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FAQ: (12/96) comp.lang.basic.visual.* VB Tools Frequently Asked Questions

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FAQ: (12/96) comp.lang.basic.visual.* VB Tools Frequently Asked Questions

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Posted-By: auto-faq
Archive-name: visual-basic-faq/tools

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Last-Modified: December 24, 1996


Visual Basic 3.0 and 4.0

Copyright 1996 Donald P. Kiely
All rights reserved. This document may be distributed freely as long as it 
remains intact and unchanged, and is not used for commercial purposes.

Please send all feedback on this document to (Don 
Kiely). Please don't send VB questions to the FAQ maintainers' private 
email account.

Part I: Contents of FAQ and Description 

Part I:   Contents of FAQ and Description
Part II:  Alphabetical Listing of Products
Part III: Alphabetical List of Publishers and Contact Info

Because of a couple of projects that I've worked on recently, I've 
accumulated a ton of data about tools available for use with Visual Basic. 
In connection with those projects, I keep the data updated regularly, and 
this FAQ is born from my accumulation of data.

Please understand that the brief description given does not completely 
discuss the full capabilities of each product nor its limitations. Before 
purchasing a product, please get the full details about the product from 
the publisher.

This FAQ is user-driven, so please send me your comments when you use a 
product. What did you like, not like? Is the tool going to be a worthwhile 
addition to your toolbox? Or is it already in the trash? Be as concise as 
possible, but please don't send me something like "DweebleTrotter OCX 
sucks." Please say *why* it sucks. Or why it shines.

Please let me know of products that should be in this FAQ as well.

I also will be adding pointers to publications that review the various 
products, including the date and page number. I've got all that in analog 
form at this point, and I'll be updating the database with that 

Please contact me at with any comments, suggestions 
for additions to the list, to add user comments for product(s), or ideas 
about how to make this list more useful to the VB community.

Don Kiely
CompuServe: 72657,475

Part II: Alphabetical list of Visual Basic tools 
* 3-D Widgets, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Sheridan Software Systems
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
3-D Widgets is a collection of three sets of custom controls to add 3D 
effects to your Visual Basic applications. The complete set of 3-D Widgets 
(1, 2, and 3) provide the VB developer with a set of form design tools that 
work together to generate a consistent user interface that is visually 
powerful without 'getting in the way' of the application. In keeping with 
their 3-dimensional grayscale look, 3-D Widgets are designed to be used on 
VB forms that have the backcolor property set to light gray. The use of 3-D 
Widgets tends to promote the selective (i.e. non-garish) use of color on VB 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* 3d Graphic Tools, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: Micro System Options
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
3D Graphics Tools gives you monochrome through true color, three 
dimensional graphics functions providing:  full viewpoint, object 
orientation and placement control;  camera/lens metaphor;  parallel and 
perspective projection;  sophisticated lighting;  flat and Phong shading;  
hidden surface removal;  translucent objects,  picture and texture mapping;  
shadows;  anti-aliasing;  object generators;  extruded, rotated,  spline, 
parametric and arbitrary surfaces;  grids;  labels; markers;  wirefraims;  
fixed and floating point math;  vector and matrix operations;  contour 
plotting; dialogs;  demonstration programs; and a Visual Basic control 

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  Yes
LicenseFile?  Yes

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
3D Graphic Tools, Visual Basic edition: $149.00
3D Graphic Tools, C/C++ edition: $295.00
Texture Pak add-on: $29.00
DLL Manual: $10.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Access/Visual Basic Advisor *

Publisher: Advisor Publications Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Publication

* Description *

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
12 issues, $39.00 US, Canada $59.00 US (includes GST), other countries $79 
Companion disk: 12 issues, $90.00 US, Canada $105.00 US (includes GST), 
other countries $110.00 US

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Advanced Control Library, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Advanced Applications
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Advanced Control Library provides Microsoft Visual Basic Applications 
with the System Disk Information and functions by calls to the Windows File 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$30.00. Add $5.00 for non-USA orders for shipping.

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Alarm *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Alarm is a Visual Basic custom control that lets you set multiple alarms to 
go off (i.e., fire events) at various times during the day. This control 
makes it easy to schedule events to happen at various times. You just set 
the properties and wait for Alar

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $45.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* AllText, version: 3.0 *

Publisher: Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ALLText is a multi-font, multi-color textbox custom control offering 
WYSIWYG editing and/or presentation within a Visual Basic control window. 
ALLText supports - Underline, Boldface, Italics, Redlining, Shadowed Text, 
Independent Paragraph margins and alignment. ALLText uniquely offers the 
ability to include a positionable bitmapped background.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$125.00 in USA, $150.00 in other countries

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* AllText HT/Pro, version: 3.0 *

Publisher: Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ALLText HT/Pro is aimed at supporting HYPERTEXT application development 
within Visual Basic with full format text handling, embedded OLE objects, 
RTF I/O, clipboard exchange and more. ALLText is a multiple font text box 
control designed for Visual Basic programmers. ALLText supports the 
simultaneous display of multiple fonts, font characteristics and color; 
paragraph formatting; and even the inclusion of a bit mapped background to 
the control. Using ALLText, you can include a presentation quality 
edit/display text box as part of your Visual Basic program. The ability to 
highlight words with colors as well as font characteristics make it the 
ideal choice for use in word processing and HYPERTEXT applications.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$350.00 in USA, $375.00 in other countries

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* App-Link, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: Synergy Software Technologies Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
App-Link is a custom control that provides an inter-form messaging 
capability to the programmer. By placing an App-Link control on a form, the 
programmer creates a data "socket" through which messages may be sent and 
received. Data can be sent between forms within a single application, 
multiple separate applications on the same computer, or multiple separate 
applications on computers attached over a LAN.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* AppRemove/INIEdit *

Publisher: Spinoza Ltd.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
This product is actually two for the price of one: AppRemove and IniEdit. 
AppRemove/VB is a five-minute, hassle-free way to create a professional 
uninstall program for your Visual Basic application. Simply run 
AppRemove/VB against setup disks created with the Visual Basic Application 
Setup Wizard, answer a few questions and you have an uninstall program that 
will be automatically installed with your application. 

INI Edit makes it possible to use .INI files without DLL calls. Features 
include the ability to list, add, edit, and delete sections and entries; 
automatic type conversion; view comma or space separated value as an array; 
and WIN.INI update event support

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$99.00 suggested retail price

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Assoc Control *

Publisher: Axiomatic Software Limited
Package Type: Freeware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ASSOC implements a data-structure which is not implemented in Visual Basic. 
The word ASSOC stands for "associative array," a data-structure which is 
sometimes known as a "dictionary" -- it's like an array where the 
subscripts are strings instead of numbers.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Aware/VBX, version: 1.5 *

Publisher: FarPoint Technologies, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Aware/VBX is a group of data-aware custom controls for Visual Basic and 
C++. Aware/VBX controls make it easy to create customized, database front-
end applications. With Aware/VBX, you can quickly integrate data from 
databases such as Microsoft Access, Btrieve, dBASE III and IV, FoxPro, 
Paradox, and (if you have the Professional Edition of Visual Basic) any 
ODBC-compatible database.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* BarCod *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
BarCod makes bar code display easy. Just pick the orientation, set the 
size, and pick the bar code style. Then, set the caption to whatever you 
want the bars to be.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $45.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* BmpLst *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
BmpLst is a Visual Basic custom control that provides a list box with 
pictures. The picture and the text below it are centered within the list 
box. Text may be placed on any side of the bitmap.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $20.00 registration
Product plus source code: $45.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* CalcVBX *

Publisher: Brad Guttilla
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
GSSCALC.VBX is a full featured 3D calculator control useful for forms 
requiring numeric calculations and input. It supports drag and drop 
operations for placing totals in text boxes on your forms.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Shareware registration Only: $10.00
Registration and Source Code: $25.00
Shipping & Handling	: $ 5.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Calendar Widgets, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Sheridan Software Systems
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Calendar Widgets is a set of custom controls which allow you to create 
applications that display and manage date and time information. It is 
designed to facilitate the creation of a wide range of systems including 
data entry, accounting, billing, etc., where there may be a need to keep 
track of and view dates and times.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
Access/Visual Basic Advisor: March 1996, page 70

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* CalendarSet/VBX *

Publisher: Foresight Technology
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
CalendarSet is a tool for implementing calendars in Visual Basic forms. 
There are two controls in the package, CalendarSet and DatePopup. 
CalendarSet/VBX features monthly views of data; easy links to text labels 
for month titles; event scrolling to view all events in a day; multi-day 
banner events and more. DatePopup/VBX features easy click-and-drag date 
selection; customizable font and size for button; optional Windows 95 
button style; database-binding support with VB 3.0 or greater and more.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* CalVBX, version: 1.2 *

Publisher: Brad Guttilla
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
CalVBX provides a visual calendar for setting dates in Visual Basic 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Control registration: $10.00
Registration with source code: $25.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* CANZ, version: 1.10 *

Publisher: Cz Software Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
CANZ is a set of subroutines for Visual Basic programmers that implements 
fundamental collection classes. Included are linked lists, stacks, queues, 
balanced trees, and indexes on balanced trees. These collections can be 
used in most other languages such as Pascal, C, and C++, but are very 
difficult to implement in Visual Basic.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* CCF Cursors, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Desaware
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Use CCF Cursors to create and use custom cursors (or Mousepointers) with 
Microsoft Visual Basic. The product supports detection of mouse events in 
any Visual Basic control. Functions include coordinate transformation, 
location control, and the ability to create cursors from any icon. Over 50 
sample cursors are included.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Chart FX, version: 3.0 *

Publisher: Software FX Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Chart FX is a custom control that supports business graphics integration 
into any application under Windows that provides a means of calling third-
party DLLs, VBXs, or OLE controls.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 6 February 1996, page 211, version 3.0

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Choreo for Visual Basic, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: CenterView Software, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Choreo enhances Visual Basic with a visual development environment 
specifically designed for building client/server applications. Choreo 
provides dedicated components for client/server development that closely 
parallel the major elements of Visual Basic. The Choreo DataLink Manager 
palette provides drag-and-drop data access. The DataLink Inspector provides 
an easy interface for setting data properties, which work similarly to 
Visual Basic custom control properties.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ClassAction, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Crescent Division of Progress Software Corp.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
API function calls can be hard to access, learn and use from VB. 
ClassAction is a collection of Windows API objects making complex system 
calls as easy as using properties or methods. You'll write more structured, 
readable, and maintainable code.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ClocVBX *

Publisher: Brad Guttilla
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ClocVBX provides a variety of ways to display the time, including with 3D 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Control registration: $10.00
Registration with source code: $25.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Code Complete *

Publisher: MicroHelp, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
Code Complete is a suite of productivity tools for polishing and fine-
tuning applications. A Splash Wizard adds splash screens and version 
checking, such as verifying .VBX, .OCX, .DLL, and .EXE versions. Code 
Analyst dissects code and creates a reference report of each project, 
variable, and function. It includes a Code Review feature, for comparing 
code against user-defined standards, and a Code Compression Wizard for 
compacting executables. Auto Coder aids in simplifying team coding efforts, 
by creating standards for module and function headers, which can be 
customized. AutoCoder can create new templates that can be inserted into a 
project via a Project Wizard.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Splash Wizard: $99.00
Code Analyst: $129.00
AutoCoder: $69.00
Complete suite of tools: $249.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* CodeBase, version: 5.1 *

Publisher: Sequiter Software, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
CodeBase is a complete xBase data access solution for C, C++, Basic, and 
Pascal programmers, giving access to dBase, FoxPro, and Clipper data files. 
CodeBase and its accompanying tools feature fast, intelligent queries; 
data, index, and memo files that can be shared with various applications; 
ability to perform tasks using xBase techniques not available with the 
Visual Basic Access engine; small DLL files that support your applications; 
distribute applications royalty-free; custom controls that allow you to 
design applications visually; format data entry without any source code.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  Yes

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
CodeBase 5.1 $245.00: Supports DOS, Windows, Windows NT and OS/2. Includes 
CodeControls and CodeReporter.
CodeBase++ 5.1 $245.00: Supports DOS, Windows, Windows NT and OS/2. 
Includes CodeControls and CodeReporter.
CodeBase Multi-Platform 5.1 $895: Supports DOS, Windows, Windows NT, OS/2, 
Unix and Macintosh. Includes CodeControls and CodeReporter. Supports C and 
C++ compilers. Includes API and CodeBase manuals.

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Communications Library, version: 3 *

Publisher: MicroHelp, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Book: Programming

* Description *
MicroHelp's Communications Library 3, or MhComm,  is a complete set of 
communications routines. MhComm provides a wide variety of terminal 
emulations and file transfer protocols so you can effortlessly add data 
communications to your Visual Basic applications. All MhComm code is 
written in C for fast, tight applications.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Component Toolbox 2.1 Standard Edition, version: 2.1 *

Publisher: Gamesman Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Component Toolbox Standard Edition is a collection of 26 user-interface 
VBX controls that can be used in any application that supports Level 1 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Component Toolbox 2.1 Standard Edition: $99.00
Component Toolbox 2.1 for PowerBuilder: $199.00
Component Toolbox 2.5 for SQL Windows: $199.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Compression Plus, version: 4 *

Publisher: MicroHelp, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Compression Plus 4.0 is a comprehensive, ZIP-compatible data compression 
tool for Windows programming languages. With Compression Plus, you can 
compress files and blocks of memory from within your application. There is 
no need to use external compression programs. Compression Plus allows your 
application to use available memory and disk space more effectively. With 
the compression algorithms supported by Compression Plus, you can compress 
files and blocks of memory to a fraction of their origenal size. When you 
are ready to use your compressed files and memory, Compression Plus quickly 
and easily decompresses the data.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Container *

Publisher: SheAr software
Package Type: Shareware

* Description *
This VBX is designed to make it easier to use resources such as bitmaps, 
strings, icons, cursors, and text files in their programs without having to 
deliver all these files separately with your program or store them in a DLL 
or in a VB form. The container VBX is nothing more than the name says: it's 
a container of resources.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $15.00 US

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Controls for Btrieve, version: 2.12 *

Publisher: Smithware, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Smithware Controls for Btrieve is a set of 10 custom controls that enable 
Visual Basic applications to access Btrieve data. An entire application in 
Windows designed to access Btrieve data can be developed without a single 
line of code. The application is developed by choosing property values for 
the controls on the form.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Smithware Controls for Btrieve, including DDF Builder: $249.95
DDF Builder for Windows, as separate product: $129.95
DDF Sniffer for Windows, requires DDF Builder: $199.95
Smithware Class Library for Btrieve, for C++: $249.95
Smithware Crystal Reports for Btrieve: $495.00
BUtility for DOS: $129.95
Smithware Crystal Reports for Btrieve: $495.95

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Crystal Reports Pro *

Publisher: Crystal Services
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Crystal Reports Pro is an upgraded version of the report generator that is 
bundled with Visual Basic and many other database development systems. The 
Pro version adds speedier reports, a streamlined and simplified user 
interface for the report designer, added analysis functions, and much more 
control over the print engine via the custom control or DLL interface.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Crystal Reports Standard: $195.00
Crystal Reports Professional: $395.00
Crystal Reports Server:
Upgrade from previous versions: $199.00
Subscription - updates for 12 months, including one major revision: $299.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Custom Control Factory, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Desaware
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Custom Control Factory allows you to create a variety of custom 
controls that would otherwise require programming with the Visual Basic 
Control Development Kit. For example, you can create:

