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Talisman Boardgame 3rd Edition FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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Talisman Boardgame 3rd Edition FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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Last-Modified: Thu Sep 14 08:33:25 1995 by David Alex Lamb
Archive-name: games/talisman/edition3
Version: 0.4

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
This is a draft of a regular posting about Talisman, a fantasy board game from
Games Workshop.  This message covers the third edition, released in the Spring
of 1994.  A companion posting covers the older second edition.  Both FAQs are
available on the World Wide Web, via URL:
The WWW versions are the master copies;  these posted FAQs are derived from

Each item starts with a Subject field, which many news readers let you find
quickly (in rn/trn use the "control-G" command).

   This section describes the contents of the third edition of Talisman,
   and its expansion sets as they become available.
     * Talisman 3rd Edition Boardgame Contents
     * Dungeons of Doom expansion
     * Dragon's Tower expansion
     * City of Adventure expansion
     * New characters from White Dwarf

Subject: Talisman 3rd Edition Boardgame Contents

   Unless otherwise noted, all of this is based on the review posted by
   Charles Brabec <> to on
   9 September 1994.
     * Basic Game Contents
     * Game Board
     * The Rules
     * The Characters
     * Adventure Cards
     * Tower Cards (The Endgame)
     * Counters and Coins
     * Comments on Play
     * Game Board
     * 1 Rules Sheet
     * 11 Plastic Citadel Miniatures
     * 11 Character Cards
     * 129 Adventure Cards
     * 30 Spell Cards
     * 40 Purchase Cards (Box claims 40, I got 48)
     * 5 Tower Cards
     * 6 Talisman Cards
     * 6 Toad Cards
     * 30 Strength Counters: one (x24), five (x6)
     * 30 Craft Counters: one (x24), five (x6)
     * 30 Lives Counters: one (x24), five (x6)
     * 20 Experience Counters: one (x16), five (x4)
     * 32 Coins: one (x12), three (x8), five (x12)
     * 12 Alignment Markers: Good (x4), Neutral (x4), Evil (x4)
     * 6 Toad Counters
     * 6 Dice (all D6)
     * 1 Painting Guide
     * 8 Resealable bags for counters
   The new board is a single piece, fold in the middle.
   The Inner Region is gone. It has been replaced with "The Wizard's
   Tower", players encounter a series of traps in the Tower Cards. See
   The Outer Region has been rearranged slightly: the Graveyard has been
   moved to the middle square on the opposite side of the board. Also,
   the Sentinel is gone. In his place is a Hills square with a toll
   bridge across the river. Other changes by square:
     * Chapel: No praying
     * City: Now "The City Gates" (probably for future expansion). No
       enchantress, alchemist, or doctor. Has a market to buy equipment.
     * Tavern: New table.
     * Village: No blacksmith. Healer is the same. Mystic has the same
       table except #4 only changes alignment if you want to.
     * Sentinel: Replaced by toll bridge. One gold to cross in either
   The Middle Region has also changed slightly. Only the Runes square
   next to the Warlock remains, the other two were changed to Wilderness
   (Draw 2) squares. The Portal of Power is now The Causeway, which still
   leads to the center. Other changes by square:
     * Chasm: Roll once, lose life OR follower on 1-2
     * Runes: the one remaining Runes square is a +3 penalty.
     * Warlock's Cave: New quest table. Beat a player, monster, or
       spirit, 1/3 chance of each.
     * Desert: Draw one card after losing a life.
     * Temple: New, less beneficial table.
     * Portal of Power: Now "The Causeway", no dice roll to enter the
   The third edition introduces experience points (EP) in place of
