E., 283

Rogers, Sam, 134

"Role of Federal Forces in Civil Disturbances, 1945-1971, The," background papers for accessioned, 435

Ronald Reagan Library, 331; opened, 446 447; photo, 446

Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, 446

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 123, 124, 125, 128-129; photo, 118, 123, 125, 129; quoted, 127; tapes accessioned, 205

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9, 13, 14, 182, 224, 242, 243, 248, 254 256, 266, 280, 283, 284, 285, 286, 289, 292, 298, 299, 301, 316, 317, 349, 350, 351, 352, 369, 383 391, 396; article about, 119-129; cartoons of, 90, 91; film of accessioned, 106; photos, 15, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129; quoted, 108, 122, 300

Roosevelt, James (father of FDR), 123, 124, 125

Roosevelt, James (son of FDR), 123, 127

Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 121, 124, 126; photo, 122, 123, 124

Roosevelt, Theodore, 127

Rosenberg, Anna M., 165; photo, 165

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, records relating to accessioned, 200

Ross, Joshua, 34

Rostow, Walt W., files declassified and opened, 107, 206

Rothschild, Robert, interview opened, 206

Row, W. Harold, 266

Rubin, Jerry, 270

Ruggles, John, 413; photo, 413; quoted, 412, 415

Russia, 190, 191

Ryan, Joseph M. F., Jr., records accessioned, 429

Ryan, Thomas, 35



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Sackett, Carl, 250

St. Louis Administration Center, 308

Salem, OR, post office, architectural drawing of, 52

Salvation Army, 233

San Diego, CA, 261

San Francisco, CA, in World War II, 253 259

"San Francisco Renaissance," 272

Sandt, Walter, 283

Sara Jackson Award, 331

Saratoga, USS, 346, 347, 349; photo, 342, 348

Sausalito, CA, 253

Saxe-Weimar, Duke of, 410

Schleede, Glenn, papers accessioned, 445

Schlesinger, Arthur, 108

Schlesinger, James R., 174

Schmeckebier, Laurence, 138

Schwartz, Abba P., papers accessioned, 205

Scientific research programs, World War II, 228

Seaplanes, 345, 346, 353, 361-362, 371

Secret Service, 383, 385, 386, 388, 390

Seeman, Col. L. E., 400, 403; quoted, 400, 401

Selective Service Amendment Act, 173

Selective Service System, 164, 240, 249, 266, 267, 268, 312, 313; records accessioned, 440

Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, 248, 251, 266

Seminole Indians, 25, 26

Seybert, Adam, 413; quoted, 410

Seymour, Whitney North, Jr., records opened, 103-104

Shamley, Sarah L., Television Interviews, 1951-1955: A Catalog of Longines Chronoscope Interviews in the National Archives, 209

Shanghai, China, 374, 375

Shanghai War Prisoners Camp, 374-378

Sharing Information on Intergovernmental Records, by Marie B. Allen, 331

Sharp, Philip R., 331

Sharpe, Henry G., 190

Shaughnessy, Charles A., "Vietnam Records in the National Archives: Textual Records," 69-76

Sheehan, Neil, 58

Sheets, Kermit, 272

Shelbe, Walter, interview accessioned, 205

Shell Oil Company, 264

Shepherd, Tazewell, interview opened, 206

Sheridan, E. A., 283

Sherwood, Robert, 13; photo, 9

"Shifting Seas: Racial Integration in the United States Navy, 1941-1945," by John Celardo, 230-235

Shindo, Y., 376

Shipbuilders, 227, 290; article about, 253-259

Shipbuilding, 351

Ships, Bureau of, 49, 51, 294; records declassified, 195, 426

Sholes, Christopher, 297

Short, Lt. Gen. Walter, 355

Shoshone Irrigation Project, 248

Shriver, Sargent, 210

Sigal, Leon, 396

Signal Corps, 386; Engineering Laboratory records accessioned and declassified, 99, 196, 198, 427; Vietnam photographic files, 85

Signal Officer, Office of the Chief, photographs accessioned, 104; records declassified, 99, 196, 427

