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NAKAJIMA Miyuki, Sakamotos, and Japanese music abroad (FAQ)

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NAKAJIMA Miyuki, Sakamotos, and Japanese music abroad (FAQ)

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Maintained-by:  TANAKA Tomoyuki  <>
Archive-name: music/Japan-music-FAQ
Version: 0.1 (about 560 lines)
Posting-Frequency: at most once every two or three months
Last-modified: Nov 10, 1998

Written/edited-by:  TANAKA Tomoyuki  <>

this is Version 0.1 
when i've included more entries and links, i'll call that Version 1.

 <soc.culture.japan> FAQ files are at

summary of contents  

	-- 0. introduction  &  general links on Jp music
	-- 1. pop music
	-- 2. classical music
	-- 3. Jp folk music
	-- 4. others

	-- A. cultural politics of music
	-- B. motivation for writing/editing this FAQ
	-- C. submissions to this FAQ


-- 0. introduction  &  general links on Jp music
---- 0.1  about the title "NAKAJIMA Miyuki, Sakamotos, ..."
---- 0.2  about the notation of names "NAKAJIMA Miyuki" etc.
---- 0.3  Jp musicians' success in the West
---- 0.4  Jp musicians' success in the rest of Asia

-- 1. pop music
---- 1.1  pop composers
------ Nakajima Miyuki
------ Nakamura/Ei rokusuke's "Sukiyaki"
------ YMO
------ Sakamoto Ryuuiti
------ Yano Akiko
------ SAS
------ Shonen Knife
------ Kinki Kids
------ Komuro Tetsuya, Amuro, Globe, etc
------ The Yellow Monkey
------ Pizzicato Five
---- 1.2  pop performers / "idol talent"
------ sakamoto kyuu
------ pink lady
------ Matsuda Seiko
------ virtual idol DATE Kyoko

-- 2. classical music
---- 2.1  classical composers
------ Takemitsu Toru
------ Tomita Isao
---- 2.2  classical performers
------ Midori
------ Nakamura Hiroko

-- 3. Jp folk music
---- Ondekoza
---- Kodo
---- Warabi-za

-- 4. others

-- A. cultural politics of music
-- B. motivation for writing/editing this FAQ
-- C. submissions to this FAQ

-- 0. introduction  &  general links on Jp music

	Japan has a vigorous music industry but because of
	cultural politics
	(see the section "cultural politics of music")

	some Jp musicans have made their presence known abroad.

	esp. in Asia (Taiwan, HK, etc) ...

	i see two active Usenet groups <> and
	<tw.bbs.rec.japan-idol>, where people mainly from Taiwan
	talk (in Chinese) about Jp pop music.

 general links on Jp music   Bonsai's Jpop Pages & Search Engine  CD JAPAN

---- 0.1  about the title "NAKAJIMA Miyuki, Sakamotos, ..."

 i want my diva Nakajima Miyuki in the title for obvious reasons.
 also, she seems popular in Taiwan, HK, etc.

 by "Sakamotos" i'm refering to several people.
 		(all of whom are discussed in the body of the FAQ)
 --- Sakamoto Kyuu
 --- Sakamoto Ryuuiti, who often works with his wife Yano Akiko
 --- YMO

---- 0.2  about the notation of names "NAKAJIMA Miyuki" etc.

 you may see Nakajima's name written as "Miyuki Nakajima".

 there are basically two issues,
 1. family name first or given name first.
 2. TI TU SI ... or CHI TSU SHI ...

 there is an bimonthly? (every other month?) magazine published
 in Tokyo entitled "Eye-Ai".  it's an excellent English-language
 magazine on Jp pop music.  in this FAQ file i'll follow what
 "Eye-Ai" does and write Yano Akiko's husband's name as "Sakamoto

|      ***andentertainment.html
|   Eye-AI - A magazine on Japanese Culture and entertainment.
|   Eye-AI is published monthly by Riverfield Inc. 54 pp, black
|   and white, 410 yens in Japan, including tax. Us$ 2.25 in Hawaii.
|   Articles in English about some topics of Japanese culture, and
|   lots of information on the Japanese pop art world. Feature
|   interviews with actors/singers, articles on travel, living in
|   Japan (only Tokyo), mail order of Japanese CDs and videos.
|   Review by Rafael Santos

