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Browse By Author: O | Project Gutenberg

Oakchest, Mrs.

See: De Morgan, Mary, 1850-1907

Oakesmith, John

Oakes, Rosa

See: Beaumont, Mary, 1849-1910

Oakes, Susan Marcia

See: Woodbury, Marcia Oakes, 1865-1913

Oakey, Daniel

Oakland (Calif.). Board of Education

Oakland Land, Loan and Trust Company

Oakleaf, Simon

See: Riley, Henry Hiram, 1813-1888

Oakley, H. W.

Oakley, John, 1868-1945

Oakley, Nancy (Novelist)

Oakley, Violet, 1874-1961

Oates, Eugene William, 1845-1911

Oates, W. Coape

Obama, Barack, 1961-

Obdržálek, Peregrin, 1825-1891

Obecny, Edmund

Ober, Charles K. (Charles Kellogg), 1856-

Oberfield, William

Ober, Frederick A. (Frederick Albion), 1849-1913

Oberhardt, William, 1882-1958

Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, 1868-1936

Obermayer, Rosa

See: Mayreder, Rosa, 1858-1938

Oberrotman, Adolf, 1893-

Obiols Delgado, Mariano, 1860?-1911

Oblinger, M. M. (Milo Milton), 1900-

O'Brien, Charlotte Grace, 1845-1909

O'Brien, Cyril J., 1919-2011

O'Brien, David Wright, 1918-1944

O'Brien, Donat Henchy, 1785-1857

O'Brien, Edward J. (Edward Joseph), 1890-1941

O'Brien, Fitz James, 1828-1862

O'Brien, F. P., 1885-

O'Brien, Frank Michael, 1875-

O'Brien, Frederick, 1869-1932

O'Brien, George, 1892-1973

O'Brien, Harriet

O'Brien, Harriet Newell

See: Lewis, Harriet, 1841-1878

O'Brien, Henry, 1808-1835

O'Brien, Howard Vincent, 1888-1947

O'Brien, Jack

O'Brien, James, 1842-1930

O'Brien, James Bronterre, 1805-1864

O'Brien, John, 1878-1952

O'Brien, Joseph

O'Brien, Lucius Henry, 1842-1913

O'Brien, Nora Connolly, 1893-1981

O'Brien, Pat, -1920

O'Brien, R. Barry (Richard Barry), 1847-1918

O'Brien, Seumas, 1880-

O'Brien, William, 1852-1928

O'Brien, William D.

Ocantos, Carlos María, 1860-1949

O'Cataract, Jehu

See: Neal, John, 1793-1876

Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.

Ocellus, Lucanus

See: Okellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C.

Ocerín, J. Gómez

See: Gómez Ocerín, J.

Ochoa, Enrique

Ockenström, Heikki Arvi

See: Järventaus, Arvi, 1883-1939

Ockham, David

Ockside, Russ, Knight

See: Underhill, Edward F. (Edward Fitch), 1830-1898

O'Clery, Michael, 1575-1643


See: United States. Department of the Army. Office of Military History

O'Connell, Daniel

O'Connor, Ayn Rand

See: Rand, Ayn, 1905-1982

O'Connor, Charles J. (Charles James), 1870-

O'Connor, Daniel, 1880-1951

O'Connor, Edward

See: Robinson, Warren F.

O'Connor, J. C. (John Charles), 1853-1928

O'Connor, John Lawrence, 1875-

O'Connor, Patrick, 1915-1983

O'Connor, T. P. (Thomas Power), 1848-1929

O'Connor, William Douglas, 1832-1889

O'Connor, William Frederick Travers, Sir, 1870-1943

O'Conor-Eccles, Charlotte

See: Eccles, Charlotte O'Conor, 1863-1911

O'Conor, J. F. X. (John Francis Xavier), 1852-1920

O'Cotter, Pat

See: Cotter, Frank J.


