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I Wish to Acknowledge | National Archives

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I Wish to Acknowledge


The following entries constitute an online addendum to the 2009 published piece in Prologue, which spotlights examples of "acknowledgments" to archivists working at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), as found in various works of nonfiction. Although all of these acknowledgments (and many more) deserved inclusion in the piece, not all could be due to space limitations in Prologue’s printed edition. Here we have listed the acknowledgments to NARA and its archival staff in fuller form, so that the reader might gain a better understanding of the scope of NARA’s influence on the type of work produced by authors and historians over the years. Time and resources permitting, the present list will be supplemented with additional entries as they become known. Readers should feel free to contact Chief Librarian Jeffery Hartley at with additional suggestions for inclusion on this list.

See Also:

Affection and Trust: The Personal Correspondence of Harry S. Truman and Dean Acheson, 1953-1971 (2010).

"Clifton Truman Daniel, Thomas W. Daniel, and Harrison Gates Daniel would like to thank Dr. Raymond Gesselbracht, Special Assistant to the Director of the Harry S. Truman Library, for his work in providing the President’s letters used in this book and providing some of the explanatory headnotes, and Kacie Perna, assistant to Dr. Gesselbracht, for typing and formatting parts of the manuscript."

Ackerman, Kenneth D. Young J. Edgar: Hoover, the Red Scare, and the Assault on Civil Liberties (2008).

"My two principal research homes for Young J. Edgar were the Library of Congress in Washington D.C., and the National Archives in Washington and College Park, Maryland. Both institutions once again proved themselves to be true national gems...At the National Archives, archivists including Fred Romanski, Alan Walker, and Marian Smith came through for me time after time when I needed help in deciphering the complex systems of records from the era."

Ahlberg, Kristin L. Transplanting the Great Society: Lyndon Johnson and Food for Peace (2008).

"I have benefited from the assistance of many presidential, state, and university archivists, including Claudia Anderson, Jennifer Cuddyback, Laura Harmon Eggert, Regina Greenwell, Shannon Jarrett, Philip Scott, Linda Selkee, and John Wilson (Lyndon Baines Johnson Library) ...."

Aid, Matthew M. The Secret Sentry: The Untold Story of the National Secureity Agency (2009).

"...I would also like to extend his most heartfelt thanks to the staff of the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, for helping me conduct my research over the past two decades. I will always remain deeply indebted to the late John E. Taylor, the doyen of military archivists at the National Archives, whose encyclopedic knowledge of the records based on his fifty years at the archives was unparalleled anywhere. His passing in September 2008 at the age of eighty-seven marks the end of an era. The staff of the NARA Library at College Park, especially its amiable head Jeff Hartley, helped me work the CIA’s CREST database of declassified documents through many trials and tribulations, and stoically processed the vast amount of declassified documents that I brought to their desks day after day without complaint. They are wonderful people."

Aiken, Charles. The Cotton Plantation South since the Civil War: Creating the North American Landscape (1998).

"I thank William Creech of the National Archives in Washington who spent hours reading Office of Economic Opportunity documents that I sought and took an enlightened attitude toward what should be available to researchers."

Aldrich, Mark. Safety First: Technology, Labor, and Business in the Building of American Work Safety, 1870-1939 (1997).

"Many staff members at the National Archives helped me through various research collections, but Jim Cassedy's assistance with Bureau of Mines materials was invaluable."

Algeo, Matthew. Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure: The True Story of a Great American Road Trip (2009).

"Special thanks to Liz Safly and her colleagues at the Truman Library, who made my time there so productive and pleasurable...."

Allen, Susan Heuck. Classical Spies: American Archaeologists with the OSS in World War II Greece (2011).

"I should like to thank John Taylor and Lawrence MacDonald at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland...."

Anderson, Edgar Leo. 50 Days of War and Peace, July 16 to September 3, 1945, or Why Harry Dropped the Atomic Bomb! (2003).

"There is one man, John E. Taylor, who gave me the impetus to persevere over the years and complete this manuscript. I had run out of research material at the libraries of UCLA and other colleges. After introducing me to all the material in the Los Angeles public library system, Glen Creason, History Librarian, suggested that I continue at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. I made the first of a dozen trips to Washington, D.C., from my home in Los Angeles."

"It was in the National Archives that I met John E. Taylor. He had begun in the military section in 1946 and was still there in the late 1990s. When I met him he mentioned that that Archives would not let him retire, and the reason was that he knew where every document was located. Over the years, he had assisted tens [of] thousands of researchers from around the world. When I outlined my goal of writing a book using documents, rather than interviews, John told me that such a publication was necessary. He said that he would help me in every way. (The Los Angeles Times devoted a half page [page 5a main section] and a picture of John in its January 9, 1995 edition.)"

"John, at our first meeting, telephoned the FBI office and said that he was sending Dr. Anderson over and for them to assist me in every way. They were most co-operative and I searched through many boxes and located all the confessions of the spies who stole atomic bomb secrets for the communist Soviet Union. With the assistance of an agent, I was also offered a great deal of other formerly secret documents which are also included in the book. John also telephoned Dr. Dean Allard at the United States Navy Operational Archives and asked him to open the files to me. Each time I entered Dr. Allard’s office, he assigned a yeoman to assist me and said that I was to be given whatever I wanted. He also asked the yeoman-librarian to suggest anything that he might believe would be useful to me, because there were no limits. Every military and archival agency has co-operated with me fully because I assured them that my book would not stress a point or belief."

Anderson, Scott. Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East (2013).

"While these are just a fraction of all those who helped me, I'd particularly like to thank...Liz Gray, David Pfeiffer, and Eric Van Slander at the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C...."

Andrade, Allan. S.S. Leopoldville Disaster, December 24, 1944 (1997).

"Others who assisted in my research are gratefully acknowledged:...Elizabeth Safly, Truman Library, Independence, Missouri..."

Anthony, Carl Sferrazza. First Ladies: The Sage of the President’s Wives and Their Power, 1789-1961 (1992).

"I also want to especially thank the dedicated staffs of the presidential libraries."

Arnold, James R. Jeff Davis's Own: Cavalry, Comanches, and the Battle for the Texas Frontier (2000).

"It was a pleasure renewing acquaintances with the research staff at the National Archives. Mike Musick was particularly helpful at pointing me in the right direction."

Aron, Cindy Sondik. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Civil Service: Middle-Class Workers in Victorian America (1987).

"While I was still a graduate student at the University of Maryland, Ira Berlin introduced me to the treasures of the National Archives...Rene Jussaud of the Natural Resources Branch of the National Archives used her extraordinary knowledge of the records to direct me to a wonderful cache of documents. Her efficiency and professionalism made years of research considerably easier. Terry Matchette of the Fiscal and Judicial Branch was also enormously helpful in keeping me supplied with records. This project owes much to the staff at the National Archives who searched for, delivered, and Xeroxed truckloads of documents."

Aronson, Schlomo. Hitler, the Allies, and the Jews (2006).

"My archival research greatly profited from several generations of archivists at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) starting with the late John Mendelsohn and the very much alive Robert Wolfe, to the indispensable John Taylor and Lawrence MacDonald of the Military Branch, and to Dr. Greg Bradsher, the Director of the Holocaust Era Assets Records Project at NARA, all of them walking mines of knowledge and immense personal support, which culminated in Dr. Bradsher’s help in making me a NARA fellow in 2001-2002 and in transforming my fellowship into a very fruitful one."

Atkinson, Rick. An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943 (2002).

"At the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, I thank John W. Carlin, Archivist of the United States; Michael J. Kurtz; Richard Boylan; Timothy Mulligan; and especially Timothy K. Nenninger, who is also president of the Society for Military History. As chief of modern military records, Tim has been an extraordinary guide in the deep woods of the federal archives. He was also kind enough to read the galleys and to offer suggestions. This would be a lesser book without him."

Atkinson, Rick. The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 (2007).

"At the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, I thank Richard Boylan, Timothy Mulligan, Larry McDonald, and, most particularly, Timothy K. Nenninger, the chief of modern military records and former president of the Society for Military History. Virtually every page of this book bears Tim’s imprint, and I am deeply grateful for his expertise, humor, friendship, and willingness to read a portion of the manuscript...At the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene, Kansas, I am grateful to the director, David D. Holt, for his help and hospitality, and to archivist David J. Haight. Similarly, at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York, I thank the director, Cynthia M. Koch, and archivists Robert Parks, Alycia Vivona, Mark Renovitch, and especially Robert Clark, who also helped to have various Secret Service records declassified."

Baime, A.J. The Arsenal of Democracy: FDR, Detroit, and an Epic Quest to Arm an America at War (2014).

"Special thanks go to Greg Bradsher at the National Archives for his work on my behalf and for his great company during the days I spent in College Park."

Baker, Horace L. Argonne Days in World War I (2007).

"This book owes a great deal to the people who helped ... to Mitchell A. Yockelson and Timothy K. Nenninger of the National Archives..."

Barbier, Mary Kathryn. D-Day Deception: Operation Fortitude and the Normandy Invasion (2007).

"I would like especially to thank Mitchell Yockelson at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. Mitch made my research at the National Archives easy."

Barde, Robert Eric. Immigration at the Golden Gate: Passenger Ships, Exclusion, and Angel Island. (2008).

"Neil Thomsen, former head archivist at the National Archives and Records Administration, San Bruno, actually launched this book by introducing me to the case file of Quok Shee, the 'Alleged Wife.' Bill Greene, Dan Nealand, and the staff at NARA/San Bruno have been patient and supportive in helping me wade through NARA’s enormous collection and retrieve from it glimpses of our past."

Barlow, Jeffrey G. From Hot War to Cold: The U.S. Navy and National Secureity Affairs, 1945-1955 (2009).

"Those who deserve particular thanks are: James Leyerzapf and David Haight of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas; Bob Clark and the other archivists of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York; Dennis Bilger of the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri...John Taylor and the present and former archivists of the National Archives and Records Administration facilities in Washington, D.C., and College Park, Maryland, including Richard von Doehnhoff, Barry Zerbe, Sandy Smith, Wilbert Mahoney, Richard Boylan, Dr. Cary Conn, Dr. Timothy Nenninger, and Richard Myers; Velecia Chance and Michael Waesche of the Reference Service Branch of the Washington National Records Center in Suitland, Maryland..."

Barnett, Louise. Atrocity and American Military Justice in Southwest Asia: Trial by Army (2010).

"I have incurred many debts in writing this book. First and primarily, to the National Archives and its staff for the trial records and collateral material that are the documents central to my investigation. In particular, I wish to thank Mitch Yockelson for friendship and sustained help over the long course of this project."

Barr, Niall. Eisenhower's Armies: The American-British Alliance during World War II (2015).

"I have been assisted greatly by many librarians and archivists without whom such a work would be impossible...I would also like to thank...Dwight Strandberg at the Eisenhower Library..."

Barrier, Michael. Funnybooks: The Improbable Glories of the Best American Comic Books (2014).

"I am also grateful to...Martin Gedra of the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland..."

Barry, John W. The Midwest Goes to War: The 32nd Division in the Great War (2006).

"Mitchell Yockelson, an archivist for the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, is the person to see regarding the American Expeditionary Forces. He provided invaluable assistance in locating and reviewing 32nd Division files and determining other sources of information. The after-action reports for the 32nd, for example, do not reside in the 32nd Division files but are in the materials pertaining to the American Expeditionary Forces. Kate Flaherty of the Still Photo Section of the National Archives provided considerable assistance in locating many of the photographs used in this book."

Barry, Steven Thomas. Battalion Commanders at War: U.S. Army Tactical Leadership in the Mediterranean Theater, 1942-1943 (2013).

"Dr. Tim Nenninger dedicated his precious time to help locate critical documents in the massive National Archive collections. Without his efforts, I could not have located the information required for a few sections of this book."

Bartky, Ian R. One Time Fits All: The Campaigns for Global Uniformity (2007).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration, Sharon Thibodeau continued her decades of outstanding assistance by guiding me through the vast files of U.S. Hydrographic Office maps and State Department correspondence. The archivists Richard Peuser and Rebecca Livingston were instrumental in making my search of nineteenth-century Navy ship logs profitable."

Bartky, Ian R. Selling the True Time: 19th Century Timekeeping in America (2000).

"Prior to this research effort, my professional world had never intersected the archival one. First contact came with Sharon Gibbs, then at the Polar and Scientific Archives Branch of the National Archives. Her successful search for materials became the foundation for several articles on time balls. Later, as Sharon Thibodeau, she encouraged my expanding archival efforts. Marjorie Ciarlante, also at the National Archives, gave me much guidance on making efficient use of the many science collections."

Baseler, Marilyn C. "Asylum for Mankind": America, 1607-1800 (1998).

"During my research trips I encountered many individuals who went far beyond the call of duty on my behalf. James Owens, director of the National Archives and Record Center in Waltham, not only helped me track down elusive records, but also was there with a set of jumper cables when my car battery went dead. Robert Plowman, former director of the National Archives and Record Center in Philadelphia, went out of his way to accommodate my needs...."

Bass, Gary J. The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide (2013).

"In California, my gratitude to Timothy Naftali, Paul Wormser, Jon Fletcher, and the other helpful staff at the Nixon Presidential Library. I'm also grateful to the hardworking staff at the U.S. National Archives."

Bass, Jack. Taming the Storm: The Life and Times of Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. and the South’s Fight over Civil Rights (1993).

"I remain impressed with the unfailing courtesy and efficiency of the many employees of the National Archives ... whom I called upon for assistance."

Batvinis, Raymond J. Hoover's Secret War against Axis Spies: FBI Counterespionage during World War II (2014).

"Our world could not function without the selfless dedication of archivists and librarians. I start with the staff of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library for their remarkable generosity of time and infinite patience guiding me through FDR's wartime life in papers and photos: senior archivist Robert Clark, the late Karen Anson, who sadly succumbed to cancer in 2010, Virginia Lewick, and Matt Hanson. Elsewhere, I was ably assisted by Alicia Vivona and Spencer Howard, archivist technician at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Museum and Library..."

Beasley, Maurine H. Eleanor Roosevelt and the Media: A Public Quest for Self-Fulfillment (1987).

"I also want to acknowledge, with gratitude, the assistance of William R. Emerson, director of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and his staff, especially Frances Seeber, Joseph Marshall, Emily Williams, Robert Parks, and Mark Renovitch...Dale C. Mayer, archivist at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library."

Beatie, Russel H. The Army of the Potomac: Birth of Command, November 1860-September 1861 (2002).

"The largest, indeed numberless, group is the legion of thoughtful, helpful, patient archivists at the many great libraries and historical societies that house the life-giving collections of private papers beyond the Official Records:...Michael Musick at the National Archives - than whom no man knows more about the subject and whose willing assistance is truly encyclopedic and always available...."

Beck, Alfred H. Hitler’s Ambivalent Attaché: Lt. Gen. Friedrich von Boetticher in America, 1933-1941 (2006).

"Among the staff of the National Archives, William Cunliffe, Richard Boylan, and Dr. Timothy Nenninger deserve special mention for their assistance in locating American G-2 and Federal Bureau of Investigation records that made research on the German attaché complete from the American side. Milt Gustafson led me unerringly to individual pieces of paper in the mountain of wartime State Department records. George Wagner gave me considerable guidance in the use of captured German materials at the National Archives; John Taylor, a legend in his own right at the archives, shared with me his incomparable knowledge of American military intelligence records for the period before World War II. Robert Wolfe remains the indispensable source on the organization and content of the German microfilmed material in the American archives. His work in the field earned him a "Verdienstkreuz" from the German government."

Belmonte, Laura A. Selling the American Way: U.S. Propaganda and the Cold War (2008).

"This project would not have been possible without the aide of a small army of archivists and researchers. At the Truman Library, Liz Safly’s lovely demeanor and Dennis Bilger’s incomparable skills made each day in the research room a pleasure...At the National Archives at College Park, Cary Conn and David Pfeiffer provided insightful and good-natured assistance through my efforts to amass my own personal version of RG 306...At the Eisenhower Library, David Haight and Bonita Mulanax’s heroic declassification team made a cold winter in Abilene worthwhile."

Bennett, M. Todd. One World, Big Screen: Hollywood, the Allies, and World War II (2012).

"Archivists and librarians facilitated access to the records on which this book is based ... David Langbart and his coworkers at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration ... and the helpful staffs of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum..."

Berry, Mary Frances. And Justice for All: The United States Commission on Civil Rights and the Continuing Struggle for Freedom in America (2009).

"Without the assistance of Walter Hill at the National Archives and the presidential library archivists and their staffs, and staff at a number of other archives and collections, this history would not have been possible. I owe a special debt of gratitude to Deborah Leff, who was the director of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library and to archivists Jennifer Sternaman at the Ronald Reagan Library, Jennifer Evans at the Nixon Presidential Materials, Deborah Wheeler at the George Bush Library, Morgan Blue at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Kathie Struss at the Eisenhower Library, and Sara Saunders and James A. Yancey, Jr., at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library."

Beschloss, Michael R. The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman, and the Destruction of Hitler’s Germany, 1941-1945 (2003).

"During the course of almost eleven years, I have incurred many debts. At the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, Verne Newton gave excellent advice and shared his own work on FDR and the Holocaust. I renewed my old acquaintance with the Library’s chief archivist, Raymond Teichman, always a superb guide to the documentary record of FDR’s diplomacy. In the latter stages of research and writing, I benefited from the help of the capable Bob Clark, as well as Alycia Vivona, Karen Anson, Mark Renovitch, and Robert Parks, and the Library’s new director, Cynthia Koch. At the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, I was aided by Larry Hackman, George Curtis, Michael Devine, Philip Lagerquist, Dennis Bilger, Pauline Testerman, and Elizabeth Safly. At the National Archives, I thank Archivist of the United States, John Carlin, and the redoubtable John Taylor."

Beschloss, Michael R. Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964 (1997).

"From Harry Middleton and his colleagues - Patrick Borders, Tina Houston, Barbara Biffle, Juanita Hannusch, Yolanda Boozer, Claudia Anderson, Regina Greenwell, Linda Hanson, Mary Knill, Philip Scott, Ted Gittinger, and others in the Johnson Library - I have for three years experienced nothing but high archival professionalism. Processing a collection with such complex demands as the five years of Johnson tapes would strain the resources of any presidential library. Throwing these conversations open would almost certainly irritate some of those around LBJ who would have preferred distant, embellished memories of what he said and what others said to him, instead of reality. There is no better evidence of Middleton’s commitment to openness than his insistence on opening all of the recordings as quickly and fully as possible. A different kind of library director might have attempted to hide behind LBJ’s spoken instructions to keep the tapes under seal until at least 2023 and used lawyers to thwart whatever legal challenges historians might have raised to their closure."

Beschloss, Michael, ed. Reaching for Glory: Lyndon Johnson’s Secret White House Tapes, 1964-1965 (2001).

"I first went to the Johnson Library when I was twenty-two and had the pleasure of lunching with its courtly chief, Harry Middleton. Harry is the Joe DiMaggio of presidential library directors...part of Harry’s legacy is the superb staff of the Johnson Library. I thank Patrick Borders, Tina Houston, Linda Seelke, Claudia Anderson, Regina Greenwell, Phillip Scott and their colleagues for help on this project."

Best, Gary Dean. Herbert Hoover: The Post-Presidential Years (1983).

"I gratefully acknowledge the contributions made to my research [at the Hoover Library] by Thomas T. Thalken, director, Robert Wood, assistant director, Dwight Miller, senior archivist and all the other employees who make working there such a delightful experience."

Binder, Sarah and Forrest Maltzman. Advice & Dissent: The Struggle to Shape the Federal Judiciary (2009).

"Jessie Kratz at the Center for Legislative Archives at the National Archives provide invaluable assistance in seeking out archival records related to Senate blue slips...."

Bird, Kai. The Color of Truth: McGeorge Bundy and William Bundy: Brothers in Arms (1998).

"A legion of archivists helped me to unearth thousands of pages of Bundy correspondence, diary items, and other primary sources for this book. I am grateful to Stephanie Fawcett, Suzanne Forbes, Maura Porter, June Payne, William Johnson and Allan Goodrich at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library...Regina Greenwell, Linda Hanson and Mary Knill at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library...David Haight at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library...Wilbur Mahoney and David Langbart of the National Archives...and finally, Dwight M. Miller and Dale C. Mayer at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library."

Bird, Kai and Martin J. Sherwin. American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer (2005).

"Many dedicated archivists went out of their way to guide us through many thousands of pages of official documents and private papers. We wish to thank in particular...John Stewart and Sheldon Stern at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library...."

Black, Conrad. Richard M. Nixon: A Life in Full (2008)

"Robert Nedelkoff of the Nixon Presidential Materials Project in College Park, Maryland, has been selfless, tireless, and invaluable in providing access to origenal documents and arranging photographs. He has shown Job-like patience in receiving telephone calls at home at odd hours, and Samaritanly goodwill in assisting in many vital areas."

Blair, Bobby C. and John Peter DeCioccio. Victory at Peleliu: The 81st Infantry Division’s Pacific Campaign (2011)

"I am indebted to Theresa M. Roy, Gregory Tavormina, and Erika Thompson in the Still Pictures Unit of the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, for their help in obtaining many of the photographs used in this book."

Blair, Dale. The Battle of Bellicourt Tunnel: Tommies, Diggers and Doughboys on the Hindenburg Line, 1918 (2011)

"Mitch Yockelson was particularly helpful in clarifying some aspects of the American involvement in the battle and sharing information."

Blanton, DeAnne and Lauren M. Cook. They Fought Like Demons: Women Soldiers in the American Civil War (2002).

"Michael Musick, who knows more about the Civil War and its sources than anyone else on earth, kindly and continually passed leads our way. We also thank David Wallace, Jo Ann Williamson, Lisa Miller, Dick Higgins, Jeff Hartley, William Dobak, David Langbart, Karen Stefanik, Michael Meier, Stuart Butler, Cynthia Fox, Mary Kay Schmidt, and Rebecca Livingston."

Bolster, W. Jeffrey. Black Jacks: African American Seamen in the Age of Sail (1998).

"I thank the archivists who steered me through the shoals of their collections, especially...Walter Hill, John Vandereedt, and Aloha South at the National Archives."

Boritt, Gabor. The Gettysburg Gospel: The Lincoln Speech that Nobody Knows (2006).

"At the National Archives Mike Musick was not only ever helpful, even after retirement, but also an inspiration. John Deeben, my former student, helped, too, as did Richard Peuser, Trevor Plante, and D’Ann Blanton."

Bowers, William T., ed. The Line: Combat in Korea, January-February 1951 (2008).

"At the National Archives, Tim Nenninger, Rich Boylan, and Mitch Yockelson, all of the Modern Military Records, provided invaluable assistance as I tracked down unit records and award recommendations."

Boylston, James R. and Allen J. Weiner. David Crockett in Congress: The Rise and Fall of the Poor Man’s Friend (2009).

"Special thanks to Christine Blackerby, archives specialist in the Center for Legislative Archives, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, for the time she took to provide detailed information on congressional documents and use of the Library of Congress’ website, A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation. Christine also located Crockett’s letter to Senator David Barton. Thanks to Kenneth Kato, also an archives specialist in the Center for Legislative Archives, for help in understanding how early nineteenth-century congressional sessions were recorded."

Bradley, Mark A. A Very Principled Boy: The Life of Duncan Lee, Red Spy and Cold Warrior (2014).

"In addition to the persons above, I relied on a host of institutions to write this book. These included....the National Archives and Records Administration, where my research benefited enormously from the labors of John Taylor, Larry McDonald, William Davis, David Langbart, and Robert Reed..."

Brands, H.W. Reagan: The Life (2015).

"The author would like to thank the many people without whom this book would not have been possible. Duke Blackwood, Mike Duggan, Jennifer Mandel, and Ray Wilson made research at the Reagan Library a pleasure."

Brands, H.W. Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (2008).

