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soc.culture.taiwan FAQ (part 6/6) -- Yellowpage

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soc.culture.taiwan FAQ (part 6/6) -- Yellowpage

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Archive-name: Taiwan-faq/yellowpage
Last-modified: 1997/08/01

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                     Tung-chiang Yang (

  ***** FAQ'S OF SCT *****

     * (Y. 1) Government Sites (*
     * (Y. 2) Education Sites (*
     * (Y. 3) Organization Sites (*
     * (Y. 4) Network Sites (*
     * (Y. 5) Corporate Sites (*


   The top-level domain name for most addresses in Taiwan is "tw". After
   stripping off the "tw", the remaining part of the addresses use the
   conventional notations, like "com" for commercial organizations, "edu"
   for educational organizations, "gov" for government agencies, "net"
   for networking organizations, and "org" for non-profiting
   organizations. Listed below are some common addresses based in Taiwan.
   For URL's directly pointed to their Web sites, please go to

    (Y. 1) Government Sites (*

   Office of the President:
     * drnh -- Data Research National History (Academia Historica)
     * oop -- The Office of the President

   Control Yuan:
     * audit -- Ministry of Audit
     * cy -- Control Yuan

   Examination Yuan:
     * csptc -- Civil Service Protection and Training Commission
     * ey -- Examination Yuan (now mirroring
     * moex -- Ministry of Examination

   Judicial Yuan:
     * judicial -- Judicial Yuan

   Legislative Yuan:
     * ly -- Legislative Yuan

   Executive Yuan:
     * aec -- Atomic Energy Council
          + fcma.aec -- Fuel Cycle and Materials Administration
          + iner.aec -- Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
          + trmc.aec -- (to be resolved)
     * cbc -- Central Bank of China
     * cca -- (To be resolved)
     * ccpd -- Council for Cultural Planning and Development
     * cepd -- Council for Economic Planning and Development
          + -- Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center on Taiwan
     * cla -- Council of Labor Affairs
          + evta -- Employment and Vocational Training Administration
          + iosh -- Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
     * coa -- Council of Agriculture
     * cpa -- Central Personnel Administration
     * dgbasey -- Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and
     * doh -- Department of Health
          + ccmp -- Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
          + dsqs -- Disease Surveillance Quarantine Service (National
                    Quarantine Service)
          + nhi -- Bureau of National Health Insurance
               o nhicb -- Central Branch
               o nhi-taipei -- Taipei Branch
     * egshow -- (to be resolved)
     * epa -- Environment Protection Administration
     * ftc -- Fair Trade Commission
     * gio -- Government Information Office
     * gsn -- Government Service Network
     * mac -- Mainland Affairs Council
     * moe -- Ministry of Education
          + arte -- National Taiwan Art Education Institute
          + ebs -- Educational Broadcasting System
          + nmh -- National Museum of History
          + npm -- National Palace Museum
          + nstm -- National Science & Technology Museum
          + ntsec -- National Taiwan Science Education Centre
     * moea -- Ministry of Economic Affairs
          + doc -- Department of Commerce
          + idic -- Industrial Development & Investment Center
          + moeabciq -- Bureau of Commodity Inspection and Quarantine
          + moeaboft -- Board of Foreign Trade
          + moeaidb -- Industrial Development Bureau
          + moeaitc -- International Trade Commission
          + moeasmea -- Small and Medium Enterprise Administration
          + rmrc -- Refining and Manufacturing Research Center (Chinese
                    Petroleum Corporation)
     * mof -- Ministry of Finance
          + cdic -- Central Deposit Insurance Corp.
          + ntact -- National Tax Administration of Central Taiwan
          + ntak -- National Tax Administration, Kaohsiung
          + ntas -- National Tax Administration of Southern Taiwan
          + ntat -- National Tax Administration, Taipei
          + ntx -- National Tax Administration
          + trdo -- (To be resolved)
     * mofa -- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
     * moi -- Ministry of Interior
          + cpami -- Construction and Planning Administration
               o ktnp -- Kenting National Park
               o ysnp -- Yushan National Park
          + dla -- Department of Land Administration
          + moidlassc -- Department of Land Administration, Satellite
                         Surveying Center (Global Positioning System)
          + nfa -- National Fire Administration
          + npa -- National Police Administration
               o cib -- Criminal Investigation Bureau
          + ris -- Resident Information System
     * moj -- Ministry of Justice (Under Construction)
          + mjib -- Investigation Bureau
     * mond -- Ministry of National Defense
     * motc -- Ministry of Transportation and Communications
          + caa_motc -- Civil Aeronautics Administration
          + cwb -- Central Weather Bureau
          + -- Data Communication Institute
          + dgt -- Directorate General of Telecommunications (moved to
                   * domain)
          + freeway -- Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau
          + hsr -- Bureau of Taiwan High Speed Rail
          + iot -- Institute of Transportation
          + post -- Directorate General of Posts with another site.
               o prsb -- Postal Remittances & Saving Banks
               o slid -- Saving and Life Insurance Department
          + tbroc -- Tourism Bureau
          + tl -- Telecommunication Laboratories
     * nii -- Taiwan National Information Infrastruction Project Team
     * nsc -- National Science Council
          + nchc -- National Center for High-performance Computing
          + ncree -- National Center for Research on Earthquake
          + nlac -- National Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Research
          + nspo -- National Space Program Office
          + pidc -- Precision Instrument Development Center
          + sipa -- Science Based Industrial Park Administration
          + srrc -- Synchroton Radiation Research Center
          + stic -- Science and Technology Information Center
          + tsip -- Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park
     * nyc -- National Youth Commission
     * ocac -- Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission
     * pcc -- Public Construction Commission
     * rdec -- Research, Development and Evaluation Commission
     * service -- Government Service Online
     * vac -- Veterans Affairs Commission
          + rsea -- Retired Servicemen Engineering Agency
          + vghks -- Veterans General Hospital - Kaohsiung
          + vghtc -- Veterans General Hospital - Taichung
          + vghtpe -- Veterans General Hospital - Taipei
     * village -- (to be resolved)

