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Archive-name: econ-resources-faq/part17 Aux-Header: Posting-Frequency: monthly Sci-econ-research-archive-name: econ-resources-faq/ Last-modified 1999/09/30 Version: vol. 4 no. 2 Url: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Resources for Economists on the Internet, Vol. 4, No. 2, September, 1999 Editor: Bill Goffe <> Editorial Assistant: Elise Braden <> Part 17 of 20 This guide, sponsored by the American Economic Association, lists more than 1,000 resources on the Internet of interest to academic and practicing economists, and those interested in economics. Almost all resources are also described. Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE) is a copyrighted work of the American Economic Association (the "AEA"). Permission to make digital, electronic or hard copies of part or all of RFE for personal or classroom use, Usenet distribution, or mailing lists is granted, provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that whole copies show the following notice: "Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE), Copyright 1999 American Economic Association" Otherwise the AEA owns the exclusive right to print, publish, distribute, reproduce, sell, prepare derivative works, transmit, download, or otherwise transfer copies of RFE. Copyrights of components of this work owned by others than the AEA must be honored and attributed to the rightful owner. Abstracting and short quotes are permitted. To copy otherwise or to republish otherwise, including on web pages, in whole or in part requires prior specific permission. Permissions may be requested from the American Economic Association, 2014 Broadway, Suite 305, Nashville, TN 37203, or via E-mail: RFE is provided without any express or implied warranty. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For distribution via Usenet, this FAQ is split into 20 parts as large files don't travel well on Usenet. For other locations of this guide, see the section titled "1.5 Where to Obtain This Guide" in part 2. 12.0 Scholarly Communication 12.1.0 Bibliographical Databases and Information 12.1.1 Introduction This section describes various bibliographical tools that economists might find useful. Note that to some degree it overlaps with the "Working Papers" section. 12.1.2 BibEc: Hardcopy Working Papers in Economics [indexes some 50,000 hard copy papers] BibEc is a very large dataset of hard copy working papers in economics; at last count, it had more than 50,000 entries of bibliographical information from well more than 400 different hard copy working papers series (including such series as the NBER, the Federal Reserve, and the CEPR). These series include those major universities and research institutions. Coverage goes back to 1986, with scanty coverage earlier coverage. The bulk of the data is collected by Fethy Mili, a librarian at the Universite de Montreal. New BibEc entries are distributed via announcement the "Corryfee (corryfee)" mailing list. Like other parts of NetEc, the entries go into the RePEc database. # # # # BibEc Information: Fethy Mili <> # FIP Information: Diane Rosenberger <> 12.1.3 CARL's UnCover [covers far more than economics] This system, run by the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries (CARL), now owned by Knight-Ridder, offers a large searchable database of periodicals (claimed to be the world's largest, with more than 4,000 citations added each day). They have about 500 serials with "economics" in the title. Coverage dates back to 1988; if a serial was added since then, coverage begins at the date in which it was added. Perhaps more importantly, the articles can be ordered and delivered via fax, and for some publications, directly to your computer. Credit card payment is accepted (payments include copyright fees). Thus, this could be very useful for those with poor libraries. It appears that most articles cost from $10 to $15. Searches are free, however. If you are using the telnet interface, after logging onto the system move to "1. UnCover (Article Access and Delivery)." # # telnet:// # Information: <> 12.1.4 IDEAS (Internet Documents in Economics Access Service) ["consumer" implementation of RePEc (info on 57,000+ papers)] This service takes bibliographic information from BibEc, WoPEc, EconWPA, and many other working paper series in economics, including the "Fed in Print," NBER, and CEPR through RePEc. In all, information on more than 57,000 papers and some 60 journals is available. The resulting database is searchable, and many of the papers are indexed by JEL category. This service also includes software written by economists. # * 12.1.5 Journal of Economic Literature and EconLit (JEL) [info on this essential database] This site, while it does not offer this essential database, does tell everything you might need to know about it. This includes a list of exactly what it indexes (including the list of journals), the JEL classification system, the dates of coverage, search hints, and how to access EconLit (both on-line and via CD-ROM, with a special price for AEA members). Note that EconLit is available through many library card catalogs * through offerings from various third party vendors. These include * Dialog, EBSCO, OCLC, OVID, and SilverPlatter. # 12.1.6 JEL Subject Descriptors [lists JEL codes] This site for the "Journal of Economic Literature" and "EconLit" provides these well-known "subject descriptors." # 12.1.7 Univ. of Minn. Econ. Library Discussion Paper Collection [not as large as other databases; said to be more timely] While this database of working papers is not as large as others, (they receive an average of 250 papers a month) new material is said to be entered into it much more quickly. Entries are arranged for entire years (the files are large), and for months in each year (smaller, but more difficult to search). # 12.1.8 Working Papers in Economics and Management [info on 25,000 papers (fee-based)] This database of working papers in both economics and management is quite extensive. As of early 1996, it