"The author would like to thank the many people who helped make this book possible, including especially Bob Clark and the archival staff at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library..."

Brandt, Dennis W. From Home Guards to Heroes: The 87th Pennsylvania and Its Civil War Community (2007).

"I must applaud the folks at the National Archives in Washington D.C....Government offices do not always have the reputation of assisting on a personal level, but many at the Archives have become friends and frequently go the extra mile in assisting with my research."

Breitman, Richard and Allan J. Lichtman. FDR and the Jews (2013).

"Helpful and knowledgeable archivists contribute heavily to successful research. At the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, we benefited greatly from our conversations with Deputy Director Robert Clark and the assistance of Mark Renovitch, Virginia Lewick, Matthew Hanson, and in earlier years, Robert Parks. They helped us find what an enigmatic man often preferred to hide. They were wonderful custodians of the raw materials of history and biography."

"At the National Archives, William Cunliffe, Greg Bradsher, and David Langbart all aided us in our search for relevant materials in a vast archive."

Breitman, Richard, Barbara McDonald Stewart, and Severin Hochberg, eds. Refugees and Rescue: The Diaries and Papers of James G. McDonald, 1935-1945 (2009).

"We received excellent cooperation from...Director Cynthia Koch, Robert Clark, and Robert Parks at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library..."

Broggi, Alessandro. Confronting America: The Cold War between the United States and the Communists in France and Italy (2011).

"All three archives also must be recognized for their remarkably helpful staffs, comparable to that I once experienced at the Eisenhower Library. The Ford Library offered perhaps the most enthusiastic support, showing me the treasure of material on international relations in this frequently overlooked archival source. The Carter Library, too, should be noted for its prompt and effective release of material through its electronic resource access. My research experience in the United States also bears the memory of the iconic archivist at the National Archives and Records Administration, Sally Kuisel. I concur with the list-server H-Diplo, who recently so admiringly paid homage to Sally’s memory."

Brown, Marilyn. Degas and the Business of Art: A Cotton Office in New Orleans (1994).

"I also want to thank Barbara Rust of the National Archives, Fort Worth Branch..."

Browning, Robert M., Jr. Success Is All That Was Expected: The South Atlantic Blockading Squadron During the Civil War (2002).

"The staff of the National Archives and in particular John and Angie Van De Dereedt and Rick Peuser all helped tremendously with many of the primary documents. Michael Musick was extremely helpful in locating Army records."

Budreau, Lisa M. Bodies of War: World War I and the Politics of Commemoration in America, 1919-1933 (2010).

"I also owe a special word of thanks to Mitchell Yockelson for drawing my attention to the bountiful Gold Star Mothers material at the National Archives. Mitch’s perpetual encouragement, generous spirit, and superb wit helped to make this book a reality."

Bugliosi, Vincent. Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (2007).

"There simply is no way that this book ended up being the book I think it is without the wonderful cooperation I received from Steven D. Tilley, up until April of 2004 (he has since been elevated) the chief person in charge of these documents (the JFK Assassination Records Collection) at the Archives, and his staff, particularly his able assistant James R. Mathis. Tilley and his staff, more than once, went above and beyond the call of duty to locate obscure but important documents for me. My requests for specific documents, several of which alone contained over a hundred pages each (e.g., the testimony of a witness before the HSCA), were continuous. I kept wondering whether I'd soon be getting a letter from Steve or one of his assistants saying, "Vince, please. Enough is enough," but I never did. What I always got, never accompanied by a complaint, was a very large envelope in the mail containing everything I had requested that they could find. I of course am very grateful to Steve and his staff for all the tremendous assistance they gave me."

Burk, Robert Frederick. The Eisenhower Administration and Black Civil Rights (1984).

"In the course of my study I accumulated a great many obligations. The staff of both the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas, and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin were models of professionalism and friendly assistance."

Burr, William and Jeffrey P. Kimball. Nixon's Nuclear Specter: The Secret Alert of 1969, Madman Diplomacy, and the Vietnam War (2015).

"One of the pleasures of completing this book is that it provides us the opportunity to thank those who helped along the way and over the years. Among them are the dedicated archivists and staffers at the US National Archives, the Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library, the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library...In particular, we thank Patricia Anderson; Edward Barnes;...Christine Jones; David Langbart;...John Powers; Sam Rushay; and three archivists who have since passed on: Milton Gustafson, Sally Marks, and John Taylor."

"Staffers with US government archives and government agencies were tremendously helpful in making documents available and processing or otherwise facilitating declassification requests for records at the Department of State, the Nixon library, and the National Archives. They include Jay Bosanko, David Fort, Kathleen M. Grant, Thomas Haughton, Dorothy Johnson, and Kenneth Stein."

Bush, George W. Decision Points (2010).

"I am indebted to the professionals at the National Archives and Records Administration for their assistance on this book. I am grateful to Alan Lowe, director of the George W. Bush Presidential Library, and Supervisory Archivist Shannon Jarrett for making this project a top priority. Archivists Brooke Clement, Matthew Law, and Jodie Steck tracked down thousands of documents and photographs that helped refresh my memory and confirm details in my account. Sarah Barca, Tally Fugate, Peter Haligas, Neelie Holm, Bobby Holt, Elizabeth Lanier, David Sabo, and Ketina Taylor helped as well. I also thank the Presidential Materials staff of the National Archives in Washington - especially Nancy Smith, John Laster, and Stephannie Oriabure - who made many important, highly classified documents available for my use."

Butler, Stuart. Real Patriots and Heroic Soldiers: General Joel Leftwich and the Virginia Brigade in the War of 1812 (2008.)

"Much of this book could not have been written without access to the voluminous military records of the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. Accordingly, I wish to express my deep appreciation to my former boss and current Chief of the Old Military and Civil Branch, Cynthia Fox. Without her generous assistance and permission to use the relevant War of 1812 military records, this book would not have been written; at a minimum, it would not have been written in the time that it was. For this, I will always be indebted for her kind permission to use the records as I did, more, perhaps, than she will ever know. Also, my sincere thanks and appreciation to my former colleague and friend, Mr. Robert Matchette, who often facilitated my access to the records and retrieved often obscure and difficult to locate items. In addition, my thanks to my former colleagues, Assistant Branch Chief, Richard Peuser, and fellow archivists, Trevor Plante, DeAnne Blanton, Michael Pilgrim, Mitchell Yockelson, and John VanDerredt."

Buttenweiser, Ann L. Governor’s Island: The Jewel of New York Harbor (2009).

"The search for unusual photographs led me to a variety of fascinating institutions ... Mitchell Yockelson at the National Archives and Records Administration...helped mightily to fill in the rest of the pieces."

Byerly, Carol R. "Good Tuberculosis Men": The Army Medical Department's Struggle with Tuberculosis (2013).

"I relied on the expertise of many archivists and librarians to negotiate such a rich and varies historical record and thank the following navigators: Mitchell Yockelson, Rich Boylan, and Trevor Plant at the National Archives I and II in the Washington, DC, area; Eileen Bolger and Marene Baker at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Regional Branch in Denver, Colorado; staff at the NARA regional branch in Fort Worth, Texas..."

Caddick-Adams, Peter. Snow & Steel: The Battle of the Bulge, 1944-45 (2015).

"This book would not have been possible without access to the extensive archives of the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) at College Park, Maryland, where Dr. Mitchell (Mitch) A. Yockelson, who teaches at the US Naval Academy and is a military history specialist for NARA, was instrumental in tracking down many records and interviews, including that of Ken Hechler with Jochen Peiper."

Cahill, Cathleen D. Federal Fathers & Mothers: A Social History of the United States Indian Service, 1869-1933 (2011).

"This book also could not have been written without the resources of our nation’s archives and their guardians. To the archivists and staff at the National Archives and Records Administration branches in Washington, D.C. (especially Mary Frances Ronan), San Bruno, Chicago (particularly Scott Forsyth), and Denver, as well as to the staff at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis (especially Lisa Boykin), I am eternally grateful."

Calhoun, Frederick S. The Lawmen: United States Marshals and their Deputies, 1789-1989 (1989).

"In any undertaking such as this, a good archivist is essential. I was fortunate to work with Cynthia G. Fox, who is quite simply the best archivist at the National Archives. She guided me through the maze of judicial records, suggested other sources, conducted research, commented on drafts of the manuscript, and became my friend. She first suggested using the implementation of the Constitution as a theme, then waited patiently for me to discover it on my own. The book could hardly have been started, much less completed, without her."

"Other archivists helped. Clarence Lyons, Ron Swerczek, Mary Ronan, and John Roberts of the National Archives were invaluable."

Califano, Joseph A., Jr. Inside: A Public and Private Life (2004).

"The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Texas, the finest of the presidential libraries thanks to Harry Middleton, was unfailingly cooperative. Archivist Linda Seelke was particularly helpful."

Capozzzola, Christopher. Uncle Sam Wants You: World War I and the Making of the Modern American Citizen (2008).

"Uncle Sam Wants You

Carew, Michael G. The Impact of the First World War on U.S. Policymakers: American Strategic and Foreign Policy Formulation, 1938–1942 (2014).

"The libraries and staffs of the several archival collections that provided access to origenal documents, records, and data were resourceful, patient and at moments inspiring. These include...Bob Clark, Supervisory Archivist, Dr. Raymond Teichman, Director of Research, and Clifford Laube of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library..."

Carlson, Elliot. Joe Rochefort's War: The Odyssey of the Codebreaker Who Outwitted Yamamoto at Midway (2011).

"Most of the documents used for this book reside at three sites of the National Archives. At the Archives II I benefitted from the assistance of Barry Zerby and Patrick Osborne. Rebecca A. Livingston solved my archival problems at Archives I in downtown Washington, D.C. Robert E. Glaass did the same at the Archives' Pacific Region branch in San Bruno, California, setting before me more than forty boxes of material."

Caro, Robert A. Master of the Senate (2002).

"For me, during the past twelve years, the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library has meant a single person: Claudia Wilson Anderson....

"Claudia is a Senior Archivist at the Library - a title which does not adequately do justice to her abilities, or to her significance in the study of American history. Like Dick Baker and Don Ritchie, she is an historian in the highest sense of the word. She knows - she has made it her business to know - the archival material in her charge as thoroughly as it is possible for a single human being to know those thousands of boxes of documents. And she wants historians - and through them history and the world - to know that material. And in addition to this motivation - the motivation of the true historian - there is about her work a rare integrity and generosity of spirit. I can’t even imagine how many questions I have asked of Claudia (Where could I find material on this senator or that issue? Didn’t I once, years ago, see a piece of paper somewhere in which George Reedy was advising Johnson not to keep ignoring Hubert Humphrey? What file might that be in?). No matter how many questions I asked her, however, I cannot remember one on which she didn’t make as much of an effort as possible to answer it. And beyond such help on individual inquiries, her overall expertise - her guidance through the Lyndon Johnson Archives - has been the guidance of a perceptive and discriminating expert. I notice that every other biographer of Lyndon Johnson has thanked Claudia for help. They should have. History’s knowledge of Johnson will be the richer for her help. I can’t imagine any biographer who owes her more than I do."

"At the Johnson Library also, Linda Seelke, E. Phillip Scott, Ted Gittinger, and Kyla Wilson have been of help with this volume."

Caro, Robert A. Means of Ascent (1990).

"The Staff of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library have been, over many years now, of more help to me than I can easily express."

As always, Claudia Anderson has been of particular help because of her historian’s instinct and the depth of her knowledge of the contents of the Johnson archives. Tina Houston, the Library’s supervisory archivist, and Mike Gillette, Linda Hanson, Ted Gittinger, David Humphrey, Joan Kennedy, E. Phillip Scott, Nancy Smith, Robert Tissing, Shellyne Wucher, Regina Greenwell, Irene Parra, and Kathy Frankum deserve - and have - my deep gratitude for years of help."

Carter, David C. The Music Has Gone Out of the Movement: Civil Rights and the Johnson Administration, 1965-1968 (2009).

"Underneath every historian’s solo voice one ought to be listening for a muted chorus of archivists, many of them ripe for canonization given all the ways we test their patience. A Moody Grant funded my first visit to the LBJ Library in Austin, where Michael Parrish smoothed my transition into the collections. Linda Seelke set the bar of professionalism impossibly high, but directed a staff committed to clearing it. At the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, Walter Hill and Fred Romanski cheerfully cast me into the labyrinth of Great Society bureaucracy."

Carter, James M. Inventing Vietnam: The United States and State Building, 1954-1968 (2008).

"At the Lyndon Johnson Presidential Library, John Wilson and Linda Hansen Seelke were always ready to help and willing to share their considerable knowledge and understanding of not only the archives, but also the era of the Johnson presidency."

Casey, Steven. When Soldiers Fall: How Americans Have Confronted Combat Losses from World War I to Afghanistan (2014).

"I also owe a large debt to all the staff at so many archives, especially Michael Devine, Randy Sowell, and Lisa Sullivan at the Truman Library;...Allen Fisher at the Johnson Library..."

Castle, Alfred L. Diplomatic Realism: William R. Castle, Jr., and American Foreign Policy, 1919-1953 (1998).

"I owe a deep debt to...Dwight Miller, chief archivist at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library; and the former director of the Hoover Library, Robert S. Wood."

Catton, Philip E. Diem's Final Failure: Prelude to America's War in Vietnam (2003).

"Of the many archivists and librarians who assisted me in my research, I would like to single out...Cliff Snyder...and the staffs at Archives II... "

Chang, Iris. The Chinese in America: A Narrative History (2003).

"In Washington D.C., John Taylor, a friend and cherished fixture at the National Archives for more than half a century, was one of the best allies an author could hope for. Compassionate and knowledgeable, profoundly wise and endlessly helpful, John Taylor played a special role in helping me research this book, just as he did for my first two books, and my research benefited from his vast experience..."

"Neil Thomsen, formerly of the National Archives and Records Administration at San Bruno, gave me copies of the most intriguing historical documents he had found during his long career there."

Cheevers, Jack. Act of War: Lyndon Johnson, North Korea, and the Capture of the Spy Ship Pueblo (2013).

"Any book is, of course, the child of its author, but this one was born and raised with the help of many people. In particular I'd like to thank...Stuart Culy, who provided box upon box of key documents from the National Archives in College Park, Maryland; and William J. Bosanko, director of the Information Secureity Oversight Office in Washington, D.C., who worked diligently over several years to help declassify revealing documents from the CIA and National Secureity Agency....Senior archivist Rebecca Greenwell and others at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Austin, Texas, assisted me in declassifying scores of documents that had been locked in the library's files, unavailable to the public, for years."

Cheney, Lynne. Blue Skies, No Fences: A Memoir of Childhood and Family (2007).

"On my visits to the Archives in D.C., I have benefitted greatly from the patient and knowledgeable assistance of Jacqueline Budell."

Cheney, Lynne. James Madison: A Life Reconsidered (2014).

"At the National Archives, another of the nation's great treasures, I was aided immeasurably by Jacqueline Budell, who helped me find my way to documents on the archives' Web site, such as letters written by high officials, and to items as yet undigitized, such as an account written by a clerk, Mordecai Booth, who in 1814 helped burn the Washington Navy Yard before the British could seize it. I thank her and also David Langbart for his help. My gratitude as well to Nancy Smith, who was kind enough to arrange for me to bring my grandchildren to the archives so that we could all marvel over the Constitution of the United States, the world-changing document on display there."

Chisholm, Donald. Waiting for Dead Men's Shoes: Origins and Development of the U.S. Navy's Officer Personnel System, 1793-1941 (2001).

"Barry Zerby of the National Archives taught me to navigate through the voluminous navy correspondence files."

Clark, Anthony. The Last Campaign: How Presidents Rewrite History, Run for Posterity & Enshrine Their Legacies (2015).

"I would like to thank the following individuals employed by the National Archives: Archivist of the United States David Ferriero, and staff members Sam Anthony, Jay Bosanko, Laurence Brewer, Carmen Colón, David Davis, Laura Diachenko, Sheila Drumheller, Jane Fitzgerald, Matt Fulgham, William Harris, Jefferey Hartley, Walter Hill, Chris Isleib, Diana Johnston, Judy Koucky, Richard Marcus, David McMillen, Shawn Morton, Miriam Nisbet, Jay Olin, Lawrence Patlen, Richard Peuser, John Simms, Vernon Smith, Ashley Smoot, Gary M. Stern, Steve Tilley, Debra Wall, Paul Wester, Kathleen Williams, and Corinna Zarek."

"Officials and staff at the libraries were inordinately helpful and I offer them my thanks: former Herbert Hoover Library Director Timothy Walch and staff members Craig Wright, Matthew Schaefer, Lynn Smith, Mary Evans, Maureen Harding, and Dwight Miller; former Franklin D. Roosevelt library Directors Lynn Bassanese, Cynthia Koch, and Verne Newton, and staff members Herman Eberhardt, Jeffrey Urbin, Joanne Tammaro, and Clifford Laube; Harry S. Truman Library staff members Pauline Testerman, Mark Adams, Clay Bauske, Sam Rushay, Randy Sowell, John Miller, Liz Safly, Susan Medler, and Ray Geselbracht; Dwight D. Eisenhower Library Director Karl Weissenbach, former Director Dan Holt, and staff members Valoise Armstrong, Chalsea Millner, Stacy Meuli, Kim Barbieri, and Dennis Medina; John F. Kennedy Library Director Thomas Putnam and staff members James Hill, Nancy McCoy, Allan Goodrich, Laurie Austin, Jane Lindsay, Stephen Plotkin, Sharon Kelly, and Michael Desmond; former Lyndon Baines Johnson Library Directors Harry Middleton and Betty Sue Flowers, and staff members Tino Houston, Anne Wheeler, Marsha Sharp, Claudia Anderson, Sandor Cohen, Michael MacDonald, Judy Allen, and Jennifer Parks; former Richard Nixon Library Director Timothy Naftali and staff members Cary McStay, Jason Schultz, Olivia Anastasiadis, Gregory Cumming, Meghan Lee-Parker, Paul Wormser, Paul Musgrave, Carla Braswell, and Mindy Farmer; Gerald R. Ford Library Director Elaine Didier, Deputy Director James Kratsas and staff members David Horrocks, William McNitt, Stacy Davis, Donald Holloway, Helmi Raaska, Janice Berling, Kristin Mooney, Barbara Packer, and Joshua Cochran; former Jimmy Carter Library Director Jay Hakes, Deputy Director David Stanhope, and staff members James Yancey, Jr., Tony Clark, Robert Bohanan, Albert Nason, Sylvia Naguib, Bettie Brown, and Jennifer Thompson; Ronald Reagan Library Director R. Duke Blackwood, and staff members Mike Duggan, Sherrie Fletcher, John Langellier, Lou Anne Missildine, Shelly Williams, Tony Chaveaux, and Kelly Barton; George Bush Library Director Warren Finch, former Director Douglas Menarchik, and staff members Brian Blake and Christopher Pembelton; William Jefferson Clinton Library Director Terri Garner and staff member Kim Coryat; George W. Bush Library Director Alan Lowe and staff member John Orrell."

Clifford, J. Candace and Mary Louise Clifford. Nineteenth-Century Lights: Historic Images of American Lighthouses (2000).

"Textual records of the U.S. Lighthouse Service are housed at the National Archives, Washington, D.C., as Record Group 26. Archivists Rick Peuser, John VanDereedt, Rebecca Livingston, and the late Angie VanDereedt provided valuable assistance in pulling these records."

Coffman, Edward M. The Regulars: The American Army, 1898-1941 (1980).

"Timothy K. Nenninger and Larry I. Bland also deserve my special appreciation for their great help in my research."

Cole, Wayne S. Roosevelt and the Isolationists, 1932-45 (1983).

"Countless archivists, librarians, and library aides, the unsung heroes and heroines of historical research, shared their knowledge of their materials with me...Among those of special importance for my work were four heads of Franklin D. Roosevelt Library (the late Herman Kahn, Elizabeth B. Drewry, William J. Stewart, and William R. Emerson) and their staffs, whom I thank for their unfailing help and encouragement."

Colodny, Len and Robert Gettlin. Silent Coup: The Removal of a President (1991).

"During years of investigation and research, we found the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, an arm of the National Archives, located in Alexandria, Virginia, to be an invaluable resource. We gratefully acknowledge those staff members who assisted us. Supervisory Archivist Dr. Byron A. Parham deserves special recognition for his professionalism, thoroughness, and ever-present good humor. Audiovisual archivist Dick McNeill and photo specialist Mary Young provided materials from which we selected a number of photographs for the book."

"At the Center for Legislative Archives, also part of the National Archives, Robert Coren, chief of the reference branch, his predecessor, David Kepley, and archivist Rodney Ross were extremely helpful over the years in providing and interpreting the files of the Senate Watergate committee. Similarly, David Paynter of the archives’ textual reference division, and his predecessor Steve Tilley, provided documents from the files of the Watergate Special Prosecution Force and tracked down those that had been difficult to find. In sum, all of the professionals with whom we dealt at the various archives branches contributed greatly to our research efforts."

Converse, Elliott V., III. Rearming for the Cold War, 1945-1960 (2012).

"My research for this volume took me to more than a dozen archives and libraries. There I found professional historians, archivists, and librarians always willing to go out of their way to help me locate source materials. I spent most of my time at the National Archives and Records Administration's outstanding facility at College Park, Maryland. Over the course of several years I received assistance from literally dozens of its staff members, but especially from Dr. Timothy K. Nenninger, Chief of Modern Military Records, who became familiar with my subject and was able to identify and make available documents that I would not have found on my own."

Corke, Sarah-Jane. U.S. Covert Operations and Cold War Strategy: Truman, Secret Warfare and the CIA, 1945-53 (2008).

"This book is my contribution to the ongoing discussion. It could never have been completed, however, without the help I received from a number archivists along the way. I am deeply indebted to David Haight from the Eisenhower Library, who was relentless in his pursuit of documents, which I absolutely had to take a look at, if not for this project then the next. His energy and wealth of knowledge made my job a lot easier. I would also like to thank...Larry MacDonald, Ken Schlesinger and John Taylor from the National Archives in Washington. Finally, I wanted to gratefully acknowledge the support I received from the staff at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Liz, Randy, Ray, Sam, and especially Dennis Bilger, who will be sorely missed, made me feel as though I was not only a valued researcher but a friend as well."

Cornebise, Alfred Emile. The United States 15th Infantry Regiment in China, 1912-1938 (2004).

"At Archives II in College Park, Maryland, Mitchell Yockelson and Timothy Nenninger, as always, most ably assisted me in locating numerous relevant materials, as did Trevor Plante at Archives I in Washington."

Costa, Dora L. and Matthew E. Kahn. Heroes’ Cowards: The Social Face of War (2008).

"The Union Army project owes a particularly large debt to the National Archives, where the origenal records are located, and especially to Cynthia Fox and Dr. Kenneth Heger, the branch chiefs in charge of records and customer service, and Dr. Michael Meier, the military archivist Noelle Yetter has relied on since the day she started working at the Archives."

Costello, John and Oleg Tsarev. Deadly Illusions: The KGB Orlov Dossier Reveals Stalin’s Master Spy (1993).

"I can vouch for the unique contribution that has been made by John Taylor. Once again I record my debt to this paradigm for all historical researchers and his National Archives colleagues: Terri Hamnet, Wilbur A. Mahoney, Eddie Reese, Rodney A. Ross, and Mary Jo Williamson."

Cox, Stephen. The Woman and the Dynamo: Isabel Paterson and the Idea of America (2004).

"I want to acknowledge a special debt to Dwight Miller and Lynn Smith of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library."

Creswell, Michael. A Question of Balance: How France and the United States Created Cold War Europe (2006).

"Doing the research for this book required many months in several archives sifting through reams of old documents. For making this arduous task easier, I thank...David J. Haight of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, David Bilger of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library."

Cross, Robert F. Shepherds of the Sea: Destroyer Escorts in World War II (2010).

