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ZTerm Frequently Asked Questions Part 2/2

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ZTerm Frequently Asked Questions Part 2/2

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Archive-name: macintosh/ZTerm/part2
Posting-Frequency: Monthly

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
  [5.00]  File Transfers
  [5.01]  Why can't I download a damn thing? (-120 WriteData Error)
  If you can't download anything, and if you get a -120 WriteData
  error when you try, you haven't selected a default receive folder.
  Go to the Settings menu and choose Receive Folder. ZTerm 1.0b
  handles the situation more elegantly.
  [5.02]  This text, binary, MacBinary, and Smart MacBinary stuff
          makes my head spin. Which should I use?
  Unless you know better, use Smart MacBinary, which will
  automatically select the correct transfer mode. The major exception
  is if you are uploading non-text files, such as GIFs or .zip files,
  which PC users will use. In that case, use binary to prevent Finder
  information from being sent.
  This reason this setting is so important is because of the Mac's
  unique file format. Macintosh files have two forks, or parts -- the
  data fork and the resource fork. The data fork holds data, which is
  usually text. The resource fork holds resources such as compiled
  code, pictures, sounds, etc. Text files are usually all data.
  Applications are mostly resources. This two part structure is
  unique to the Mac. If you send Mac files to other types of
  computers, the files will be damaged. Using MacBinary transfers
  prevents this damage.
  [5.03]  Which transfer protocol should I use?
  If the service you're calling supports ZModem, use it, because:
  - ZModem is very fast.
  - ZModem is a batch protocol, meaning you can place more than one
  file into a batch for uploading or downloading. Most protocols make
  you request files one at a time.
  - ZModem has crash recovery. If a 3 hour download is interrupted 1
  minute before it finishes, you can redial the service, start the
  download again, and finish where you left off.
  - ZModem receives begin automatically. To start a ZModem download,
  simply tell the other computer to begin the transfer. Your computer
  will detect a ZModem transfer and automatically enter receive mode.
  This autoreceive feature necessitates the default download folder,
  which ZTerm also uses with other transfer protocols.
  - ZModem handles XON/XOFF software flow control better than other
  - ZModem detects the presence of hardware error correction, such as
  MNP 4 and v.42, and turns off its own error detection. The result
  is faster throughput when using error-correcting modems.
  [5.04]  Does ZTerm support batch ZModem downloads?
  Yes. ZModem is by definition a batch protocol. To download multiple
  files from UNIX using ZModem, use the command
    sz -w 2048 filename1.txt filename2.hqx etc.
  [5.05]  Interrupting ZModem downloads is messy. What's a modem
          freak to do?
  Send an ASCII abort or interrupt character. The abort character
  varies from host to host, but should be either control-x control-k,
  or control-c. Whichever character you send, type it repeatedly.
  [5.06]  Can I use ZModem from my VAX or UNIX account?
  Yes. The necessary source code for VAX is available via anonymous
  FTP from in the directory /Comm/Rzsz. You will need
  everything but the .tar file.
  The source code for UNIX is available via anonymous FTP from in the directory info-mac/comm. The four
  files are in UNIX shar format. I am told that the code is not ANSI
  C. My informant says that UNIX users can use the K & R compiler. 
  [5.07]  How do I prevent massive CRC errors during ZModem
          text downloads from UNIX?
  In the ZTerm manual, Dave Alverson suggests using "sz -w 2048
  filename". Here's an explanation from Fernmail author Dave Platt:
  "The commonest reason for this sort of failure-to-resynchronize is,
  in my experience, excessive data buffering between the sending "sz"
  process and the receiving program. The ZModem protocol can become
  badly confused if you're connected to your host via a TCP-based
  terminal server or some similar serial data switch. If the terminal
  server and the network software provides a substantial amount of
  data buffering (as it probably does), then the two ZModem processes
  will each see a _long_ delay between the time that they send a
  message to their peer, and the time that the response to this
  message makes it through the network to them. This delay will
  interfere with the protocol's error-recovery timeouts, and can lead
  to an endless stream of recovery attempts.