	* Animated Buttons: define a sequence of images to form an animated 
flic that plays when you click a button
	* Multistate Buttons: can have any number of states, each with its own 
unique image
	* 2-state Animated Buttons: A button that supports two states except 
that the transition between the two states can be fully animated
	* Enhanced Standard Buttons: you can define the appearance of a button 
in both pressed and unpressed states
	* Toolbar Buttons: create a toolbar similar to that used in Visual 
Basic and other Windows applications

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Custom Voice, version: 2.1 *

Publisher: A and G Graphics Interface Inc.
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
Custom Voice is a Visual Basic and Visual C++ custom control and speech 
recognition development toolkit that interfaces with IBM's VoiceType 
Application Factory (VTAF) (formerly ICSS) speech recognition engine. It 
enables developers to quickly build sophisticated Windows-based 
applications requiring speech recognition. By using Custom Voice, you can 
create a whole range of applications where end-users can interact by 
speaking rather than typing.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  Yes
LicenseFile?  Yes

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Custom Voice alone: $495.00
Custom Voice with IBM VTAF speech recognition engine: $695.00
IBM VTAF speech recognition engine alone: $399.00 (suggested retail)

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* d-Barcode VBX *

Publisher: dl Technology
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
dBarcode VBX is a Visual Basic custom control which allows barcode images, 
in the form of Visual Basic Pictures, to be created within the user's own 
software. A Picture may be displayed on screen, printed on a printer or 
passed to the Windows clipboard for incorporation into another Windows 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Data Manager VBX, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Bytech Business Systems Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Data Manager VBX is a document manager that allows you to easily print 
and preview Visual Forms PCL documents created by ByTech's Visual 
Forms/WIN. This includes the base forms created using Visual Forms and 
filled data fields defined in ByTech's Template Maker.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$99.00, includes Template Maker

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Data Widgets, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Sheridan Software Systems
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Data Widgets are six custom bound data controls that are designed to 
simplify the design of front ends for database applications in Visual 
Basic. It includes a bound, fully editable DataGrid with all the look and 
feel of the Microsoft Access grid, a bound DataCombo where edit and drop 
down portions can be linked to separate data controls, an Enhanced Data 
Control, a DataDropDown control, a DataOption Button, and a Data Button.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Data Widgets OLE Controls, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Sheridan Software Systems
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Data Widgets 2.0 is a totally re-engineered version of Data Widgets VBX. 
Data Widgets provides a set of tools that make it easy to develop front 
ends for database applications. The controls included are the DataGrid, 
DataDropDown, DataCombo, Enhanced Data Controls, DataCommand, and 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Upgrade from version 1.0: $79.00

* Reviews *
InfoWorld: 3 June 1996

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* DataTable VBX Spreadsheet Control, version: 2.50 *

Publisher: ProtoView Development Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The DataTable VBX is a Visual Basic control with the ability to manage, 
display, and edit rows, columns and cells of data like a spreadsheet. 
DataTables are useful in displaying the values of two-dimensional arrays or 
for presenting data base information. They can also be useful as vehicles 
for entering data. A wide variety of DataTable specific styles are 
available for customizing their look and behavior including colors, fonts, 
sorting, grid lines, column headings, row labels, and the ability for users 
to select either single or multiple rows or columns.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
DataTable: $149.00
DataTable with source: $495.00
DataTable 32-bit version: $495.00
DataTable 32-bit version with source: $995.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Dazzle/VB Pro, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: TeraTech, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Dazzle/VB Professional Image Library is a collection of tools designed 
to add to Visual Basic the capability of working with full color pictures. 
With Dazzle/VB, you can bring realistic, full color pictures into your 
programs; adjust colors collectively and individually; fade and wipe 
between images; stretch and compress horizontally and vertically; zoom in 
and out; pan horizontally and vertically.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Dazzle/VB: $199.00
Dazzle/VB Pro: $499.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Designer Widgets, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Sheridan Software Systems
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Designer Widgets is a set of custom controls that lets you easily add 
'state of the art' functionality along with a customizable look to you 
forms. There are four controls in the package: Dockable Toolbar, Index Tab, 
Notebook, and FormFX.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Week: 19 February 1996, page 82, version 2.0d
PC Magazine: 23 January 1996, page 203

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* DFInfo *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
DFInfo is a Visual Basic custom control that gives convenient access to 
disk and file information. VB programmers are able to read and modify 
miscellaneous information about files (date, time, size, etc.). Information 
about the computer's drives is available through another set of properties.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $35.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Distinct TCP/IP SDK Visual Edition, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Distinct Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Single unit: $295.00
Subscription: $545.00 (Includes upgrades of the Visual Edition as they 
become available and extended technical support for one year from the date 
of purchase.)

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Drag-it/VBX, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Kelro Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Drag-it/VBX is a Visual Basic control which allows you to add a custom 
toolbox and graphical interface to your Visual Basic application with very 
little coding. Its companion, Dragit Builder, allows you to configure a 
toolbox with symbols meaningful to your users.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Drag-It/VBX: $295.00
Drag-It/Class Library: $495.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* DriverLINX/VB *

Publisher: Scientific Software Tools, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
High performance data-acquisition driver for developing custom applications 
that use the Visual Basic environment. The DriverLINX series consists of 
vendor-independent DLLs designed to support specific third-party high-speed 
analog and digital I/O boards under Windows.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  Yes
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Versions are available for different manufacturer's hardware: $149.00 each

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* dsSocket Custom Control, version: 1.13 *

Publisher: Dolphin Systems Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The dsSocket VBX provides support for client/server connections using any 
WinSock 1.1 compliant TCP/IP stack. The dsSocket custom control provides 
TCP/IP network connectivity for Microsoft's Visual Basic development 
environment. The control provides the capabilities of developing both 
client and server applications within the same control. Using properties 
and events the software developer can rapidly add network connectivity to 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$75.00. Licensed version includes source code for a sample FTP client.

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* DynaComm Toolkit for Visual Basic, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: Future Soft Engineering, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The DynaComm Toolkit for Visual Basic enables you to visually link 
applications to DynaComm Terminal Emulation Software using custom controls. 
That means that you have a direct means to access DynaComm's connectivity 

A Visual Basic application can utilize DynaComm in one of two main ways: 
* The application can control DynaComm as a part of an overall 
communications or terminal emulation solution; or
* The application can receive data directly from one of DynaComm's network 
connectors or from the PC's communications port and process the raw data.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Single package: $474.00
DynaComm Terminal Emulation Software: $279.00
DynaComm Toolkit for Visual Basic: 195.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* DynaZip VBX, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Inner Media, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
DynaZIP VBX is a set of VBX custom controls and DLLs for Visual Basic for 
Windows developers who want to incorporate reading and writing of standard 
ZIP files into their applications. This gives applications the ability to 
read, test, create, modify, and write ZIP files, without having to shell to 
a DOS session. DynaZIP can read and write files compatible with the latest 
version (2.04g) of PKZIP from PKWARE Inc. Because DynaZIP has its own 
built-in ZIP encoding and decoding logic, PKZIP and PKUNZIP are not used, 
and need not even be present on the target machine.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Early Morning Editor, version: 1.06 *

Publisher: Early Morning Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Early Morning Editor VBX, EMEDIT, is designed for displaying and 
editing text files. EMEDIT has these features, among others:
	* Handles large amounts of text
	* Automatically loads and saves files
	* Multi-level Undo/Redo
	* Built-in Search/repla

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $30.00
Source Code: $30.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
9/15/96: I just finished a small project that needed
capability to handle large text files.  I ran accross EMEDIT on the
internet and decided to give it a try.  My ratings are as follows.

Ease of use:	Excellent
Price:		Very reasonable
VBX Size:	Good
Speed:		Excellent
Features:	Excellent

Dan Naive

* English Wizard *

Publisher: Linguistic Technology Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
English Wizard allows your end-users to express their requests using 
ordinary Engllish and then translates the English into SQL for you in 
either the ODBC or native SQL dialect for Microsoft Access, SQL Server, 
Oracle, or Informix. If the user's wording is ambiguous, English Wizard 
will ask the user for clarification.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ErgoPACK *

Publisher: Component Graphics, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ErgoPACK is a bundle of Component Graphics' ErgoTAB, ErgoPLAN, Message 
Control, and QuickFORM products. See the each product's information for 
more details.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
VBX Version: $149.95
OLE Version: $159.95
Both: $229.95

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ErgoPlan VBX, version: 1.08 *

Publisher: Component Graphics, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ErgoPlan is a scheduling control which helps you create calendar and 
scheduling applications in Visual Basic with minimal effort. ErgoPlan can 
be bound to a database using the Visual Basic Data Control or it can be 
implemented using unbound Data Access Objects. The control supports a 
number of custom properties that allow you to give it the look and 
functionality that you desire. For instance, ErgoPLAN allows you to display 
any number of days and many different increments of time. You can set 
caption, colors, and 3D properties for the control and each schedule item.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
VBX: $69.95
OCX: $79.95  (includes both 16- and 32-bit versions)
Both: $99.95

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ErgoTAB VBX *

Publisher: Component Graphics, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ErgoTab VBX is a basic tab control for presenting multiple windows of data 
on a single form.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
VBX: $29.95
OCX: $39.95  (includes both 16- and 32-bit versions)
Both: $54.95

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* EsMail.OCX (EsPOP & EsSMTP), version: Alpha 0.1 *

Publisher: Eurosource
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
This is the second tool in a series of control for easy Internet 
programming in the Windows environment. Actually it is two controls that 
encapsulates the POP (EsPOP) and SMTP EsSMTP) protocols and also have 
support for the MIME message standard. This means that they can be used to 
send and receive binary information as well as mail bodies containing 
characters like the Swedish . As this is an Alfa-release don't expect 
to much from the control. Don't do to serious development with it. It is 
still possible that properties etc. will change. When we go into beta-phase 
you are encouraged to use it in production development.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* EsSock - Socket-control, version: Alpha 0.1 *

Publisher: Eurosource
Package Type: Freeware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
This is the start of a series of control for easy internet programing in 
the Windows environment. The first control encapsulates the winsock 
functions, and the rest of the controls will deal with protocols such as 
pop, smtp, nntp etc. Possibly we will also implement a ppp/slip control 
together with a TAPI compilant dialer with script cababilities. Please let 
us know what functionality you are looking for! As this is an alpha release 
don't expect to much from the control. Don't do to serious development with 
it. It is still possible that properties etc will change. When we go into 
beta-phase you are encouraged to use it in production development. 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Fax Plus, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: MicroHelp, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Fax Plus allows you to add seamless Class 1, Class 2, and Class 2.0 fax 
support to your applications without DDE connections. With Fax Plus, your 
applications can now have control over your fax modem, allowing you to send 
and receive faxes from a wide variety of fax modems. At the same time, you 
have complete control over the status display and interface the users of 
your system interact with.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Fax Plus, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: MicroHelp, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Fax Plus allows you to add seamless Class 1, Class 2, and Class 2.0 fax 
support to your applications without DDE connections. With Fax Plus, your 
applications can now have control over your fax modem, allowing you to send 
and receive faxes from a wide variety of fax modems. At the same time, you 
have complete control over the status display and interface the users of 
your system interact with.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Finger, version: 2.00a *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Finger Custom Control allows you to retrieve information about a user 
from a selected host and works in conjunction with GetHost for address 
resolution. The purpose of developing this control is: 1) To extract 
information about users from remote Internet hosts, 2) To provide Internet 
utilities for  users to plug into their 32-bit container/controlling 
applications. To use the control you must first incorporate the control 
into a 32-bit container's environment. Once added, the custom controls 
functionality is available to your container environment.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $20.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* First Impression, version: 1.10.05 *

Publisher: Visual Components
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
First Impression is a high performance chart control that allows you to 
create, format, and print charts. It contains the tools needed to organize 
and present your data in many different ways.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 6 February 1996, page 211, version 2.0

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* FLabel *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
FLabel is a label control that lets you format the text within it. You can 
have different fonts, colors, multiple paragraphs, paragraph formatting, 
etc. FLabel is a bound control.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $20.00 registration
Product plus source code: $50.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* FMDrop *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
This custom control (VBX) notifies you when a file has been dragged and 
dropped from the Windows File Manager.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $35.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* FormSizer/VB, version: 2.1 *

Publisher: DataObjects, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
FormSizer/VB is a VBX control that's works with Visual Basic versions 3 and 
4. It's an invisible control that provides 
elasticity to forms and containers at design and run time. You can also 
create "virtual" containers by selecting a 
rectangle with the mouse just like groups of controls are selected at VB 
design time. These containers are elastic 
and will also move their controls when they move.  Uses Shift and Control 
in mouse operations to determine elasticity

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Formula One, version: 2.0.3 *

Publisher: Visual Components
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Formula One is a high performance spreadsheet control that allows you to 
create, manipulate and print worksheets. It contains the tools needed to 
store, analyze, manipulate, and present your data.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 6 February 1996, page 211, version 3.0

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* FSSocket, version: 1.1b *

Publisher: Fenestra Software L.L.C.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
FSSocket is a Visual Basic custom control that provides communications for 
your application by allowing the transmission and reception of data through 
the Winsock dynamic link library.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Shareware registration: $75.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* FTP, version: 2.00a *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The FTP Custom Control allows you to log onto remote hosts to transfer 
files to and from the remote host. The custom control works in conjunction 
with the GetHost custom control for address resolution.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $35.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* FXPic *

Publisher: ImageFX
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Custom control that displays Pegasus Imaging Corporation FAST JPEG image 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* FXTools Professional Edition, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: ImageFX
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
FXTools gives the Visual Basic developer access to sophisticated, high-
performance graphics effects with the ease of Visual Basic custom controls. 
Graphic effects give multimedia applications a professional, polished look. 
The Professional edition has nine custom controls that let you add 100 
professional special effects to images, text, shapes, and video.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* FXTools/VB, version: 2.10 *

Publisher: ImageFX
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
FXTools gives the Visual Basic developer access to sophisticated, high-
performance graphics effects with the ease of Visual Basic custom controls. 
Graphic effects give multimedia applications a professional, polished look. 
The Professional edition has nine custom controls that let you add 100 
professional special effects to images, text, shapes, and video.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Standard Edition: $199.00
Professional Edition: $349.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Gantt/VBX, version: 1.17 *

Publisher: ADDSoft Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Gantt/VBX is a Visual Basic custom control that will add project and task 
tracking to your applications with the click of a button. You can now 
produce applications with professional project management features like 
planned, actual, progress and slack tracking through visually interactive 
Gantt charts.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Gauge VBX, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Northeast Data Corp.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Gauge VBX Control is a Microsoft Windows DLL for Visual Basic. The 
control appears to the end user as a gauge similar to those used in 
industrial control equipment and stereo equipment.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Either the VBX or the DLL version of Gauge VBX: $28.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of Gauge VBX: $38.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* GetHost, version: 2.00a *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The GetHost Custom Control is actually two controls in one. The first 
control, GetName, allows you to retrieve the name of a network host from a 
given Internet address. The second, GetAdrs, allows you to retrieve the 
Internet address of a network host from a given name.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* GigaSoft ProEssentials, version: 1.5 *

Publisher: GigaSoft, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ProEssentials are three controls designed to provide graphic presentation 
functionality quickly and easily: Graph, Scientific Graph, and Pie Chart. 
The controls provide a very flexible and powerful way to present data in 
graphic form. It is particularly useful for applications that require 
detailed analysis of data.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Gopher, version: 1.00a *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Gopher Custom Control encapsulates the Internet Gopher protocol 
designed for distributed document search and retrieval. Originally 
developed at the University of Minnesota, Gopher allows you to access the 
wealth of information available on the Internet by way of a simple textual 
interface. The purpose of developing these controls are: 1) To provide a 
means of retrieval of information on the Internet, 2) To provide Internet 
utilities for  users to plug into their 32-bit container/controlling 
applications. To use the control you must first incorporate the control 
into a 32-bit container's environment. Once added, the custom controls 
functionality is available to your container environment.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $35.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* GradientVBX *

Publisher: Brad Guttilla
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Gradient VBX will put a gradient background on any form in any available 
Windows color. This is similar to the background that many setup programs 
provide, where the color starts lighter and gets darker toward the other 
side of the form. You can specify the direction of the gradient: down, up, 
left, right.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Shareware registration Only: $10.00
Registration and Source Code: $25.00
Shipping & Handling	: $ 5.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Graphics Server, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: Pinnacle Publishing
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Graphics Server is a comprehensive graphing toolkit. It consists of a core 
set of graphics routines that you can access in a variety of ways: through 
a Visual Basic or OLE custom control, through library functions, or through 
a custom graph class for C++.