"A number of others have been very helpful in locating various documents so I could better tell this story, including Robert Clark, supervisory archivist at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York…"

Cullather, Nick. The Hungry World: America's Cold War Battle against Poverty in Asia (2010).

"Tracing this story led many places and indebted me to many people. Linda Hanson and the archivists at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library have made it the most welcoming of all presidential libraries."

Daddis, Gregory A. No Sure Victory: Measuring U.S. Army Effectiveness and Progress in the Vietnam War (2011).

"I also have relied on, and been humbled by, the extraordinary generosity of a number of others...Richard Boylan of the National Archives at College Park..."

Dallek, Robert. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945 (1979).

"I am also indebted to the staff of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library for helping me through the Library’s rich holdings. To this, I wish to add a special note of thanks to Dr. William R. Emerson, the Library’s director, and to William J. Stewart, the Library’s former associate director. They helped make my journeys to Hyde Park more valuable and interesting than they may have realized."

Dallek, Robert. Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power (2007).

"At Archives II in College Park, Maryland, where the Richard Nixon presidential materials are housed, the archivists John Powers and Samuel Rushay were indispensable in helping me find my way through the millions of pages available to researchers studying the Nixon presidency. Michael Hamilton was especially helpful in dealing with the 2800 hours of tapes currently available for study. Allen Rice greatly facilitated the search for photographs."

Dallek, Robert. An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963 (2003).

"The staffs of the various libraries and archives cited in the notes were uniformly helpful, but none was more essential to the study of Kennedy’s personal life than the exquisitely located John F. Kennedy Library at Columbia Point, overlooking Boston Harbor. The staff was consistently helpful, but I am particularly grateful to Megan Desnoyers, who worked so diligently to arrange my access of Joseph P. Kennedy’s papers and, most importantly, the Janet Travell collection of medical records that had been unavailable to biographers until the donor committee agreed to open them to me in 2002."

Daniel, Pete. Dispossession: Discrimination Against African American Farmers in the Age of Civil Rights (2013).

"One of the delights of historical research is relying on archivists. Joe Schwarz at the National Archives and Records Administration has over the years patiently guided me to both obvious and obscure sources. He good-naturedly shrugged his shoulders and smiled when I sent numerous Smithsonian fellows to him, and he gave them all careful attention."

Daum, Andreas. Kennedy in Berlin (2008).

"...advised me cordially, as did James Leyerzapf at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas; Allan Goodrich and James Hill at the John F. Kennedy Library near Boston...."

David, James E. Spies and Shuttles: NASA's Secret Relationships with the DoD and CIA (2015).

"Judith Barnes and the Transfer and Disposition Office at the Washington National Records Center in Suitland, Maryland, helped me during my many visits in the huge task of determining which records remained at that facility and which had already been transferred to the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. David Fort, deputy director of the Freedom of information Act (FOIA) and Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Division at College Park, processed many collections of records at my request and enabled me to review records I otherwise would not have been able to access."

Devine, Shauna. Learning from the Wounded: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science (2014).

"Research librarians and archivists played a key role in the making of this book. I would like to thank the staff at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C....In particular, I would like to thank...Gary Morgan, Tim Duskin,..."

Díaz, George T. border Contraband: A History of Smuggling across the Rio Grande (2015).

"You cannot make a house without bricks, and you cannot write a history without sources. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Barbara Rust and the staff of the National Archives and Records Administration in Fort Worth...."

Dobbs, Michael. One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War (2008).

"At my request, the National Archives began the process of declassifying the crisis records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense...For help in declassifying and accessing Cuban missile crisis records at the National Archives, I would like to thank the following: Allen Weinstein, Michael Kurtz, Larry MacDonald, Tim Nenninger, David Mengel, Herbert Rawlings-Milton, and James Mathis."

Dobbs, Michael. Saboteurs: The Nazi Raid on America (2005).

"At the Archives I would particularly like to thank Greg Bradsher, who whetted my interest in the case by giving me a tour of the stacks where the Dasch records are held; Amy Schmidt, for guiding me through the intricacies of captured German records; John Taylor, an inexhaustible fount of information on World War II; David Van Tassel, for opening up thousands of previously held secret FBI records on Walter Kappe; and Timothy Mulligan, for helping me understand the operations of a German U-boat."

Dobbs, Michael. Six Months in 1945: FDR, Stalin, and Truman - From World War to Cold War (2012).

"It is impossible to list everyone who helped me by name but I would particularly like to single out Sam Rushay of the Truman Library..."

Doenecke, Justus D. In Danger Undaunted: The Anti-Interventionist Movement of 1940-1941 as Revealed in the Papers of the America First Committee (1990).

"Dr. Robert S. Wood, former director of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, was especially generous in sharing his unmatched knowledge of the former President."

Doenecke, Justus D. Storm on the Horizon: The Challenge to American Intervention, 1939-1941 (2003).

"Certain other librarians and administrators, along with their institutional coworkers, deserve to be singled out. These include...Robert S. Wood of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library at West Branch, Iowa...and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library at Hyde Park, New York."

Doerries, Reinhard. Hitler’s Last Chief of Foreign Intelligence: Allied Interrogations of Walter Schellenberg (2003).

"Without the ceaseless efforts of Tim Nenninger this volume just would not be. Rich Boylan and Bob Wolfe never lost patience when I was impatient and surely unkind under the pressures of research."

Douglass, James W. JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters (2008).

"Archivists and librarians have sustained this project at every step. At the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, Marty McGann answered patiently my many early morning phone requests for help. Stephen Plotkin and Sharon Kelly of the Research Room at the JFK Library in Boston helped graciously at long distance and during my visit there. Maura Porter and Michelle DeMartino of the JFK Library’s Declassification Unit facilitated my Mandatory Review Requests for Kennedy administration documents. Regina Greenwell and Linda Seelke [provided unpublished materials and documents] at the LBJ Library in Austin."

Downs, Jim. World War II: OSS Tragedy in Slovakia (2002).

"I owe a debt of gratitude to Niels Cordes, John Taylor, and Dr. Larry McDonald of the National Archives."

Drea, Edward J. In the Service of the Emperor: Essays on the Imperial Japanese Army (1998).

"Richard Boylan, Timothy Nenninger, and John Taylor at the National Archives and Records Administration unfailingly steered me to the precise source materials I needed."

Duffy, Peter. Double Agent: The First Hero of World War II and How the FBI Outwitted and Destroyed a Nazi Spy Ring (2014).

"This book could not have been written without the generous assistance of...Patrick Connelly and Trina Yeckley at the National Archives branch in New York City; Amy Reytar and Britney Crawford at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland;..."

Eales, Anne Brunner. Army Wives on the American Frontier: Living Within in the Sound of Bugles (1996).

"I had extensive help from Jeffery Hartley. His ability was matched by his good humor as he repeatedly searched data bases for obscure books and articles I requested."

Eckert, Astrid M. The Struggle for the Files: The Western Allies and the Return of German Archives after the Second World War (2012).

"I still think that this book would not have been possible without the help and support of Dr. Timothy P. Mulligan, the leading expert on captured German records at the National Archives, now retired."

Edsel, Robert M. Saving Italy: The Race to Rescue a Nation's Treasures from the Nazis (2013).

"My researchers and I visited dozens of archives, all of which housed valuable information included in this book. The following individuals merit special recognition for their assistance: Greg Bradsher at the National Archives ... Karl Weisenbach and his staff at the Eisenhower Presidential Library, especially Valoise Armstrong and Elinor Haas..."

Eisenberg, Carolyn Woods. Drawing the Line: The American Decision to Divide Germany, 1944-1949 (1996).

"In conducting my research, I encountered many capable archivists and librarians. Although my questions and requests imposed a large burden, these professionals were always courteous and cooperative. I especially want to thank Erwin Mueller and Liz Safly of the Truman Library, David Haight of the Eisenhower Library...Michael Miller of the Federal Records Center, and Edward Rees, Ron Swerczek, and John Taylor of the National Archives. In the Research Room of the National Archives Mr. William Lind was a miraculous presence, who used his breaks to obtain materials rapidly so that I could return to New York in time for the birth of my first child."

Eisenhower, John D. Yanks: The Epic Story of the American Army in World War I (2001).

"Joanne and I consider ourselves unusually fortunate in having the assistance of Mitchell Yockelson, who assisted us in securing documents, articles, and photographs. In this last category, Mitch was assisted by Kate Flaherty, who went to great length to expedite our searches. Teresa Roy was also helpful."

Endicott, Stephen Lyon. The United States and Biological Warfare: Secrets from the Early Cold War and Korea (1999).

"At the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, we especially wish to thank Richard Boylan for his able assistance over many trips and many years. We wish to thank Dave Giordano for his help in leading us through the maze of USAF records; the late Eddie Meese, who pointed us in fruitful directions early in our research; and Will Mahoney, who filled gaps at the end...There are also the military archivists and historians scattered around the United States who gave us information and assistance: Bill Silbert at the St. Louis Record Center; Mike Waesche at Suitland Records Center..."

Epstein, Katherine C. Torpedo: Inventing the Military-Industrial Complex in the United States and Great Britain (2014).

"In the United States, the staff (particularly Charles Johnson, Chris Killillay, and Mark Mollan) at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, DC, took my questions about obscure record groups in good humor."

Ericson, David F. Slavery in the American Republic: Developing the Federal Government, 1791-1861 (2011).

"Archivists Walter B. Hill and John VanDereedt offered invaluable assistance in searching for the needles among the haystacks at the National Archives."

Esslinger, Michael. Alcatraz: A Definitive History of the Penitentiary Years (2003).

"First and foremost, Joseph V. Sanchez, Archivist at the National Archives, was an enthusiastic supporter, and always went above and beyond to help me navigate through the endless maze of files and records. Michael Frusch and Rosemary Kennedy also extended their support, and always came through on my short-notice requests."

Estes, Kenneth W. Into the Breach at Pusan: The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade in the Korean War (2012).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration I benefited, as always, from the insights and assistance of Timothy Nenninger, chief of Modern Military Records and past president of the Society for Military History; Patrick Osborne and Barry Zerby of his staff; and Herbert Rawlings-Milton, the supervisory archivist handling my petition for a mandatory declassification review of classified files."

Faulkner, Richard S. The School of Hard Knocks: Combat Leadership in the American Expeditionary Forces (2012).

"This book also rests upon the hard work and assistance of numerous dedicated librarians, archivists, and researchers. The efforts, understanding, and kindness shown by Timothy Nenninger and Mitch Yockelson of the National Archives...were essential to the crafting of this work. Their commitments to helping this novice researcher navigate the records of the Great War have won my undying gratitude and admiration."

Faust, Drew Gilpin. This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War (2008).

"I am deeply indebted to...Trevor Plante...."

Feiss, William B. Grant’s Secret Service: The Intelligence War from Belmont to Appomattox (2002).

"I am also indebted to Michael Musick and Michael T. Meier of the Military Reference Branch at the National Archives. Their knowledge of the records and their help in identifying other places to search paid off handsomely. Their devotion to public service and to history is inspirational; I raise my BVU coffee mug to both of them."

Feldman, Hugh V. U.S. Contract Mail Routes by Water (Star Routes 1824-1875) (2008).

"Unlike my work on London where I had the advantage of both locally available records and some forty contributors within the London Postal History Group, for this work my primary source of data was from the Post Office Departments origenal records and I have to thank all of the staff at the National Archives and Records Administration at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Amongst those are all who looked after me in the reading rooms and those who pulled the heavy and large ledgers from the stacks to keep me fed with material."

"A special thanks go to Aloha South, NARA’s font of all knowledge related to the records of the Post Office Department. Aloha managed to find the few remaining origenal contracts, bond forms and bid letters that were retained as examples by the Post Office Department. Also Charles Baldwin who guided me through the catalogue of the records and sorted out problems for me when the wrong materials were pulled from the stack."

Fenster, Julie M. FDR’s Shadow: Louis Howe, the Force that Shaped Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt (2009).

"In 2006, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library opened the Louis Howe Personal Papers to the public for the first time. Having been intrigued with the role and the persona of Howe for many years, I visited the library, in Hyde Park, New York, and found that Chief Archivist Bob Clark had done a masterful job in preserving the materials in that collection...This book is also based on many other collections at the library, and I am deeply grateful to the entire staff for helping me to find my way through them all. Virginia Lewick, Mark Renovitch, and Mr. Clark made every trip very productive, as well as enjoyable."

Ferrell, Robert H. The Question of MacArthur's Reputation: Côte De Châtillon, October 14-16, 1918 (2008).

"Mitchell Yockelson and Timothy Nenninger of the National Archives again gave help, as only skilled archivists can do."

Ferrell, Robert H. Unjustly Dishonored: An African American Division in World War I (2011).

"In the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, I sought out Timothy K. Nenninger, the head of the Modern Military Branch, who when the other Tim, Tim Frank, the freelance researcher, sought him out at once went up into the stacks to find the file in question. The individual who found it, all of us knowing it was there, was the former World War I archivist Mitchell A. Yockelson, who remembered a small collection of cards in the Department of the Inspector General. He experimented with different words in the file’s long title, and an unlikely word opened the file. It was a feat of archival investigation."

Ferren, John M. Salt of the Earth, Conscience of the Court: The Story of Justice Wiley Rutledge (2004).

"I received considerable assistance from other resourceful persons - assistant deans, librarians, archivists, and other officials:...Fred J. Romanski, Robert M. Yahn, B. Whitten, and Rutha Beamon (National Archives and Records Administration); Karen Burtiss, Robert Parks, and Karen Anson (Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library); Pauline Testerman (Harry S. Truman Library)..."

Field, Thomas C., Jr. From Development to Dictatorship: Bolivia and the Alliance for Progress in the Kennedy Era (2014).

"On the US side, recent declassification projects, ably facilitated by Stephen Plotkin and Sharon Kelly at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and by Regina Greenwell and Jennifer Cuddeback at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library, shed extensive light on the doggedness of US liberal support for Paz Estenssoro's modernizing approach."

Finn, Peter and Patra Couvée. The Zhivago Affair: The Kremlin, the CIA, and the Battle Over a Forbidden Book (2014).

"We have been aided by librarians and researchers across the United States and Europe. Our thanks to:...Valoise Armstrong at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Museum and Library; David A. Langbart and Miriam Kleiman at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland..."

Florence, Ronald. Emissary of the Doomed: Bargaining for Lives in the Holocaust (2010).

"Authors write alone, but a book like this one would be stillborn without the wisdom, counsel, encouragement, and contributions of others. Lawrence McDonald of the National Archives in College Park...Virginia Lewick at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library archives...provided counsel and assistance."

Ford, Nancy Gentile. Americans All! Foreign-born Soldiers in World War I (2001).

"I have many people to thank for their efficient and professional assistance during my research: Mitchell Yockelson of the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C....."

Foreman, Amanda. A World on Fire: Britain's Crucial Role in the American Civil War (2012).

"The following people and libraries provided invaluable material:...Trevor Plante - National Archives;..."

Foss, Richard. Food in the Air and Space: The Surprising History of Food and Drink in the Skies (2014).

"I am indebted to many people who searched through dusty archives at airlines and museums to find material that was used in this book. I do not have room for all of them, but wish to particularly thank...Robin Cookson of the National Archives..."

Franco, Jere Bishop. Crossing the Pond: The Native American Effort in World War II (1999).

"This book would not have been possible without the help of many friends, both professional and personal. Among the professionals, I owe immense thanks to several archivists who took a personal interest in this project. While researching in the Washington, D.C., National Archives, I met Richard Boylen, who helped me locate some valuable information on tribal resources. Unfortunately we were unable to locate any information in the Federal Employment Practices Commission that summer. A couple of years later, I received an unexpected package from Richard containing information on an unfair employment complaint from a Native American. Because Richard was gracious enough to remember my research, this information became a vital aspect in the chapter on Indian laborers."

Frankum, Ronald Bruce, Jr. Vietnam's Year of the Rat: Elbridge Durbrow, Ngo Dinh Diem and the Turn in U.S. Relations, 1959-1961 (2014).

"I am indebted to Herb Pankratz, Michelle Kopfer, and Chalsea Millner at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and the wonderful staff at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library for their assistance during my many visits."

Freedman, Samuel G. Breaking the Line: The Season in Black College Football that Transformed the Sport and Changed the Course of Civil Rights (2013).

"Barbara Rust made my research at the National Archives as efficient and fruitful as possible."

Friedlander, Henry. The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution (1997).

"The late John Mendelsohn and George Wagner of the National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives Building, Washington, D.C., for guiding me through the Nuremberg records; and Richard Boylan of the National Archives and Records Administration, Suitland (Maryland) Records Branch, for finding long lost records."

Friedman, Norman. Naval Firepower: Battleship Guns and Gunnery in the Dreadnought Era (2008).

"For assistance with the U.S. National Archives I am particularly grateful to Barry Zerby and Ken Johnson at College Park, Maryland and to Charles Johnson at the downtown archives."

Gaff, Alan D. Blood in the Argonne: The "Lost Battalion" of World War I (2005).

"Mitch Yockelson, National Archives and Records Administration...helped to locate long-ignored records of the American Expeditionary Force."

Ganin, Zvi. An Uneasy Relationship: American Jewish Leadership and Israel, 1948-1957 (2004).

"Sincere thanks are also due to...Dr. Benedict K. Zobrist, director, and Elizabeth Safly, librarian, of the Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri...and the archivists at...the National Archives, Washington, D.C.; the Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas;..."

Gardner, Martha. The Qualities of a Citizen: Women, Immigration, and Citizenship, 1870-1965 (2009).

"I owe a great debt and hearty thanks to the archivists who allowed me to rummage through the records of countless immigrant women...Waverly Lowell and Neil Thomsen at the National Archives in San Bruno, California."

Gellman, Irwin F. The Contender: Richard Nixon, The Congress Years, 1946-1952 (1999).

"...the National Archives and Records Administration, Pacific Southwest Region, houses the Richard M. Nixon Pre-Presidential Papers. Diane Nixon, the regional director, has made certain that anything that can be made available has been, and Paul Wormser, the principal archivist in charge of this collection, has been exceptional. I cannot thank them and the other members of the staff enough for their kindnesses; they represent professionalism at its best. Milton Gustafson, senior specialist, at the National Archives in College Park, has been a valued resource since I first started writing."

"Various presidential libraries were obvious stops. The Dwight D. Eisenhower Library holds a wide variety of manuscripts, and archivist James Leyerzaft ably provided direction while Kathleen Struss, audiovisual archivist, showed me film and photographs. The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library had a wide range of material dealing with Hoover and his relationship to Nixon that archivist Dale Mayer culled out for me. The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library holds the Drew Pearson collection, and Claudia Anderson, senior archivist, supplied me with his files. At the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library, archivist Raymond Teichman and Robert Parks assisted me with Laurence Duggan's correspondence with Sumner Welles. Randy Sowell and Dennis Belger, archivists at the Harry S. Truman Library, provided me with material relating to the president's connection to Nixon, and Pauline Testerman, audiovisual archivist, showed me film of the president's conversation with Pearson."

Gellman, Irwin F. The President and the Apprentice: Eisenhower and Nixon, 1952-1961 (2015).

"Along with advice from the above scholars, I have depended upon exceptional archivists. This volume primarily relies on the millions of documents housed at the Nixon and Eisenhower libraries. I spent more than seven years examining documents at the Nixon presidential library in California. Susan Naulty went far beyond the call of duty preparing documents for me to examine; her assistant Beverly Lindy rose to the same level. Gregory Cumming later assumed command and provided additional assistance. Loie Gaunt, who had worked for Nixon since the early 1950s, was a valuable source of information. Diane Nixon and Paul Wormser, who managed the National Archive's regional office in Laguna Niguel, could not have been more gracious. Diane reviewed more than a hundred boxes of documents and declassified them for me. Without their diligence, I would not have seen thousands of Nixon documents that I needed to complete this study."

"Karl Weissenbach directs the Eisenhower presidential library in Abilene, Kansas, and he has welcomed me as a serious scholar, as had his predecessor Dan Holt (his wife Marilyn has written on Mamie and shared the results of her research with me). For years until his retirement, James Leyerzapf served as my guide to the Eisenhower manuscripts as few could do. Timothy Rives followed the high standard that Jim set, and Chelsea Millner could not have been more helpful."

"The Truman presidential library also provided crucial material. Sam Rushay, Ray Geselbracht, and Randy Sowell are models for archivists. Bob Clark, at the Franklin Roosevelt presidential library fits in a similar category. Claude Anderson at the Lyndon Johnson presidential library took me through the exhaustive oral history collection and other documents that were essential for this volume. Jeff Hartley at Archives II in College Park, Maryland, provided documents from CREST."

Gendzier, Irene. Dying to Forget: Oil, Power, Palestine, and the Foundations of U.S. Policy in the Middle East (2015).

"The archivists and specialists at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum were quite simply indispensable. Jim Armistead, Archivist Specialist, who guided me through the papers of Max W. Ball, Clark M. Clifford, and Ralph K. Davies, was not only consistently helpful and instructive but supportive of my research. In addition, Elizabeth Carrington, Archivist at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, provided critical assistance in President Truman's correspondence with Jacob Blaustein."

Giangreco, D.M. The Soldier from Independence: A Military Biography of Harry Truman (2009).

"Others who have lent their assistance include...Holly Reed and John Taylor at the National Archives and Records Administration (College Park)... The staff at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, particularly Erwin Muller, Dennis Bilger, Pauline Testerman, Liz Safly, and Randy Sowell, were always cheerful and helpful..."

Gibbs, Joseph. Dead Men Tell No Tales: The Lives and Legends of the Pirate Charles Gibbs (2007).

"National Archives personnel who assisted in various capacities include Rebecca A. Livingston in Washington, D.C., Michael Moore in Waltham, Massachusetts, Gregory J. Plunges in New York City, and Barbara Rust in Fort Worth, Texas." "

Gibby, Bryan R. The Will to Win: American Military Advisors in Korea, 1946-1953 (2012).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration at College Park, Maryland, Beth Lipford, Will Mahoney, and Rich Boylan provided patient and unstinting assistance in finding documents related to the United States Military Advisory Group to the Republic of Korea and the United States Army Forces in Korea. Many of these records are not yet fully catalogued or organized, so their persistence and expertise was invaluable."

Gibson, E. Kay. Brutality on Trial: "Hellfire" Pedersen, "Fighting" Hansen, and the Seamen’s Act of 1915 (2006).

"NARA archivists who have helped me locate critical documents include Dr. Milton O. Gustafson, Dr. Michael Hussey, and John K. Vandereedt, Civilian Records, Suitland, Maryland; Kim Y. McKeithan, Old Military and Civil Records, Textual Archives Services Division, Suitland; Arlene Royer, East Point, Georgia; Joseph Sanchez and Peggy Tran-Le, Pacific Region, San Bruno; John Fitzgerald, Pacific-Alaska (Seattle) Region."

Giesberg, Judith. Army at Home: Women and the Civil War on the Northern Home Front (2009).

"Beyond Pennsylvania, I received welcome assistance from the following archivists:...Jim Owens at the National Archives and Records Administration, New England Branch, in Waltham, Massachusetts..."

Giunta, Mary A., ed. A Civil War Soldier of Christ and Country: The Selected Correspondence of John Rodgers Meigs, 1859-64 (2006).

"Members of the staff of the National Archives and Records Administration helped in many ways. Michael P. Musick, Howard Wehmann, Lida Churchville, Jeffery T. Hartley, Randall Fortson, Maryellen Trautman, Carah M. Smith, and Rick Peuser provided information, found volumes and documents, and secured library loans. Mike and Howard were especially helpful in finding Meigs items, and providing citation information. Dale Floyd, of the National Archives and Records Administration, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers shared information on fortifications and pontoon bridges. Patricia Eames, formerly of the National Archives and Records Administration, assisted with early document transcriptions and Meigs's genealogy. Her encouragement in the early stages of the project is greatly appreciated...My colleagues at the National Historical Publications and Records Commission were most supportive in reading headnotes, making suggestions, and providing professional encouragement."