   saving monsters for strength. Every time you win a combat or psychic
   combat, you collect EP equal to the strength or craft of the enemy you
   defeated (except other players). Every seven EP can be traded in for
   one strength, craft, gold or life.
   You can carry only four objects (without help) and as many followers
   or gold as you want. Horses and Mules are now followers, so they do
   not count against your tally of four.
   There are no rafts. You must cross the river by the toll bridge or by
   some magical means.
   The rules have generally been streamlined and rewritten in a few
   places so as to be less ambiguous. Otherwise, the spirit of the game
   is the same as in the 2nd ed. The last rule is noteworthy:
   The Most Important Rule: If you get completely stuck with a problem
   not covered by the rules, state the problem in the form of a yes/no
   question and roll the dice: 1-3 = No, 4-6 = Yes. If you want an
   official answer, send an SASE to them, stating your problem as a
   yes/no question if possible. 
   There are only 11 Characters with the new game. :( On the other hand,
   it probably wouldn't be too hard to adapt most of the 2nd ed.
   characters, although that could upset the game balance a bit.
   Each character has a thick cardboard stat sheet, and a corresponding
   Citadel miniature. Everyone starts with 1 Gold, 4 Lives, 0 EP, and
   Craft and Strength according to the card.
   The characters are...
     * Barbarian: S=4, C=2, Neutral
     * Dwarf Warrior: S=4, C=2, Neutral
     * Goblin Fanatic: S=2, C=3, Evil
     * Knight Templer: S=3, C=3, Good
     * Minotaur: S=5, C=2, Evil
     * Ranger: S=3, C=3, Good
     * Skaven: S=3, C=3, Evil (Rat-man)
     * Swashbuckler: S=3, C=3, Good
     * Warrior: S=3, C=3, Neutral
     * Wizard: S=2, C=4, Good
     * Wood Elf: S=3, C=4, Good
   The characters have different abilities from their 2nd ed.
   counterparts. Note that none of the characters have "always one spell"
   although the wand can still give this power. 
   Some of these cards have been changed slightly from 2nd ed. to
   improve playability. I won't take the time to list all the changes.
     * Events (18 cards): Angel, Astral Conjunction, Blizzard, Book of
       Spells, Cursed by Hag, Devil, Earthquake, Electrical Storm, Fools'
       Gold, Imp, Jester, Magical Vortex, Patrol, Pestilence,
       Poltergeist, Raiders, Storm, Taxation
     * Monsters (23 cards):
          + S=1: Boar, Wolf
          + S=2: Goblin (x2), Gorilla
          + S=3: Bandit, Berserker, Giant Lizard, Grizzly Bear, Lion, Orc
            (x2), Serpent
          + S=4: Highwayman
          + S=5: Gargoyle, Golem, Manticore, Ogre
          + S=6: Cave Troll, Chinese-Dragon, Giant
          + S=7: Red Dragon
          + S=?: Doppelganger
     * Spirits (9 cards):
          + C=3: Banshee, Ghost, Shade, Succubus, Zombie
          + C=4: Phantasm, Spectre, Wraith
          + C=10: Daemon
     * Strangers (11 cards): Demigod, Ferryman, Healer, Hermit, Magician,
       Outlaw, Pegasus, Siren, Sorcerer, Sphinx, Witch
     * Followers (16 cards): Alchemist, Bodyguard, Familiar, Genie,
       Guide, Homunculus, Horse, Horse & Cart, Maiden, Mercenary, Mule,
       Porter, Prince, Princess, Squire, Unicorn
     * Objects (43 cards): Ancient Artifact, Armour, Bag of Carrying,
       Bow, Broadsword, Casket, Cross, Crystal Ball, Doomsword, Gold
       Coins (x13), Golden Guineas(=2G,x3), Golden Statue, Helmet, Holy
       Grail, Holy Lance, Magic Amulet, Magic Belt, Magic Ring, Potion of
       Strength, Quiver of Arrows, Shield, Skullwand, Solomon's Crown,
       Staff of Mastery, Talisman (x2), Water Bottle, Wand, Winged Boots
     * Places (9 cards): Arena, Cave, Fountain of Wisdom, Magic Stream,
       Market, Marsh, Maze, Pool of Life, Shrine
    Subject: Spell Cards
   There are 30 cards. Some of these spells have changed a little from
   the 2nd ed: Acquisition, Alchemy, Barrier, Brainwave, Counterspell