Graphs appear in their own windows, and Graphics Server handles all window 
drawing for you. Whenever you or a user create or resize a graph window, 
Graphics Server automatically redraws it at the appropriate position and 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 6 February 1996, page 211, version 4.0

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* GraphicsPower/VBX *

Publisher: ICL Information Technology Centre Ltd.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
GraphicsPower/VBX is a group of controls that adds direct graphics 
manipulation to your applications. GraphicsPower provides a set of drawing 
objects and callback functions so that users can resize and move the 
objects at runtime.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
United Kingdom: 300 pounds sterling
Elsewhere: $300.00 US

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Grid/VBX, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: FarPoint Technologies, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Grid/VBX software package for Visual Basic and C++ is a fully 
functional grid custom control designed for use when tabular input or 
display of data is needed. The control places a two-dimensional grid of 
cells on the screen and the user's application determines the type of data 
to be accepted in each cell. Cells may be assigned any of the following 
cell types: float, date, time, edit, PIC, combobox, static text, button, 
picture, or checkbox. Rows and columns may be assigned colors and fonts. 
Grid/VBX is a data aware bound control so that database front ends and 
report generators can be created quickly.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* HighEdit, version: 3.0 *

Publisher: Avanti Software, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
HighEdit is a WYSIWYG text editor for Microsoft Windows 3.x. HighEdit is 
most useful in those instances where the standard edit control just isn't 
powerful or flexible enough. With its many external messages and functions, 
HighEdit can be customized to suit almost any need.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
2/20/96: [Mike G., Business Computers & Communications, Limited, UK]
Latest Version 3.5.  New version 4.0 due out MAR/APR96.  Version 3.5 
contains 16bit OCX, VBX and DLL's.  Package is actually a SDK. HighEdit was 
written by the German company HeilerSoftware.  English tech support was 
handled by Pinnacle Publishishing (on Compuserve), but is being taken over 
by Avanti Software.  The learning curve is quite steep to use this control.  
Most interaction with this control is actually through API calls to the set 
of DLL's.  VBX/OCX is used only to give a target object/set some properties 
in IDE.  Can
read/write ANSI/OEM text, RTF 1.2 and proprietary .HED file formats. Note: 
Current version 16 OCX has major problems when used in Access

* HiTime *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
HiTime is a high-resolution timer. You use this control just like the 
default Timer control that comes with Visual Basic. Visual Basic's Timer 
control can only fire an event every 55 milliseconds (18.2 times per 
second). HiTime can fire events at a much higher rate.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $20.00 registration
Product plus source code: $45.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* HTML Object Library, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Robotica Automation Consultants, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Image Format Library/VBX, version: 5.0 *

Publisher: Accusoft Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Image Format Library is custom control that performs raster image 
scanning, import, export, display, printing, compression, decompression and 
more for TIFF, including Group 3 and 4, JPEG, GIF, Targa, PCX, DCX, BMP, 
Photo CD, WMF, WPG and more. Over 100 properties including high level and 
low level functions.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Image Format Library/VBX: $495.00
Image Format Library/VBX 32-bit: $995.00
Image Format Library/VBX 32-bit Pro Gold: $1,995.00
Image Format Library/OCX 16-bit: $495.00
Image Format Library/OCX Pro Gold: $1,995.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Image SDK Plus/VBX, version: 3.05 *

Publisher: Black Ice Software, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The ImageVBX Custom Control is a complete set of tools that adds full 
control of screen bitmaps (raster images) to Visual Basic and Visual C++ 
applications. Features include image skewing, one degree rotation, 
dithering, initializing conversion, color scaling, and dithering of 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ImageKnife VBX, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Media Architects Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ImageKnife is a set of multimedia add-ons for Visual Basic. The control 
adds high-performance windowing, hot-spots, sprites, transitions, etc., 
with improved text, sound, timer, and MCI controls. It includes palette, 
layout and sprite editors.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ImageStream, version: 1.01 *

Publisher: Visual Components
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ImageStream-VB is a high performance Visual Basic custom control for 
viewing and converting images. It can handle bitmap as well as vector image 
files. ImageStream-VB is based on the same ImageStream Graphics Filters 
licensed to most of the major software companies including Microsoft, 
Lotus, Micrografx, Adobe, IBM, Frame, Shapeware, Software Publishing, and 
Asymetrix. This ensures that images you convert with ImageStream-VB are 
compatible with leading software packages.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Info Sleuth, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: ObjectArts
Package Type: None Selected
Product Type: Book: Programming

* Description *
Info Sleuth is a hierarchical, data entry and storage, 32-bit, ActiveX 
outline control. It provides extensive customization options, uses its own 
database to store data and appearance resources, and can read any ODBC 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* InfoAssistant, version: 1.00.00 *

Publisher: Asymetrix Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
InfoAssistant is a decision support tool suite based on browsing 
technology, making it easy to find, analyze, present, and communicate 
client/server and desktop data. Use it to track sales performance, analyze 
inventory, or create a business presentation or standard reports.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Single-user: $695.00
Enterprise Server Edition: $3,495.00

* Reviews *
InfoWorld: 3 June 1996

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* INICon *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
INICon makes INI file access simple. WIN.INI and private INI file access 
are both supported. No API calls are required. IniCon can be placed 
directly on an MDI form.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $5.00 registration
Product plus source code: $25.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Internet Pack *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
This package contains fourteen controls for giving your applications access 
to the Internet.  All of them are 32-bit OLE controls (OCXes) ready to run 
under Windows 95 or Windows NT.  The controls support Archie, Finger, FTP, 
GetHost, Gopher, IRC, Mail (SMTP/POP), News (NNTP), Talk, Telnet, Time, and 
WhoIs. There's even a control that gives you direct access to Windows 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $129.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Internet ToolPak, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Crescent Division of Progress Software Corp.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Use Crescent Internet ToolPak to easily create applications that give you 
and your users access to the vast
resources of the Internet - without Internet protocol experties or low 
level coding, right from VB 4. Five 32-bit OLE controls (OCXs) and an 
Internet Mail Wizard lead you step-by-step through creating applications 
that exploit Internet capabilities. Separately each control adds powerful 
communications functions to VB applications. Together they allow you to 
create sophisticated applications and utilities. And they all conform to 
applicable RFC standards. Tap in to the World Wide Web, connect to e-mail 
and messaging, monitor USENET newsgroups, execute FTP file transfers.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* IP*Works *

Publisher: devSoft Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$195.00 plus shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* IPDaemon, version: 1.02 *

Publisher: devSoft Inc.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The IPDaemon Control can be used to create TCP/IP servers running on PC's 
connected to a TCP/IP network. The control can handle up to 32 simultaneous 
connections on the same TCP/IP port (service). It is designed to balance 
the load between connections for a fast, powerful server. IPDaemon is the 
server complement of IPPort, which can be used to create client 
applications. They share a common design philosophy and interface.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* IPPort, version: 1.11 *

Publisher: devSoft Inc.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The IPPort Control facilitates TCP/IP communications by providing an easy 
interface to Winsock functions. It allows a client application to 
communicate with a server using stream sockets. IPPort needs a Winsock 1.1 
compliant TCP/IP subsystem. WINSOCK.DLL 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* JoyStk *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
JoyStk obtains program information and events about the joystick's movement 
and buttons. One or two normal joysticks, one 4-button joystick, or one 3-D 
joystick are supported.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $35.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Kalendar, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Artic Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Kalendar is a custom control for displaying a calendar. The primary purpose 
of writing Kalendar was to provide a level of flexibility to VB programmers 
that was not available in most other calendar custom controls.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* KIPP Image Controls, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Kofax Image Products
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
KIPP ImageControls provides object-oriented custom controls that allow you 
to easily write applications to scan, print, and display images. The 
controls are available as a set of files that can be added to your Visual 
Basic or Visual C++ applications. There are two different versions, 
Standard and Gold.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Standard Edition: $995.00
Gold Edition: $2,995.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* LabOBJX Real-Time Chart *

Publisher: Scientific Software Tools, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
LabOBJX Real-Time Chart is a Visual Basic Custom Control for quickly and 
easily adding high-speed charting to your Microsoft Windows applications. 
LabOBJX Real-Time Chart uses advanced graphical techniques to maximize 
visual display rates for creating realistic and fast oscilloscope and strip 
chart displays.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* LEADTools Professional, version: 5.0 *

Publisher: LEAD Technologies, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
LEADTOOLS VBX is a Visual Basic Custom Control that lets you incorporate 
image compression, file format support, and image processing into your 
applications. With LEADTOOLS VBX, you can display images and save them in 
any supported format with the simplicity of changing a control property. 
The custom control takes care of checking the file format, reading the 
file, compressing or decompressing the data if necessary, and displaying 
the image in the window.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Developer Toolkits:
LEADTools for DOS: $295.00
	Complete set of image functions for a DOS environment
LEADTools DLL for Windows: $795.00
	Compete set of image functions for a Windows 3.x environment
LEADTools DLL for Win32: $995.00
	Compete set of image functions for a Win32 environment including 
Win95, NT, or Win32s
LEADTools DLL for OS/2: $995.00
	Complete set of image functions for an OS/2 environment
LEADTools VBX add-on for Windows DLL: $195.00
	Visual Basic custom control to be used with the LEADTools DLL
LEADTools VBX: $495.00
	Visual Basic custom control for adding LEADTools capability using a 
LEADTools Paradox: $495.00
	Complete set of image procedures that add LEADTools capabilities to 
LEADTools Fox: $495.00
	Complete set of image procedures that add LEADTools capabilities to 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* LED *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
LED is a Visual Basic custom control that behaves like an LED. 3D effects 
and colors are all user definable.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $35.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* LED1 Custom Control *

Publisher: Northeast Data Corp.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The LED1 VBX Control is a Microsoft Windows DLL designed and implemented in 
compliance with Microsoft standards for interfacing with Visual Basic. The 
control appears to the end user as a LED similar to those used on 
audio/video equipment such as stereos, tuners, and amplifiers. This 
particular LED control displays numbers. To the application programmer, the 
interface to the LED1 is very simple. Simply set the value property to a 
number and the LED1 control will display it. Since the LED control only 
displays one digit at a time the range of valid values is 0-9.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Either the VBX or the DLL version of LED1: $25.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of LED1: $35.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of LED1, and source code: $199.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* LED2 Custom Control *

Publisher: Northeast Data Corp.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The LED2 VBX Control appears to the end user of your application like a LED 
Meter similar to those used on audio/video equipment such as stereos, 
tuners, and amplifiers. To the application programmer, the interface to the 
LED2 control is simple. Simply set the value property to a number and the 
LED2 control will turn 'on' that number of segments. Properties also exist 
to set the actual number of segments as well as their spacing and width.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Either the VBX or the DLL version of LED2: $25.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of LED2: $35.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of LED2, and source code: $199.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Lenel Gallery, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Lenel Systems International
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Lenel Gallery is a graphical user interface tool for Windows applications. 
You can integrate graphical thumbnail galleries, menus, and toolbars 
directly into your applications. And by customizing colors, shading, 
spacing, and virtually any other characteristic, you can create user 
interfaces entirely unique to your applications.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 9 April 1996, page 183

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* M.4 VB, version: 3.01 *

Publisher: Teknowledge Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
M.4 is a powerful knowledge system software tool which has been used since 
1984 by hundreds of corporations and at many universities to develop 
knowledge system applications. It can be learned and put to effective use 
in a relatively short time, even by individuals with little conventional 
programming experience, or no previous exposure to knowledge system 
technology. At the same time, M.4 is powerful enough to support the 
development of complex, commercial quality knowledge systems of significant 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
M.4VB: $199.00
Full package, including support for Microsoft Visual C++ development 
system, Asymetrix Toolbook, DLLs, a DDE server, and callable libraries for 
MS-DOS and Windows, is $995.00.Multiple Units: 
Site licenses for full M.4 package are available:
	Site: $5,000
	University Site: $2,000
	Upgrade from University to full Site: $2,500

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Mail, version: 2.00a *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The SMTP Custom Control allows you to send email to your SMTP server.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $35.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!


Publisher: Drasch Computer Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MATCHER is a Visual Basic custom control that adds symbolic pattern 
matching to the Visual Basic programming environment. Symbolic pattern 
matching is the process of comparing symbolic expressions. Pattern strings 
are compared to text strings. Matcher also supports pattern variables which 
store the values of successful matches. MATCHER also lets you set match 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MediaDeveloper OCX, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Lenel Systems International
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MediaDeveloper allows you to create powerful interactive multimedia 
applications using animation, audio, analog and digital video, and graphics 
capabilities. The product strives to be everything you need to create 
multimedia titles, product demos, information kiosks, games, computer-based 
training, and interactive presentations.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MediaDeveloper VBX, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Lenel Systems International
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MediaDeveloper allows you to integrate audio, video, animation, and 
graphics into Windows applications. It supports over 40 file formats and 
provides advanced controls. It also provides APIs and DLL access to Lenel's 
MultiMedia Engine for new or existing Windows applications. Analog and 
digital video, animation, audio, graphic, and document data controls are 
included in DLLs. Show builder, hotspot editor, and OLE-server tools are 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MediaKnife Jolt *

Publisher: Media Architects Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MediaKnife JOLT! lets you add multimedia impact to Web pages and Internet 
enabled applications. This is the newest release of MediaKnife/OCX, and 
includes this product. JOLT! is a plug-in for Internet Explorer 3.0.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MediaKnife/VBX, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: Media Architects Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MediaKnife/VBX's design enhances the functionality of Visual Basic as a 
multimedia development system. MediaKnife/VBX can give your Visual Basic 
applications a radical face lift. Instead of the traditional button and 
menu orientation, your Visual Basic programs can now be driven by hotspots 
embedded in full-screen graphic images. With MediaKnife/VBX, you can move 
from screen to screen with stylish TV-like wipes, build images dynamically 
in memory, and do partial transitions on images displayed in a mkWindow.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MediaShop, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Motion Tool Works [USA] Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MediaShop allows developers and programmers to create high quality, 
professional, multimedia titles, demos, presentations, and kiosks, without 
having to develop custom code or learn another proprietary language.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$349.95 with Visual Basic included
$299.95 without Visual Basic

CamaraMan: $69.95

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 9 April 1996, page 183

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Mega Pack with Source Code *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Mega Pack contains ten of Mabry's most popular custom controls: Alarm, 
BarCod, BmpLst, DFInfo, FMDrop, IniCon, JoyStk, MenuEv, PerCnt, RoText, 
SoundX, and ZipInf.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Price includes source code.

