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IINN FAQ: Islamic Information & News Network (bit.listserv.muslims)

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IINN FAQ: Islamic Information & News Network (bit.listserv.muslims)

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Archive-name: bit-muslims-faq
Last-modified: 1996/03/21
Version: 1.9

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
	   Copyright 1993,1994,1995,1996 

	Islamic Information & News Network 
	Asim Mughal (
Redistribution for profit, or in altered content /format
prohibited without permission of the authors.  Any other
redistribution  must include this copyright  notice  and



This message is automatically posted once a month to provide 
answers to commonly asked questions on this forum. 

If you have any  contributions or changes to this document 
please send me an email message. If you never wish you see
this document again,  please add the above subject in your 
KILL file.

Asim Mughal (
bit.listserv.muslims FAQ Maintainer

[Standard Disclaimer]

This  FAQ  posting  is  now  in USENET digest format.  If you are 
using  "rn"  (or  it  derivatives) to read news ^G (Ctrl- G) will 
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This periodic posting is now archived. 

It is available via anonymous ftp from (
OR by sending email to ''  with the body 
of the message as 

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1) 	About bit.listserv.muslims (IINN).
2)	Introduction to Islamic Information & News Network (IINN).
3)	Files on Listserv - How to access. 	
4) 	Anonymous FTP sites & how to access + listing of files.
5)	Gopher Access to FTP files.	
6)  *	History/Data on IINN	
7)      Services Offered thru LISTSERV.	
8)     	Where to Send Contributions?
9)     	IINN Staff & how to contact them?
10) 	Introductory Material on Islam.
11)	Islamic (Hijri) Calendar
12) 	Format of IINN Newsletters/Digests
13) * 	Muslim Holidays for 1995, 1996 & 1997.
14) *	Archived Publications (1993-Current)
15) *   WWW Home Page & Links
16)    	This FAQ- Archive Info, History & Credits. 

* Updated in this revision.

Subject: 1) About bit.listserv.muslims (IINN).

	The newsgroup 'bit.listserv.muslims'  is distribution of 
	"The Islamic Information & News Network."

	The gateway established at American Univ. is bi-directioal.
	This allows digest/newsletter posted by the editors on LISTSERV
	to appear on USENET 'bit.listserv.muslims.'

	Any submission sent to 'bit.listserv.muslims' is routed to the editors
	of IINN automatically.

Subject: 2) Introduction to Islamic Information & News Network (IINN).

		 ___   | |       |  ___   | |  /|  |  | |              |
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	       I N F O R M A T I O N    &   N E W S    N E T W O R K

		      a subsidiary of Pakistan News Service.
 Founded on:          27 Ramazan 1412  Hijri,           Tuesday, March 31  1992

        The  Pakistan  News  Service   is   pleased   to   announce  the
        inauguration of an autonomous  subsidiary, Islamic Information &
        News Network, (initially named Muslim News Network). 

        Islamic Information  &  News  Network  is  a  forum dedicated to
        educate the network  community  on  issues relating to Islam and
        Muslims in an academic &  non-political  environment. The topics
        are expected to include the following: 

             1. News relating to Islam and Muslims. 
             2. Announcements on Islamic conferences. 
             3. Proceedings of the above conferences. 
             4. Events  scheduled   &   held  by  Muslims  Students
                Associations and Unions. 
             5. Community Messages (ISNA etc) 
             6. Discussions on:  Books  written  and/or published by
                Muslim authors  History  of Muslims Contributions of
                Muslims to the academic & scientific fields. 

        The goals and  directions  of  this  forum  will  be discussed &
        streamlined by a group of individuals, IINN Committee members. 

        Islamic  Information  &  News  Network  is  a  moderated  forum.
        Submissions will be  compiled  in  the  form of a newsletter and
        mailed to the subscribers. The subscription is open to everyone.
        The list of subscribers will remain confidential. 

        Guidelines for submissions are as follows: 

             1. Submissions must be related to Islam or Muslims. 
             2. Submissions should  be  submitted  in a true Islamic
                spirit  and  manner,  without  offending  any  other
                religion, group or a country. 
             3. Political submissions  must also meet Islamic spirit
                and  must  pertain   to  Islam  and  Muslim.  Strict
                adherence by (2) is also a must. 

        To subscribe: 

             1. Send an email message to: Listserv @ Asuacad.bitnet 
             2. Text of the message: SUB MUSLIMS First_name Last_name 
             3. Wait for a confirmation message. 

        Please send your contributions to: MUSLIMS @ ASUACAD.BITnet 


        Asim Mughal 

Spokesman, Pakistan News Service
Spokesman, Islamic Information & News Network

Subject: 3) Files on Listserv - How to access. 	


 Filename Filetype  Date     File description
 -------- --------  -------- ----------------
  MUSLIMS  MNN-INTR 92/08/06 Muslims News Net work Introduction
  MUSLIMS  MEAT-HAL 92/08/06 Discussions on Halal Meatoduction
  MUSLIMS  PRAYER-F 92/08/06 Prayer Time Table Calculation in Fortran
  MUSLIMS  PRAYER-C 92/08/06 Prayer Time Table Calculation in C 
  MUSLIMS  ISLAM-RC 92/08/06 12:37:26 Islamic Computer Software Resource Guide
  MUSLIMS  FINALITY 94/04/16 12:10:58 Finality of Prophethood by 
			     S. Adul A'la Maududi

  B- How to Access?

	Step-1: Send an email message to 'listserv@asuacad.bitnet'

	Step-2: Include the following as text of your message:
		GET MUSLIMS filetype



Subject: 4) Anonymous FTP sites & how to access + listing of files. 

		-- README.calmsa (FTP Site-1-)

######### File: README.calmsa
######### Last Updated February 12, 1995 
######### By: Br.Asim Mughal
######### Caltech MSA / IINN  FTP Site -1- 
#########	dir: /pub/calmsa
######### Caltech MSA:
######### IINN (Islamic Information & News Network) Muslims@Asuacad.bitnet


The Caltech MSA, in collaboration with Islamic Information & News Network
maintains two FTP sites open to everyone. Both sites are 'anonymous FTP' 
sites, that is, signon with userid "anonymous" (no password required).

The FTP sites are:

FTP Site-1:
	 	dir:  /pub/calmsa
		This site carries articles & resources on Islam. 

FTP Site-2:
	  	dir:  /pub/cms

		This site hosts translations of Holy Quran, Hadith 
		and Islamic Prayer Software. 