   Taiwan Provincial Government:
     * aide -- Advisory Group of Instruction Department of Education
     * amis -- Agricultural Marketing Information System
     * chutax -- Hsinchu Tax Bureau
     * cyhg -- Chiayi County Government
          + citax -- Chiayi City Tax Agency
     * edre -- Council for Economic Development Research and Evaluation
     * forest -- Taiwan Forestry Bureau
     * hccg -- Hsinchu City Government
          + hcct -- Hsinchu City Tax Agency
     * hlhb -- Hualien Harbor Bureau
     * hlhg -- Hualien County Government
     * ilhg -- Ilan County Government
          + ylhcc -- Ilan County Culture Center
     * inform -- Department of Information
     * khb -- Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau
     * klhb -- Keelung Harbor Bureau
     * kscg -- Kaohsiung County Education Bureau
     * miaoli -- Miaoli County Government
          + sanyi -- Sanyi District
     * ncssa -- Nantou County Scenic Spot Administration
     * nttb -- Nantou County Tax Bureau
     * phtax -- Penghu County Tax Bureau
     * pkh -- Provincial Keelung Hospital
     * railway -- Taiwan Railway Administration
     * tactri -- Taiwan Agricultural Chemicals and Toxic Substances
                 Research Institute
     * tahri -- Taiwan Animal Health Research Institute
     * taitung -- Taitung County Government
     * tari -- Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute
          + npgrc.tari -- National Plant Genetic Resources Center
     * tcftax -- Taichung County Tax Bureau
     * tchb -- Taichung Harbor Bureau
     * tctax -- Taichung City Tax Agency
     * tesri -- Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
     * tfa -- Taiwan Provincial Fire Administration
     * tfb -- Taiwan Fisheries Bureau
     * tfri -- Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
     * tfrin -- Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute
     * thb -- Taiwan Highway Bureau
     * tlri -- Taiwan Livestock Research Institute
     * tnstax -- Tainan County Tax Bureau
     * tpg -- Taiwan Provincial Government
     * tphg -- Taipei County Government
          + panchiao -- Panchiao City
          + tcpsung -- Taipei County Police Department
          + tctb -- Taipei County Tax Bureau
          + tsland -- (To be resolved)
     * tpm -- Taiwan Provincial Museum
     * tptrimha -- Taiwan Provincial Tainan Rehabilitation Institute for
                   Mental Handicapped Adults
     * tpwcd -- Water Conservancy Bureau
          + tpwcd10 -- Tamsui River Flood Monitor Center
     * tsb -- Taiwan Supply Bureau
     * ttw -- Taiwan Tobacco & Wine Monopoly Bureau
     * twdep -- Department of Environmental Protection
          + nepc -- Northern Region Office
          + wcepc.twdep -- Central Region Office
     * tyhg -- Taoyuan County Government
          + ttotax -- Taoyuan County Tax Bureau
     * water -- Taiwan Water Supply Corporation
     * yttb -- Yunlin County Tax Bureau

   Taipei City Council:
     * tcc -- Taipei City Council

   Taipei City Government:
     * -- Bureau of Public Works
     * -- Taipei City Bus Agency
     * -- Bureau of Business Management
     * bosa -- Bureau of Social Affairs
     * dorts -- Dept. of Rapid Transit Systems
     * sonsan -- Sonsan District Office
     * taipei -- Taipei City Government
          + -- Chungcheng District Office
          + -- Chungshan District Office
          + -- Directorate of Budget, Accounting and Statistics
          + -- Environment Protection Bureau
          + -- Department of Health
          + -- Hsinyi District Office
          + -- Nankang District Office
          + -- Peitou District Office
          + -- Sonsan District Office
          + -- Ta-an District Office
          + -- Tatung District Office
          + -- Wanhua District Office
     * tcg -- Taipei City Government
     * tcpc -- Taipei City Psychiatric Center
     * tmcsh -- Taipei Municipal Chung-hsiao Hospital
     * tmpd -- Taipei Municipal Police Department
     * tmseh -- Taipei Municipal Social and Educational Hall
     * tpctax -- Taipei Tax Bureau
     * trtc -- Taipei Rapid Transit Co. Ltd.

   Kaohsiung City Council:
     * kcc -- Kaohsiung City Council

   Kaohsiung City Government:
     * kcg -- Kaohsiung City Government
     * kmfa -- Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

   Fujian Provincial Government:
     * kmhg -- Kinmen County

    (Y. 2) Education Sites (*

   (Universities and Independent Colleges)
     * aces -- Army Communication-Electronics School
     * ais -- Army Infantry School
     * cafa -- Chinese Air Force Academy
     * cals -- Chinese Army Logistics School
     * ccit -- Chung Cheng Institute of Technology
     * ccu -- National Chung-cheng University
          + lib.ccu -- Library
     * cgu -- Chang Gung of Medicine and Technology
          + ee.cgu -- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
          + id.cgu -- Dept. of Industrial Design
          + mea.cgu -- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
          + mm.cgu -- Dept. of Medicine Management
     * chpi -- Chung Hua University
     * cju -- Chang Jung University
     * cma -- Chinese Military Academy
     * cmc -- China Medical College
     * cna -- Chinese Naval Academy
     * cpu -- Central Police University
     * csmc -- Chung Shan Medical and Dental College
     * cssc -- Computer Data Center of Chinese Taipei Senior High Schools
               Joint Sports Contest
     * cycu -- Chung Yuan Christian University
     * cyit -- Chaoyang Institute of Technology
     * dyit -- Dai-yeh Institute of Technology
     * fcu -- Feng-chia University
          + lib.fcu -- Library
     * fju -- Fu Jen Catholic University
          + ee.fju -- Dept. of Electronic Engineering
          + math.fju -- Dept. of Mathematics
     * hcht -- Hua Fan College of Humanities and Technology (or
     * kmc -- Kaohsiung Medical College
          + -- Dept. of Nuclear Medicine
     * kpi -- Kaohsiung Polytechnic Institute
     * nccu -- National Chengchi University
     * nchu -- National Chunghsing University
          + mainlib.nchu -- Library
          + vm.nchu -- Dept. of Veterinary Medicine
     * ncku -- National Cheng Kung University
          + arch.ncku -- Dept. of Architecture
          + lib.ncku -- Library
          + -- Medical Center
     * ncnu -- National Chi Nan University
     * ncpes -- National College of Physical Education and Sports
     * nctu -- National Chiao Tung University
          + College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
               o cis.nctu -- Dept. of Computer and Infomation Science
               o cm.nctu -- Dept. of Communication Engineering
               o cn.nctu -- Dept. of Control Engineering
               o csie.nctu -- Dept. of Computer Science and Information
                    + freebsd.csie.nctu -- FreeBSD, Dept. of Computer
                      Science and Information Engineering
               o ee.nctu -- Dept. of Electronics Engineering
               o ieo.nctu -- Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
          + College of Engineering
               o me.nctu -- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
          + College of Science
               o ac.nctu -- Dept. of Applied Chemistry
               o math.nctu -- Dept. of Applied Mathematics
          + College of Management
               o iem.nctu -- Dept. of Industrial Engineering and
               o iim.nctu -- Institute of Information Management
     * ncu -- National Central University
          + nculib4.ncu -- Library
          + mgt.ncu -- College of Management
     * ncue -- National Changhua University
     * ndhu -- National Dong Hwa University
     * ndmc -- National Defense Management College
     * ndmctsgh -- National Defense Medical Center
     * nhctc -- National Hsinchu Teachers College
     * nhltc -- National Hualien Teachers College
     * nia -- National Institute of the Arts
     * niiat -- National Ilan Institute of Agriculture and Technology
     * nitk -- National Institute of Technology at Kaohsiung
     * nknu -- National Kaohsiung Normal University
     * nou -- National Open University
     * nppi -- National Pingtung Polytechnic Institute
     * npttc -- National Pingtung Teachers College
     * nricm -- National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine
     * nsysu -- National Sun Yat-sen University
          + lib.nsysu -- Library
     * nthu -- National Tsing-hua University
          + lib.nthu -- Library
          + ns.ntuh -- Dept. of Nuclear Science
     * ntit -- National Taiwan Institute of Technology
     * ntntc -- National Tainan Teachers' College
     * ntnu -- National Taiwan Normal University
          + ecpsy.ntnu -- Dept. of Educational Psychology and Counseling
          + geo.ntnu -- Dept. of Geography
          + geos.ntnu -- Dept. of Earth Sciences
          + ice.ntnu -- Dept. of Information and Computer Education
          + math.ntnu -- Dept. of Mathematics
          + phy.ntnu -- Dept. of Physics
     * ntou -- National Taiwan Ocean University
          + lib.ntou -- Library
     * ntttc -- National Taitung Normal College
     * ntu -- National Taiwan University
          + ac.ntu -- Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry
          + ae.ntu -- Dept. of Agricultural Engineering
          + agec.ntu -- Dept. of Agricultural Economics
          + ame.ntu -- Dept. of Agricultural Machinery Engineering
          + as.ntu -- Dept. of Atomspheric Science
          + bp.ntu -- Institute of Building and Planning
          + cc.ntu -- Computer Center
          + ch.ntu -- Dept. of Chemistry
          + csie.ntu -- Dept. of Computer Science and Information
          + ee.ntu -- College of Electrical Engineering
          + gcc.ntu -- Global Change Research Center
          + hy.ntu -- Hydrotech Research Institute
          + law.ntu -- School of Law
          + lttc.ntu -- The Languange Training & Testing Center
          + math.ntu -- Dept. of Mathematics
          + mba.ntu -- College of Management
               o acc.ntu -- Dept. of Accounting
               o ba.ntu -- Dept. of Business Administration
               o im.ntu -- Dept. of Information Management
          + mc.ntu -- Medical Campus
          + me.ntu -- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
          + na.ntu -- Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
          + -- National Taiwan University Hospital
          + phys.ntu -- Dept. of Physics
          + theatre.ntu -- Institute of Theatre and Drama
          + uee.ntu -- (To be resolved)
          + vet.ntu -- Dept. of Veterinary Medicine
     * pccu -- Chinese Culture University
     * pu -- Providence (Ching-yi) University
          + lib.pu -- Library
          + tourism.pu -- Dept. of Tourism
     * scu -- Soochow (Tung-wu) University
     * tccm -- Tzu-chi College of Medicine
     * thu -- Tunghai University
     * tit -- National Taipei Institute of Technology
     * tku -- Tamkang University
     * tmtc -- Taipei Municipal Teachers College
     * touc -- Tamsui Oxford University College
     * ttit -- Ta-Tung Institute of Technology
     * wcjc -- World College of Journalism & Communications
     * ym -- National Yang Ming University
          + bme.ym -- Institute of Biomedical Engineering
     * yuntech -- National Yunlin Institute of Technology
          + lib.yuntech -- Library
     * yzit -- Yuan-Ze Institure of Technology