See: Bliss, Frank Chapman

Octavius Caesar, Emperor of Rome

See: Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 BC-14

O'Danachair, Donal

Oddo, Henri, 1844-1906

Oddy, J. Jepson

See: Playfair, William, 1759-1823

Odell, E. G., 1886-1929

Odell, Samuel W., 1864-1948

Odhner, Einar, 1884-1973

Odle, Dorothy Miller Richardson

See: Richardson, Dorothy M. (Dorothy Miller), 1873-1957

Odle, E. V. (Edwin Vincent), 1890-1942

O'Doherty, Morgan, Sir

See: Maginn, William, 1793-1842

O'Donnell, Elliott, 1872-1965

O'Donnevan, Finn

See: Sheckley, Robert, 1928-2005

O'Donoghue, D. J. (David James), 1866-1917

O'Donoghue, Marian Adèle Longfellow

See: Longfellow, Marian, 1849-1924

O'Donoghue, Power, Mrs., 1858-

O'Donovan Rossa, Jeremiah, 1831-1915

O'Dowd, Cornelius

See: Lever, Charles James, 1806-1872

O'D., P.

See: Donovan, Peter, 1884-

Odum, Howard Washington, 1884-1954

Oeffinger, Rudolf, 1870-1952

Oehlenschläger, Adam, 1779-1850

Oehler, Gottlieb F.

Oehninger, Friedrich, 1837-1914

Oelschlager, Charlotte, 1898-1984

Oelsner, Herman, 1871-

Oeman, Victor Emanuel

See: Öman, Victor Emanuel, 1833-1904

Oe Masamune no Musume

See: Izumi Shikibu, 974?-

Oemler, Marie Conway, 1879-1932

Oertel, Friedrich Wilhelm Philipp

See: Horn, W. O. von, 1798-1867

Oertel, Hugo

Oer, T. von

Oeser, Hermann, 1849-1912

Oeser, Rudolf

See: Glaubrecht, O. (Otto), 1807-1859

Oesterley, W. O. E. (William Oscar Emil), 1866-1950

Oetker, August, 1862-1918

Oexmelin, Alexandre Olivier

See: Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier), 1646?-1707?

O'Ferrall, Simon Ansley

See: Ferrall, S. A. (Simon Ansley), -1844

Offenbach, Jacques, 1819-1880

Offenbecker, Larry, 1913-2011

  • Mutiny (English) (as Author)

Offen, Benjamin

Office international de bibliographie

See: International Institute of Bibliography

Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality

See: United States. Office of Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality

Offor, George, 1787-1864

Offutt, Andrew J., 1934-2013

O'Flaherty, Catherine

See: Chopin, Kate, 1850-1904

O'Flaherty, Liam, 1896-1984

O'Flaithbheartaigh, Liam

See: O'Flaherty, Liam, 1896-1984

Ogden, Antoinette

Ogden, Christol

See: English, Thomas Dunn, 1819-1902

Ogden, C. K. (Charles Kay), 1889-1957

Ogden, George W. (George Washington), 1871-1966

Ogden, Henry Alexander, 1856-1936

Ogden, Henry N. (Henry Neely), 1868-

Ogden, Herbert G. (Herbert Gouverneur), 1846-1906

Ogden, Ruth, 1853-1927

Ogden Stewart, Donald

See: Stewart, Donald Ogden, 1894-1980

Ogg, Alexander

Ogg, Frederic Austin, 1878-1951

Ogilby, John, 1600-1676

Ogilvie, Campbell Patrick

Ogilvie, D. Douglas

Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. (William Robert), 1863-1924

Ogilvie, John, 1732-1813

Ogilvie, J. S. (John Stuart), 1843-1910

Ogilvie, Marilyn Bailey

Ogilvie, William, 1689?-1729

Ogilvy, Maud

Ogle, Arthur, 1871-

O'Grady, Standish, 1846-1928

O'Hagan, Anne, 1869-1934

O'Hagan, Kathleen Mary

See: Klein, Kathleen Mary de Beaumont, 1876-1974

O'Hagan, Thomas, 1855-1939

O'Halloran, G. B.

O'Hara, Barnes

See: Banim, John, 1798-1842

O'Hara, David, 1878-1959

O'Hara, John Myers, 1870-1944

O'Hara, Kenneth

See: Walton, Bryce, 1918-1988

O'Hara, Scott

See: MacDonald, John D. (John Dann), 1916-1986

O'Hara, Thomas J.

O'Hargan, Roderick

O'Harra, Edwin V.

O'Hegarty, P. S. (Patrick Sarsfield), 1879-1955

O'Higgins, Brian, 1882-1963

O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold, 1876-1929

Ohio Department of Industrial Relations

Ohio State University. Biological Club


See: Eastman, Charles A., 1858-1939

Ohnet, Georges, 1848-1918

Ohorn, Anton, 1846-1924

Ohrenschall, Helen E.