The following is the information on files available:



	Bukhari.Z          hadith.2.Z         hadith.qudsi.2.Z
	hadith.1.Z         hadith.Z           hadith.qudsi.Z


ITimer21.README		Islamic Timer 2.1 Introduction File 
ITimer21.exe		Islamic Timer 2.1 for DOS  machines
ITimer21.shar	 	Islamic Timer 2.1 for UNIX machines 	       	Prayer Timer for DOS machines 	

33windows.creator   	Thirty Three Windows Making Known the Creator (RNC)	
IslamicTimer-2.0.shar	Islamic Timer 2.0 for Prayer Timings
Muhammed.prophet	Article 'Muhammed The Prophet'		   
Quran/			Directory for Holy Quran
README.calmsa		README This File
README.cms		README file for Site -2-
README.instruct		README Instructions on how to download & decode files		The Essence of Arafat Day
belief.unbelief		The light of Iman(belief) in Allah vs Darkness of kufur	
booksellers.list	List of Islamic Booksellers		Info on relief efforts & agencies for Bosnia 
cfv.albanian		Call for Votes: soc.culture.albanian (January 1995)
cfv.bosnia		Call for Votes:    (August 1994)
cfv.scm			Call for Votes: soc.culture.muslim  (March 1994)
cfv.tri			Call for Votes: talk.religion.islam (June 1994)
christ.islam		Christ In Islam by Ahmed Deedat		    
consequences		Anatomy of a Free Lunch & Its Consequences 
cybermuslims.v2.0  	CyberMuslim Guide Version 2.0 
educators		International Association of Muslim Educators Annc
emaan			Talk on Emaan(faith)			 
environment 		Environment: An Islamic Perspective	
faq.ari			FAQ: USENET alt.religion.islam 
faq.bit.muslims 	FAQ: USENET bit.listserv.muslims (IINN)
faq.bos			FAQ: USENET
faq.iinn		FAQ: Islamic Information & News Network
faq.sri			FAQ: USENET soc.religion.islam
finality.1		Finality of Prophethood	Part-I		(IINN)	
finality.2		Finality of Prophethood	Part-2	 	(IINN)	
finality.3		Finality of Prophethood	Part-3		(IINN)
finality.4		Finality of Prophethood	Part-4		(IINN)
fundamentals		Fundamentals of Islamic Religion
hijab.protect		Hijab:How it protects & Benefits Women & Society 
humanrights		Human Rights in Islam 			     
iinn.hajj-sp-1		IINN Special Issue on Hajj (Diary & preparation)
iinn.hajj-sp-2		IINN Special Issue on Hajj (Diary & logistic info)	
iinn.survey94 		IINN No. 8-SP-SURVEY1-94  April 20, 1994 
ijtihad 		Treatise on Ijtihad			    
index.quran		Index of Topics in Holy Quran		   
index.surah		Index of Holy Quran sorted by Surahs   	     
info.amana		Amana Corporation pubishes & sells Holy Quran
introtoislam		Introduction & Meaning of Islam		    
islam-rc.92		Islamic Computing Resource Guide V 2.0 by Basil Hashem
islam-rc.old		Islamic Computing Resource Guide V 1.1 by Basil Hashem
islam.focus		Excerpts from "Islam in Focus"		
islam.glance		Islam at a Glance		The Future is Islam's, Islam's Alone (RNC)	
islam.west		Islam, West and the Risale-i Nur 	 
islamic.centers		Islamic Centers - A Summary Listing 
istiqamat		Article on 'istiqamat'		
kashmir.pns94		PNS Special Issue on Kashmir (Jan '94)	
knowledge		Article on importance of 'knowledge'
last.sermon		The last sermon of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) 
mercy.ayat		Ayats on Mercy				
miracles		Treatise on Miracles of Muhammad (pbuh)	 
mosque.why		Article: 'Why you are not in a mosque?		Bible on Muhammed (pbuh)		  
perseverance.job	The perseverance of Prophet Ayyub As. (JOB)
political.order		The Islamic Concept of a Political Order   
prayer.f		Software to calculate Prayer timings using Fortran 
ramadan.meaning		The Meaning of Ramadan from the Risale-i Nur Collection	
resurrection		Resurrection or Resuscitation? By Ahmed Deedat
revelation 		Article: The light of Revelation (RNC) 
ritual.prayers		You & Islam: Rithal Prayers 		    
sahaba			Article: The Sahaba  by Risale-i Nur  (RNC) 
status.women		Status of Women in Islam from 'Islam In Focus' 
tawhid			The Economics of Tawhid and Brotherhod
treatise.nature		Treatise on Nature from Risale-i Nur Collection 
treatise.quran		Treatise on Holy Quran from Risale-i Nur Collection		Article: Way to Holy Quran	Article 'wedding in Islam by Mir Assadullah 
worldy.gain		Discussion on the topic with reference to Holy Quran

/islam-faq		Directory of Multi-part FAQ on Islam. 
  /v3.0				10 part FAQ on 'soc.religion.islam'
  /v3.1				15 part FAQ on 'soc.religion.islam'
  Files: islam.part1.. part15 	Combined FAQ for Islamic Forums on USENET
/iiie			Directory for Dawa brochures published by III&E.
 README.iiie				Introduction of /iiie directory	
 iiie.intro			 	What is III&E?	
 01.introducting.islam			Introducing Islam
 02.concept.God				Concept of God in Islam
 03.prophethood				Prophethood in Islam				Life After Death
 05.concept.worship			Concept of Worship
 06.moral.system			Moral System
 07.human.rights			Human Rights in Islam
 08.jesus				Is Jesus Really God?
 09.islam.other				Islam as Other
 10.choosing.islam			Choosing Islam
 11.say.islam				What They Say About Islam
 12.say.muhammad			What They Say About Muhammad (pbuh)
 13.polygamy				Who Practices Polygamy?
 14.say.quran				What They Say About the Qur'an
 15.sword.islam				The Sword of Islam				You Should Know This Man
 17.yusuf.islam				Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)
 18.jihad				Jihad Explained
 19.islam.farrakhanism			Islam or Farrakhanism
 20.malcom.x				Malcolm X
 21.women.lib				Women's Liberation Through Islam
 22.trinity				Who Invented Trinity?

 quotron.intro				List info on Quotron Series 
 quotron.1				Imagining Islam and Muslims	

 /documents				Various official documents on Bosnia
 /data					Data on warring factions in Bosnia
 /images				GIF pictures from Bosnia

	Please note: All files are archives of Islamic Information &
		     News Network  (Muslims@Asuacad.bitnet)  unless
		     otherwise noted.


IINN - Islamic Information & News Network
IIIE - Institute of Islamic Information & Education
RNC  - Rishal-e Nur Collection		

		- README.cms (Site-2-)

######### File: README.cms

######### Last Updated July 17, 1994 By: Br.Asim Mughal
######### Caltech MSA / IINN  FTP Site -2- 
#########	dir: /pub/cms
######### Caltech MSA:
######### IINN (Islamic Information & News Network) Muslims@Asuacad.bitnet


The Caltech MSA, in collaboration with Islamic Information & News Network
maintains two FTP sites open to everyone. Both sites are 'anonymous FTP' 
sites, that is, signon with userid "anonymous" (no password required).