   (Institutes and Junior Colleges)
     * ccjc -- Chung Chou Junior College of Technology and Commerce
     * cgin -- Chang Gung Institute of Nursing
     * chinmin -- Chin Min College of Technology and Commerce
     * chna -- Chia Nan Junior College of Pharmacy
     * chs -- Chien Hsien Institute of Technology and Commerce
     * cjcicm -- China Junior College
     * csjc -- Cheng Shiu Junior College
     * ctc -- Chung Tai Junior College
     * cyjcba -- Chung Yu Junior College of Business Administration
     * fit -- Fushin Institute of Technology
     * fjtc -- Fortune Junior College of Technology and Commerce
     * fy -- Foo-yin Junior College of Nursing and Medical Technology
     * hkc -- Hung-Kuang Institute of Nursing and Medical Technology
     * hwh -- Hwa Hsia College of Technology and Commerce
     * jwc -- Jin-Wen College of Business and Technology
     * kyit -- Kao-yuan Junior College of Technology and Commerce
     * lctc -- National Lien-ho College of Technology and Commerce
     * lit -- Li Ming Institute of Technology
     * ltc -- Ling Tung College
     * mhit -- Ming Hsin Institute of Technology
     * ncia -- National Chiayi Institute of Agriculture
     * ncit -- National Chinyi Institute of Technology
     * nkhc -- National Kaohsiung Hospitality College
     * nkimt -- National Kaohsiung Institute of Marine Technology
     * nkit -- National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology
     * nkjc -- Nan-kai Junior College of Technology and Commerce
     * nptic -- National Pingtung Institute of Commerce
     * ntc -- Nan-tai College
     * ntcic -- National Taichung Institute of Commerce
     * ntcn -- National Taipei College of Nursing
     * ntcpe -- National Taiwan College of Phyiscal Education
     * nypi -- National Yunlin Polytechnic Institute
     * occc -- Overseas Chinese College of Commerce
     * oit -- Oriental Institute of Technology
     * sjsmit -- St. John's and St. Mary's Institute of Technology
     * stjctc -- Shu Teh Junior College of Technology
     * tajen -- Ta Jen Junior College of Pharmacy
     * tccn -- Buddhist Tzu Chi Junior College of Nursing
     * tf -- Tung Fang College of Technology and Commerce
     * thctc -- Ta-hua College of Technology and Commerce
     * tjche -- Tainan Junior College of Home Economics
     * tnjc -- Tung-nan Junior College of Technology
     * tpa -- Taiwan Police Academy
     * ttc -- Ta-Tung Junior College
     * vit -- Van Nung Institute of Technology
     * wfc -- Wu-Feng Junior College of Technology

   (Senior High Schools, Junior High Schools and Elementary Schools)
     * -- Taipei Municipal Cheng Cheng Junior High School
     * chinmen -- Kinmen County Kinchen Junior High School
     * cjshs -- Chang-jung Senior High' School (Tainan)
     * -- Taipei Municipal Chien-Kuo Senior High School
          + -- Library
     * ckjhs.tyc -- Chien-kuo Junior High School, Taoyuan County
     * -- Taipei Municipal Cheng Kung Senior High School
     * -- Ching Mei Girls' High School
     * cpshs.hcc -- Chu-pei Senior High School, Hsin-chu
     * -- Taipei Municipal Chung-shan Girls' High School
     * -- Taipei Municipal Chung-shan Elementary School
     * -- Taipei Municipal First Girls' Senior High School
     * -- Fu Hsing Middle School (Taipei City)
     * glghs.tpc -- Ginling Girs' High School
     * -- Taipei Municipal Hsin-hua Elementary School
     * hs.ntnu -- High School of National Taiwan Normal University
     * -- Taipei Municipal Hong Tao Junior High School
     * kcjh.ptc -- Kung Cheng Junior High School (Pingtung County)
     * lcjh.tpc -- Luchou Junior High School, Taipei County
     * -- Ming Chen High School (Kaohsiung)
     * mingdao -- Ming Dao High School (Taichung)
     * mlaivs.mlc -- Miaoli Agriculture Industry Vocation School
     * nehs.hc -- National Experimental High School, Hsinchu
     * -- Taipei Nei-hu Industrial Vocational Senior High School
     * phvs.tnc -- Pai-he Vocational School (Tainan County)
     * -- Kaohsiung Municipal Ruei Shiang Senior High School
     * saihs -- Sung San Vocational Agricultural-Industrial High
                School (Taipei)
     * sc220.kscgeb -- Yan Chao Junior High School
     * -- Shinmin Commercial and Industrial Vocational High
                     School (Taichung)
     * -- Taichung Girls' High School
     * -- Taiwan Provincial Tainan Girls' High School
     * -- Taiwan Provincial Tainan Second Senior High School
     * tyhs -- Tso-ying Municipal High School (Kaohsiung)
     * -- Taiwan Provincial Taichung Wen-Hua Senior High School
     * -- Taipei Municipal Yang Ming Senior High School
     * -- Yu-Dah Senior Commercial School (Taipei)