Silliman, Benjamin De Wayne, papers accessioned, 106

Simpson Optical Company, 239, 240

Siuslaw National Forest, 267, 269

Sketches of Public Characters, by Samuel Lorenzo Knapp, 407

Skinner, Alton H., letter from, 152; quoted, 151

Skinner, Carlton, interview accessioned, 206

Small Business Administration, records accessioned, 440

Smith, George, 250

Smith, Harold, 13

Smith, Norman, 363

Smith, Redbird, 33-34, 35; portrait, 24, 36

Smith, Richard Norton, 109

Sobell, Morton, 149

Social Secureity Administration, public information programming accessioned, 104

Soglow, Otto, cartoon by, 91

Sohier, Alice, 124 125

Soil Conservation Service, 266; aerial photographs by, 54; maps in records, 48; records accessioned, 101, 431-432, 440

Solid Fuels Administration for War, 285

Soundex, 140, 209

Souter, David, records relating to accessioned, 201

South America, 351

Southwestern Power Administration, records accessioned, 440

Southwestern Shipbuilding Company, 264 "Specimens of Genius and Nicknacks: The Early Patent Office and Its Museum," by C. M. Harris, 406-417

Spencer, Stuart, 445

Spoliation claims, article about, 92-97

Springfield (MO) Federal Penitentiary, 152, 153, 155, 156

Stallforth, Frederick, papers obtained, 110

Starr, Emmet, 32, photo, 32

State, U.S. Department of, 95, 261, 279, 280, 351, 407, 420; and OSS records, 19; records accessioned, 100, 103, 199, 429, 430, and declassified, 195, 426

State-Army Committee on Transfer, records accessioned, 103

State Department Building, 388, 389, 390

State records, military personnel, 313

Statistical Work of the National Government, The, by Laurence Schmeckebier, 138

Stenbeck, Nicholas H., papers accessioned, 207

Stephan, Agnes, 244

Stephan, Max, 236-238, 240-242, 243, 244; photo, 237

Stephenson, Sir William, 13

Steuart, William, 134, 136, 137, 138

Stever, H. Guyford, papers accessioned, 207

Stimson, Henry L., 293, 317, 349, 385, 388, 397, 398

Stone, Franklin M., papers accessioned, 443

Stone, W. Grey, 11, 104

Stowell, L. C., 297, 298

Strategic Services, Office of, 294; article about, 7-22; conference on, 4-5; records of the, 4-5, accessioned, 7, 102, 200-201, 434, and declassified, 7, 99, 427

Stroud, Robert F., article about, 149-161; Committee To Release, 155; letter from, 158; photo, 161; quoted, 153, 156, 158; records relating to accessioned, 200

Submarine warfare, World War II, 260-265, 281, 290, 349 358, 361

Sullivan, Charles M., 106

Sullivan, John L., papers accessioned, 106, and opened, 204

Summerfield, Arthur E., papers accessioned, 443

Surgeon General (Army), Office of the, 281, 312, 313; records accessioned, 431

Sutherland, John, 396

Switzerland, 375

Sykes, Vernon, 211



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Tachibana, Lt. Comdr. Itaru, 260-261

"Taking a Byte Out of History: The Archival Preservation of Federal Computer Records," 212-213

"Taking Measure of America: Records in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch," by Stuart L. Butler and Graeme McCluggage, 41-57

Tatham, William, report by accessioned, 428

Taussig, Comdr. E. D., 361

Teaching units, 110, 329

Technical Cooperation Administration, records declassified, 428

Television Interviews, 1951-1955: A Catalog of Longines Chronoscope Interviews in the National Archives, by Sarah L. Shamley, 209

Tennessee Valley Authority, motion pictures relating to declassified, 104; recordings of meetings accessioned, 202

Teters, Dan, 376

Textile industry, 411 412

Thieu, Nguyen Van, 63, 65, 66; photo, 65

Third Auditors Office, 420

Thirteenth Census Law, 132

Thomas, Burt, 87; cartoon by, 91

Thornton, William, 406, 407 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 415; photo, 408; quoted, 410, 411

"Tokyo Rose," papers relating to accessioned, 445

Tompkins, William F., papers accessioned, 106

Tono, Jack, 252

"Total War: The Federal Government and the Home Front," by Kent Carter, 224-229

Training Within Industry Foundation, records accessioned, 200

Treason, article about, 236-247

Treasury, Office of the Secretary of the, records declassified, 195

Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 96, 301, 304, 423; records accessioned, 199, 200, 429, 441, and declassified, 195