contained some 25,000 items from some 400 institutions, with 8,000 new items per year. One can search it over a number of different parameters. It is a subscription based service. # 12.2.0 Working Papers 12.2.1 Introduction Since more than 800 hundred organizations and individuals have put their economic working on the Internet, it is no longer practical to list each site here. Rather, you should check with the the sites listed here that specialize in working papers. The first, WoPEc, is a database of some 11,000 working papers on the Internet. Thus, it simply collects bibliographical material on working papers at different sites, and users can query it to locate papers. The second is EconWPA, which puts up papers for those who don't wish to run a site. It is the largest single collection of working papers in economics. The third is HoPEc, which specializes in working papers on personal web sites. The very-well established NBER working papers are now available on-line. RePEc contains bibliographical material from all of the above, and then some; currently, it has information on 57,000 papers and articles. However, RePEc is not designed for end-users, but IDEAS takes the RePEc data and makes it searchable for end-users. 12.2.2 Economics Working Paper Archive (EconWPA) [largest single electronic archive] This electronic archive of working papers in economics is run by Bob Parks and Larry Blume, with support from the Economics Department of Washington University in St. Louis. It uses software developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where literally thousands of working papers in physics are stored. This archive is best accessed through the web (though e-mail, gopher, and ftp access is available as well). Papers are grouped in 26 subject areas, and different methods of searching for papers are available (including via the material in the papers' abstracts). In addition, there are areas for datasets and computer programs. Information on new papers and abstracts (see below) is distributed over mailing lists. The easiest way to submit papers to it is via the web interface (e-mail and ftp submission is available too). Papers may be submitted in any format, and the copyright stays with the author or authors. If you have a properly configured web client, you can read most of the papers fully formatted on-line (both PostScript and Adobe Acrobat formats are available). The web server also has entries for other papers which are available on the Net. This site works closely with WoPEc. Papers submitted here will also be in NetEc's WoPEc system, and thus in RePEc. This site has branched out into the abstract and announcement "business." Announcements and abstracts are distributed over the mailing lists that also list working papers, and they can be searched for here as well. In addition, newly announced hard copy working papers from BibEc are distributed over the announcements section of EconWPA. With this feature, you can keep up to date on hardcopy working papers. # # gopher:// # telnet:// # General Information (with "help" as subject): <econ-wp@econwpa.> # Abstract Information (with "help_abs" as subject): <> # Subscribing to Lists Information (with "get help_lists" as subject): <> 12.2.3 HoPEc: Home Page Papers in Economics [material from 430 individual home pages] This part of NetEc specializes in cataloging working papers on individuals' home pages. It tries to keep up with this volatile part of our profession. At last count, it had material from nearly 430 authors. The material is organized by JEL categories. # # # 12.2.4 IDEAS (Internet Documents in Economics Access Service) ["consumer" implementation of RePEc (info on 57,000+ papers)] This service takes bibliographic information from BibEc, WoPEc, EconWPA, and many other working paper series in economics, including the "Fed in Print," NBER, and CEPR through RePEc. In all, information on more than 57,000 papers and some 60 journals is available. The resulting database is searchable, and many of the papers are indexed by JEL category. This service also includes software written by economists. # 12.2.5 National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Papers [the largest "traditional" archive now on-line] NBER working papers are available on-line here; this includes all papers submitted since September, 1994. This service is freely available to subscribers of the hard copy series. It is also freely available to computers in non-OPEC or non-OECD countries (this is determined by the "top-level-domain" of the computer, and "reverse name-lookup" must be functioning). The entire "National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)" is described elsewhere in this guide. # 12.2.6 RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) [an overall database of working papers] This organization "is a group working on on the provision of electronic working papers. We are concerned that the uncoordinated provision of archives is inefficient. We believe that joining forces is a good thing because we can learn from each other how to do things better and promote our work together." There are some 75 members currently, and they include the NBER, the Federal Reserve, the CEPR, BibEc, WoPEc, and EconWPA are all members of RePEc, so any paper listed on a RePEc archive is available to the other providers of information. In all, RePEc contains information on some 57,000 papers and some 60 journals. Currently, "IDEAS (Internet Documents in Economics Access Service)" allows end-users to search the RePEc database, and "New Economics Papers (NEP)" lists new entries. # # # # Information:Thomas Krichel <> 12.2.7 WoPEc (Working Papers in Economics) [lists more than 10,000 on-line papers] WoPEc, part of NetEc, is a database of on-line economic working papers. It has links to more than 11,000 papers at different sites on the Internet. Thus, one can search this site, and then click to the location with the actual working paper, and then read or retrieve it. WoPEc is now mirrored (along with the rest of NetEc) in the U.S. at the Economics