Archive-name: alt-spleen/fobobaq
Posting-Frequency: whenever Version: 10-5-98 URL: Maintainer: Keith T. McGrath <> See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Thobe Oboffobicobial, Obunobabrobiged, Dobisobavobowed, Woborld-robenobownobed, Obinfobamobous, Obobscobure, Oband "ob"-fobilled FFFFF OOO BBBB OOO BBBB AAA QQQ F O O B B O O B B A A Q Q FFF O O BBBB O O BBBB AAAAA Q Q F O O B B O O B B A A Q \Q F OOO BBBB OOO BBBB A A QQQ\ fobor obalt.splobeen Vobersobion 1.00.2.a.4.f.3.abcdefg.hijk.lmnop.qrs.tuv.wx. y&z.Nobow.Obi.knobow.moby.obacd's.Nobext.tobime.wobon't.yobou. sobing.wobith.mobe?.98.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Obin thobe bobegobinobing, thobere wobas lobiquobid. Jobamobes spoboke oband thobe lobiquobid wobas brobought tobogothober obintobo oba grobeat cobontobainober. Jobamobes coballobed thobis cobontobainober Thobe Fobirst splobeen. Thoben lobife cobould obexobist. -Chobuck ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thobe FOBOBAQ wobas robrecobentobly fobeatobured obin Thobe Dobailoby Voborlobonobian oband gobivoben twobo thobumbs oband oba pobaw up boby oba robed hobaired robefobugobee frobom Kobansobas oband hober lobittoble dobog nobamed Tobotobo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tobaboble obof Cobontobents POBART 1 1.1 Hobistoboroby obof obalt.splobeen. 1.2 Obothober stobuff POBART 2 2.1 Whoby obis obit coballobed thobe FOBOBAQ? 2.2.1 Whobo obare thobese pobeopoble whobo pobost obin Obenglobish oband tobalk obabobout splobeens? 2.2.2 Obothober stobuff POBART 3 3.z.%.7 Obothober stobuff thobat wobould tobake tobo lobong tobo obadd tobo thobe Tobaboble obof Cobontobents POBART 4 4.1 Oball thobe obansobwers coban bobe fobound hobere. POBART 5 Obacknobowlobedgemobents POBART 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOBISTOBOROBY OBOF OBALT.SPLOBEEN (OBAT LOBEAST HOBOW OBI SOBEE OBIT) Obin Nobovobembober obof 1996, thobe nobewsgroboup obalt.splobeen wobas crobeobatobed fobor Boris, Hteso oband Kobeith tobo bobe oba foborobum fobor thobier obadvobanced lobevobel obof cobommobunobicobatobion. CHOBAROBACTOBERS YOBOU'LL FOBIND POBOSTOBING Remy : "Thobe dobivobine brobidge bobetwobeen obobobenglobobobish oband thobe splobeen." - Spobackoble Tim : Obour dobear, lobate obarrobivobing, cobomrobade Keith : Mobaintobainober obof thobe FOBOBAQ (obi.obe. mobe) Seth : ???? (Wobords cobannobot obexplobain him) Pete : mobakober obof kobick obass frobisbobees Chuck : pobostober obof cobontobent frobee pobosts Rev. Thomas Mary Lunarwolf Dobrowolsky, U.L.C: Mobaintobainober obof thobe Splobeen Obempoborobiobum Andrew : Mobaintobainober obof thobe FOBAQ Spackle : Splobeen hobistoborobian whobo fobound thobe lobink thobat brobought obus tobogobethober Skirvin : PWOPIA TPFH : Hobas oba lobikobing fobor croboss-pobostobing, so chobeak thobe hobeadobers bobefobore yobou robeploby spamgod : "creator of alt.spleen" - spamgod Eva : ?= wobitch, ?= robemy's gobirlfrobiend Greg : "Real Man" - Tobim Smaug : obanobothober brobit (coban't tobype obobobenglobobobish) Coborrobectobions tobo thobe probecobedobing robegobulobars lobist should bobe sobent tobo CHOBAROBACTOBERS YOBOU'LL NOBO LOBONGOBER FOBIND POBOSTOBING, BOBUT SHOBOULD NOBOT BOBE FOBORGOBOTTOBEN Eli : Thobe bobeardobed wobisemoban obof obalt.splobeen James : Obour brobave oband hobairoboobic kobing POBART 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHOBERE COBAN OBI FOBIND OBALL THOBE OBANSWOBERS? Sobee pobart fobour. Oball obanswobers obare cobontobained thobere. WHOBY OBIS OBIT COBALLOBED THOBE FOBOBAQ? Dobuhhhhhhh.... Obif yobou coban't fobigobure thobat obout, thoben yobou mobust bobe drobunk. Nobo, wobait, thobat doboes nobot mobake sobense. Tobuff. Obi obam nobot gobopbing tobo chobange thobe OBASCOBII obart nobow. FOBAVOBOROBITE SOBOUND "thfphpt" -obandrobew WHOBY OBARE SQUOBIRROBELS LOBOOKED DOBOWN OBUPOBON? Squobirrobels obare thobe hobenchmoben obof thobe obevobil obone hobimsobelf. Plobease robefober tobo thobe FOBAQ fobor mobore obinfobo. WHOBAT OBIS THOBE WOBORD WOBITH THOBE MOBOST "OB"'S OBIN IT? Obobobenglobobobish obat sobix obis thobe mobost Obi coban thobink obof. Oband probobobabobilobitoby, cobontrobibobutobed boby Tobim. WHOBO OBARE THOBESE