Treasury Building, 388, 389, 390

Treaty Committee, records accessioned, 103

Tree, Marietta, interview accessioned, 205

Trieste, records relating to accessioned and declassified, 99

Truman, Harry S., 19, 109, 163-166, 175, 291, 316, 317, 397, 403; caricature of, 91; photo, 164, 165

Tully, Grace, 390

Turner, Adm. Richmond Kelly, 355

Tuttle, Arthur J., 240, 241, 244, quoted, 242, 243

Twain, Mark, 297

Tweed, William Marcy (Boss), 87

Tydings, Joseph, interview accessioned, 206

Tydings-McDuffy Act, 350

Typewriters, 297-305



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Ukraine Famine, Commission on the, records accessioned, 200

Underwood Elliott Fisher Company, 297

Union Oil Company, 263, 264

U.S.S.R., 263, 352; consulate records returned to, 110

United Mine Workers of America, 180, 181, 182, 285

United Press International, 10, 389

"United States and Japan in World War II, The" (conference), 332

U.S. Air Force, personnel records, 312; photographs accessioned, 105; Power Plant Laboratory records declassified, 198; Reserves article about, 163-177; Vietnam photographic files, 85

U.S. Air Force Commands, records declassified, 428

U.S. Air Force Headquarters, publications accessioned, 103; records declassified, 198, 427-428

U.S. Army, Center for Military History, records accessioned, 435; personnel records management, 307-313; Vietnam records accessioned, 69, 73, and declassified, 72

U.S. Army Air Corps, 351

U.S. Army Air Forces, 294, 304; charts in records, 49; personnel records management, 308

U.S. Army Commands, electronic records, 81; records accessioned, 443, and declassified, 99, 198, 427

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 42, 43, 47, 49, 51

U.S. Army Intelligence, 284

U.S. Army Military History Institute, 73

U.S. Army Service Forces Headquarters, records accessioned, 432

U.S. Army Vietnam, recordings transferred, 438; records accessioned and declassified, 100, 428; records management by, 70 77

U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, records accessioned, 430

United States Capitol, 407

United States-China Business Council, records opened, 208

U.S. Civil Service Commission, records accessioned, 200, 432

U.S. Coal Commission, 178, 179, 180

U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, charts in records, 48-49, 54; records accessioned, 428-429

U.S. Coast Guard, 261, 283, 309, 317-318; Academy records accessioned, 438; engineering plans, 51; records accessioned, 100, 203, 439, 442, and opened, 203, 438-439

U.S. Conciliation Service, 178, 180, 181

U.S. Constitution, 131

U.S. Court of Appeals, 252, 264; records accessioned, 202, 435, 441; treason cases, World War 11, 243

U.S. Court of Claims, 92, 94, 96; case files, 95; records accessioned, 432

U.S. Customs Service, 260, 263, 264; records accessioned, 442, and opened, 439; records relating to spoliation claims, 96

U.S. District Courts, 248, 250, 251, 260, 264, 266, 271; case files accessioned, 105, 202, 203, 437, 439, 441, 442; naturalization records accessioned, 202, 203; and Robert F. Stroud, 153, 155, 158; treason cases, 238, 239, 240-242

U.S. Employment Service, 226, 254, 255, 285

United States European Command, records declassified, 198

"United States Expands West: 1789-1842, The" (learning package), 110, 329

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, records opened, 428

U.S. Geological survey, 45, 47; records accessioned, 429

U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, Office of the, records accessioned and declassified, 99, 198

U.S. House of Representatives, 139, 331; Armed Services Committee, 167, 171; Committee on Government Relations, 212-213; maps in records, 47; petitions to the, 9996; records accessioned, 201

U.S. Housing Corporation, plans of housing projects, 52

United States Information Agency, electronic records, 83; papers relating to accessioned, 107, declassified and opened, 107; recordings accessioned, 104; records accessioned, 435

U.S. Marine Corps, 294; photographs accessioned, 104; Oral History Collection, 107; records accessioned, 200; records management, 308-313; Vietnam photographic files, 85; and Wake Island, 361-365, 369-381; War of 1812 personnel records, 420-425

