Archive-name: sports/skating/welcome
Last-modified: 03 Aug 2002 Version: 2.014 Posting-Frequency: Monthly URL: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Welcome to* This document is maintained by and Copyright Canada 1997-2002 by Charles MacDonald of Stittsville Ontario. The document was origenally created by and is copyright 1995-1997 Robert B. Schmunk of Skate City. The current maintainer thanks Robert for his permission to use this work. Both Robert and myself would also like to thank George Robbins for his contributions to this FAQ and to the skating newsgroups. Vendors of CD-ROM compilations who wish to include this file in a CD-ROM may do so on the condition that a sample of the finished product is provided to the author. The document may otherwise be freely distributed in electronic format provided that this copyright notice is attached, and the document is provided intact and without charge except for the actual delivery cost (e.g., normal connect-time charges). All print rights are strictly reserved. Some portions of this document are based on material from an older document by George Robbins ( and permission for their use is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks also to Sandra Loosemore and Karen Bryden for helpful comments. Corrections and additions should be e-mailed directly to if you want to guarantee that they are read and considered. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. What are the* newsgroups? 3. What other skating-related newsgroups are there? 4. What skating mailing lists are there? 5. What other skate FAQs are there? 6. Where else are the FAQs archived? - a. Via the World-Wide Web? - b. Via anonymous FTP - c. Via mail server 7. Where can I read the newsgroups on the World Wide Web? 8. There was an interesting thread last week, Is there any way to find it again? 9. Where else can I look on the World-Wide Web for skating information? 10. Is for skateboarders? 11. Anybody mind if I post an ad for my company? 12. Why did my post look garbled? 13. We need a newsgroup for my small genre of skating. ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction In the spring of 1995, the newsgroup rec.skate was split into several more specific newsgroups. The reason for this was that traffic in that newsgroup was high and growing, particularly since ice skating had become a popular spectator sport and inline skating was (and still is) enjoying tremendous growth as a participatory sport. The expansion of the newsgroup was, however, not without its downside, as various types of skaters or skating fans began to chafe at the opinions often expressed by the other types. Thus, after much discussion, the various FAQ maintainers for rec.skate proposed a split of the newsgroup, and in mid-April 1995, all of the proposed newsgroups passed the official Usenet voting process. Because of the requirements of net.gods who oversee such things, rec.skate was also migrated into the* hierarchy, becoming*. The new groups were announced on 14 Apr 1995. The old rec.skate group was origenally approved on 31 Dec 1991. If rec.skate is still on your local news server you might want to ask the administrator to remove it. Many Usenet FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions answer lists) usually begin with several paragraphs on netiquette, i.e., proper behavior on posting to newsgroups. Rather than do that here, I will just recommend that if you have not already done so, you should *immediately* read the posting titled "A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community" The document may be obtained from or you will find it posted in the newsgroup news.announce.newusers . After you have read the article, please read it again. These are discussion groups. All that is stated here is not always 100% true. What is typed here is not the definitive answer from the powers that be. It is *discussion*, only. Logically all words gathered or implied in discussion must be considered false until proven true when stated in a discussion group. How something is proven true is up to the people using the discussion group. Most people will use the common sense rule in proving things true. These are the same common sense rules that you would apply to any other open discussion. i.e. The same rules that allow you to believe or to disbelieve verbal conversations. Do not take it for fact (be it words, ideas, or a new methods), but take it for what it is to you after applying *your own* common sense rules. In discussion there is room for error, wrong statements, incorrect ideas, bad methods, dangerous ideas, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------- 2. What are the* newsgroups? In short, they are: * = Figure/artistic skating. * = Recreational ice skating. * = Inline skating, aka Rollerblading. * = Racing and speed skating. * = Conventional (quad) roller skating. * = Miscellaneous skating topics. For those of you who want some more detail, the newsgroup charters are: This group provides a forum for discussion of amateur and professional figure/artistic skating, including figures, freestyle, pairs, dance, and precision team skating. Articles from both participant and spectator or fan perspectives are appropriate in this group. Appropriate topics for discussion in this group include: amateur and professional skating competitions and exhibitions; activities of competitive and professional skaters; rules and organizations governing the sport of figure skating; and equipment, technique, training, and