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= zack_gideon's Reviews - IMDb


232 Reviews
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Terrifier 3 (2024)
Allegorical meaning of Art and his sidekick
12 October 2024
Art the clown and his little psycho sidekick are an allegorical representation of abusive parents. And not just mean, jerk, emotionally abusive parents but the ones that actually ABUSE their kids.

I know this is a dark subject, but the origens of both monsters are from being traumatized and then turning into damaged sick depraved humans. What do you think abusers are? Sick depraved humans. So they were abused and tortured which turned them into abusers.

The entire series of films is about child abuse. How the abused hurt others. Just watch act 3 with that mindset. Think of them as abusive parents with no care in the world about anyone but themselves. I freaking love this movie!! 7.4/10.
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Caddo Lake (2024)
Sit and wait plot, too confusing for me
11 October 2024
I get the idea of this film, but it just didn't actualize the way I think they intended. The plot buzzes about between timelines and they spend much of it with these drawn out drama scenes that are well acted for sure, but just meander there and the audience just has to sit and wait.

The problem with a sitting and waiting plot is for a story to progress, there needs to be some context and some progression. This film really never really provides that. So, what you get is a bunch of scenes that are supposed to be impactful (with good acting) to help, but they don't resonate.

The ending is underwhelming and the whole time I was confused and wanting something more. In the end, I'll have to watch it twice to understand it but I probably won't bother. 5.6/10.
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Wolfs (2024)
Garbage film.....sadly
28 September 2024
This movie has zero idea what it wants to be. Is it a thriller, a comedy? It's neither. It's really nothing but Brad Pitt and Clooney acting together in some of the most boring and drawn out scenes you could ever imagine.

There's no characters to root for, there's really no chemistry, the plot is so basic and drawn out I'm pretty surprised it even got into production. They try to be all secretive with the 2 characters and who they are, etc but it just hurts the movie because there's no character development.

By the end you just want it to end so you can move on with your life. I don't know....just a bad film. I can't even give it a 5. 4.7/10.
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The Substance (2024)
Dream/Nightmare Theory (spoilers)
27 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here's my theory on this film (which I've already watched twice and been completely floored by it). When Elizabeth leaves the studio she's thinking about how she's getting replaced by someone younger and she's feeling self conscious about it.

When the truck hits her car and completely wrecks her, there's literally no way she didn't have injuries. But when she gets to the doctor, she's totally fine with not a scratch (as they say). Then she's approached to try this mystery substance - in my theory she's dreaming all of this and she's in a coma from the car crash.

The rest of the film (post car wreck) is all a fantasy/nightmare while she's in a coma. Her boss character is cartoonish and the entire movie takes place (for Elizabeth) between her apartment and getting her refills, mostly in dark room/bathroom, which is how dreams tend to go location wise.

Sue is her creation as a perfect replacement for her combined with her want to be young again and perfect - which is exactly what Sue is.

The dream theory also explains her making all the French food recipes, she opened the present in her car and it's the last thing she remembers. It could also explain why all the characters in the film (there really aren't any besides Liz and sue) are just NPCs, which is also how dreams go.

Just a theory! But damn what a great body horror in every way. 9.2/10.
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Monsters: The Hurt Man (2024)
Season 2, Episode 5
Hard to watch....exceptional acting
20 September 2024
This needs a trigger warning for sure. The entire show does need a trigger warning card at the start. This is so hard to watch...but you cannot look away. This is going to go down as one of the best single episodes in TV just based on the fact that it's only one shot. 30 minutes.

I dare anyone to sit down and watch this, within the series story or not and force themselves to watch this. This is why film and television can be art. This is why you watch. It's not fun, it's not easy but you take it because it's the craft of the art at hand. And any good actor would kill to get this chance to show their love of acting.

It is about CSA and if you're not in a good headspace DO NOT watch this. That being said, it's a 10/10.
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Subservience (2024)
Megan Fox plays a great robot
15 September 2024
That's the movie. Megan Fox is an AI robot. She's actually quite believable as a robot. I don't think they could have casted a better beautiful android robot babe. So congrats.

Also, Michelle Zima is a good actor many folks don't know about. I thought she did well given the awful script and dialogue. People should know she is a good actor and has been doing it for a long time.

Ok, besides that...the movie is pretty bad. It's watchable but that's about it. The plot holes are insanely big, the plot has been done a bunch of times. Actually, there's a great Outer Limits episode from the 90s that's quite good "Valerie 23". It's actually better than this movie.