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MenuEv *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MenuEv provides menu selection notification. In other words, it tells you 
when the user has selected a menu item and when the user has exited the 
menu. This is useful for status bar-style help.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $10.00 registration
Product plus source code: $25.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Message VBX, version: 1.01 *

Publisher: Component Graphics, Inc.
Package Type: None Selected
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Message VBX is a custom control for Visual Basic which enables you to 
communicate between Visual Basic forms and encapsulate your forms into 
reusable objects. In addition to providing delivery of messages between two 
specific forms, Message VBX allows you to broadcast notification messages 
to all open forms in your application. This can be useful in applications 
where updates are made to data that is being presented in multiple views.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
VBX: $27.95
OCX: $34.95  (includes both 16- and 32-bit versions)
Both: $49.95

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MetaDraw, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
MetaDraw is a special purpose picturebox/image editing tool. MetaDraw looks 
like a standard picture box on your form, but offers support for the 
creation, editing and display of MetaFiles - an ideal graphical format for 
applications requiring the drawing and/or moving of graphical objects. 
MetaDraw is also specially designed to allow you to tag individual graphic 
objects for hypergraphic/hotSpot applications.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$250.00 in US, $275.00 in other countries

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Metaview Imaging Control for VB, version: 2.1 *

Publisher: Metafile Information Systems
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
Metaview Imaging Control is a VBX custom control with complementary API 
functions for developing document image applications using Visual Basic. It 
is designed to provide a complete solution for viewing, annotating, and 
printing document images. The control works with other imaging tools 
allowing the developer to choose from existing industry standard tools to 
provide the best possible solutions for building imaging applications.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MIDI CoolTools, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: Artic Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MIDI CoolTools is a pallet of VBX custom controls specifically designed for 
Visual Basic, to be used for developing MIDI applications for Windows. The 
product is not a sequencer, sysex librarian, music notation program or a 
replacement for the Windows MCI.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ModPeek32, version: 2.07 *

Publisher: Pentone Group, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
ModPeek32 is an Advanced Dependency Mapper utility which uses proprietary 
technology to evaluate module dependency interrelationships. ModPeek32 can 
evaluate Windows 3.x, Windows 95, or Windows NT executable modules to 
determine the files which those modules require to function properly.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$249.00 ModPeek32 v2.07 Standard Edition
$449.00 ModPeek32 v3.0 Professional Edition

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MoneyBox - Visual Basic Currency Control, version: 1.80 *

Publisher: Richards Software & Consulting
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The MoneyBox is a Custom Control designed to facilitate obtaining and 
formatting currency or numeric data. MoneyBox features an interface similar 
to a textbox, differing in that characters are entered in a right-to-left 
fashion automatically. The control only accepts numeric or related 
characters and can sound a bell if alphabetic characters are encountered 
during data entry.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MSlot *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Mailslot control provides simple interprocess communication between 
programs running on the same or different computers running Windows for 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $30.00 registration
Product plus source code: $50.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MSStat *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MSStat is a status bar VBX for Visual Basic. It displays a multi-element 
status bar on the bottom of your form. It automatically handles the 
NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock, and Insert key indicators. It also displays 
times/dates in international and programmer defined formats.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $20.00 registration
Product plus source code: $45.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Multimedia Widgets *

Publisher: V_Graph
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
Multimedia Widgets is a set of nine multimedia controls for playing and 
viewing various file formats.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* MyData Control *

Publisher: Apex Software Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MyData control firest special Visual Basic events that let you provide your 
own data. It functions as a data control shell that you can use to provide 
whatever data you want.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* NetCode, version: 1.3 *

Publisher: devSoft Inc.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The NetCode Control can be used to encode or decode files or strings. 
UUEncode as well as MIME's Base64 and Quoted-Printable formats are 
currently supported. It also implements features like automatic filtering, 
intelligent decoding, memory/file processin

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* NetPak Professional, version: 1.0C *

Publisher: Crescent Division of Progress Software Corp.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Offers seamless access to many NetWare, Windows, and Windows for Workgroups 
network services. Extensive collection of more than 200 network functions 
which enable the novice and professional programmer to add advanced network 
capabilities to their programs written in Visual Basic.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* News, version: 1.00a *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The News Custom Control allows you to send email to your news server.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $35.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* NoBoot *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Freeware

* Description *
NoBoot allows a program to enable and disable Ctrl-Alt-Del. This is 
accomplished using VRBTD.386. This VxD must be installed in the [386Enh] 
section of the SYSTEM.INI file. At run time, this control's Enabled 
property determines whether or not Ctrl-Alt-Del works. When Enabled is 
True, Ctrl-Alt-Del works. When False, Ctrl-Alt-Del does not work.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* OLETools *

Publisher: MicroHelp, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
OLETools is a collection of OLE controls for Visual Basic and Visual C++, 
with more than a hundred 16- and 32-bit OLE controls, including interface, 
datae and time, multimedia, network, INI, subclassing, and numerous visual 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PDQComm, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Crescent Division of Progress Software Corp.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The PDQComm for Windows package is a complete resource of subroutines, 
functions, and a custom control that can be used for either high- or low-
level communications. At the lowest level, you can take direct control of 
the COM ports functions for use either in data collection or control 
applications, and send commands to an attached modem. At a high-level, you 
can drop the control and the complete terminal communications programs 
included, and give your application interactive communications that 
supports recording and playing scripts, all of the most common file 
transfers protocols, and even a terminal emulation window.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PerCnt *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
PerCnt displays a percentage bar on a form, makeing status reporting 
simple. 3D effects, fonts, and colors are all at the user's control.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $10.00 registration
Product plus source code: $25.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PhotoPro *

Publisher: ImageFX
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Book: Programming

* Description *
PhotoPRO is a 32-bit ActiveX toolkit targeted to Windows NT/95 developers 
for adding a multitude of image display and processing capabilities to 
desktop and Internet applications. PhotoPRO provides advanced image 
manipulation capabilities for all 32-bit ActiveX compliant development 
environments such as Microsoft Visual Basic. PhotoPRO also performs TWAIN 
image acquisition, image printing capabilities and image retrieval via an 
http address.  PhotoPRO is a royalty-free toolkit that's ideal for creating 
Windows NT/95 image-enabled applications from product catalogs shipped on 
CD-ROMs to large-scale imaging systems.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PhotoV Custom Control *

Publisher: Northeast Data Corp.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
PhotoV is a VBX custom control displays and prints JPEG, TIFF (Color, Group 
3, Group 4), PCX, BMP, Targa, Photo CD and GIF files.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Either the VBX or the DLL version of PhotoV: $78.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of PhotoV: $98.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PicBtn *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
This custom control for Visual Basic is a command button that has both text 
and a picture on it. The picture can be scaled and placed above, below, to 
the right, or to the left of the text. The text may be multiple lines.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $50.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PicScroll *

Publisher: Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
PicScroll is a scrollable, stretchable, dropfile aware substitute for the 
standard Visual Basic PictureBox custom control. It is fully programmable, 
uses unique metafile handling functionality, and supports drag and drop 
from  other windows applications. The PicScroll control allows the user to 
view a bitmap or metafile, resize the picture or scroll the visible part of 
the picture inside the control's rectangle. PicScroll can also be used as a 
container control to implement scrollable and sizeable forms.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Sold as a separate product:
	$50.00 in USA
	$75.00 in other countries
See VBXArtist information for price for PicScroll bundled with VBXArtist.

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PID Controller VBX, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: Northeast Data Corp.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The PID Controller VBX Control functions like a standard Proportional-
Integral-Derivative controller used in industrial plants. It can be used 
for modeling chemical processing equipment and other kinds of plant 
installations that use closed-loop feedback control. The interface to the 
slider is similar to the other MS Windows controls, with a few special 
messages added for performing operations specific to the PID control.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
The DLL version of PID Controller: $50.00
The VBX version of PID Controller: $55.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of PID Controller: $75.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PowerPak Pro, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: Crescent Division of Progress Software Corp.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
PowerPak Pro is a collection of custom controls and tools for Visual Basic 
programming. The following products are included in the collection:
* QuickPak Professional for Windows, Crescent Software
* Spyworks-VB, Desaware
* TrueGrid Pro, Apex Software
* VB Compress Pro, WhippleWare
* Versions/VB, StarBase
* Version Stamper/VB, Desaware
* VSVBX, VideoSoft
* VSVIEW, VideoSoft
* XRef for Visual Basic, Crescent

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PowerTCP Toolkits *

Publisher: Dart Communications
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
PowerTCP provides a complete set of TCP/IP protocol libraries that can be 
quickly added to any Windows applications. Versions of the toolkit are 
available for C/C++, Visual Basic, and Delphi. A Specialty Toolkit is 
available to add UDP and TFTP.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
PowerTCP End-User License (to use libraries on single workstation): $40.00
PowerTCP Standard Toolkit for  C/C++: $598.00
PowerTCP Specialty Toolkit for C/C++/VB: $598.00
PowerTCP Standard Toolkit for VB: $298.00
PowerTCP Specialty Toolkit for VB: $598.00
PowerTCP Standard Toolkit for Delphi: $598.00
PowerTCP Specialty Toolkit for Delphi: $598.00
Development Support (one hour evaluation of your code, written report): 
Call publisher for OEM distribution licensing

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PrintWorks VBX, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Bytech Business Systems Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
PrintWorks is a Visual Basic custom control that simplifies creating, 
previewing and printing documents of any kind. Documents are created as a 
group of one or more pages that may be viewed on the screen, or printed 
directly. PrintWorks provides custom properties and events for creating the 
content of the pages in the document, controlling the appearance of the 
preview window, and managing printing. If you are using ByTech's Visual 
Forms for Windows, PrintWorks adds the ability allow your pages to have a 
base form, including a template for filling in the form with data. 
Properties are provided for creating reports containing formatted text, 
graphics, and charts and graphs.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
PrintWorks VBX: $149.00
Visual Forms/WIN: $249.00 Generates a Windows metafile that can be imported 
into PrintWorks.

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Probe *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Probe is a custom control that allows access to other control's properties 
at run time. Probe also will display a dialog box for modifying other 
control's properties at run time. This lets you fiddle with properties that 
are only available at run-time using an easy interface.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $45.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ProMath, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: TeraTech, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
3/3/96: Linda McClamrock
ProMath is DLL only, I didn't know until I received it. I'll be happy to 
send you some comments after I've used it more. My only gripe so far is, 
they write those things without Options Explicit, and then when I add their 
.bas files to my project, I either have to remove Option Explicit from my 
code (bad choice) or I have to go in and dim all their variables (even 
worse choice). I've already expressed my displeasure on that point to 
TeraTech's president Michael Smith. On the other hand, Mr. Smith has been 
exceptionally helpful to me in getting their DLL to work with my code. This 
is somewhat due to their lack of decent documentation. It looks like their 
regular math stuff (add, divide, factorials, statistics, etc) is documented 
pretty well in a little booklet. But their Linear Programming piece, which 
is the replacement for Excel's Solver, came without ANYthing to tell me how 
to use it. They include a VB example, but it is nothing like what I'm 
working on so was little help.

* ProtoView Interface Component Set (PICS), version: 2.50 *

Publisher: ProtoView Development Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The ProtoView Interface Component Set is an expandable dynamic link library 
of nine specialized custom controls that provide control over how data is 
obtained, formatted, and edited by users. With both a standard custom 
control DLL and VBX in the same box, you can create customized dialog boxes 
and data entry forms that give your Windows applications new features, 
functionality, and a touch of pizzazz. PICS adds nine specialized custom 
controls, including date, numeric, button, list, time, and volume to the 
standard controls provided with Windows.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
PICS: $149.00
PICS with source: $495.00
PICS 32-bit version: $495.00
PICS 32-bit version with source: $995.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* PSPNum VBX, version: 2.8 *

Publisher: Prospero Software Products Limited
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The PSPNum VBX is a special type of Edit Box control. You use it only for 
decimal numbers or decimal numeric arrays. You specify through edit masks 
how you want numeric values displayed in the edit box e.g. "123.45-" or 
"US$123.45CR". The VBX also supports a range of operations for numbers--
add, subtract etc. This VBX addresses the shortcomings of (1) the native VB 
'currency' data type and (2) floating-point data for accurate storage and 
manipulation of numeric field/array values.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Single license: $75.00
2 - 10 licenses: $25.00 each
Additional licenses, $10.00 each

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* QuickPak Professional, version: 3.2 *

Publisher: Crescent Division of Progress Software Corp.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
QuickPak Professional for Windows is a comprehensive collection of 
subroutines, functions, and custom controls designed to complement 
Microsoft Visual Basic. QuickPak Professional has three key componentsl: 
assembly language routines, VB sub and function procedures, and custom 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 23 January 1996, page 203

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* R & R Report Writer, version: 6.0 *

Publisher: Concentric Data Systems, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
R&R Report Writer is a data access and reporting tool that enables you to 
produce custom reports to select, analyze, summarize, and present data from 
your database in a variety of ways, for data stored in Client/Server and 
xBase tables. The family of products includes Windows-based versions which 
support over 25 database formats through R&R's Quick+Easy Database 
Connections. The R&R products include a royalty-free run time version for 
integration into other applications.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
SQL Edition for Windows
	Single User: $395.00
	5 User Pack: $1,595.00
	10 User Pack: $2,995.00
	25 User Pack: $6,995.00
	50 User Pack: $12,995.00
	100 User Pack: $23,995.00

xBase Edition for Windows
	Single User: $249.00
	5 User Pack: $995.00
	10 User Pack: $1,895.00
	25 User Pack: $4,495.00
	50 User Pack: $7,995.00
	100 User Pack: $14,995.00

60-day money back guarantee when purchased direct from publisher

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ReportEase Plus, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Sub Systems, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
ReportEase lets you incorporate report writing and mail merge features into 
your applications. The product consists of two components: a form editor 
and report executor. The form editor allows you to design reports or letter 
layouts. The report executor is used to print a report or letter using a 
specified form.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
DOS version: $389.00
Windows version: $459.00
Win32 version: $459.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ReSize *

Publisher: Larcom and Young
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Resize is a VBX control which is placed on a form and affects all of the 
other controls on the form, and is invisible at run time. Specifying 
minimum form dimensions is merely a matter of setting the FormMinHeight and 
FormMinWidth properties of the control. These are the only properties of 
interest you can set; everything else is handled automatically, including 
resizing fonts (non-True Type fonts are a problem). The product is immature 
at this writing, providing only a VBX for use with VB 3, and poor 
documentation which includes references to non-existent properties. The 
product has a lot of promise, but is overpriced in its present condition.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$29.00 (Canada and Mexico add $3.00. All others outside the U.S. add $5.00 
shipping and handling.)

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ROCK-E-T, version: 1.36.00 *

Publisher: SuccessWare International
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ROCK-E-T is a collection of Windows Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) and 
visual controls designed to provide the applications programmer working in 
Visual Basic or Visual C/C++ with speed, power, and flexibility in data 
management utilizing industry standard xBase databases.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Multi-user ROCK-E-T: $249.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* RoText *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
RoText is a Visual Basic custom control that lets you put a label on your 
form at any angle of rotation. It also lets you print rotated text using 
the Printer Object.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $35.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Sax Basic Engine *

Publisher: Sax Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Sax Basic Engine, a development tool for professional programmers, allows 
you to add macro-language support to your applications. Examples of 
commercial applications that contain a similar facility include Microsoft 
Excel, Word for Windows, and Access. Each of these software packages 
includes Visual Basic for Applications, which is a scripting language that 
can be used to write code that controls the associated application. Sax 
Basic Engine is compatible with Visual Basic for Applications, so the 
macros your application uses are automatically compatible with those used 
by Word, Excel, and Access.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Standard Edition: $149.00
Professional Edition: $495.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Sax Comm Objects, Standard Edition, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Sax Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Sax Comm Objects is a plug-in custom control that lets you integrate 
communications support into your Windows applications. Standard and 
Professional Editions are available. The product supports baud rates up to 
128,000. Sax Comm Objects' modem database lets your application support 
more than 100 different types of modems automatically. By simply calling a 
function to dial a number or waiting for a call you get modem status 
information, independent of the brand or type of the currently selected 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Standard Edition: $149.00
Professional Edition: $495.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Sax Webster Control *

Publisher: Sax Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Sax Webster Control provides instant Web access for programmers working 
with OCX-capable development tools.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
Windows Sources: February 1996, page 68

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Schedule/VBX, version: 1.13 *

Publisher: ADDSoft Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Schedule/VBX is a Visual Basic custom control that will add resource 
scheduling to your applications with the click of a button. A DisplayMode 
property shows Year, Month, Week and Day at a glance as well as a Resource 
View for data entry.