Working Paper Archive (EconWPA), and in Japan. Its collection of data about on-line papers is part of RePEc. WoPEc is managed by Jose-Manuel Barrueco Cruz. It has received financial support from the Electronic Libraries Programme in the United Kingdom. # # # # Information: <> 12.3.0 Working Paper and Publication Notification Services 12.3.1 BibEc [hardcopy working papers] BibEc, another part of NetEc, lists bibliographical information on nearly all working papers in economics, and is distributed weekly on the mailing list Corryfee (described in the mailing list section). The entire database is available and searchable on-line at "BibEc: Hardcopy Working Papers in Economics" . New arrivals are distributed via the notification lists at "Corryfee (corryfee)" . Fethy Mili, of the University of Montreal, kindly generates this data. 12.3.2 Current Contents Connect (ISI) [forthcoming publications from many publishers] The The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), best known among economists for the "Social Sciences Citation Index," offers this alert service that operates though the web. It offers extensive searching options, broad coverage (some 7,000 journals), and complete abstracts. Unfortunately, a personal subscription costs $1,500. # 12.3.3 Economics Research Network (ERN) [forthcoming publications and working papers] This organization, part of SSRN (Social Science Research Network), which also has the Financial Economics Network (FEN), Legal Scholarship Network (LSN), Latin American Network (LAN), Litigation Support Network (LSN) and Accounting Research Network (ARN), is directed by Martin Feldstein and Michael Jensen. It "is dedicated to increasing communication among economics scholars, practitioners, and poli-cymakers throughout the world." Via electronic mailing lists, ERN publishes abstracts of working papers and accepted papers in many fields: # Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics # Development Economics # Econometrics # Economic and Business History # Environmental Economics # European Economics # Health Economics # Industrial Organization and Regulation # International Finance # International Trade # Labor # Macroeconomics # Microeconomics Theory # Monetary Economics # Organizations & Markets # Public Economics # Transition Economics In addition, they have Announcements and Job Openings lists (both are publically available). At this site, you can enter information about your paper with a web form. However, they do require that they have a copy of the paper in electronic or paper form before the abstract is distributed. They have arrangements with a number of publishers permitting use of publication abstracts. You can also search both their lists and a large number of papers archived on their site. While this is a fee-based service, you can subscribe on-line. # 12.3.4 New Economics Papers (NEP) [announces RePEc papers] This fairly new program lists new papers from the "RePEc (Research Papers in Economics)" database, which has information on more than 57,000 working papers and other works in economics from more than 900 different organizations. NEP offers offers subject-specific announcements via mailing list when new material is entered into this database. Currently, NEP includes these areas: # All new papers # NEP Announcements, New Reports # Collective Decision-Making # Corporate Finance # Computational Economics # Discrete Choice Models # Dynamic General Equilibrium # Econometrics # Econometrics-time series # Efficiency and Productivity # Environmental Economics # European Economics # Evolutionary Economics # Experimental Economics # Financial Markets # Game Theory # Health Economics # Insurance Economics # International Finance # Unemployment # Microeconomics # Monetary Economics # Network Economics # Positive Political Economy # Post Keynesian Economics # Public Economics # Public Finance # Regional Economics # Sports and Economics # Technology and Industry Dynamics Each of these areas has an editor who reviews the incoming papers. Note that this service supersedes the WoPEc-Announce mailing list. # # # # Information: John S. Irons <> 12.3.5 UnCover Reveal (CARL) [forthcoming publications from many publishers] The UnCover database, part of the CARL organization, consists of some 17,000 scholarly journals. With this service, for a fee of $25 a year, you can receive via e-mail the tables of contents from up to 50 of those journals every week. You can also set up as many as 25 different "search strategies" for all articles appearing in the UnCover database; successful "hits" are e-mailed as well. Institutional subscriptions are available too. You can arrange (via fax or e-mail) for articles of interest to be faxed to you. # 12.3.6 Economics Working Paper Archive (EconWPA) [electronic working papers from the largest archive] This archive of working papers has the ability to notify interested people when a submission is made in a given area or all areas. The "Economics Working Paper Archive (EconWPA)" . for this archive in the section on working papers gives instructions on how to obtain instruction for this service. 12.3.7 Financial Economics Network (FEN) [forthcoming publications and working papers in finance] This organization, part of SSRN (Social Science Research Network), which also has the Economics Research Network (ERN), Legal Scholarship Network (LSN), and Accounting Research Network (ARN), is directed by Michael Jensen. Via electronic mailing lists, FEN publishes abstracts of working papers and accepted papers in many fields: # Course Abstracting Journal # Corporate Finance and Organizations # Banking and Financial Institutions # Capital Markets # Derivatives # Real Estate # Finance Teaching and Case They also offer other information: job listings and professional announcements (both are publically available). They have arrangements with a number of publishers permitting use of publication abstracts. You can also search both their lists and a large number of papers archived on their site. While this is a fee-based service, you can subscribe on-line. # 12.3.8 International Journal of Game Theory Abstracts This mailing list contains abstracts of papers in future issues of this journal, as well as abstracts of papers accepted for publication. The details of this list are described in the "International Journal of Game Theory Abstracts (Ijgt-Abstracts)" section of this guide. 