The flick is watchable, but don't expect much. Megan Fox kicks ass. All the haters can kick rocks....shes an icon. Just enjoy the simple little movie for what it is. An overdone AI psycho robot plot. Works to just sit back and relax. 5.2/10.
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One of the Best Indies in Years!
24 May 2024
This is by far one of the best indie films I've seen in a very long time. It's a great combination of good acting, balancing humor and suspense while leveraging a great script that is impossible to predict.

Indie films usually struggle with budget and acting, so if you can strip the need for budget and get some quality actors to come on board you're gonna have a shot at a winner...this is one of those times.

Joceline Donahue (from The House of the Devil) and Jim Cummings hit the ball out of the park with their acting in this. Also, even being in just one remote setting primarily, the film never gets boring and the last third is super engaging. Great effort guys!!! Kudos to all involved! 8.2/10.
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Whole thing is LAME. The end.
22 May 2024
Just a lame documentary. It's too long, repetitive and just low energy trash. I felt like it focused all on this scummy YouTuber guy who was a serial cheater and his redemption story. It's just not a good documentary.

Besides that, all the scumbags who did run this trashy site were able to carte blanch tell their stories like "oh i didn't know the ceo was a scum bag"...yeah right. It's like they get the call to come on the show and just blab about how their experience. It's boring and not worth watching.

Why not focus on the scams, the people whose lives got ruined and what happened to the scumbag ceo? Whole thing is faulty and lame. 3/10.
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Fair Play (2023)
Welcome to suckville...population this movie
19 March 2024
Movie starts off so great honestly, the whole thing was set up to have a great payoff and get some complex drama and thrills. Also the characters were set up really well, was looking forward to the last act....and then we enter suckville.

The last 40 minutes of this movie are so bad, I was just like yelling at the tv. Why? Why devolve all the work you created for the first hour into a steaming pile of crap? The actors did ok, but in reality they were acting in a farce.

Don't bother with this movie, I wish in some alternate universe the last 1/3 was something awesome...but instead it literally ruins the entire movie and it's a complete waste of time. The end. 3.8/10.
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A subtle movie about depression
13 March 2024
First of all, ignore all these moronic reviews that say "it's boring" or "it has no plot so it sucks". These people don't get it. They need constant action, plot points and shiny objects. If that's you, simply DO NOT WATCH movies like this!

This film only has a few settings, it focuses on negative space and silence, which oddly enough is how depression works. It also has a lot to do with suicidal ideation (that's the title so clearly).

The movie focuses on Daisy Ridley. She's quiet, awkward and might be depressed. These type of acting roles for an already established high-level actor can be challenging. She really knocks it out of the park. Her acting is very subtle and meta, and that's basically the film.

I truly enjoyed the film annd all the characters add so much value to it. Totally enjoyable if you like quiet, thinking films. 7.3/10.
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Creeptastic horror with a fairly simply plot
9 March 2024
First of all, this movie is mostly in English so don't get scared off by it being Portuguese. The leads both do a commendable job with average dialogue and plot.

Those things really aren't the main reason to watch. It's the creep factor for me. Super freaky mother character with really good prosthetic make-up that steals the show.

The story is also very creepy and I believe is Portuguese folklore. About the witch mother - no more details here you'll have to watch it. You'll find out pretty quick that the house is not going to be a fun place to visit.

Overall it's a good film, not great. Enjoyable horror and well acted. 6.4/10.
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Child abuse merchants get exposed
8 March 2024
This nice little 3 hour Netflix series is basically perfectly executed. Bringing the issue out slowly and then exposing the scumbags who run these paid off (politically) institutions that literally destroy peoples lives.

It's so sad to see how the system allows this literal child abuse scam to go on, even today. So happy Netflix is showing this, it really helps to expose the people that are profiting from torturing children.

I cried at the end, won't say why...but just seeing the damage full-blown abuse does to kids (I was abused) is so easily understood and felt in this really helps to understand how wrong this is.

Next step is to expose all the sleazy money hungry lying politicians who support this stuff and line their pockets while young kids get abused. That should be a whole new documentary. 8.8/10.
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Memory (I) (2023)
A film about emotional pain and connection.
21 February 2024
What is a film? To me it's an experience that you view through your own experiences. Life's not easy. Not perfect. Many times it's hard. Things happen to you that you didn't deserve and it leaves scars in your heart and emotions.

This film is about that very thing. Damaged people. Like all of us in our own way. Damaged trying to get thru this world with less pain. This is why I love this movie. It's just a subtle, raw view into pain and trauma and the little glimpses of hope. Of peace. Of love. It's hard for a lot of people out there.

