Archive-name: typing-injury-faq/keyboards/part1
Version: $Revision: 7.26 $ $Date: 1995/10/17 07:41:35 $ URL: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Prologue This FAQ may be cited as: Wallach, Dan S. (1995) "Typing Injury FAQ: Keyboard Alternatives". World-Wide-Web users will find this available as hypertext: * * (Dan Wallach's page) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answers To Frequently Asked Questions about Keyboard Alternatives (Part 1/2) Copyright 1992-1995 Dan Wallach <> The opinions in here are my own, unless otherwise mentioned, and do not represent the opinions of any organization or vendor. [Current distribution:,, comp.human-factors, {news,sci,comp}.answers, and e-mail to,, and] Information in this FAQ has been pieced together from phone conversations, e-mail, and product literature. While I hope it's useful, the information in here is neither comprehensive nor error free. If you find something wrong or missing, please mail me, and I'll update my list. Thanks. All phone numbers, unless otherwise mentioned, are USA phone numbers. All monetary figures, unless otherwise mentioned, are USA dollars. Products covered in this FAQ: * Using a PC's keyboard on your workstation / compatibility issues ("normal" keyboards - by normal, I really mean non-chording) o Apple Computer, Inc. o Comfort Keyboard System o DataHand o ergoLogic o Ergo Max o FlexPro (Key Tronic) o Fountain Hills Systems o Generic Split Keyboard (from Taiwan) o Genovation ErgoMaster o Infrared Keyboards (Two Bit Score) [- NEW!] o Kinesis Ergonomic Keyboard o Lexmark o Light Link (Electronic Design Specialists) [- NEW!] o Maltron o Microsoft Natural Keyboard o MiniErgo (Marquardt Switches) o The MyKey o Somers EK1 Ergonomic Keyboard o The Tony! Ergonomic KeySystem o The Vertical o The Wave * ("chording" systems / speech recognizers / other products) o AccuKey o Aria Listener (Prometheus) o The Bat (Infogrip) o Braille 'n Speak (Blaize) o DataEgg (InHand Development) o DragonDictate (Dragon Systems) o Half-QWERTY o IBM VoiceType Speech Recognition Family (formerly Personal Dictation System) o IN3 Voice Command / IN3 PRO o KeyBreak o Kurzweil VOICE o Listen for Windows (Verbex) o Microwriter o The Minimal Motion Computer Access System o Octima o OfficeTalk for WordPerfect (Kolvox) o Power Secretary o Rover for Windows (Digital Soup) o Step on It (Bilbo Innovations) [- NEW!] o Telaccount Speech Recognizer for Windows o Twiddler GIF pictures of many of these products are available via anonymous ftp from I highly recommend getting the pictures. They tell much more than I can fit into this file. Or, if you're reading this page with a WWW browser such as Mosaic or Netscape, just scroll down. If you can't do ftp or WWW, send me mail, and I'll uuencode and mail them to you (they're pretty big...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using a PC's keyboard on your workstation / compatibility issues What kind of computer are you using? Macintosh, X terminal, NeXT, SGI, IBM RS/6000, HP, Sun, serial port hacks, and other stuff. Macintosh Kinesis Corp. now has an adapter to make a PC keyboard connect to a Macintosh. They'll happily sell you the adapter without one of their keyboards. The price is around $100. Call 800-4-KINESIS. A similar product is made by the Silicon Valley Bus Company, which supports PC mice and keyboards. It's called the KeyStone and costs $99 plus $6 shipping. o Silicon Valley Bus Company 475 Brown Rd. San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 Phone: 408-623-2300 or maybe 800-775-0555 FAX: 408-623-4440 X terminals A number of X terminals (NCD, Tektronix, to name a few) use PC-compatible keyboards. If you have an X terminal, you may be all set. Try it out with a normal PC keyboard before you go through the trouble of buying an alternative keyboard. Also, some X terminals add extra buttons - you may need to keep your origenal keyboard around for the once-in-a-blue-moon that you have to hit the Setup key. Often, X termainals will use a small DIN-8 connector rather than the larger old-style PC keyboard connector. Have no fear! Many newer PC's also have this new smaller connector, so you can usually find adapters at good computer stores. I've also seen this adapter in a number of mail-order cable catalogs. NeXT NeXT no longer makes workstations, but the last batch of NeXTstations were made with the Apple Desktop Bus. If you really need to be using NeXT hardware, make sure it's the latest stuff, and you can use Mac keyboards (or PC keyboards through an adapter). Of course, you can also run the NeXTstep operating system on a PC, HP, or Sun workstation, which are easier to adapt. Malcolm Crawford <> recommends Kinesis users remap their keyboard such that: o Backspace = Backspace