The FTP sites are:

FTP Site-1:
	 	dir:  /pub/calmsa
		This site carries articles & resources on Islam. 

FTP Site-2:
	  	dir:  /pub/cms

		This site hosts translations of Holy Quran, Hadith 
		and Islamic Prayer Software. 

The following is the information on files available:


	Quran-Picthall.Z                  System-7.01-&-Arabic.sea.#1.hqx
	Quran-Shakir.tar.Z                System-7.01-&-Arabic.sea.#2.hqx
	Quran-and-trans.sea.#1.hqx        pickthal.txt.sea.hqx
	Quran-and-trans.sea.#2.hqx        yusufali.txt.sea.hqx

	Bukhari.Z          hadith.2.Z         hadith.qudsi.2.Z
	hadith.1.Z         hadith.Z           hadith.qudsi.Z

	[Individual suras of Holy Quran- Shakir Translation]


CMS.README                bonsia.Z                  forums.Z
CMS.README.OLD            books.Z                   ijtihad.Z
Hadith/                   books.list.2.Z            islam-rc.1.1.Z
Islam.introduction.Z      bosnia.Z                  islam-rc.1.1a.Z
IslamicTimer-2.0.shar.Z            marriage.Z
Quran/                    cms.readme.Z              prayer.f.Z
README.FILES              educators.Z               think.Z
Shakir-suras/             emaan.Z                   treatise.Z


Islam.introducation.Z	Introduction on Islam
IslamicTimer-2.0.shar.Z Calculates Prayer timings 
emaan.Z			Article on Islamic faith (Emaan) by IINN
books.Z			Islamic Books from ICNA: SRI
books.list.2		MSA Library Book Suggestions
forums.Z		List of Muslim Forums by IINN
prayer.f.Z		Fortran program to calculate prayer timings  
treatise.Z		Interpretation of Quran, MSA UW Madison
biblio-full.Z		Bibliography on Religious Studies
ijtihad.Z		Treatise on Ijtihad, MSA UW Madison
islam-rc.1.1a.Z		Computer Resource Guide June 24 '92 V1.1a
think.Z			Article: People who think  by MSA Univ. of Wisconsin
bosnia.Z		Information on Bosnia, gathered by IINN		Writeup on "Sarajevo Ground Zero"
prayer.c.Z 		C program to calculate prayer timings: Waqar Malik
hadith.Z		Hadiths on Forgiveness for New Muslims & Slavery :IINN
marriage.Z		Wedding in Islam: Article by Mir Mohammad :IINN
educators.Z		Int'l Association of Muslim Educators - Announcement

		-- README.instruct --


There has been some interest in accessing Caltech's ftp site, but
some of you have found it hard to do.  This is a short primer on the
site and how to access it.

	     C A L T E C H    M U S L I M S    S T U D E N T S 

		           Dated: January 30, 1994 

	Caltech Muslim Students Group offers number of files on its
	ftp server. These files have been extracted from different
	forums and are in compressed (in UNIX) format.

	     Asim Mughal  		(mughal@alumni.Caltech.Edu)
             Asif Khalak                (

Primer on getting documents from the Caltech MSA ftp site.

1. To access the site, you should log into a UNIX account.  If you
don't have one, get one.  The reason that UNIX is preferred is that it
is currently the operating system of choice in academic spheres which
are capable of using ftp.  The other reason that UNIX is used is that
efficient data compression routines are standardly packaged with UNIX,
and we can thus pack more information into the limited space that we
are allocated for the site.

2.  The next step is to run ftp (stands for File Transfer
Protocol). The information is stored at (this is
called the location of the site).  To do this type the following at
the command prompt:

% ftp

Alternatively, you can start up ftp and go to punisher within it, like

% ftp
ftp> open

Note that the "ftp>" is a prompt provided by the ftp program.

3. At this point ftp will ask for a name.  The information is public,
so you'll want to use anonymous ftp.  That is, at the name prompt,
type anonymous.

Name: anonymous

4. Then ftp will say it's okay, but you need to send identification as
the password.  This means that when it asks you for a password, you
type in your e-mail address.

Password: <your address>         (for example:

5. Now you are in the Caltech system.  The next step is to get to the
Muslim Student's association directory.  The full name of the
directory is /home/ftp/pub/calmsa.  However, you are placed into the
/home/ftp directory when you get in.  To get to the msa directory,
then, type:

ftp> cd pub/calmsa

Note, the on-line Quran translation is located in a subdirectory of
the calmsa directory named Quran.  To get into it, use "cd Quran".
Also, you can use the command "ls", as in UNIX, to list the files in
the directory that you are currently in.

6. At this point you can retrieve files.  Things go more quickly if
you are in binary mode.  Thus, you tell ftp,

ftp> mode bin

7. To get a file, you simply use the command get.  For example,

ftp> get thefileIwant.Z

A list of files with brief descriptions is located in the file README.
It is NOT compressed, so you can simply read it.

8. Notice that the file from get has a .Z extension.  This is because
it is compressed.  To uncompress it, you need to get out of ftp.  The
command is "bye".  At the command line, the command to uncompress,
surprisingly enough, is "uncompress"

ftp> bye
% uncompress thefileIwant

9. Now you can print the file, more it, whatever...


/Quran		        Quran directory: English Translations of Holy Quran
emaan.Z			Article on Islamic faith (Emaan) by IINN
books.Z			Islamic Books from ICNA: SRI
computer.Z		<deleted>
forums.Z		List of Muslim Forums by IINN
prayer.f		Fortran program to calculate prayer timings  
treatise.Z		Interpretation of Quran, MSA UW Madison
biblio-full.Z		Bibliography on Religious Studies
ijtihad.Z		Treatise on Ijtihad, MSA UW Madison
islam-rc.Z		Islamic Computer Resource Guide June 24 '92 V1.1a
think.Z			Article: People who think  by MSA Univ. of Wisconsin
bosnia.Z		Information on Bosnia, gathered by IINN
prayer.c 		C program to calculate prayer timings: Waqar Malik
hadith.Z		Hadiths on Forgiveness for New Muslims & Slavery :IINN
marriage.Z		Wedding in Islam: Article by Mir Mohammad :IINN
educators.Z		Int'l Association of Muslim Educators - Announcement
finality.1		Finality of Prophet Muhammad I   - IINN Publication
finality.2		Finality of Prophet Muhammad II  - IINN Publication
finality.3		Finality of Prophet Muhammad III - IINN Publication
faq.sri.2.3		Frequently Asked Questions: Soc.Religion.Islam [V 2.3]
kashmir.pns94		U.N. Resolutions/Amnesty Int'l report + History -PNS

Subject: 5) Gopher Access to FTP files.	


