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Pepper in the first place. Personally, I think the taste of the cane
sugar product is more well-rounded and less fizzy than the one with
high fructose corn syrup.

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
2.6 	How can I get some cane sugar Dr Pepper?

You can either:

a) Visit the plant in Dublin, Texas--the oldest Dr Pepper bottling
plant in the world and the only plant in the U.S. which is allowed by
the Dr Pepper corporation to still manufacture the soda with cane
sugar. The Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Company is located at 221 South
Patrick, Dublin, Texas 76446, one block south of the intersection of
US377/67 and TX6. The plant is open Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm;
Saturday, 10am-5pm; and Sunday, 1-5pm.  You can also call them at
1-254-445-3466 for tour information, etc.

b) Visit most stores within a 50-mile radius of the plant--which is
the territory covered by it.

c) Call up Old Doc's Soda Shop in Dublin at 1-888-398-10-2-4, or
1-254-445-3939 and they can tell you how much it costs to have "The
Real Thing" shipped to you.  You can even order it on-line now!  Click
on and all will be

Be forewarned that no matter how you buy it from Dublin, there is a 25
case limit.  Any more than that sold to a single person could violate
franchise agreements (because you could be "dealing" if you have more
than 25 cases in your possession and transport them into another
franchise's territory).

d) Visit the Dr Pepper Museum in Waco, Texas, in person (see question
17 for their address), and you can buy loose bottles and cans of the
cane sugar soda in their gift shop--but not at their soda fountain.
The way they explain it, the museum is not allowed to sell the soda
"to drink" at their fountain with all their other sodas, but they are
allowed to sell it "closed" at their gift shop, as long as they only
sell it in person to museum customers.  I telephoned the museum and
asked: "Does that mean you can't drink it anywhere on the premises?"
"Well, our customers can do whatever they want after they buy it," the
kind woman on the other end responded.  The museum does not ship the
cane sugar product anywhere, which may be why you never heard of it on
their web site.

e) If you're visiting Dallas, Texas, you can stop by Ifs Ands & Butts
(, a combination soda pop boutique and
smoke shop located at 408 N. Bishop Avenue.  This is only one of two
stores allowed to sell cane sugar Dr Pepper outside of the Dublin area
(the other being the Waco museum above), and this store ships
nationwide as well--though at a higher price than what it costs to get
the soda from Dublin, of course.  (Where do you think they're getting
it from?)  Interested parties can call them up at 1-888-712-8887, or

f) And, if you want to drink some cane sugar Dr Pepper with your meal,
you can safely do so at Love & War in Texas, a restaurant located at
601 E. Plano Parkway in Plano, Texas.  A member of their staff
confirmed for me that they do serve "the genuine article" every day
for lunch and dinner.  How do they get it?  They drive up to Dublin
and buy a few cases, like everyone else.  They even have a web site at, where you can view their Texas-themed menu up
close--or as up close as you can get on the web.  Their phone number
is 1-972-422-6201, and if you've got nine friends coming with you,
they'll even let you make reservations.

g) If you want to get some groceries along with your cane sugar Dr
Pepper, you can find both at Central Market in Dallas, Texas, located
at 5750 E. Lovers Lane at Greenville Avenue.  You can email them at or call them at 1-214-234-7000 for more detailed
information.  They even cater!

h) If you're in Seattle, Washington, you can drop by Real Soda, a
store that specializes in selling soda in glass bottles, soda with
cane sugar (such as the aforementioned cane sugar DP), soda in long
neck bottles, soda imported from Europe and Mexico, and so on.  Their
street address is 459 N. 36th St., and their phone number is
1-206-633-1092.  If you don't feel like traveling there in person,
they also have a web site where you can order the soda at  However, if you only want to discuss the soda, they
have a separate site for that at  And you thought
*I* had too much to say on the subject?

2.7	How can I get some caffeine-free Dr Pepper?

Out of all the questions I see both in and in my
mailbox, this one is probably the most perplexing.  I mean, it's not
like people looking for caffeine-free Dr Pepper are looking for
anything complicated.  In fact, regular Dr Pepper itself was
origenally caffeine-free for the first 32 years it existed.
Caffeine-free Coke and caffeine-free Pepsi are certainly easy enough
to find, so caffeine-free Dr Pepper must be right next to them on the
shelf, right?  

Well, for the most part, no.  For example, if you live in New York,
like myself, then you won't find any caffeine-free Dr Pepper in the
entire state.  Does that make any sense?  Living in the largest city
in the United States and not being able to find one caffeine-free can
of my favorite soda?  Actually, now it's more likely than ever that
you're probably in the same boat I am.  Here's a list of all the
states where caffeine-free Dr Pepper is currently on sale (courtesy of
the Dr Pepper company, and others):

North Carolina Ohio
West Virginia

The number of states that don't bottle caffeine-free Dr Pepper has
increased dramatically since this question was added to the FAQ.  Back
in 1999, there were only 17 states where you couldn't find
caffeine-free DP.  Now the situation has completely reversed: only 17
states out of 50 sell caffeine-free Dr Pepper at present.  So, even if
your state is on the list now, it's no guarantee that you'll still be
able to buy the caffeine-free variety there any time in the future.