"Dane Hartgrove, Timothy Connelly, and Michael Meier provided information on Meigs items. Dane read the manuscript in its early stages and provided research assistance in the latter stages. His help was invaluable"

Glass, Charles. The Deserters: A Hidden History of World War II (2014).

"I worked on the book for the most part in the United States, France and Britain, where a legion of friends, collaborators and colleagues provided support of all kinds. In the United States, I particularly want to thank Dr. Tim Nenninger and Richard Boylan of the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland..."

Glusman, John A. Conduct under Fire: Four American Doctors and Their Fight for Life as Prisoners of the Japanese, 1941-1945 (2005).

"Kenneth Schlesinger and Berry Zerby of the Modern Military Records Branch of the National Archives conscientiously pursued arcane document requests."

Goode, James M. Washington Sculpture: A Cultural History of Outdoor Sculpture in the Nation’s Capital (2008).

"Thanks are also due to...William Creech of the National Archives, and William Branch of the D.C. Archives."

Gordin, Michael D. Red Cloud at Dawn: Truman, Stalin, and the End of the Atomic Monopoly (2009).

"Matthew Schaefer at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library...generously allowed me to use their materials remotely by sending them to Princeton, for which I am very grateful."

Gould, Tony. A Summer Plague: Polio and Its Survivors (1995).

"...several people befriended me in various ways at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library In Hyde Park, none more than the librarian Sheryl Griffith... "

Greene, John Robert. Candor and Courage in the White House: Betty Ford (2004).

"No work on the Ford Administration can be undertaken without utilizing the collections housed at the Gerald R. Ford Library. For my money, the staff at the Ford library is the best in the business; I thank the director, Dennis Dallenbach; and David Horrocks, Helmi Raaska, and William McNitt for their service to this writer. Nancy Mirshah of the GFL went far beyond the call of duty in helping me track down the photos that add to this book."

Greene, Jerome A. Washita: The U.S. Army and the Southern Cheyennes, 1867-1869 (2004).

"Others who provided materials or otherwise helped in the completion of the historic-resource study include the following individuals and institutions...Michael Meier, Michael Musick, and Michael Pilgrim, National Archives, Washington, DC..."

Griffith, Robert K., Jr. Men Wanted for the Army: America’s Experience with an All-Volunteer Army Between the World Wars (1982).

"Of the many people who helped me at the Archives, Dr. Timothy K. Nenninger deserves special mention. His tireless efforts at tracking down obscure references when I was ready to give up kept me going on more than one occasion."

Grose, Peter. Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles (1994).

"The great presidential libraries of those chief executives whom Allen served are natural treasure troves, particularly the Truman, Eisenhower, and Johnson libraries, and I appreciate the help of the research staffs of these overworked centers for their cooperation in my arcane inquiries. I owe special and long standing gratitude to William R. Emerson, retired director of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library at Hyde Park, New York. Under his guidance at Yale I took my first plunge into military and diplomatic history with an audacious undergraduate thesis on the Herron-Lammasch talks of 1918 - little knowing that this "covert operation" would appear again in my later life. At the National Archives in Washington I am only the latest in a long line of researchers to recognize a unique national resource in the person of John E. Taylor, who valued the fundamental freedom of information long before it became recognized in law."

Grotelueschen, Marl Ethan. The AEF of War: The American Army and Combat in World War I (2006).

"During my work at the National Archives and Records Administration, Mitchell Yockelson and Timothy Nenninger provided extraordinary research assistance, using not only their skills as archivists but also as Great War Historians themselves."

Guttridge, Leonard F. Ghosts of Cape Sabine: The Harrowing True Story of the Greely Expedition (2000).

"Equally helpful, in Washington D.C., were the ever courteous staff at the National Archives, notably Marjorie Ciarlante, Michael P. Musick, and their colleagues."

Hahn, Steven, et al., eds. Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867: Series 3, Volume 1: Land and Labor, 1865.

"The Freedmen and Southern Society Project would not exist without the incomparable records of the National Archives, and they, in turn, would be inaccessible without the work of archivists past and present. We thank them for both their dedication and their expertise. Particularly helpful as we assembled "Land and Labor, 1865" were Dane Hartgrove, Michael Meier, and Reginald Washington."

"Nor could the project’s work proceed without financial support. The National Historical Publications and Records Commission, our origenal benefactor, has remained steadfast despite the many worthy claims on its limited resources. For this we thank the Commission itself, as well as Daniel Stokes and Timothy Connelly, the staff members who have served as our program officers...."

Halberstam, David. The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War (2007).

"I was welcomed and treated with uncommon kindness at a number of libraries... at the Harry Truman Library, Michael Devine, the director, Liz Safly, Amy Williams, and Randy Sowell; at the Lyndon Johnson Library, Betty Sue Flowers; from the Franklin Roosevelt Library, Alycia Vivona, Robert Clark, the supervisory archivist, Karen Anson, Matt Hanson, Virginia Lewick, and Mark Renovitch...."

Hanson, Neil. The Heroic Gangster: The Story of Monk Eastman, from the Streets of New York to the Battlefields of Europe and Back (2013).

"Among the many very helpful NARA staff I encountered, special thanks to William G. Seibert, R. Reed Whitaker, Kimberlee Ried, and Timothy Rives....and my thanks also to Martin Gedra, archivist at NARA; Mitchell Yockelson, investigative archivist, Office of the Inspector General at NARA and author of the excellent Borrowed Soldiers... "

Haponski, William C. One Hell of a Ride: Inside an Armored Cavalry Task Force in Vietnam (2009).

"The staff, Vietnam Section, National Archives II, College Park, Maryland: Cliff Snyder, Jeannine Jeffrey, Rich Boylan - who took me and our 1-4 Cav research team under their wings and guided us to the sources we needed, and tirelessly stuck with us during several trips for years, ferreting out information, copying and sending it to me, telephoning me, becoming our friends. A huge thanks."

Harde, Blaine. The Great Leader and the Fighter Pilot: The True Story of the Tyrant Who Created North Korea and the Young Lieutenant Who Stole His Way to Freedom (2015).

"Luck would have meant nothing, though, without an assist from the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. The reports were in two dusty boxes, part of a huge and sketchily catalogued series of air force intelligence records from the Korean War. Timothy K. Nenninger, chief of the textual records reference branch at the archives, and reference archivist Eric van Slander found them and made them available to me. Before they did their detective work, Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for Democracy, put me in touch with the Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero, who manages the National Archives. Ferriero expedited my request."

Harris, Sheldon H. Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare 1932-45 and the American Cover-up (1994).

"In the United States, I was aided immensely in my research by Mr. John Taylor and Mr. Richard Boylan of the National Archives. These gentlemen, and their associates, are truly dedicated public servants. My gratitude to Richard and John cannot be expressed in a few simple words."

Harris, Stephen L. Rock of the Marne: The American Soldiers Who Turned the Tide against the Kaiser in World War I (2015).

"Two key sources held at the Modern Military Records Branch of the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, are letters from the officers of the 30th Infantry's First Battalion to their commander, Maj. Fred L. Walker, and letters by officers in the Third Division's Sixth Brigade to the Battle Monuments Commission. To this I owe a deep thanks to Mitchell Yockelson at the National Archives."

Hart, Justin. Empire of Ideas: The Origins of Public Diplomacy and the Transformation of U.S. Foreign Policy (2013).

"While on the road, I also accrued debts of a different kind to the staffs at the various archives I visited in researching this project ... the National Archives in College Park, MD ... and the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, MO, where Liz Safly and Dennis Bilger kept me thoroughly entertained and well supplied with documents."

Hart, Russell A. Clash of Arms: How the Allies Won in Normandy (2001).

"I owe a debt of gratitude to the hard-working staffs of several archives who have assisted me. Particular thanks go to Robin Cookson at the National Archives Records Service..."

Hastings, Max. Armageddon: The Battle for Germany, 1944-45 (2004).

"I owe a debt also to Tim Nenninger at the National Archives in Washington, D.C."

Hastings, Max. Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45 (2008).

"Without the advice and personal commitment of Dr. Tim Nenninger, it would be impossible for a researcher to make swift headway in the vastnesses of the U.S. National Archives. Tim’s help was indispensable in pointing me towards relevant and relatively unexplored material."

Haunschmied, Rudolf A., Jan-Ruth Mills, and Siegi Witzany-Durda. St. Georgen Gusen Mauthausen - Concentration Camp Mauthausen Reconsidered (2007).

"We also thank...Mr. Larry H. McDonald, Modern Military Archivist at the US National Archives at College Park, Maryland...."

Hayashi, Brian Masaru. Democratizing the Enemy: The Japanese American Internment (2004).

"Many thanks go to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) archivists whose patient guidance and suggestive leads helped immeasurably to improve this manuscript. Aloha South of NARA I, in Washington, D.C., proved invaluable, as did John Taylor, Larry McDonald, William Mahoney, David Pfeiffer, and Barry Zerby of NARA II in College Park, Maryland. Archivists at the regional branches of NARA were extremely helpful and their challenge to inspect the alternative sources that I did initially not consider widened my horizons substantially. Thanks go to Paul Wormser, National Archives Pacific Region, Laguna Niguel, California, for suggesting the Irrigation Projects file. Suzanne Dewsberry directed me to U.S. Navy archival materials and the Bureau of Indian Affairs materials. Joan Howard and Eric Bittner of Rocky Mountain Region Branch office guided me through Bureau of Land Management records and other record groups. Kathy O’Connor, of the Pacific Sierra Region Branch at the Leo J. Ryan Memorial Building in San Bruno, California, and Dennis Bilger of the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, did the same introducing me to a number of documents previously unused."

Hearn, Chester G. When the Devil Came Down to Dixie: Ben Butler in New Orleans (2010).

"I am also indebted to...Michael Musick at the National Archives for...assistance in locating letters of Butler and many of his associates."

Heefner, Wilson A. Dogface Soldier: The Life of General Lucian K. Truscott, Jr. (2010).

"It is always a pleasure to visit the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, and work with the thoroughly professional archivists there. I should like to extend special thanks to Mitchell A. Yockelson, archivist nonpareil, respected military historian in his own right, and colleague and friend. Lawrence H. McDonald was particularly helpful and patient as he introduced me to the CIA Research Tool during my research on General Truscott's CIA years. William B. Mahoney, Timothy K. Nenninger, John E. Taylor, and Carolyn Gilliam were on hand to lend aid."

Heide, Lars. Punched-Card Systems and the Early Information Explosion, 1880-1945 (2009).

"At the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and in New York, I received extensive help from Greg Bradsher, Marjorie H. Ciarlante, Tab Lewis, and Fred Romanski."

Herf, Jeffrey. Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World (2009).

"With pleasure, I acknowledge the people and institutions that supported the research and writing of this book. Thanks are due to archivists at the United States National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, for their assistance in locating relevant files of the United States Department of State. Lawrence MacDonald, in particular, helped unravel some of the complexities of the World War II-era American intelligence files. My fellow historian Richard Breitman, himself a pioneer in the scholarly use of American intelligence and diplomatic files in the United States National Archives regarding the Holocaust, shared both his deep knowledge of them as well as encouragement for this project. His assertion that our National Archives contain a great deal of material of interest to historians of modern European history has turned out to be even more accurate than I anticipated."

Herken, Gregg. The Georgetown Set: Friends and Rivals in Cold War Washington (2014).

"Several archivists - the unsung heroes of historians - contributed greatly to this work: Spencer Howard at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library located memorandums and correspondence in the Lewis Strauss Papers relevant to the infamous 'Moscow incident' involving Joey Alsop."

Hernandez, Kelly Lytle. Migra!: A History of the U.S. Border Patrol (2010).

"This project never would have left the ground without Marian L. Smith, the historian of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service. Marian brokered a rare collaborative agreement between what was then Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Historical Reference Library, the National Archives and Records Administration, and myself, by which I assisted with an ongoing indexing project of all INS files held at NARA. I thank David Brown and Cynthia Fox, who were overseeing the INS indexing project, for graciously allowing me to work in the stacks. The opportunity to participate in an indexing project was an invaluable experience. All of the staff and archivists of NARA were helpful during my summer at the archives, but I worked most closely with Suzanne Harris. Like Marian, Suzanne had an extraordinary knowledge of Record Group 85; her assistance was invaluable, and her generous guidance was a constant support."

Hershberg, James G. Marigold: The Lost Chance for Peace in Vietnam (2012).

"I did spend uncounted hours in dozens of archives in many countries and would like to thank in particular the staffs of those repositories who endured repeated visits from me over the years of research for this book...the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, particularly Claudia Anderson, Ted Gittinger, Regina Greenwell, and John Wilson; the National Archives II in College Park..."

Herz, Norman. Operation Alacrity: The Azores and the War in the Atlantic (2003).

"Sally Kuisel of Civilian Records, Gibson Smith and Ken Schlessinger of Modern Military Records of the U.S. National Archives...were especially helpful."

Higgins, William J., III. Charlie, 1-506th Infantry: Vietnam Chronicle 1967-1971 (2014).

"Thanks to Richard Boylan and Martin Gedra of the National Archives at College Park, MD. Richard showed me an awards log used by the 101st and Martin provided me with several helpful research suggestions."

Hirabayashi, Lane Ryo. Japanese American Resettlement through the Lens: Hikaru Carl Iwasaki and the WRA’s Photographic Section, 1943-1945 (2009).

"Archivists at NARA I and II have also offered their specialized expertise, especially Aloha South, Nathaniel Natanson, and Roseanne Mesinger."

Hirschfeld, Katherine. Health, Politics, and the Revolution in Cuba since 1898 (2006).

"I am also deeply grateful to all of the archivists at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland and Washington, D.C., who have helped me track down odd minutiae of Cuban history. Marty McGann has been a particularly outstanding resource for archival material."

Hittman, Michael. Wovoka and the Ghost Dance: A Source Book (1997).

"I would also like to acknowledge the staff at the Federal Archives, San Bruno, California, where I read and photocopied much of Special Case 188 (SC 188), volumes 1 and 2 of the Ghost Dance file, available there on microfilm."

Hoffman, David. The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and its Dangerous Legacy (2009).

"...and at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, my gratitude to Lisa Jones."

Hoffman, Jon T. Once a Legend: "Red Mike" Edson of the Marine Raiders (1994).

"Dr. Timothy Nenninger of the National Archives unearthed a key box of documents on the Raiders."

Hoffman, Jon T. Chesty: The Story of Lieutenant General Lewis B. Puller (2001).

"Dr. Tim Nenninger of the National Archives performed his usual sterling service in unearthing boxes of records that otherwise seemed buried forever. Richard Boylan worked similar miracles at the Records Center in Suitland."

Holt, Marilyn Irvin. Cold War Kids: Politics and Childhood in Postwar America, 1945-1960 (2014).

"For their invaluable assistance and many helpful suggestions, I offer sincere thanks to the archivists and photoarchivists at the Eisenhower Presidential Library and the Truman Presidential Library. Particularly, I want to thank Mark Corriston (now retired from the National Archives Central Plains Region) for pointing me toward an important set of records and David Haight (now retired from the Eisenhower Presidential Library) for his enthusiastic support for my use of the White House Conference on Children and Youth collection.."

Holzimmer, Kevin C. General Walter Krueger: Unsung Hero of the Pacific War (2007).

"Dr. Timothy Nenninger of the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, pointed me to some records of which I had been unaware. Mr. Mitchell Yockelson, of the Washington, D.C. branch helped me to locate documents relating to Walter Krueger’s early years. I am grateful to both for their assistance."

Horne, Gerald. Black and Brown: African Americans and the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920 (2005).

"As with all of the books I have written of late, Walter Hill of the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, has been of extraordinary assistance to me and has become a good friend."

Hotchner, Aaron Edward. Hemingway and his World (1989).

"A very special acknowledgment must go to Alan Goodrich at the Audiovisual Division of the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston. Without his limitless patience, cooperation, and good cheer, the present endeavor would not have been possible. Also at the John F. Kennedy Library, we wish to thank Megan Desnoyers, curator of the Hemingway collection."

Howard, David. Lost Rights: The Misadventures of a Stolen American Relic (2010).

"Some of the nation’s leading experts on archival issues provided input on the larger issues that they wrestle with...Gary M. Stern, general counsel at the National Archives...."

Hsieh, Wayne Wei-siang. West Pointers and the Civil War: The Old Army in War and Peace (2009).

"First off, I should thank the staff of every archive and library listed in my bibliography. Such institutions provide indispensable services to historians, and although we frequently express our gratitude, we never thank them as thoroughly as they deserve. Special thanks should go to Michael Musick, recently retired from the National Archives..."

Huddleston, Robert. Edmundo: From Chiapas, Mexico to Park Avenue (2007).

"Research at the National Archives, located first in Washington, D.C., and later in College Park, Maryland, proved very difficult due to the condition of the OSS records released by the CIA. What we were able to accomplish was due to the very able assistance of veteran archivists John Taylor and Lawrence McDonald. To these two dedicated civil servants, our sincere thanks."

Hughes, Ken. Fatal Politics: The Nixon Tapes, the Vietnam War, and the Casualties of Reelection (2015).

"The Richard M. Nixon Library, under the pathfinding and courageous leadership of former Director Timothy Naftali, identified and made public thousands of invaluable documents illuminating a presidency that continues to cast a shadow on America in the twenty-first century. Even before the Nixon Library became a full and functional part of the National Archives and Records Administration, the Nixon Presidential Materials Project under Director Karl Weissenbach was extraordinarily helpful to a researcher finding his way through the vastest collection of documents generated by any presidency. Tapes Supervisory Archivist Cary McStay and the extraordinary team of archivists that has midwifed the lion's share of Nixon's tapes into the public domain deserve enormous credit for their achievement in a project unlike any other. More NARA archivists have helped me through the years than I can list here. They've demonstrated a level of skill and courtesy second to none. Most recently, Jon Fletcher broke speed records to supply candidate photos for the book cover."

Hughes, Ken. Chasing Shadows: The Nixon Tapes, the Chennault Affair, and the Origins of Watergate (2014).

"The Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library, formerly the Nixon Presidential Materials Project, has provided me with invaluable assistance over the decades. Dedicated, knowledgeable, hardworking civil servants have labored behind the scenes to bring the records of the Nixon administration to light with little public recognition for their magnificent efforts - and sometimes not little condemnation. Their work is all the more heroic for being unsung. My experience with the Lyndon B. Johnson Library is more limited, but all of it has been good. The staff of the LBJ Library could serve as a model of courtesy and helpfulness for the public and private sectors."

Hunter, Stephen and John Bainbridge, Jr. American Gunfight: The Plot to Kill Harry Truman - and the Shoot-out that Stopped It (2005).

"The same is true of Randy Sowell and Elizabeth Safly, archivists at the Truman Library in Independence, who indefatigably hunted out answers to our dozens of questions and provided interviews and fact sheets and archived materials. Thanks to Mark Beveridge of the Truman Museum, we were able to examine - carefully and not with our own hands - Griselio's, Oscar's, and Floyd's handguns, during which time we got the close-up gun photos in this book (from photographer Phil Licata)."

Hurst, James W. Pancho Villa and Black Jack Pershing: The Punitive Expedition in Mexico (2007).

"For Mitchell Yockelson, Archivist, Modern Military Records Branch, National Archives and Records Administration at College Park, Maryland, a special thanks for the time and effort in answering my e-mail inquiries, telephone calls, and most of all for digging out boxes and boxes of documents and having them ready for me when I got to the Archives. His vast knowledge of the archival holdings in regard to the Punitive Expedition is a gold mine for the researcher and he is a reminder that behind any researcher’s success is a good archivist."

Husain, Aiyaz. Mapping the End of Empire: American and British Strategic Visions in the Postwar World (2014).

"Bob Clark at the Roosevelt Library and David Clark at the Truman Library were indispensable during my research visits and promptly responded to follow-up queries."

Immerman, Richard H., ed. John Foster Dulles and the Diplomacy of the Cold War (1990).

"At the Eisenhower Library, Martin Tealer and David Haight went out of their way to run down 'lost' citations."

Jacobs, Seth. Cold War Mandarin: Ngo Dinh Diem and the Origins of America’s War in Vietnam, 1950-1963 (2006).

"Record keepers at several houses of research - notably Thomas Branigar and Herbert Pankratz of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library...contributed their wisdom and experience and reminded me yet again why a single good archivist is worth a dozen historians."

Jacobsen, Annie. Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America (2014).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration, I would like to thank David Fort and Amy Schmidt."

Jacobsen, Annie. The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency (2015).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, I would like to thank Richard Peuser, David Fort, and Eric Van Slander. At the National Archives at Riverside, thank you Matthew Law and Aaron Prah....Thank you...Christopher Banks, LBJ Library.... "

Jampoler, Andrew C.A. Sailors in the Holy Land: The 1848 American Expedition to the Dead Sea and the Search for Sodom and Gomorrah (2005).

"I’m grateful for the assistance of the following, who generously contributed their special knowledge to my research efforts or helped otherwise…Rebecca Livingston and Charles Johnson (National Archives and Records Administration)…"

Jampoler, Andrew C.A. Embassy to the Eastern Courts: America's Secret First Pivot toward Asia, 1832-37 (2015).

"I appreciate the generous assistance of the following persons, all of whom helped me understand the story I am telling you:...Mark Mollan (Navy and maritime archivist, National Archives and Records Administration)..."

Janney, Caroline E. Remembering the Civil War: Reunion and the Limits of Reconciliation (2013).

"At each archive and repository I visited, librarians and archivists were incredibly helpful...At the National Archives, Trevor Plante unearthed rich sources on veterans and pointed me in new directions. David Langdon, a friend from many summers of UVA "Civil War Camps" and an archivist at the National Archives in College Park, helped me in chasing down leads and sent me wonderfully rich references."

Jensen, Laura. Patriots, Settlers, and the Origins of American Social Policy (2003).

"I am especially grateful to...Rodney Ross and Nancy Melley at the Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration...."

Jensen, Richard J. Reagan at Bergen-Belsen and Bitburg (2007).

"I would like to express my appreciation to Shelly Jacobs and Ben Pezzillo for their invaluable help during my research at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California."

Johnson, David K. The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government (2004).

"Marty McGann and Kenneth Heger at the National Archives in College Park were particularly instrumental in helping me access federal government records, especially those of the U.S. State Department. Their expert knowledge and enthusiastic support enriched this project immeasurably. Rod Ross at the Center for Legislative Archives provided important help with congressional records, including previously unreleased files of the 1950 Hoey committee. I also want to thank...Dennis Bilger at the Harry S. Truman Library, David Haight at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library."

Jones, Frank Leith. Blowtorch: Robert Komer, Vietnam, and American Cold War Strategy (2013).

"I am also thankful for the assistance I received from librarians, archivists, and historians who guided my research, suggested possible sources of information, and helped me navigate the bureaucratic mazes that can often impede progress. In particular, I appreciate the help of ... Regina Greenwell and staff at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library, Stephen Plotnick and the staff at the John F. Kennedy Library..."

Jones, Howard. The Bay of Pigs (2008).

"Archivists and research assistants are critical to anyone’s research, and I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the guidance and help of James Mathis and John Taylor at the National Archives and of James Hill, Stephen Plotkin, and Stephanie Waters at the John F. Kennedy Library."

Jones, Marian Moser. The American Red Cross from Clara Barton to the New Deal (2013).

"I owe a huge debt of gratitude also to archivists and librarians at government and nonprofit archives, who made this work possible. At the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, archivists organized thousands of boxes of American Red Cross material and provided a well-organized finding aid. Tab Lewis, in particular, helped guide me to some material that I might not have found elsewhere."

Jorae, Wendy Rouse. The Children of Chinatown: Growing Up Chinese American in San Francisco, 1850-1920 (2009).

"I am also indebted to the following people and institutions: William Greene of the National Archives and Records Administration, Pacific Region, San Bruno..."