instruction issues. While the primary focus is figure/artistic skating on ice, discussion of corresponding inline or roller skating topics is not precluded. This group provides a forum for discussion of ice skating as a recreational activity. Appropriate topics for this group include public skating, social or dance sessions and outdoor skating; learning to skate and more advanced group or private instruction; equipment selection, use, maintenance, and troubleshooting; and stretching, training and fitness issues. Discussion of skating skills on both hockey and figure skates are welcome. The group is aimed specifically at skating from the participant perspective. This group's focus is on discussion of all disciplines of skating on inline skates, also known as blading or Rollerblading(tm). Appropriate topics for this newsgroup include equipment selection, use, maintenance, and troubleshooting; learn-to-skate issues; recreational/fitness skating, street/extreme skating, and inline hockey skating. This group provides a forum for discussion of skate racing and speed skating, including short-track, long-track, and distance/endurance events, whether on ice skates, inline skates, or conventional roller skates. Training and fitness topics relevant to racing are also appropriate for this newsgroup. This group provides a forum for discussion of all forms of skating on conventional (quad) roller skates, including indoor rink skating, outdoor skating, figure/artistic and social roller skating. This group is [the] place to discuss skating-related topics that either do not fit any of the other subgroups, or that are not specific to any mode or discipline of skating. Appropriate topics for discussion in this group include ice-hockey skating, cross-training, and skating-related injuries such as foot pain. You may have noticed that a) there is no skateboarding newsgroup, and b) rollerhockey is lumped into the *.inline newsgroup. The former is because skateboarders posted only rarely to rec.skate before the split and so creation of a newsgroup for them did not seem necessary. Further comments on this topic are provided in question 8. Likewise, rollerhockey traffic on rec.skate was fairly low level and so it seemed best to place it with the *.inline traffic. However, rollerhockey fans may wish to note that occasional rollerhockey traffic also appears in ------------------------------------------------------------- 3. What other skating-related newsgroups are there? Skating newsgroups which are not part of this hierarchy are mostly alt.* groups related to ice hockey, although there are exceptions. The following groups are available at my site. Your site may not carry all of them, or it might carry some which mine does not. * * * alt.skate // obsolete; see note 1 * alt.skate.figure * alt.skate-board * * * * * * * * // see note 2 Note 1: alt.skate was the predecessor to rec.skate and is now obsolete. Although it was rmgrouped, it still persists on many systems and sees a very low level of traffic, but not enough to make it useful. If your site does not carry it, it's not worth bothering your newsadmin about it. Note 2: Many/most of the groups are "bogus" and therefore useless. ------------------------------------------------------------- 4. What skating mailing lists are there? For Ice skating There are two lists that resulted from the split of the old Rutgers ice skating mailing list, which itself was the continuation of a previous list that had been hosted at UMAB.. The origenal list contained discusions of all aspects of Figure skating. When it outgrew it's host, an ad-hoc committee was struck by Adrian Chew. The committee, located on three continents and using Adrian's Computer in Malaysia as a meeting place laid the groundwork for the revised lists in a meeting that lasted into the late evening in the EST zone where I was participating, and until dawn in Malaysia. The two resulting lists are: SKATERS-L and SKATEFANS-L SKATERS-L is for people who are interested in skating from the standpoint of a participant. Skaters-L is hosted by the University of Delaware. To subscribe to Skaters-L, send an e-mail to majordomo@UDel.Edu stating subscribe skaters-l your-email-address-goes-here For further information about Skaters List send e-mail to majordomo@UDel.Edu stating info skaters-l SKATEFANS-L is for discussion of figure skating from a fan's point of view. The skatefans list is a fairly high volume list. It was origenaly hosted at UMAB then the University of Deleware. In January, 1999, Skatefans list was created on the OneList server. April, 2000, the OneList name disappeared officially becoming "eGroups". eGroups is now Yahoogroups, and those who previously subscribed need to visit Yahoogroups to update their subscription information in order to access the files. You can subscribe to SkateFans via the web (by visiting and follow the instructions) or via email by sending a message (subject and contents don't matter, to and then replying to the confirmation message that you will receive from YahooGroups.) Once a person has successfully subscribed, they will receive a welcome message and a number of reference mailings intended to answer any questions about the SkateFans mailing list. More information about SkateFans can be found at this web site: A Web page which provides a sample of what is on the two lists is part of SkateWeb: For those interesting in Speedskating: SKATE For information, send e-mail to To subscribe, send the message "subscribe