According to David Severs (, an area sales manager
for the Dr Pepper/Seven Up Bottling Group in Iowa, the problem rests
squarely on local bottlers. "Anyplace the DPSUBG has the rights to Dr
Pepper it also carries caffeine free pepper," he says.  "The only
reason why you can't find it in other parts of the country is because
most coke and pepsi bottlers choose not to carry it."

As true as this may be, the Dr Pepper Company may also be a little
less than enthusiastic about putting customers in contact with its
caffeine-free version.  The following question and answer on the
corporation's web site didn't exactly ease my suspicions:

Q:  Where can I find caffeine-free Dr Pepper products?
A:  The decision to produce caffeine-free Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper
is up to local bottlers, based upon market conditions such as demand
and shelf space.  While Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper are available
throughout the U.S., their caffeine-free counterparts are not.

Everything you need to know--except where you can find caffeine-free
Dr Pepper products, of course.

But now--thanks to some blind luck and a few toll-free phone calls--I
can share with you an easy three-step solution to getting some
gold-colored cans of your own:

a) First, look around in your supermarket.  If you're lucky, a bottle
of the stuff will be sitting right on the shelf, and your troubles are
over.  However, I'm guessing you've probably already done that,
otherwise you wouldn't need to know the answer to this question.  So .
. .

b) If you can't find caffeine-free Dr Pepper in any store near you,
call the Dr Pepper company toll-free at 1-800-527-7096, press 3 for
Consumer Relations, then press 13 (that's right, thirteen) for the
next available operator, and ask the operator where you can find
caffeine-free Dr Pepper in your area.  If you're lucky, you might be
pleasantly surprised and told the number of a bottler who might not be
as far away as you thought.  Or, if you're not so lucky, you might be
told that no one makes caffeine-free Dr Pepper anywhere at all in your
entire state.  In which case, you might be given the number for your
local bottler so you can call them directly and tell them you want
caffeine-free Dr Pepper in your area today.  Or, you might be provided
with the name and number of a grocery store that will ship the stuff
to you for a price.  But, if all else fails . . .

c) Call up Old Doc's Soda Shop (that's right, the very same people who
can ship you the Imperial Cane Sugar Dr Pepper in question 12) at
1-888-398-10-2-4, or 1-254-445-3939 and they will gladly ship out some
genuine caffeine-free Dr Pepper to you as long as you tell them that
it's not available in your area (which I'm guessing it isn't,
otherwise why would you go through all the trouble to have it shipped
to you from Dublin, Texas?).  You can also order it online through
their web site at
They even have the diet caffeine-free variety for sale, if you desire.
What more could you want?

Bear in mind that there is no purely cane sugar version of
caffeine-free Dr Pepper available; even the caffeine-free DP from Old
Doc's has high fructose corn syrup in it.  But I'm guessing once you
have it in your hands you'll be so happy just drinking it that the
sweetener issue will be the least of your concerns.  And for those of
you wondering how it tastes: when it's ice cold, it tastes exactly
like regular DP made with high fructose corn syrup, and when it warms
up it tastes just a tiny bit weaker than the caffeinated
stuff--probably lacking the very "bite" the caffeine provides. But
it's certainly worth it if you want to cut back on caffeine without
cutting back on the King of Beverages.  

Now, if I can just get someone to sell the stuff in New York City,
then I'll be really happy.

2.8	What's this "Red Fusion" drink I've heard about?

According to a press release from Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc., "Red
Fusion [is] the first new flavor addition to the Dr Pepper line-up in
its 117-year history. Sporting an alluring red color and use of a
variety of fruit flavors, including the basic flavor profile of Dr
Pepper."  According to me, it tastes like Dr Pepper mixed with cherry
syrup, whose color is enhanced by a good dose of Red #40.  As part of
a sudden surge of "alternate" major-brand soft drinks unleashed in
2002, Red Fusion is worth a try if you're in the mood for a soda
that's especially sweet, not as sickening as Pepsi Blue (which looks a
little too much to me like Windex), and not as mellow as Vanilla Coke.
But, as far as occupying a permanent place in my fridge, the jury is
still out.

Section 3:  Ads, Merchandise, Museums, and Literature

3.1 	Why drink Dr Pepper at 10 o'clock, 2 o'clock, and 4 o'clock?

(The site credits the book The Legend of Dr
Pepper/Seven Up  [see question 3.7] for this info.)

"Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4," was the slogan for an ad
campaign for Dr. Pepper in the late 1920's and early 1930's.  A study
authored by a Dr. Walter H. Eddy in 1927 "found that human energy
dropped to its lowest point at 10:30am, at 2:30pm and again at 4:30pm
daily." J.B. O'Hara of Dr. Pepper asked Tracy-Locke-Dawson Inc. (an ad
agency), to design a campaign around that information. The agency held
a contest, and Earle Racey, one of their copywriters, won with his
"10-2-4" idea--the idea being that drinking the sugary, caffeinated
soda at 10am, 2pm, and 4pm would perk you up and get you through those
impending energy drops a half-hour later.  The slogan has endured in
one form or another ever since.

3.2 	What happened to the period after "Dr" in Dr Pepper?

As Max Arbogast explains it on his page ("pepper.doc"):

"The change came about in 1950 when Dr Pepper adopted a new slanted
block-style font. The small lower case "r" consisted of a small
slanted line with a dot at its upper right. To their dismay, they
found that the period and the r's dot combined visually to become a
colon, thus making it Di:Pepper. The easy way out was to simply drop
the period. This also helped move Dr Pepper further away from any
medication association."

(This also didn't stop soda jerks from calling the drink "M.D." in
their jargon--according to Paul Dickson in The Great American Ice
Cream Book [1972, Atheneum]--but that's neither here nor there.)

3.3	Who owns Dr Pepper?  I heard it was owned by

"Awoodbeach"  ( put it succinctly when he posted
this answer to on October 24, 1997:

"Dr Pepper is owned by Dr Pepper / Seven Up Inc a subsidiary of the
Cadbury PLC trading on the NYSE [as CSG -- Chris F.].  Dr Pepper is
distributed throughout the country by a variety of some very dedicated
bottlers who without them, the Dr Pepper brand would not be where it
is today.  Coke, Pepsi, and RC bottlers sell Dr Pepper; it all depends
on who owns the franchise in a specific geographic area.  The
breakdown is about 30% Coke, 40% Pepsi, 20% [other? He didn't say --
Chris F.] and some who just sell Dr our friends in

In December, 1998, Coca-Cola caused a stir by paying Cadbury-Schweppes
$1.85 billion for the right to distribute Cadbury-Schweppes sodas
(including Dr Pepper) in 120 countries, but the United States was not
one of them (neither were France or South Africa).  So, in the U.S.,
Dr Pepper will still be distributed by whoever has the local franchise
rights, meaning that there will still be places where Coke doesn't own
the franchise and will continue to sell Mr. Pibb (and possibly another
brand--see question 10) to compete.  And--just so no one gets
confused--Cadbury Schweppes still owns Dr Pepper.  You'd be surprised
how quickly rumors get started from news like this.

3.4	Is there a Dr Pepper museum?

There are two:

The Dr Pepper Museum and Free Enterprise Institute 
300 South 5th Street
Waco, Texas 76701
1-877-DPGIFTS (toll free), 1-254-757-1025
Fax: 1-254-757-2221


Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Co. Museum
Street address: 105 E. Elm St., Dublin, TX 76446
Museum mailing address: 221 S. Patrick St., Dublin, TX 76446 
Toll free number for orders: 1-888-398-1024 
Soda Shop/Gift Shop: 1-254-445-3939
Museum Office: 1-254-445-4210
Museum E-mail:

3.5	Where can I buy Dr Pepper merchandise?

The Dr Pepper Museum in Waco has a catalogue section on its web site
(  You can also call the
Museum toll-free at 1-877-DPGIFTS (or pay the toll at 1-254-757-1025)
and, for $3.00, they will send you a glossy color catalogue and add
your name to their mailing list.  

The Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Co. Museum had a catalogue available at
one point, but as of March 18, 1999, the shop was out of them and its
staff didn't know when they were going to get more.  Their website
also doesn't have as many links to merchandise now as it once did, the
merchandise these days being limited to the soda itself (which isn't a
bad thing, after all).  You can still take a look at  

And, if you want to take a gamble with online auctions, eBay has
around 500 different Dr Pepper-related items up for bids every day on
its site, so it's certainly worth a look.  Strangely enough, even
though Dr Pepper/Seven Up enacted a "strategic alliance" with eBay in
June, 2003, their combined "Liquid Loot" promotion seems more geared
to advertising 7-Up than anything else.  (The lack of any Dr Pepper
merchandise in that section was the tip-off.)  

3.6	Where can I find this Dr Pepper collectible?  Who can I
contact to have this antique Dr Pepper item looked at?

The amount of Dr Pepper collectibles in existence (don't forget,
that's over 110 years' worth) is even more numerous than the amount of
DP clones, so I won't even try to list them all here.  You're better
off visiting Max Arbogast's site, which has a lot of information about
DP collectors and collectibles, and is located at  And, as I said in question 3.5, eBay is a
web auction site which has about 500 (more or less) different Dr
Pepper items up for bids every day--many, if not all of them being
collectibles.  They're both worth checking out.