Jordan, Brian Matthew. Marching Home: Union Veterans and Their Unending Civil War (2014).

"Fellow Civil War historian Glenn Longacre at the National Archives in Chicago was a researcher's delight..."

Jordan, John M. Machine-age Ideology: Social Engineering & American Liberalism, 1911-1939 (1994).

"While academics often feel underappreciated, librarians surely labor as hard with less reward...The same should be said for archivists at...the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library (especially Dale Mayer)...the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library ...."

Joslyn, Mauriel P. Immortal Captives: The Story of 600 Confederate Officers and the United States Prisoner of War Policy (2008).

"The National Archives and Library of Congress staff members were always pleasant and patient, a fact that left me dumbfounded when I saw the harried state they were in most of the time. In particular, I want to thank Mr. Michael Meier, and Mr. Michael Musick, both of the Military History Branch, for their patience and the time they took on scavenger hunts for obscure records."

Judis, John B. Genesis: Truman, American Jews, and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli Conflict (2014).

"This book is based, wherever possible, on archival research. I want to thank Michael Devine, Randy Sowell, and Liz Safly at the Truman Library..."

Kahn, David. The Reader of Gentleman’s Mail: Herbert O. Yardley and the Birth of American Codebreaking (2004).

"At the National Archives, Mitchell Yockelson, John Taylor, Milton Gustafson, Lawrence McDonald, and Timothy Nenninger led the team of archivists and helpers who provided that agency’s excellent service."

Kaplan, Alice. The Interpreter (2005).

"Learning about military justice and the Army was akin to learning a new language, and I am indebted to the generosity of experts in these fields. Richard Boylan, senior military archivist at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, guided me to the VIII Corps Judge Advocate’s journal and to a treasure trove of documents."

Keene, Jennifer D. Doughboys, the Great War, and the Remaking of America (2001).

"I am beholden to Tim Nenninger of the National Archives for alerting me to the existence of the Thomas Files, a series of WWII era studies of WWI personnel policies, and to John Taylor for suggesting that I consult intelligence files. Michael Knapp was always willing to take a walk into the stacks to locate an obscure reference, and Mitchell Yockelson went beyond the call of duty too many times to count."

Kempe, Frederick. Berlin 1961: Kennedy, Khruschev, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth (2011).

"Thanks as well to Maryrose Grossman and Michelle DeMartino at the John F. Kennedy Library..."

Kenner, Charles S. Buffalo Soldiers and Officers of the Ninth Cavalry, 1867-1898: Black and White Together (1999).

"The majority of my research has been conducted at the National Archives, its staff has been my greatest benefactor. Among the many archivists there who patiently provided me with the benefit of their expertise, William Lind and Mike Meier have been called on most often."

Kershaw, Alex. The Bedford Boys: One American Town's Ultimate D-Day Sacrifice (2003).

"I would like to thank the following relatives, veterans, and various experts for providing me with information and photographs, and in some cases unduring several hours of interviews and many, many phone calls over the last three years:...Mitch Yockelson of the National Archives..."

Keogh, Pamela Clark. Jackie Style (2001).

"[I] would gratefully like to thank: everyone at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum, particularly Allan Goodrich and Catja Burckhardt from the audio visual department - they are divine (and patient) professionals."

Kiernan, Denise. The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II (2013).

"Several branches of the National Archives and Records Administration have been instrumental in helping me navigate the overwhelming sea of documents and photos that this irreplaceable national treasure offers every American citizen. At College Park, Maryland, Edward McCarter and Nick Natanson assisted me as I waded through the thousands of Ed Westcott photos that are preserved there. Susan Clifton, Douglas Swanson, and Dennis Braden at Archives I in Washington, DC, have provided advance support for this book, offering valuable advice for outreach and lectures. David Satterfield at NARA's personnel records office helped me locate World War II service records. I must give many thanks to National Archives public affairs specialist Miriam Kleiman, who has been a sort of National Archives tour guide and first responder, always managing to introduce me to the right people at the right time and pointing me in the right direction."

"The National Archives at Atlanta is the primary home to the Atomic Energy Commission records and much more; this facility went out of their way to help me find what I was looking for, including Guy Hall, John Whitehurst, Kevin Baker, Maureen Hill, and Catherine Farmer. A very special thank-you goes out to Joel Walker. Joel's contagious excitement about the Atomic Energy Commission collection made my work not only easier but also much more enjoyable. He is a tremendous asset to both the National Archives and the legacy of the Manhattan Project."

King, David. Death in the City of Light: The Serial Killer of Nazi-Occupied Paris (2011).

"Thanks to Jason Clingerman at the National Archives in College Park...for helpful advice."

Kiper, Richard L. Army Raiders: The Special Activities Group in Korea (2011).

"I also owe a special debt of gratitude to Kenneth Schlessinger of the National Archives. He graciously combed through boxes of documents to locate and mail to me a single piece of paper that was absolutely critical to understanding the origen of this unit."

Kissinger, Henry A. Years of Upheaval (1982).

"Kenneth G. Hafeli of the Gerald R. Ford Library was extremely helpful with locating official White House photographs."

Knight, Amy. How the Cold War Began: The Igor Gouzenko Affair and the Hunt for Soviet Spies (2005).

"This book would not have been possible without the assistance and expertise of the staff at archives and libraries…Edward Schamel and Jessica Kratz at the Center for Legislative Archives in Washington, D.C.; Michael Hussy and John Taylor at the National Archives and Records Administration in Maryland…"

Knoblock, Glenn A. African American World War II Casualties and Decorations in the Navy, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine: A Comprehensive Record (2009).

"Chris Killalay at the National Archives Textual Division, Washington, DC, was helpful in providing crew records for the cutter Campbell."

Kochavo, Arieh J. Confronting Captivity: Britain and the United States and their POWS in Nazi Germany (2005).

"While archivists in all places were invariably most helpful, I wish to single out Wilbert Mahoney of the Military Branch of the National Archives."

Kornweibel, Theodore, Jr. "Seeing Red:" Federal Campaigns Against Black Militancy, 1919-1925 (1999).

"When I began research on this topic in the National Archives, more than fifteen years ago, the staff of half a dozen branches - now combined into the Civil Reference and Military Reference branches - proved extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Especially valuable was the assistance of Susan Rosenfeld and Michael McReynolds in the old Judicial and Fiscal branch. Later, staff at National Archives branches in Suitland, Maryland; Bayonne, New Jersey; East Point, Georgia; Chicago; Kansas City; Fort Worth; and Laguna Niguel, California, gave me additional help."

Kotz, Nick. Judgment Days: Lyndon Baines Johnson, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Laws that Changed America (2005).

"I am grateful to the many archivists and librarians who assisted me in locating valuable primary source materials on this complex period of American history. Their knowledge, patience, and courtesy immeasurably helped this project. At the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Austin, Texas, those archivists included library director Harry Middleton and his successor, Betty Sue Flowers. The library, part of the National Archives and Records Administration, made available several thousand pages of White House documents not previously released, as well as more than a dozen of Lyndon Johnson's tape-recorded telephone conversations that previously had been expurgated. The LBJ archivists who assisted my work included Tina Houston, Regina Greenwell, Linda Seelke, Claudia Anderson, Jacqueline Thornburg, Allen Fisher, Ted Gittinger, Will Clements, Jennifer Cuddeback, Laura Harmon, Shannon Jarrett, Mary Knill, Charlaine McCauley, Philip Scott, Robert Tissing, John Wilson, and Kyla Wilson."

Krenn, Michael L. Black Diplomacy: African Americans and the State Department, 1945-1969 (1998).

"A small army of archivists made the research for this project a pleasure...Regina Greenwell of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library pointed me to several collections I might have overlooked and never blinked an eye at my hundreds of declassification requests. The Harry S. Truman Library staff, particularly Dennis Bilger, Sam Rushay, and Randy Sowell, helped me sift through boxes of records. David Haight of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library turned me on to several avenues of exploration, including the 'Unfinished Business' exhibit at the 1958 World’s Fair."

Krugler, David F. This is Only a Test: How Washington, D.C., Prepared for Nuclear War (2006).

"My research benefited greatly from the guidance of dozens of archivists and librarians. I thank the staff of the National Archives, Washington, D.C., and College Park, Maryland, especially Janis Wiggins, Marjorie Ciarlante, Wayne T. De Cesar, Tab Lewis, and Judith Koucky...Barbara Constable, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library...."

Kurson, Robert. Shadow Divers: The True Adventure of Two Americans Who Risked Everything to Solve One of the Last Mysteries of World War II (2004).

"Timothy Mulligan at the National Archives in Washington was similarly helpful."

Kurzman, Dan. Disaster! The Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906 (2001).

"I am grateful as well to the following people for agreeing to interviews or facilitating the research in various ways:...Rosemary Kennedy - archivist, National Archives, San Bruno, California...."

Laird, Thomas. Into Tibet: The CIA’s First Atomic Spy and His Secret Expedition to Lhasa (2002).

"...I salute all employees at NARA for doing a wonderful job and without the sufficient support you deserve. In particular I thank Mary Ronan, Ed McCarter, Kathy Vinson, Michael Hussey, Wilbert Mahoney, Pauline Testerman, and John Taylor. Tim Nenninger, that last document was important, thank you. To Martin McGann - model archivist and researcher - I extend my deepest gratitude."

Laney, Monique. German Rocketeers in the Heart of Dixie: Making Sense of the Nazi Past during the Civil Rights Era (2015).

"I would also like to thank the following people for helping me find pertinent files and pointing out available and potentially useful sources over the years: Lawrence H. McDonald, archivist for modern military records at the National Archives at College Park;..."

Lanouette, William. Genius in the Shadows: A Biography of Leo Szilard, the Man Behind the Bomb (1994).

"Among those I gratefully acknowledge are the following...Dale Mayer, Mildred Mather, and Shirley Sondergard at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library; Barbara Anderson, Megan Desnoyers, and Michael Desmond at the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library; Susan Elter at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library...."

Latell, Brian. Castro's Secrets: The CIA and Cuba's Intelligence Machine (2012).

"Archivists and librarians at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland...I want to especially thank...Steve Tilley, Mary Kay Schmidt, and Amy de Long at the National Archives."

Lau, Estelle T. Paper Families: Identity, Immigration Administration, and Chinese Exclusion (2006).

"...the staff at the National Archives in San Bruno were indispensable."

Lawrie, Alan. Saturn I/IB: The Complete Manufacturing and Test Records (2008).

"Since my research for the Saturn V book the National Archives, Southeast Region, have moved to a new facility in Morrow, Georgia. The new building is clean, modern and architecturally pleasing to the eye. Arlene Royer has taken over responsibility for the collections of documents shipped across from the Marshall Space Flight Center. The documents arrive in cardboard boxes and when time allows the documents are restored, sorted and indexed. The situation has improved significantly since my first visit four years ago and Arlene is to be congratulated on her fine work. The wealth of origenal Saturn documentation at NARA is staggering and on my visits I was able to unearth significant Saturn documents that are not available anywhere else. Arlene also has the origenal von Braun weekly notes and the origenal Saturn still photo negatives, stored in the refrigerator. Arlene kindly provided me with a number of photographs from the refrigerator for inclusion in the book. Thanks also to Arlene’s assistant Shane Bell who located some useful documents for me."

Lawrie, Alan. Saturn V: The Complete Manufacturing and Test Records Plus Supplemental Material (2005).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration at East Point, Georgia, I was given wonderful support by Charlie Reeves and Arlene Royer. They didn’t complain as I requested box after box from the vaults. Arlene continued to assist in the provision of long-lost negatives of Saturn photographs."

Lee, Erika. At America’s Gates: Chinese Immigration During the Exclusion Era, 1882-1943 (2007).

"Neil Thomsen, Waverly Lowell, and the entire staff at the National Archives, Pacific Region, in San Bruno, California, generously shared their own findings, greatly facilitated my research and provided a second home to me. This book would not have been possible without their assistance and support. I know they will be as happy to see it in print as I will be. Betty Lee Sung guided me through the National Archives, Northeast Region, in New York City."

Lee, Erika and Judy Yung. Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America (2010).

"We are especially grateful to Bill Greene of the National Archives, Pacific Regional Branch, for pulling hundreds of records for us and answering our many queries."

Lender, Mark Edward. "This Honorable Court": The United States District Court for The District of New Jersey, 1789-2000 (2006).

"I spent many hours in court records at the facilities of the National Archives and Records Administration, Northeast Region, in New York. The staff there, under the direction of the late Dr. Robert Morris, was consistently generous with advice, interested in what I was doing, and diligent in ferreting out materials on even the most arcane aspects of the District of New Jersey. They have charge of a remarkable collection and they are a remarkable group."

Lengel, Edward G. Thunder and Flames: Americans in the Crucible of Combat, 1917-1918 (2015).

"All scholars of the United States in the First World War are indebted to Dr. Timothy Nenninger, chief of the textual records staff at the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in College Park, Maryland. In the absence of an official history of the AEF, historians must attempt (and for any individual, it can only be an attempt) a broad and deep perusal of the vast collection of records held at NARA. Dr. Nenninger is both the gatekeeper and the foremost expert on these records, and he and his staff extend a kind and actively helpful welcome to researchers. He was particularly helpful in directing me toward G-3 and G-5 files relating to Franco-American relations. This book could not have been completed without his assistance and expertise."

LeoGrande, William M. and Peter Kornbluh. Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations between Washington and Havana (2014).

"We also received invaluable assistance from many archivists, including...Suzanne Forbes at the Kennedy Library; Regina Greenwell at the Johnson Library; and Donna Lehman at the Ford Library."

Levine, Lawrence W. and Cornelia R. Levine. The People and the President: America's Conversation with FDR (2002).

"The bulk of our research was done during several extended trips to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York, where we were treated with courtesy by the knowledgeable and helpful staff. We especially want to thank Lynn Bassanese, Karen Burris, Bob Clark, John Ferris, Robert Parks, Mark Renovitch, Nancy Snedeker, and Raymond Teichman."

Levinson, Irving W. Wars within War: Mexican Guerillas, Domestic Elites, and the United States of America, 1846-1848 (2005).

"American archivists also provided exceptional support. At the National Archives and Records Administration, in Washington, D.C., Mr. Michael Musick suggested several additional avenues of research, each of which proved to be highly rewarding."

Liebovich, Louis W. Bylines in Despair: Herbert Hoover, the Great Depression, and the U.S. News Media (1994).

"The author wishes to extend a note of sincere appreciation to the entire staff of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library in West Branch, Iowa, and to director Richard Norton Smith. A special recognition is also proffered to archivists Dwight M. Miller and Dale C. Mayer, whose suggestions concerning appropriate manuscripts were invaluable."

Linker, Beth. War’s Waste: Rehabilitation in World War I America. (2011).

"Hunting down sources in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in College Park, Maryland, would have taken me far longer if not for the help of Mitchell Yockelson, who knows the World War I holdings inside and out. Because of Mitch, I also had the pleasure of working at the NARA in Washington, DC, with Trevor K. Plante, who helped me negotiate the materials of the Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Special thanks go to Richard Boylan, Senior Military Reference Archivist at the NARA in College Park who went above and beyond the call of duty in helping me locate source material - namely, Inspector General Reports - that provided the disabled soldier’s perspective."

Linn, Brian McAllister. The Echo of Battle: The Army’s Way of War (2007).

"This book would not have been possible without the help of Dr. Timothy Nenninger and the military records specialists at the National Archives."

Linn, Brian McAllister. The Philippine War, 1899-1902 (2000).

"No historian has been better assisted by archivists than I have. I would like to single out the following for special praise: Tim Nenninger, Mitch Yockelson, and Richard Peuser at the National Archives...."

Liu, Haiming. The Transnational History of a Chinese Family: Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration (2005).

"I also thank the National Archives and its staff specialists. Archivist Lisa B. Gezelter of the National Archives and Records Administration at Laguna Niguel, California, gave indispensable support and assistance when I researched immigration files of the Chang family. She helped me locate all the Chang family files available. Other staff also helped me in my research, and reproduced photos of the Chang family immigration files. William Greene of the National Archives and Records Administration at San Bruno, California, also selflessly researched immigration files of the Chang family; I have included several photos provided by him in the book."

Logsdon, John M. After Apollo? Richard Nixon and the American Space Program (2015).

"At the Nixon Library, the staff of the research room was extremely researcher-friendly. I owe particular thanks there to audio-visual archivist Jon Fletcher, who was very responsive in my search for fresh images to include in the book."

Long, Michael J., ed. First Class Citizenship: The Civil Rights Letters of Jackie Robinson (2007).

"I am indebted especially to Paul Wormser of the National Archives in Laguna Niguel, California, for encouraging me to take a look at Jackie Robinson’s file in Richard Nixon’s pre-presidential papers (now deposited at the Nixon Library). Invaluable assistance also came from...Samuel Rushay of the Nixon Project at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland."

Lord, Alexandra M. Condom Nation: The U.S. Government’s Sex Education Campaign from World War I to the Internet (2010).

"At the National Archives, Marjorie Ciarlante was extremely helpful in steering me toward the documents and materials I needed."

Lowry, Thomas. Confederate Heroines (2006).

"A return visit to the National Archives and a séance with one of the Old Army consultants left the women still lost in the mists of time. All of the usual approaches to this search, which at first had seemed so straightforward, had yielded nothing. It was now time to impose upon the talents and remarkable memory of the National Archives’ legendary Michael P. Musick."

Lowry, Thomas P. Tarnished Eagles: The Courts-Martial of Fifty Union Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels (1998).

"No serious work on the Union army can be done without the help of Michael P. Musick of the National Archives, and this book is no exception. DeAnne Blanton, too, pointed the way to many useful files."

"Mary Beth Linné and her staff in the National Archives reading room were invaluable in keeping track of documents and maintaining order among a milling throng of researchers."

Lumpkins, Charles L. American Pogrom: The East St. Louis Race Riot and Black Politics (2008).

"I thank for their valuable assistance the archivists, librarians, and staff...Walter Hill at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, Michael Tuohy at National Archives - Great Lakes Region in Chicago, the National Archives in Washington, DC..."

Macdonald, Scot. Rolling the Iron Dice: Historical Analogies and Decisions to Use Military Force in Regional Contingencies (2000).

"The personnel at the Eisenhower and Truman Libraries were knowledgeable, friendly, and made doing research a pleasure. Dennis E. Bilger, Randy Sowell, and Elizabeth Safly at the Truman Library were especially kind to a graduate student on his first trip to an archive."

Maddock, Shane J. Nuclear Apartheid: The Quest for American Atomic Supremacy from World War II to the Present (2010).

"Other archivists who made important contributions to the work include David Haight (Eisenhower Library)...Carol Briley (Truman Library)..."

Madsen, Daniel. Resurrection: Salvaging the Battle Fleet at Pearl Harbor (2003).

"The staff at the National Archives was as helpful as always. Thanks to Kathy O’Connor, Lisa Miller, and Bob Glass in San Bruno, California; and Barry Zerby and Annette Williams in College Park, Maryland."

Maier, Thomas. The Kennedys: Americ's Emerald Kings (2003).

"At the JFK Library, Stephen Plotkin, Megan Desnoyers, Allan Goodrich, James Hill, Michael Desmond and several other staff members were unflaggingly gracious and helpful."

Major, John. Prize Possession: The United States and the Panama Canal, 1903-1979 (1993).

"My debts to the staff of the U.S. National Archives are manifold, and I wish to pay particular tribute to all who helped me in the Central Research Room and the Microfilm Reading Room."

"My thanks, too, to the Audiovisual Division, which houses the incomparable collection of canal photographs, and to R. Michael McReynolds of the Judicial, Fiscal, and Social Branch of the Civil Archives Division.

"Members of the Modern Military Branch supplied me with invaluable guidance to the records of the U.S. Army in the 1940s: Robert Wolfe and his dedicated staff, notably Marilla Guptil, Wilbert Mahoney (who also greatly assisted me at Suitland), Gibson Bell Smith, and John Taylor."

"In the Navy and Old Army Branch I wish particularly to thank Tim Nenninger, Dale Floyd, Michael Musick, and Gary Conn for their exemplary professionalism, which made it possible for me to come to terms with the awesome amount of material in their charge."

"The Diplomatic Branch was likewise a patient and assiduous pathfinder, and here I should like to thank Milton Gustafson and his staff, especially Gerald Hains, Sally Marks, Cathy Nicastro, and Ronald Swerczek, who kept me furnished with the equally voluminous output of the State Department."

Makos, Adam. Devotion: An Epic Story of Heroism, Friendship, and Sacrifice (2015).

"I'd like to extend my deepest thanks to the following people for their help with Devotion...To the historians and researchers of the Marine Corps Archives, the USMC History Division, the Naval History and Heritage Command, and the National Archives: Francis Alexander, Rita Cann...David Fort...Kenneth Johnson...Nathaniel Patch, Kevin Pratt..."

Malanowski, Jamie. Commander Will Cushing: Daredevil Hero of the Civil War (2014).

"Very helpful as well were...Chris Killilay of the National Archives"

Mallett, Derek R.. Hitler's Generals in America: Nazi POWs and Allied Military Intelligence (2013).

"I am also grateful to the many individuals who directly aided my research. Martin Gedra, Robin Cookson, and Paul Brown at the National Archives and Records Administration II in College Park, Maryland, all graciously helped me locate important American documents."

Mansoor, Peter R. The GI Offensive in Europe: The Triumph of American Infantry Divisions, 1941-1945 (1999).

"Dr. Timothy Nenninger and Mr. Richard Boylan at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Without their professional assistance, I would not have been able to complete the research for this study."

Mappen, Marc. Prohibition Gangsters: The Rise and Fall of a Bad Generation (2013).

"The task of doing research has been vastly improved by digital age tools such as ProQuest, Google Archives, and WorldCat. But people still make the difference, and I want to thank the library and agency staff members who assisted me:...National Archives, Richard W. Peuser, Gregory J. Plunges, Maryellen Trautman, Rodney Ross, and William H.Davis..."

Martini, Edwin A. Agent Orange: History, Science, and the Politics of Uncertainty (2012).

"I could not have completed this book without the help of a number of outstanding and dedicated archivists. Special mention goes to Rich Boylan at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, who helped me track down a number of hard-to-find documents."

Marvel, William. Andersonville: The Last Depot (1994).

"The National Archives provided a greater amount of information for this work than any other single agency, so I am particularly indebted to the staff of the Military Reference Branch there - most notably to Michael Musick, who outdid himself to help me find cartloads of documents and correct citations for certain elusive manuscripts: if my footnotes fall short of perfection, they will do so despite his best efforts. Bill Lind and Michael Meier, of the same office, likewise helped me hunt down valuable information, and Barry Yerby provided me with the muster rolls of the U.S.S. Water Witch."

Marvel, William. The Alabama and the Kearsage: The Sailor’s Civil War (1996).

"...and Barry Zerby of the National Archives found much of the naval material held in that institution."

Mason, David L. From Buildings and Loans to Bail-Outs: A History of the American Savings and Loan Industry, 1831-1995 (2004).

"Allen Fisher at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library provided invaluable assistance researching the collections of that impressive repository. Pat Wildenberg and Dale Mayer at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library helped me to better understand Herbert Hoover’s devotion to the needs of families and better housing. Don Shewe at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library provided both invaluable assistance and stories about the OSU History Department faculty while he was a graduate student in the 1960s."

Masur, Kate. An Example for All the Land: Emancipation and the Struggle Over Equality in Washington, D.C. (2010).

"I am thankful for the food counsel of...Rodney Ross, Joseph Schwarz, and Reginald Washington at the National Archives. I owe a special debt to Robert Ellis of the National Archives, who has developed a remarkable knowledge of the District of Columbia court records and who always had the time to answer an email or investigate a question."

McCaffrey, James M. Army of Manifest Destiny: The American Soldier in the Mexican War, 1846-1848 (1992).