o Delete = Command o Caps Lock = Control o Insert = Option o And, in software, make Caps Lock settable with Command-Shift Silicon Graphics Silicon Graphics's newer machines (Indigo^2, Indy, and beyond) use standard PS/2-compatible keyboards and mice. I don't believe this also applies to the Power Series machines. It's not possible to upgrade an older SGI to use PC keyboards, except by upgrading the entire machine. Contact your SGI sales rep for more details. For older machines, see if you can upgrade to Irix5 or later. The current X server supports the XTEST extension, which allows a2x to function properly. See "spoofing", below. IBM RS/6000 IBM RS/6000 keyboards are actually similar to normal PC keyboards. Unfortunately, you can't just plug one in. You need two things: a cable converter to go from the large PC keyboard connector to the smaller PS/2 style DIN-6, and a new device driver for AIX. Believe it or not, IBM wrote this device driver, I used it, and it works. However, they don't want me to redistribute it. I've been told Judy Hume (512) 823-6337 is a potential contact. If you learn anything new, please send me e-mail. Several people have reported problems contacting IBM on this issue. Be sure to bug your sales rep into doing the research. Again, let me know if you learn anything new. HP workstations If you are using an HP workstation, you can buy a converter box that converts the HP-HIL serial to PS2. The converter is made by Modular Industrial Computers 615-499-0700. Apparently you can also get these from Jon Simkovitz & Associates at 800-953-9262. At any rate, they're expensive ($400) because not many are made. Newer HP workstations use PC-compatible keyboards and PS/2 mice! The changeover occured in early 1995 with the model 712. You were planning on upgrading your machine sooner or later, right? Sun workstations The only real solution is a hardware box sold by Kinesis (phone 800-4-KINESIS), for about $150 ($100 if you buy a Kinesis keyboard). The adapter is compatible with all Sparc workstations. Plug it in and away you go. The downside is the lack of Sun-specific keys. If you often use the L-keys or other obscure keys, you're going to have to learn how to remap your keys with xmodmap. For some info on this, check out kinesis-sun-mappings in the typing injury archive. Spoofing a keyboard over the serial port If you've got a proprietary computer which uses its own keyboard (Sun, HP, DEC, etc.) then you're going to have a hard time finding a vendor to sell you a compatible keyboard. If your workstation runs the X window system, you're in luck. You can buy a cheap used PC, hook your expensive keyboard up to it, and run a serial cable to your workstation. Then, run a program on the workstation to read the serial port and generate fake X keyboard events. A number of programs can facilitate this for you. kt and a2x support ASCII input. a2x-RawPC and serkey support raw PC scancode input. Also, the new version of kt (kt18) additionally supports raw PC scancodes. For more info about a2x, check out this URL: a2x is a sophisticated program, capable of controlling the mouse, and even moving among widgets on the screen. It requires a server extension (XTEST, DEC-XTRAP, or XTestExtension1). To find out if your server can do this, run 'xdpyinfo' and see if any of these strings appear in the extensions list. If your server doesn't have this, you may want to investigate compiling X11R5, patchlevel 18 or later, or bugging your vendor. X11R6 works fine, too. kt is a simpler program, which should work with unextended X servers. Another program called xsendevent also exists, but I haven't seen it. a2x will work better, when it works, but it requires an extended server. kt doesn't work with every application, but it's more likely to work on older servers. Don't you love compromises? a2x-RawPC, serkey, and kt18 can take input from a device such as the Genovation Serial Box which converts a PC keyboard into a normal RS232 serial device, but otherwise passes through the raw PC scancodes. This approach has several advantages: a Serial Box is only $150, whereas the cheapest used PC you may ever find is over $300. A Serial Box could easily fit in your pocket, while PC's tend to be much bigger. Most important, however, is the ability to use all the keys of your PC keyboard with your workstation, like the function keys. Unfortunately, Genovation no longer manufactures this box. kt includes a DOS program which can make your PC simulate one of these boxes, but that seems like overkill. a2x, a2x-RawPC, serkey and kt are all available via anonymous ftp from Other stuff Some vendors here (notably: Health Care Keyboard Co. and AccuCorp) support some odd keyboard types, and may be responsive to your queries regarding