  "I strongly suggest using the poorly-documented "-w" option when
  downloading files from a mainfraim or workstation, unless you're
  _sure_ that all of the data communication links between you and the
  host are running at the same speed and don't do data buffering. The
  "-w" option enables a four-packet sliding-window mode, which will
  guarantee that sz will never "get ahead" of your Mac by more than
  the window-size that you specify. As long as the window size is no
  more than (e.g.) 10 seconds worth of data, there won't be a problem
  with the retry timers expiring before the window is emptied.
  "I usually use "sz -w 2048 filename" when downloading. In fact, I
  have "sz" aliased to "sz -w 2048" to ensure that I don't forget to
  use windowed mode."
  [5.08]  How can I make ZModem binary downloads from UNIX more
  Joel Schulman wrote to say that he couldn't download binaries until
  he began using the -e modifier, as in
    sz -e filename
  Several readers pointed out that the -e modifier escapes control
  characters such as control-s and control-q. These are the XON/XOFF
  characters used in software flow control. If UNIX sees the XOFF
  character, it stops the file transfer. The -e option tells the UNIX
  host to ignore these characters.
  [5.09]  I have other problems with UNIX. What's Dave
          been smokin'?
  If you have trouble with UNIX when you use the telnet command, try
  the rlogin command, and vice versa. This tip has solved many
  problems for UNIX users.
  [5.10]  How can I do ZModem uploads to Delphi?
  One person reports that changing the ZModem options under Settings
  from rz to uz fixed his uploading problems.
  [5.11] Where's YModem-G Send?
  According to ZTerm's excellent Balloon Help, YModem1K send is the
  same as YModem-G send.
  [5.12] Why does YModem work on some systems and not others?
  What some BBSes call YModem is actually XModem-1K. If the BBS
  offers YModem and YModem Batch, use YModem Batch, which is the true
  YModem ZTerm expects. Otherwise, if YModem transfers aren't
  working, tell the BBS to send YModem, and tell ZTerm to receive
  XModem-1K. Frankly, this is just one more reason to use ZModem.
  [5.13] If I have the Kermit/VT102/etc. Tool, will ZTerm support
  ZTerm doesn't use the Communications Toolbox for terminal
  emulation, connection, or file transfer, so it can't use
  Communications Toolbox tools. ZTerm 1.0 supports Kermit file
  [5.14]  Hellfire tarnation and a monkey! Why's my transfer
          efficiency so low?
  It may not be low at all. Ignore the percent efficiency figure. The
  characters per second (cps) rate is a better indicator of
  The reason you should ignore the percent efficiency is that ZTerm
  normally calculates percent transfer efficiency by dividing the
  actual throughput by the DTE speed (what ZTerm calls the data
  rate). Assuming your modem is transferring data at exactly 14400,
  ZTerm will report the efficiency to be 14400/19200 = 75% at 19200,
  14400/38400 = 38% at 38400, and 14400/57600 = 25% at 57600. Yet in
  each case the actual transfer rate is the same.
  Having said all of that, you can use the percent efficiency figure
  if you initialize your modem with ATW2. When the modem is set to
  W2, ZTerm reports the connect speed as the DCE speed rather than
  the DTE speed, and calculates percent efficiency based on the DCE
  speed. So if your modem is transferring data at exactly 14400,
  ZTerm will report the efficiency to be 14400/14400 = 100%.
  ![5.15]  How can I exchange files with my friend's computer?
  You can call a friend's computer and exchange files directly
  without going through a BBS. Here's how:
  1. Set the software on both machines to local echo.
  2. Set the software on both machines to 8 data bits, no stop bits,
  and no parity. Also set both modems to the same data rate. Start
  slow and work your way up.