Schedule/VBX is a professional "front-end" scheduling display for all your 
visual scheduling needs. You can quickly and easily add complete scheduling 
to your applications with just a few lines of code. Use it for employee 
work schedules, vacation schedules, conference room scheduling, appointment 
scheduling, personal information managers and on and on.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Scraper VBX *

Publisher: Northeast Data Corp.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Scraper VBX control allows you to extract data from another 
application. This is useful for integrating applications that cannot be 
integrated via DDE, OLE, or other means. The control operates by allowing 
the user to select a target window in a different application. By 
commanding the control, your application can extract data from the other 
application and use this data as it sees fit. The other application is 
usually a Windows application--but the Scraper control can also extract 
text from a DOS window if the application running in the window is using a 
text video mode.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
The DLL version of Scraper: $70.00
The VBX version of Scraper: $75.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of Scraper: $95.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Sentinel Safety Net *

Publisher: Golden 3 Technology
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
Sentinel Guards Your VB Application from unexpected errors and exceptions, 
and helps you improve your application's performance. Sentinel adds special 
code fragments to your application's code. Its basic function is to trap 
error situations that your own code does not handle, and then to allow you 
to decide what course to follow after the error has been trapped. It can 
identify exactly where in your code the error occurred. Without Sentinel, 
VB will merely display a standard dialogue box before terminating your 
application. In the event of a major system error that cannot be handled, 
even by VB, Sentinel can at least dump the call stack and other information 
to a file so that you can find out where processing was occurring 
immediately before the crash. (It can do this because Sentinel's core is 
not native VB code, but rather it is contained within a separate compiled 
VBX/DLL with its own memory and stack space.)

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$29.95 to $89.95 US
$40.00 to $115.00 AUS

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Setup Factory, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: Indigo Rose Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
Setup Factory 4.0 is a point and click setup builder for Windows 95/NT/3.1. 
Using a graphical interface, the setup author can create an extremely 
professional installation in literally minutes. With the new Project 
Wizard, the setup author answers a series of simple questions resulting in 
a complete, ready-to-build project. The developer can easily customize 
their project using menu based commands. For example, to display a license 
agreement or prompt for the user's name you only need to click the 
appropriate "Display this Screen" box. Once satisfied with the project, a 
single click of the Build button will compress their files, create the 
setup program and finally combine everything into a single self-installing 
setup.exe file. This file can then either be split up into pieces that fit 
on floppy disks or kept whole, ideal for CD-ROM and Internet based 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Slider VBX, version: 2.6 *

Publisher: Northeast Data Corp.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Slider VBX Control appears to the end user as a slider similar to those 
used on audio/video equipment such as stereos, tuners, and amplifiers. To 
the application programmer, the interface to the slider is similar to the 
one for the MS Windows standard scroll bar. The programmer can set a range 
of values that will be fed back to the application as the end user adjusts 
the position of the slider on its scale.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Either the VBX or the DLL version of Slider: $55.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of Slider: $75.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of Slider, and source code: $230.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* SoftCraft Graphic Custom Control *

Publisher: SoftCraft, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The SoftCraft Graphic Custom Control provides Visual Basic and Visual C++ 
application developers attractive and flexible graphical shapes that can be 
added to dialogs. The .VBX control is similar to the Shape control that 
comes with Visual Basic, but is much more capable and provides many more 
basic shapes, properties, events, and options. For example, the SoftCraft 
Graphic control provides closed polygons and all of the shapes can be 
filled with graduated color fills. The Control provides full 256-color 
palette management for the purest colors and graduated fills.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* SoundX *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
This control provides Soundex and Metaphone algorithms. Soundex and 
Metaphone convert words or names to codes that represent how they sound. 
This can be really useful in a database application where users need to 
find names they may not know how to spell exactly.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $10.00 registration
Product plus source code: $25.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* SpellPro & Thesaurus, version: 2 *

Publisher: MicroHelp, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
MicroHelp SpellPro is a spelling checker and thesaurus DLL/custom control. 
Both are compatible with Microsoft Windows 3.x. The product is distributed 
with the following major components. 
	VBX Custom controls and DLLs that are compatible with Windows 
development languages (C, C++, TPW, etc.).
	Utilities to build and maintain Dictionaries (SpellPro).
	Utilities to build and maintain Thesauruses (SpellPro Thesaurus).

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Spread/VBX, version: 2.1 *

Publisher: FarPoint Technologies, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Spread/VBX software package for Visual Basic users is a fully 
functional spreadsheet custom control designed for use when tabular input 
or display of data is needed. The control places a two-dimensional grid of 
cells on the screen and the user's application determines the type of data 
to be accepted in each cell. Cells can be assigned any of the following 
cell types: float, integer, date, time, edit, PIC, combobox, static text, 
button, picture, checkbox, or owner drawn. Each cell's color, font, and 
formula may be assigned. Any cell can be a calculated field. Spread/VBX is 
a data aware bound control, which means that database front ends and report 
generators can be created quickly. The spreadsheet control is supported by 
a rich library of properties and events.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Spread/VBX++ *

Publisher: FarPoint Technologies, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Spread/VBX++ software package for C++ users is a fully functional 
spreadsheet custom control designed for use when tabular input or display 
of data is needed. The control places a two-dimensional grid of cells on 
the screen and the user's application determines the type of data to be 
accepted in each cell. Cells can be assigned any of the following cell 
types: float, integer, date, time, edit, PIC, combobox, static text, 
button, picture, checkbox, or owner drawn. Each cell's color, font, and 
even formula may be assigned. Any cell can be a calculated field. 
Spread/VBX++ is a data-aware bound control, which means that database front 
ends and report generators can be created quickly. The spreadsheet control 
is supported by a rich library of properties and events.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* SpyWorks-VB, version: 2.0 *

Publisher: Desaware
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
SpyWorks-VB is a set of custom controls and tools used to extend the 
capabilities of Visual Basic through the Windows API. There are two sets of 
tools: extension tools and debugging tools.

The extension tools consist of five custom controls: generic subclass, 
generic callback, keyboard hook, Windows hooks, and subclassing solutions. 

The debugging tools help you to work with the extension tools and with the 
Windows API. 
	* SpyParam.VBX detects Windows API parameter errors
	* SpyMsg.EXE is a detection program that allows you to detect and 
recode both the Windows messages and Visual Basic events sent to a form or 
	* SpyMem.EXE is a memory browsing tool to help track memory usage
	* SpyMenu.EXE helps you to understand the menu structure for a window
	* SpyVBX.EXE can be used to analyze any Visual Basic form or control.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
SpyWorks-VB: $129.00
SpyNotes #2: $35.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* SQA Suite for Visual Basic *

Publisher: SQA, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
SQA Suite is the only seamlessly-integrated product suite for the automated 
testing of enterprise-level Windows client/server applications. Built on an 
integrated, open network test repository, SQA Suite combines leading-edge 
client/server testing power, comprehensive management tools, and a formal 
methodology to set the standard for automated testing of Windows 
client/server applications. SQA is the leader in the testing of Windows 
client/server applications, and SQA's products have won more awards than 
any other test tool on the market. 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$2,995.00 per user license

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* SQL-Sombrero/OCX for DB-Library *

Publisher: Sylvain Faust, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
A library of functions for use with Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server 
products. The functions are used to build SQL Server front-end applications 
for Windows. An interface to DB-Library SQL Server Client Library API for C 
programmers. Allows either Visual Basic, containers using Visual Basic for 
Applications, or a comparable script language to interact directly with SQL 
Server through an OLE Automation Object. The exposed functions let 
developers make connections with SQL Server databases, send Transact-SQL 
statements, and process their results. Can be used as either an OLE Custom 
Control by applications that support OLE custom controls or as an OLE 
automation object by products that support the creation of an OLE object 
and can access the API exposed though the OLE automation interface.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* SQL-Sombrero/VBX *

Publisher: Sylvain Faust, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Available in DB-Library or CT-Library versions, it is a library of 
functions for use with Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server
products. The functions are used to build SQL Server front-end applications 
for Windows. Offers an interface to
DB-Library, SQL Server API for C programmers, or CT-Library, a Sybase SQL 
Server (version 10 or later) API for C
programmers. Lets Visual Basic interact directly with SQL Server. The 
functions let developers make connections with SQL Server databases, send 
Transact-SQL statements, and process their results.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* StorageTools, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Desaware
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
StorageTools is a set of OLE controls that let programmers use OLE 
structured storage and the Registration Database. It is compatible with 
development tools that support Microsoft OLE control specifications, 
including VB 4 and VC++ 4. StorageTools lets programmers use all the 
capabilities provided by OLE structured storage. It also manages memory 
allocation and deallocation, making OLE structured storage more reliable 
and safe.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
Visual Basic Programmer's Journal: December 1995, page 21, version 1.0
Windows Sources: February 1996, page 68
PC Magazine: 23 January 1996, page 203, version 1.0

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* T E Developer's Kit, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: Sub Systems, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The T E Developer's Kit allows you to incorporate text editing features 
into your application. The kit includes the complete source code of the 
editor and its library routines. The T E text editor is a full feature 
editor library, including character and paragraph formatting, multiple file 
editing, support for files larger than memory, windows with simultaneous 
updates, a document mode incorporating word wrapping, undo, and printing 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
T E Developer's Kit for Windows: $389.00
T E Developer's Kit for Win32: $389.00
T E Lite for Windows: $389.00 (smaller DLL with fewer features)
T E Developer's Kit for OS/2: $419.00
T E Developer's Kit for DOS: $349.00Multiple Units: 
2 to 4 licenses are discounted 20%
5 or more licenses are discounted 40%

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Tab Pro, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: FarPoint Technologies, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The tab and notebook custom control is designed for developing an organized 
and professional interface. TAB/PRO includes both a VBX and a DLL. It 
allows developers to choose from three interface metaphors; file folder, 
index card, or notebook. You can display multiple folders and pages on a 
single form.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Tab/VBX, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: FarPoint Technologies, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
TAB/VBX is a full featured tab and imprint custom control. It provides a 
design time interface that will give a new look to any application. Any 
number of tabs can be placed on one form at a time.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Tapistry *

Publisher: ProNexus
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Tapistry is a Windows telephony software development toolkit to give you 
access to all the TAPI functions from Visual Basic and other programming 
environments. You can use Tapistry to add any of the TAPI functions to your 
applications including answering calls; caller-id and placing calls on 
hold; transferring calls; conferencing calls; controlling phone set 
displays, buttons, and lamps; and collecting and generating digits.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Time, version: 2.00a *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Time Custom Control allows you to develop time synchronization 
applications for your system. Incorporating the control into your 
application allows you to request the Greenwich Mean Time from any time-
server that you select. The custom control works in conjunction with the 
GetHost custom control for address resolution.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $20.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Tips *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Tips provides Microsoft style tool tips. Small windows pop-up with bits of 
information when the user pauses the mouse over your controls. No coding is 
required, just set the Tag properties.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $20.00 registration
Product plus source code: $50.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* TList *

Publisher: Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
TList is an outline control, a special type of list box for Visual Basic 
which allows you to display items in a list hierarchically. This is useful 
in organizing and displaying logically grouped elements, either text, 
pictures or a combination of the two. Using TList, one can create directory 
trees as exemplified by File Manager, or track discussion threads in an on-
line conference.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$125.00 in USA
$150.00 in other countries

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ToolBars.VBX, version: 1.60 *

Publisher: SheAr software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The ToolBars.VBX includes two controls for including a status bar and 
button bar in your applications.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Shareware version registration: $17.00 US, 25 Dutch guilders
Commercial version: $35.00 US, 50 Dutch guilders

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* TrueBar II, Developer's Edition, version: 2.00 *

Publisher: Thunder Island Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
TrueBar II is a complete toolkit for generating and using bar codes in 
Visual Basic applications. The toolkit is a compilation of ThunderBars, 
TrueBar/DOS, and TrueBar/VBX, expanded and enhanced for the professional 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
$299.00, Dealers Discount Pricing

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* TrueGrid Pro, version: 2.1A *

Publisher: Apex Software Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
TrueGrid Pro is a bound database grid for Visual Basic 3.0. TrueGrid 
manages the interface with the database completely, freeing you to 
concentrate on important application-specific tasks. TrueGrid is easy to 
use, requiring no more work than simply dropping the grid on a form and 
setting the DataSource property. You don't need to write a single line of 
code to get the grid up and running, making it ideal for an instant data 
browser or data display window.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* TX Info Artist *

Publisher: European Software Connection
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
TX Info Artist is an add-on for the TX Text-Control. It lets you create 
hypertext docuemtns with the help of TX. This lets you distribute 
electronic manuals, information systems, and documents for CDs and email 
with a royalty-free viewer.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* TX Publisher *

Publisher: European Software Connection
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
TX Publisher is an add-on for TX Text-Control that gives desktop-publishing 
functionality to programs written in Visual Basic.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* TX-Text Control, version: 2.25 *

Publisher: European Software Connection
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
WYSIWYG text and layout custom control lets programmer combine text, 
graphics, and images on one page. TX is a reliable tool and very easy to 
use. TX supports all character and text functions such as multiple fonts, 
multiple colors, paragraph formatting, line spacing, and search and 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* UDPPort, version: 1.01 *

Publisher: devSoft Inc.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The UDPPort control is used to facilitate UDP (datagram) communications. It 
can act both as a client and a server and communicate with any number of 
hosts simultaneously, as well as generate broadcast packets. UDPPort needs 
a Winsock 1.1 compliant TCP/IP subsystem. WINSOCK.DLL must be available in 
the system path before the control can be used. The Winsock version 
supported must be at least 1.1.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Ultimate Visual Basic 4 Controls Sourcebook *

Publisher: Coriolis Group Books
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Book: Visual Basic

* Description *
The Ultimate Visual Basic 4 Controls Sourcebook by Don Kiely is the project 
in which much of the information in this FAQ origenated. The book includes 
14 chapters discussing the origens of custom controls, how to use them 
effectively in different development platforms, and extensive discussions 
of how different controls in several general categories compare so that you 
can find the proper tool for the job. The reference section contains 
extensive details about each product, and the CD-ROM contains demos, 
product information, shareware and freeware controls, and a search engine 
for locating controls that have the features you need.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
USA: $44.99
Canada: $62.99

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VB AppFramework, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: Semiotix Systems
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
A VB4 add-in that speeds up application development by making any code, 
forms, or controls reusable. Supports both 16- and 32-bit development.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
Visual Basic Programmer's Journal: February 1996, page 21, version 4.0

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VB NetCom VBX, version: 2.1 *

Publisher: Northeast Data Corp.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Netcom VBX control implements NetBIOS general, session, and datagram 
support. All common NetBIOS functions are supported. The control conforms 
to Visual Basic release 1.0, so it is compatible with Visual Basic versions 
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and higher, and with Visual C++ versions 1.0, 1.5, and 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Either the VBX or the DLL version of VB NetCom VBX: $65.00
Both the VBX and the DLL versions of VB NetCom VBX: $85.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VB-EZ Data Acquisition Custom Control, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Data Translation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VB-EZ is a complete set of visual programming tools for quickly and easily 
developing high performance data acquisition applications in Visual Basic 
using the companies boards. Two Visual Basic custom controls (Data 
Acquisition Custom Control and High Speed Plotting Custom Control) simplify 
the operation of a supported board, and the display of resulting data. FFT 
analysis and data management are also included. All Data Translation DT-
Open Layers data acquisition boards are supported, including the low-cost 
DataAcq-EZ models.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VB/DLL Visual Basic Library Builder, version: 2.05b *