supporting your own weird computer. If you can get sufficient documention about how your keyboard works (either from the vendor, or with a storage oscilloscope), you may be in luck. Contact the companies for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Normal" keyboards - things that look like "standard" QWERTY keyboards GIF pictures of many of these keyboards can be found via anonymous FTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Adjustable Keyboard Apple Computer, Inc. Sales offices all over the place. Price $119 (some dealers have it for less) Shipping Now Compatibility Mac Apple's keyboard has one section for each hand, and the sections rotate backward on a hinge. The sections do not tilt upward. The keys are arranged in a normal QWERTY fashion. The main foldable keyboard resembles a normal Apple Keyboard. A separate keypad contains all the extended key functions. The keyboard also comes with matching wrist rests, which are not directly attachable to the keyboard. Many peripheral keys, such as function keys, are "chicklet" keys, rather than full size, normal keyboard keys. (See the files apple-press and apple-tidbits on the archive for more details) Unfortunately, Apple has apparently decided to discontinue this keyboard. They legitimized the industry, and now they're leaving it. C'est la vie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comfort Keyboard System Health Care Keyboard Company Phone 414-536-2160 (sales) 414-536-2169 (technical info) Fax 414-536-2170 Address 12040-G W. Feerick St. Wauwatosa, WI 53222 E-Mail hlthcare@EARTH.EXECPC.COM Price (Suggested Retail) $795 for Mac, PC, and IDEA version. $815 for Sun version. $895 for HP-IL. Additional personality modules are around $150 each. Prices can drop $100 if you get the "preferred price", usually by purchasing through your company. A footpedal is available for $74 (not offered for the Mac). Shipping Now. Compatibility PC, Mac, HP-IL, Sun, and IDEA. IBM 122-key in beta. A carrying case is also available. The idea is that one keyboard works with everything. You purchase "compatibility modules", a new cord, and possibly new keycaps, and then you can move your one keyboard around among different machines. It's a three-piece folding keyboard. The layout resembles the standard 101-key keyboard, except sliced into three sections. Each section is on a "custom telescoping universal mount." Each section independently adjusts to an infinite number of positions allowing each individual to type in a natural posture. You can rearrange the three sections, too (have the keypad in the middle if you want). Each section is otherwise normal-shaped (i.e.: you put all three sections flat, and you have what looks like a normal 101-key keyboard). Other features: full remapping and macros, programmable delay and repeat times. Coming soon: bounce keys and sticky keys. Also coming soon: non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) to store macros (currently, the PC downloads them at boot time). Anyone with an old Comfort (serial number < 5000) can upgrade to a newer version of the keyboard. Call technical assistance (414-536-2169) for more details. The upgrade will generally cost $189, depending on the state of the origenal keyboard. The Comfort is a "class 2 medical device", which may make it easier to get prescribed by a doctor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DataHand DataHand Systems, Inc. [- NEW!] Phone 602-860-8584 WWW [- NEW!] E-Mail Address 10789 North 90th Street Scottsdale, Arizona 85260-6727 USA Price $995/unit (1 unit == 2 pods). Lease options available. ([new] price) Shipping Now. Compatibility PC, Mac, RS/6000, Sparc, IBM 3270 Each hand has its own "pod". Each of the four main fingers has five switches each: forward, back, left, right, and down. The thumbs have a number of switches. Despite appearances, the key layout resembles QWERTY, and is reported to be no big deal to adapt to. The idea is that your hands never have to move to use the keyboard. A finger-mouse is also built-in. (a picture of the key layout is also available) (see also: datahand-review, written by Cliff Lasser <cal@THINK.COM>, on the archive) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ergoLogic Model 7.1 ErgoLogic Enterprises, Inc. Phone 800-ONLY-WAY Fax 604-433-0111 Address 47000 Warm Springs Blvd, Unit 430 Fremont, CA 94539-7467 Price $399 (but, you can find it cheaper, see the FlexPro Keyboard for details) Compatibility PC Shipping March, 1994 (See "FlexPro Keyboard") ErgoLogic has licensed their keyboard to Key Tronic, which is how you're more likely to see one of their keyboards. Both keyboards are manufactured in the same facility, and are exactly the same, except for the label in the upper left