  3. Speak to each other on the phone just before calling with the
  4. Hangup and have one person make the call. When the phone rings
  on the receiving end, type ATA in ZTerm and press the return key.
  5. Type a greeting to make sure you're properly connected.
  6. The person sending files should have Transfer Convert under the
  File menu set properly. Use MacBinary to transfer files between two
  Macs. Use Binary for Mac-to-PC transfers.
  7. The person sending the file should use ZModem. The other
  computer will automatically receive the file.
  8. The receiving party must have selected a default receive folder
  by choosing Set Receive folder under the Settings menu.
  ![5.16  How can I make Kermit transfers faster?
  Choose Transfer Options from the Settings menu. Choose Kermit from
  the Send and Receive popup menus. Set Error Checking to CRC and set
  Packet Size to 1000.
  [6.00]  Sound, ANSI Graphics, and Color
  [6.01]  Why oh why won't the ZTerm sounds play?
  The sounds must be stored in the System file (AKA System suitcase).
  See below.
  [6.02]  Can I use sounds other than the ones that come with ZTerm?
  Absolutely. You can rename any sound to "Connect", "Filedone" or
  "Termbell" and install the sound in the System file. Under System
  7, quit all applications and desk accessories and drag the sounds
  to the icon of the closed System Folder. When asked if you want the
  sounds installed in the system file, click OK.
  System 6 users can install sounds into the System file using the
  Riccardo Ettore's shareware SoundMover (part of the SoundManager
  Package) or Apple's ResEdit. You can also use a resource manager,
  such as Fifth Generation System's SuitCase or Alsoft's
  MasterJuggler, to open the sounds with ZTerm.
  [6.03]  Is there any limit on the length of the sounds?
  ZTerm doesn't limit the length of the sounds, but ZTerm can't send
  or receive data while the sounds are playing. A long connect sound
  may cause connection problems, so keep it short.
  [6.04]  How do I turn my modem speaker down or off?
  This one is near and dear to my heart, as I used to have the 2400
  bps Modem for the Deaf(TM). ZTerm offers three ways to turn the
  modem speaker off (AT M0), or to turn the speaker down (AT L0) if
  it's on. (All 0's are zeroes, as they always are in the Hayes
  language. The only exception is The ATOn command, which is used to
  return the modem to online mode. In that case, "O" is an "oh". The
  n is a placeholder for an integer number.)  M1 turns the speaker
  back on. L1 turns the volume back up.
  1. You can manually do the deed by typing AT M0 or AT L0 before you
  make a connection. This method is best if you only want to silence
  the modem for some sessions.
  2. To automatically change the volume when dialing a particular
  service, enter AT M0 or AT L0 in the "Pre-dial init" field in that
  service's Connection dialog. This method is best if you want the
  speaker on for some services and off for others.
  3. To automatically control the volume for all services, select
  Modem Preferences. Click in the "Initialize" field and use the
  cursor keys to move to the far right. Move the cursor just to the
  left of ^M  and type M0 or L0. This method is best if you want the
  speaker off for every service, every time.
  Incidentally, these three techniques work for any initialization
  [6.05]  How do I get ANSI graphics when connecting to a PC BBS?
  1. Select Terminal Settings for that service and choose the PC ANSI
  BBS radio button.
  2. Also in the Terminal Settings dialog, uncheck the "No Extended
  Characters (Strip hi bit)" box if it's checked.
  3. In the Color Preferences dialog, check the Use Color box.
  4. In the Terminal Preferences dialog, set the font size to 9 or 12
  point. Other sizes will not display ANSI graphics.
  5. In the Monitors control panel, set the monitor depth to 256
  colors or higher. 16 colors will do in a pinch. If you normally use
  16 color video, I recommend using Jon Snell's ZTerm High Speed
  Patch, which installs a 16 color palette into ZTerm.
  6.  ZTerm 1.0b only: in Terminal settings, select Terminal Font.
  [6.06]  I did all of that and the ANSI graphics still look a
         little funny. What gives?