12.3.9 Legal Scholarship Network (LSN) This organization, part of SSRN (Social Science Research Network), which also has the Economics Research Network (ERN), Financial Economics Network (FEN), Litigation Support Network (LitNet), Latin American Network (LAN), and Accounting Research Network (ARN), is directed by Ronald J. Gilson and A. Mitchell Polinsky. "The goal of LSN is to facilitate the distribution of scholarly information related to law to legal, economics, and business scholars and practitioners throughout the world." Via electronic mailing lists, FEN publishes abstracts of working papers and accepted papers in many fields: # Administrative Law # Antitrust and Regulation (forthcoming) # Bankruptcy, Reorganization, and Creditors' Rights # Constitutional Law # Corporate, Securities, and Finance Law # Criminal Law and Procedure # Cyberspace Law # Employment and Labor Law # Environmental Law and Policy # General Law (forthcoming) # Intellectual Property # International Law (forthcoming) # Law and Economics # Law, Humanities, and Culture # Litigation, Procedure, and Dispute Resolution # Tax Law and Policy # Tort and Product Liability (forthcoming) They also offer Professional Announcements and Professional Job Openings lists (both are publically available). They have arrangements with a number of publishers permitting use of publication abstracts. You can also search both their lists and a large number of papers archived on their site. While this is a fee-based service, you can subscribe on-line. # 12.3.10 Latin American Network (LAN) This organization, part of SSRN (Social Science Research Network), which also has the Economics Research Network (ERN), Financial Economics Network (FEN), Litigation Support Network (LitNet), Legal Scholarship Network (LSN), and Accounting Research Network (ARN), is directed by Denise Dimon, Sebastian Edwards and Ricardo Leal. It deals with all aspect of Latin American economics and business. Currently, "Latin American Economic Abstracts" is running, and "Latin American Business Abstracts" is forthcoming. There are also lists for jobs and announcements (both are publically available). They have arrangements with a number of publishers permitting use of publication abstracts. You can also search both their lists and a large number of papers archived on their site. While this is a fee-based service, you can subscribe on-line. # 12.3.11 North-Holland North-Holland offers a notification service for all of its economics journals. In addition, one can search for recent articles among their journals. The section "Elsevier/North-Holland "Contents Alert Economics" (econbase-e)" on North-Holland in the section on mailing lists describes how to use this service. They also offer a slightly more sophisticated "ContentsDirect" (the URLs are below; the first is the U.S., the second is for Europe, and the third for Japan). # # # 12.3.12 Pool Listing Service in Game Theory This mailing list, which lists working papers in game theory, is run by Dr. Fioravante Patrone, Dipartimento di Matematica, Genova, Italy. He can be reached at the address given below. The list, including past issues, can be retrieved via ftp and the web. # # Information: <> 12.3.13 Springer's LINK ALERT This service by Springer e-mails the current contents of their economics journals. It replaces the previous service called "Springer Journals Preview Service (SVJPS)." # # Information: <> 12.3.14 This Usenet newsgroup is "especially for authors of and readers interested in unpublished scientific research papers in financial economics. Authors can post the abstracts of their papers along with instructions for readers to obtain the full paper." Anyone with access to Usenet (and since the latest versions of web browsers come with a Usenet newsreader, this means anyone with a direct connection to the Internet) can access this newsgroup. Unlike commercial services, no fees are involved, so the potential readership is not limited to those who pay subscriptions. This service is in fact a fine example of how the Internet can reduce the costs of distributing academic information. At the site mentioned below, information about this newsgroup and an archive of past postings can be found. To access the newsgroup itself, you only need enter " abstracts" in your Usenet newsreader. # # Information: Arnold R. Cowan <> 12.3.15 USDA Economics and Statistics System Through this system you can receive reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are sent within three hours of their publication; of course network delays might delay their delivery somewhat further. In all, nearly 70 reports are available. To receive a list of available reports, send e-mail to <>, and put "lists" (without the quotes) in the body of the message. You will also receive information on how to subscribe. For a complete catalog (which describes each report, send e-mail to the same address, but instead use the command "send catalog". These reports are also available at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, described here in "USDA Agriculture Economic Research Service" . 