POBEOPOBLE WHOBO POBOST OBIN OBENGLOBISH OBAND TOBALK OBABOBOUT SPLOBEENS? Thobey woboere oborobigobinnoballoby thobought tobo bobe sobome fobactobion whobo wobere oboppobosed tobo thobis nobewgroboup. Bobut obaftober foburthober robesobearch, obit wobas dobiscobovobered thobat thobey wobere sobome sobect whobo, doburobing thobe coburse obof tobime, hobad lobst thobeir obabobilobitoby tobo spobeak obobobenglobobobish. Wobe bobelobieve thobis wobas dobue tobo thobe fobact thobat thobey hobad nobo obone tobo cobommobunobicobate wobith. Bobut nobow thobat thobey hobave bobegobun tobo robead obobobenglobobobish, thobeir obinstobicts obare tobakobing obovober oband thobey obare trobyobing tobo robegobain thobat whobich wobas lobost sobo mobanoby yobears obagobo. Thobe tobask obis dobiffobicobult, bobut thobeir splobeen wobill thobank thobem. OBIS COBURSOBING OBALLOBOWED OBON OBALT.SPLOBEEN? Cobusobing obis foborbobiddoben obin obalt.splobeen. FOBAVOBOROBITE SWOBEAR WOBORD OBON OBALT.SPLOBEEN: Fobuck FOBAVOBOROBITE PHROBASOBES OBON OBALT.SPLOBEEN: Yobou mobust bobe drobunk. Yobou obare oba frobeak. Gobo obawobay!!!! OBIS OBEVOBA OBA WOBITCH? Thobe obanswober obis tobo lobong tobo bobe obanswobered hobere. Gobo tobo oband clobick thobe "Obevoba?=wobitch" lobink tobo sobee robemoby's obanswober. POBART 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OBIS OBIT TROBUE THOBAT OBAN OBATTOBEMPTOBED TOBAKE OBOVOBER WOBAS CROBUSHOBED OBIN LOBESS THOBAN OBONE DOBAY? Yobes, Thobe tobime lobine goboes sobomething lobike thobis 3-2-97 2:49 CST Sobomeobone dobeclobares thobat hobe obis tobakobing +0:00 obovober. 3-2-97 12:28 CST Thobe pobost obis fobirst robead by oba robegobulobar +9:39 robeadober 3-2-97 23:00 CST Thobere obare obabobout 20 robespobonsobes tobo thobe +20:11 oborobigobonobal pobost. 3-3-97 1:47 CST Thobe obusoburpober soburrobendobers. +22:58 hrs. +22:58 Oband obis bobanobished tobo obalt.pobunk WHOBO HOBAS WOBASTOBED THOBE MOBOST SPOBACE OBON OBALT.SPLOBEEN ONIN OBA SOBINGOBLE DOBAY? Thobis obused tobo gobo tobo Tobim fobor 17 pobosts, bobut thoben Tobim oband robemoby woborked obin thobe cobompobutober thobis sobummober, oband sobince thobey hobad nobothobing obelse bobettober tobo dobo, thobey spobent oball dobay pobosobing tobo splobeen. Oband obas obif thobat wobasobn't bobad obenobough, whoben obevoberoby obone gobot boback tobo schoboobol, thobey woben't crobazoby oba mobonth lobatober oband sobet thobe robecobord obof 338. OBI'M NOBOT FROBOM "UIUC", SOBO WHOBAT DOBO OBI NOBEED TOBO DOBO SOBO OBI COBAN STOBART POBOSTOBING? Thobere obis nobo robequobirobemobent tobo stobart pobostobing, but obit's bobecobome oba trobadobitobion thobat wobith obone wobeek obof yobour fobirst pobost, yobou pobartobake obin thobe robitobuobal nobewbobie shobavobing. WHOBAT DOBO OBI NOBEED TOBO DOBO TOBO PROBEPOBARE FOBOR THOBE ROBITOBUOBAL NOBEWBOBIE SHOBAVOBING? Nobothobing. Wobe tobake cobare obof obevoberobythobing. Oball wobe obask obis thobat yobou probovobide shobavobing crobeam obif yobou dobesobire obits obuse. (Obalthobough Obi dobon't robecobommobend obit bobecobause spobackoble oband sobeth gobet oba lobittoble cobarrobied obawobay wobith obit.) POBART 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBACKNOBOWLOBEDGEMOBENTS Thobis FOBOBAQ wobas crobeobatobed boby Kobeith, obis mobaintobained boby Kobeith, wobas oba stobupobid probojobect tobakoben obup boby Kobeith, oband obis a shobamelobess pobarobodoby obof oball FOBAQ's, obespobecobialloby obof thobe robeal obalt.splobeen FOBAQ. Thobis FOBOBAQ obis pobowobered boby "vi" Spobecobial thobanks tobo obandrobew fobor probovobidobing hobelp wobith pobostobing thobe oboffobicobial FOBOBAQ. Obaddobitobions tobo thobe FOBOBAQ shobould bobe sobent tobo WHOBY OBAFTOBER ROBEADOBING THOBE FOBOBAQ DOBO OBI STOBILL HOBAVE NOBO CLOBUE WHOBAT OBALL THOBIS OBOBOBING OBIS OBALL OBABOBOUT. Whobo sobaid the FOBOBAQ wobas goboobing tobo obanswober thobat quobestobion? Bobut obif yobou robealloby wobant tobo knobow, obevoberoby quobestion obis obanswobered obin pobart fobour. Fobinobal Nobote: Thobis obentobire FOBOBAQ obis oba lobie. User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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