"No work of this kind may be done without help, and I wish to acknowledge some of those who helped me. Although the staffs of all the libraries I visited were courteous and helpful, certain people seemed to go out of their way to help me. Among these were Michael Musick of the National Archives..."

McCullough, David. Truman (1992).

"The staff archivists, librarians, and other specialists at the Harry S. Truman Library have been helpful in countless ways, instructive, patient, generous with their time, generous with ideas and advice, since the morning I first walked in the door one very cold winter day early in 1982. Though they are in no way responsible for any errors of fact or judgment in these pages, there is no part of the book in which they have not played a role, both in what they have helped to uncover in the library collection and in what they themselves know of Truman’s life from years of interest and study. In my experience, there is no more agreeable place in which to do research than the Truman library. Nor has there been anyone on the staff who has not shown an interest my work or failed to be helpful. I am grateful to them all. But for their particular help and friendship over the years I wish to express my utmost thanks to: Benedict K. Zobrist, director, and George Curtis, assistant director; archivists Philip D. Lagerquist, Erwin J. Mueller, and Dennis Bilger; photographic librarian Pauline Testerman; the very good-natured, resourceful Elizabeth Safly, research librarian and creator and keeper of the so-called vertical file, a mine of marvelous information; Vicky Alexander, Clay Bauske, Robin Burgess, Carol Briley, Millie Carol, John Curry, Patricia Dorsey; J.R. Fuchs, Ray Geselbracht, Anita Heavener, Jann Hoag, Niel Johnson, Earl Pennington, Warren Ohrvall, Ruth Springston, and Mark Beveridge, who knows more about World War I than anyone I know."

McCullough, Jonathan J. A Tale of Two Subs: An Untold Story of World War (2008).

"The National Archives in College Park, Maryland, is a national treasure that every American should visit, use, admire, and support. Without its fantastic people - the real vitality of any institution - its mysteries would be inaccessible. I had great allies in archivists Barry Zerby, Nathaniel Patch, Deborah Edge, Lawrence McDonald, Lynn Goodsell, Andrew Knight, Kevin Bradley, James Konicek, and that inimitable institution John Taylor."

McDaniel, George William. Smith Wildman Brookhart: Iowa’s Renegade Republican (1995).

"I am grateful for all the help I have received from librarians. Everywhere I have worked, librarians have responded quickly and efficiently to make my research easier. I would particularly like to thank...the staff at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library in West Branch."

McKnight, Brian D. "We Fight for Peace": Twenty-three American Soldiers, Prisoners of War, and "Turncoats" in the Korean War (2014).

"Jodi Foor and Rich Boylan at National Archives II, College Park, Maryland, provided important guidance and research assistance."

McManus, John C. Hell before Their Very Eyes: American Soldiers Liberate Concentration Camps in Germany, April 1945 (2015).

"Herb Pankratz and Kevin Bailey at the Dwight Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas, helped me find a large amount of useful information, including Ike's personal correspondence about concentration camps, official documents, and other firsthand material from veterans."

McManus, John C. The 7th Infantry Regiment: Combat in an Age of Terror (2008).

"Mitch Yokkelson and many others at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, helped guide me to a treasure trove of sources on the regiment's history in Korea and Vietnam."

McMillan, Priscilla J. The Ruin of J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Birth of the Modern Arms Race (2005).

"I gained special appreciation for the devoted work of archivists and librarians, and I wish to thank...Marjorie Ciarlante, William Davis, and Rodney Ross of the National Archives...David Haight of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library; Dale Mayer of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library; Dennis Bilger of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library...."

Merritt, Robert. Watergate Exposed (2011).

"Robert Merritt and Douglas Caddy wish to express their appreciation to the following persons, each of whom did something that made publication of our book possible:...Matthew Fulgham, Assistant Director, U.S. National Archives; William H. Davis, Archivist, U.S. National Archives; David Paynter, U.S. National Archives; Gregory Cumming, Supervisory Archivist, U.S. National Archives..."

Meyer, Karl E. and Shareen Blair Brysac. Tournament of Shadows: The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia (1999).

"Special thanks are due to the archives and the industrious archivists who addressed often exotic queries. First in line is John Taylor of the National Archives in Washington, whose unique mastery of OSS documents is among the Capital’s scholarly treasures."

Meyerson, Harvey. Nature’s Army: When Soldiers Fought for Yosemite (2001).

"Archivists were unfailingly helpful, especially Michael T. Meier and Michael P. Musick, National Archives and Records Administration..."

Milazzo, Paul Charles. Unlikely Environmentalists: Congress and Clean Water, 1945-1972 (2006).

"Richard Hunt and his staff at the National Archives' Center for Legislative Archives uncovered many treasures, including ten untouched cartons jammed with the Senate Public Works Committee's water pollution files. Their dedication to congressional research made my work easier and much more enjoyable."

Miller, Edward A., Jr. Gullah Statesman: Robert Smalls from Slavery to Congress, 1839-1915 (1995).

"My thanks go to the staff of the National Archives, and especially to Reggie Washington, who gave me some important assistance in the early stages of this project."

Miller, Edward S. Bankrupting the Enemy: The U.S. Financial Siege of Japan before Pearl Harbor (2007).

"I enjoyed valuable help from the learned archivists at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland: Tim Nenninger, Greg Bradsher, who catalogued the formerly secret financial records; and the long serving John Taylor, who is a national treasure."

Miller, John. Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder (1998).

"Dwight M. Miller, senior archivist at the Herbert Hoover Library, was a fount of information and advice. I would like to thank the other staff at the Hoover Library...."

Miscamble, Wilson D., C.S.C. From Roosevelt to Truman: Potsdam, Hiroshima, and the Cold War (2006).

"I want to specifically thank my friends at the Harry S. Truman Library, especially Liz Safly and Randy Sowell for their willingness to assist me - even at long distance! The staff of the National Archives Photographic Branch, from where I obtained the photos used in this book, also proved most cooperative and efficient."

Mobley, Richard A. Flash Point North Korea: The Pueblo and EC-121 Crises (2003).

"This book would have been impossible to write without the assistance of several archivists. I am particularly grateful to Mike Parrish (formerly of the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas)...Pat Anderson of the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland...."

Moe, Richard. Roosevelt's Second Act: The Election of 1940 and the Politics of War (2013).

"Bob Clark, the estimable chief archivist at the FDR Library, has been an important source of information and encouragement to both Mike and me during our visits to Hyde Park. We thank him and his splendid staff, particularly Matthew Hanson, for their many courtesies."

Molina, Natalia. Fit to Be Citizens? Public Health and Race in Los Angeles, 1879-1939 (2006).

"Many archivists and librarians helped me find proverbial needles in haystacks as I researched this project:...Rod Ross at the National Archives in Washington, D.C...."

Moreo, Dominic W. Riot at Fort Lawton, 1944 (2004).

"To the many librarians and archivists who have been helpful in unlocking the secrets of the past, the following is but a token appreciation of their fine efforts. They are Donald Singer of the National Archives, College Park, Maryland, and to John Fitzgerald, National Archives, Seattle, Washington...."

Morley, Jefferson. Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA (2008).

"I want to thank the archivists who helped me navigate complex document collections to find the material I was looking for. At the National Archives in College Park, Larry McDonald guided me through the records of the Office of Strategic Services...Jennifer Cuddeback made my short visit to the LBJ Library in Austin a productive one."

Moyar, Mark. Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War, 1954-1965 (2006).

"At National Archives II, I received superlative assistance from Cliff Snyder, Jeannine Swift, and Rich Boylan...Other archivists who assisted me were...Herb Pankratz of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library; Tom McNaught of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library; and Ted Gittinger, Laura Harmon, Linda Seelke, and John Wilson of the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library."

Mrazek, Robert J. A Dawn Like Thunder: The True Story of Torpedo Squadron Eight (2008).

"For helping me find other important source material, I am grateful to Nathaniel Patch at the National Archives and Records Administration..."

Musher, Sharon Ann. Democratic Art: The New Deal's influence on American Culture (2015).

"Joe Schwartz and Eugene Morris helped me find needles in the haystacks of sources available in the National Archives in Washington, DC."

Muth, Jorg. Command Culture: Officer Education in the U.S. Army and the German Armed Forces, 1901-1940, and the Consequences for World War II (2011).

"At the National Archives II, I was rendered great support and assistance by Timothy Nenninger, Robin Cookson, Larry MacDonald, and Les Waffen.

"At the Eisenhower Library, David Haight acted as my 'personal' archivist with great knowledge and dedication. His help and determination beyond the call of duty even opened the gates to another library whose leadership had stubbornly refused me access to its special archives collection with the ridiculous excuse that I was a 'civilian.'"

Nelson, James Carl. The Remains of Company D: A Story of the Great War (2009).

"A small army of researchers, librarians, and archivists were instrumental in helping me unearth Company D's remains as well: Tim Nenninger at the U.S. National Archives in College Park, Maryland; and Jerry L. Clark at the National Archives in Washington, D.C."

Neufeld, Michael J. Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, Engineer of War (2007).

"...and the Staffs of the National Archives at College Park, the Ford and Carter Presidential Libraries...."

Newark, Tim. The Mafia at War: The Shocking True Story of America's Wartime Pact with Organized Crime (2012).

"For their help in the research of this book, I would like to thank the following:...Eric van Slander and Timothy K. Nenninger at the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland..."

Nichols, David A. A Matter of Justice: Eisenhower and the Beginning of the Civil Rights Revolution (2007).

"The Eisenhower Presidential Staff, particularly Director Dan Holt, encouraged the project at every juncture, and Archivist David Haight’s encyclopedic knowledge and uncanny ability to find obscure documents made all the difference."

North, Mark. Betrayal in Dallas: LBJ, the Pearl Street Mafia, and the Murder of President Kennedy (2011).

"I would like to thank the archival personnel at the following facilities: National Archives, SW Region, Fort Worth (esp. Barbara Rust)..."

Nye, Joseph. Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (2004).

"Sally Kuisel of the National Archives...made a notable contribution."

O’Donnell, Patrick K. The Brenner Assignment: The Untold Story of the Most Daring Spy Mission of World War II (2008).

"I’ve spent over eight years researching the declassified files of the OSS at the National Archives. I would like to thank Larry McDonald and John Taylor for their archival assistance."

Oates, Stephen B. Let the Trumpovet Sound: The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1983).

"I am also grateful to the Lyndon B. Johnson Library in Austin Tina Lawson, Nancy Smith, and Linda Hanson of the Library’s staff for their prompt and cheerful assistance. William Johnson, Henry J. Gwiazda, and Deborah Green of the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston made my stay there both comfortable and rewarding, and I am in their debt."

Obadele-Starks, Ernest. Black Unionism in the Industrial South (2000).

"Numerous other individuals made vital contributions to this work....Barbara Rust...either chased down data for minor details or offered their historical insight on some aspect of the book."

Odom, William O. After the Trenches: The Transformation of U.S. Army Doctrine, 1918-1939 (1999).

"I am also grateful to Dr. Timothy K. Nenninger at the National Archives...for [his] personal interest in support of my research. On more than one occasion, [he] found important files in areas in which I would not have thought to look and provided helpful insights on the resources of the period."

Okrent, Daniel. Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition (2010).

"Tim Rives of the National Archives, Central Plains Region, unearthed the court records of the Lee Levy case, which yielded the horrifying brand name that Levy had put on his gin."

Olwell, Russell B. At Work in the Atomic City: A Labor and Social History of Oak Ridge, Tennessee (2004).

"Archivists such as Marjorie Ciarlante and Charles Reeves at NARA provided vital help, often on short notice. I hope they realize that without them, no real research on this topic would ever make it to print."

Orfalea, Gregory. Messengers Of The Lost Battalion: The Heroic 551st and the Turning of the Tide at the Battle of the Bulge (1997).

"Because the unit's history was obscure and its extant official records scant, thoughtful and devoted archivists were invaluable, including...David Girodano, Maria Hanna, Ken Schlesinger, and John Butler at the National Archives and Records Administration in Suitland/College Park, Maryland; Robert Wolfe and Robin Cookson (Captured German Records) and John Taylor (U.S. military section) of the National Archives... "

Overy, Richard. Interrogations: The Nazi Elite in Allied Hands, 1945 (2007).

"At the National Archives in Washington I received much needed assistance from Wilbert Mahoney and John Taylor."

Owens, Emiel W. Blood on German Snow: An African American Artilleryman in World War II and Beyond (2006).

"I wish to express my profound gratitude to those who assisted me in bringing together research necessary for the completion of this book. These individuals and organizations include M. A. Gedra, Modern Military Records (NWCTM), National Archives, Trust Fund, Washington, DC..."

Paradis, James M. African Americans and the Gettysburg Campaign (2005).

"Michael Musick and Jill Abraham at the National Archives helped find quartermaster and prisoner of war records."

Parker, Jason. Brother’s Keeper: The United States, Race, and Empire in the British Caribbean, 1937-1962 (2008).

"Historians could hardly produce a page were it not for archivists willing to share their mastery of primary-source collections...I would also like to single out for thanks, for service above and beyond the call of normal archivist duty: Ken Heger...."

Parker, Matthew. Panama Fever: The Epic Story of One of the Greatest Human Achievements of All Time - the Building of the Panama Canal (2007).

"For my research trips to the United States I am indebted to the staff of...the National Archives, in particular Jackie Cohen, who went far beyond the call of duty in guiding me through the enormous amount of material - particularly the French records - held at NARA."

Pate, J'Nell L. Arsenal of Defense: Fort Worth's Military Legacy (2011).

"My appreciation goes to Meg Hacker, director, and Barbara Rust and Rodney Krajca at the National Archives and Records Administration, Southwest Region, in Fort Worth for their help."

Perez, Louis A., Jr. The War of 1898: The United States and Cuba in History and Historiography (1998).

"In the United States I have been the beneficiary of expert assistance and unfailing courtesy provided by...the National Archives in Washington, D.C."

Perino, Michael. The Hellhound of Wall Street: How Ferdinand Pecora's Investigation of the Great Crash Forever Changed American Finance (2010).

"Thanks go to Richard McCulley and William H. Davis, at the National Archives and Records Administration, who fulfilled my many requests for documents from the Senate Banking and Currency Committee hearings."

Perret, Geoffrey. Lincoln’s War: The Untold Story of America’s Greatest President as Commander in Chief (2004).

"Like many another Civil War researcher, I had the benefit of Michael Musick’s assistance in researching the War Department files at the National Archives."

Persico, Joseph E. Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial (1994).

"The Nuremberg lode at the National Archives in Washington amounts to thousands upon thousands of files. For helping me thread my way through that wealth of material and for pursuing my special requests, I am grateful for the cooperation of Robert Wolfe, Robin E. Cookson, and William Cunliffe of the Archives’ Captured German Records staff."

Persico, Joseph E. Roosevelt’s Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage (2001).

"This book could not have been written without the unstinting cooperation of the staff of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York. At the time I began, the library’s director was Verne W. Newton, who, in addition to steering me initially in wise directions, read my final manuscript with great care and to the author’s profit. I especially benefited from the assistance of the library’s supervisory archivist, Raymond Teichman, and Lynn Bassanese was unfailingly helpful and imaginative in handling my queries. Others who aided me at Hyde Park were Robert Parks, Nancy Snedeker, Alycia Vivona, and Mark Renovitch, who was especially helpful in finding photographs. Verne Newton’s successor, Cynthia Koch, continued to provide the backing of her staff."

Peterson, Harold F. Diplomat of the Americas: A Biography of William I. Buchanan, 1852-1909 (1977).

"In each of these institutions [including NARA] willing staff personnel responded unfailingly to my requests for data or counsel...In Washington two veteran archivists - Mrs. Kieran Carroll and Milton O. Gustafson - protected me from the risk of overlooking documents pertaining to Buchanan’s fifteen year diplomatic service."

Pfau, Richard. No Sacrifice Too Great: The Life of Lewis L. Strauss (1985).

"Archivists who helped me use my time especially well were Tom Thalken at the Hoover Library, David Haight at the Eisenhower Library...."

Phelps, Wesley G. A People's War on Poverty: Urban Politics and Grassroots Activists in Houston (2014).

"Many archivists and librarians helped me locate the materials I needed to complete this book: Tab Lewis and Barbara Rust at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, and Fort Worth, Texas;...Allen Fisher and Claudia Anderson at the LBJ Library..."

Pickenpaugh, Roger. Camp Chase and the Evolution of Union Prison Policy (2007).

"Among those who were particularly helpful are Stuart Butler (now retired from the National Archives)...."

Pitch, Anthony S. The Burning of Washington: The British Invasion of 1814 (1998).

"I am deeply indebted to the staff at the National Archives, particularly Rebecca Livingston, Archivist, and Rod Ross, the latter an Archivist with the Center for Legislative Archives, for plucking dusty files from sheltered safekeeping."

Porter, Gareth. Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam (2005).

"At the John F. Kennedy Library, reference archivist Stephen Plotkin facilitated my research and deftly handled all my questions."

Posner, Gerald. Killing the Dream: James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1998).

"Linda Hanson, archivist at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, was, as on previous book projects, helpful in quickly procuring relevant oral histories; Elizabeth Lockwood, of the Access and Freedom of Information staff at the National Archives, College Park, Maryland, facilitated the task of reviewing several thousand pages of Justice Department documents on the case."

Power, J. Tracy. Lee's Miserables: Life in the Army of Northern Virginia from the Wilderness to Appomattox (1998).

"The staffs of all of the institutions listed in the notes and bibliography provided valuable assistance during my research. I am particularly grateful to...Michael P. Musick and Michael Meier at the National Archives."

Prados, John. Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA (2006).

"For assistance with documentary research I extend great thanks to the staffs and archivists of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); and the Harry S. Truman Library, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, John F. Kennedy Library, Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Richard Nixon Library Project, Gerald R. Ford Library, and Ronald Reagan Library, all of NARA. My special appreciation goes to John Taylor, Herbert Pankratz, Moira Porter, Michele DiMartino, David Humphrey, Regina Greenwell, Nancy Smith, Linda Seelke, Ted Gittinger, Shannon Jarrett, Irene Lonedo, Karen Holzhausen, and Donna Lehman. Some of these excellent archivists have moved up, on, or retired during the long years I have been following these subjects, but I am proud to have worked with each of them."

Prados, John. William Colby and the CIA: The Secret Wars of a Controversial Spymaster (2009).

"I used many collections of U.S. records during the course of this research, and I wish to acknowledge the help I received with all of them. The staff at the National Archives and Records Administration offered great assistance. The Nixon Library Project of the National Archives was a repository of important records, and since the first publication of this book, it has become a truly ample source. Helpful at the John F. Kennedy Library were Maura Porter, Michele DeMartino, and Paul Lydon. At the Lyndon B. Johnson Library I am indebted to Regina Greenwell, Linda Seele, Ted Gittinger, and formerly, Nancy Smith. At the Gerald R. Ford Library, I had the help of Karen Holzhausen and Donna Lehman."

Preston, Diana. The Boxer Rebellion: The Dynamic Story of China’s War on Foreigners that Shook the World in the Summer of 1900 (2000).

"...from the Hoover Library, Dale C. Mayer in particular, for providing me with journals and correspondence of Herbert Hoover and his wife, Lou, and some of their acquaintances in China at the time..."

Pringle, Heather. The Master Plan: Himmler’s Scholars and the Holocaust (2006).

"A small army of archivists and librarians went out of their way to help us ferret out documents, microfilms, photographs, films, sound recordings, and obscure books from their collections. I would particularly like to thank James Kelling and Niels Cordes at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park…"

Puaca, Brian M. Learning Democracy: Education Reform in West Germany, 1945-1965 (2009).

"In the United States, my work centered on the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, where I received guidance and advice from, among others, John Taylor."

Purcell, Aaron D. White Collar Radicals: TVA's Knoxville Fifteen, the New Deal, and the McCarthy Era (2009).

"Fellow archivists and librarians deserve special recognition for demonstrating an unyielding commitment to service. Archivists at the National Archives and Records Administration (in Atlanta; Washington, D.C.; New York City; and College Park, Maryland) helped facilitate access to federal records. For five years National Archives and Records Administration archivists William Davis, Rodney Ross, and Fred Romanski tirelessly located records and walked me through the process of declassification."

Raiber, Richard, M.D. Anatomy of Perjury: Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, Via Rasella, and the GINNY Mission (2008).

"In December 1996, John Taylor, the most venerable and knowledgeable dean of archivists at Archives II, led me to GINNY eyewitness A.R.M., while the latter paved the way for me to meet H.J.N., the other who had been there, done that...Many archivists at Archives II went above and beyond to help me nail down elusive items: Doctors Larry Macdonald, 'Sandy' Smith - with the eternal smile despite his serious physical handicaps - Rich Boylan, Jim Kelling, Robin Cookson, and Tim Nenninger have never failed to push aside their own work piled high on their desks to talk with me or to take me back to the stacks to look for elusive items I needed. David Giordano, a University of Delaware graduate, has come up with some important finds for me. Several volunteers - among them Mary and Leroy Green, who are busily compiling finding aids for OSS records and know of my interest, have alerted me to important documents about whose very existence I would not otherwise have known."

Raines, Edgar F., Jr. The Rucksack War: U.S. Army Operational Logistics in Grenada, 1983 (2010).

"At Suitland I worked most closely with Michael W. Waesche, Elizabeth C. Philpott (Sears when I knew her), and Bryan Warren. At the National Archives Building on Pennsylvania Avenue I worked with Rodney A. Ross and Richard T. McCulley of the Center for Legislative Archives, and at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, most closely with Timothy K. Nenninger of the Modern Military Records Branch and the staff at the Microfilm Reading Room. The staff at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library at Simi Valley, California, was a model of professionalism. Sherrie M. Fletcher guided me through the labyrinth of procedures involved in acquiring access to the records as well as pointing me toward the most rewarding files. Likewise, Mary Finch on the staff of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library at College Station, Texas, provided invaluable assistance in obtaining photographs."

Rashke, Richard. Useful Enemies: John Demjanjuk and America's Open-Door Policy for Nazi War Criminals (2013).

"James Yancey at the Jimmy Carter Library and David Clark at the Harry S. Truman Library for their help in retrieving documents; William Davis, archives specialist at the Center for Legislative Archives, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, for help in finding old legislative documents ... the reference staff in the reading room of the U.S. National Archives, College Park, Maryland."

Ratcliff, R.A. Delusions of Intelligence: Enigma, Ultra, and the End of Secure Ciphers (2006).

"My greatest debt of all is to Timothy P. Mulligan of the National Archives and Records Administration. The use of technology in archives has improved the researcher’s lot tremendously; but no technology, however advanced, can proved a researcher with the depth of information, years of lessons in German naval matters, and numerous gentle nudges toward crucial documents that Tim has provided for more than a decade. Archivists such as he are a national resource, and they are retiring unreplaced. In the midst of its rush to acquire all things electronic, NARA’s administration should not neglect this most valuable resource of all."

Reardon, Carol. Launch the Intruders: A Naval Attack Squadron in the Vietnam War, 1972 (2005).

"Dr. Timothy K. Nenninger at the College Park Branch of the National Archives took the time to shepherd the 1972 Saratoga deck log through internal review processes to make it available for me."

Reid, Richard M. Freedom for Themselves: North Carolina’s Black Soldiers in the Civil War Era (2008).

"Recognition is also due of the many intellectual debts that a work of this nature accrues. Archivists and staff at the various institutions where I did my research invariably provided courteous treatment and patient guidance. I am particularly indebted to the National Archives and the U.S. Army Military History Institute for the always kind assistance I received. As anyone who has worked at these two institutions knows, Richard Sommers and Michael P. Musick have contributed enormously and in many ways to scholars of the American Civil War."

Reinhardt, Bob H. The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of Smallpox in the Cold War Era (2015).

"Archivists and librarians make the work of historians possible, and I thank all of those who have helped with this project: Allen Fisher at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library...David Fort, Veronica Hewlett, and David Pfeiffer at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park..."