Ohrwalder, Josef, 1856-1913

Oikonomides, D. E. (Demosthenes E.), 1858-1938

Oinophilus, Boniface

See: Sallengre, Albert-Henri de, 1694-1723

Okakura, Kakuzo, 1862-1913

Okakura, Shusui, 1867-1950

Okakura, Yoshisaburo, 1868-1936

O'Keefe, John

O'Keeffe, John, 1747-1833

O'Keeffe, Neil

Okellos, ho Leukanos, active 6th century B.C.

O'Kelly, Seumas, 1875?-1918

Okenfuss, Lorenz

See: Oken, Lorenz, 1779-1851

Oken, Lorenz, 1779-1851

Okey, Thomas, 1852-1935

Oksanen, A.

See: Ahlqvist, August, 1826-1889

Oksanen, Vilho

Okuma, Shigenobu, 1838-1922

Oláh, Gábor, 1881-1942

Oland, Edith, 1878-1968

Oland, Warner, 1880-1938

Olcott, Charles S. (Charles Sumner), 1864-1935

Olcott, Frances Jenkins, 1872-1963

Olcott, Henry Steel, 1832-1907

Olcott, William Tyler, 1873-1936

Oldacre, Cedric

See: Warter, John Wood, 1806-1878

Old Bohemian

See: Strauss, G. L. M. (Gustave Louis Maurice), 1807?-1887

Old Broadbrim

See: Rathborne, St. George, 1854-1938

Old buffer

See: Gale, Frederick, 1823-1904

Oldcastle, John

See: Meynell, Wilfrid, 1852-1948

Old Elizabeth, 1766-

Olden, Balder, 1882-1949

Oldenbourg, Friedrich, 1888-1941

Oldenburg, Henry, 1615?-1677

Oldfather, W. A. (William Abbott), 1880-1945

Oldfield, Reuben Bertram, 1878-

Old Fogy

See: Spokeshave

Old Gustavus

See: MacLean, John, 1851-1928

Oldham, Thomas

  • Poetry (English) (as Author)

Old Hand

See: An Old Hand

Old Hickory

See: Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845

Old Humphrey, 1787-1854

Old Hutch

See: Adams, O. S.

Oldington, Richard

See: Aldington, Richard, 1892-1962

Oldmeadow, Ernest, 1867-1949

Old Merry

See: Hodder, Edwin, 1837-1904

Oldmixon, Mr. (John), 1673-1742

Oldroyd, Osborn H. (Osborn Hamiline), 1842-1930

Old Sailor

See: Barker, M. H. (Matthew Henry), 1790-1846

Old scout

Olds, Helen Diehl, 1895-1981

Old Sleuth, 1839?-1898

Old stoker

See: Sala, George Augustus, 1828-1895

Old 'un

See: Durivage, Francis A. (Francis Alexander), 1814-1881

Old vicar

See: Warter, John Wood, 1806-1878

Old, Walter Gorn

See: Sepharial, 1864-1929

Old Wolf

See: McWhorter, Lucullus Virgil, 1860-1944

Oldys, Francis

See: Chalmers, George, 1742-1825

O'Leary, De Lacy, 1872-1957

O'Leary, James

O'Leary, Peter, 1839-1920

Olesch, Gunther

Olfers, Sibylle, 1881-1916

Olgin, Moissaye J. (Moissaye Joseph), 1874-1939

Olin, George, 1907-

Olinick, G. O. (George Ochterlony), 1888-1957

Olin, Julia M. (Julia Matilda), 1814-1879

Olin, Richard, 1934-

Oliphant, James, 1855-1921

Oliphant, Laurence, 1829-1888

Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret), 1828-1897

Oliphant, Samuel Grant, 1864-1936

Olivares, Teodoro Llorente y

See: Llorente, Teodoro, 1836-1911

Oliveira, João Duarte

Oliveira Martins, J. P. (Joaquim Pedro), 1845-1894

Oliver, Andrew, 1706-1774

Oliver, Charles A. (Charles Alexander), 1858-1932

Oliver, Eda A.