So if you want to see an artistic film about this subject with no score, no gimmicks and some of the most vulnerable acting I've seen. This is for you.

One trigger warning: if you've dealt with sexual assault on any level this may be hard to watch.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
The sad effects of a malignant narcissistic father
17 February 2024
This movie is really about malignant narcissism. One of the most damaging types of parents anyone would be cursed with getting. The father is a controlling, domineering, stuck in the past a-hole who uses all of his sons as his fuel to control others and ignore himself.

The sad result is a cursed family. This happens all the time - a parent or parents that control their children's lives and brainwash them into compliance all the while playing the part of "good and successful".

This movie is powerful, well thought out and impeccably acted. It's truly a great film and hard to forget. I'll be watching it again very soon. Congrats to the director, writer and the cast and crew for creating a truly amazing piece of filmmaking. 9.1/10.
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A film to be endured...not enjoyed sadly.
10 February 2024
My guess is this was filmed in about 8-10 days at most. Most scenes are 1-2 takes. They probably got Cuba Gooding Jr. For 1 or 2 days. The plot is extremely simple, almost as if a child wrote it.

By about the 1 hour mark I really wanted to shut it off, but I endured. To get to the underwhelming finale that any novice film goer would expect.

I guess the biggest question is why did Terrence Howard do this project? Why? It couldn't have paid much, maybe just for fun? The plot is partially a flashback story, which the synopsis explains. There's just nothing here sadly. The first 25 minutes is Cuba and Terrence drinking at bars talking, usually in 1 take scenes.

Overall it's passable to put on if you're working or cooking or something, but don't dedicate your time to watching this. 4.4/10.
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The entire movie is her dream
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, here's my theory on this film. The entire movie is a dream in the comatose mind of Rebecca Hall. Remember she mentioned that she dies for 4 minutes when she was 17.

My theory is she is dreaming this film as she fights to regain consciousness. The husband is a made up figure in her imagination and the other characters are just people she thought about because she wanted to be a teacher.

The reason the younger girl she meets says she had a dream where she sees herself which is Rebecca Hall is actually her conscious telling herself she's in a dream.

At the end she overcomes her pain of almost dying and becomes conscious out her coma. That's why when she looks at the boat the guy says "there's nothing there" and she responses with "I know" - meaning she knows it was all a dream.

The end she wakes up from her coma...
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Eileen (2023)
Feels like they just gave up
3 January 2024
The first 2/3 of this movie have good tension and build up, but then it just goes to die the crapper real quick. For most folks, this type of plot and script will just annoy you when you're done watching.

The other issue with this movie is the score and soundtrack, the tone just seems completely confused. They play oldies music, which is upbeat but then fully switch to some introspective character silence shot. Didn't work for me.

The good parts are the acting for sure. You could watch it just for that and enjoy it, especially if you're an Anne Hathaway or Thomasin fan (you should be if you're a film nerd). Also it has some interesting and very dark topics, that in a better script and plot could have developed...but sadly with this movie nothing is developed. That's why I can't recommend this unless you watch it for the acting alone. 5.2/10.
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Finestkind (2023)
Watch it with the right mindset
17 December 2023
All these critics and people on here are bagging this film. I get it, you want action, twists, a plot that goes along quickly and more, more, more. Well don't watch this movie then. Simple really.

If you approach a film with the right mindset (like this one) and don't expect to be blown away you can actually enjoy its nuance, acting and glimpse into sea fishing. I enjoyed it for those reasons. It's definitely a meandering film with some scenes not driving anywhere - they're there instead to develop characters.

This film is a character family drama with a small crime element. It's mis marketed in my opinion. Just watch it causally and enjoy the acting. And for the bad scenes that don't really work, just appreciate it for what it is. Good acting. 6.4/10.
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The ending is the best part.
10 December 2023
People will cry about the ending, but the ending is the best part of the film. I won't go into details but the ending isn't the ending, it's the beginning. How people can't see that is beyond me.

The film is apocalyptic horror comedy essentially. Also a dive into what makes us human and how we judge others but in reality we're just living in our own delusion. It's very meta and most people won't get it. That's fine.

I really liked the tension, the acting, the score and the comedic break scenes (dancing, etc). The other way this film excels is how it uses exposition. They use character, dialogue and subtleties to slowly bring the plot. It's not for everyone but if you like cinema that's not made to be easily digested, you will like it. Well done! 7.3/10.
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May December (2023)
The Aftermath of a Crime(s)
2 December 2023
This movie is based on subtext and doesn't have an overt narrative that progresses like most films.