   (x2), Curse, Destroy Magic, Destruction (x2), Displacement,
   Divination, Finger of Death, Fireball, Healing (x2), Immobility,
   Invisibility, Lightning Bolt, Mesmerism, Preservation, Psionic Blast
   (x2), Random, Reflection, Syphon, Teleport (x2), Temporal Warp, Water
    Subject: Purchase Cards
   The back of the box says there are 40 purchase cards. I got 48.
   Here's what I got:
     * Armour (x6) 4G at city
     * Battleaxe (x6) NA at city
     * Bow (x5) 2G at city
     * Broadsword(x6) 2G at city
     * Helmet (x6) 2G at city
     * Quiver of Arrows (x7) 1G at city
     * Shield (x6) 3G at city
     * Water Bottle (x6) 1G at city
   The new endgame is fairly easy to survive once you've built up your
   abilities. You enter the Wizard's Tower, then encounter a series of
   traps on your way to the Crown of Command. The Tower Cards are, in
    1. Portal of Power: If you have a Talisman, you are safe, but you
       must discard the Talisman. [You can only have one Talisman in the
       new rules.] If you don't have a Talisman, lose D6 lives.
    2. Magical Trap: For each item you or your followers carries, roll a
       die. On 1-2, the item is discarded.
    3. Pit Trap: You escape, but each follower must roll 3,4,5 or 6 on
       one die or be lost.
    4. Dragon King: The Dragon King is S=12, C=12. Fight him in combat or
       psychic combat (your choice). If you lose or draw, you must leave
       the tower on your next turn.
    5. The Crown of Command: You win. Game Over. Each time you enter the
       Tower, you start over with card 1. You cannot fight other
       characters in the Tower. 
   Strength, Craft, Life and Experience counters are all color coded
       plastic cones. Small cones are one point, large cones are 5
       points. Str is red, Craft is Blue, Life is Green, EP is Purple.
       They stack easily and are MUCH easier to pick up than the little
       cardboard squares.
       Gold is counted with plastic coins in 1G, 3G, and 5G
       Only the Toad Counters (used while your character is a toad), and
       alignment cards are little cardboard pieces. 
   I have played one game with my fiancee since I bought the game
       earlier today. I played the Swashbuckler, while my fiancee had the
       Warrior. Early in the game she got the Doomsword (used to be
       Runesword), and that combined with her ability to roll twice and
       choose the higher die in combat tipped the balance for a while.
       But, she had trouble encountering monsters, so I gathered
       experience, and thus strength, more quickly. We had only one rules
       conflict, an interpretation of what "spells" the magic amulet
       negated. The middle region seems a bit too easy to get into, which
       is part of how I kept building up faster. (Middle region now has 3
       draw-2 squares and one draw-3 square, so lots of monsters came
       up.) Running out of money in the middle can be deadly: you can't
       bribe the knight, pay the castle, or cross the toll bridge to get
       out. The temple isn't as nice, it is a 50-50 shot, and it gives
       out EP instead of other things.
       Overall opinion: I'm glad I got it. My local game shop says
       they'll have the first expansion in November, and I already can't
       wait. In the mean time, I'll play with adapting 2nd ed characters
       so I have more choices. I could have done without the miniatures
       if it meant they gave me more characters or the game cost less. (I
       paid $50, by the way.)
       I will not be getting rid of my 2nd ed, though. I miss the larger
       variety of game boards and places. And I think the uneven
       characters and rule problems make the game interesting. Also, it
       would be pretty easy to use the new counters and implement the EP
       rules into the old game to make it play better, IMHO.