Oliver, Frederick Scott, 1864-1934

Oliver, F. W. (Francis Wall), 1864-1951

Oliver, George

See: Onions, Oliver, 1873-1961

Oliver, Jean

Oliver, J. T. (Joseph Tombs), 1927-1988

Oliver, Margaret Scott

Oliver, Miquel dels Sants, 1864-1920

Oliver, Nola Nance

Oliver, Smith Hempstone

Oliver, Stephen

See: Chatto, William Andrew, 1799-1864

Oliver, Stephen, 1950-

Oliver, Temple

See: Smith, Jeanie Oliver Davidson, 1836-1925


See: Bussy, Dorothy, 1865-1960

Olivieri, David

See: Wharton, Edith, 1862-1937

Olivier, Sydney Haldane Olivier, Baron, 1859-1943

Ollanda, Francisco d'

See: Hollanda, Francisco de, 1517-1584

Ollefen, Lieve van, 1749-1816

Ollén, Gunnar, 1913-

Oller, Narcís, 1846-1930


See: Nuorteva, Väinö Albert, 1889-1967

Ollier, Edmund, 1827-1886

Ollilainen, A. E.

Ollivant, Alfred, 1874-1927

Ollscoil Bhaile Átha Cliath

See: Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)

Olmstead, A. T. (Albert Ten Eyck), 1880-1945

Olmstead, Charles H., 1837-1926

Olmsted Brothers

Olmsted, Denison, 1791-1859

Olmsted, Everett Ward, 1869-

Olmsted Firm

See: Olmsted Brothers

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1870-1957

Olmsted, M. N. (Miles Newell), 1811-1885

Olney, Warren, 1841-1921

Olona, Marco d'

See: De Marchi, Emilio, 1851-1901

Olsen, Alfred Johannes, Jr.

See: Olsen, Bob, 1884-1956

Olsen, Bob, 1884-1956

Olsen, Julius E.

Olsen, Mary Ann

Olson, Ernst W. (Ernst Wilhelm), 1870-1958

Olson, Julius E.

Olson, Oscar Ludvig, 1872-

Olson, Storrs L., 1944-2021

Olson, Virgil J.

Olsson, Hagar, 1893-1978

Olterdissen, Alphonse, 1865-1923

Oluf, Hark, 1708-1754

Olufs, Harck

See: Oluf, Hark, 1708-1754

Olund, Leonard J.

O'Mahony, Charles Kingston, 1884-

O'Mahony, John, 1816-1877

O'Malley, Austin, 1858-1932

O'Malley, Charles Donald

Oman, Charles, 1860-1946

Oman, John Campbell, 1841-1911

Omar al-Raschid, bey

See: Raschid, Omar, bey, 1839-1911?

Omar Khayyam, 1048-1122

O'Meara, James, 1825-1903

Omelka, František, 1904-1960


See: Said, Omar ibn, 1770?-1863

Omond, George W. T. (George William Thomson), 1846-1929

Omori, Annie Shepley

Oms, Joaquín Ruyra y

See: Ruyra, Joaquín, 1858-1939

Omura, Jintaro, 1863-1907

Oncial‏, Jacques‏

See: Dupré-Carra, Léon, 1843-1920

Oncken, Wilhelm, 1838-1905

O'Neale, Lila M. (Lila Morris), 1886-1948

O'Neil, Charles, 1793-

O'Neill, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Speakman), 1877-

O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953

O'Neill, Moira, 1864-1955

O'Neill, Mrs.

O'Neill, Rose Cecil, 1874-1944

O'Neil, Owen Rowe

One of them

See: Masterman, Charles F. G. (Charles Frederick Gurney), 1873-1927

Onerva, L., 1882-1972

Onfroy de Bréville, Jacques

See: Job, 1858-1931

Ongaro, Francesco dall'

See: Dall'Ongaro, Francesco, 1808-1873

Ongelin, Hanna, 1848-1893

Ongley, Leo

Onions, Oliver, 1873-1961

Onions, Oliver, Mrs.

See: Ruck, Berta, 1878-1978

Onís, Federico de, 1885-1966

Onkel Adam, 1804-1889

Oños, Apeles Mestres y

See: Mestres, Apeles, 1854-1936

Ontario. Board of Health

See: Provincial Board of Health of Ontario

Ontario. Department of Education

Onyshkewych, Zenowij, 1929-2018

Oordt, Joan Frederik van

See: D'Arbez, 1856-1918

Oort, Jan van, 1867-1938

Oosterzee, Hendrik Marinus Christiaan van

See: Evangeline, 1806-1877

Oosterzee, Liane van

Oost, Jan

O'Pagus, Arry

See: Sommer, H. B.