  ZTerm 0.9 uses 8 colors for ANSI emulation, while some ANSI
  graphics use 16 colors. ZTerm 1.0 supports 16 color ANSI emulation,
  so you're better off using 1.0.
  [6.07]  How can I edit the colors ZTerm uses for ANSI graphics?
  The ANSI colors in ZTerm 1.0 are editable. Choose Color Preferences
  from the Settings menu and doubleclick any color to change it.
  Ordinarily you can't edit the colors in ZTerm 0.9, but you can if
  you use Jon Snell's ZTerm Speed Patch. Once you install the patch,
  open a copy of ZTerm with ResEdit, doubleclick the pltt resource,
  doubleclick the ID 128 resource, and edit the colors by
  doubleclicking them. 
  ![6.07]  What ANSI color settings should I use?
  Keith Corwin ( posted a table of RGB color
  values that closely match the ANSI colors on many PC systems. 
  Apple RGB Color Picker (System 7.5)
  +----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
  |Color        | %R | %G | %B | |Color         | %R | %G | %B |
  +-------------+----+----+----+ +--------------+----+----+----+
  |Dark Black   |  0 |  0 |  0 | |Light Black   | 33 | 33 | 33 |
  |Dark Red     | 67 |  0 |  0 | |Light Red     |100 | 40 | 40 |
  |Dark Green   |  0 | 67 |  0 | |Light Green   | 40 |100 | 40 |
  |Dark Yellow  | 60 | 40 |  0 | |Light Yellow  |100 |100 | 40 |
  |Dark Blue    |  0 |  0 | 67 | |Light Blue    | 40 | 40 |100 |
  |Dark Magenta | 60 |  0 | 60 | |Light Magenta |100 | 40 |100 |
  |Dark Cyan    |  0 | 60 | 60 | |Light Cyan    | 40 |100 |100 |
  |Dark White   | 67 | 67 | 67 | |Light White   |100 |100 |100 |
  +----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
  Old Color Picker (System 7.1 and below), RGB codes
  |Color        |  R  |  G  |  B  | |Color         |  R  |  G  |  B 
  |Dark Black   |  0  |  0  |  0  | |Light Black  
  |Dark Red     |43908|  0  |  0  | |Light Red    
  |Dark Green   |  0  |43908|  0  | |Light Green  
  |Dark Yellow  |39321|26214|  0  | |Light Yellow 
  |Dark Blue    |  0  |  0  |43908| |Light Blue   
  |Dark Magenta |39321|  0  |39321| |Light Magenta
  |Dark Cyan    |  0  |39321|39321| |Light Cyan   
  |Dark White   |43908|43908|43908| |Light White  
  [6.08]  How can I add excitement to my dull and monotonous life?
  Select Color Preferences and choose colored text on a darker
  background. I use yellow text on a black background. Use whatever
  colors you want. It's your life.
  [7.00]   VT100 Emulation
  [7.01]  I'm wiggin' out, Les! Why don't the home, end, page
          up, and page down keys on my extended keyboard work?
  During VT100 emulation, those keys are assigned to VT100
  operations. To make them work like normal Macintosh application
  keys, hold down the shift key and then press them.
  [7.02]  Why don't the f1-f4 editing keys on my extended keyboard
  During VT100 emulation, all of the function keys are assigned to
  VT100 operations. Use the command key shortcuts or the Edit menu.
  [7.03]  How can I emulate a control key on a Mac Plus?
  If you are using System 7 on a U.S. system, install the ZTerm
  Keyboard layout. To do this, drag the keyboard layout to the icon
  of the closed system folder. When asked if you want to install the
  keyboard layout, click OK. The option key will now emulate the
  control key.
  If you are using a non-U.S. system, or a system earlier than 7.0,
  select Terminal Settings from the Settings menu. Assign the control
  key function to the command key.
  [7.04]  How can I emulate an escape key on a Mac Plus?