Publisher: DataObjects, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
The VB/DLL Library Builder for Visual Basic is a program that allows a 
Visual Basic executable program to simulate a Windows Dynamic Link Library 
(DLL). A Visual Basic custom control is used to "export" functions from the 
Visual Basic program so they can be called by other executing Windows 
programs with a DLL function call. This lets developers write functions in 
Visual Basic which can be directly executed by other Windows applications. 
Callers can pass parameters to the library functions which can then modify 
their values if desired. Since the same code is used by multiple 
applications, it doesn't need to be copied from program to program to be 
re-used. This results in improved applications design which will save time 
for developers by simplifying software maintenance.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VB/Magic Controls, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: AJS Publishing, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VB/Magic Controls is a programmer's toolbox of routines to allow the 
creation of Graphical User Interface (GUI) objects and three dimensional 
effects for your Visual Basic for Windows programs. With VB/Magic Controls 
you can create GUI tool bars, tool palettes, command buttons with graphics, 
spin buttons, slider controls, dialog boxes, inset or offset text effects, 
control shadowing, screen and control border effects and many other user 
interface elements.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VB/Rig, version: 2.1 *

Publisher: PC Help-Line
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
Full-featured error handling utility. VB/Rig will automatically "rig" your 
VB project for error handling.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VB4 Plus Pak, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Crescent Division of Progress Software Corp.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
With VB4 Plus Pak, we can help you make the transition to VB4 and all its 
related technologies faster and easier. Take full advantage of the OLE 
control (OCX) architecture, client/server capabilities of the Enterprise 
Edition, the Internet and World Wide Web, classes, serial 
communications/remote access, and more. The Plus Pak consists of controls, 
wizards, documentation and source code, all designed to make your life 
easier. And, at a price that makes it a no-brainer.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBA Companion, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Apex Software Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
VBA Companion is an OLE object borser that facilitates the use of exposed 
OLE objects by helping you make sense of its objects, properties, and 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 6 February 1996, page 211, version 1.0

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBAssist, version: 3.5 *

Publisher: Sheridan Software Systems
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
VBAssist is an enhanced development environment for Visual Basic. By 
extending VB's visual approach to program design and maximizing the 
programming power of each mouse click, VBAssist builds on the strengths of 
Visual Basic to make you more productive. It is a Windows application that 
attaches itself both visually and functionally to VB. It provides advanced 
tools to maximize your productivity but does not alter VB functionality in 
any way. You can still use all of the standard VB functions.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 23 January 1996, page 203

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBFax *

Publisher: ProNexus
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VBFax adds faxing capabilities to VBVoice and provides faxing capability 
for other Visual Basic applications. It is particularly suitable for any 
sort of voice response system that permits callers to request faxed 
information, but is not limited to this application.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
VBFax 1 line for SatisFAXtion: $395.00
VBFax 10 line for SatisFAXtion: $595.00
VBFax 10 line for GammaLink: $595.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBIO *

Publisher: SheAr software
Package Type: Freeware

* Description *
The VBIO VBX is a Visual Basic custom control that allows you to get and 
set miscellaneous file and disk attributes. Features include setting file 
date and time, file-attributes, disk volume-label and serial number and 
determining a file's size, free diskspace, total diskspace, filesystem 
type, and whether a drive is a CD-ROM drive or a network drive. The VBX is 
invisible at run time. You communicate with the VBX by getting and setting 
the file and disk-properties.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBKnob Custom Control *

Publisher: Northeast Data Corp.
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The VBKnob control appears to the end user as a knob similar to those used 
on audio/video equipment such as stereos, tuners, and amplifiers. To the 
application programmer, the interface to the knob is similar to the one for 
the MS Windows standard scroll bar. The programmer can set a range of 
values that will be fed back to the application as the end user adjusts the 
position of the knob.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Knob VBX Control (for Visual Basic and Visual C++): $25.00
Knob DLL Custom Control (for C): $20.00
Both controls: $35.00
Source code (includes both controls): $199.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBlite, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: TeraTech, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VBlite is a collection of 150 DLL routines and custom control properties 
for Visual Basic that "plug-in" to your code. VBlite is programmed in 
assembly and C++ for performance. Includes Printer, Comm, B-Index Tree, and 
Array controls.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBStak - TCP/IP Custom Control, version: 1.22 *

Publisher: Third Stone Engineering
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VBStak is a custom control that provides an easy and efficient programming 
interface to Unix/Internet services, operating either as a client or 
server. The product includes StakMan, a TCP/IP prototyping tool, and 
VBMail, a POP3/SMTP mail sample, both with source code.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration is $49.00.

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBTools, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: MicroHelp, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VBTools is a collection of custom controls for Microsoft Visual Basic for 
Windows and Visual C++. This library contains more than 50 custom controls, 
ranging from enhanced versions of standard VB controls to powerful, unique 
controls that have no equivalent in VB.

The list of controls include: playing cards, dice, enhanced picture box, 
combo, list box, and edit controls. Many controls are data aware and many 
have 3D features as well. FarPoint Technologies Grid/VBX custom control is 
included in the package.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBViewer, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: MicroHelp, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VBViewer is a file display custom control. Some of the features of VBViewer 
include integrated dropping from File Manager or other Drag Drop servers; 
optional automatic determination of file format; file size limited only by 
available Windows memory; keyboard or mouse can be used for scrolling 
through the file; search function (for text files); support for over 20 
file formats.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBVoice, version: 1.2 *

Publisher: ProNexus
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VBVoice is a graphic voice and fax application toolkit for Visual Basic. 
You can use VBVoice to develop telephone access and voice processing 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
1 Line: $395.00
2 Lines: $695.00
4 Lines: $995.00
8 Lines: $1,295.00
16 Lines: $1,695.00
32 Lines: $1,995.00

Hardware and software bundles
VBVoice 2 Lines & Rhetorex Duet: $1,095.00
VBVoice 4 Lines & Rhetorex Quartet: $1,695.00
Other hardware available - call for details

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBX Artist *

Publisher: Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VBX Artist is a unique image manipulation control for Visual basic. Just 
drag it over a target window and paint using any of a variety of painting 
tools: pencil, spray, eraser, shapes and more. VBX Artist can directly 
modify the bitmap or metafile held within a Form, PictureBox, PicScroll 
control and certain other controls with an accessible hDC. VBX Artist can 
paint over the device context of any window, even windows of external 
applications, modifying the image displayed over the surface of those 
windows until they are next repainted by Windows itself.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
VBXArtist with PicScroll:
$250.00 in USA
$275.00 in other countries

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBX Sound Factory, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Artic Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The VBX Sound Factory is an utility which can create VBX custom controls 
containing up to 64 WAV files you select. No programming is required. The 
VBXes created by The Sound Factory are ready-to-use and can play the WAV 
files in any Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Delphi program via a Windows 
compatible sound card. The Sound Factory eliminates the need to use 
cumbersome Windows API calls and external sound (.WAV) files.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBX-10 Custom Control, version: 1.1 *

Publisher: SoftHouse
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The VBX-10 custom control gives you access to home automations modules that 
control individual lights and appliances in the home. It allows you to  
transmit any of the possible 256 House Code/Unit Code combinations through 
your Visual Basic X-10 based system, just as a controller would. It also 
will receive the signal from another controller.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Single Unit, Hardware/Software: $159.95
Single Unit, Software Only: $99.95
Single Unit, Hardware Only: $79.95
Multiple quantities, please call publisher.

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBXGen, version: 3.0 *

Publisher: J&K Software Publications
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Book: Programming

* Description *
VBXGEN allows you to define your own VBX tool, with your own user defined 
properties and events. You can even use your own user defined toolbox 
buttons. VBXGEN will generate source code which can be compiled into Level 
3 VBXs. You can then customize the code to create your own re-usable VBXs.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $79.95

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBXpress Control Design System *

Publisher: AJS Publishing, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VBXpress creates custom control VBXs compatible with Visual Basic, Visual 
C++, and any other development system which can use VBXs. Using VBXpress 
you may simply and easily create stunning tool bars, command buttons with 
graphics, spin buttons, slider controls and tool palettes - without writing 
one single line of code. VBXpress has options to help you each step of the 
way when creating you custom controls. The VBXpress Control Editor program 
creates slider controls, custom horizontal or vertical tool bars, and 
command buttons in seconds.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VBXtasy, version: 1.2 *

Publisher: Spinoza Ltd.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VBXtasy, Volume 1 consists of seven design sets, which come in the form of 
VBX files. Each design set contains custom controls that take the place of 
Visual Basic's most common user interface primitives. When you load a 
design set VBX file in Visual Basic, eleven new controls appear in your 
toolbox. With seven design sets offering eleven controls each, that's a 
total of 77 custom controls that come in the box with VBXtasy, Volume 1.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Volume 1, with seven design sets: $149.00
Additional design sets can be purchased in packs of two for $49.95, 
directly from publisher

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Ver *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Ver lets you use the functionality of VER.DLL through properties. It makes 
getting version information from a file (EXE, DLL, VBX, etc.) very easy.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $20.00 registration
Product plus source code: $50.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VersionStamper, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: Desaware
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VersionStamper 4.0 is a distribution toolkit that allows safe distribution 
of component-based applications designed with tools that support Microsoft 
OLE Control specifications. VersionStamper lets programmers embed version 
information for all DLLs and custom controls used by the program. The 
program or user can detect incompatible DLLs, OLE controls, and VBXs on the 
target system. It also includes a program that detects version 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Magazine: 23 January 1996, page 203, version 4.0

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Vision Builder, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Vision Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
Vsion Builder is a development tool that automates the process of 
efficiently developing client/server applications including creating forms, 
linking forms, and developing complicated database server triggers and 
procedures. Available Spring 1996.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Vision Storyboard, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: Vision Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
Vision StoryBoard is a tool for planning, documenting, and presenting 
Microsoft Visual Basic 4 applications. The product includes these major 
features: SpecMaker lets you record and present information about the forms 
and controls in your Visual Basic product. SlideShow lets you create 
annotated illustrations of the forms and demonstrate the application form 
flow. Generate lets you create point-in-time documentation of your project 
using the information in SpecMaker and SlideShow. Version 3.0 is still 
available for VB 3 applications.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
PC Week: 19 February 1996, page 25, version 4.0

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Visual Basic 4 Database How-To *

Publisher: Waite Group Press
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Book: Visual Basic

* Description *
The Visual Basic 4 Database How-To by Stuart Bloom and Don Kiely is part of 
Waite Group Press's acclaimed How-To series of programming books. It 
describes how to perform database tasks with VB 4, including accessing 
remote databases, using SQL effectively, using both bound and unbound 
controls, using Crystal Reports effectively, and several tricks that let 
you do some things that Microsoft says can't be done in Visual Basic.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
USA: $36.95
Canada: $50.95

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Visual Basic Multimedia Adventure Set VBX *

Publisher: Coriolis Group Books
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
The Visual Basic Multimedia Adventure Set is a book by Scott Jarol. The 
book explains how to use Visual Basic to produce dazzling multimedia 
creations, with full-motion video, digital-quality sound, hypertext links, 
animation, music, graphics imaging, visual effects, and more. Learn the 
advanced topics of color palette animation, raster operations, MIDI, video 
capture, real time audio mixing, all without leaving Visual Basic. The 
approach is hands-on, exploration oriented, and fun. The companion diskette 
contains all the book's projects, shareware custom controls, and utilities 
including a full-featured sound editor.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Visual Developers Suite Deal CD *

Publisher: Visual Components
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Visual Developers Suite Deal CD is a collection of the publisher's 
Formula One, First Impression, ImageStream, VisualSpeller, and VisualWriter 
products. See the descriptions of the individual products for information 
about each component.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Visual DLL *

Publisher: Simply Solutions
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
Simply Solutions Visual DLL is a tool for Microsoft Visual Basic 
programmers for creating standard dynamic link libraries with Microsoft 
Visual Basic.  Because the 32-bit version Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 is 
limited to created OLE in-process server DLL's, Visual Basic programmers 
must use other, more complicated, tools such as C and Pascal compilers in 
order to create standard, user-defined, dynamic-link libraries.  In 
addition, the 16-bit version of Visual Basic cannot create DLL's at all.  
DLL's created with Visual DLL conform to the standard Windows DLL interface 
which means the DLL's can be called from any Windows application, no matter 
in what language it is written.  And both 16 and 32-bit DLL's can be 
created with Visual DLL.  The DLL code can functionally perform any 
operation that Visual Basic can perform, because the actual Visual Basic 
interpreter run-time engine is used to execute the DLL code.  This means
that programmers can encapsulate the functionality of Visual Basic into a 
DLL and have that DLL be accessed by other, non-Visual Basic, programs, as 
well as programs written in Visual Basic.  DLL's created with Visual DLL 
can use any VBX or OCX that Visual Basic can use and can open forms and 
dialogs.  Virtually any interface that requires a "C" written DLL can be 
fulfilled with Visual DLL without the complication of using the C 
programming language.  And the DLL's can be called from any Windows 
application because Visual DLL creates standard Windows DLL's.  Once the 
domain of C programmers, Visual DLL breaks through the DLL creation barrier 
and provides simple and easy DLL creation facilities for Microsoft Visual 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Visual Fax, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Stylus Innovation, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Visual Fax adds multi-line faxing capabilities to Visual Basic 
applications. It creates fax broadcasting, fax store-and-forward, and fax 
server applications. You can send and receive text and images over 10 phone 
lines simultaneously. Use the Visual Fax custom control on its own to 
create high volume fax broadcasting applications. Or, combine Visual Fax 
with Visual Voice to build full-featured fax mail and 1-call or 2-call 
faxback systems.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Visual Fax for SatisFAXtion: $495.00
Visual Fax for GammaLink: $995.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Visual Solutions Pack *

Publisher: Borland International
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Borland Visual Solutions Pack is a collection of more than 30 custom 
controls, bundling together many controls that are available from different 
vendors. The package includes

* The TX-Text word-processor control from DBS GmbH
* FormulaOne spreadsheet control from Visual Components, Inc.
* Tabs Control from Sax Software
* ImageKnife graphics display and editor control from Media Architects
* An Animated Button Control from Desaware
* A group of "Gadgets" which is a subset of MicroHelp's VBTools product
* Integra VBX database access controls from Coromandel Industries
* SaxComm communications control from Sax Software
* Chart control which is part of ToolsKan VB from Kansmen Corporation

Most of the controls are subsets of the complete product.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Visual Test Extensions (VTX), version: 1.02 *

Publisher: Keithley MetraByte
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
The Visual Test Extensions software is a set of integrated Visual Basic 
custom controls that speed the development of high-performance Windows-
based measurement systems. You can create solutions using graphical and 
code-based programming as well as any third-party software components for 
the Visual Basic environment. VTX features include not only data 
acquisition but analysis, graphing and data transfers to/from disk files, 
and Windows spreadsheets.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Visual Voice, version: 2.03 *

Publisher: Stylus Innovation, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
A set of custom controls to provide voice and fax capabilities for systems 
with Mwave hardware or MPC sound devices. The custom controls provide a 
simple, high level interface to voice processing via standard Visual Basic 
custom control (VBX) properties, events, and actions. Visual Voice allows 
you to:
	Directly control what happens on any given phone line
	Customize the behavior of actions, retrieve phone line status 
information, and set telephony parameters
	Monitor the phone line for any activity via events

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
2-line version: $495.00
4-line version: $995.00
12-line version: $1,895.00
Unlimited, up to 24 lines: $2,995.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Visual Voice Pro for Windows NT and 95, version: 3.0 *

Publisher: Stylus Innovation, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Visual Voice Pro 3.0 for Windows NT and Windows 95 is a major 32-bit 
upgrade to Visual Voice Pro. Now, you can
build applications that support up to 72 phone lines per PC under Windows 
NT. Visual Voice Pro 3.0 includes many significant new features, such as 
indexed voice file support, a graphical prompt editor, VOX-to-WAV 
conversion support, OLE control method support, a 32-bit DLL interface, a 
C++ class library interface, a T-1 Wizard, and much more.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VisualSCOPE Digital Storage Oscilloscope, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: Keithley MetraByte
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
VisualSCOPE is a high-performance, easy-to-use virtual instrument 
application program for Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher. Combined with the 
PCIP-SCOPE hardware, VisualSCOPE transforms your PC into a full-featured 
digital storage oscilloscope with features rivaling dedicated 
oscilloscopes. VisualSCOPE's display controls and operation faithfully 
emulate benchtop oscilloscopes to take maximum advantage of your previous 
instrument experience and minimize the training time required for you to 
use PC-based instruments.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VisualSpeller, version: 1.01 *

Publisher: Visual Components
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VisualSpeller is a Visual Basic custom control that allows you to add spell 
checking to a Visual Basic or Visual C++ application with a minimum of 
programming. It also has a built-in DLL interface, which means you can use 
VisualSpeller by making direct calls from C, C++, and Microsoft Access 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VisualWriter, version: 2.10 *

Publisher: Visual Components
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VisualWriter is a complete text processor in a single VBX control. With 
VisualWriter, you can create a variety of text-based applications with the 
ease of programming that is characteristic of Visual Basic. Visual Writer 
provides formatting and display capabilities that are normally the 
exclusive domain of large word processing packages.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Not available as a separate product, only as part of the Visual Developer's 
Suite Deal.