Opdycke, Leonard Eckstein, 1858-1914

Open Court Publishing Company

Operti, Albert, 1852-1927

Opie, Amelia, 1769-1853

Opie, Eugene L. (Eugene Lindsay), 1873-1971

Opie, John, 1761-1807

Opitz, Martin, 1597-1639

Oppeln-Bronikowski, Friedrich von, 1873-1936

Oppenheim, E. Phillips (Edward Phillips), 1866-1946

Oppenheimer, Franz, 1864-1943

Oppenheim, J.

Oppenheim, James, 1882-1932

Oppenheim, L. (Lassa), 1858-1919

Oppenheim, Max, Freiherr von, 1860-1946

Oppenheim, M. (Michael), 1853-1927

Opper, Frederick Burr, 1857-1937

Opp, Julie, 1871-1921

Oppman, Artur, 1867-1932

Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897

Orage, A. R. (Alfred Richard), 1873-1934

Oraison, François d'

See: Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d', 1704-1771

Oratorio Chorus

Orbaan, Albert, 1913-1983

Orbán, Balázs, 1830-1890

Orban, Paul, 1896-1974

Orban, Victor, 1868-1946

Orbeck, Anders, 1891-

Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines d', 1802-1857

Orchard, Thomas Nathaniel

Orchard, W. E. (William Edwin), 1877-1955

Orcutt, Philip Dana

Orcutt, William Dana, 1870-1953

Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness, 1865-1947

Order of the Eastern Star. General Grand Chapter

Ord, G. W.

Ordine della Santissima Annunziata

Ordoñez de Montalvo, García

See: Rodríguez de Montalvo, Garci

Ordoñez Edmondson y Cotton, José Mario Garry

See: Edmondson, G. C., 1922-1995

Ordonneau, Maurice, 1854-1916

Ordway, Edith B. (Edith Bertha), 1877-1944

O'Regan, Jimmy

Oregenes Adamantius

See: Origen, 185?-254?

Oregon Historical Society

Oregon State Society DAR

See: Daughters of the American Revolution. Oregon Society

O'Reilly, A. J. (Augustine J.)

O'Reilly, Charles William

O'Reilly, Elizabeth Boyle, 1874-

O'Reilly, John Boyle, 1844-1890

O'Reilly, Joseph John Edward, 1872-

O'Reilly, M. F. (Michael Francis)

See: Potamian, Brother, 1837-1917

O'Rell, Max, 1848-1903


See: Bidder, H. F. (Harold Francis), 1876?-1968

Orford, Horace Walpole, Earl of

See: Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797

Oriani, Alfredo, 1852-1909

Origen, 185?-254?

Oristorio di Frama, Stella

See: Krüseman, Mina, 1839-1922

Orléans, Charles d'

See: Charles, d'Orléans, 1394-1465

Orléans, Charlotte-Elisabeth, duchesse d', 1652-1722

Orléans, François-Ferdinand-Philippe-Louis-Marie d', prince de Joinville

See: Joinville, François-Ferdinand-Philippe-Louis-Marie d'Orléans, prince de, 1818-1900

Orléans, Henri d', Prince, 1867-1901

Ormerod, Eleanor A. (Eleanor Anne), 1828-1901

Ormond, Alice

See: Campbell, Alice, 1887-1976

Ormonde, John Butler, Marquis of, 1808-1854

Ormondroyd, Edward, 1925-

Ormsbee, J.

Ormsbee, Renee Richmond Huntley, 1887-

Ormsbee, Thomas H. (Thomas Hamilton), 1890-1969

Ormsby, John, 1829-1895

Orndorff, Frank, 1885-1971

Orne, Martha Russell

Ornsby, Robert, 1820-1889

Oropesa, Tomás de Iriarte y

See: Iriarte, Tomás de, 1750-1791


See: Oppman, Artur, 1867-1932

O'Rourke, John, Canon

Orpana, Topi, 1886-1930

Orpen, Adela E. (Adela Elizabeth Richards), 1855-1927

Orpen, William, Sir, 1878-1931

Orr, Charles Ebert, 1861-1933

Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of

See: Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery, 1621-1679

Orr, John William, 1815-1887

Orr, Lucinda Lee

Orr, Lyndon

Orr, M. A. (Mary Acworth), 1867-1949

Orr, Nathaniel

Orrock, James, 1829-1913

Orr, Sutherland, Mrs., 1828-1903

Ors, Joaquín Rubió y

See: Rubió y Ors, Joaquín, 1818-1899

Ortega Munilla, J. (José), 1856-1922

Ortega Rubio, Juan, 1845-1921

Ortega y Frías, Ramón, 1825-1883

Ortega y Gasset, José, 1883-1955

Orthodox Eastern Church (Russian)