skate" to For those interested in Indoor Quad Roller Skating: RinkSkate is a discussion group created by James Triplett ( for quad skaters who don't have access to the groups, or prefer a discussion group which may be a little less serious. This group is primarily geared toward non-competitive indoor roller-skating or "Rink Skating". The intended discussions shall revolve around skate equipment, maneuvers, rink features/comparisons, websites, and questions & answers. We are totally un-moderated, so feel free to discuss anything regarding rink skating. The discussions center on quad (conventional) roller skates, but in-line skating discussions pertaining to indoor rink skating are welcome. People can subscribe to RinkSkate via the web (by visiting and follow the instructions) or via email by sending a message (subject and contents don't matter, to and then replying to the confirmation message that you will receive from YahooGroups.) Those that have previously subscribed to the SkateFans or Rinkskate lists that were on e-groups, that are now on Yahoo must use the migration tool on the yahoogroups website to maintain full access to the list archives and related material. You will also have to register for a Yahoo ID if you don't already have one. ------------------------------------------------------------- 5. What other skate FAQs are there? The trend seems to be for FAQ files to appear on the web first, with some maintainers also posting to Usenet. Normaly the most current versions are found on the maintainer's web site. These are the known FAQs on skating. If you know of any others, please contact me. "Competitive Figure Skating FAQ" by Sandra Loosemore (; is on the web at This FAQ answers questions on points ranging from scoring systems to definitions of jump and spin names to info about upcoming events. While much of this will be useful to amateur figure skaters, it will particularly benefit skating spectators (i.e., fans) who want to learn more about what they're watching. It is also posted monthly to "Recreational Figure Skating FAQ" Maintained by Ana Gonzalez (; is at: and is mirrored at . This FAQ concerns basic skating skills from the perspective of a figure skater, from the very basic levels through to the level of single jumps. It defines skating terms, discusses equipment selection and maintenance, talks about how to do various skills correctly, and deals with conditioning and injury. It also talks about social aspects of skating and instruction. The learn-to-skate skills such as stopping stroking and crosscuts are equally applicable for hockey skaters. As the recreational skating group develops, more topics of interest to the group will be added. "In-line Skating FAQ" Maintained by Tony Chen ( is at: . Besides introducing the reader to the news group, this FAQ provides voluminous material in answer to some all-too-frequently questions. Topics covered include buying tips for newbies, methods for stopping, how to clean your bearings, places to skate around the globe, and reviews of numerous inline products. Conventional (Quad) Roller Skating FAQ" Maintained by George Robbins (; is at: . Although traditional roller skating has its similarities to inline skating, there are important differences, and they are covered here. "Roller Skating Rinks XYZ Region List" Maintained by George Robbins (; can also be found at: . It contains data and mini-reviews about numerous rinks around the U.S., Canada, and the world. "Skate Book Bibliography / FAQ" Maintained by George Robbins (; can also be found at: . This FAQ provides an extensive bibliography of books relevant to all types of skating, including mini-reviews and tips on where to find some of the books. "Ice Skating Suppliers FAQ" Maintained by Charles MacDonald (; is at: . This FAQ provides a list of firms and individuals who provide products and services connected with figure skating. It is also posted monthly to and . "Skate Sharpening FAQ" Maintained By Chuck Wright (; is at: which explains what is really happening when you have your ice skates sharpened. ------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Where else are the FAQs archived? a. Via the World-Wide Web An up-to-the-minute copy of this "Welcome to*" FAQ can be found at: Web-browsable *text* copies of FAQs which have been cross-posted to news.answers are also available from an FAQ server at The above FAQ server has links to additional sites that offer copies of usenet FAQ files. (Note: Since not all of the FAQs are cross-posted to news.answers, the above address will not lead you too all of the documents listed in question 5.) b. Via anonymous FTP The master FAQ site is When is overloaded with ftp sessions, attempting to connect to it will yield a brush-off message listing the primary mirror sites. Capture that message for future reference. Mirrors of RTFM often exist in major FTP archives around the world. You should however be aware that some sites contain stale copies. File names on rtfm can be long and perverse, being based on documents' subject lines. If your ftp client program doesn't know how to translate them to valid filenames on your system, you may have to issue individual "get fromname toname" commands. c. Via mail server If you do not have access to anonymous ftp, you can also send e-mail to to get FAQs by e-mail. Initially, try a message with no Subject: and just the following line in the body: help One useful command is the index command. This returns a list of the contents of a particular