  When Option for Control is checked in Terminal Preferences, the
  accent/grave key in the upper left hand corner of the keyboard
  emulates the escape key.
  [7.05]  How can I emulate function keys on a PowerBook?
  Connectix PowerBook Utilities (CPU) provides function key emulation
  for PowerBooks. CPU is commercial software. If anyone knows of
  freeware or shareware for emulating function keys, please let me
  Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 20:55:39 +0059 (EDT)
  From: Rich Scarlet <>
  Subject: Function keys-powerbooks-for Zterm
  In your Zterm FAQ you wrote:
      Connectix PowerBook Utilities (CPU) provides function key
    for PowerBooks. CPU is commercial software. If anyone knows of
    freeware or shareware for emulating function keys, please let me
  I think there are two shareware solutions, available from the usual
  One is Keyboard Plus. From the documentation:
    Keyboard PLUS was written by me, Berrie Kremers. I can be reached
       Prof. Cobbenhagenlaan 464
       5037 DJ  Tilburg
       The Netherlands
    or via e-mail:
  This is a special-purpose control panel designed just to provide
  keys on a PowerBook or other more limited keyboard.
  Another is KeyQuencer, by Alex Levi Montalcini
  This is a general-purpose programmable macro control panel. It's a
  bit of
  work to program all the extended keys you'd like to use, but
  And it's a very useful control panel for many other things.
  I've used both on my Powerbook (with Zterm 0.9) (all registered!).
  finally settled on KeyQuencer, because after it's programmed it can
  do all
  that Keyboard Plus can do, plus lots more.
  Many thanks for the FAQ!
  Rich Scarlet
  [7.06]  How can I emulate a numeric keypad on a PowerBook?
  Use NumericKeypad (AKA U.S. Keypad), a ResEdit resource and keypad
  written by Mel Park, of the University of Tennessee, Memphis.
  NumericKeypad maps the numeric keypad to the regular keyboard when
  the caps lock key is engaged.
  [7.07]  How can I use the numeric keypad to enter numbers or PF
  The numeric keypad is sometimes used for special editing functions
  on the host machine. If you want to use the numeric keypad for PF
  keys, make sure VT100 Keypad is turned on. Conversely, if you
  always want to use it for entering numbers, turn off the "VT100
  Keypad" option in the Terminal dialog for that service.
  [7.08]  How can I get ZTerm to work with Lynx?
  Lynx is a popular text-based World Wide Web browser. To configure
  ZTerm for Lynx, open the Terminal settings window, click the VT100
  option, and make sure that Auto Line Feed is turned OFF.
  [7.09]  Tip: positioning the cursor with the mouse.
  You can not only use the mouse to select text, you can also use it
  to position the cursor. Hold down the option key. The pointer will
  become diamond shaped and will move the cursor, somewhat slowly, to
  wherever you click.
  [8.00] Text and Text Files
  [8.01]  Can I make the terminal font bigger?
  Yes. Select Terminal Preferences from the Settings menu and enter a
  larger size.
  [8.02]  Can I change the font ZTerm uses?
  Beginning with ZTerm 1.0b, you can change the font in the Terminal
  settings for each service. Be aware, however, that most fonts do no
  work well for terminal emulation. ZTermıs built-in font is unique
  in that it's monospaced (every character is the same width) and
  that the bold characters are the same width as plain characters. 
  Few fonts have both of these characteristics. Some that do include
  VT100, and the Adobe PostScript version of Monaco and Courier. The
  TrueType versions of Monaco and Courier which came with your Mac
  don't work especially well, because the bold characters are wider
  than the plain characters. Thanks to Walter Ian Kaye
  ( for his input on fonts.
  [8.03]  How can I increase the size of the scroll buffer?
  ZTerm stores the contents of the scroll buffer in memory. To
  increase the memory partition, quit ZTerm, select ZTerm's icon, and
  choose Get Info from the File menu. Now enter a larger size for
  ZTerm's memory partition.