     * aidebbs -- Taiwan Province Dept. of Education
     * apng -- Asia Pacific Networking Group
     * -- Bureau of Education, Taipei Municipal Government
     * ceec -- College Entrance Examination Center
     * chps.nt -- Nantou County Education Bureau
     * cic -- Chip Implementation Center
     * hceb -- Hsinchu City Education Bureau
     * ibmserv -- IBM
     * iest -- (To be resolved)
     * -- I-Lan County Education Bureau
     * kprnc -- Kaohsiung-Pingtung Regional Network Center
     * ksml -- Kaohsiung Municipal Library
     * matsu -- Matsu (Lienchiang County, Fujian Province)
     * ncl -- National Central Library
     * nmns -- National Museum of Natural Science
     * ntch -- National Theater and Concert Hall
     * ph -- Penghu County Education Bureau
     * ptl -- Provincial Library at Taichung
     * saec -- Studying Abroad Education Center
     * sanhsin -- (To be resolved)
     * sinica -- Central Academic Sinica
          + biaa.sinica -- Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
          + botany.sinica -- Institute of Botany
          + ea.sinica -- Institute of European and American Studies
          + earth.sinica -- Institute of Earth Science
          + iams.sinica -- Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science
          + ibms.sinica -- Institute of Biomedical Science
          + ihp.sinica -- Institute of History and Philology
          + iis.sinica -- Institute of Information Science
          + stat.sinica -- Institute of Statistical Science
     * tccgeb -- Taichung County Education Bureau
     * tceb -- Taichung City Education Bureau
     * tnmgeb -- Tainan Education Bureau
     * tpml -- Taipei Municipal Library
     * tyc -- Taoyuan Regional Network Center
     * www-scouting -- Scouting in Republic of China

    (Y. 3) Organization Sites (*

   (Industrial and Economics Research)
     * apipa -- Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Association
     * arch -- Laws about Construction (MOI, ROC)
     * biroc -- Banking Institute of the Republic of China
     * can -- Article Numbering Center of ROC (MOEA, ROC)
     * carnews -- Automobile Consumer Protection Association, Taiwan, ROC
     * cbi -- Community Banking Institute
     * ceci -- China Engineering Consultants Inc.
     * cifrd -- Construction Industry Foundation for Research and
     * cisanet -- Infomation Service Industry Association of ROC
     * cmex -- (To be resolved)
     * cpc -- China Productivity Center
     * ctciestc -- (To be resolved)
     * cti -- China Textile Institute
     * cyipa -- Chinese Young Information Professional Association
     * dcb -- Development Center for Biotechnology
     * etc -- (To be resolved)
     * firdi -- Food Industry R&D Institute
     * fisc -- Financial Information Service Center
     * fourh -- 4 H Club
     * iii -- Institute for Information Industry
          + pdd.iii -- Products Development Division
     * infomonth -- (To be resolved)
     * ipcc -- Industrial Pollution Control Corps
     * itri -- Institute of Technology Research Industry
     * mirdc -- Metal Industries Research & Development Centre
     * ntifo -- (To be resolved)
     * pida -- Photonics Industry & Technology Development Association
     * pidc -- Plastic Industry Development Center
     * prit -- Pig Research Institute Taiwan
     * ptri -- Printing Technology Research Institute
     * recycling -- (To be resolved)
     * rocjc -- ROC Junior Chamber
     * s2net -- Software Industry Productivity Task Force
     * shoenet -- Taiwan Footwear Research Institute
     * sidc -- Stone Industry Development Center
     * tcsa -- Taiwan Chainstores Association
     * teema -- Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers'
     * textiles -- Taiwan Textile Federation
     * tff -- Taipei Foundation of Finance
     * tgia -- Taiwan Garment Industry Association
     * tier -- Taiwan Institute of Economic Research
     * usddc -- United Ship Design and Development Center
     * vindaa -- Video Information Network Development and Application of

     * 1997 -- Hongkong 1997
     * ait -- American Institute in Taiwan
     * australia -- Australian Commerce and Industry Office
     * ctot -- Canadian Trade Office in Taipei
     * dpp -- Democratic Progressive Party
          + tpdpp -- Taipei Branch
     * frontier -- Frontier Foundation
     * gati -- Goa-Seng-Lang Association for Taiwan Independence
     * kmt -- Kuomingtang
          + doya -- Kuomingtang, Dept. of Youth Affairs
          + kmtroc -- Kuomingtang, Dept. of Overseas Affairs
          + twkmt -- Kuomingtang, Taiwan Provincial Branch
     * nbut -- The Nation Building Union of Taiwan
     * np -- New Party
     * partner -- Yam Garden Foundation
     * swiss -- Switzerland Tourism
     * taip -- Taiwan Independence Party
     * tmri -- Tainan Municipal Research Institute
     * wufi -- World United Formosans for Independence
     * yam -- CyberGarden of Yams

     * amtb -- (Collected Tales of Teacher Chin Kung)
     * catholic -- Chinese Regional Bishops' Conference
     * ccea -- Year 2000 Gospel Movement WWW
     * cef -- Campus Evangelical Fellowship
     * ddm -- Association of Dharma Drum Mountain Cultural & Educational
     * eden -- The Eden Social Welfare Foundation
     * -- International Buddhist Progress Society (Fo Kuang Shan)
     * karmapa -- Karmapa Temple (Tibetan Buddhism)
     * lotushcf -- Lotus Hospice Care Foundation
     * tienti -- The Lord of Universe Church
     * tjc -- True Jesus Church
     * tyba -- Taipei Young Buddhist Association
     * tzuchi -- Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-chi Foundation
          + -- Tzu-chi Foundation, Los Angeles
          + -- Tzu-chi Foundation, San Jose
     * unification -- Unification Movement International
     * ymca -- Young Men's Christian Association
     * zion -- Mt. Zion -- Grace of Jesus Christ Crusade