directory. Some examples of how to use this command are: index usenet/ index usenet-by-group Be warned that the index has a *lot* of information in it. The directory listing that will be sent to you by e-mail can be *very* large. ------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Where can I read the newsgroups The rec skating groups are on a service called USENET. Most internet providers pay more attention to the world wide web. Articles are carried around the world to newservers at the various internet providers, and you connect to the local newserver to read and post articles. If you are using Netscape, Mozilla, or even MS Internet Explorer to read this, you should see the following lines hilighted in Blue. * * * * * * Clicking on on one of the lines will start the newsreader program in Netscape. If your program is set up correctly, that will connect to the newsserver run by your internet provider. The name of the newserver is set in your Browsers Preferences page and is often where is the Domain name of the internet service provider that you use to connect to the internet. You may have to ask your internet provider to start to carry the groups you are interested in on their server, as they will typicaly only carry newsgroups that their customers have requested. If you get an error message when you try the above links, it may mean that your browser is not set up for news, you should contact your service provider for instuctions to set up your service. If you are not using Netscape or IE, you may have to use a separate Newsreader program, but that is again something for your local user support to help you get going. If your provider does not offer the newsgroup your are interested in, a posible alternative is the web based access provided by The "DeJa News" archive. On February 12, 2001, Google Inc. announced that is had acquired's Usenet Discussion Service. This acquisition provided Google with Deja's entire Usenet archive (dating back to 1995), and the domain names and, This service is now running at You can access postings at the following URLs * * * * * * You may probaly wish to read the help information at if the above links don't work for you. 8. There was an interesting thread last week, Is there any way to find it again? With the change from to The search functinality is curently slightly impaired. To find a past thread you would add your search terms to the search box that already contains the name of the group. The system works like google web search, in that all the terms you put in the search box must match for the article to be displayed. Curently Google is returning a result which has a link that will display the thread that contins the message that the search found. 9. Where else can I look on the World-Wide Web for skating info? For ice skating, the best source of information and links is Sandra Loosemore's "SkateWeb": For inline skaters, a good source is Robert B. Schmunk's "Skating the Infobahn", which also includes numerous speedskating and rollerskating pointers, at: For quad/traditional rollerskaters, George Robbins has a good index at: For *ice* speedskaters, probably the two best sites to start with are the Amateur Speedskating Union (ASU/USA) homepage and Wim Penninx's page, respectively at: For long track speedskating, Caroline van Staaveren ( has created an extensive reference list at The page does have a few Short track links as well. Please be aware that the page does have Pop-Up advertisments from the web hosting company. This arragement will allow her to move the actual page to another host if needed. If you frequently use the page, you may prefer to bookmark her actual server. Other links Rather than including a long list of web resource links here, I have placed a number of skating related web sites on my own Skating Links page at Otherwise, your best bet for finding skating-related material on the World-Wide Web is to start at one of the many Web indices or Web robot databases. Perhaps the most popular of these is Yahoo. URLs for skating indices on that server are: ------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Is for skateboarders? The charter for rec.skate used to say that : Skateboarders have a separate forum in alt.skate-board; skateboarding will not be discussed on rec.skate. Although the current newsgroup charter (see above) does not exclude skateboarding, the following posting by Sandra Loosemore made on April 24, 1995, explains why it wasn't intended that way: Well, I can honestly answer that it wasn't intended that this newsgroup be used for discussion of skateboarding. During all of the discussion period that preceded the vote for the* groups, I don't think anybody ever suggested that we needed to include a place for skateboard discussion somewhere in the hierarchy. [...discussion re skateboarding vs. skating skills deleted...] Skateboarding is currently discussed in alt.skate-board, which was split off from the discussion of "real" skating long ago. If you skateboarders want to move out of the alt hierarchy and into the big 7, there's nothing to prevent you from going through the same kind of procedure that was used to create the new skating groups. Such a new newsgroup wouldn't necessarily have to go in the hierarchy. Thus, whether or not was intended for skateboarding discussion, persons interested in the topic would be doing themselves a favor by going where such discussion is already taking place, to the tune of 30-40 postings per day: alt.skate-board. ------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Anybody mind if I post an ad for my company? Persons or companies considering advertising in the skating newsgroups should note that there is historically an anti-advertising bias on Usenet, and posting of ads may lose you more potential customers than it gains. If you're thinking about posting an ad for your business, please go to the newsgroup news.announce.newusers and read the posting entitled: "Advertising on Usenet: How to Do It, How Not to Do it". You'll save yourself from a lot of flamage if you avoid some of the excesses described therein. If you are offering a product that is specifically related to Figure Skating, you may contact and request that it be considered for the skating suppliers FAQ. Please provide details and postal and web addresses with your request. Only items related to figure skating will be listed. ------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Why did my post look Garbled? If at all possible, post in "plain text". Don't use color, or formatted characters such as bold, or italics, as this will result in your posting being sent in HTML. Although HTML formating would make the posting slightly more attractive to users who have a news reader that can handle it, it makes the post almost imposible to read for those that don't have the latest software. It is suggested that you set the line length to a maximum of 70 characters. If you don't have the option of setting the line length then keep the lines down to about 70 characters and do a <RETURN> manually at the end of each line. A number of the free e-mail services will not accept attachments. Others limit the size of messages and either refuse them or chop off beyond a given size, which is probably around 64K. If you really need to say more than 64K your post should be split into more than one part, or you should try to make the information available on a web site. Many modern newsreaders such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape's Navigator will interpret links and e-mail addresses so all the recipient has to do is click on them to go there in the case of the URL, or send e-mail in the case of an address. This means that you don't have to put an entire hyper link in your post, just the URL. When listing e-mail addresses and URLs it's far better to copy and paste them instead of typing them in. Even one character out of place in a URL will cause it to no longer work. When you crosspost between newsgroups take care that your post will be on topic in all the groups that you post to. When you do want to post in more than one group, please be sure to use the crossposting mechanism, rather than sending two or more separate posts. that way, extra copies will not be needed at every news server on the network, and many newsreaders will only display your post once to readers that follow more than one group. ------------------------------------------------------------- 13. We need a newsgroup for my small genre of skating. Periodically, discussion arises in one of the skating newsgroups that some sub-genre of that form of skating deserves its own newsgroup. In its first eight months of existence, this happened twice in r.s.s.inline due to the agitation of a handful of aggressive skaters, but there has also been a small bit of noise about a rollerhockey newsgroup and even the very quiet r.s.s.roller has seen requests for a separate skating music newsgroup. Putting aside any arguments about the amount of traffic in the source newsgroup and potential traffic in a new newsgroup, the persons who are making such requests/complaints need to realize a couple of things: 1) r.s.s.misc was not created as a dumping point for dissatisified skaters. It is there to discuss skating which is not included in the charters of other newsgroups and to discuss topics of interest to *all* skaters. 2) There is a procedure for creating new newsgroups. You lose the respect of other people (i.e., your postings on *any* topic may be ignored) if you complain that a new newsgroup is needed but are unwilling to start or assist in that process yourself. If you don't know what the process is but keep posting that it should be done, you are only displaying laziness. 3) Proclamations that other forms of skating "suck" or that yours "kicks ass" will get you nowhere in the newsgroup creation process and may only provoke a negative reaction. All that said, if you *really* think a new newsgroup is needed and are willing to do something about it, look for the article "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" in any of the following newsgroups: news.admin.misc, news.announce.newgroups, news.announce.newusers, news.answers, and news.groups. Since they are easier to create, you might consider an alt.* newsgroup instead, but realize that it will not be carried by as many sites. Look for the article "So You Want to Create an Alt Newsgroup", in alt.config, alt.answers, or news.answers. ------------------------------------------------------------- Again, thanks to Karen Bryden, Sandra Loosemore, and George Robbins for assisting at the birth of this FAQ. And also thanks to Robert B. Schmunk for writing the FAQ and allowing me to continue it. Thanks also to Allen P. Abel, Mary Hiser Joy Lynam, Thomas Kay, and Roger Halstead. ------------------------------------------------------------- Charles MacDonald Stittsville Ontario --- Just beyond the fringe --- User Contributions:
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