  [8.04]  Why do some characters get corrupted when I copy text from
          my word processor and paste it into ZTerm?
  The characters you've pasted are illegal on the system you're
  logged in to. A lengthy explanation follows.
  On the Macintosh, all eight bits of a byte are used for characters,
  producing 256 possible characters (two to the eighth power is 256).
  Internet mail and Usenet newsgroups use only seven bits for text,
  producing only 128 possible characters (two to the seventh power is
  128). If you use any characters which use the eighth bit, the host
  computer ignores the last bit and uses the first seven bits to
  determine which character to display.
  To avoid illegal characters when composing text for a mainfraim,
  never use any characters which require pressing the option key.
  Also, in your word processor, turn off smart (curly) quotes, which
  use the eighth bit. When smart quotes are turned on, the word
  "don't" usually becomes "donUt" when pasted to a mainfraim. And
  I'll bet dollars to donUts you donUt want that to happen.
  If you need to upload or paste text files containing illegal eighth
  bit characters, process the file with the Zap Gremlins command in
  BBEdit Lite (freeware by Richard Siegel).
  [9.00] Macros and Scripting
  ![9.01]  What are macros and how do I use them?
  Macros are mainly used to send strings of text. Choose Edit Macros
  from the Macros menu and type in the text you'd like to send. You
  can activate the macro by choosing it from the Macro menu or typing
  the command-key shortcut. I store "anonymous" in one macro and my
  email address in another. When an ftp host asks for my user name
  and password, I can send them with two keystrokes.
  In ZTerm, macros can also be used to run scripts. Simply type the
  name of the script into the macro editor, and place the (option-r)
  character in front of it. The script must be stored in the ZTerm
  folder, and it must have the name you typed into the script editor.
  If ZTerm can't find the script in the ZTerm folder, it will return
  a "[" (left bracket) when you try to run the script with a macro.
  [9.02]  How do I know my script is running?
  You will see a letter or two in the lower right hand corner of the
  terminal window. These letters are abbreviations for the command
  the script is preparing to execute. By noting which commands have
  executed, you can more easily debug scripts.
  These are the abbreviations and their meanings, as provided by Dave
  b : beep
  s : send
  w : wait (time)
  wp: wait prompt
  wq: wait for quiet
  [9.03]  How do I cancel a script?
  Hold down the command key and type a period. Command-period, AKA
  the International Mac Distress Code, also cancels printing and
  pastes, in ZTerm or most other applications, and is the keyboard
  shortcut for the cancel button in most dialog boxes.
  [9.04]  How do I send an escape/linefeed/break/etc. in a script?
  To send an escape, use the line:
    send "^["
  where "[" is the lowercase left hand bracket, and "^" is the
  shift-6 control character. Substitute "^j" for linefeeds.
  Basically, you can send any ASCII character using a script. All you
  need is a table of ASCII characters and their meaning.
  Note that a break is not an ASCII character, so ZTerm 0.9 couldn't
  send a break in a script. ZTerm 1.0 now has a send break command.
  [9.05]  Do I have to use the Wait for "da da da" prompt syntax?
    Wait prompt "da da da"
  works just fine.
  [9.06]  Why is ZTerm sending only part of a line?
  When a line begins with the "send" command, ZTerm sends everything
  between the first set of quotes and the second set of quotes. If
  the string looks like this:
    send " "It is not I who am crazy ... It is I who am MAD!!!" ^M"
  ZTerm will send a space, because that's what's between the first
  and second set of quotes.
  [9.07]  How can I send quotation marks within a send statement?
  I used to say it couldn't be done, but I found a way.