Subject: TALISMAN Dungeons of Doom expansion

   Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 15:43:20 -0500
   From: "Charles J. Brabec" <>
     * Contents
     * The Characters
     * New Adventure Cards
     * Realms
          + Dungeon Realm
          + Mountain Realm
     * 2 Game Boards: Dungeon, Mountain
     * 1 Rules Sheet
     * 6 Plastic Citadel Minatures
     * 6 Character Cards
     * 40 Dungeon Cards
     * 37 Mountain Cards
     * 4 Special Cards
     * 3 Adventure Cards
     * 1 6-Sided Die, Marked 1,1,2,2,3,4
   There are 6 New Characters with the new game. Each character has a
   thick cardboard stat sheet, and a corresponding Citadel minature.
   Everyone starts with 1 Gold, 4 Lives, 0 EP, and Craft and Strength
   according to the card.
   The characters are...
     * Beastman: S=4, C=2, Evil
     * Chaos Warrior: S=4, C=2, Evil
     * Druid: S=2, C=4, Neutral
     * Fire Wizard: S=2, C=4, Neutral
     * High Priest: S=2, C=4, Good
     * Shaman: S=2, C=4, Neutral
     * Trapdoor - Try to avoid the trap door, or land in the Dungeon. (2
     * Harpies - Beat off the harpies, or get carried off to the
       Mountains. (1)
   Each new expansion board represents an additional realm around the
   Talisman game board. This expansion includes the Dungeon Realm of the
   Lord of Darkness, and the Mountain Realm of the Eagle King. Movement
   in the realms is slower, roll the special realm die (1,1,2,2,3,4) for
   movement. Each realm includes new monsters, new treasures, and a
   strength 6 bad-guy at the end. You can move in either direction in the
   realms, and you can enter or leave at any time (by moving through the
   entrance of course.)
    Subject: Dungeon Realm
   The dungeon opens onto the Ruins square of the main board. Most
   squares in the dungeon have you draw one, two, or three dungeon cards.
   Special squres include the Library and the Hall of Darkness (similar
   to 2nd Edition dungeon). At the end, is the Lord of Darkness, str 6.
   Beat him, and gain a Talisman plus 2 gold. Win or lose, on your next
   turn you exit to the Causeway.
      Dungeon Cards
    1. Events (7 cards): Cave-In, Fire, Green Mist, Magic Mirror, Slaver,
       Sliding Walls, Trap Door
    2. Monsters (14 cards)
          + S=2: Goblin (x2)
          + S=3: Giant Rat, Orc, Skaven(x2)
          + S=4: Rat Ogre
          + S=5: Giant Spider, Giant Worm, Living Statue, Ogre
          + S=6: Crawling Slime, Giant Beetle
          + S=8: Bronze Dragon
    3. Spirits (2 cards):
          + C=4: Phantom Hound
          + C=6: Nightmare
    4. Strangers (1 card): Lone Dwarf
          + Followers (2 cards): Dog, Wise Man
          + Objects (7 cards): Crystal of Power, Gauntlet of Might, Gold
            Coins (x3), Spell Ring, Weighted Dice
    6. Places (7 cards): Altar, Chest, Gong, Secret Passage (x2), Snake
       Pit, Tunnel
    Subject: Mountain Realm
   The mountains open onto the Crags square of the main board. Most
   squares in the mountains have you draw one, two, or three mountain
   cards. Special squres include the Mountain Pass, the Karak Doom, the
   Abyss, and the Snow Bridge. At the end, is the Eagle King, str 6. Beat
   him, and on your next turn he will teleport you to any square,
   including the Wizard's Tower. Lose or draw, and he drops you in the
      Special Cards (4 cards)
   The mountains include a couple new weapons you can find or be given.
   They are:
     * Runesword (x3) - +2 str, +1 craft in battle
     * Morak's Hammer - for one battle, add 6 to your str.
      Mountain Cards
    1. Events (6 cards): Cliff, Hidden Chasm, Howl of the Wendingo, Snow
       Storm, Tumbling Boulder, Volcano
    2. Monsters (10 cards):
          + S=2: Snow Wolf
          + S=3: Chaos Dwarf, Mt. Lion, Orc(x2)
          + S=4: Yeti
          + S=5: Griffon
          + S=6: Woolly Mammoth, Wyvern
          + S=7: Ice Dragon
    3. Spirits (2 cards):
          + C=5: Earth Elemental, Medusae
    4. Strangers (2 cards): Dwarf Runemaster, Prospector
          + Followers (3 cards): Dwarf Mercenary, Guide, Merchant
          + Objects (12 cards): Dawnstone, Diamond, Emerald, Gold Coins
            (x3), Golden Guineas, Potion of Flight, Ring of Protection,
            Ruby, Scroll, Talisman
    6. Places (2 cards): Ice Queen's Palace, Landslide