        The ftp site maintained by Caltech MSA carrying files archived
        by Islamic Information & News Network (muslims@asuacad.bitnet)
        is now accessible thru gopher.

        The gopher server is:

                                \Computing Information
                                \CCO anonymous FTP site

        For Quick Access: % gopher 70 is linked to world-wide network of gophers.

        Contact Name: (Asim Mughal) [MSA Acct]

Courtesy: Caltech MSA

Subject: 6) History/Data on IINN	

 IINN DATA : Statistics & Info  as of 3/21/96

        Name   :        Islamic Information & News Network

        Founded:        Shawal 01 1412, April 4, 1992

        Founders:       Asim Mughal & Nauman Kassim Mysorewala

        Membership:     1169 direct subscribers as of 3/21/96 12 % increase
        Membership:     1041 direct subscribers as of 6/1/95 
        Membership:     838 direct subscribers as of  6/15/94 
                        820 direct subscribers as of  3/15/94
                        860 direct subscribers as of  4/19/94
                        820 direct subscribers as of  3/15/94
                        717 direct subscribers as of 12/15/93
                        591 direct subscribers as of 6/5/93

        USENET Readership:

                        USENET Statistics (April '94)
                        Estimated Readership:   14,000
                        Ranking:                2673 out of 3190

        Editors:        Imran Mehdi, Arif Irfanullah, Muhammad I. Zahid
                        Mir Assadullah on leave since Feb '93

        Addresses:      MUSLIMS @ ASUACAD.BITnet /
                        MUSLIMS @ PSUVM.BITnet   /
          -USENET:      bit.listserv.muslims
          -MAIL  :      123-58 SAC, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125.U.S.A.

        Subscription fee: FREE

        Number of Newsletter published to date:

        Vol.1  No.1 - 12        Vol.2  No.1 - 41    Vol.3  No.1 - 22
        Vol.4  No.1 - 47        Vol.5  No.1 - 20    Vol.6  No.1 - 52
	Vol.7  No.1 - 24	Vol.8  No.1 -  ?    Vol.9  No.1 - 3 [current] 

                                        Ave   = A little more than One / week

        Volume numbers change every: Shawal 01 & Muharram 01

Subject: 7) Services offered thru LISTSERV

 There are number of services are handled automagically by the LISTSERV.

a. These services include:

   SUB MUSLIMS name -        Subscribe to IINN 
   SIGNOFF MUSLIMS  -        Cancel Subscription to IINN
   SET MUSLIMS NOMAIL -      Put subscription on hold
   SET MUSLIMS MAIL   -      Re-activate subscription
   INDEX MUSLIMS      -      Get listing of files available thorough IINN
   GET MUSLIMS filename -    Get a copy of available file named 'filename'

b. To use the LISTSERV services:

        Step 1: Send email to: LISTSERV@ASUACAD.BITnet
        Step 2: 'Subject' field is optional (can be left blank)
        Step 3: List the appropriate service (listed in 'c') as text of
                your email.

c. Example: To subscribe from a unix machine my screen should look as


        % mail listserv@asuacad.bitnet
        Subject: subscription to IINN

        SUB MUSLIMS firstname lastname 


d. Accessing Islamic Information & News Network thru USENET.

        As of Oct 1, '93. IINN forum are available thru usenet as:


   To access: On Unix machines: type: 'rn' or 'trn'
                                      go <name>

              On VAX/VMS      : type: 'VNEWS'

e. If USENET is not available on your site or your site doesn't get  IINN
   forums, please  contact your system administrator and request for IINN
   forums to be available.

Subject: 8) Where to Send Contributions?

	Please send your contributions to any of the following addresses:




	D-  USENET:  % Pnews bit.listserv.muslims

	E-  USENET: Simply followup. 

Subject: 9) IINN Staff & how to contact them?


     |                                                                 |
     |    Islamic Information & News Network - Executive Committee     |
     |    --------------------------------------------------------     |
     |  Nauman Kassim Mysorewala   - Listserv Owner/Coordinator        |
     |  Asim Mughal                - Listserv Owner/P.R. /Spokesman    |
     |                                                                 |
     |  Mir Muhammad Assadullah    - Editor                            |
     |  Arif Irfanullah            - Editor                            |
     |  Imran Mehdi 	           - Editor                            |
     |  Muhammed Ishaq Zahid       - Editor                            | 

     |                                                                 |
     |                         I M P O R T A N T                       |
     |                                                                 |
     |    Newsletter  contents  may be  copyright  protected.  The     |
     |    person contributing the news is the only one responsible     |
     |    for copyright violations,if any. No legal responsibility     |
     |    accepted by List-Owners, Editors, founders and  Sponsors.    |
     |    Please,avoid reproduction on a public forum without prior    |
     |    permission from the List Owners/Editors. Editors  reserve    |
     |    the right to exclude articles submitted to I.I.N.N.          |
     |                                                                 |

Subject: 10) Introductory Material on Islam

Introductory Book on Islam:

                ISLAM IN FOCUS by Hammudah Adbalati
                Available from:

                Islamic Center of Southern California
                434 S. Vermont Ave.
                Los Angeles, CA 90020
                (213) 384-5783

English Translation of Holy Quran:

                By Yusuf Ali, also available from Islamic Center (above).

Subject: 11) Islamic (Hijri) Calendar 

The following calendar is reproduced from the December issue of
The Message magazine. The IINN does not have any resident expert
on astronomy to verify the correctness of this calendar.
Apparently the Observation Committee is a unit of the Islamic
Circle of North America. 

              ISLAMIC (HIJRI) CALENDAR 1994/1414-15
                        FOR NORTH AMERICA

Month          New moon       First Visibility         N. America
-----          --------       ----------------         ----------
Shaban         1/11/1994      1/12                     1/13
Ramadan        2/10           2/11                     2/12
Shawwal        3/12           3/13                     3/14
D. Qada        4/11           4/11                     4/12 or 13
D. Hijja       5/10           5/11                     5/12
(1415)         6/9            6/10                     6/11

Safar          7/8            7/10                     7/11
Rabi I         8/7            8/8                      8/9
Rabi II        9/5            9/6 or 9/7               9/8
Jumada I       10/5           10/6                     10/7
Jumada II      11/3           11/4                     11/5
Rajab          12/2           12/3                     12/4

                        DATES TO REMEMBER

Ramadan: February 12, 1994 (Saturday evening)
     Feb. 13 in New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia to Pakistan,
     China, most of Russia, S. Africa, S. America

Eidul-Fitr: March 14, 1994 (Monday)
     except from New Zealand to Indonesia and S. Africa, etc.
     where it will be on Tuesday, Mar. 15.

Eidul-Adha: May 21, 1994 (Saturday)
     For the rest of the world it will be on May 22 (Sunday).
     Saudi date for Hajj is May 19, though the crescent can not
     be seen there on May 11, 1994.