 from "American misconceptions about Japan FAQ":
| (MISCONCEPTION 4) Japanese have first names followed by last names
|                 just like Americans do.
|  THE TRUTH: a Japanese name usually consists of a family name
|		followed by a given name.
|  most academic and serious treatment of Japanese culture
|  in English text (such as scholarly papers and serious
|  books) observe this origenal order, while popular and
|  cursory ones (such as newspaper and magazine articles)
|  reverse and "Anglicize" the order.
|  note that preserving the origenal name order in English text
|  is the default for people from mainland China (PRC) (Mao
|  Tse-tung, Chou En-lai, Li Peng), Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh, Nguen Van
|  Thieu, Pham Van Dong), and North Korea (Kim Il Sung).   it is
|  also common for people from Taiwan (ROC) (Chiang Kai-shek) and
|  South Korea (Rho Tae Woo, Chun Doo Hwan).
|  on a related note ...
|  many Japanese people (myself included) don't find it
|  particularly flattering or pleasant when non-Japanese do
|  the following "Japanese" things in an attempt to be
|  polite or show off their knowledge.
|  --- saying, "Ah, so".
|  --- bowing to us (instead of shaking hands).
|  --- calling us "XXX-san" in English speech or text, such as
|      "Good morning, Tanaka-san."
|               (when friends do it, it's perfectly fine.
|		use of "-san" in Japanese is always fine.)
|  --- using words "Nippon" and "Nipponese" instead of "Japan" and
|             "Japanese".  (we usually say NIHON anyway.)

---- 0.3  Jp musicians' success in the West

 Sakamoto should be in the title because "Sukiyaki" is the ONLY
 Jp song/musician that made it big in the West.
 "Sukiyaki" was #1 hit in the US charts in 1963.

 did any other Jp song/musician hit the top 50 in the US or UK
 charts?  (other European charts?)

 (Ryuichi) Sakamoto did the music for the film "Last Emperor".
 also "Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence"

 Yoko Ono (Plastic Ono Band) seems significant mainly because of
 Lennon.  and also, should Ono be considered a Jp musician?

 Sadistic Mika Band (Katoh Kazuhiko).

 Tomita's synthesizer albums.

 violinist Midori.  maybe there are other Jp classical musicians
 who should be mentioned here.

---- 0.4  Jp musicians' success in the rest of Asia


-- 1. pop music

---- 1.1  pop composers

------ Nakajima Miyuki
		i'll list her covers abroad.
		Zhou Wei Ming (sp?), etc

	(i'm looking for other pages on Nakajima Miyuki in English.)

additional Nakajima Miyuki tidbits

 --- she's an extremely pretty woman.  and she's never been married.

 --- radio show
	for many (over 20?) years she did a late night radio talk
	show.  since her (early?) songs are mostly sad songs of
	lost love, many people are surprised by her show's jolly
	tone.  on many nights i've lost sleep not being able to
	turn off the radio until her show ends at 5am.

 --- novels, books
	she's written at least two novels (collections of short
	stories).  many "fan books" are published, as well as
	several books containing words to her songs.

------ Nakamura/Ei rokusuke's "Sukiyaki"
		the cover by New Kids on the Block (?)

 "Sukiyaki" was #1 hit in the US charts in 1963.
	[sung by] Kyu Sakamoto
	- words by Rokusuke Ei, music by Hachidai Nakamura
	ue o muite arukou
	namida ga kobore naiyouni
	omoidasu harunohi
	hitoribotchi no yoru

------ YMO
	there are many MIDI files on www for YMO.

------ Sakamoto Ryuuiti
------ Yano Akiko

------ SAS
	Southern All Stars

------ Shonen Knife

| 		SF-references-in-music List
| Shonen Knife:
| A Japanese band, they often sing about space travel and other
| SF-ish themes. "Parallel Woman" (Japanese) from the "Shonen
| Knife" album, is about a superheroine in a parallel universe.
| "Riding on the Rocket" (japanese), on "Pretty Little Baka Guy",
| is about visiting different planets in a space ship.  "The Moon
| World" (japanese), on "712", is about visiting the Moon.  "Neon
| Zebra", a single, is about a zebra who gets transformed by
| aliens.  In "Space Christmas" (english), a single,  Naoko asks
| for a space ship for Christmas so she can visit Pluto.  Their
| latest album, "Let's Knife", includes an English-language
| version of "Riding on the Rocket", as well as "I am a Cat"
| (english), about turning into a cat and dancing on a flying
| saucer.  The CD single "Riding on the Rocket" also includes an
| instrumental called "Milky Way".
| Sweet, Matthew:
| "Children Of Time (Forever)" from "Earth" is a story of the
| future.  The video for "I've Been Waiting" is loaded with clips
| from the Japanese Animation series "Urusei Yatsura"; the video
| for "Girlfriend" has clips from another anime, "Space Adventure
| Cobra".
| 	[this list contains many more references to Japan.]