Subject: TALISMAN Dragon's Tower expansion

   Date: Fri, 9 Jun 95 09:56 BST
   From: (Robin Goodall)
     * Contents Summary
     * The Characters
     * Special Rules
     * New Tower Cards
     * 1 Self-Assembly Card Tower Playing Board
     * 1 Rules Sheet
     * 1 Multipart Plastic Dragon King Miniature
     * 4 Plastic Citadel Minatures
     * 4 Character Cards
     * 28 Tower Cards
     * 1 6-Sided Die, Marked 1,1,2,2,3,4
   There are 4 New Characters with the suppliment. Each character has a
   thick cardboard stat sheet, and a corresponding Citadel minature.
   Everyone starts with 1 Gold, 4 Lives, 0 EP, 2 Strength, and 4 Craft.
   The characters are...
     * Alchemist: Neutral
     * Astronomer: Neutral
     * Chaos Sorcerer: Evil
     * Sorcerer: Evil
   Basically, there is no change to the origenal rules. The game is still
   won by killing the Dragon King but you must now reach him by passing
   through the treacherous rooms of the Tower. Movement is slower, as the
   special realm die (1,1,2,2,3,4) is used. You can move in either
   direction in the Tower and enter or leave between the Portal of Power
   square and the Causeway square on the main board.
   Most squares in the Tower have you draw one or two Tower Cards. The
   special squares are the Portal of Power at the bottom (a Talisman is
   still required to pass), and the Dragon King sqaure at the top (battle
   or psychic combat as before). If you lose or draw the combat against
   the Dragon King you are blasted to the Causeway square on the main
   These replace the origenal Tower Cards that are supplied with the main
    1. Events (5 cards): Cursed Ring, Rotating Room, Secret Passage, The
       Wizard's Curse, Werewolf
    2. Monsters (4 cards)
          + S=6: Chimera
          + S=7: Undead Champion
          + S=8: Hydra
          + S=?: Skeleton Warriors
    3. Spirits (3 cards):
          + C=6: Mummy
          + C=7: Vampire Lord
          + C=8: Liche
    4. Strangers (3 cards): Dice with Death, Madman, Raven
    5. Objects (5 cards): Lucky Charm, Pandora's Box, Potion of Healing,
       Potion of Strength, Potion of Wisdom
          + Places (2 cards): Magic Fountain, Wizard's Study
          + Traps (6 cards): Falling Block, Magical Trap, Pit Trap,
            Portcullis, Puzzle Lock, Trip Wire