For More information, call
The Committee for Crescent Observation: (607) 277-6706

Subject: 12) Format of IINN Newsletters/Digests

    Assalamo Alaykum: (Greetings)

    Due to our increased contributor resources  and automated generation of
    Newsletter, you are experiencing  increased  volume  in our Newsletters.
    Under these  circumstances, you  might  wish  to  read  portions of our
    Newsletters. This communique is to help you in doing so. 

    First of all, let me explain  the  order  in  which  the Newsletter will
    always be prepared. Following the header, there might be a short special
    Greetings. This will be followed by the `Contents' section. This section
    contains all the items that are to appear after it. They appear in order
    as following: 

         1. Quran 
         2. Hadith 
         3. Editorial 
         4. News 
         5. Articles 
         6. Announcements 
         7. Letters to the Editor 

    All of them might not neccessarily appear in every issue. However, these
    sections will be marked by the above title and followed by dots `.' . 

    All the items that appear in the `Contents'  section will be preceded by
    exactly a line as appeared in the `Contents'  section. This gives a very
    important edge to the reader. The reader may chose the entire line as it
    appears in the `Contents' section or  even a part of it, as a pattern to
    search in the rest of the  message.  Since  the  item is preceeded by an
    exactly same line, the pattern search  should find it. This will provide
    the reader with selective reading ability. 

    Examples on different platforms are provided below: 


        Once you are in the  Unix  mail  facility,  the default pager is
        more (1). You can define  other  pagers  like less (1) using the
        PAGER variable while  in  mail  utility  or  in  ~/.mailrc file.
        Please see the following for more information: 

        more (1), less (1), mail (1) 

        However, once you have  started  reading the Newsletter, you can
        page down to the `Contents' section. Select the article that you
        like. Now search for it by using the slash `/' command in `more'
        or `less' followed by the string that you want to search for. It
        will, of course be more  convenient  if you have a mouse to this
        for you. 


        Using the  mailtool  Sun  utility  makes  it  very easy for this
        purpose. Select a line by quickly  clicking with the left button
        three times. You can also click the line with clicking with left
        button at the beginning of the line and middle button at the end
        of the line. Now press the  right  button anywhere in the window
        Newsletter is  displayed.  This  will  display  a menu. Move the
        pointer to the Fourth sub-menu: `Find' and keep moving it to the
        arrow at right. This will give you another menu.The second entry
        in this new menu is `Find  Selection'.  Take the pointer to this
        entry and release the right  mouse  button.  It will take you to
        that particular article. 

    You are welcome to add another  platform  to  this list. This might help
    other Muslimeen and Muslimaat. 

    The formatting software, Nebula, was written by IINN staff. 
    Jazakumullaho Khairan Katheeran! 

Subject: 13) Muslim Holidays for 1995, 1996 & 1997.

    1995-96 HOLIDAYS:

    The following Islamic  holidays  should  be  inserted in the next school
    year's calendars. (1995-96) 


	New Hijri year				May 31, 1995
	Mawlud Al-Nabi				August 10, 1995
	Ramadan					January 21, 1996
	Eidul-Fitr				February 20, 1996
	Hajj				        April 19-May 1, 1996
	Eidul-Adha				April 28, 1996
	New Hijri year				May 19, 1996
	Mawlud Al-Nabi				July 29, 1996


	New Hijri (Islamic) year 1416 A.H.	May 31, 1995
	Mawlud Al-Nabi, 10 Rabi I, 1416 A.H.	August 10, 1995
	Ramadan 1416 A.H.			January 21, 1996
	Eidul-Fitr 1416 A.H.			February 20, 1996
	Hajj 1416 A.H. (Zul-Hijah 1-13)	        April 19-May 1, 1996
	Eidul-Adha 1416 A.H.			April 28, 1996
	New Hijri (Islamic) year (1417 A.H.)	May 19, 1996
	Mawlud Al-Nabi (10 Rabi I 1417 A.H.)    July 29, 1996


    1. The Islamic calendar is lunar and  depends on the actual sightings of
    the new moon. Therefore the actual dates may differ by a day or two. The
    lunar year is about 354 days long. Days begin at sunset. 

    2. 'A.H.' stands for 'After  Hijrah.'  The Hijri calendar began with the
    migration of Prophet Muhammad (may  peace  and blessings be on him) from
    Makkah to Madinah. 

    3. Ramadan is the nineth month of the  Islamic calendar. It is the month
    of daily fasting from dawn to sunset. 

    4. Eidul-Fitr marks the end of  Ramadan  and  is a major holiday for all

    5. Hajj is the yearly  pilgrimage  to  Makkah.  It falls in the twelveth
    month of the Islamic calendar. Each  year about three million Muslims go
    to Saudi Arabia for Hajj. 

    6. Eidul-Adha is on the 10th day  of  the  12th Islamic month. It is the
    second major holiday. It is a  three-day  holiday.  Muslims all over the
    world hold special prayers  and  sacrifice  animals  to  commemorate the
    trial of Abraham in which he was asked to sacrifice his only son Ishmael
    for the sake of God. 

    7. 'Mawlud Al-Nabi' stands for the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad. 

    1997 HOLIDAYS:

	Ramadan begins:		Jan. 10
	Laylat Al-Qadr:         Jan. 30, Feb. 3, 5, 7
	Eidul Fitr:		Feb. 8
	Eidul Adha:		April 18
	New Hijrah Year's day:	May 10
	Ashurah:		May 19
	Mawlud Al-Nabi:		July 19

	Source: Amica International (Toll-free phone: 1-800-622-9256)

for IINN

>I urgently need a list of 1997 Islamic holidays for inclusion in a
>calendar (until last year's only Jewish and Christian holidays were
>listed...). Can you help? Please send info. to me at
>Thank you!

    -IINN Staff (Ishaq Zahid) 

Subject: 14) Archived Publications (1993-Current)

    The  Publications  of   'Islamic   Information   &   News  Network'  are
    automatically created & stored  on   "".   To
    retrieve a full listing  (filelist)  of  archived  publications  & files
    available   in   public,    send    an     email     message     to
    "", the text of the message must be: 

                                 INDEX MUSLIMS

    A file similar to the one below will be mailed back. Select the archived
    publication desired. To retrieve  a  copy  of  the archived publication,
    again write an email  message  to  ""   with   the
    following format for your text message: 

                              GET MUSLIMS LOGyymmx

				Note: yy == year (e.g. 94)
	      			      mm == month (e.g. 08 for August)
				      x is alphabet (a-f)
				      	a  == first week
				      	b  == second week & so on...

	Hence the command would have been.


    A copy of Filelist retreived as  of  August  10,  1995  listing only the
    archived publications is attached. 