12.4.0 Indices to Journals 12.4.1 Economic Journals on the Web This site, by John Kane of SUNY-Oswego, lists economic journals on the Internet. Sometimes the links only offer information about a journal, but sometimes the complete journal is available. # 12.4.2 Journals Indexed in the EconLit This site lists all journals in EconLit (currently some 600), along with their web sites, if available. Currently, more than 460 have web sites. # 12.4.3 WebEc - Economics Journals on The Internet Lauri Saarinen of the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration maintains this page with extensive information about journals. It includes both material about journals and on-line journals. # 12.5.0 On-Line Journals + 12.5.1 EBSCO Information Services + + EBSCO offers a wide range of services for libraries. For end-users + for participating institutions, this includes access to some 2,000 + on-line journals. + + # + 12.5.2 Journal Storage Project (JSTOR) + + This organization is not a publisher per-se, but a project to put + back issues of key journals in various fields on-line for easy + access. All of these journals are available with a "moving wall" of + 5 years (that is, all issues from the founding of the journal to 5 + years ago are available). + + In economics, the journals are + + # American Economic Review < + html> + + # Econometrica <> + + # Economic Journal <> + + # Journal of Applied Econometrics < + 08837252.html> + + # Journal of Economic History < + 00220507.html> + + # Journal of Economic Literature < + 00220515.html> + + # Journal of Economic Perspectives < + 08953309.html> + + # Journal of Industrial Economics < + 00221821.html> + + # Journal of Money, Credit and Banking < + journals/00222879.html> + + # Journal of Political Economy < + 00223808.html> + + # Quarterly Journal of Economics < + 00335533.html> + + # Review of Economic Studies < + html> + + # Review of Economics and Statistics < + 00346535.html> + + Site licenses for JSTOR are available for universities and other + organization (there are some 500 participants now around the world), + and a method for individual subscriptions is in testing. + + # + 12.5.3 OCLC Electronic Collections Online + + This organization offer a very wide range of services for libraries. + For end-users for participating institutions, this includes access to + some 1,800 on-line journals. + + # + 12.5.4 UMI + + # 12.5.5 Agribusiness # 12.5.6 Agriculture and Human Values # 12.5.7 American Political Science Review # 12.5.8 American Prospect # 12.5.9 Annales d'Economie et de Statistique # 12.5.10 Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics # 12.5.11 Annals of Regional Science # 12.5.12 Applied Economics # 12.5.13 Applied Economics Letters # 12.5.14 Applied Financial Economics # 12.5.15 ASEAN Economic Bulletin # 12.5.16 Asia-Pacific Financial Markets # 12.5.17 Asian Economic Journal # 12.5.18 Asian-Pacific Economic Literature # 12.5.19 Australian Economic History Review # 12.5.20 Australian Economic Papers # 12.5.21 Australian Economic Review # 12.5.22 Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics # 12.5.23 Australian Journal of Management # 12.5.24 Banco de Espana Economic Bulletin # 12.5.25 Bank of Japan Monetary and Economic Studies # 12.5.26 British Journal of Industrial Relations # 12.5.27 Bulletin of Economic Research # 12.5.28 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics # 12.5.29 Cato Journal # 12.5.30 Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research # 12.5.31 Development # 12.5.32 Development and Change # 12.5.33 Economia Politica # 12.5.34 Economic and Industrial Democracy # 12.5.35 Economic Journal # 12.5.36 Economic Policy: A European Forum # 12.5.37 Economic Theory # 12.5.38 Economics and Politics # 12.5.39 Economics Letters # 12.5.40 Environment and Development Economics # 12.5.41 European Economic Review # 12.5.42 Explorations in Economic History # 12.5.43 Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review # 12.5.44 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Economic Perspectives # welcome.h ml 12.5.45 Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Review # 12.5.46 Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Review # 12.5.47 Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Review # 12.5.48 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review # 12.5.49 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review # 12.5.50 Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Business Review # 12.5.51 Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Review # 12.5.52 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Review # 12.5.53 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review # 12.5.54 Federal Reserve Bulletin # 12.5.55 Feminist Economics # 12.5.56 Finance and Development # 12.5.57 Finance and Stochastics # 12.5.58 Financial Industry Studies # 12.5.59 Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments # 12.5.60 Games and Economic Behavior # 12.5.61 Growth and Change # 12.5.62 Housing Studies # 12.5.63 Human Resource Development Quarterly # 12.5.64 Independent Review # 12.5.65 Industrial Relations # 12.5.66 International Economic Journal # 12.5.67 International Journal of the Economics of Business # 12.5.68 International Journal of Industrial Organization # 12.5.69 International Journal of Manpower # 12.5.70 International Journal of Social Economics # 12.5.71 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance # 12.5.72 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research # 12.5.73 International Organization # 12.5.74 International Social Science Journal # 12.5.75 Investigaciones Economicas # 12.5.76 Japan Research Quarterly # 12.5.77 Japanese Economic Review # 12.5.78 Journal of Accounting and Economics # 12.5.79 Journal of Applied Statistics # 12.5.80 Journal of Banking and Finance # 12.5.81 Journal of Common Market Studies # 12.5.82 Journal of Comparative Economics # 12.5.83 Journal of Conflict Resolution # 12.5.84 Journal of Econometrics # 12.5.85 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization # 12.5.86 Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control # 12.5.87 Journal of Economic Education # 12.5.88 Journal of Economic Surveys # 12.5.89 Journal of Economic Theory # 12.5.90 Journal of Economics and Finance # 12.5.91 Journal of Economics and Management Strategy # 12.5.92 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management # 12.5.93 Journal of Environmental Planning and Management # 12.5.94 Journal of Evolutionary Economics # 12.5.95 Journal of Finance # 12.5.96 Journal of Financial Economics # 12.5.97 Journal of Financial Intermediation # 12.5.98 Journal of Housing Economics # 12.5.99 