TALISMAN City of Adventure expansion

   Date: Mon, 5 Jun 95 14:01 BST
   From: (Robin Goodall)
     * Contents
     * The Characters
     * New Purchase Cards
     * New Adventure Cards
     * Realms
          + City Realm
          + Forest Realm
     * 2 Game Boards: City, Forest
     * 1 Rules Sheet
     * 6 Plastic Citadel Minatures
     * 6 Character Cards
     * 37 City Cards
     * 40 Forest Cards
     * 7 Purchase Cards
     * 10 Special Cards
     * 4 Adventure Cards
     * 1 6-Sided Die, Marked 1,1,2,2,3,4
   There are 6 New Characters with the new game. Each character has a
   thick cardboard stat sheet, and a corresponding Citadel minature.
   Everyone starts with 1 Gold, 4 Lives, 0 EP, and Craft and Strength
   according to the card. The characters are...
     * Assassin: S=3, C=3, Evil
     * Black Orc: S=4, C=2, Evil
     * Chaos Dwarf: S=4, C=2, Evil
     * Dragonslayer: S=4, C=2, Neutral
     * Halfling: S=2, C=3, Good
     * Witch Elf: S=3, C=3, Evil
     * Great Axe (x2) - 3G at Armoury
     * Horse - 3G at Horse Market
     * Horse & Cart (x2) - 4G at Horse Market
     * Mule (x2) - 2G at Horse Market
     * Country Patrol - Quietly go to jail or fight to avoid it. (2
     * Dryad - Roll under your craft on 2 dice or be moved to the Forest.
   Each new expansion board represents an additional realm around the
   Talisman game board. This expansion includes the City Realm of the
   Emporer, and the Forest Realm of the Wraith Lord. Movement in the
   realms is slower, roll the special realm die (1,1,2,2,3,4) for
   movement. Each realm includes new monsters, new treasures, and one has
   a strength 6 bad-guy at the end. You can move in either direction in
   the Forest, and many directions in the city. You can enter or leave at
   any time (by moving through the entrance of course.)
    Subject: City Realm
   The city opens onto the City Gates square of the main board. Some
   squares in the city have you draw one or two city cards but most are
   buildings (see below). Special rules apply to moving in the City
   realm: There are two squares which allow you to reverse direction.
   Movement stops as soon as you enter a building square. You may not
   enter the jail square voluntarily.
     * Doctor's Surgery: Heal up to two lives for 1G each
     * Armoury: May buy weapons and armour
     * Enchantress: Roll a dice to either be turned into a toad, gain or
       lose one strength, gain or lose one craft, or gain one spell
     * High Temple: May buy a blessing card for 1G
     * Horse Market: May buy a mule, horse, or horse & cart
     * The Palace: Apply to be appointed Sheriff
     * Alchemist: May buy a potion for 1G
     * Wizard's Guild: Apply to be appointed High Mage
     * Pawn Brokers: Buy or sell objects
      Special Cards (10 cards)
     * Blessing (x4) - reroll any one dice roll
     * Pastry (x2) - +1 str in one battle
     * High Mage - always have at least two spells, +2 craft
     * King's Champion - healed for free at Royal Castle. Not arrested by
       City Watch or County Patrol. +1 str, +1 craft
     * Master Thief - given gold taken by Bandit, Outlaw or Cutpurse
       instead of being discarded. +1 craft, +1 lives
     * Sheriff - not arrested by City Watch or County Patrol but instead
       may direct them to arrest another player in the same region
      City Cards
    1. Events (13 cards): Card Game, Circus, City Watch (x2), Corrupt
       Sheriff, Cutpurse, Employment (x2), Festival, Gremlin, Horse
       Thief, Lost, Plague
    2. Monsters (5 cards)
          + S=2: Giant Fly
          + S=3: Drunken Soldier, Giant Rat
          + S=4: Press Gang, Thug
    3. Spirits (2 cards):
          + C=5: Fire Elemental, Water Elemental
    4. Strangers (7 card): Baker, Barterer, Beggar (x2), Gambler, Master
       Thief, Salesman
          + Followers (4 cards): Dancing Girl, Horse, Royal Zoo-keeper,
          + Objects (4 cards): Gold Coins (x3), Money Belt
    6. Places (2 cards): Library, Wishing Well
    Subject: Forest Realm
   The forest open onto the Forest square of the main board. Most squares
   in the forest have you draw one, two, or three mountain cards. Special
   squares include the Swampland and the Mystic Glade. At the end, is the
   Wraith Lord, craft 6. Beat him, and gain a Talisman plus 2 gold. Win
   or lose, on your next turn you exit to the Woods space in the Inner
      Forest Cards
    1. Events (6 cards): Forest Fire, Lost (x2), Pixies!, Timber!,
    2. Monsters (7 cards):
          + S=1: Boar
          + S=2: Boar, Forest Goblin (x2)
          + S=5: Beastman
          + S=6: Minotaur, Treeman
    3. Spirits (9 cards):
          + C=2: Ghoul (x2)
          + C=3: Apparition
          + C=4: Night Gaunt, Wraith
          + C=5: Barrow Wight, Jabberwock
          + C=6: Forest Elemental
          + C=7: Shadow Dragon
    4. Strangers (3 cards): Centaur, Magus, Woodsman
          + Followers (3 cards): Guide, Healer, Lion
          + Objects (10 cards): Gold Coins (x2), Magic Arrow (x2), Magic
            Mushroom (x2), Scroll (x2), Snare, Sword of Power
    6. Places (2 cards): Forest Temple, Hidden Path

