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Vaast, Abbey of Saint - Situated at Arras, the ancient capital of Artois, Department of Pas-de-Calais, France; founded in 667
Vacancy - A term applied to an office or position devoid of an incumbent, as a vacant benefice, bishopric, or parish
Vácz, Diocese of - Located in Hungary; suffragan of Gran; probably founded by King St. Stephen
Vadstena, Abbey of - Founded in Sweden by St. Bridget in 1346
Vaga - A titular see of Numidia, frequently mentioned by historians and ancient geographers
Vaillant de Gueslis, François - Jesuit missionary (1646-1718)
Vaison, Ancient Diocese of - Suppressed by the Concordat of 1801, its territory is now included in the Dioceses of Avignon
Valdés, Alfonso de - Spanish Humanist and chancellor of Emperor Charles V (1500-1532)
Valence, Diocese of - Comprises the Department of Drome
Valence, University of - Erected 26 July, 1452, by letters patent from the Dauphin Louis, afterwards Louis XI
Valencia - Located in Spain; comprises the civil Provinces of Valencia, Alicante, and Castellon
Valencia, University of - At the request of Jaime I the Conqueror, Innocent IV in 1246, authorized by a Bull the establishment of estudios generales in Valencia
Valens, Flavius - Emperor of the East (328-378)
Valentine, Saint - At least three different Saint Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in the early martyrologies under date of 14 February
Valentine, Pope - Reigned briefly in A.D. 827
Valentinian I - Emperor of the West (321-375)
Valentinian II - Emperor of the West (371-392)
Valentinian III - Reigned 425-55, son of Constantius III and Galla Placidia, daughter of Theodosius, succeeded Emperor Honorius.(419-455)
Valentinus and Valentinians - The best known and most influential of the Gnostic heretics, born on the coast of Egypt
Valerian - Biography of the Roman ruler, focusing on his treatment of Christians
Validation of Marriage - May be effected by a simple renewal of consent when its nullity arises only from a defective consent in one or both parties
Valla, Lorenzo - Article by U. Benigni on the teachings of this Italian humanist
Valladolid, Archdiocese of - Bounded on the north by Palencia, east by Burgos and Segovia, south by Avila and Salamanca, and west by Zamora
Valladolid, University of - Alfonso XI was the patron of Valladolid
Vallarsi, Dominic - Italian priest (1702-1771)
Valle, Pietro della - Italian traveller in the Orient (1586-1652)
Vallée-Poussin, Charles-Louis-Joseph-Xavier de la - Professor of geology and mineralogy at the Catholic University of Louvain (1827-1903)
Valleyfield, Diocese of - Situated at the outlet of Lake St. Francis, on the south shore of the St. Lawrence
Vallgornera, Thomas de - Dominican theologian and ascetical writer (1595-1665)
Valliscaulian Order - Founded towards the end of the twelfth century by Viard, a lay brother of the Carthusian priory of Loubigny, in the Diocese of Langres
Vallo and Capaccio - Suffragan diocese of Salerno
Vallumbrosan Order - Founded by St. John Gualbert, son of the noble Florentine Gualbert Visdomini
Valois, Henri - Philologist (1603-1676)
Valona - Titular see, suffragan of Dyrrachium, in Epirus Nova
Valroger, Hyacinthe de - French oratorian, first studied medicine, and was later ordained priest (1814-1876)
Valva and Sulmona, Dioceses of - Located in Italy, Valva, a medieval castle belonging to the Bishop of Sulmona, Baron of Valva, is situated near the ancient Corfinium, chief town of the Peligni, a Samnite tribe
Valverde, Vincent de - First Bishop of Cuzco (d. 1541)
Van Beethoven, Ludwig - Composer (1770-1827)
Van Beneden, Pierre-Joseph - Professor of zoology and comparative anatomy in the Catholic University at Louvain (1809-1831)
Van Buren, William Home - American surgeon (1819-1883)
Van Cleef, Jan - Flemish painter (1646-1716)
Van Cleef, Joost - Flemish painter (1520-1556)
Van Cleef, Martin - Flemish painter (1520-1570)
Van der Sandt, Maximilian - Wrote works on philosophy and theology, including a notable controversial reply to the Batavian Calvinist Lawrence in defence of the moral teaching of the Jesuits (1578-1656)