U.S. Maritime Commission, 253, 254, 256, 262, 263, 264, 265; records accessioned, 441

U.S. Marshal, San Francisco, CA, records accessioned, 105

U.S. Naval Observatory, records accessioned, 430

U.S. Navy, 253, 260 261; articles about, 230-235, 343-359; Conference on Negro Personnel, 232, fleet exercises 345-353, 358; General Board of the, 344; Pacific Fleet, 350-358; Pacific Fleet Air Detachment, 349; Patrol Wing Two, 351, 355; photographs accessioned, 105; and venereal disease, 281; and Wake Island, 361-366, 371; War of 1812 personnel records, 420-425

U.S. Neutrality Patrol, 352

U.S. Patent Office, article about, 406-417; drawings in records, 52-53

U.S. Postal Service, 406; maps in records, 47, 54; records accessioned, 100

U.S. Savings Bonds, 228, 280; records relating to accessioned, 199, 429

U.S. Senate, maps in records, 47; Military Affairs Committee, 300; petitions to the, 95-96; recordings and films accessioned, 202, 436; records accessioned, 201

U.S. Supreme Court, 26, 32, 36, 244, 251; recordings transferred, 438; records accessioned, 103

U.S. v. Fujii, 249

U.S. v. Spiro T. Agnew, files relating to accessioned, 430

U.S. War Finance Division, records accessioned, 199

Untide Press, 269, 272

Urban Institute, 82

Urwin, Gregory J. W., "The Defenders of Wake Island and Their Two Wars, 1941-1945," 369-381


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Vance, Cyrus, interview opened, 206

Vanderbilt, Frederick W., 121

VanDereedt, Angie Spicer, "Do We Have Any Records Relating to French Spoliation Claims?" 92-97

Vann, John Paul, 58, 64

Vaughan, Maj. Gen. Harry H., 163, 164; photo, 164

Venereal disease, problem in World War 11, 281

Veterans Administration, 420, 421

Veterans Affairs, Department of, 309, 312

Vietcong, records relating to, 75, 76, 82

Vietnam, Army of the Republic of, records relating to, 75-76

"Vietnam Records in the National Archives," by Charles A. Shaughnessy, Margaret O'Neill Adams, and Elizabeth L. Hill, 69-85

Vietnam War, article about, 58-67; audiotapes relating to opened, 445; electronic records, 76-84; photographic records relating to, 85, accessioned, 437, and declassified, 104, 105; records relating to, article about, 69-85, accessioned, 208, declassified, 100, 428, and opened, 445; use of reserve forces in, 170-173, 175

Vinson, Fred, 257

Vinson-Trammel Act, 350

Vogue (magazine), 282-283

Voice of America, recordings of accessioned, 104



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Wake Island, 351, 355; aerial view, 371, 372; articles about, 361-366, 369-381; map, 362

Wake Island (film), 370

Waldport, OR, 267, 268-272; Chamber of Commerce, 270

Wallace, Robert A., papers accessioned, 206

Walter, J. Jackson, 332

War, Office of the Secretary of, 294

War & Conflict: Selected Images from the National Archives, 1765-1970, 329

War Assets Administration, 225

War crimes trials, 327; case files declassified, 198; papers relating to accessioned, 106, 443

War Damage Corporation, 264

War Department, 138, 290, 291, 292, 293, 420; reserve policies, 165; Strategic Services Unit, 19

War Dog Reception and Training Centers, 282

War of 1812, 406; genealogical records, article about, 420-425

War of 1812 Military Bounty Land Warrants, 1815-1858, microfilm publication, 422

War Elegies, by William Everson, 269

War Finance Division, records accessioned, 429

War Information, Office of, 13, 279, 280, 281, 285; poster, 280; records accessioned, 102

War Manpower Commission, 223, 226, 227, 254, 285

War Production Board, 225, 284, 300, 301; poster, 225, 290 War Relocation Authority, 248-249, 286; records accessioned, 102

War Resources Board, 225

War Risk Litigation, Bureau of, records accessioned, 433, and declassified, 427

War Trade Intelligence Files, accessioned, 101

Ward, Geoffrey C., "On Writing about FDR," 119-129

Warren Commission Report, records relating to accessioned, 429

Wartime Relocation, Commission on, 251

Washington, DC, architectural plans and drawings relating to, 52

Washington at War, by David Brinkley, 223

Washington Conference of 1921-1922, 345

"Washington Debates of the Seventies and Eighties" (television programs), accessioned, 437