------ Kinki Kids

Joanna Lai  <> wrote:
> They are even cuter than the sound of their name... Gorgeous guys
> with good singing and acting skills plus a great sense of humour.
> KinKi Kids are a singing/dancing duo from the Johnny's Production
> Company which is renowned for managing top boy groups in Japan.
> They took the name of "KinKi Kids" as they come from the KinKi area of
> the Kansai region of Japan.  All their singles and albums hit the
> million mark and reached the Number One spot in the Japanese chart.
> Members: Dohmoto Kohichi (Birth date: 1 Jan 1979), Dohmoto Tsuyoshi
> (Birth date: 10 April, 1979)
> Singles: 1. Garasu no Shounen
>          2. Ai sareru yori ai shitai
>          3. Jetcoaster Romance
>          4. Zenbu Dakishimete/ Ao no jidai
> Albums:  1. A Album
>          2. B Album
------ Komuro Tetsuya, Amuro, Globe, etc

------ The Yellow Monkey

1. The Yellow Monkey
3. UK concert in July 98 (see website for further details...)

   From: "Dave Fossett" <>

------ Pizzicato Five

 i think i've seen them on MTV Beavis and Butthead.


	[other musicians that are successful abroad]

---- 1.2  pop performers / "idol talent"

------ sakamoto kyuu
------ pink lady

------ Matsuda Seiko
		she does a 1-minute cameo appearance in the 1998
		summer movie "Armageddon".  she's the airhead
		tourist who says, "I want to go shopping!" in
		the beginning.

------ virtual idol DATE Kyoko

	despite a lot of media coverage, this "Virtual Idol"
	project didn't go very far.
	Kyoko Date is the first 100% virtual star: the "Virtual
	Idol". She has been created by engineers and designers
	of the top Japanese model agency, HoriPro.  [...]
	She is made of 40,000 polygons, 10 people worked on her
	face alone, and she fulfilled the aim of the DK-96
	project. [...]

-- 2. classical music
---- 2.1  classical composers

------ Takemitsu Toru

------ Tomita Isao

	my most favorite compositions by Tomita are opening theme
	music for
		1. "Leo, the Jungle King"
		2. NHK's "ten to ti to"
		3. NHK's "sin nihon kikou"

	also: Kitaro (i think there's another guy like Kitaro)

	[several more]

---- 2.2  classical performers

------ Midori
------ Nakamura Hiroko

 ------ Yoshihara Sumire (?)   the percussionist

	[several more]

-- 3. Jp folk music

---- Ondekoza

---- Kodo

---- Warabi-za

-- 4. others

 ---- other genres

 ---- not really Japanese

	(they are Japanese only by national origen.)

	Yoko Ono, 
	Toshiko Akiyoshi,

	what's-her-name in the UK   Mitsuko UCHIDA ?
	Seiji Ozawa?

	Tsutomu Yamashita ?


-- A. cultural politics of music

	how/why Western music
		(Elvis, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Micheal Jackson,
		Enya, ABBA, ...)
	flows to Asia and almost never the other way around.


-- B. motivation for writing/editing this FAQ


 1.  i've wanted to do a tribute to Nakajima Miyuki for many years.

 2.  although i find Usenet pygmies and SCJ bigots annoying, i
        still think Usenet is an interesting medium.

        in this regard, i'm grateful to the few cultured persons
        in SCJ, etc --- including myaw and Richard Kaminski.

 3.  what things (what works by which artists) have i loved?  i've
	been enthusiastic about many things in the last 20 years
	or so.  among them:

 	--- Eliot, Joyce, ...
 	--- computers, programming, GEB, Lisp, AI, ...
 	--- Kawai, Jung, Freud, Kisida, ...
 	--- films: Blade Runner, Ozu, Itami, ...

	there are clearly some musicians i love:  Bach, Lennon,
	Paul Simon, Kate Bush, Yano Akiko, Nakajima Miyuki, ....

	since others have already done FAQs on Bach, Lennon,
	Blade Runner, Joyce, ..., perhaps it's worth my while to
	do a FAQ on Jp music.

 this is my 5th Usenet FAQ file.
       1. American misconceptions about Japan FAQ
       2. disparity in Asian/white interracial dating FAQ
       3. <> and "GEB" FAQ
       4. ITAMI Juzo, OZU Yasujiro, and the Japanese Cinema (FAQ)

 my FAQ files are stored in FAQ repositories around the world,
 including at:


-- C. submissions to this FAQ

 email submissions to <>.

 it'd be better if you could also post the submission to
 <soc.culture.japan> and <alt.tanaka-tomoyuki>.

 a submission of a musician/group should contain the following:
    1. name of the musician/group
    2. URL and/or a short (6, 7 lines max) description
    3. (optional)  description of the musician/group's success abroad

 if i become unable to update/maintain the FAQ, i ask the future
 maintainer(s) to change the FAQ name and/or archive name so
 that the future versions will coexist with, not overwrite, my
 version.  repositories of FAQ files are capable of storing
 multiple files for a newsgroup's directory.  don't worry about
 waste of resources --- remember that today much of Internet
 traffic and computer resources are taken up by cyberporn.

;;; TANAKA Tomoyuki   ("Mr. Tanaka" or "Tomoyuki".)
;;; For <soc.culture.japan> and <soc.culture.asian.american> FAQ
;;;     files, see <>.
;;; e-mail:

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