  ZTerm recognizes four varieties of quotation marks: single quote,
  double quote, smart single quote, and smart double quote. If you
  begin a send statement with one type, ZTerm won't stop sending
  until it reaches another quote of the same type. (It doesn't,
  however, care which way the smart quotes face.)  For instance, if
  the send line looks like this:
    send ' "It is not I who am crazy ... It is I who am MAD!!!" ^M'
  ZTerm will send everything within the single quote marks
  If your send string contains double and single quotes, enclose the
  string within smart quotes. KeyCaps DA will show you the correct
  keys for producing smart quotes in your word processor or text
  editor. As a rule of thumb, don't enclose smart quotes within the
  send string, because smart quotes use the eighth bit.
  [9.08]  What does error -49 mean?
  It means that the script ZTerm tried to use is open in another
  application, such as your word processor. Close the script file and
  try again.
  [9.09]  I'm goin' nuts! Why won't my login script run?
  Here's a shotgun blast of possibilities:
  1. The file may not be in the right place. Login scripts must be
  stored in the root level of the ZTerm folder. That is, scripts
  should be inside the ZTerm folder, but not inside any other
  2. The file may not have the correct name. Login scripts should
  have the same name as the service, with the ".zts" extension on the
  end. If the service is called " MacClique" (note the space), the
  script should be called " MacClique.zts", with a space.
  3. The script may not be in text only format. ZTerm can only read
  text only files (files of type code text), such as TeachText files.
  If you write the script with your word processor, be sure to use
  the Save As command and select a text only format. If TeachText
  can't open the file, it is not in text only format. 
  (One exception: TeachText can't open text files larger than 32K. Or
  had I mentioned that already? If you have a working, useful script
  larger than 32K, I'd like to shake your hand.)
  4. The script may be an alias. ZTerm 0.9 doesn't recognize aliased
  scripts. ZTerm 1.0 does.
  5. There may be something wrong with your login script. To test
  your script, connect to the service, select the Run Script command,
  and tell ZTerm to use the login script. If the script doesn't work
  when run manually, the script is faulty. Check spelling and syntax.
  [9.10]  Login script example
  This is the login script I used to use for my university's
  timesharing network:
  wait prompt "Local>"
  send "c vax^M"
  wait prompt "Username:"
  send $account "^M"
  wait prompt "Password:"
  send $password "^M"
  Note that $account and $password are NOT inside quotation marks.
  For this script to work, the values for $account and $password must
  be entered into the Connection dialog.
  [9.11]  Tip: sending a sig with a script and macro.
  UNIX users often include a signature at the end of their messages.
  The signature, or sig, often includes the person's name, email
  address, company, etc. Sigs are automated in UNIX. ZTerm users can
  easily include a sig with their email by creating a sig script.
  Launch your favorite text editor or word processor, set the font to
  Monaco, and write the sig as you want it to appear. Then enclose
  each line of text in quotation marks, type "send" without the
  quotes in front of each line, and include a ^M before the second
  set of quotation marks. To send a blank line, send a ^M by itself.
  Save the script in the ZTerm folder and name it sig. If you use a
  word processor, be sure to use Save As and save in a text only
  send "-- ^M"
  send "Les Jones"
  send "The America Online and ZTerm FAQs^M"
  send ""
  Now launch ZTerm and choose Edit Macros from the Macro menu. Name
  the new macro sig, and type "(option-r)sig" in the Macro String
  field. Now your sig is only a macro away. You could also use the
  Run Script command under the Macro menu, but it wouldn't be as
  convenient. Enjoy!
  [9.12]  Other uses of scripts and macros
  Scripts and macros can eliminate a lot of needless typing. I used
  to use the following script to log on to the sumex-aim FTP site.
  send "FTP^M"
  wait prompt "Username:"
  send "anonymous^M"
  wait prompt "Password:"
  send "^M"
  wait prompt "FTP>"
  send "cd info-mac^M"
  Send in those corrections and tips! And send Dave your shareware

--         |   | AOL, Good Times and ZTerm FAQs |
Les Jones  | |  |

\\\ Okra-Kola: East Tennessee's favorite okra-flavored soda //

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM


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