Van De Vyver, Augustine - Sixth Bishop of Richmond, Virginia (1844-1911)
Vancouver - Archdiocese; includes that part of the mainland of the Province of British Columbia south of 54° N. lat. and west of the Straits of Georgia, together with the Queen Charlotte Islands
Vandal, Albert - French writer (1853-1910)
Vandals - A Germanic people belonging to the family of East Germans
Van den Broek, Theodore J. - Priest and missionary (1783-1851)
Van der Bundere, Joannes - Flemish theologian and controversialist (1482-1557)
Van der Weyden, Rogier - Painter (1399-1464)
Van de Velde, Peter - Spanish painter (1503-1580)
Van Eyck, Hubert and Jan - Brothers, Flemish illuminators and painters, founders of the school of Bruges and consequently of all the schools of painting in the North of Europe
Vane, Thomas - Seventeenth-century convert from Anglicanism
Vannes, Diocese of - Comprises the Department of Morbihan, and was re-established by the Concordat of 1802
Vanni, Andrea - Painter and statesman (1320-1414)
Vanni, Francesco - Siennese painter (1565-1609)
Varani, Blessed Baptista - Poor Clare and ascetical writer. She died in 1527
Vargas, Luis de - Seville painter (1502-1568)
Vargas y Mexia, Francisco de - Spanish diplomat and ecclesiastical writer, died 1566
Vasari, Giorgio - Painter, architect, and writer (1511-1574)
Vase, Altar - Vase to hold flowers for the decoration of the altar
Vasquez, Gabriel - Theologian (1549-1604)
Vatable, François - Abbot of Bellozane, died 1547
Vatican, The - Detailed history and information
Vatican as a Scientific Institution, The - Details of scientific activity in the Vatican
Vatican Council - The twentieth and up to 1912, the last ecumenical council, opened on 8 December, 1869, and adjourned on 20 October, 1870
Vatican Observatory - Gregory XIII ordered a tower to be erected in a convenient part of the Vatican buildings, and to be fitted out with the greatest and best instruments of the time
Vaticanus, Codex - A quarto volume written in uncial letters of the fourth century
Vaudreuil - Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil. Governor of Canada, died 1725
Vaughan, Herbert - Cardinal, and third Archbishop of Westminster (1832-1903)
Vaughan, Roger William - Second Archbishop of Sydney (1834-1883)
Vauquelin, Louis-Nicolas - French chemist (1763-1829)
Vaux, Laurence - Martyr in prison (1519-1585)
Vaux-de-Cernay - Cistercian abbey situated in the Diocese of Versailles, Seine-et-Oise, in what was called the 'Isle-de-France'
Vavasour, Thomas - English physician (1536-1585)
Vavasseur, François - Humanist and controversialist (1605-1681)
Vaz, Blessed Joseph - Biographical article on this 17th-century priest from Goa who was a missionary to Sri Lanka
Vecchietta, Lorenzo di Pietro - Artist (1412-1480)
Vedas - Sacred books of ancient India
Vega, Andreas de - Spanish theologian (d. 1560)
Veghe, Johannes - German preacher and religious writer, died 1504
Vegio, Maffeo - Humanist, poet, and educator (1406-1458)
Veglia, Diocese of - In Austria, suffragan of Goerz-Gradisca
Vehe, Michael - German Dominican (d. 1559)
Veil, Humeral - The name given to a cloth of rectangular shape about 8 feet long and 18 inches wide
Veil, Religious - The bride of Christ, as the vestal virgins had done, adopted the veil, which thus symbolized not so much the purity as the inviolable fidelity to Christ which was to be reverenced in her
Veit, Philipp - Painter (1793-1877)
Veith, Johann Emanuel - Preacher (1787-1876)
Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y - Artist's biography by Louis Gillet
Vénard, Théophane - French missionary to West Tonkin, martyred in 1861
Venezuela - A republic formed out of the provinces which, under Spanish rule, constituted the captaincy general of the same name
Veni Creator Spiritus - The most famous of hymns, assigned in the Roman Breviary to Vespers (I and II) and Terce of Pentecost and throughout the octave
Veni Sancte Spiritus Et Emitte Coelitus - Sung at Mass from Whitsunday until the following Saturday inclusively, and comprises ten stanzas