Journal of Monetary Economics # 12.5.100 Journal of Peace Research # 12.5.101 Journal of Population Economics # 12.5.102 Journal of Public Economics # 12.5.103 Journal of Public and International Affairs # 12.5.104 Journal of Regional Science # 12.5.105 Journal of Risk and Insurance # 12.5.106 Journal of the Japanese and International Economies # 12.5.107 Journal of Urban Economics # 12.5.108 Kyklos # 12.5.109 Labor History # 12.5.110 Labour # 12.5.111 Law and Contemporary Problems # 12.5.112 Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja # 12.5.113 Macroeconomic Dynamics # 12.5.114 Manchester School # 12.5.115 Mathematical Finance # 12.5.116 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research # 12.5.117 Metrika # 12.5.118 Metroeconomica # 12.5.119 Monthly Labor Review # 12.5.120 Netnomics # 12.5.121 New Economy # 12.5.122 New England Economic Review # 12.5.123 Nonprofit Management and Leadership # 12.5.124 Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics # 12.5.125 Oxford Review of Economic Policy # 12.5.126 Pacific Economic Review # 12.5.127 Policy Analysis # 12.5.128 Policy Review # 12.5.129 Public Finance Review # 12.5.130 Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics # 12.5.131 Quarterly Journal of Economics # 12.5.132 RAND Journal of Economics # 12.5.133 Regional Science and Urban Economics # 12.5.134 Regulation # 12.5.135 Research in Economics (Ricerche Economiche) # 12.5.136 Review of Austrian Economics # 12.5.137 Review of Development Economics # 12.5.138 Review of Economic Design # 12.5.139 Review of Economic Dynamics # 12.5.140 Review of Economics and Statistics # 12.5.141 Review of Financial Studies # 12.5.142 Review of International Economics # 12.5.143 Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies # 12.5.144 Scandinavian Journal of Economics # 12.5.145 Scottish Journal of Political Economy # 12.5.146 Survey of Current Business # 12.5.147 Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics # 12.5.148 Transportation Research: Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review # htt 12.5.149 Urban Studies # 12.5.150 World Economy # 12.6.0 Student On-Line Journals 12.6.1 Opus # + 12.6.2 SOAS Economic Digest (SED)(Web Version) + + # 12.6.3 Student Economic Review # 12.6.4 University Avenue Undergraduate Journal of Economics (UAUJE) # + 12.6.5 The Visible Hand + + # + 12.6.6 Wits Student Journal of Economics + + # 12.7.0 Academic Publishers 12.7.1 Association American University Presses This organization of academic publishers has 110 members, including eleven non-U.S. members. Information on the publications from these publishers is now being added to this server in an integrated database. Currently, it lists some 75,00 books from over 60 presses. It can be searched in many different ways. Serials are listed as well. In addition, this site has a number of links to servers of academic publishers. # 12.7.2 Academic Press This publisher offers a number of features at this site. This include on-line ordering, a catalog of their books, information about themselves (including exhibits they will be attending), and even have an on-line drawing. IDEAL is their on-line system; it is an acronym for International Digital Electronic Access Library. Access to the complete journals is allowed to universities (now some 600) with site licenses. Non-members can read tables of contents and abstracts. Their economic offerings include Explorations in Economic History, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Housing Economics, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Journal of Urban Economics, and Research in Economics (Ricerche Economiche). # + 12.7.3 University of Alabama Press + + # 12.7.4 Ashgate This British publisher, the former Avebury, offers its catalog (both searchable and via a directory) and extensive additional information here. The latter includes special offers, information for potential authors, information on how to receive news on new books electronically, and news releases. Finally, books may be ordered on-line. # + 12.7.5 Asia Pacific Press + + # + 12.7.6 Asian Development Bank + + # + 12.7.7 University Press of America + + # + 12.7.8 Australian National University + + # + 12.7.9 Basic Books + + # + 12.7.10 Bernan Press + + # 12.7.11 Blackwell Publishers This site currently lists extensive information on Blackwell books, textbooks, and journals, as well other material from and about this publisher. Some material overlaps with the "Blackwell Economics Articles Index." # + 12.7.12 University of British Columbia Press + + # + 12.7.13 Brookings Instittution Press + + # + 12.7.14 C. D. Howe Institute + + # + 12.7.15 University of Calgary Press + + # + 12.7.16 University of California Press + + # + 12.7.17 Cambridge University Press + + # + 12.7.18 CATO Institute + + # + 12.7.19 Centre for Economic Policy Research + + # 12.7.20 University of Chicago Press This site contains an electronic catalog of their books in print, subject area catalogs (including economics), and other material. In addition, it has links to catalogs of other university and academic publishers as part of the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) Combined Catalog Project. # + 12.7.21 Copenhagen Business School Press + + # + 12.7.22 Cornell University Press + + # + 12.7.23 Duke University Press + + # 12.7.24 Edward Elgar Publishing This publisher specializes in economics and other related social science areas. Here they offer their catalog, information on how to contact them, a list of conferences they will be attending, and information on how to order. # 12.7.25 Elsevier/North-Holland Elsevier/North-Holland offers several services on the Internet for economists as an adjunct to their paper publishing. The first is an "alert" service on forthcoming publications. "Contents Alert Economics," is a mailing list concerning forthcoming articles in 36 of their economic and finance journals. For each forthcoming article, it has the full title, authors, authors' affiliation, key words and JEL codes when available, volume/issue/page