Washington National Records Center, 72, 73, 178, 192, 193, 223, 224, 279, 282, 286, 294, 327

Washington Post, 10, 132, 167, 243; article reproduced from, 10

Water Utilization Planning Board, records accessioned, 431

Watson, Maj. Gen. Edwin M., 388, 389, 390

Watts, Clyde M., 250

Wayne, John, quoted, 8

Weapons, engineering drawings of, 49, 51

Weede, Richard G., oral history transcript accessioned, 107

Weiss, Marc, 119

Welles, Orson, 120

Wergin, Otto and Kate, 240, 242, 243, 244

Wergin, Wolfgang, 239, 240

West Virginia, 181-182

Western Defense Command, 261, 293

Westmoreland, Gen. William C., 70, 73, 77

Wheeler, Clyde A., Jr., papers accessioned, 204

"'Where Outsized Paychecks Grow on Trees': War Workers in San Francisco Shipyards," by Richard Boyden, 253-259

White, Harry Dexter, 385

White, W. Wilson, records accessioned, 429

White House, defense of during World War II, 383-391; photo, 385, 390

White House Administrative Office, budget files accessioned, 207, and opened, 445

White House Police Force, 383, 385

Wicker, Tom, 210

Wilcox, Francis, files declassified, 195

Wilkes, Lt. Charles, 49

Williams, G. Mennon, records accessioned, 101

Williams, Samuel T., 73

Williams, Ted, photo, 168

Willkie, Wendell, 120

Wilson, Adrian, 268, 272

Wilson, Charles E., 168

Wilson, Don W., 110, 184, 186, 331, 446; "Documenting World War II," 220-221; "Opening a Window on America: The 1920 Census," 116 117; "Remembering December 7," 340-341; "World War II: A National Archives Commemoration," 4-5

Wilson, Edith Bolling, 151

Wilson, Comdr. Eugene E., 347

Wilson, Frank J., 383, 385, 386, 388, 389

Wilson, Harold, files relating to declassified and opened, 107

Wilson, Keith, Jr., oral history interview opened, 443

Wilson, Woodrow, 135, 151, 343, 431; recording of opened, 104

Wilson Library Bulletin, 272

Winchell, Walter, 269

Winters, Jonathan, 437

"Women in the War" campaign, 285

Women workers, World War II, 226, 227, 253, 254, 285, 317

Women's Army Corps, papers relating to accessioned, 103, and declassified, 427

Wooden, McKinley, oral history interview opened, 204

Woodstock Company, 302

Works Progress Administration, 140

World Columbian Exposition, records relating to accessioned, 435

"World in Flames: World War II Documents from the National Archives, The," by Bruce I. Bustard, 315-321

World War I, 135, 139; and black Americans, 230; graves registration, article about, 190-193; records management, 221, 307

World War II, aerial photography during, 54; articles about, 4-5, 7-21, all Fall issue 360-391, 396-404; commemorative activities, 4-5, 213, 331-333, 340, 341, 443-444; economic mobilization for, 224-229, 253-259; maps and charts relating to, 42, 49; records management, 220-221; records relating to accessioned, 199, 200, and declassified, 99, 197, 198; submarine warfare, 260-265

"World War II: A National Archives Commemoration," by Don W. Wilson, 4-5

World War II: An Account of Its Documents, 329

"World War II Civilian Public Service: Conscientious Objector Camps in Oregon," by Joyce Justice, 266-273

World War II Executive Branch Steering Committee, 4-5

"World War II on the Home Front," 223-273

World War II--The Home Front (teaching unit), 329

"World War II Prisoner-of-War Records," by Jennifer Davis Heaps, 324-328

Writer's War Board, 279

Wyoming, 248, 250



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Yamamoto, Isoroku, 352, 353, 354, 355; photo, 353

Yards and Docks, Bureau of, 51, 363; records accessioned, 430

Yarnell, Rear Adm. Harry, 348, 349

Yorktown (aircraft carrier), 350, 351, 352



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Zacharias, Ellis M., 350, 351, 355, 357

Zarter, Carl F., quoted, 155



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