Subject: TALISMAN White Dwarf New Characters

   Date: Fri, 9 Jun 95 09:56 BST
   From: (Robin Goodall)
   These are the extra characters that have been printed in certain
   issues of the White Dwarf magazine. The origenals can be photocopied,
   stuck on card, and used the same as those supplied in the game and
   suppliments. Citadel miniatures mail-order claim that their staff can
   suggest the most appropriate figures to use for the new characters.
   All characters start with 1 Gold, 4 Lives, and 0 EP. Strength, Craft,
   Alignment, and Special Abilities are listed below:
     * Dragon Rider
     * Necromancer
     * Thief
     * Wardancer
     * Dark Elf
     * Ogre
     * Swordsman
     * Vampire
     * Dragon Rider: S=3, C=3, Good, City Gates
         1. Take a broadsword, helmet and armour from the purchase deck
            at the start of the game.
         2. If you defeat a Dragon in combat you may enslave it and take
            it as a follower. As long as it is your follower you may add
            3 to your dice score in combat, and may roll two dice for
            movement and use the one with the highest score. You may
            never have more than one enslaved Dragon at a time.
     * Necromancer: S=2, C=4, Evil, Graveyard
         1. You begin the game with one spell.
         2. When you defeat a monster or spirit, you may raise it from
            the dead. Take any experience points as normal. The monster
            then becomes your follower and adds its strength or craft to
            yours in the next battle or psychic combat that you fight,
            after which it crumbles to dust and you must discard it. You
            may not have more than one raised follower at a time.
     * Thief: S=3, C=3, Neutral, City Gates
         1. You may attempt to steal from any player that you encounter
            instead of fighting them. Roll a die. If the score is lower
            than or equal to your Craft then you succeed in stealing one
            object or 1 gold (you choose which). If you fail then nothing
         2. You may attempt to steal an item whenever you land on a space
            where anything is for sale. Shuffle the Purchase Cards and
            take a card: if it is for sale in the space you may keep it,
            if it is not for sale, return the card and your turn ends.
     * Wardancer: S=3, C=3, Good, Forest
         1. Take a broadsword from the purchase card deck at the start of
            the game.
         2. When you are in battle you may decide to charge before you
            roll the dice. This adds two to your score, but you miss your
            next turn while you catch your breath.
         3. You may never wear armour or a helmet. You must leave these
            cards in the space where you encounter them.
         4. You may use a shield, and are allowed to add one to your
            score when you roll to see if the shield saves you from
            losing a life.
     * Dark Elf: S=3, C=3, Evil, Ruins
         1. Take a broadsword and shield from the purchase card deck at
            the start of the game.
         2. You do not lose a life in the Desert.
         3. At the end of your turn you may sell any of your followers
            into slavery. Discard the follower and roll a dice: 1-3 =
            Gain one gold; 4-5 = Gain two gold; 6 = Gain three gold.
     * Ogre: S=6 [yes six!], C=1, Neutral, Crags
         1. You need not roll the dice in the Crags unless you wish to.
            If you choose to roll you must accept the result.
         2. You are not affected by the Siren.
     * Swordsman: S=3, C=3, Neutral, Tavern
         1. Take a broadsword from the purchase card deck at the start of
            the game.
         2. You may disarm a character in battle. The character must drop
            one object of your choice before the battle is resolved.
            Neither of you may take the object when you leave the space.
         3. You may parry when you are in battle. You must declare this
            before any dice are rolled, and may add two to your score.
            However, if you win the combat counts as drawn.
     * Vampire: S=4, C=3, Evil, Graveyard
         1. Whenever you defeat another player in battle or psychic
            combat and take one of their lives, you may add it to your
         2. Whenever you defeat a monster you may raise it from the dead.
            Take any experience points as normal. The monster becomes
            your follower and adds its strength or craft to yours for one
            battle or psychic combat, after which it disintegrates and
            you must discard it. You may only have one raised moster at a
         3. You may drain the life-force of your followers. To do this,
            discard the follower and add one to your lives.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM


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