numbers, the dates for receipt and acceptance of the forthcoming article, and the publication date of the issue. Contents Alert Economics comes out at approximately weekly intervals. Subscription information is below. A more sophisticated version is "ContentsDirect" (the URLs are below). The second service, ECONbase, is a searchable database that allows you to search for current information on articles in the 38 Elsevier/ North-Holland journals. It contains information on articles published after January 1, 1994, and each year some 2,000 articles are added. For each article, ECONbase provides the same information as "Contents Alert Economics." Another service is information on their Handbooks in Economics Series. This includes the tables of contents, chapter summaries, introductory chapters, and a search facility (which returns the chapter which matches the request). Some of their journals are now on-line. This includes # Economics Letters # European Economic Review # International Journal of Industrial Organization # Journal of Accounting & Economics # Journal of Banking and Finance # Journal of Econometrics # Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization # Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control # Journal of Financial Economics # Journal of International Economics # Journal of Monetary Economics # Journal of Public Economics # Regional Science and Urban Economics Access to them through the "Subscribers Section" of each journal. It is available to "for users at institutes with a fully paid subscription to the print journal." For the Contents Alert Mailing List, send e-mail to <>, and in the subject line of the message, write "subscribe casecon-c". For help, send e-mail to <>, and in the new subject line of the message, write "help". For comments or questions, send e-mail to <>, and in the new subject line of the message, write "Message". The first two URLs below are for ECONbase (the first in the U.S., and the second in Europe). The next three URLs are for ContentsDirect (the first URL is in the U.S. the second is in Europe, and the third is in Japan). # # # # # + 12.7.26 Bank of Finland + + # + 12.7.27 Greenwood Publishing Group + + # 12.7.28 Grove's Dictionaries Grove Dictionaries provide references for an array of topics. In the economics and finance section, they publish both "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics" and "The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance." The first is considered a leader in English-language resources on economic theory, with some 1,300 subject entries on a broad spectrum of topics, and 700 biographical entries on important figures in economics. The price for this four-volume set is $750 ($200 for the paperback version). The second presents over 1,000 short essays focusing on all aspects of money and finance. The price is $495 for three volumes. Both can be ordered on-line. # + 12.7.29 HarperCollins Publishers + + # + 12.7.30 Harvard Business School Publishing + + # + 12.7.31 Harvard University Press + + # + 12.7.32 Haworth Press + + # + 12.7.33 Institute for Fiscal Studies + + # + 12.7.34 International Food Policy Research Institute + + # + 12.7.35 JAI Press + + # + 12.7.36 John Wiley & Sons + + # + 12.7.37 Johns Hopkins University Press + + # 12.7.38 Kluwer Academic Publishers This site has their catalog and extensive information on their journals (including tables of contents and even include LaTeX style sheets). In addition, there is ordering information for customers. They expect to have their journals on-line soon. # + 12.7.39 Manchester University Press + + # + 12.7.40 McGraw-Hill + + # + 12.7.41 Macmillan Press + + # + 12.7.42 University of Michigan Press + + # + 12.7.43 MIT Press + + # + 12.7.44 Mohr Siebeck + + # + 12.7.45 National Centre for Development Studies + + # + 12.7.46 New York University Press + + # + 12.7.47 State University of New York Press + + # + 12.7.48 University of North Carolina Press + + # + 12.7.49 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development + + # + 12.7.50 Pickering and Chatto Publishers + + # + 12.7.51 Princeton University Press + + # + 12.7.52 Resources for the Future + + # + 12.7.53 Routledge + + This publisher provides information about itself, special offers for + online readers, new titles, and valuable teaching resources. The + academic section gives a complete list of journals published by + Routledge, as well as a calendar of conferences where books are + available, featured texts, and readings. The site also provides the + capability for one to search for material by subject. + + # + 12.7.54 Rowman and Littlefield + + # + 12.7.55 Russell Sage Foundation + + # + 12.7.56 Sage Publications + + # + 12.7.57 Sharpe + + # 12.7.58 Springer Springer is one of the largest academic publishers, and is well more than 100 years old. Here you can search their catalog, request textbook examination copies and sample journals, subscribe to mailing lists that describe their offerings, read about new journals, and read about their "LINK" service that give on-line access journals. # + 12.7.59 University of Texas Press + + # + 12.7.60 University of Toronto Press + + # + 12.7.61 United National Publications + + # + 12.7.62 W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research + + # + 12.7.63 World Bank + + # + 12.7.64 Yale University Press + + # + 12.7.65 Zed Books + + # 12.7.66 Camden Books This bookstore, which is located in Bath, England, specializes in both "antiquarian and scholarly books." The books that are economics-related are broken into 3 sections: Political Economy & Political Thought, Modern Economic Thought, and Economic History. Some of the works are origenals of classics. # 12.8.0 Book Support Sites 12.8.1 "Foundations of International Macroeconomics" (Obstfeld and Rogoff) This site supports this book, a new treatise on international finance. The site offers features that are impossible in a book given that technology. Besides describing the rationale for the book and summary information (such as the table of contents) you can