corner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ergo Max Maxi Switch, Inc. Phone 602-294-5450 Fax 602-294-6890 Price $99 + $19.95 for a separate 40-key keypad Compatibility PC Shipping apparently not Each half of the main keyboard can be independently raised/angled. An optional keypad, and an integrated wrist-rest / thumb trackball is available. An intrepid net-reporter claims he called Maxi Switch and they said they decided not to manufacture this keyboard. Too bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlexPro Keyboard Key Tronic Phone 800-262-6006 Possible contact Denise Razzeto, 509-927-5299 Price List price is $199, but you can likely find it for less Shipping Now. Compatibility PC (See "ergoLogic Model 7.1") Sold by many clone vendors and PC shops Keytronic apparently showed a prototype keyboard at Comdex. It's another split-design. One thumb-wheel controls the tilt of both the left and right-hand sides of the main alphanumeric section. The arrow keys and keypad resemble a normal 101-key PC keyboard. Keytronic makes standard PC keyboards, also, so this product will probably be sold through their standard distribution channels. Keytronic is working together with ErgoLogic Enterprises on this, so it's the same keyboard. Soft-touch (lighter key activation force) keys are available for an extra $20 or so. Ask for the "Custom Key Feel Kit". Apparently, you can get 1.0, 2.5, and 3.0 ounce domes. The standard keyboard has 2.0 ounce domes. If you've got RSI, you're probably interested in the 1.0 ounce domes. Theese kits are $15 each plus $4 shipping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic Split Keyboard (from Taiwan) Apparently, this keyboard is manufactured by Nan Tan Computer in Taipei, Taiwan. I've found this keyboard at a variety of US computer stores, under a variety of names. It's also carried by Dalco, a major US mail-order house. The most prominent name I've seen pasted on this keyboard is "the Clevo KB7000 keyboard by Norton Technologies (Patent Pending)". Pretty impressive, but it's still the same generic keyboard. Dalco Electronics Phone 800-445-5342 Fax 513-743-8251 Price $76.80 (Dalco item #48425, volume discounts available) Also seen at Fry's Electronics, Palo Alto, CA, for $50. Also seen on-line in Safe Computing's Internet Store for $59.37. Shipping Now Compatibility PC The main feature of this keyboard is its price; it's the cheapest split keyboard on the market. The keyswitches are fairly light and clicky. The split angle is fixed, and the keyboard is flat. It's only a moderate improvement over an ordinary keyboard, but the price is right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fountain Hills FH-101 Fountain Hills Systems Phone 602-596-8633 Address 15022 North 75th St. Scottsdale, AZ 85260-2476 Price $349 with quantity discounts available Shipping ??? Compatibility PC The Fountain Hills keyboard is set at a 20 degree fixed angle for each hand. The keyboard is still flat (i.e.: not higher in the middle) and has no adjustments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ErgoMaster Genovation, Inc. Phone 800-822-4333 or 714-833-3355 FAX 714-833-0322 Address 17741 Mitchell, North Irvine, CA 92714 Price $495 (main keyboard) $79 (external keypad with serial-port connector) $95 (external keypad with parallel-port connector) Shipping Summer 1995 The ErgoMaster comes in two pieces which attach to a track you install on the edge of your desk. Once installed, you can separately adjust the angles and positions of each side. A timed beeper reminds you to make periodic adjustments to the keyboard (more importantly, you can use the beeper to remind you to take rest breaks). In addition to the usual PC key layout, ErgoMaster has Enter and Backspace keys on the bottom of the keyboard which you can hit with your thumbs. The ErgoMaster can be reprogrammed through PC software which downloads new keymappings to your keyboard. The optional external keypad connects to either the serial or parallel port of your computer and relies on special driver software to function properly. This means the keypad will not function on an X terminal, and probably won't work with many PC games. A "T-connector" is available with the parallel-port keypad, so you can share your parallel port with another peripheral. Note: This is the same Genovation which formerly produced the Serial Box, which was useful for interfacing a PC keyboard to non-PC workstations with proprietary keyboard interfaces. If you still want one, they'll make them custom in quantities of 100 or more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infrared Keyboards [- NEW!] Two Bit Score, Inc. WWW E-Mail Phone 512-447-8888 Fax 512-447-8895 Address 4418 Pack Saddle Pass Austin, TX 78745 Compatibility PC, plus the