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PNS-L FAQ: Pakistan News Service Discussion (bit.listserv.pns-l)

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PNS-L FAQ: Pakistan News Service Discussion (bit.listserv.pns-l)

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Archive-name: pakistan/news-service-list
Last-modified: 1997/02/14
Version: 1.7
Organization: Caltech Alumni Association, Pasadena, California.

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
	   Copyright 1993-94-95-96-97

	Pakistan News Service Discussions
	Asim Mughal (

Redistribution for profit, or in altered content /format
prohibited without permission of the authors.  Any other
redistribution  must include this copyright  notice  and



This message is automatically posted once a month to provide 
answers to commonly asked questions on this forum. 

If you have any  contributions or changes to this document 
please send me an email message. If you never wish you see
this document again,  please add the above subject in your 
KILL file.

Asim Mughal (
bit.listserv.pns-l FAQ Maintainer

[Standard Disclaimer]

This  FAQ  posting  is  now  in USENET digest format.  If you are 
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1) 	About bit.listserv.pns-l 
2)	Introduction to Pakistan News Service Discussions  (PNS-L)
3)	Editorial Policies for PNS-L
4)  	History/Data on PNS-L 
5)  	Auto DIGEST setup for PNS-L
6)     	Where to Send Contributions?
7)     	PNS-L Staff & how to contact them
8)	How to subscribe to PNS-L
9)	For Information on Pakistan 
10) 	Archived Digests
11)*	WWW Home Page
12)    	This FAQ- Archive Info, History & Credits. 

* Updated in this rev.

Subject: 1) About bit.listserv.pns-l

	The newsgroup 'bit.listserv.pns-l'  is distribution of 
	BITnet LISTs "PNS-L@PSUVM" (Pakistan News Service Discussions)

	The gateway established at American Univ. is bi-directioal.
	This allows digest/newsletter posted by the editors on LISTSERV
	to appear on USENET 'bit.listserv.pns-l.'

	Any submission sent to 'bit.listserv.pns-l' is routed to the 
	editors of PNS-L automatically.

Subject: 2) Introduction to Pakistan News Service Discussions. 

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  In   the   name  of   ALLAH,   the    Beneficent,   the    Merciful

                                P N S - L

                     Pakistan News Service Discussion

 Vol. 1  No. INAUG  15 Rabbi-us-sani 1414 Hijri       Saturday October 02, 1993
 Editor: Asim Mughal                           

    Asaalaam O Alaikum (Greetings)

    The Pakistan News Service (PNS) is proud to open a discussion forum.

                  PNS-L Pakistan News Service Discussion

    We will like  to  open  this  discussion  for  a  variety  of  services,

        o Info on PNS Activities
        o Info  on  retrieving  archived  PNS  files
        o Coordination among PNS Representatives
        o Feedback  (Comments  & Suggestions) from Readers
        o On-line  discussions  with  PNS  Board
        o Spin-off debates from "Letter to the Editor" Column
        o Answer any questions from readers
        o Special Events Mailing List

    PNS-L is open for subscription for  anyone  interested.  We have several
    options in running this forum, it  will  be minimally moderated. We will
    appreciate academic language & respect for others in debates.

    If you are Pakistan News  Service  Representative,  you  are  already on
    PNS-L & will be receiving this message  twice - once thru PAKISTAN & the
    second one thru PNS-L.

    On special events, for example, election  night or for crucial events we
    will keep you up-to-date every  few  hours  on  this forum. The complete
    news will continue to be posted on Pakistan News Service Newsletters.

    We solicit your cooperation on making PNS-L a success!

    Pakistan Zindabad!

    Asim Mughal
    for PNS Exec Board

Subject: 3) Editorial Policies of PNS-L

                        Editorial Policy of this Forum

                1.      Minimum Moderation
                2.      Academic Language
                3.      No Insults, name calling etc
                4.      Directly or Indirectly Related
                        to Pakistan

Subject: 4) History Data on PNS-L 

	PNS-L DATA : Statistics & Info  as of 6/10/94

        Name   :        Pakistan News Service Discussions 

        Founded:        15 Rabbi-us-sani 1414 Hirji, October 02, 1993 
        Founders:       Nauman Kassim Mysorewala, Syed Irfan Ashraf
			Syed Asim Ali & Asim Mughal

        Membership:     1000+ direct subscribers as of  1/1/95 

        Editors:       	Asim Mughal 

        Addresses:      PNS-L @ PSUVM.BITnet or
          -USENET:      bit.listserv.pns-l    [Since Oct 1, '93]

        Subscription fee: FREE

	Publication Frequency: Weekly 

        Volume numbers change every: March 23 & August 14.