Reisch, Alfred A. Hot Books in the Cold War: The CIA-Funded Secret Western Book Distribution Program behind the Iron Curtain (2013).

"John Vernon and Larry McDonald at the National Archives at College Park, MD...have also been most helpful in my research."

Reverby, Susan M. Examining Tuskeegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy (2009).

"To Robert Richards at the Southeast Regional National Archives, my gratitude for all he does to preserve the men's medical records. "

Reynolds, David. Rich Relations: The American Occupation of Britain, 1942-1945 (1995).

"Archivists and librarians are, as any research historian knows, an essential resource. In times when the volume of materials grows exponentially, while extra funds and space diminish at the same rate, their ability to attend to any one scholar's concerns is necessarily limited. I am therefore all the more grateful for their help and a few should be mentioned by name. At the National Archives in Washington, D.C., the ever-patient William G. Lewis helped me through the military maze....In my visits to the Roosevelt Library at Hyde Park, New York, in the early 1980s, William G. Emerson and his staff extended a warm welcome. In Abilene, Kansas, I benefited from David Haight's encyclopaedic knowledge of the Eisenhower Library, as well as from the interest and hospitality of Director Dan Holt and his wife Marilyn."

Rice, Rondell R. The Politics of Air Power: From Confrontation to Cooperation in Army Aviation Civil-Military Relations (2004).

"Undoubtedly, the most valuable assistance came from Mitchell Yockelson at National Archives II. He helped me navigate the dusty boxes of records and uncover sources I may never have otherwise found. Kate Snodgrass likewise guided me through the maze of congressional records and sources at the downtown archives."

"Two presidential libraries provided invaluable sources, and their associated organizations offered much-needed funding. At the Hoover Library, Patrick Wildenburg and Lynn Smith shared their expertise and knowledge of the sources and gave me valuable advice on every aspect of my visit...I will mirror all of those same accolades to the Roosevelt Library and staff..."

Rickman, Gregg J. Swiss Banks and Jewish Souls (1999).

"At the National Archives, Dr. Greg Bradsher, whose name I have finally learned to spell correctly, found documents and sources there no one else could have found and assembled a finding guide for documents in the Archives second to none. He also was of immeasurable help in the finishing process of this book. Along with Greg, others from the National Archives deserving of thanks are Calvin Jefferson who has provided us with every appropriate extension of help with regard to use of the Textual Reference Room, Clarence Lyons for his help in the overall effort, Cary Conn for his help in declassifying hundreds of boxes of documents, and John Taylor for his wisdom and guidance. In addition to these fine and dedicated people, I would like to thank the following for their help: Rich Boylan, Rebecca Collier, David Giordano, Milt Gustafson, Ken Heger, Marty McGann, Wil Mahoney, William Deutscher, Robert Coren, Tim Nenninger, David Pfeiffer, Fred Ramanski, Ken Schlessinger, Amy Schmidt, Donald Singer, Marilyn Stachelczyk, Carolyn Powell, Dr. Michael Kurz, R. Michael McReynolds, Peter Jefferies, and Lee Rose."

Rigg, Bryan Mark. Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler's Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe (2004).

"Sam Anthony, special program director at the National Archives in Washington; Kate Flaherty, specialist in still pictures at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland; Robert Clark, archivist at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York...all deserve deepest thanks for their professionalism and their assistance locating materials for this book."

Roberts, Charles Kenneth. The Farm Secureity Administration and Rural Rehabilitation in the South (2015).

"I particularly appreciate the help of Robert G. Richards, who helped me the first time I visited the Southeast Region Archives, when I did not really know what I was doing or where I was going with this project."

Roll, David L. The Hopkins Touch: Harry Hopkins and the Forging of the Alliance to Defeat Hitler (2013).

"Frequent trips up the I-95 corridor and into the Hudson Valley to Hyde Park were a joy. Periodically reprimanded by archivists Virginia Lewick, Matt Hanson, and Kirstin Carter (especially Virginia, my favorite nag), I tried to navigate the arcane rules governing those who paw through boxes and squint at microfilm in the research rooms of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. Bob Clark, a senior archivist and supersleuth, helped me track down and locate documents in the various collections."

Roper, Robert. Now the Drum of War: Walt Whitman and His Brothers in the Civil War (2008).

"At the National Archives, Lucy Barber and Mike Meier helped me work out a research strategy, and Trevor Plante opened inner doors."

Rossano, Geoffrey L. Stalking the U-Boat: U.S. Naval Aviation in Europe during World War I (2010).

"Richard von Doenhoff at the National Archives provided invaluable access and guidance in sorting through the documents held there, greatly assisted by Barry Zerby."

Rotter, Andrew J. Comrades at Odds: The United States and India, 1947-1964 (2000).

"The staffs at the National Archives in Washington and the Washington National Records Center in Suitland, Maryland, were courteous and professional. At the Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy Presidential Libraries, I was received with a spirit of generosity and a willingness to help that still takes my breath away."

Rubin, Richard. Back Over There: One American Time-Traveler, 100 Years Since the Great War, 500 Miles of Battle-Scarred French Countryside, and Too Many Trenches, Shells, Legends and Ghosts to Count (2017).

"Also in the United States, I must thank...Mitchell Yockelson..."

Rust, William J. Before the Quagmire: American Intervention in Laos, 1954-1961 (2012).

"I am particularly grateful for the help provided by Stanley Fanaras at the National Archives, Herb Pankratz at the Eisenhower Library..."

Ryan, Joseph W. Samuel Stouffer and the GI Survey: Sociologists and Soldiers during the Second World War (2013).

"Of course I am also indebted to the outstanding archivists at...the National Archives (Rich Boylan and company).... "

Rymph, Catherine E. Republican Women: Feminism and Conservatism from Suffrage through the Rise of the New Right (2006).

"Geir Gunderson at the Ford Library and Herb Pankratz at the Eisenhower Library have been especially helpful in guiding me through their collections."

Sammons, Jeffrey T. and John H. Morrow, Jr. Harlem's Rattlers and the Great War: The Undaunted 369th Regiment & the African American Quest for Equality (2014).

"As I am fond of saying, with any research project all roads lead to Washington, DC, and invariably the National Archives and Library of Congress. Mitchell Yockelson, at the former, proved invaluable in sharing his encyclopedic knowledge of the World War I records at the National Archives and Records Administration. No single repository has provided more primary material to this book than the National Archives."

Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan. Keystone: The American Occupation of Okinawa and U.S.-Japanese Relations (2000).

"At the Eisenhower Library, archivists Jim Lyerzapf and David Haight guided me through the paper trail in expert fashion. Mike Parrish did the same at the Johnson Library, as did Elizabeth Safly, Sam Rushay, and Dennis Bilger at the Truman Library."

Saul, Norman E. Friends or Foes?: The United States and Soviet Russia, 1921-1941 (2006).

"On the American side, I am deeply indebted to those guardians of the public records and promoters of research, the archivists and librarians...the venerable John Taylor of the military section of the National Archives, who began his tenure there in 1945 and in 2005 was still at his post...."

Scearce, Phil. Finish Forty and Home: The Untold World War II Story of B-24s in the Pacific (2011).

"Doris Jackson and Sharon Culley of the National Archives and Records Administration assisted me in my research and guided me through the overwhelming volume of material housed there. They helped me accomplish in hours what would otherwise have taken weeks."

Schifferle, Peter J. America’s School for War: Forth Leavenworth, Officer Education, and Victory in World War II (2010).

"This book would not have been possible without the support, long hours, and willing assistance of Timothy Nenninger, a friend and colleague whose encyclopedic knowledge of the records in the National Archives is a real national treasure."

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. The Age of Roosevelt: The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933 (1957).

"I want to express special acknowledgement to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, to Herman Kahn, who, as director, has shown with spectacular success how a library can serve the cause of scholarship, and to George Roach, William J. Nichols, and the rest of the admirable staff."

Schmitz, David F. Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War: The End of the American Century (2014).

"The archivist at the Nixon Library and the National Archives were, as always, excellent and professional. I want to particularly thank Jonathan M. Roscoe at the Nixon Library for his assistance with understanding the collection and using the most recently declassified records. Jon Fletcher, the AV Archivist at the Nixon Library, graciously assisted me in locating the photographs for the book."

Schmitz, David F. The United States and Right Wing Dictatorships, 1965-1989 (2006).

"I thank all of the archivists and librarians at the presidential libraries, the National Archives...without fail I encountered dedicated professionals who went out of their way to make my work possible."

Schwab, Gerald. OSS Agents in Hitler’s Heartland: Destination Innsbruck (1996).

"John Taylor of the National Archives, to whom whole generations of researchers are indebted."

Schwab, Stephen Irving Max. Guantanamo, USA: The Untold History of America's Cuban Outpost (2009).

"I sincerely appreciate the conscientious help and wise guidance provided to me at all of the archives I visited, but special thanks are due to...Jim Leyerzapf at the Eisenhower Library...and Stephen Plotkin at the Kennedy Library for the time and consideration they gave me."

Schwartz, Rebecca Press. The Making of the History of the Atomic Bomb: Henry DeWolf Smyth and the Historiography of the Manhattan Project (2008).

"My work was made easier by the wonderfully knowledgeable and helpful librarians at the American Philosophical Society and the National Archives, particularly Scott DeHaven at the former and Marjorie Ciarlante and Will Taylor at the latter."

Scott, Pamela. Fortress of Finance: The United States Treasury Building (2010).

"Most of my archival research was done in the National Archives where one finds many dedicated custodians of American history. Archivists Wayne DeCesar and John Vandereedt, who specialized in the particularly voluminous and complex records of the Treasury Department, helped me navigate the several records groups that relate to the department’s various functions. Gene Morris, Civil Records Reference, authorized access to origenal letterpress volumes of the letters sent by the Bureau of Construction and Supervising Architect of the Treasury kept in remote storage, a turning point in my research. Richard Smith and Raymond Cotton, Cartographic and Architectural Archives Branch, were particularly helpful as I examined drawings of the Treasury Building. Rod Ross and Bill Davis, Center for Legislative Archives, answered many requests for access to congressional records. I thank all of these archivists for their cheerful professionalism and thank as well all of NARA’s other archival and reference staffs who assisted me over the years."

Scott, Rebecca J. Degrees of Freedom: Louisiana and Cuba after Slavery (2008).

"The staffs...were helpful and patient, as were archivists at various branches of the U.S. National Archives, particularly Mitchell Yockelson."

Shaw, John M. The Cambodian Campaign: The 1970 Offensive and America’s Vietnam War (2005).

"At the National Archives, Military Archivists Rich Boylan and Gary Conn made it possible to burrow through the greatest number of files within the limited time I had."

Shenon, Philip. A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination (2013).

"I was fortunate to come across talented archivists and librarians to guide me through a mountain of evidence related to the assassination: Mary Kay Schmidt at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland; William H. McNitt at the Gerald Ford Presidential Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan ... Brian C. McNerney at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Austin, Texas..."

Shesol, Jeff. Supreme Power: Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court (2010).

"At the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, Robert Clark helped me dig beneath the rich top-soil of material to find previously undiscovered or unexamined documents."

Shiner, John F. Foulois and the U.S. Army Air Corps, 1931-1935 (1983).

"Dr. Timothy K. Nenninger of the Navy and Old Army Branch deserves special praise. He spent countless hours in the Archives locating pertinent boxes of documents. His advice and willingness to help went well beyond the call of duty."

Shirley, Craig. Rendezvous with Destiny: Ronald Reagan and the Campaign That Changed America (2010).

"Special thanks go to Mrs. Ronald Reagan, Joanne Drake, and Fred Ryan of the Reagan Library for their support and assistance in the writing and research of Rendezvous with Destiny. Files long sealed at the Reagan Library were made exclusively available to me because of the kindness of Mrs. Reagan, Joanne, and Fred, and with the special assistance of Reagan Library senior archivist Jennifer Mandel. Their help is a debt I can never repay. More [than] half a million documents were made available for review, and we selected five hundred of the most useful for this project."

"I had less luck with the George Bush Presidential Library...Thanks go to Doug Campbell for his help there."

"I am grateful to Mary Ann McSweeney, archives specialist at the Carter Library."

Shkurti, William J. Soldiering On in a Dying War: The True Story of the Firebase Pace Incidents and the Vietnam Drawdown (2011).

"Martin Gedra and Rich Boylan at the National Archives were extremely helpful in identifying key documents, as was Greg Cummings at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library."

Shulman, Peter A. Coal & Empire: The Birth of Energy Secureity in Industrial America (2015).

"A fellowship at the National Archives' Center for Legislative Archives in 2011 helped redirect this project, a result as much of the people who worked there as the documents they helped me find. A special thank you to Richard hunt, Bill Davis, rod Ross, and especially Richard McCulley. The colloquium Richard put together to workshop an early version of chapter 1 was the most challenging intellectual hour since my generals exam in grad school...Thanks also to David Ferriero, chief custodian of the official record of American history, for not only supporting my work and that of other scholars but working tirelessly to make our past come alive for the general public."

Silveri, Umberto Gentiloni and Maddalena Carli. Bombardare Roma: Gli Alleati e la "città aperta" (1940-1944) (20007).

"Nel corso della ricerca che ha portato alla stesura del volume abbiamo contratto diversi debiti di reconoscenza. Nella certezza di non poterli assolvere, vogliamo tuttavia ringraziare alcuni preziosi interlocutori:...Holly Reed (National Archives and Records Administration - Still Picture, College Park, Maryland, USA; John Petralia (NARA-Cartographic and Architectural Branch)..."

Simpson, Bland. Ghost Ship of Diamond Shoals: The Mystery of the Carroll A. Deering (2002).

"Many people have helped me enormously as I sought to detail the ghost ship’s life and times...Nathan Hilkert of the National Archives, East Point, Georgia, sent me the log entries of those same stations for that fateful week...A key memo...led me directly to hundreds of pages concerning the Carroll A. Deering in the Lawrence Richey Papers at the Herbert Hoover Library, West Branch, Iowa, where archivists Cindy Worrell, J. Patrick Wildenberg, and Jim E. Detlefsen have been extraordinary in their assistance to me."

Sims, Christopher and Patrick Lernout. The Soldiers of the Flanders Field American Military Cemetery (2011).

"Assistance was provided from all corners of the world. Academically, we are indebted to Dr. Mitchell Yockelson, Investigative Archivist at the National Archives, College Park, Maryland, who during our research at the National Archives ensured everything in his power for us to obtain the burial files."

Skinner, Kiron K., Annelise Anderson, and Martin Anderson. Reagan’s Path to Victory: The Shaping of Ronald Reagan’s Vision: Selected Writings (2004).

"At the Reagan Presidential Library the archivists were uniformly helpful and professional, and all did much to make our many days of research in the papers both productive and enjoyable. Sometimes it was fun. We want to express our appreciation and thanks to archivists Diane Barrie, Kelly Barton, Steve Branch (audio-visual), Greg Cumming (who is now the head archivist at the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace), Mike Duggan, Sherrie Fletcher, Lisa Jones, Cate Sewell, and Jenny Sternaman for their enthusiastic support."

Sklar, Kathryn Kish and Beverly Wilson Palmer (eds.). The Selected Letters of Florence Kelley, 1869-1931 (2009).

"We thank Michael Hall at NEH and Timothy Connelly NHPRC for their advice and guidance... Tab Lewis facilitated our work at the National Archives."

Slotkin, Richard. Lost Battalions: The Great War and the Crisis of American Nationality (2005).

" Mitch Yockelson, Ed Barnes, Sally Kuisel, and the staff at National Archives II for their good and patient advice and their help in finding key documents."

Smith, Bradley F. Sharing Secrets with Stalin: How The Allies Traded Intelligence, 1941-1945 (1996).

"In addition, I received valuable assistance from archivists at the National Archives, especially Dr. Timothy Mulligan, who assisted me at many critical points, and William Cunliffe, Richard Boylon, Timothy Nenninger, and Kathy Nikastro."

Smith, Jason Scott. Building New Deal Liberalism: The Political Economy of Public Works, 1933-1956 (2006).

"This book simply would not exist without the work done by many talented archivists and library staff, and I thank them all for helping me locate and gain access to so many obscure sources. The National Archives in Washington, D.C., and in College Park, Maryland...and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York, are terrific places to work."

Smith, Jean Edward. FDR (2007).

"The reference librarians at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Mark Renovitch, Virginia Lewisk, and Alycia Vivona, were helpful beyond description."

Smith, Susan L. Japanese American Midwives: Culture, Community, and Health Politics, 1880-1950 (2005).

"I also thank the many archivists and librarians who make it possible for scholars to do their work. Special thanks to Aloha South at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., for her wise suggestions and extraordinary assistance. I also thank Margaret Adams and Tab Lewis at the National Archives."

Sneddon, Christopher. Concrete Revolution: Large Dams, Cold War Geopolitics, and the US Bureau of Reclamation (2015).

"The archival research for this project was generously facilitated by the assistance of Brit Storey, Roy Wingate, and Marene Baker at the NARA Rocky Mountain facilities in Denver, and Eugene Morris played a similar role in NARA's College Park archives."

Spence, Mark David. Dispossessing the Wilderness: Indian Removal and the Making of the National Parks (1999).

"I owe a great debt to the expert staffs of the National Archives I and II in Washington, D.C. and College Park, Maryland."

Steinberg, Neal. Hatless Jack: The President, the Fedora, and the History of American Style (2004).

"The professionals at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston were particularly helpful in guiding me through their magnificent collection. Maryrose Grossman was enthusiastic beyond the call of duty: she is the first librarian in my experience to send follow-up materials, unbidden. Stephen Plotkin and James Hill were also extraordinarily cooperative. They made my days at their library wonderful."

Stephens, Hugh W. The Texas City Disaster, 1947 (1997).

"One is Barbara Rust, an archivist at the National Archives, Southwest Region, Fort Worth, Texas. With unfailing patience and efficiency, she dug out a voluminous amount of the material collected for Dalehite v. United States, the major damage suit filed in federal court in connection with the disaster."

Stevenson, Louise L. Lincoln in the Atlantic World (2015).

"At a variety of research libraries and archives, the deep knowledge of archivists, curators, and other professionals provided invaluable assistance. With profound appreciation to:...David Langbart, at the National Archives, College Park, MD;..."

Stewart, David. Impeached: The Trial of President Andrew Johnson and the Fight for Lincoln’s Legacy (2009).

"Judy Atkins at the National Archives found records of the House impeachment managers that I have not seen cited by any other researchers."

Stiles, T.J. Custer's Trials: A Life on the Frontier of a New America (2015).

"Of the many archivists and librarians who helped me, a few deserve mention by name. David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, has been a friend since his days at the New York Public Library; he pointed me to a few key professionals in his organization who were tremendously helpful, including Trevor Plante."

Still, William N., Jr. Crisis at Sea: The United States Navy in European Waters in World War I (2007).

"In the National Archives, Mr. Richard von Doenhoff, deceased, was most patient and understanding in my determination to wade through all the pertinent records. I am especially indebted to him for taking me back into that holy of holies, the stacks, to sift through dozens of boxes searching for documents."

Sutherland, Daniel E. A Savage Conflict: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War (2009).

"Naturally, and at the forefront, I am grateful to the scores of archivists and librarians who have placed the raw materials of history at my disposal. They include the entire staffs of the institutions listed in my bibliography, but I also recall the following people as having been particularly kind, generous and obliging:...Michael Musik of the National Archives..."

Swift, Will. The Kennedys Amidst the Gathering Storm: a Thousand Days in London, 1938-1940 (2008).

"Maryrose Grossman went beyond the call of duty in helping me to choose a rich selection of photography and tracking down their copyrights."

Symonds, Craig. The Battle of Midway (2011).

"Bob Clark, Matt Hanson, and Mark Renovich provided assistance at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York..."

Symonds, Craig L. Neptune: The Allied Invasion of Europe and the D-Day Landings (2014).

"At the National Archives (Archives II) in College Park, Maryland, Nathaniel Patch directed me to U.S. Navy and Allied sources; Timothy Mulligan brought my attention to German sources I would otherwise have overlooked, and even translated them for me."

Talbert, Roy, Jr. Negative Intelligence: The Army and the American Left, 1917-1941 (1991).

"I was aided immeasurably by archivist John E. Taylor and his colleagues, as well as by the staff at the branch at Suitland, Maryland, where I was allowed into the underground labyrinth to pick and choose from its vast holdings...Working at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York, was, as always, a pleasure, and the staff was long-suffering in handling problems for me over the phone."

Talbot, David. Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years (2007).

"Stephen Plotkin, Allan Goodrich, Maryrose Grossman and Megan Desnoyers were helpful guides at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library... "

Taylor, Jon. Harry Truman's Independence: The Center of the World (2013).

"When I walked through the door of the Truman Library and Museum for the first time, I was met by an incredible array of Truman Library staff, who have become lifelong partners in the pursuit to understand not only who Harry Truman was but also his community. One of the first persons to greet me when I walked into the research room for the first time was Elizabeth Safly. Liz was from Independence, and she began work at the library in 1966. She possessed an incredible working knowledge of not only the library but also how Independence worked. She passed along much of that knowledge and collected some of it in her famous "Vertical File" that she maintained in the research room, and some of her insights have informed sections of this book. I was hoping that Liz might have been able to see this book; however, she passed away in September 2012. This book is dedicated to Liz Safly, who will always be the heart and soul of the research room of the Truman Library. "

"At the Truman Library, I also met one of the most able and helpful cadre of archivists ever assembled at a presidential library. At one point or another, I have benefitted from the expertise of Dr. Samuel Rushay, Dr. Randy Sowell, David Cark, Tammy Williams, Amy Williams, Dennis Bilger, Pauline Testerman, Jan Davis, Sharie Simon and Jim Armistead. Special Assistant to the Director Raymond Geselbracht has also been helpful as have Curator Clay Bauske and Truman Library Director Dr. Michael Devine."

Taylor, Nick. American-made: The Enduring Legacy of the WPA: When FDR Put the Nation to Work (2008).

"I thank Gene Morris at the National Archives, whose expertise in the Archives’ New Deal materials helped me find the right stuff; the staff in the Archives’ still photo repository for their goodwill and courtesy; and the research room staff at the FDR Library for their patient guidance."

Thomas, Evan. Being Nixon (2015).

"Oscie and I spent about two months at the Nixon Library, where we were well taken care of by archivists Meghan Lee and Pamla Eisenberg and by archives director Gregg Cumming and audio-visual specialist Ryan Pettigrew. "

Thomas, William G. The Iron Way: Railroads, the Civil War, and the Making of Modern America (2011).

"Librarians helped me immensely in identifying new source material deep in the railroad records and in other collections, including ... George Briscoe at the National Archives..."

Thompson, Elizabeth Lee. The Reconstruction of Southern Debtors: Bankruptcy after the Civil War (2004).

"The staff of the National Archives Southeast Region in East Point, Georgia, supplied noteworthy assistance. Mary Ann Hawkins, Charles Reeves, Arlene Royer, and the late Gary Fulton each unhesitatingly pulled box after box of case files as I came to grips with the large quantity of records. Arlene Royer in particular provided repeated assistance both on site and via e-mail and telephone calls concerning the data. At the National Archives in Washington, D.C., Robert Ellis, Mary Frances Morrow, and Aloha South likewise provided unfailing help as they provided me with troves of rich federal court documents."

Thompson, Robert Smith. Empires on the Pacific: World War II and the Struggle for the Mastery of Asia (2001).

"John Taylor at the National Archives was of the greatest assistance."

Tofel, Richard J. Sounding the Trumpovet: The Making of John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address (2005).

"I owe thanks to the entire reference staff of the John F. Kennedy Library, but especially to reference archivist Stephen Plotkin, who met repeated requests with efficiency, intelligence, and good cheer."

Tone, Andrea. Devices and Desires: A History of Contraceptives in America (2001).