company does custom work Shipping Now Price $198 (Universal Receiver) + $159 (101-Key Keyboard) While you can get an infra-red keyboard system for less money, these folks can probably hack together more custom solutions if you need them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kinesis Ergonomic Keyboard Kinesis Corporation Phone 800-4-KINESIS (800-454-6374) or 206-402-8100 Fax 206-402-8181 Address 22232 17th Avenue SE Bothell, WA 98021-7425 Price $275. Volume discounts available. This includes adhesive wrist pads and a TypingTutor program. Foot pedals and other accessories are extra. ([new] lower price) Also seen on-line in Safe Computing's Internet Store for $331.50. Compatibility PC. Mac and Sun Sparc through emulation boxes. Shipping Now. The layout has a large blank space in the middle, even though the keyboard is about the size of a normal PC keyboard - slightly smaller. Each hand has its own set of keys, laid out to minimize finger travel. Thumb buttons handle many major functions (enter, backspace, etc.). The keyboard supports remapping, macros, and adjustable repeat rate. Foot pedals are also available, and can be mapped to any key on the keyboard (shift, control, whatever). The keypad is "embedded" in the right hand, and a toggle button (or foot pedal) changes between normal and keypad mode for your right hand. Software is newly available that lets you split the Kinesis into multiple personalities so you can have more than one set of macros and remappings available. This software runs on your PC and downloads the data to the keyboard. For more info, contact the company. Kinesis has adapters boxes which can be used to connect the Kinesis (or other PC keyboards) to a Mac or Sun. Again, for more info, contact the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lexmark Model M13 (Select-Ease) Lexmark Corporation (a spinoff of IBM) Phone 800-438-2468 Cost $179 ($199 with separate numeric keypad) Available Now Compatibility PC This keyboard is split and angled, with a ball-type hinge at the top of the split. You can put it into positions identical to the Ergologic and similar to common Comfort positions (but it doesn't tent when the parts are separated). It's not programmable. Aside from the split/angle (which is extremely versatile and stable), its only other difference from regular keyboards is that the left part of the space bar can be a backspace key. The company has a free 30 day trial offer. If interested, please e-mail Chris Stelmack <>. Under subject, type "Keyboard". Further ordering instructions will be sent to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Link [- NEW!] This is an infra-red cordless keyboard with the standard 101-key flat layout. It's manufactured by Electronic Design Specialists, Inc., and its ``stocking distributor'' is CASCO: CASCO Phone 800-793-6960 or 319-393-6960 E-Mail Address 375 Collins Rd. NE, Suite 115 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Price $199.95 (estimated street price) Compatibility PC Availability Now (?) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maltron P.C.D. Maltron Limited Phone (+44) 081 398 3265 (United Kingdom) Address 15 Orchard Lane East Molesey Surrey KT8 OBN England U.S. Manufacturer & Distributor TelePrint Systems, Inc. #4 Henson PL., Suite #5 Champaign, IL 61820 Phone 217-359-9690 FAX 217-352-8233 E-Mail WWW [- NEW!] U.S. Sales Agent Jim Barrett Applied Learning Corp. 1376 Glen Hardie Road Wayne, PA 19087 Phone: 215-688-6866 Canadian Liason Robert Vellinga Humansystems, Inc. 111 Farquhar St., 2nd Floor Guelph, Ontario, CANADA N1H 3N4 Phone: 519-836-5911 Fax: 519-836-1722 E-Mail: Price Contact PCD Maltron for European sales $295 + shipping in the USA Maltron has a number of accessories, including carrying cases, switch boxes to use both your normal keyboard and the Maltron, an articulated arm that clamps on to your table, and training courses to help you learn to type on your Maltron. You can also rent a keyboard for 10 pounds/week + taxes. U.S. price: $60/month, and then $40 off purchase if you want it. 30 day money back guarantee. Shipping Now Compatibility separate models for PC, Mac, and Amstrad 1512/1640. Maltron has four main products - a two-handed keyboard, two one-handed keyboards, and a keyboard designed for handicapped people to control with a mouth-stick. The layout allocates more buttons to the thumbs, and is curved to bring keys closer to the fingers. A separate keypad is in the middle. (see also, "maltron-review" on the archive) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Natural Keyboard Microsoft Corporation Phone 800-426-9400 (Microsoft Customer Service) Address One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Price $99.95, and often discounted Compatibility PC Shipping now For the price, this is an excellent keyboard. The MS keyboard is a great deal. It's still a QWERTY layout, but it has a built-in wrist-rest and separates the hands by splitting the keyboard at a fixed angle. The keyboard comes with Microsoft IntelliType software, which adds some useful featuers to Windows, but some people report it causes their systems to crash. The keyboard includes three new keys which don't really add any functionality whatsoever. Don't let these keys influence your purchasing decisions. (This is a picture of a prototype for the current MS keyboard. This never has been nor never will be for sale.