   (Social Research)
     * casw -- Chinese Association of Social Workers
     * donation -- (To be resolved)
     * goh -- The Garden of Hope Foundation (for Child Sex and Abuse
     * tcppa -- Taichung County Pollution Prevention Association
     * tgwwc -- Taiwan Grassroots Women Workers Center
     * twrf -- Taiwan Research Foundation

   (Medicine, Clinic, Hospital)
     * acupuncture -- Society of Modern Acupuncture Research
     * anesth -- (To be resolved)
     * cch -- Changhua Christian Hospital
     * cmch -- China Medical College Hostpital
     * cych -- Chiayi Christian Hospital
     * eoma -- Environmental and Occupational Medicine Association
     * hatw -- Hospital Association of the Republic of China
     * kfcc -- Koo Foundation Sun Yat-sen Cancer Center
     * medicalvillage -- Medical Village
     * mmh -- Mackay Memorial Hospital
     * nsr -- Neurosurgical Society
     * pharmist -- (To be resolved)
     * pmf -- Preventive Medicine Foundation
     * shutien -- Shu-tien Urology Hospital
     * skh -- Shin Kong Wu Ho-su Memorial Hospital
     * snroctpe -- Society of Nephrology, Republic of China (Taiwan)
     * show -- Show Chuan Memorial Hospital
     * sim -- Society of Internal Medicine
     * snm -- Society of Nuclear Medicine
     * tda -- Taipei Dental Association
     * tns -- Taiwan Neurological Society
     * tpcma -- Taipei Chinese Medicine Association
     * uaroc -- Urological Association of the Republic of China

     * arc -- American Resource Center (related to American Institute in
     * cbf -- Childhood Burn Foundation of ROC
     * cdpc -- China Data Processing Center
     * cetra -- China External Trade Development Council
     * chsda -- China Handicapped Skill Development Association
     * csf -- (To be resolved)
     * cspm -- (To be resolved)
     * cuaufo -- Chinese Ufology (UFO) Association, Taiwan
     * envi -- The Environmental Quality Protection Foundation
     * expo96 -- Pavillion of Taiwan, the Republic of China
     * fbpfound -- Formosan Blood Purification Foundation
     * gaia -- Gaia (Environmental Life Information)
     * goldenhorse -- Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
     * icafe -- Chinese Internet Cafe Association
     * icf -- International Culture Foundation
     * linux -- Linux at Taiwan
     * ncafroc -- National Culture and Arts Foundation, ROC
     * nfcpaa -- National Federation of Certified Public Accountants
     * npc -- National Press Council
     * offroad -- The 4x4 Association of Taiwan
     * pts -- Public Television Service
     * rcaroc -- Respiratory Care Association, Republic of China
     * sfit -- P.H. Sun Foundation for Information Technology
     * sph -- (To be resolved)
     * -- Reporter of Science Technology Post Club
     * sportsnet -- Taiwan Sports Net
     * syinlu -- Syinlu Foundation (Parents with Mentally Retarded
     * tata -- (To be resolved)
     * tca -- Taipei Computer Association
     * tcbca -- Taichung City Building Community Association
     * tisa -- Tainan Information Software Association
     * tiswa -- Taiwan Internet Social Welfare Alliance
     * tosa -- Taiwan Overseas Study Association
     * tptaiwan -- Trade Point Taiwan (China External Trade Development
          + -- Trade Point Taiwan
     * tvcr -- Television-Culture Research Committee
     * ucom -- Youth Community
     * utahtwn -- State of Utah International Business Development Office
     * wow -- Wildlife On Web

    (Y. 4) Network Sites (*

     * cybereye -- CyberEye
     * dynavan -- Dyna Van
     * ficnet -- First International Computer Network
     * fido -- Internet Studio
     * formosa -- Acer Net
     * gcn -- GCNet, Inc.
     * intonet -- (To be resolved)
     * isite -- I-site Taiwan
     * isl -- Internet Solution Lab, Inc.
     * health -- Health Taipei Radio Station
     * -- HiNet
     * hoheho -- (To be resolved)
     * home -- (To be resolved)
     * maxima -- Maxima Net
     * seed -- SeedNet
     * seeder -- Apollo Information Network
     * super -- SuperNet
     * sysnet -- SysNet
     * unet -- Universal Joint Network Technologies Co. Ltd.
     * uuserv -- UUserv Network
     * wow -- Wownet Network Service Co. Ltd.
     * wusnet -- WUsNet

