Realtime Coastal Observation Network (ReCON) Station
Reno Beach Station   Location: 41° 41´ N,   83° 15´ W,   Depth: 20 ft (6 m)

Photo of Station Map of Station  

Conditions around 8:01 pm EDT on Thu, Sep 19, 2024 (00:01 GMT)
NOTE: Italic values identify data that is not recent and may not reflect current conditions.

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Water Near-Surface Data:   
Significant Wave Height: 0.6 ft (0.18 m) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Maximum Wave Height: 1.1 ft (0.33 m) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Wave Zero-Crossing Period: 2.00 secs Nortek AWAC Profiler
Wave Direction: 125.4° (SE) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Water Column Data:   
Current @ 4.9 ft (1.5 m) Depth: 0.102 kts (5.3 cm/s), 236.6° (WSW) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Current @ 8.2 ft (2.5 m) Depth: 0.179 kts (9.2 cm/s), 126.6° (SE) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Current @ 11.5 ft (3.5 m) Depth: 0.108 kts (5.6 cm/s), 252.2° (WSW) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Current @ 14.8 ft (4.5 m) Depth: 0.158 kts (8.1 cm/s), 322.0° (NW) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Water Near-Bottom Data:   
Water Temperature (near bottom): 72.2 °F (22.4 °C) YSI Sonde
Dissolved Oxygen (near bottom): 86.85 %Sat YSI Sonde
Dissolved Oxygen (near bottom): 7.5 mg/L YSI Sonde
Phycocyanin (near bottom): 0.41 RFU YSI Sonde
Fluorescent DOM (near bottom): 4.02 RFU YSI Sonde
Total Dissolved Solids (near bottom): 186.32 mg/L YSI Sonde
pH (near bottom): 8.52 YSI Sonde
Chlorophyll (near bottom): 3.1 RFU YSI Sonde
Conductivity (near bottom): 272 µS/cm YSI Sonde
Specific Conductivity (near bottom): 287 µS/cm YSI Sonde
Turbidity (near bottom): 11.7 NTU YSI Sonde
YSI Sensor Depth: 20.47 ft (6.240 m) YSI Sonde
Water Temperature (near bottom): 72.0 °F (22.2 °C) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Nortek Sensor Depth: 19.45 ft (5.93 m) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Engineering Data:   
Nortek Compass: 84.3° (E) Nortek AWAC Profiler
Nortek Pitch: 3.7° Nortek AWAC Profiler
Nortek Roll: 0.6° Nortek AWAC Profiler
Solar Panel Voltage: 2.04 volts SPC Board
Solar Panel Current: 0.076 amps Campbell Logger
Battery Voltage: 50.33 volts SPC Board
Battery Current: 0.085 amps (+=charging) Campbell Logger
Buoy 12V Bus: 11.93 volts SPC Board
Current to UW Hub: 0.191 amps Campbell Logger
Voltage at UW Hub: 50.21 volts SPC Board

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With Support From:
Lake Erie Center Logo
U.S. Coast Guard
Coast Guard Logo



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