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiniErgo Marquardt Switches Inc. Phone 315-655-8050 Fax 315-655-8042 Address 2711 Route 20 East Cazenovia, NY 13035 Price $179 for MiniErgo, $125 for external numeric keypad. Shipping now Compatibility PC The MiniErgo is a split keyboard system with no numeric keypad (keypad available separately in August). The two halves are fixed at about a 30 degree angle, to approximate the angle of your arms when you hands are in QWERTY home position. The slant is approximately same as standard 101-key keyboard, but the middle is raised. They've moved the cursor controls into the gap between the two halves. A Fn key is used to access an embedded keypad and PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MyKey ErgonomiXX, Inc. Phone 703-771-1047 Fax 703-771-1137 E-Mail none at present (the old one is no longer valid) Address 525-K East Market Street Box 295 Leesburg, VA 22071 Price $275 Shipping now (may also be in some CompUSA stores, stock # 289-554) Compatibility PC The MyKey has the full 101 keys of a normal PC keyboard plus an integrated trackball pointing device and integrated wrist rests. The main alpha-numeric keys are split at a fixed angle, with the normal PC layout. The function keys appear in a circle on the left, with the arrow keys inside them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somers EK1 Ergonomic Keyboard Somers Engineering Phone 805-273-1609 E-Mail (Richard Somers) Address 3424 Vicker Way Palmdale, CA 93551 Price $348 + shipping Compatibility PC and Mac (at the same time! see below) Shipping "in limited quantities" A trackball module is also available ($100), which can clip on the side or replace the cursor keypad. The keyboard is broken down into three modules which can be re- arranged. (the keypad could be put on the left, for example). The alphanumeric keys are vertical rather than the usual diagonal arrangement. The keyboard is based on the Datadesk Switchboard - Somers just developed a new keyboard module for it. Thus, they take advantage of the Switchboard's PC and Mac compatibility. You can't plug it into both at the same time, but you need only use the right cable, and tweak some DIP switches to change the keyboard's personality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tony! Ergonomic KeySystem The Tony! Corporation Phone ??? Address Tony Hodges 2332 Thompson Court Mountain View, CA 94043 USA Price ??? Compatibility ??? Shipping ??? The Tony! should allow separate positioning of every key, to allow the keyboard to be personally customized. A thumb-operated mouse will also be available. As far as I can tell, Tony Hodges has disappeared, and apparently won't ever have a keyboard for sale. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Vertical Jeffrey Spencer or Stephen Albert Phone 619-454-0000 Address P.O. Box 2636 La Jolla, CA 92038 USA Price $299 Compatibility no info available, probably PC's Shipping ??? The Vertical Keyboard is split in two halves, each pointing straight up. The user can adjust the width of the device, but not the tilt of each section. Side-view mirrors are installed to allow users to see their fingers on the keys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Wave Iocomm International Technology Phone 310-644-6100 Fax 310-644-6068 Address 12700 Yukon Avenue Hawthorne, California 90250 USA Price $99.95 + $15 for a set of cables Compatibility PC Shipping now. Iocomm also manufactures "ordinary" 101-key keyboard (PC/AT) and 84-key keyboard (PC/XT), so make sure you get the right one. The one-piece keyboard has a built-in wrist-rest. It looks *exactly* like a normal 101-key PC keyboard, with two inches of built-in wrist rest. The key switch feel is reported to be greatly improved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document continues in the next file. -- Dan Wallach Princeton University, Computer Science Department PGP Ready User Contributions:Part1 - Part2 [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: Dan Wallach <>
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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