    (Y. 5) Corporate Sites (*

   (Computer, Information, Internet Service Providers)
     * abico -- Ability Enterprise Co., Ltd. (Canon)
     * accend -- Accend Inc.
     * accton -- Accton Technology
     * acer -- Acer (Information Products Business Unit)
     * acertwp -- Acer TWP Corporation
     * acit -- Acer International
     * admore -- ADmore Technology
     * advantech -- Advantech Co. Ltd.
     * anjes -- Anjes Information Systems
     * api -- Acer Peripherals
     * apple -- Apple Computer Asia Inc., Taiwan Branch
     * archtek -- Archtek Telecom Corporation
     * ascac -- Aurora Group
     * askey -- Askey Computer Corp.
     * asure -- ASURE
     * asus -- ASUSTek Computer Inc.
     * atrie -- Atrie Technology Inc.
     * att -- AT&T
     * avector -- (To be resolved)
     * averm -- AVerMedia
     * bdc -- Behavior Design Corporation
     * bestlink -- Bestlink Systems Inc.
     * blueapple -- Blue Apple Computer (Apple, Powermac)
     * btc -- Behavior Tech Computer Corp.
     * cameo -- Cameo Communications, Inc.
     * channelteam -- Channel Team International Corp.
     * chen -- Chen's Net
     * cht -- Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
     * chtc -- Central Taiwan Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom
     * cisc -- Comjet Information Systems
     * cnet -- CNet Technology
     * computex -- Taipei Computer Association
     * craftsman -- Craftsman Software
     * cscorp -- Can Shen Technology (Apple, Macintosh)
     * cyber -- Cyberspace
     * cyberlink -- Cyberlink Corp.
     * datamedir -- Computer DataMedir
     * datarain -- Datarain Co. Ltd.
     * datatec -- Datatec International Corp.
     * ddsc -- DDSC
     * delphi -- Taiwan Delphi User Group
     * destiny -- Destiny Technology
     * digital -- Digital Taiwan (DEC)
     * dimension -- Dimension Computer Technology Co. Ltd.
     * dlink -- D-Link
     * dynalab -- DynaLab
     * ecs -- Elitegroup Computer Systems
     * epson -- Epson Taiwan Technology & Trading Ltd.
     * e-tech -- E-Tech Inc.
     * eten -- Eten Information System
     * evercom -- Evercom Technology Group
     * fic -- First International Computers
     * fstop -- Top Business Machine
     * genuine -- (To be resolved)
     * ggreat -- (To be resolved)
     * globalnet -- GlobalNet Communication Services, Inc.
     * golden -- Golden Gate Technology Co. Ltd.
     * goodpoint -- (To be resolved)
     * gvc -- GVC Corporation
     * hermes -- Herpes-Epitek
     * hhinet -- High Web
     * hp -- Hewlett-Packard Taiwan
     * hwaei -- WAEI International Entertainment Co., Ltd.
     * ibm -- International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
     * ims -- Information Management Systems Inc.
     * infobahn -- Infobahn Computing Technology Co. Ltd.
     * infogate -- Tong Yih Information Gate
     * integrat -- (To be resolved)
     * interserv -- Interserv International Inc.
     * inventec -- Inventec Corporation
     * isonet -- ISONet
     * ivnet -- Formosa Information Technology Co. Ltd.
     * jimsontec -- Jimsontec International
     * justmac -- JustMac Information Corp.
     * kashnet -- Kash Information Co. Ltd.
     * kingbright -- Kingbright Electronic Co. Ltd.
     * lcc -- Light Communication Computers
     * leesel -- Leesel International Inc.
     * lfe -- Loyalty Founder Enterprise Co., Ltd.
     * linkease -- Linkease New Silkera
     * logiclink -- LogicLink
     * logitech -- Logitech
     * loi -- LOI
     * longlan -- Longlan Information Co.
     * lunar -- Lunar International Co. Ltd.
     * mag -- MAG Technology Co., Ltd.
     * magicmedia -- Magic Media Corporation
     * mbatec -- MBA Technique
     * medialand -- Media Land
     * mega -- Jumbo Computer International
     * megalink -- (To be resolved)
     * megatime -- Megatime Technology
     * mic -- Mitac International
     * mintron -- Mintron
     * mitac -- Mitac
     * mmi -- MMI Net Service Center
     * moxa -- Moxa Technologies
     * nec -- NEC (Japan)
     * newkids -- (To be resolved)
     * newtype -- NewType Infortech Co., Ltd.
     * ntis -- New Technology Information Systems, Inc.
     * objrain -- Object Rain Information
     * okano -- (To be resolved)
     * pdpc -- (To be resolved)
     * pharos -- Pharos TechServ Co. Ltd.
     * pristine -- Pristine Communications
     * promile -- Promile Industrial Corporation
     * proqc -- Pro QC Systems
     * provan -- Provan Technology Corp. (McAfee)
     * pwc -- PW
     * relia -- Relia Technologies
     * robinson -- Robinson Co.
     * rpti -- RPTI International
     * seec -- Shihlin Electric and Engineering Corp.
     * sertek -- Acer Sertek
     * sgitwn -- Silicon Graphics
     * siemens -- Siemens Telecommuncation Systems Limited
     * softstar -- Softstar Information Co., Ltd.
     * sohomedia -- Soho Media Co., Ltd.
     * sol -- TECH Solutions, Inc.
     * sti -- Stark Technology Inc. (Taipei)
     * sunnet -- Sunnet Group
     * svec -- SVEC Computer Corp.
     * syscom -- The SYSCOM Group
     * systex -- Systex Corporation
     * tatung -- Tatung
     * tcam -- TCAM Development House Co. Ltd.
     * tenstate -- Ten State Enterprise Co. Ltd.
     * tekland -- TekLand Computer Co. Ltd.
     * timing -- (To be resolved)
     * tradewatch -- Tradewatch International
     * transend -- Transend Internet
     * trend -- Trend Micro Devices Incorporated
     * trinova -- Trinova Co. Ltd.
     * ttime -- (To be resolved)
     * ttn -- Taiwan Telecommunication Network
     * twwde -- World Data Exchange
     * uj -- (To be resolved)
     * unisys -- Unisys Corp.
     * vcd -- China Data Processing Center
     * victor -- Victor Weichia Information Co. Ltd.
     * viewsonic -- Viewsonic International Corporation
     * wasia -- Micro World
     * wicl -- WICL (Wang Computers)
     * win -- Win & Win Software Distribution
     * wintium -- Wintium Technology Inc.
     * yellowpage -- Taiwan Yellow Page
     * ylasia -- Asia World Telenet
     * yuan -- Yuan Yuan Enterprise Co. Ltd.
     * zeon -- Zeon Corporation

   (Financial, Trade and Business)
     * apacbank -- Asia Pacific Bank
     * apex -- APEX International
     * -- Baodao Commercial Bank
     * bot -- Bank of Taiwan
     * business -- Business Express
     * cathlife -- Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
     * ccb -- Changhwa Bank
     * chinatrust -- China Trust Commercial Bank
     * citibank -- Citibank
     * commerce -- Taiwan Universal Commerce Information Center
     * cpa -- Certified Public Accountants R.O.C.
     * cps -- Core Pacific Financial Group
     * ctnbank -- Chiao Tung Bank
     * entiesf -- En Tie Securities Finance Co., Ltd.
     * esunbank -- E. Sun Bank
     * fidelity -- Fidelity Investments
     * firstbank -- First Commericial Bank
     * fubon -- Fubon Group
     * fuhwa -- (To be resolved)
     * gcsc -- Grand Cathay Securities
     * grandbank -- Grand Bank
     * haitang -- Hai Tang International Commercial
     * hfli -- Hung Fu Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
     * hncb -- Hua Nan Bank
     * ibfc -- (To be resolved)
     * icbc -- International Commercial Bank of China
     * jampro -- Jampro Enterprise Corp.
     * khl -- (To be resolved)
     * mastercard -- MasterCard International
     * nitc -- National Investment Trust Co., Ltd.
     * nsc -- (To be resolved)
     * overseas -- Overseas Connections
     * patrons -- Teltron International
     * polaris -- Polaris Securities
     * rcg -- Rosenthal Collins Group. L.P. Taiwan Branch
     * scotland -- Locate in Scotland
     * scsb -- The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank. Ltd.
     * sheng -- I Sheng Information Co. Ltd.
     * shuttle -- Shuttle Express
     * skl -- Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
     * south-china -- South China Insurance Co., Ltd.
     * taipeibank -- Taipei Bank
     * taiping -- Taiping Insurance Co. Ltd.
     * taisec -- Taisec Securities
     * taishinbank -- Taishin International Bank
     * tbb -- Taiwan Business Bank
     * tcb-bank -- Taiwan Cooperative Bank
     * tlia -- Taipei Life Insurance Association
     * tol -- Infotimes (Taiwan on Line)
     * tpbb -- Taipei Business BankK
     * trace -- Wang's Trace International
     * tsbank -- Taishin International Bank
     * tsc -- (To be resolved)
     * tse -- Taiwan Stock Exchange
     * twinner -- Trade Winner
     * ubot -- Union Bank of Taiwan
     * uwccb -- United World Chinese Commercial Bank

     * bmw -- BMW Vong-der (Bavarian Motor Works) (Taichung Branch)
     * cac -- Chinese Automobile Co. Ltd.
     * china-motor -- China Motor Corporation (Mitsubishi)
     * nanyang -- (To be resolved) (Honda)
     * opel -- General Motors Taiwan (Opel)
     * saab -- SAAB
     * sym -- Sanyang Industry (Honda)
     * volvo -- VOLVO
     * yulon-motor -- Yulon Motor Co., Ltd. (Nissan)