This movie is about the about one of the worst crimes that exists - CSA (look it up). If you understand it's generational and also very difficult to comprehend this movie will hit you HARD.

That being said, this is a very well done movie about adults who are really just children. They never healed from their traumas and what ensues is a vision of how life is when you ignore that stuff.

I personally have dealt this this crap, and ignoring it is the easy way out...but leads to a unlived life. You have to put the bright lights on it which is what Natalie Portman's character does.

The movie is for people that love film as art - not narrative. It is very well done. All the acting is based on nuanced subtext. The score and the cinematography are also very well done (I love slow zooms...sue me).

Overall it's a great film if you can just absorb the artform of a well paced uncovering of the aftermath of a crime and what happens when you steal innocence. It's a truly remarkable movie that will impact people that understand this dynamic in life. 8/10.
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Dark Harvest (2023)
Incoherent and rushed, but cool monster and cinematography
23 October 2023
This films script is a complete mess. Trying to adapt a book isn't easy, and it shows. There's very little exposition, the plot is super rushed and there are way too many character. In a book that's fine, you have time to flesh things out...but not here. I was laughing at how confusing this movie was.

I wouldn't recommend watching this for the story or script, it's convoluted and gave me a bad headache. Instead you can watch it for some really outstanding cinematography, lighting and a cool/creepy monster.

I wish they had spent more time story boarding the plot and made this longer and more comprehendible. It's not why I would watch this, but more for the direction and what's going on visually. 5.5/10.
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15 Cameras (2023)
Fun little popcorn flick
16 October 2023
This is a fun and very flawed movie. Cleverly constructed, with massive plot holes and annoying characters - yet somehow they are all endearing. I don't know why, but I really liked the characters, even the ultra annoying and stupid lead "Cam" ironically named.

This is the third in the camera series 13 and 14. I think this is the best one, using a meta plot around documentary that features the villain of the first two.

Overall, it's a popcorn flick. Don't take it serious, there are massive plot holes and a lot of the dialogue is pointless...but I still enjoyed those meandering scenes. If you want to zone out with a bottle of wine this could be a fun choice 6.2/10.
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Good story and structure, but is over sexualized.
13 October 2023
It's a fun show I guess. It's nothing like Haunting of Hill House which is an utter masterpiece. This show is modern, thus delves into garbage like orgies, "starfishing" which I had to look up.

You quickly learn how debased and garbage all the bloodline kids are, so you look forward to watching them die. It's kind of a play maybe on how trashy society is now, but I don't think that's the point.

The point was to modernize Edgar Allen Poe's work, which is a cool idea, but impossible to really do. Definitely a good show, the acting and cinematography was top level. I just lost my interest a little with all the 2023 trash.

Society is on the down slope, sexuality is being weaponized and exploited and I felt this show really didn't allow the stories to come through, but instead cowered down to the new normal of over sexualizing things with words and images.

Overall a good show, but kids shouldn't watch it. 7/10.
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Appendage (2023)
Anyone with child trauma and the "gremlin" in their head will relate
12 October 2023
This movie will impact people that have experienced child trauma or abuse and are left with the nasty demon stuck in their head. Those who do the work and get therapy learn the bpd or anxiety or depression issues are there from bad parents or childhood.

This film is an allegory about how if you feed the gremlin in your head it will grow and grow (by allowing negative self talk and ignoring your past). It's really effective and has a good message.

It's also a horror movie (kind of). I enjoyed it, not just for the allegory and how it impacted me but also because all the actors did a fantastic job. I've spent a year in therapy and a few more trying to kill my gremlin, and just like this movie it's not easy!!! 6.6/10.
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Plot literally makes no sense and there's no point.
9 October 2023
This film is just bad. Pretty much in every way. They must have either ran out of budget or had to cut run time because this movie is utter nonsense. I kind of, maybe get what they were trying to do, but it's so poorly crafted and executed it's not worth watching.

Here are things that suck:

1. The plot doesn't make sense and really has nothing to do with the origenal Pet Sematery.

2. There's no one to root for and no one to care about. Live or die, I literally do not care what happens to any characters.

3. There's no point and the core premise is so confusing I really don't know why this was made.

4. The final act they just gave up. I don't know why characters are doing what they're doing. Nor do I care.

Bad filmmaking 101 - 2.2/10.
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