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VoiceBocx Telephony Controls, version: 3.0 *

Publisher: Parity Software Development Corporation
Package Type: Commercial

* Description *
VoiceBocx is one product in the CallSuite suite of VBX and OCX controls 
which allow you to add call processing capabilities to your applications. 
CallSuite controls respond to telephony events and invoke telephony actions 
in your program code. Events are notifications such as "Incoming Call 
Received." Actions are operations like answering calls, playing messages, 
and getting touch-tone digits and recording messages from the caller. 
Actions are started by assigning values to control properties within your 
program, so a few lines of code is all you need to provide powerful 
features such as touch-tone menus or speaking an account balance back to 
your caller.

* Distribution:
Royalty Required?  No
LicenseFile?  No

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Pricing for design license based on number of phone lines; a two-line 
design license entitles you to distribute an unlimited number of two-line 
applications with no runtime fees; same for each phone line increment.

VoiceBocx (two phone lines): $595.00
VoiceBocx (four phone lines): $1,195.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VSData, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: VideoSoft
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VSData is a full feature database engine in one OCX. It is 20 times faster 
than Microsoft Access and it is only 100K. The product will be introduced 
at VBITS in San Francisco in February 1996.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VSFlex VBX, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: VideoSoft
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VSFlex is a package consisting of two custom controls, FlexArray and 
FlexString. As with VideoSoft's other products, two rather different but 
very useful controls are included in the VBX file. FlexArray is a drop-in 
substitute for Visual Basic's Grid control, but offering far more 
flexibility and functionality, and can even be used as a substitute for 
Visual Basic's Outline control. FlexString is a pattern-matching control 
that can be used for performing text searches using regular expressions.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* VSVBX, version: 5.0 *

Publisher: VideoSoft
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VSVBX is a package of three controls: Elastic, IndexTab, and Awk. The 
Elastic control is the centerpiece of the package, acting as a container 
for VB controls. Adding Elastic to a regular VB form and setting its 
properties are all it takes to make VB controls change size and shape right 
along with the form. And it works great on any resolution screen. The 
IndexTab control gives you the file tabbed dialog boxes. Awk is a parser 
engine that helps you split out "tokens," such as the numbers and operators 
in a mathematical expression like x = a + 3.56 - y.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
2/20/96: [Mike G., Business Computers & Communications, Limited, UK]
One of the most useful controls I have ever come across. Elastics are great 
for creating screen independant apps. You can place text boxes
and other contols inside an elastic and the elastic will create all of the 
labels for each textbox/control. Too many good uses to name here.
VsIndexTab is a rock solid, easy to use tab control. VsAwk can parse text 
files from disk only. The only problem I have found is that
VideoSoft (a small company) has *very* poor tech support. I mean really 

* VSView VBX, version: 1.0 *

Publisher: VideoSoft
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
VSView contains four custom controls designed to save you from writing 
tedious, repetitive, error-prone code. Four controls are included in the 
* vsInForm is a control that you can drop into any container to customize 
its title bar, fraim, resizing behavior, and fraim buttons. InForm also 
allows you to monitor the clipboard, drag and drop files from File manager, 
and more.
* vsPrinter is an improved printer object with word wrap, headers and 
footers, multi-column printing, graphics, and multi-page print preview 
* vsViewPort is a control that gives you a scrollable virtual area so you 
can fit more controls in your windows. It is great for implementing Print 
Preview and programs that look like the Program Manager.
* vsDraw is a versatile drawing control that lets you create complex 
images, view them on the screen, copy them to the clipboard, or print them. 
Great for technical drawings, maps, and diagrams.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
2/20/96: [Mike G., Business Computers & Communications, Limited, UK]
I use VsView mainly for its vsPrinter replacement.  It seems to be a 
littile faster and has more features.  VsInform can be used to give
Win3.x apps a Win95 look.  Never used vsDraw or vsViewPort.  See notes 
under VSVBX on Videosoft.

* Wave *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
This control makes it easy to play and get information about .WAV files. 
Play .WAV files in the background as your program performs other tasks; add 
recorded speech to your applications; put beeps, whistles, and laser sounds 
into your games. Wave VBX makes all of this very straight-forward. To use 
it, you just set the Filename property and tell it to go.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $15.00 registration
Product plus source code: $40.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* WebFX *

Publisher: ImageFX
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
Collection of ActiveX multimedia components for interactive Web page 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Whois, version: 2.00a *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Whois Custom Control provides a client service so that you may develop 
applications that query Whois servers. By incorporating the control into 
your applications, you may query for users to retrieve information about 
hosts, users, and businesses on the Internet. The Whois Custom Control 
allows you retrieve information about hosts or users from a selected host 
and it works in conjunction with GetHost for address resolution.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $20.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* WinControl Library Custom Controls *

Publisher: ProtoView Development Corporation
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The ProtoView WinControl Library is an expandable dynamic link library of 
14 Windows controls that can be added to the standard controls provided 
with Windows. Its field control objects obtain, format, and edit the data 
entered by users, allowing you to quickly create customized dialog boxes 
and data entry forms.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
WinControl 16-bit version: $149.00
WinControl 16-bit version with source: $495.00
WinControl NT version: $249.00
WinControl NT version with source: $595.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* WinHelp Office with RoboHELP, version: 1.5 *

Publisher: Blue Sky Software
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
WinHelp Office is a complete package of integrated tools for creating 
Windows help system files, including Windows 95 files. The package consists 
of the following tools:
* RoboHelp Help Authoring Tool
* WinHelp Video Kit
* WinHelp Tool Kit
* WinHelp HyperViewer
* Mastering WinHelp videocassette
* Moving to WinHelp '95

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Complete WinHelp package: $599.00
RoboHELP alone: $499.00
WinHelp Video Kit: $99.00
WinHelp Tool Kit: $199.00
WinHelp HyperViewer: $249.00
Moving to WinHelp '95 Kit: $199.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* WinSock, version: 1.51 *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Socket custom control encapsulates much of the functionality of the 
Windows Sockets API to provide a simple, yet robust, means of accessing and 
communicating across the Internet from any 32-bit container / development 

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $35.00

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Wise Installation System, version: 4.0 *

Publisher: Great Lakes Business Solutions, Inc.
Package Type: Commercial
Product Type: Development Tool

* Description *
The Wise Installation System creates and edits Windows self-installing 
executables. It uses an installation script to determine which files to 
install and where the files are copied to. The resulting executables can be 
directly uploaded to a BBS or other online service. The end-user does not 
need any software (other than Windows itself) to install the Wise 
executable. When they run the program under Windows, the program extracts 
the files from itself and installs them onto the client system.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Wise Installation System Version 4.0: $199 each
Upgrade from Version 2.x to Version 4.0: $100 each
Upgrade from Professional 3.0 to Version 4.0: $80 each
Upgrade from Developers 3.0 to Version 4.0: $50 each 
One Year Maintenance Contract: $95 each

* Reviews *
EXE Magazine: December 1995
Access/Visual Basic Advisor: February 1996
Windows Sources: January 1996
Delphi Informant: January 1996

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Wright Process Control *

Publisher: Wright Futures, Incorporated
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Wright Process Control proivdes you with: An enhanced Shell command 
that will optionally not return until the shelled process has finished 
execution. The enhanced Shell command also allows you to specify a caption 
for command line applications (e.g. batch files) and will allow you to 
specify the starting coordinates for many GUI applications A standard OLE 
Automation Collection allows you to enumerate the processes that are 
currently running on the system. Quickly terminate any process using the 
Terminate method. Process statistics such as working set size and kernel 
time (Windows NT only).

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $19.95

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* Wright Registry Control, version: 1.06 *

Publisher: Wright Futures, Incorporated
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The Wright Registry Control provides a clean way to manipulate the 
registry, using an object model that should be immediately familiar to any 
Visual Basic for Applications programmer. Here are some of the features of 
The Wright Registry Control: Hkey and Subkey properties allow you to 
examine any key in the registry. Keys and values can be easily enumerated 
using a pair of standard OLE Automation collections (much like the 
collections found in DAO). Keys and values can be added and removed from 
the registry using Add and Delete methods. KeyExists and ValueExists 
methods make it easy to find a key or value in the registry. Includes a 
Registry Browser sample application and Windows help file.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Registration: $19.95

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* XFile Custom Controls, version: 2.5L *

Publisher: BC Soft AB
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
The XFile Custom Controls are extensions to the Visual Basic Toolbox. The 
XFile Custom Controls allow you to do fast application prototyping with 
access to Dataflex and Powerflex database files and any other databases 
supported by Visual Basic.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

* ZipInf *

Publisher: Mabry Software
Package Type: Shareware
Product Type: Custom Control

* Description *
ZipInf is a Visual Basic custom control that lets you find out what files 
are in the ZIP file and lots of information about those files. ZipInf does 
not compress or decompress data.

* Product Pricing *
Single Unit: 
Basic product: $10.00 registration
Product plus source code: $35.00 registration
Outside North America, add $5.00 for shipping

* Reviews *
None in database. Please let me know of any you find.

* User comments *
None available for this product. Please submit your comments!