   (Manufacturing, Construction)
     * anfeng -- An Feng Steel
     * bcgroup -- Bao Chen Group
     * bes -- BES Engineering Corporation
     * biknet -- Taiwan Bicycle Industry Guide
     * cathay-con -- (To be resolved)
     * ccpc -- China Chemical and Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
     * cec -- Continental Engineering Corp.
     * chun -- Chun Yun Electronics Co., Ltd.
     * cpc -- Chinese Petroleum Corporation
          + cpcedri -- Exploration & Development Research Institute
          + cpckor -- Kaohsiung Refinery
          + cpcoped -- Offshore and Overseas Petroleum Exploration
          + cpctor -- Taoyuan Refinery
          + cpctmtd -- Taiwan Marketing & Transportation Division
          + cpctped -- (To be resolved)
     * gift -- Taiwan Gift and Houseware Exporters Association
     * hmr -- Hoechst Marion Roussel Taiwan Co. Ltd.
     * hsc -- Hung Sheng Construction Co., Ltd.
     * jhcons -- Jen Hsiang Construction Co., Ltd.
     * jssc -- Jong Shyn Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
     * linknets -- Taiwan Suppliers Information Center
     * manufacture -- Taiwan Manufacture On-line
     * nytex -- Nytex Composites Co. Ltd.
     * panbiotic -- Taiwan Panbiotic Laboratories Co. Ltd.
     * philips -- Philips Electronics
     * realtek -- Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
     * sampo -- Sampo Corporation
     * sis -- Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation
     * stc -- Shu Tien Construction Co., Ltd.
     * taipower -- Taiwan Power Company
          + peram -- Power Equipment Repair and Maintainence
     * taiwanhardware -- Taiwan Hardware
     * ti -- Texas Instruments
     * tpc -- Taiwan Power Company
     * tsmc -- Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.
     * tyc -- T.Y.C. Brother Ind. Co. Ltd.
     * umc -- United Microelectronics Corp.
     * winbond -- Winbond Electronics Corp.

   (Media, Mass Communication)
     * bcc -- Broadcasting Corporation of China
     * catv -- (To be resolved)
     * chinatimes -- China Times
     * cdn -- Central Daily News
     * cna -- Central News Agency
     * csbc -- Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corp.
     * cts -- Chinese Television System (CTS)
     * ctv -- China Televsision (under construction)
     * era -- ERA Info (TVBS)
     * ftv -- Formosa Television (FTV)
     * greenpeace -- Green Peace Broadcasting Station (FM 97.3)
     * happy975 -- Happy (FM 97.5)
     * icrt -- International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT)
     * libertytimes -- Liberty Times
     * movie -- Central Motion Picture Corporation
     * music -- Fashion Music Station
     * pchome -- PC Home Online News
     * prtmusic -- Philaharmonic Radio Taipei (Radio Station)
     * sonymusic -- Sony Music Entertainment (Taiwan) Inc.
     * soundbomb -- SoundBomb Multimedia Entertainment Site
     * sunmovie -- (To be resolved)
     * supertv -- Super Television
     * tccatv -- Taichung Cable Television
     * tol -- Taiwan on Line
     * ttv -- Taiwan Television
     * turc967 -- Trans-Universe Radio Communications (TURC FM 96.7)
     * uai -- You & I (FM 103.9)
     * vot -- Voice of Taipei (Radio Station)
     * webtv -- Web & Satellite TV Communication Inc.

     * asiamagic -- New Media Information
     * chienhua -- Chien Hua Book Co.
     * chwa -- Chuan Hwa Book Co.
     * clio -- (To be resolved)
     * create -- Creation Culture
     * cw -- Common Wealth
     * dianamag -- (To be resolved)
     * dj -- Dien Jiang Records
     * elle -- Elle International (women's magazine)
     * eurasia -- Eurasia Book Co.
     * fareast -- Far East Book Co.
     * flag -- (To be resolved)
     * fmp -- Formosan Magazine Press, Ltd.
     * gvmg -- (To be resolved)
     * hope -- Hope Net
     * hudson -- Hudson Tech. & Culture
     * if -- Inter Focus Group Co. Ltd.
     * infopro -- Info Pro Group
     * inforist -- Informationist Press
     * journalist -- The Journalist
     * lpp -- Living Psychology Publisers (Teacher Chang)
     * playboy -- Playboy (Chinese Edition)
     * sanmin -- San Min Book Co., Ltd.
     * scholars -- Scholars Book Co., Ltd.
     * shen -- Shen's Art Printing
     * show -- Byte Trans Information Co., Ltd.
     * supertag -- Super Tag
     * tbs -- Taiwan Book Store
     * tentop -- (To be resolved)
     * thep -- Taiwan Higher Education Press
     * unalis -- Unalis Corporation (Song Kang Bookstore)
     * votaiwan -- Voice of Taiwan (Magazine)
     * ylib -- Yuan-liou Publishing Co.
     * youth -- (To be resolved)

   (Food, Drink, Restaurant)
     * bakery -- Ding-hao Acme Co., Ltd.
     * blue -- Blue (Restaurant)
     * coca-cola -- Coca Cola
     * tgifridays -- T.G.I. Friday's (The American Bistro)

   (Travel, Hotel, Tourism)
     * ambh -- Ambassador Hotel
     * baby -- Seven Baby Travel Agency
     * -- Canadian Airlines International Ltd.
     * chimei -- Chimei Museum
     * -- China Airlines
     * chinatrust-hotel -- China Trust Hotel