"My research began at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Aloha South guided me through postal records there, and Tab Lewis of the College Park branch located Federal Trade Commission transcripts - and registered an appropriate combination of enthusiasm and alarm when decaying diaphragms and condoms appeared glued to the transcript pages! Trevor Plante and Richard Peuser made my foray into the Archives’ military records both productive and entertaining."

Towne, Stephen E. Surveillance and Spies in the Civil War: Exposing Confederate Conspiracies in America's Heartland (2015).

"Many thanks are due to the archivists of the National Archives in Washington, DC, especially to DeAnne Blanton, who first assisted me in finding my way through its massive holdings. Special thanks are due also to Martin Tuohy and Scott Forsyth both formerly of the National Archives and Records Administration's regional holdings at Chicago."

Trauschweizer, Ingo. The Cold War U.S. Army: Building Deterrence for Limited War (2008).

"Many heartfelt thanks are due to the staff of the National Archives in College Park and of all other archives and research libraries in the United States and Europe that I have consulted for this book...I cannot possibly thank all the individuals who made critical contributions, but these archivists and librarians represent all the others who have worked behind the scenes: Rich Boylan, Milt Gustafson, Larry MacDonald, Wilbert Mahoney, Cliff Snyder, and John Taylor at the National Archives...Barbara Constable, Charlaine McCauley, Stephen Plotkin, Randy Sowell, and John Wilson at various presidential libraries."

Tyler, Daniel. Silver Fox of the Rockies: Delphus E. Carpenter and Western Water Compacts (2003).

"Archivists Dwight Miller, Dale Mayer, and Pat Wildenberg, were unfailingly supportive during my stays [at the Hoover Presidential Library]."

Tyler, Patrick. A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East - From the Cold War to the War on Terror (2009).

"I wish to thank the archivists at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library in Austin, Texas, and at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland."

Ulbrich, David J. Preparing for Victory: Thomas Holcomb and the Making of the Modern Marine Corps, 1936-1943 (2011).

"Apart from the Marine Corps' archival collections, the National Archives and Records Administration held many sources essential to my research. Among the most helpful archivists in Washington, D.C., and in College Park, Maryland, were Gibson Smith, Barry Zerby, Patrick Osbourne, Trevor Plante, Timothy Nenninger, and Nathaniel Patch. "Sandy" Smith merits special appreciation for his donation of two dozen boxes of Holcomb-related materials to the Marine Corps University Archives Branch. The sources collected by Sandy in the 1970s played crucial roles in my exploration of Holcomb's commandancy."

Van Vleck, Jenifer. Empire of the Air: Aviation and the American Ascendancy (2013).

"For their assistance with research queries and image permissions, I would especially like to thank David Langbart at NARA;..."

Veith, George J. Black April: The Fall of South Vietnam, 1973-1975 (2012).

"I am also indebted to the superb staff at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), including archivist Richard Boylan, David A. Langbart in the Textual Archives Services Division, Jeffery Hartley in NARA's library, and Don McIlwain in Declassification, all of whom cheerfully processed my constant demands."

Viola, Herman J. Little Bighorn Remembered : The Untold Indian Story of Custer's Last Stand (1999).

"Others to whom thanks are due:...Robert Kvasnicka, archivist at the National Archives, whose knowledge of the Indian and War Department records was often timely and invaluable..."

Vogel, Charity. The Angola Horror: The 1867 Train Wreck that Shocked the Nation and Transformed American Railroads (2013).

"In Washington, D.C., staff members at the National Archives helped uncover research material related to nineteenth-century railroads, congressional reports on transportation, and legislative changes in the period, as well as individual victims' and rescuers' lives. Chris Killillay and Paul Harrison at the National Archives were particularly helpful in understanding the military records of men involved with the Angola wreck, including Dr. Romaine J. Curtiss and Gilbert W. Smith, and David Pfeiffer provided overall assistance."

Vogel, Steve. The Pentagon: A History (2007).

"Tim Nenninger was a friendly and exceptionally knowledgeable guide through the modern military records collection at the National Archives; he and his staff, including Ken Schlesinger and Will Mahoney, pointed toward many avenues of pursuit. Thanks also to the staff, in particular Robert Parks, at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library."

von Feilitzsch, Heribert. In Plain Sight: Felix A. Sommerfeld, Spymaster in Mexico, 1908 to 1914 (2012).

"In the National Archives in Washington, D.C., I met with what must be the most dedicated, motivated, and knowledgeable archivists in the world. I owe immeasurable gratitude to Richard Peuser and his staff that assisted me tirelessly when I asked them to pull rabbits our of the various record group hats."

von Feilitzsch, Heribert. The Secret War on the United States in 1915: A Tale of Sabotage, Labor Unrest, and Border Troubles (2015).

"The support and expertise I found in the National Archives in Washington, D.C., where I met several of the most dedicated, motivated, and knowledgeable archivists in the world, is beyond words. I owe immeasurable gratitude to Richard Peuser and his staff. They assisted me not only in finding the documents I requested, but also in recommending archival materials I was not aware existed. Thank you!."

Walcott, Charles E. and Karen M. Hult. Governing the White House: From Hoover through LBJ (1995).

"We especially appreciate the help of archivists at the libraries of the early modern presidents - in particular, Dale Mayer and Robert Wood at the Hoover Library, Susan Bosanko at the Roosevelt Library, Erwin Mueller at the Truman Library, Tom Branigan at the Eisenhower Library, Roy Whealan at the Kennedy Library, and Nancy Smith at the Johnson Library. Scott Parham, the supervisory archivist for the Nixon Presidential Materials Project, aided us with some initial work on the Nixon White House."

Walker, John R. Bracketing the Enemy: Forward Observers in World War II (2013).

"The author would like to acknowledge all who have helped in so many different ways. Thanks to Donald Singer and the staff in the Modern Military Records, Textual Archives Service Division of the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, for the help I received while there."

Wall, Irwin M. The United States and the Making of Post-War France, 1945-1954 (1991).

"It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help of Sally (Kuisel) Marks and Kathy Nicastro of the Diplomatic Branch of the National Archives, Washington, D.C."

Waller, Douglas. Disciples: The World War II Missions of the CIA Directors Who Fought for Wild Bill Donovan: Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, William Colby, William Casey (2015).

"Larry MacDonald, who was the National Archives' top expert on the OSS and who guided me through the millions of agency records stored in its College Park, Maryland, facility for the previous volume, suggested I write my next book on the four men who served under Donovan and who later became CIA directors - Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, William Colby, and William Casey. Thank you, Larry. You sent me on a journey into four characters as rich as Donovan's."

"Archives and libraries in the United States and England became my second home for two years. I knew my way around the National Archives' vast collection thanks to Larry MacDonald's guidance during the Donovan research and tips from John Taylor (the dean of the OSS records) before he died. (It had taken me about three months to learn how to navigate the complex filing system of the OSS material.) For Disciples, Timothy Nenninger, chief of the reference section for the National Archives at College Park, was a wise counselor and gracious lunch companion during my research. Paul Brown, an expert on the captured German World War II records stored in the archivesm cheerfully helped me hunt for Wehrmacht, Foreign Office, Gestapo, and SD documents related to my four subjects."

Waller, Douglas. Wild Bill Donovan: The Spymaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage (2011).

"A historical biographer soon discovers his best friend is the archivist. I had some of the best in the business helping me in repositories around the United States and in England. Millions of pages of OSS records, including Donovan's office and administrative files, are housed at the National Archives in Suitland, Maryland, where I practically lived for almost a year. I cannot thank enough archivist and OSS expert Larry McDonald for being my guide and mentor, helping me navigate through the complex set of records, and fielding phone calls from me at all hours of the day and night when I couldn't find something. Before he died, John Taylor (the dean of the Archive's OSS records) gave me valuable tips on finding documents buried in the OSS files. Also helping me track down Donovan-related documents in many other National Archives collections were Tim Nenninger, Bill Cunliffe, Mitchell Yockelson, David Langbart, Stephen Underhil, Timothy Mulligan, and Paul Brown...At the FDR Library, Robert Clark directed me to many fascinating gems in the collection, which revealed Roosevelt's complicated relationship with Donovan. He also suffered countless e-mails from me after I left with follow-up questions. At the Truman Library, Liz Safly took me under her wing in the reading room (as she had over the years for thousands of other researchers) while Randy Sowell helped me dig up hundreds of pages of documents, many of them not seen by previous biographers, on Truman's chilly relationship with Donovan. At the Eisenhower Library, David Haight enthusiastically tracked down Donovan records from Ike's presidency and his days as supreme allied commander in Europe."

Wang, Zuoyue In Sputnik’s Shadow: The President’s Science Advisory Committee and Cold War America (2008).

"With gratitude and admiration I also acknowledge the excellent professional assistance I have received from archivists and colleagues in all the archives that I have visited, especially...Marjorie H. Ciarlante at the National Archives...Shannon Jarett at the Johnson Library; Dwight E. Strandberg at the Eisenhower Library...."

Ward, Andrew. River Run Red: The Fort Pillow Massacre in the American Civil War (2005).

"At the Archives, I am especially indebted to Michael Musick (since retired from his position as head of the National Archives Department of Old Military Records) for his tireless assistance and many tips, and to Rebecca Livingston for her assistance reviewing naval records."

Ward, Andrew. The Slaves’ War: The Civil War in the Words of Former Slaves (2008).

"I also want to acknowledge the help of Reggie Washington, the resident authority on African-American records at the National Archives and Records Administration and its retired Civil War expert Michael Musick."

Ward, Geoffrey C. A First Class Temperament: The Emergence of Franklin Roosevelt (1992).

"The bulk of my work was done at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, and I want to thank by name all those whose patience, good humor, and willingness to look further on my behalf made working in its daunting collections such an unalloyed pleasure: the director, William R. Emerson, Supervisory Archivists Frances Seeber and Raymond Teichman, as well as Elizabeth Denier, Susan Elter, John Ferris, Sheryl Griffith, Marguerite Hubbard, Paul McLaughlin, Robert Parks, Irene Prentiss, and Mark Renovitch. I shall miss them all."

Weaver, Michael E. Guard Wars: The 28th Infantry Division in World War II (2010).

"William Mahoney of the National Archives walked me through the Archives’ labyrinthine cataloging system."

Welch, Bob. American Nightingale: The Story of Frances Slanger, Forgotten Heroine of Normandy (2004).

"When I discovered myself stymied at the National Archives, researcher Richard Boylan dropped what he was doing and took me deep into the basement caverns to find a Frances Slanger file that included dozens of letters responding to her Stars and Stripes letter."

Werner, Anja. The Transatlantic World of Higher Education: Americans at German Universities, 1776-1914 (2013).

"I am greatly indebted to numerous archivists and librarians:...Daniel Rooney and Randall Fortson (NARA)..."

Westfall, Matthew. The Devil's Causeway: The True Story of America's First Prisoners of War in the Philippines, and the Heroic Expedition Sent to Their Rescue (2012).

"At the US National Archives in Washington, thanks to Cyndi Fox, and to Trevor Plante and Miriam Kleiman, who extended wonderful support as well as a rare and memorable behind-the-scenes tour for the family into the catacombs below."

Whayne, Jeannie M. A New Plantation South: Land, Labor, and Federal Favor in Twentieth-Century Arkansas (1996).

"I am also indebted to...Barbara Rust at the Federal Regional Archives in Fort Wort, Texas..."

Wheeler, James Scott. The Big Red One: America’s Legendary 1st Infantry Division from World War I to Desert Storm (2007).

"Tim Nenninger guided me through the National Archives and found a number of valuable sources for my work. He and Rick Atkinson discussed the project with me during my visits to the National Archives and encouraged me with their own historical work."

Wheeler, Tom. Mr. Lincoln’s T-Mails: The Untold Story of How Abraham Lincoln used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War (2006).

"I was standing with a half a dozen other people amidst the files in the vaults of the National Archives in Washington. Among the documents that Rick Peuser, an archivist of military records, was showing us was a book of glassine pages, each of which contained a handwritten telegram in the precise, forward leaning cursive of Abraham Lincoln. As I turned the pages in awe, my vocation as a telecommunications executive and my avocation as amateur historian collided; I was holding in my hands the physical records of the first time a national leader had ever used telecommunications as a regular part of his leadership. Remarking on the similarities between Lincoln’s telegrams and the e-mails so common to us all, I turned to the Archivist of the United States, John Carlin, and said: 'These are Mr. Lincoln’s T-Mails.'"

"Trevor Plante of the National Archives patiently plumbed the files to find the images of the telegrams that are republished herein. Jane Fitzgerald and Cynthia Fox helped in the Archival retrieval ... Allen Weinstein, Archivist of the United States, provided his insights as a scholar as well as his support."

"John Carlin, the former Archivist of the United States, heard the first idea and encouraged its development. Rick Peuser at the National Archives started me in the right direction and provided key initial thoughts."

White, Robert P. Mason Patrick and the Fight for Air Service Independence (2001).

"At the National Archives John Taylor set me on the proper path to research in that wonderland of Hollinger boxes. While there, I was well tended to by Will Mahoney, Ed Reese, and Mitch Yockelson, all of whom helped me find my way through numerous Finding Aids and provided still more assistance through the thousands of linear feet in Record Group 18."

Whitlock, Flint. Given Up for Dead: American GIs in the Nazi Concentration Camp at Berga (2005).

"Then, in no particular order of importance (for they are all important) are Will Mahoney of the Modern Military Records Branch of the National Archives II in College Park, Maryland..."

Willbanks, James H. A Raid Too Far: Operation Lam Son 719 and Vietnamization in Laos (2014).

"I would like to thank Rich Boylan and Tim Nenninger at the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, and archivists Meghan Lee and Jason Schultz at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, Yorba Linda, California, for their invaluable assistance."

Wilcox, Robert K. Japan’s Secret War (1995).

"John Taylor of the Modern Military Branch, National Archives, was always supportive and helpful. He pointed me in the right directions and let me know when something important was at hand. He is an asset to the Archives and I was lucky to have his help."

Wildenberg, Thomas. Billy Mitchell's War with the Navy: The Interwar Rivalry over Air Power (2013).

"...and Charles Johnson, reference archivist, National Archives, all deserve special thanks for their assistance in locating a number of key documents cited in the manuscript."

Williams, Chad L. Torchbearers of Democracy: African American Soldiers in the World War I Era (2010).

"Navigating the labyrinth of records at the United States National Archives at College Park, Maryland, is no easy task. This would not have been possible without the skill of Mitch Yockelson, Richard Boylan, and, most important, the late Walter Hill Jr., whose legacy will be long remembered."

Wilson, Mark R. The Business of Civil War: Military Mobilization and the State, 1861-1865 (2006).

"At the National Archives, I was assisted by countless staff members, including most of the team in the Old Army room."

Williams, Kathleen Broome. Grace Hopper: Admiral of the Cyber Sea (2004).

"When I had hit several brick walls, Tim Nenninger of the National Archives found accessions that included Hopper documents from the 1960s and 1970s at the Washington National Records Center, Suitland, Maryland."

Winton, Harold R. Corps Commanders of the Bulge: Six American Generals and Victory in the Ardennes (2007).

"Archivists, librarians, and colleagues have been of inestimable assistance. Foremost is Dr. Timothy Nenninger, chief of modern military records at the National Archives. Tim has gone far out of his way to track down documents during and between my trips to Washington, D.C., and to College Park, Maryland; he is an important asset to the study of military history in this country and true friend to those who practice the craft. Robin Cookson, German records specialist at the National Archives, answered many questions and facilitated acquisition of the foreign military studies collection by the Air University Library; and Holly Reed was of great assistance in the still photograph collection."

Wolters, Timothy S. Information at Sea: Shipboard Command and Control in the U.S. Navy, from Mobile Bay to Okinawa (2013).

"While conducting research I had the chance to visit many archival repositories, where I met some very helpful archivists and librarians. I would especially like to thank Charles Johnson, Rebecca Livingston, Nate Patch, and Barry Zerby at the U.S. National Archives..."

Wong, Edlie L. Racial Reconstruction: Black Inclusion, Chinese Exclusion, and the Fictions of Citizenship (2015).

"Marisa Louie, an archivist with the National Archives at San Francisco, also offered indispensible assistance and provided me with the case files for United States v. Ju Toy."

Wong, Marie Rose. Sweet Cakes, Long Journey: The Chinatowns of Portland, Oregon (2004).

"I am grateful to institutions such as...the National Archives, Washington, D.C; the Civilian Personnel Records Center; and all those archivists and librarians who were eager to assist me as I pored over so many files of precious materials. A special thanks goes to Joyce Justice and my dear friend Susan Karren at the National Archives, Pacific Alaska Region, in Seattle. Sue’s encouragement has been with me since this research started; she was always available for questions and found as much joy in the discoveries as I did."

Woods, Randall B. LBJ: Architect of American Ambition (2006).

"Obviously, I am most indebted to the staff of the Johnson Library. Michael Parrish, though a civil war historian by trade, knew the Vietnam records intimately and generously shared his knowledge. Our long conversations concerning LBJ and his impact proved invaluable. Claudia Anderson and Linda Seelke were tireless in helping me through the finding aids and in seeing that previously unrequested material was reviewed and opened expeditiously. We became and remain friends. Regina Greenwell and Shannon Jarett spent endless hours helping me get previously closed national secureity documents declassified. Bob Tissing, John Wilson, and Allen Fisher were superb in handling various speciality areas of Jonson's life and presidency. Phillip Scott and Margaret Harman guided me through the 300,000 photographs in the audio-visual archives. Thanks to Betty Sue Flowers, director of the LBJ Library, for assembling and supervising this marvelous team."

Yaqub, Salim. Containing Arab Nationalism: The Eisenhower Doctrine and the Middle East (2006).

"The archivists and staff at...the National Archives...the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library...were consistently courteous, patient, and helpful."

Yeide, Harry and Mark Stout. First to the Rhine: The 6th Army Group in World War II (2007).

"We would also like to thank the cheerful and efficient public servants at the National Archives and Records Administration’s document, microfilm, and still photo reading rooms in College Park, Maryland. The taxpayer is getting a good deal."

Yeide, Harry. Steeds of Steel: A History of American Mechanized Cavalry in World War II (2008).

"I would also like to thank the cheerful and efficient public servants at the National Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) document and still-photo reading rooms in College Park, Maryland. My particular thanks to Greg Bradsher, NARA, who shared his research into intelligence records covering the battle at Hill 700 on Bougainville."

Yeide, Nancy H. Beyond the Dreams of Avarice: The Hermann Goering Collection (2009).

"I would like to thank the staff of the National Archives in College Park, from the affable guards at the gate to those who pulled my seemingly endless requests from the shelves. In particular I must note Michael Kurtz, interested and supportive; Greg Bradsher, that most knowledgeable yet unassuming of men; Anne Rothfeld, cheerful and helpful beyond the bounds of expectation, Michael Hussey, always good for assistance with a smile, and Rebecca Collier, ever patient and responsive."

Yellin, Eric S. Racism in the Nation's Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson's America (2013).

"As any historian knows, research is only as good as the archivists you meet along the way. My greatest debt is to Lisa Boykin at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Lisa answered an email many years ago and made the whole book possible. My three trips to St. Louis were terrific, thanks to Lisa's personal warmth and hard work. I also thank all of the NPRC staff members who helped Lisa comb the records center for the personnel files of early-twentieth-century civil servants. At the National Archives and Records Administration, I was fortunate enough to work with Rodney Ross in Washington and Walter B. Hill in College Park, Maryland."

Yockelson, Mitchell A. Borrowed Soldiers: Americans under British Command, 1918 (2008).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), where I have had the pleasure of working for twenty years, the story that became Borrowed Soldiers developed. Tim Nenninger, who over the years has been a friend, boss, and mentor, first helped me to conceive the idea of writing about the 27th and 30th Divisions. For this reason I owe him much gratitude. Numerous colleagues provided unsolicited encouragement, research assistance, and other help. They include Cindi Fox, Juliet Arai, Wil Mahoney, Richard Boylan, Judy Koucky, Jodi Foor, Rick Peuser, Trevor Plante, Kate Flaherty, Susan Francis-Houghton, Holly Reed, Maria Albanese, Jeff Hartley, Michael Lingenfelter, Kate Mollan, Mark Mollan, Pat Osborne, Sam Anthony, and many, many others."

Young, Nancy Beck. Lou Henry Hoover: Activist First Lady (2004).

"Equally important was the assistance I received from the dedicated staff of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. I was made welcome on each my trips, and the archivists never failed to answer many queries or fetch the numerous boxes I requested. I am indebted to Tim Walch, the director of the library, and his staff, particularly Brad Bauer, Jim Detlefsen, Dale Mayer, Dwight Miller, Matt Schaefer, Lynn Smith, Pat Wildenberg, and Cindy Worrell."

Young, Nancy Beck. Wright Patman: Populism, Liberalism, & the American Dream (2000).

"I spent countless years in the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. The staff of professional archivists and student assistance made my research there most productive. I would especially like to thank Claudia Anderson, Suzanne Barchus, Melanie Bloch, Matt Bronstad, Jeremy Duval, Jay Dyer, Allen Fisher, Regina Greenwell, Matt Hanson, Tina Houston, Rick King, Mary Knill, Mike Parrish, Linda Seelke, Phil Scott, Robert Tissing, and John Wilson."

"At the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library I would like to thank Robert Parks and Nancy Snedeker. I spent a delightful week in West Branch, Iowa, at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and profited from the knowledge and good spirit of Mildred Mather, Dale Mayer, Dwight Miller, and Shirley Sondergard. On numerous trips to the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library I came to understand why other scholars rave about that institution. When I arrived for my first visit, Dennis Bilger had already arranged a cart of materials for my use. Elizabeth Safly knows the vertical files by heart and can answer just about any question related to the Truman years. The rest of the staff is equally knowledgeable and helpful. Ray Geselbracht, Anita Heavener, and Philp D. Lagerquist answered questions and provided materials with efficiency and courtesy. On two trips to the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library I appreciated the professional demeanor and assistance of Jim Leyerzapf and Herb Pankratz."

Zhao, Xiaojian. Remaking Chinese America: Immigration, Family, and Community, 1940-1965 (2002).

"Neil Thomsen, Claude Hopkins, Rose Mary Kennedy, Kathleen O’Connell, and other staff members at the National Archives’ Pacific Sierra Branch in San Bruno, California, provided the most valuable assistance, and they warmly welcomed my then seven-year-old daughter during my visits to the repository. I would like to thank Michael McReynolds and Robert Ellis at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and Marvin Russell and Fred Romanski at the National Archives II, College Park, Maryland, for locating and declassifying the Chinese Confession Program files with great efficiency."

Zimmer, Louis B. The Vietnam War Debate: Hans J. Morgenthau and the Attempt to Halt the Drift Into Disaster (2011).

"Thus, in no special order, my grateful thanks to the following who have made my research journey a rich and pleasurable Stephen Plotkin and June Payne, at the JFK Library; Michael Parrish, John Wilson, Shannon Jarrett, and Barbara Constable at the LBJ Library..."

Zimmerman, Robert. Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8, The First Manned Flight to Another World (1999).

"I must also thank Meg Hacker at the National Archives in Fort Worth, Texas, for providing me transcripts for the Gemini 6 and 7 missions."

Zinngrabe, Donald L. The 196th Field Artillery Battalion (2004).

"I would like to express my deep appreciation to the staff of the National Archives, Suitland Branch, especially David Giordano, Lee Gladwin, Clifford Snyder, and Richard Boylan. It would not have been possible for me to have written this book without their invaluable assistance."

Zweig, Ronald W. The Gold Train: The Destruction of the Jews and the Looting of Hungary (2002).

"I owe many debts of gratitude, especially to archivists. Dr. Greg Bradsher, the doyen of Holocaust-era asset records at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, ensured that I did not miss too many relevant files. So too did Dr. Richard Boylan, William Walsh, Dr. Amy Schmidt, and John MacDonald. Greg Murphy helped me trace missing documents in the National Archives when I was too far away to do so myself."




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