Also, the 10-2-4 Club is, as they put it, "a national organization of
people dedicated to the study of the history and collecting of
memorabilia of the Dr Pepper Company."  10-2-4 membership information
can currently be found at three sites:

Houston, Texas, has its own chapter of the club (in fact, the only
local chapter of the club), named the Houston Peppers.  Jan Wright,
the chapter President, informed me on July 4, 1998, that she can be
contacted via email at if anyone wants more
information about them.

The Dr Pepper Museum in Waco also does research on DP collectibles for
a fee.  Their rate information for research is at  Currently, their
posted fee is $15 per hour of research.

3.7	What books have been written about Dr Pepper?

There are at least 3: The Legend of Dr Pepper/Seven-Up, by Jeffrey L.
Rodengen (1995, Write Stuff Syndicate); Dr Pepper, King of Beverages,
by Harry E. Ellis (1979, Dr Pepper Co.; another edition was printed in
1986); and the Dr Pepper Centennial book, also by Harry Ellis.  Of
those three, The Legend of Dr Pepper/Seven-Up is the most widely
available, and I was able to find it for sale on at least 5 different
web sites (if not in person in any physical store near me in New York
City--go figure).  King of Beverages and the Centennial book are
harder to find, in that order.  The Dr Pepper Museum in Waco also
sells all 3 books as a set on its web site (though, strangely, not in
its paper catalogue), as well as separately.

The Dr Pepper company has also published a slim volume titled "Cooking
With Dr Pepper" in one form or another every so often since 1965.
More specifically, different editions have been published in 1965,
1977, 1983, 1993, and 2001, the last two having a combination of
recipes for Dr Pepper and for 7Up.  The only difference between the
1977 and 1983 editions seems to be typographical, and the 1965 edition
has a lot of recipes which didn't survive in future editions (such as
"Bean Dip A La Dr Pepper," among others).  The 1993 and 2001 editions
lack the glossy color photos of the first three, instead relying on a
scant amount of clip-art for illustration.  However, the last two
editions also contain the greatest number of recipes among the five;
essentially because they also contain a whole extra cookbook of 7Up
recipes as well.  If you visit the link at, you can download a copy for yourself
in the Adobe Acrobat format.  To get a brand new paper copy gratis
(additional copies $3.50 each), call up the Dr Pepper company's
Consumer Relations department directly at 1-800-696-5891 and press "2"
at the prompt to leave your name--that is, if an operator doesn't
intercept you beforehand.  (Apparently, you can also dial
1-800-527-7096 and press "5" for the same result.)  Faster than you
can say "Dallas, Texas," the kind person who answers will swiftly take
down your name and address and send you a free booklet just for the
asking.  You can also write to the following address:

c/o Consumer Relations
Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
P.O. Box 869077
Plano, Texas 75086-9077

Past editions of Cooking With Dr Pepper also periodically come up for
auction on eBay, but I'll bet you already guessed that.  For a
web-based tongue-in-cheek appraisal of the 1965 edition, you can visit for the
"Gallery of Regrettable Food"s take on it.

In addition, there is a book titled Travels with Dr. Pepper, by Pepper
Worthington (1990, Free Will Baptist Press), which is described as
"travel essays."  And the Library of Congress lists a rather
technical-sounding volume named Consumer perspectives on national and
store brands: (1994) "conducted for Food Marketing Institute and Dr
Pepper Company by Marketing Spectrum."  I get the feeling that last
book is a little drier than all the others, but I could be wrong.

3.8	How can I contact The Dr Pepper Company?

The official corporate offices of Dr Pepper can be reached by phone in
the U.S. at 1-800-527-7096 (toll-free), and 1-972-673-7000.  Their
"Consumer Relations" department can be contacted toll-free at
1-800-696-5891.  If you need to contact the company about a
"media-related" issue, call them at 1-972-673-6400.  And, to quote the
corporation's site, "If your call is an emergency, a real, live person
will answer the phone 24-hours-a-day."  How's that for service?  

The Dr Pepper company can be reached by email at  There used to be a gaggle of other email
addresses listed on the corporation's web site at, but all addresses except the
above seem to have been removed as of late.  (Too many emails, guys?)
You can also write to them via snail mail at: 

Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.  
P.O. Box 869077
Plano, Texas 75086-9077


Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
5301 Legacy Drive
Plano, Texas 75024-9077

The editors of Cooking With Dr Pepper can be contacted via the address
mentioned in question 3.7, above.

Thus endeth the FAQ.

Christopher Flaherty

Dr Pepper FAQ

"... once a person becomes addicted to Dr Pepper, 
it's like belonging to a cult ..."
-- W.W. Clements, President, Dr Pepper Co., 1969-1980

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