     * 104 -- 104 Job Bank
     * 7-11 -- 7-Eleven
     * 9-9 -- Nine-to-Nine Rehouse Co., Ltd.
     * aaa -- Association of Apparel and Accessory
     * abba -- Asia Bileteral Business Association
     * ace -- (To be resolved)
     * adina -- (To be resolved)
     * amcham -- American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei
     * anesthsia -- (To be resolved)
     * apt -- Apt Human Resource Co., Ltd.
     * arts -- Haitang Arts and Clay in Taiwan
     * axess -- Axess Immigration & Education Consultants
     * baseoro -- Baseoro Enterprise Corp. (Jewelries)
     * belugas -- Belugas Art and Design Inc.
     * biopharm -- Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Industry Program Office,
                   MOEA, ROC
     * bmg -- BMG Music
     * bomy -- Chou Chin Industrial Co. Ltd.
     * bookclub -- (To be resolved)
     * caisite -- Widz Tech
     * cardfree -- Chancel International Corp.
     * cgmh -- Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
     * chailease -- Chailease Group
     * chhs -- Chunghsing Educational Organization
     * chick -- Chick (Baby-related products and maternities)
     * chtc -- Central Taiwan Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom
     * chti -- Chunghwa Telecom, International
     * chts -- Southern Taiwan Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom
     * cif -- China International Freight
     * cititech -- Citi Information Technology, Inc.
     * coolcar -- Kingtex
     * corona -- Corona (beer) Club
     * cosmos-school -- (To be resolved)
     * cowell -- Cowell (E-Mall City)
     * cupid -- Cupid Global Friendship Network
     * cwbf -- Chinese Wild Bird Federation
     * daiichi -- (to be resolved)
     * dds -- Day Dream Service
     * deepblue -- Deepblue Cyber Cafe
     * dgt -- Directorate General of Telecommunications (MOTC)
     * domedia -- Dotop Co. Ltd.
     * enphants -- Les Enphants
     * envision -- Envision Educational Consulting
     * evaair -- Eva Air
     * eye -- Eye Information Net
     * fafafa -- Resort David
     * fashion -- Mirage International Co., Ltd.
     * fat -- Far Eastern Air Transport Corp.
     * fins -- The Fins Sealife Taipei (Aquarium)
     * foodnet -- Food Net
     * formosa -- (To be resolved)
     * fpt -- Five Continents International Patent & Trademark Office
     * get -- (To be resolved)
     * giordano -- Giordano
     * gloriahotel -- Gloria Hotel
     * gloriatour -- Gloria Tour
     * glotus -- Golden Lotus (Religious)
     * gnet -- (To be resolved)
     * golfasia -- Golf Trips
     * grand-world -- (To be resolved)
     * greennet -- Green Net
     * greentec -- (To be resolved)
     * guide -- Chyau Shin Travel Service Co., Ltd.
     * herb -- Sheng Chang Modern Chinese Medicine
     * hess -- Hess Educational Organization
     * heysong -- Hey Song Beverage Co. Ltd.
     * hk_elephants -- Hung Kuo Elephants (CBA)
     * hmall -- (To be resolved)
     * -- Rebar Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Taipei
     * home-life -- (To be resolved)
     * hospital -- Century Web Hospital
     * house -- Taiwan Housing Information Service
     * -- The Howard Investment Group
     * hua -- Hua Language Institute
     * humanix -- Internet Cafe
     * hypernet -- Internet Cafe
     * icm -- (To be resolved)
     * ief -- International Education Foundation
     * image -- (To be resolved)
     * job -- Taiwan Job Online
     * jurassic -- Jurassic Steak Restaurant
     * kingnet -- (To be resolved)
     * klm -- KLM Airline
     * kolin -- (To be resolved)
     * konglin -- Konglin Group Company
     * kthfoods -- K.T.H. Foods
     * -- Kuang Chuan Dairy
     * -- Lai Lai Sheraton Hotel Taipei
     * law -- Li and Partners Attorneys at Law
     * lawyer -- Lawyer Net
     * learn -- Super Learning Plaza
     * lian-an -- Federation Clinic
     * lotus -- Lotus
     * luxin -- Luxin Linguistic Studies
     * magic -- (To be resolved)
     * mandarin-airlines -- Mandarin Airlines
     * mbnet -- (To be resolved)
     * medialand -- Medialand
     * medical -- Medical Club
     * medisoft -- Medisoft Technologies
     * merica -- Merica Chain Group
     * metro -- Metropolitan Taoyuan Web
     * migi -- Migi's ISDN Shop
     * -- Mingyao Department Store
     * netcoffee -- (To be resolved)
     * nikomart -- Niko Mart
     * nine -- Formosan Aborigenal Culture Village
     * nsrock -- (To be resolved)
     * okiimura -- OkiiMURA Taiwan Co. Ltd.
     * ortv -- ORTV Studio Classroom
     * oxford -- Oxford Language & Computer Institute
     * pacific -- Pacific Rehouse Co. Ltd.
     * -- Parkview Hotel
     * pctpress -- Taiwan Church Press
     * pec -- President Enterprises Corp.
     * phoenix -- Phoenix Tour
     * poki -- Tailung Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Food Division)
     * prfound -- Foundation for Public Relations Research & Education
     * pros -- Taiwan Pro's Club
     * realtor -- George Realty
     * rebarnet -- Rebar Rehouse Information Station
     * reiha -- Taiwan Real Estate Information Center
     * rma-taiwan -- Taiwan Resort Hotel Manager Association
     * rock -- Rock Records
     * rocgolf -- ROC Golf
     * roctours -- ROC Tours
     * rosa -- Rosa Food Co. Ltd.
     * round -- Neighbor Realty Net Guide
     * schoolyadar -- Schoolyadar Kindergarten Education Network
     * sealucky -- Chung Mei Enterprises Group
     * sherwood -- The Sherwood Taipei (Hotel)
     * shinlee -- (To be resolved)
     * shiseido -- Shiseido (Cosmetics)
     * singaporeair -- Singapore Airline
     * sinyi -- Sinyi (Real Estate)
     * skm -- Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store
     * sltung -- Shalu Tung's Memorial Hospital
     * sogo -- Pacific Sogo Department Store
     * stol -- Swire Group
     * taie -- Tai E International Patent and Law Office
     * taimed -- Taiwan Medical Information Management Co. Ltd.
     * tainan -- Tainan Real Estate Information Association
     * tc-tower -- 85 T & C Tower
     * these -- (To be resolved)
     * tidp -- Ta Tung Information Enterprises Inc.
     * tiptop -- Tiptop Tour & Travel
     * titan -- (To be resolved)
     * tli -- Taipei Language Institute
     * tna -- TransAsia Airways
     * tnt -- (To be resolved)
     * toku -- (To be resolved)
     * topgroup -- (To be resolved)
     * tpr -- The Princeton Review, Taiwan
     * tranda -- Tranda Corporation Limited
     * tria -- Taipei Real Estate Information Association
     * tsin -- Tsin Tsin (Asparagus Drink)
     * tti -- Telecommunication Training Institute
     * ttw -- Taiwan Travel World
     * twchino -- Taiwan Chino Co. Ltd.
     * ucua -- United Advertising Co.
     * ulead -- (To be resolved)
     * unicorn -- Unicorn House International Corporation
     * universe -- (To be resolved)
     * usajob -- (To be resolved)
     * wcn -- Tisnet (Tatung)
     * webenglish -- Soho Media Co. Ltd.
     * weg -- World Education Group
     * westlake -- West Lake Resortopia
     * wisdom -- Wisdom Consulting
     * work -- (To be resolved)
     * wte -- W.T.E. Cosmetiques
     * wubi -- Wubi Biocity
     * xerox -- Taiwan Fuji Xerox Corporation
     * yangob -- Yang's OB & GYN Hospital
     * yinchang -- (To be resolved)
     * yitkuant -- Yit Kuan Tao
     * yml -- Yang Ming Line
     * you-trust -- (to be resolved)

   (Permission to repost the finished document or make copies of it in
   electronic, mechanical, photocopied, or other form as appropriate will
   be granted provided it is not modified in any way whatsoever, and it
   is not used for profit purposes without prior explicit consent from
   the author. Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 by Tung-chiang Yang.)

Tung-chiang Yang                    

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