Subject: 5) Auto DIGEST setup for PNS-L 

	As of November 1, 1994, the default distribution for PNS-L has 
	been changed to DIGEST.  The options for  DIGEST have been set 
		a) 500+ lines.
		b) weekly.
	  	c) 11:30 pm	

	In simple words, it means, all the incoming articles for PNS-L
	are saved in  a file. Everyday at 11:30pm, it checks to see if 
	either of the two situations are met, specifically,  the saved
	file  is  more  than 500 lines long or if it has been one week 
	since last  publication. If any of the  criterion  is  met,  a 
	publication is generated in 'digest' form and distributed. 

	The benefit of this setup include less overhead on parts of the
	PNS-L staff and consistency of at least one publication a week. 
	Subscribers are free to change their distribution options at any
	time  by sending an email message to: listserv@psuvm.bitnet, the 
	syntax of command sent as text of the email message should be:


Subject: 6) Where to Send Contributions?

	Please send your contributions to any of the following addresses:



	D-  USENET:  % Pnews bit.listserv.pns-l

	E-  USENET: Simply followup. 

Subject: 7) PNS-L Staff & how to contact them?

	PNS-L is managed and run by: Pakistan News Service 

STAFF Listing:
   |									   |
   |            Pakistan News Service - Executive Board (Active)           |
   |            ------------------------------------------------           |
   |                  Nauman Kassim Mysorewala, Asim Mughal                |
   |                     Syed Irfan Ashraf, Syed Asim Ali                  |

   |                                                                       |
   |       Subscriptions accepted by server "LISTSERV@PSUVM.BITNET"        |
   |              or "LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU" with command:                |
   |                        "SUB PNS-L Your_Full_Name"                     |
   |                                                                       |
   |        Editors reserve the right to delete, edit or trim any          |
   |        submission and/or  parts thereof without prior notice.         |
   |									   |
   |______________________________________________________________________ |
Subject: 8) How to subscribe to PNS-L



    Send an email to:

    No subject needed.

    Text of the message should be:

    SUB PNS-L firstname lastname

    You will receive a message from  LISTSERV  to authenticate your request.
    Please  respond  by  "OK  xxxxx"  [xxxxx  will  be  code  sent  to you].
    For help: email to: PNS-L@psuvm.bitnet or
Subject: 9) For Information on Pakistan

	Newsgroups:	soc.culture.pakistan    (Unmoderated)
			bit.listserv.pakistan 	-Pakistan News Service
	Documents:	FAQ: soc.culture.pakistan
			FAQ: bit.listserv.pakistan	

	Write to:	Pakistan@asuacad.Bitnet -Pakistan News Service

Subject: 10) Archived Digests 

    Archived Digests  of  PNS-L  are  automatically   created  &  stored  on To  retrieve  a full listing of archived digests
    (filelist), send an email message to  "", the text
    of the message must be: 

    			INDEX PNS-L 

    A file similar to the one below  will  be mailed back. Select the Digest
    archive desired. To retrieve a copy  of the digest, again write an email
    message to  ""  with the following format for your
    text message: 

			GET PNS-L LOGyymm

			Note: yy == year (e.g. 94)
	      		      mm == month (e.g. 08 for August)

	Hence the command would have been.

			GET PNS-L LOG9408

    write to:

    A copy of Filelist retreived as of January 10, 1996 is attached. 

*  Pakistan News Service Filelist
*  This file lists the programs that are stored on LISTSERV and can be
*  retrieved by network  users. Certain programs are  not intended for
*  common use and their retrieval is restricted.
*  If an entry shows nrecs=0  the file is not available.
*  This filelist may  be sorted in columns  47 to 63 to get  a list of
*  files in  the order of  their updates. Sorting in  descending order
*  shows the most recently updated files at the top.
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
*  The GET/PUT authorization codes shown with each file entry describe
*  who is authorized to GET or PUT the file:
*     ALL = Everybody
*     PRV = List members
*     OWN = List owners
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
*  The GET/PUT authorization codes shown with each file entry describe
*  who is authorized to GET or PUT the file:
*     ALL = Everybody
*     OWN = List owners
*     PRV = Private, ie list members
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