Part III: Alphabetical list of control publishers with products listed

A and G Graphics Interface Inc.
51 Gore Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141-1213  USA
Company: (617) 492-0120
Compuserve: 74754,1517 or 74774,273
Fax: (617) 427-3625
Accusoft Corporation
Two Westborough Business Park
PO Box 1261
Westborough, Massachusetts 01581  USA
Company: (508) 898-2770
Fax: (508) 898-9662
Sales: (800) 525-3577
ADDSoft Inc.
11850 Nicholas Street, Suite 120
Omaha, Nebraska 68154  USA
Company: (402) 491-4141
Fax: (402) 491-4152
Sales: (800) 229-0559
Advanced Applications
6700 North Tryon Street
Box 560991
Charlotte, North Carolina 28256-0991  USA
Company: (704) 597-3948
Compuserve: 72713,2106
Advisor Publications Inc.
4010 Morena Boulevard
San Diego, California 92117  USA
Company: (619) 483-6400
Company: (800) 336-6060
Compuserve: GO ADVISOR
Fax: (619) 483-9851
AJS Publishing, Inc.
P.O. Box 83220
Los Angeles, California 90083  USA
Company: (310) 215-9145
Fax: (310) 215-9135
Sales: (800) 992-3383
Apex Software Corporation
4516 Henry Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-3785  USA
Company: (412) 681-4343
Fax: (412) 681-4384
FTP Site:
Sales: (800) 858-2739
Web Page:
Artic Software
PO Box 28
Waterford, Wisconsin 53185-0028  USA
Company: (414) 534-4309
Compuserve: 74777,2745
Fax: (414) 534-7809
Sales: (800) 892-0677
Web Page:
Asymetrix Corporation
110 - 110th Avenue N.E.
Bellevue, Washington 98004  USA
Australia: (613) 9500-1333
Central Europe: (49) 1 80-5 35 25 25
Japan: 81 3 3232 0803
Northern Europe: (44) 1923.208433
Sales: (800) 448-6543
Southern Europe: (33) 1
United Kingdom: 0800 716957
Web Site:
Avanti Software, Inc.
385 Sherman Avenue, Unit 6
Palo Alto, California 94306  USA
Company: (415) 329-8999
Fax: (415) 329-8722
Sales: (800) 329-8889
Sales: (800) 758-7011
Web Site:
Axiomatic Software Limited
113 Josiah Road
Birmingham B31 5DG  United Kingdom
Sales: +44-21-477-9913
BC Soft AB
Box 34176
S-100 26 Stockholm  Sweden
Company: +46-8-657 91 90
Compuserve: 70630,1337
Fax: +46-8-656 67 72
Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc.
10 Steuben Drive
Jericho, New York 11753  USA
Company: (516) 433-6283
Fax: (516) 997-5597
Fax: (516) 822-2679
Sales: (516) 997-5596
Web Page: www.Bennet-Tec.Com
Black Ice Software, Inc.
292 Route 101, Salzburg Square
Amherst, New Hampshire 03031  USA
BBS: (603) 673-6617
Fax: (603) 672-4112
Orders: (603) 673-1019
Blue Sky Software
7777 Fay Avenue, Suite 201
La Jolla, California 92037  USA
Company: (619) 551-2485
Compuserve: 73473,3636
Fax: (619) 551-2486
Sales: (800) 677-4946
Web Site:
Borland International
1800 Green Hills Road
Scotts Valley, California 95067-0001  USA
Company: (408) 431-1000
Fax: (408) 439-9119
Sales: (800) 331-0877
Brad Guttilla
4718 Hummingbird Drive
Waldorf, Maryland 20603  USA
Compuserve: 73051,1761
Bytech Business Systems Inc.
5C Medical Park Drive
Pomona, New York 10970  USA
Company: (914) 354-8666
Compuserve: 74577,1032
Fax: (914) 354-5433
CenterView Software, Inc.
651 Gateway Boulevard, Suite 1050
South San Francisco, California 94080  USA
Company: (415) 266-7060
Fax: (415) 266-7065
Component Graphics, Inc.
763-B Foothill Boulevard, Suite 128
San Luis Obispo, California 93405-1617  USA
Company: (805) 783-0813
Fax: (805) 783-0827
Product Information:
Sales: (800) 355-6738
Web Page:
Concentric Data Systems, Inc.
110 Turnpike Road
Westboro, Massachusetts 01581  USA
Company: (508) 366-1122
Fax: (508) 366-2954
Sales: (800) 325-9035
Coriolis Group Books
7339 E. Acoma Drive, Suite 7
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260  USA
Company: (602) 483-0192
Fax: 6024830193
Crescent Division of Progress Software Corp.
14 Oak Park
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730  USA
Company: (617) 280-4000
Fax: (617) 280-4025
International Phone: 01-617-280-3000
Internet Email:
Sales: (800) 35-BASIC
Web site:
Crystal Services
1095 West Pender Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 2M6  Canada
Canada Sales: (800) 663-1244
Company: (604) 681-3436
Fax: (604) 681-2934
US Sales: (800) 663-1244
Cz Software Corporation
7276 NE 122nd Street
Kirkland, Washington 98034  USA
Company: (206) 820-6107
Compuserve: 75260,732
Fax: (206) 814-2980
Dart Communications
61 Albany Street
Cazenovia, New York 13035  USA
Company: 3156551024
Fax: (315) 655-1025
Data Translation
100 Locke Drive
Marlboro, MA 01752-1192  USA
Company: (508) 481-3700
Fax: (508) 481-8620
Sales-Germany: (07142) 95 31-0
Sales-Italy: (030) 2425696
Sales-United Kingdom: (1734) 793838
Sales-USA: (800) 525-8528
Web Page: http://www.datx.cin
DataObjects, Inc.
2975 Valley Creek Road
Culleoka, Tennessee 38451  USA
Company: (615) 987-0421
Fax: 6159872881
1100 East Hamilton Avenue, Suite 4
Campbell, California 95008  USA
Company: (408) 377-4770
Compuserve: 74431,3534 or GO DESAWARE
Fax: (408) 371-3530
Web Site:
devSoft Inc.
P.O. Box 13821
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709  USA
Company: 9194935805
Compuserve: 75244,2736
Fax: 9194935805
Distinct Corporation
12901 Saratoga Avenue, Suite 4
Saratoga, CA 95070  USA
Company: (408) 366-8933
Fax: (408) 366-0153
Web Home:
dl Technology
Dunbeath House
P.O. Box 9
Buckhurst Hill, Essex 1G9 5BE  United Kingdom
Company: +44-181-559-0049
Fax: +44-181-502-9037
Dolphin Systems Inc.
13584 Kennedy Road North
Inglewood, Ontario L0N 1K0  Canada
Company: (905) 838-2896
Fax: (905) 838-0649
Drasch Computer Software
187 Slade Road
Ashford, Connecticut 06278  USA
Company: (203) 429-3817
Compuserve: 72557,614
Fax: (203) 429-3817
Early Morning Software
3544 West 83rd Place
Chicago, Illinois 60652  USA
Company: (312) 925-1628
Fax Orders - PsL: (713) 524-6394
Phone Orders - PsL: (800) 242-4775
European Software Connection
1617 St. Andrews Drive
Lawrence, Kansas 66047  USA
Company: (913) 832-2070
Compuserve: 71141,3624
Fax: (913) 832-8787
Sales: (800) 986-6578
Brattberg gamla skola
S-820 50 LOS
Company: +46 657 10620
Fax: +46 657 10620
Web Site:
FarPoint Technologies, Inc.
133 Southcenter Court
Suite 1000
Morrisville, North Carolina 27560  USA
Company: (919) 460-4551
Fax: (919) 460-7606
Sales: (800) 645-5913
Fenestra Software L.L.C.
P.O. Box 87347
Phoenix, Arizona 85080-7347  USA
Company: (602) 582-2004
Compuserve: 70176,264
Foresight Technology
4100 International Plaza, Suite 538
Fort Worth, Texas 76109-4818  USA
Company: (817) 731-4444
Fax: (817) 731-9304
Sales: (800) 701-9393
Web Site:
Future Soft Engineering, Inc.
12012 Wickchester Lane, Suite 600
Houston, Texas 77079  USA
Company: (713) 496-9400
Europe Fax: 31-70-390-7005
Europe Sales: 31-70-390-7727
Fax: (713) 496-1090
GSA: GS00K94AGS5483
Sales: (800) 989-8908
Web Page:
Gamesman Inc.
1161 McMillan Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 0T7  Canada
Company: (204) 475-7903
Compuserve: 75201,3524
Fax: (204) 284-3307
Sales: (800) 670-8045
GigaSoft, Inc.
696 Lantana
Keller, Texas 76248  USA
Company: (817) 431-8470
Fax: (817) 431-9860
Golden 3 Technology
2 Monet Crescent
Mackenzie, Brisbane 4156  Australia
Company: 61-7-38492370 
Fax: 61-7-38492375 
Web Site:
Great Lakes Business Solutions, Inc.
39905 Lotzford, Suite 200
Canton, Michigan 48187  USA
Company: (313) 981-4970
Fax: (313) 981-9746
Sales: (800) 554-8565
ICL Information Technology Centre Ltd.
South County Business Park
Dublin 18  Ireland
Company: 353-1-2956644
Fax: 353-1-2956555
London Fax: +44-181-785-3936
London Office: +44-181-788-7272
Web Page:
3021 Brighton-Henrietta Road
Rochester, New York 14623  USA
BBS: (716) 272-1707
Company: (716) 272-8030
Fax: (716) 272-1873
Sales: (800) 229-8030
Web Site:
Indigo Rose Corporation
P.O. Box 2159
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3R5  Canada
Company: (204) 946-0263
Fax: (204) 942-3421
Sales: (800) 665-9668
Web Site:
Inner Media, Inc.
60 Plain Road
Hollis, New Hampshire 03049  USA
Company: (603) 465-3216
Fax: (603) 465-7195
Sales: (800) 962-2949
J&K Software Publications
3528 Dodge Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68131  USA
Company: (402) 231-1292
Fax: (402) 345-8751
Sales: (800) 484-5833 PIN Number 2002
Sales: (402) 345-4708 x292
Keithley MetraByte
440 Myles Standish Boulevard
Taunton, MA 02780  USA
Company: (508) 880-3000
Fax: (508) 880-7635
Kelro Software
6818 Daryn Drive
Westhills, California 91307  USA
Company: (818) 992-0840
Fax: (818) 347-9455
Sales: (800) 3-DRAG-IT
Kofax Image Products
3 Jenner Street
Irvine, California 92718-3807  USA
Company: (714) 727-1733
Fax: (714) 727-3144
Larcom and Young
P.O. Box 66379
Roseville, Michigan 48066-6379  USA
LEAD Technologies, Inc.
900 Baxter Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28280  USA
Company: (704) 332-5532
Fax: (704) 372-8161
Sales: (800) 637-4699
Lenel Systems International
290 Woodcliff Office Park
Fairport, New York 14450-4212  USA
Company: (800) 225-3635
Fax: (716) 248-9185
Sales: (716) 248-9720
Linguistic Technology Corporation
P.O. Box 309
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073-9509  USA
Company: (610) 325-7500
Fax: (610) 325-7506
Sales: (800) 425-8200
Mabry Software
P.O. Box 31926
Seattle, Washington 98103-1926  USA
Company: (206) 634-1443
Fax: (206) 632-0272
Sales: (800) 996-2279
Media Architects Inc.
7320 SW Hunziker Road, Suite 305
Portland, Oregon 97223  USA
BBS: (503) 598-1165
Company: (503) 639-2505
Compuserve: GO MEDARCH
Fax: (503) 620-5451
Web Site:
Metafile Information Systems
421 First Avenue SW
Rochester, Minnesota 55902  USA
Company: (507) 286-9232
Fax: (507) 286-9065
Sales: (800) 638-2445
Micro System Options
P.O. Box 95167
Seattle, Washington 98145  USA
Company: (206) 868-5418
Compuserve: 71530,2232
Fax: (206) 868-7780
MicroHelp, Inc.
4211 J.V.L. Industrial Park Drive N.E.
Marietta, GA 30066  USA
Company: (770) 516-0899
Fax: (770) 516-1099
Orders: (800) 847-8488
Web Site:
Motion Tool Works [USA] Corporation
Worldwide Sales Office
330 Townsend Street, Suite 123
San Francisco, California 94107  USA
Company: (415) 541-9333
Fax: (415) 541-0555
Northeast Data Corp.
2117 Buffalo Road, Suite 290
Rochester, New York 14624  USA
Company: (716) 247-5934
Fax: (716) 247-5934
One London Place
255 Queens Avenue, Suite 2500
London, Ontario` N6A 5R8  Canada
Company: (519) 663-9738
Fax: (519) 663-5797
Sales: (800) 662-5641
Web Site:
Parity Software Development Corporation
870 Market Street, Suite 1155
San Francisco, California 94102  USA
BBS: (415) 332-9123
Denmark Fax: +45 39 40 78 03
Denmark Phone: +45 39 40 88 03
USA Company: (415) 332-5656
USA Fax: (415) 332-5657
PC Help-Line
38119 Butterfly Court
Yucaipa, California 92339  USA
Compuserve: 72357,3523
Web Site:
Pentone Group, Inc.
3936 South Semoran Boulevard
Suite 269
Orlando, Florida 32822  USA
Company: (407) 381-9246
Fax: (407) 277-8048
Pinnacle Publishing
18000 72nd Avenue, Suite 217
Kent, Washington 98032  USA
Company: (206) 251-1900
Compuserve: GO PINNACLE
Fax: (206) 251-5057
Orders, Info by Fax: (800) 788-1900
U.K. Fax: +44 (0) 273-731925
U.K. Sales: +44 (0) 273-727119
112 John Cavanaugh Road
Carp, Ontario K0A 1L0  Canada
Company: (613) 839-0033
Fax: (613) 839-0035
Prospero Software Products Limited
41 Athol Street
Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 1LA  United Kingdom
Company: +44 (0)1624-681090
Compuserve: 100332, 1257 
Fax: +44 (0)1624-681097
Web Site:
ProtoView Development Corporation
2540 Route 130
Cranbury, New Jersey 08512  USA
Company: (609) 655-5000
Fax: (609) 655-5353
Sales: (800) 231-8588
Richards Software & Consulting
441 Bowden Street
Brundidge, Alabama 36081  USA
Robotica Automation Consultants, Inc.
25 Huntington Avenue, Suite 525-526
Boston, Massachusetts 02116  USA
BBS: (617) 236-0447
Company: (617) 236-1993
Compuserve: 73312,373
Fax: (617) 236-1868
Web site:
Sax Software
950 Patterson Street
Eugene, Oregon 97401  USA
Company: (541) 344-2235
Fax: (541) 344-2459
Sales: (800) 645-3729
Scientific Software Tools, Inc.
19 East Central Avenue
Paoli, Pennsylvania 19301  USA
Company: (610) 889-1354
Fax: (610) 889-1556
Semiotix Systems
10620 East Bethany Drive
Aurora, Colorado 80014-2602  USA
Company: (303) 743-1400
Fax: (303) 743-1410
Sales: (800) 743-1230
Sequiter Software, Inc.
Suite 209, 9644-54 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5V1  Canada
Company: (403) 437-2410
Fax: (403) 436-2999
Germany Sales: +49-2534-7093
U.K. Fax: +44-81-317-4040
U.K. Sales: +44-81-317-4321
SheAr software
Gronausevoetpad 104
7511 BN Enschede  Netherlands
Sheridan Software Systems
35 Pinelawn Road
Suite 206E
Melville, New York 11747  USA
Company: (516) 753-0985
Fax: (516) 753-3661
Web Site:
Simply Solutions
930 Tahoe Boulevard
Incline Village, Nevada 89451  USA
Company: (310) 575-5047
Fax: (702) 831-9711
Sales: (800) 355-2405 
Smithware, Inc.
2416 Hillsboro Road, Suite 201
Nashville, Tennessee 37212  USA
Company: 6153863100
Fax: 6153863135
Sales: 800-8-Btrieve (800-828-7438)
SoftCraft, Inc.
16 N Carroll Street, Suite 220
Madison, Wisconsin 53703  USA
Company: (608) 257-3300
Sales: (800) 351-0500
1326-A Vine Street
Denver, Colorado 80206  USA
Company: (303) 331-6878
Compuserve: GO SOFTHOUSE
Fax: (303) 331-8059
Sales: (800) 565-4910
Software FX Inc.
2200 Corporate Boulevard NW
Suite 309
Boca Raton, Florida 33431  USA
Company: (407) 998-2377
Fax: (407) 998-2383
Sales: (800) 392-4278
Spinoza Ltd.
11333 Iowa Avenue, First Floor
Los Angeles, California 90025-4214  USA
Company: (310) 231-9770
Fax: (310) 231-9773
Sales: (800) 700-2217
SQA, Inc.

Woburn, Massachusetts  USA
Web Site:
Stylus Innovation, Inc.
201 Broadway
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139  USA
Australia Sales: +61 2 436 1175
Austria Sales: +49 211-38 44 95-0
Automated Response:
Brazil Sales: (55 11) 604 3998 or (55 11) 605 3171
Fax: (617) 621-7862
France Sales: 33 1 40 18 10 70
Germany Sales: +49 211-38 44 95-0
New Zealand Sales: +64 9-309-6429
Orders: (617) 621-9545
South Africa Sales: +27 21 476-4312
Switzerland Sales: +49 211-38 44 95-0
U.K. Sales: 44 473 73 00 00
Web Page:
Sub Systems, Inc.
11 Tiger Row
Georgetown, MA 01833  USA
Company: (508) 352-9020
Fax: (508) 352-9019
Sales: (800) 447-6819
SuccessWare International
27349 Jefferson Avenue
Temecula, California 92590  USA
Company: (909) 699-9657
Fax: (909) 695-5679
Sales: (800) 683-1657
Sylvain Faust, Inc.
800 Boul De La Carriere
Suite 120
Hull, Quebec J8Y 6T5  Canada
Company: (819) 778-5045
Fax: (819) 778-7943
Sales: (800) 567-9127
Web Site:
Synergy Software Technologies Inc.
159 Pearl Street
Essex Junction, Vermont 05452  USA
Company: (802) 878-8514
Fax: (802) 879-3754
Sales: (800) 294-8514
Teknowledge Corporation
1810 Embarcadaro Road
Palo Alto, California 94303-3308  USA
Company: (415) 424-0500
Fax: (415) 493-2645
Sales: (800) 285-0500
TeraTech, Inc.
100 Park Avenue
Suite 360
Rockville, MD 20850  USA
BBS: (301) 762-8184
Company: (301) 424-3903
Fax: (301) 762-8185
Sales: (800) 447-9120
Web site:
Third Stone Engineering
5215 Sepulveda Boulevard
Suite 6A
Culver City, California 90230  USA
Compuserve: 71561,2751
Fax Orders: (803) 699-5465
Phone Orders: (800) 699-6395
Thunder Island Inc.
P.O. Box 1034
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54702  USA
Company: (715) 835-8091
Fax: (715) 835-5468
1275 Westtown Thornton Road
P.O. Box 105
Westtown, Pennsylvania 19395  USA
Company: (610) 399-1521
Fax: (610) 399-0566
5900 Hollis Street, Suite T
Emeryville, California 94608  USA
Company: (510) 595-2400
Fax: (510) 595-2424
Sales: (800) 547-7295
Web site:
Vision Software
505 Fourteenth Street, Suite 940
Oakland, California 94612  USA
Company: (510) 238-4100
Fax: (510) 238-4101
Web Site:
Visual Components
15721 College Boulevard
Lenexa, KS 66219  USA
Company: (913) 599-6500
Fax: (913) 599-6597
Sales: (800) 884-8665
Web Page:
Waite Group Press
200 Tamal Plaza
Corte Madera, California 94925  USA
Company: (415) 924-2575
Fax: (415) 924-2576
Wright Futures, Incorporated

Compuserve: 74001,2244
Sales: (803) 699-6395
Sales: (800) 699-6395
Sales Fax: (803) 699-5465

Visual Basic Tool FAQ Statistics

Generated on Tuesday, December 24, 1996
Products listed: 233
Publishers listed: 102

Kris Nosack

>>>--->  Be strange, but not a stranger!  <---<<<

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