*  MUSLIMS Newsletter available from LISTSERV
*  This file lists all MUSLIMS   newsletters that are available from
*  this LISTSERV and are retrievable by all 'list' members.
*  If an entry shows nrecs=0  the file is not available.
*  This filelist may  be sorted in columns  47 to 63 to get  a list of
*  files in  the order of  their updates. Sorting in  descending order
*  shows the most recently updated files at the top.
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
*  The GET/PUT authorization codes shown with each file entry describe
*  who is authorized to GET or PUT the file:
*     ALL = Everybody
*     OWN = List owners
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
*  NOTEBOOK archives for the list
*  (Weekly notebook)
*                             rec               last - change
* filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time   Remarks
* -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------------------------------
  MUSLIMS  LOG9301B   ALL OWN V      80   732 93/01/08 14:31:19 Started on Fri, 8 Jan 1993 13:06:37 PST
  MUSLIMS  LOG9302B   ALL OWN V      80   611 93/02/13 16:27:42 Started on Sat, 13 Feb 1993 15:25:23 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9302D   ALL OWN V      80   903 93/02/23 06:30:46 Started on Mon, 22 Feb 1993 22:56:27 MST
  MUSLIMS  LOG9303C   ALL OWN V      80  1501 93/03/17 02:34:22 Started on Tue, 16 Mar 1993 15:50:19 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9303D   ALL OWN V      80  1915 93/03/25 05:10:04 Started on Mon, 22 Mar 1993 09:26:26 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9304A   ALL OWN V      80   318 93/04/07 10:07:33 Started on Wed, 7 Apr 1993 10:04:58 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9304B   ALL OWN V      80   946 93/04/14 06:41:53 Started on Fri, 9 Apr 1993 18:16:44 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9304C   ALL OWN V      80   362 93/04/20 18:06:48 Started on Tue, 20 Apr 1993 18:04:49 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9304D   ALL OWN V      80   823 93/04/28 07:49:48 Started on Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:43:48 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9304E   ALL OWN V      80   257 93/04/29 12:59:38 Started on Thu, 29 Apr 1993 15:56:29 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9305A   ALL OWN V      80  1004 93/05/06 14:07:10 Started on Thu, 6 May 1993 16:37:22 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9305B   ALL OWN V      80   766 93/05/13 07:15:53 Started on Thu, 13 May 1993 10:11:46 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9305C   ALL OWN V      80  1711 93/05/21 13:19:27 Started on Mon, 17 May 1993 11:58:04 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9305D   ALL OWN V      80  2222 93/05/28 14:46:17 Started on Mon, 24 May 1993 10:17:19 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9305E   ALL OWN V      80   460 93/05/30 17:55:12 Started on Sun, 30 May 1993 17:52:16 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9306A   ALL OWN V      80  1016 93/06/03 09:14:42 Started on Thu, 3 Jun 1993 12:05:46 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9306B   ALL OWN V      80  1102 93/06/10 13:56:09 Started on Wed, 9 Jun 1993 14:16:29 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9306C   ALL OWN V      80  1171 93/06/17 15:36:27 Started on Thu, 17 Jun 1993 13:59:18 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9306D   ALL OWN V      80   847 93/06/24 16:09:16 Started on Thu, 24 Jun 1993 16:06:11 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9307A   ALL OWN V      80  1848 93/07/07 06:33:31 Started on Wed, 7 Jul 1993 00:44:17 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9307B   ALL OWN V      80   665 93/07/14 10:17:52 Started on Wed, 14 Jul 1993 10:14:59 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9307C   ALL OWN V      80   701 93/07/15 18:10:03 Started on Thu, 15 Jul 1993 18:06:55 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9307E   ALL OWN V      80   869 93/07/31 12:39:56 Started on Thu, 29 Jul 1993 08:04:23 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9308A   ALL OWN V      80   933 93/08/05 12:15:18 Started on Thu, 5 Aug 1993 15:08:21 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9308B   ALL OWN V      80   434 93/08/11 14:30:03 Started on Wed, 11 Aug 1993 17:21:35 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9308C   ALL OWN V      80   498 93/08/19 07:57:33 Started on Thu, 19 Aug 1993 10:53:20 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9308D   ALL OWN V      80  1705 93/08/27 11:52:26 Started on Mon, 23 Aug 1993 18:13:23 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9309A   ALL OWN V      80  1270 93/09/03 18:36:12 Started on Fri, 3 Sep 1993 18:31:06 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9309B   ALL OWN V      80   657 93/09/10 22:23:21 Started on Fri, 10 Sep 1993 22:19:09 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9309D   ALL OWN V      80  1418 93/09/28 13:31:18 Started on Fri, 24 Sep 1993 23:00:32 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9310A   ALL OWN V      80   648 93/10/02 14:45:39 Started on Sat, 2 Oct 1993 14:41:27 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9310B   ALL OWN V      80   679 93/10/12 22:27:08 Started on Tue, 12 Oct 1993 22:27:45 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9310C   ALL OWN V      80   451 93/10/15 02:41:08 Started on Fri, 15 Oct 1993 02:41:42 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9310D   ALL OWN V      80   660 93/10/22 13:21:38 Started on Fri, 22 Oct 1993 13:19:19 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9310E   ALL OWN V      80   711 93/10/29 22:50:12 Started on Fri, 29 Oct 1993 22:48:13 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9311A   ALL OWN V      80   961 93/11/05 00:15:08 Started on Thu, 4 Nov 1993 22:59:57 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9311B   ALL OWN V      80   561 93/11/10 10:13:49 Started on Wed, 10 Nov 1993 09:11:51 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9311C   ALL OWN V      80   572 93/11/18 20:28:23 Started on Thu, 18 Nov 1993 19:26:42 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9312A   ALL OWN V      80  1080 93/12/03 13:15:20 Started on Thu, 2 Dec 1993 16:16:08 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9312B   ALL OWN V      80  1027 93/12/11 22:39:32 Started on Sat, 11 Dec 1993 21:36:31 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9312C   ALL OWN V      80   953 93/12/21 21:25:02 Started on Tue, 21 Dec 1993 20:24:27 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9312D   ALL OWN V      80   473 93/12/23 13:39:30 Started on Thu, 23 Dec 1993 15:39:02 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9312E   ALL OWN V      80  1107 93/12/31 08:53:05 Started on Fri, 31 Dec 1993 10:52:00 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9401A   ALL OWN V      80  1451 94/01/07 13:32:55 Started on Mon, 3 Jan 1994 20:12:19 MST
  MUSLIMS  LOG9401B   ALL OWN V      80  2159 94/01/13 14:08:52 Started on Mon, 10 Jan 1994 07:28:53 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9401C   ALL OWN V      80   784 94/01/21 09:50:58 Started on Fri, 21 Jan 1994 11:14:57 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9401D   ALL OWN V      80   757 94/01/28 17:35:32 Started on Mon, 24 Jan 1994 15:04:09 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9401E   ALL OWN V      80  1097 94/01/31 08:24:33 Started on Mon, 31 Jan 1994 10:17:12 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9402A   ALL OWN V      80  3130 94/02/07 14:08:52 Started on Mon, 31 Jan 1994 21:09:59 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9402B   ALL OWN V      80  1849 94/02/14 09:28:30 Started on Thu, 10 Feb 1994 15:12:12 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9402C   ALL OWN V      80  1448 94/02/21 13:38:12 Started on Mon, 21 Feb 1994 15:35:53 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9402D   ALL OWN V      80  1715 94/02/28 14:15:20 Started on Fri, 25 Feb 1994 16:29:33 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9403A   ALL OWN V      80  1146 94/03/05 15:11:53 Started on Sat, 5 Mar 1994 17:07:54 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9403B   ALL OWN V      80   222 94/03/13 01:19:39 Started on Sun, 13 Mar 1994 01:19:15 MST
  MUSLIMS  LOG9403C   ALL OWN V      80  1269 94/03/20 06:03:10 Started on Tue, 15 Mar 1994 19:00:47 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9403D   ALL OWN V      80   478 94/03/28 23:57:21 Started on Mon, 28 Mar 1994 22:57:50 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9404A   ALL OWN V      80  4770 94/04/06 17:32:54 Started on Sun, 3 Apr 1994 12:26:58 MST
  MUSLIMS  LOG9404B   ALL OWN V      80  1339 94/04/13 11:35:27 Started on Wed, 13 Apr 1994 14:30:50 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9404C   ALL OWN V     103  2595 94/04/20 17:19:59 Started on Wed, 20 Apr 1994 12:58:36 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9404D   ALL OWN V      80  2295 94/04/27 21:21:20 Started on Fri, 22 Apr 1994 11:44:28 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9405A   ALL OWN V      80  1035 94/05/04 21:09:44 Started on Mon, 2 May 1994 16:25:37 PDT
  MUSLIMS  LOG9405B   ALL OWN V      79   888 94/05/09 17:51:11 Started on Mon, 9 May 1994 17:52:37 PDT
  MUSLIMS  LOG9405C   ALL OWN V      80  2420 94/05/21 13:47:34 Started on Tue, 17 May 1994 18:56:22 PDT
  MUSLIMS  LOG9405D   ALL OWN V      79   936 94/05/27 01:16:30 Started on Fri, 27 May 1994 01:17:52 PDT
  MUSLIMS  LOG9406A   ALL OWN V      79   505 94/06/06 19:51:25 Started on Mon, 6 Jun 1994 19:42:26 PDT
  MUSLIMS  LOG9406B   ALL OWN V      80  1181 94/06/13 17:22:05 Started on Thu, 9 Jun 1994 00:44:33 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9406C   ALL OWN V      80   944 94/06/16 16:58:40 Started on Thu, 16 Jun 1994 19:58:02 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9406D   ALL OWN V      79  1890 94/06/24 10:30:25 Started on Wed, 22 Jun 1994 10:20:39 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9406E   ALL OWN V      79   904 94/06/29 12:18:36 Started on Wed, 29 Jun 1994 11:21:21 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9407A   ALL OWN V      80  1717 94/07/07 13:11:11 Started on Mon, 4 Jul 1994 12:12:38 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9407B   ALL OWN V      80  1358 94/07/12 09:04:41 Started on Tue, 12 Jul 1994 11:57:39 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9407C   ALL OWN V      80   873 94/07/17 11:16:48 Started on Sun, 17 Jul 1994 14:15:15 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9407D   ALL OWN V      79   981 94/07/27 11:56:24 Started on Wed, 27 Jul 1994 11:56:09 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9408B   ALL OWN V      80  1106 94/08/13 15:22:09 Started on Mon, 8 Aug 1994 09:18:15 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9408C   ALL OWN V      80   197 94/08/17 13:28:25 Started on Wed, 17 Aug 1994 13:28:12 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9408D   ALL OWN V      80  1054 94/08/24 22:24:22 Started on Wed, 24 Aug 1994 22:25:11 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9409A   ALL OWN V      80   869 94/09/02 16:32:20 Started on Fri, 2 Sep 1994 16:31:49 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9409B   ALL OWN V      80   804 94/09/13 16:18:06 Started on Tue, 13 Sep 1994 14:04:15 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9409C   ALL OWN V      80   952 94/09/20 20:57:39 Started on Tue, 20 Sep 1994 16:13:56 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9409D   ALL OWN V      80   350 94/09/22 08:33:19 Started on Thu, 22 Sep 1994 06:58:47 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9410A   ALL OWN V      80   626 94/10/06 15:48:14 Started on Thu, 6 Oct 1994 15:47:22 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9410B   ALL OWN V      80   517 94/10/14 23:49:42 Started on Fri, 14 Oct 1994 23:48:58 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9410D   ALL OWN V      80  2410 94/10/27 07:49:10 Started on Mon, 24 Oct 1994 16:35:58 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9411A   ALL OWN V      80  1380 94/11/07 11:27:00 Started on Sat, 5 Nov 1994 20:04:19 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9411B   ALL OWN V      80   602 94/11/10 10:06:41 Started on Thu, 10 Nov 1994 11:55:56 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9411C   ALL OWN V      80  1170 94/11/18 08:27:05 Started on Fri, 18 Nov 1994 10:22:23 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9411D   ALL OWN V      77   344 94/11/22 19:28:59 Started on Tue, 22 Nov 1994 21:28:27 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9412A   ALL OWN V      80   734 94/12/02 15:43:42 Started on Fri, 2 Dec 1994 17:41:33 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9412B   ALL OWN V      80  2067 94/12/10 13:22:42 Started on Fri, 9 Dec 1994 14:55:07 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9412C   ALL OWN V      80  2874 94/12/21 12:54:50 Started on Thu, 15 Dec 1994 19:47:38 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9412D   ALL OWN V      77   640 94/12/23 19:18:40 Started on Fri, 23 Dec 1994 21:18:33 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9501A   ALL OWN V      77   975 95/01/05 18:49:08 Started on Thu, 5 Jan 1995 20:48:08 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9501B   ALL OWN V      79   750 95/01/13 08:15:20 Started on Fri, 13 Jan 1995 10:11:11 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9501C   ALL OWN V      80  2672 95/01/20 08:27:49 Started on Mon, 16 Jan 1995 08:57:03 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9501D   ALL OWN V      79  2650 95/01/26 11:54:27 Started on Wed, 25 Jan 1995 10:30:43 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9501E   ALL OWN V      79   952 95/01/31 20:05:21 Started on Mon, 30 Jan 1995 10:14:23 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9502A   ALL OWN V      80  2484 95/02/03 13:48:02 Started on Fri, 3 Feb 1995 14:55:11 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9502B   ALL OWN V      80   784 95/02/09 09:53:01 Started on Thu, 9 Feb 1995 11:38:31 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9502C   ALL OWN V      80  1961 95/02/20 13:56:33 Started on Thu, 16 Feb 1995 09:41:36 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9502D   ALL OWN V      80  2591 95/02/24 10:44:55 Started on Thu, 23 Feb 1995 11:37:03 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9502E   ALL OWN V      77  1833 95/02/28 10:04:23 Started on Tue, 28 Feb 1995 11:54:23 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9503A   ALL OWN V      80  1652 95/03/03 05:57:16 Started on Wed, 1 Mar 1995 11:58:11 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9503B   ALL OWN V      78  1733 95/03/10 08:17:27 Started on Wed, 8 Mar 1995 09:35:26 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9503C   ALL OWN V      78   651 95/03/16 08:33:44 Started on Thu, 16 Mar 1995 10:31:23 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9503D   ALL OWN V      79  1405 95/03/27 07:59:39 Started on Thu, 23 Mar 1995 10:12:59 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9503E   ALL OWN V      79   785 95/03/30 08:00:44 Started on Thu, 30 Mar 1995 09:58:37 -0500
  MUSLIMS  LOG9504A   ALL OWN V      80  2561 95/04/06 07:28:50 Started on Sun, 2 Apr 1995 15:43:41 MST
  MUSLIMS  LOG9504B   ALL OWN V      80  1587 95/04/13 12:15:36 Started on Mon, 10 Apr 1995 09:01:51 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9504C   ALL OWN V      79  2369 95/04/20 12:51:25 Started on Fri, 14 Apr 1995 15:00:04 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9504D   ALL OWN V      80  1005 95/04/25 11:19:14 Started on Tue, 25 Apr 1995 14:16:05 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9504E   ALL OWN V      80   570 95/04/28 11:55:34 Started on Fri, 28 Apr 1995 14:54:51 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9505A   ALL OWN V      80   872 95/05/04 11:24:23 Started on Tue, 2 May 1995 17:15:01 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9505B   ALL OWN V      79   478 95/05/08 04:57:27 Started on Mon, 8 May 1995 07:57:16 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9505C   ALL OWN V      80  2917 95/05/20 08:26:41 Started on Tue, 16 May 1995 07:54:21 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9505D   ALL OWN V      80  2129 95/05/26 07:23:33 Started on Wed, 24 May 1995 16:02:15 -0400
  MUSLIMS  LOG9505E   ALL OWN V      80   741 95/05/31 12:10:57 Started on Wed, 31 May 1995 12:11:22 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9506B   ALL OWN V      87   797 95/06/09 12:51:58 Started on Fri, 9 Jun 1995 12:52:12 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9506C   ALL OWN V      80   647 95/06/16 17:51:33 Started on Fri, 16 Jun 1995 17:51:45 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9506D   ALL OWN V      80  1074 95/06/26 13:34:54 Started on Mon, 26 Jun 1995 13:35:09 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9507A   ALL OWN V      80   825 95/07/06 10:51:57 Started on Thu, 6 Jul 1995 10:51:35 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9507C   ALL OWN V      82   910 95/07/20 09:40:00 Started on Wed, 19 Jul 1995 02:35:46 -0700
  MUSLIMS  LOG9507E   ALL OWN V      80   729 95/07/31 19:44:25 Started on Mon, 31 Jul 1995 19:45:05 -0700