*                                                                       *
* FILELIST declarations                                                 *
*                                                                       *
* Those filelists  which have a PUT  code of N/A are  either maintained *
* automatically by LISTSERV or come in as part of the LISTSERV software *
* package and can therefore not be changed by the installation.         *
*                                                                       *
*                             rec               last - change
* filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time   File description
* -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------------------------------
  PNS-L    WELCOME    PRV OWN V      80   454 95/08/15 08:50:53 FAQ & Welcome
  PNS-L    PNSFAQ     ALL OWN V      80   922 95/10/16 23:38:27 Pakistan News Service FAQ
  PNS-L    IINNFAQ    ALL OWN V      80  1434 95/10/16 23:38:50 Islamic Information & News Network FAQ
  PNS-L    PNS-LFAQ   ALL OWN V      80   450 95/10/16 23:40:52 Pakistan News Service Discussions FAQ

*  NOTEBOOK archives for the list
*  (Monthly notebook)
*                             rec               last - change
* filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time   Remarks
* -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------------------------------
  PNS-L    LOG9501    PRV OWN V      80  2260 95/01/31 11:40:28 Started on Thu, 5 Jan 1995 18:08:57 PST
  PNS-L    LOG9502    PRV OWN V      80  3523 95/02/28 05:26:42 Started on Thu, 2 Feb 1995 22:35:23 -0800
  PNS-L    LOG9503    PRV OWN V      80  1249 95/03/30 16:24:58 Started on Wed, 1 Mar 1995 11:17:39 PST
  PNS-L    LOG9504    PRV OWN V      80  4569 95/04/25 04:36:41 Started on Tue, 4 Apr 1995 19:36:37 -0700
  PNS-L    LOG9505    PRV OWN V      80  4066 95/05/27 19:47:30 Started on Mon, 1 May 1995 21:48:07 -0700
  PNS-L    LOG9506    PRV OWN V      80  3393 95/06/29 15:08:57 Started on Thu, 1 Jun 1995 11:22:42 -0700
  PNS-L    LOG9507    PRV OWN V      80  3081 95/07/30 06:17:16 Started on Sat, 1 Jul 1995 03:07:58 -0700
  PNS-L    LOG9508    PRV OWN V      83  3582 95/08/30 08:47:00 Started on Tue, 1 Aug 1995 00:59:02 -0700
  PNS-L    LOG9509    PRV OWN V      80  3514 95/09/29 03:19:01 Started on Fri, 1 Sep 1995 00:09:46 -0700
  PNS-L    LOG9510    PRV OWN V      80  3342 95/10/31 07:39:32 Started on Mon, 2 Oct 1995 01:36:46 -0700
  PNS-L    LOG9511    PRV OWN V     109  3327 95/11/22 03:34:39 Started on Wed, 1 Nov 1995 12:06:00 -0800
  PNS-L    LOG9512    PRV OWN V      80  2183 95/12/24 12:59:11 Started on Wed, 6 Dec 1995 06:21:51 -0800
  PNS-L    LOG9601    PRV OWN V      80  1736 96/01/09 19:42:51 Started on Mon, 1 Jan 1996 15:15:10 -0800

Subject: 11) WWW Home Page 



Subject: 12) This FAQ: Archive Info, History & Credits 

ARCHIVE: This FAQ is archived & availble thru anonymous FTP
	 & world-wide web.

	Anonymous FTP: 

	1. SITE:
	   Directory:   /pub/usenet/news.answers/pakistan/news-service-list

	2. SITE:
	   Directory:	/pub/usenet/news.answers/pakistan/news-service-list

	Word-Wide Web:
URL for this FAQ:


Version 1.0  Released June 10, '94 	
Version 1.2  Released Aug  14, '94 	 Copyright Info Added
Version 1.3  Released Feb  12, '95	 Item #5 new. Total 10 items. 
Version 1.4  Released Aug  10, '95	 New Items #10 & #11.
Version 1.5  Released Oct  05, '95	 Subject: &  #11 updated.
Version 1.6  Released Jan  10, '96	 Updated #10.
Version 1.7  Released Feb  14, '97       Updated #11,Header to SCP.* groups.
					 Archive name changed.

CREDITS: Pakistan News Service Staff 

End of Bit.Listserv.PNS-L FAQ Digest

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM


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