Realtime Coastal Observation Network (ReCON) Station
Muskegon Buoy   Location: 43° 11.1216´ N,   86° 21.1104´ W,   Depth: 59 ft (18 m)

Photo of Station Map of Station Webcam Images:
[Browse Webcam Images]

NOTE: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the full buoy will not be deployed this season. Only the spotter buoy will remain in the water. Deployment of the full buoy is scheduled for spring of 2025.

Conditions around 8:54 pm EDT on Thu, Sep 19, 2024 (00:54 GMT)
NOTE: Italic values identify data that is not recent and may not reflect current conditions.

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Water Near-Surface Data:   
Significant Wave Height: 0.4 ft (0.11 m) Sofar Spotter Buoy
Wave Mean Period: 2.44 secs Sofar Spotter Buoy
Wave Mean Direction: 196.3° (SSW) Sofar Spotter Buoy
Water Temperature (near surface): 70.1 °F (21.1 °C) Sofar Spotter Buoy

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With Support From:

U.S. Coast Guard
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