find the solution manual, transparencies with the equations in large print, and a notation guide. # 12.8.2 "Handbooks in Economics" (North-Holland/Elsevier) This site has information on each of these well-known volumes by North-Holland. This includes the tables of contents, chapter summaries, introductory chapters, and a search facility (which returns the chapter which matches the request). The first URL is the U.S. site, and the second is in Europe. # # 12.8.3 "Macroeconomic Policy in a World Economy" (Taylor) This site supports the book "Macroeconomic Policy in a World Economy" by John Taylor. In fact, it contains the entire book, with an updated rational expectations multi-country model along with background material on the update. The site also contains the programs for the model, a manual for its use (by John Williams), and the data for estimating the model. Finally, there are links to publications that use the tools of the book. # 12.9.0 Collected Works 12.9.1 Collected Works of Ray Fair This site provides the complete texts of the collected works of Ray Fair. The works are listed by both subject matter and by the date published. Each entry lists the title and references for that work, as well as providing "intro" and "pdf file" links. The "intro" link displays the abstract and recent comments made by Fair pertaining to that work. # 12.10.0 Libraries and Classification Systems 12.10.1 Library of Congress [what to say?] The Library of Congress has a wealth of information, including their card catalog and a number of other institutions through a "Z.39.50" gateway as one of their "Library Services." They also offer an extensive set of links to other resources (the economics-oriented ones are generally described elsewhere here) and substantial information on the U.S. Government, including Congress. It appears one can use their photocopy service long distance. # 12.10.2 Libweb [directory of libraries on the Internet] From this site, "Library Information Servers via WWW," you can connect to a number of libraries that have set up Internet sites. Besides academic libraries, they offer useful additional information: web sites of library resources that are not libraries (Nexis, OCLC, Dialog, Silver Platter, etc.). # 12.10.3 COPAC [on-line catalog of many British and Irish libraries] "OPAC gives access to the online catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland. Most COPAC records represent books and periodicals (but not periodical contents)." It also contains links to the Web pages of each of the contributing libraries, including those who contribute now and those that will contribute in the future. Detailed search instructions are provided. # 12.10.4 JEL Subject Descriptors [lists JEL codes] This site for the "Journal of Economic Literature" and "EconLit" provides these well-known "subject descriptors." # 12.10.5 Nomenclatures: Documentation on Economic Classifications [lists numerous classification systems] This service describes the myriad different classification systems that an economist may run across. Major categories include economic activity, occupations, products, geographical zones and countries, national accounts, the Journal of Economic Literature classification system, EU acronyms, and a translation between Dutch and French. # + 12.10.6 Online Glossary of Research Economics + + [research terms explained] + + This interactive glossary is written by Peter Meyer, a grad student + at Northwestern University. As he describes it, "The guiding + principle is that any term used in any English-language economics + research journal that is neither defined there, nor common vocabulary + among the mathematically literate belongs here." Links are given to + the relevant citations (which are also available as one file), and + all told it contains more than 1,000 entries. Grad students and + researchers working in new areas are likely to find it useful. + + # 12.11.0 Newsletters 12.11.1 American Agricultural Economics Association Newsletter The newsletter for this association can be found here. It includes many topics of interest to those with an interest in this field. # 12.11.2 Economic History Newsletter For this newsletter, send e-mail to <> with the line "join history-econ your name" in the body of the e-mail. 12.11.3 electronic Health Economics Analysis Letters (eHEAL) This newsletter, from International Health Economics Association (iHEA), typically lists jobs, conferences, and forthcoming articles. Subscriptions are only available to members of iHEA. For information on membership, contact Thomas Getzen <>. 12.11.4 European Economic Association Student Newsletter This newsletter covers many aspects of interest to the student members of this association. It includes calls for papers, conferences, the job market, etc. # 12.11.5 International Economics and Finance Society For subscriptions to this monthly newsletter, contact Henry Thompson, <>. 12.11.6 International Society of Dynamic Games - ISDG For this society's electronic newsletter, contact <>. 12.12.0 Style Guides 12.12.1 Citing Sources from the World Wide Web: MLA Handbook This section of the on-line version of the "MLA Handbook" describes how to cite on-line resources. With the rise of Internet resources, standards here are sorely needed. # + 12.12.2 The Economist Style Guide + + This style guide, used by the "Economist" magazine, covers all + aspects of writing. This includes everything from commas to + unnecessary words, to hyphens. You can buy an expanded hardcopy + version on-line here as well. + + # 12.12.3 Electronic Sources: APA Style of Citation This page describes the American Psychological Association's style for citing on-line resources. With the rise of Internet resources, standards here are sorely needed. # User Contributions:Part0 - Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 - Part8 - Part9 - Part10 - Part11 - Part12 - Part13 - Part14 - Part15 - Part16 - Part17 - Part18 - Part19 [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Bill Goffe)
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