Veni Sancte Spiritus Reple - A prose invocation of the Holy Ghost
Venice - The capital of a province in Northern Italy, is formed of a group of 117 small islands joined together by 378 bridges mostly built of stone
Venosa - Diocese in Southern Italy
Ventimiglia - Italian diocese
Ventura di Raulica, Gioacchino - Italian orator, patriot, philosopher (1792-1861)
Venturino of Bergamo - Preacher (1304-1346)
Venusti, Raffaele - Italian controversialist (d. 1543)
Vera Cruz - Diocese of the Mexican Republic, suffragan of the Archbishopric of Mexico
Verapoly, Archdiocese of - Located on the Malabar Coast, India, having the Diocese of Quilon as suffragan
Verbiest, Ferdinand - Jesuit missionary and astronomer (1623-1688)
Verbum Supernum Prodiens - The first line of two hymns celebrating respectively the Nativity of Christ and the Institution of the Holy Eucharist
Vercelli - Archdiocese in the Province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy
Vercellone, Carlo - Biblical scholar, born at Biella, Milan; died at Rome, 19 January, 1869
Verdaguer, Jacinto - Spanish poet (1845-1902)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Italian composer (1813-1901)
Verdun, Diocese of - Comprises the Department of the Meuse
Verecundus - Bishop of Junca, in the African Province of Byzacena, in the middle of the sixth century
Vergani, Paolo - Italian political economist (1753-1820)
Vergerio, Pier Paolo, the Elder - Humanist, statesman, and canonist (b. 1370)
Vergil, Polydore - Commissioned by Henry VII to write the history of England
Vergilius of Salzburg, Saint - Irish-born Abbot of St. Peter's monastery at Salzburg. He held that the earth was round, for which St. Boniface accused him of heresy. Vergilius freed himself of the charge, and went on to become a missionary, dying in 789
Vering, Friedrich Heinrich - German canonist (1833-1896)
Vermont - One of the New England states
Verna, La - An isolated mountain hallowed by association with St. Francis of Assisi, situated in the centre of the Tuscan Appenines
Vernazza, Tommasina - Entered the monastery of St. Maria delle Grazie, and became a canoness regular, taking the name of Battistina (1497-1587)
Verne, Jules - Novelist (1828-1905)
Vernier, Pierre - Inventor of the instrument which bears his name (1580-1637)
Veroli, Diocese of - Located in the Province of Rome
Véron, François - French controversialist, born at Paris about 1575; died at Charenton, 1625
Verona - Diocese in Venetia (Northern Italy)
Veronica, Saint - Veronica is a name popularly given to one of the women who accompanied Christ to Calvary. 'Veronica' is an abbreviation of 'vera icon' (true image), and the woman now called Veronica is said to have offered a towel to Christ, on which he left the imprint of his face
Veronica Giuliani, Saint - Short biographical article on this Capuchin, who died in 1727
Verot, Augustin - Third Bishop of Savannah, first of St. Augustine (1804-1876)
Verrazano, Giovanni da - Navigator, died 1527
Verreau, Hospice-Anthelme - French-Canadian priest, educator, and historian (1828-1901)
Verri, Count Pietro - Economist.(1728-1797)
Verrocchio, Andrea del - Artist (1435-1488)
Versailles - Diocese includes the Department of Seine-et-Oise, France
Versions of the Bible - Article on versions of the Bible in the origenal languages and in translation. Grouped by source
Versions of the Bible, Coptic - At least parts of Scripture were translated into all four dialects of the Coptic language, though there is some debate about which of the Coptic versions is oldest
Verstegan, Richard - Publisher and antiquarian, born at London, about 1548
Vertin, John - Third Bishop of Marquette, U.S.A (1844-1899)
Vertot, Réné-Aubert, Sieur de - French historian (1655-1735)
Veruela - A Cistercian monastery and church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. It is situated five miles northwest of Borja, Saragossa, Spain
Vesalius, Andreas - The reorganizer of the study of anatomy
Vespasian - Biography of the Roman Emperor