MUSLIMS  LOG9508B   597 	95/08/11 23:32:46 
MUSLIMS  LOG9508E   827 	95/08/30 17:01:43 
MUSLIMS  LOG9509A   940 	95/09/06 13:02:07 
MUSLIMS  LOG9509B   941 	95/09/12 08:58:21 
MUSLIMS  LOG9509C   11615 	95/09/20 12:46:58 
MUSLIMS  LOG9509D   1276 	95/09/22 03:42:46
MUSLIMS  LOG9510C   807 	95/10/17 02:27:30 
MUSLIMS  LOG9510D   938 	95/10/27 08:05:05
MUSLIMS  LOG9511B   771 	95/11/10 14:22:48 
MUSLIMS  LOG9511C   1121 	95/11/17 08:02:07
MUSLIMS  LOG9511D   808 	95/11/22 19:44:43
MUSLIMS  LOG9512B   940 	95/12/08 12:23:15
MUSLIMS  LOG9512C   728 	95/12/19 17:57:51
MUSLIMS  LOG9512D   569 	95/12/25 13:51:17
MUSLIMS  LOG9601B   617 	96/01/12 10:42:25
MUSLIMS  LOG9601D   1921 	96/01/25 05:12:05
MUSLIMS  LOG9602A   2079 	96/02/04 12:57:25
MUSLIMS  LOG9602C   2172 	96/02/18 14:10:07
MUSLIMS  LOG9602D   850 	96/02/23 09:39:12
MUSLIMS  LOG9603A   967 	96/03/04 19:28:48
MUSLIMS  LOG9603C   1141 	96/03/15 08:21:17