See: Russkaia pravoslavnaia tserkov

Orth, Samuel Peter, 1873-1922

Ortigão, Ramalho, 1836-1915

Ortiz, Cornelia

Ortman, Blanche Sellers, 1870-1948

Ortmann, Blanche Sellers

See: Ortman, Blanche Sellers, 1870-1948

Ortoli, Jean-Baptiste Frédéric, 1861-

Orton, Arthur W.

Orton, George W., 1873-1958

Orton, Helen Fuller, 1872-1955

Orton, James, 1830-1877

Orton, James K.

See: Otis, James, 1848-1912

Orts-Ramos, Tomás, 1866-1939

Ortt, Felix, 1866-1959

Orvieto, Angiolo, 1869-1967

Orvis, C. F. (Charles F.)

Orwig, Louise


See: Origen, 185?-254?

Orzeszkowa, Eliza, 1842-1910

Osborne, A.

See: Kane, Thomas L. (Thomas Leiper), 1822-1883

Osborne, Carolyn M.

Osborne, David, Mrs. (Fanny)

Osborne, Dorothy, 1627-1695

Osborne, Duffield, 1858-1917

Osborne, Norman J. L. (Norman James Lionel), 1878-1965

Osborne, Oliver T. (Oliver Thomas), 1862-1940

Osborne, Robertson

Osborne, Thomas Mott, 1859-1926

Osborne, Thomas S.

Osborne, William H.

Osborne, William Hamilton, 1873-1942

Osborne, Zenas

Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935

Osborn, H. S. (Henry Stafford), 1823-1894

Osborn, Norman

See: Osborne, Norman J. L. (Norman James Lionel), 1878-1965

Osborn, Sherard, 1822-1875

Osborn, T. Forbes

Osbourne, Fanny Van de Grift

See: Stevenson, Fanny Van de Grift, 1840-1914

Osbourne, Lloyd, 1868-1947

Oscanyan, C. (Christopher), 1818-1895


See: Blixen, Karen, 1885-1962

Osgood, Charles Grosvenor, 1871-1964

Osgood, John

See: Broome, John, 1913-1999

Osgood, Samuel, 1812-1880

O'Shaughnessy, Arthur William Edgar, 1844-1881

O'Shaughnessy, Edith, 1870-1939

O'Shaughnessy, W. B., 1809-1889

O'Shea, John Augustus, 1840-1905

O'Shea, Kitty, 1845-1921

O'Shea, M. V. (Michael Vincent), 1866-1932

Osimo, Vittorio, 1877-

Oskison, Hildegarde Hawthorne

See: Hawthorne, Hildegarde, 1871-1952

Osler, Edward, 1798-1863

Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919

Osmaston, Francis Plumptre Beresford, 1857-1925

Osmer, William

Osmun, Thomas Embley

See: Ayres, Alfred, 1826?-1902

Osório, Ana de Castro, 1872-1935

O'Squarr, Ch. Flor (Charles Flor)

See: Flor O'Squarr, Ch. (Charles), 1830-1889


See: Daughters of the American Revolution. Oregon Society

Osselen-van Delden, B. E. van (Bertha Elisabeth), 1847-1936

Ossendowski, Ferdynand Antoni, 1878-1945

Ossiannilsson, K. G. (Karl Gustav), 1875-1970


See: Lourié, Ossip, 1868-1955

Ossoli, Margaret Fuller

See: Fuller, Margaret, 1810-1850

Ostaijen, Paul van, 1896-1928

Osten, Anton, Graf Prokesch von

See: Prokesch von Osten, Anton, Graf, 1795-1876

Ostenso, Martha, 1900-1963

Osterloh, Agnes

Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie, K.K.

See: K.K. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie

Ostertag, Blanche

Ostier, Marianne, 1902-1976

Ostrander, Isabel, 1883-1924

Ostrander, Stephen M.