Subject: 15) WWW Home Page & Links


Old issues of IINN may be accessed from IINN Home page.



Subject: 16) This FAQ- Archive Info, History & Credits.

ARCHIVE: This FAQ is archived & availble thru anonymous FTP, gopher &
	 world-wide web.

	Anonymous FTP: 

	1. SITE:
	   Directory:   /pub/usenet/news.answers/bit-muslims-faq.Z

	2. SITE:
	   Directory:	/pub/usenet/news.answers/bit-muslims-faq.Z

	3. SITE:
	   Directory:	/pub/calmsa/faq.iinn 	or  faq.bit.muslims


	1.SITE: 70 
	  Path:			Computing Information/
				CCO anonymous ftp archive/
				faq.iinn  or faq.bit.muslims

	2.SITE 70
	  Path:			Resources relating to Islam/
				The Islamic Information & News Network 	

	Word-Wide Web:
	URL for this FAQ:


Version 1.0  Released May 11,  '94	Total 10 items 
Version 1.2  Released June 08, '94 	New Items #10 & #11, Addition to # 12
Version 1.3  Released June 15, '94 	New Item #12 
Version 1.4  Released Augt 14, '94 	Item # 4 expanded!
Version 1.5  Released Sept 11, '94 	Item # 4 expanded!
Version 1.6  Released Feb  12, '95 	Item # 4 expanded!
Version 1.7  Released Aug  10, '95 	New Items #13, #14 & #15.
Version 1.8  Released Oct  05, '95 	Subject:, Newsgroup: & #15 updated.
Version 1.9  Released Mar  21, '96      #6, #13, #14, #15 updated


End of Bit.Listserv.Muslims FAQ Digest

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM


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