Ostrovsky, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1823-1886

  • Ostrovsky, Alexander
  • Островский, Александр Николаевич
  • Plays (English) (as Author)
  • The Storm (English) (as Author)

Ostrovsky, Alexander

See: Ostrovsky, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1823-1886

Ostwald, Hans, 1873-1940

Ostwald, Wilhelm, 1853-1932

O'Sullivan, Vincent, 1868-1940

Oswald, Felix L. (Felix Leopold), 1845-1906

Oswell, G. D. (George Devereux), 1851-1910

Othegraven, Reinhold Pfahler von

Othman, Ossama

Otis, Charles Herbert, 1886-

Otis, Charles P. (Charles Pomeroy), 1840-1888

Otis, Elizabeth

Otis, Herod

See: Hazard, Willis P. (Willis Pope), 1825-1913

Otis H. Kean & Co.

Otis, James, 1848-1912

Otis, Mercy

See: Warren, Mercy Otis, 1728-1814

Otis, Sarah Elizabeth Birdsall, 1872-1940

Otlet, Paul, 1868-1944

O'Toole, George Barry, 1886-1944

O'Trigger, Lucius, Sir

See: Horne, R. H. (Richard H.), 1802-1884

Ott, Charles J.

Otté, E. C. (Elise C.), 1818-1903

Ottema, J. G. (Jan Gerhardus), 1804-1879

Ottendorff, E. Pollak (Emil Pollak)

Otten, Karl, 1889-1963

Ottmann, L. (Louis)

Otto, Ernst von

See: Otto-Kreckwitz, Ernst von, 1861-1938

Otto, Hermann Waldemar

See: Saltarino, Signor, 1863-1941

Otto-Kreckwitz, Ernst von, 1861-1938

Ottolengui, Rodrigues, 1861-1937

Ottolini, V. (Vittore), 1825-1892

Otto, Rudolf, 1869-1937

Otway, Thomas, 1652-1685

Oudenarde, Nicholas ægidius

See: Paulding, James Kirke, 1778-1860

Oudney, Walter, 1790-1824

Ouida, 1839-1908

Oulton, L.

Ouseley, William, 1767-1842

Ouseley, William Gore, Sir, 1797-1866

Outis, U. Donough

See: White, Richard Grant, 1821-1885

Outram, Mary Frances

Ouyang, Xiu, 1007-1072

Overbeck, Bertha

Overduijn-Heyligers, E., 1868-1944

Overend, William Heysham, 1851-1898

Overnell, T. J.


See: Nicholls, George, Sir, 1781-1865

Overstreet, H. A. (Harry Allen), 1875-1970

Overton, Frank, 1867-

Overton, Grant M. (Grant Martin), 1887-1930

Overton, Gwendolen, 1876-

Overton, Jacqueline, 1887-1954

Overton, John Henry, 1835-1903

Overton, Mark

Overton, Max

See: Wilcox, Don, 1905-2000

Overton, William Hassell, 1868-

Ovid, 43 BC-18?

Ovington, Mary White, 1865-1951

Ovink-Soer, Marie, 1860-1937


Owen, Catherine, -1889

Owen, Charles, -1746

Owen, Derwyn Trevor, 1876-1947

Owen, Elias

Owen, Grace Arlington

Owen, Harold, 1872-1930

Owen, H. Collinson (Harry Collinson), 1882-1956

Owen, Helen Mildred, 1894-1946

Owen, J. A. (Jean Allan), 1841-1922

Owen, John, 1766-1822

Owen, Luella Agnes, 1852-1932

Owen, Richard, 1804-1892

Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877

Owen, Robert Emmett, 1878-1957

Owen, Robert L. (Robert Latham), 1856-1947

Owens, Anna Leon

See: Leonowens, Anna Harriette, 1831-1915

Owensby, Clenton E., 1940-

Owens, John Algernon

Owenson, Sidney

See: Morgan, Lady (Sydney), 1783-1859

Owen, Wilfred, 1893-1918

Owen, Will, 1869-1957

Oxenford, John, 1812-1877

Oxenham, John, 1852-1941

Oxford and Asquith, Herbert Henry Asquith, Earl of

See: Asquith, H. H. (Herbert Henry), 1852-1928

Oxford and Asquith, Margot, Countess of

See: Asquith, Margot, 1864-1945

Oxford graduate

Oxford University Press

Oxley, J. Macdonald (James Macdonald), 1855-1907

Oxley, John, 1783-1828



See: Irons, William J. (William Josiah), 1812-1883

Oyen, Henry, 1883-1921

Ozaki, Yei Theodora

Ozanne, Charles Eugene, 1865-1961


Oziminski, Wojciech


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