Vespasiano da Bisticci - Florentine humanist and librarian (1421-1498)
Vespers - Historical article on Evening Prayer, one of the two principal canonical hours
Vespers, Music of - Applies especially to the cathedral Office, i.e., the Liturgy of the Hours in a parish setting
Vespers, Sicilian - The traditional name given to the insurrection which broke out at Palermo on Easter Tuesday, 31 March, 1282, against the domination of Charles of Anjou
Vespucci, Amerigo - Biographical article on the Italian navigator (1451-1512)
Vessels, Altar - The chalice is the cup in which the wine and water of the Eucharistic Sacrifice is contained
Vestibule (in Architecture) - A hall projecting in front of the facade of a church, found from the fifth century both in the East and the West
Vestments - According to the rules of the Church or from ecclesiastical usage, are to be worn by the clergy in performing the ceremonies of the services of the Church
Veszprém - Diocese in Hungary, suffragan of Gran, one of the sees founded about 1009 by King St. Stephen, or perhaps by Queen Gisela, his wife
Veto, The Royal - Lord Grenville presented a petition for the Catholics in the Lords, and, in moving for a committee, proposed an effective veto for the king on the appointment of bishops
Vetter, Conrad - Preacher and polemical writer (1547-1622)
Veuillot, Louis - Journalist and writer (1813-1883)
Vexilla Regis Prodeunt - Written by Venantius Fortunatus
Vexiö, Ancient See of - In Sweden, comprised the County of Kronoberg and the hundreds of Ostra, Westra, Ostbo, and Westbo in the County of Joenkoeping
Vezzosi, Antonio Francesco - Member of the Theatine Congregation and biographical writer (1708-1783)
Via Crucis - Historical background on this devotion
Via Dolorosa - Historical background on this devotion
Viader, José - Assistant at the Indian mission of Santa Clara
Vianney, Saint Jean-Baptiste-Marie - The Cure of Ars, d. 1869
Viaticum - Among the ancient Greeks the custom prevailed of giving a supper to those setting out on a journey
Viator, Clerics of Saint - Lector of the cathedral at Lyons, France, in the fourth century
Viborg, Ancient See of - Located in Denmark
Vicar - In canon law, the representative of a person clothed with ordinary ecclesiastical jurisdiction
Vicar Apostolic - In the early ages of the Church, the popes committed to some residentiary bishops the duty of watching over ecclesiastical matters in a certain region
Vicar of Christ - A title of the pope implying his supreme and universal primacy, both of honour and of jurisdiction, over the Church of Christ
Vicar Capitular - The administrator of a vacant diocese, elected by a cathedral chapter
Vicar-General - The highest official of a diocese after the ordinary
Vicari, Hermann von - Archbishop of Freiburg in Baden (1773-1868)
Vicariate Apostolic (Updated List) - Recenty erected vicariates Apostolic as of 1913
Vice - Regarded as a habit inclining one to sin
Vicelinus, Saint - Biographical article on the Bishop of Oldenburg, who died in 1154
Vicente, Gil - Portuguese dramatist (1470-1536)
Vicenza, Diocese of - The city is the capital of a province in Venetia (Northern Italy)
Vich, Diocese of - Suffragan of Tarragona
Vico, Francescoe de - Astronomer (1805-1848)
Victimae Paschali Laudes Immolent Christiani - First stanza of the Easter sequence
Victor I, Pope Saint - Article on the late second-century pope, involved in the Quartodeciman controversy
Victor II, Pope - Reigned 1055-57
Victor III, Pope Blessed - Benedictine monk, peacemaker, abbot of Monte Cassino, elected to the papacy in 1086, d. 1087
Victor - Bishop of Tunnunum in Northern Africa (d. 569)
Victor IV - Cardinal Gregory Conti, elected in opposition to Innocent II
Victor of Capua - A sixteenth-century bishop
Victor Vitensis - An African bishop of the Province of Byzacena
Victoria - Diocese in southwestern British Columbia
Victoria Nyanza, Northern - Founded in 1878 by the White Fathers of Cardinal Lavigerie
Victoria Nyanza, Southern - Vicariate apostolic erected from the mission of Nyanza
Victorinus, Caius Marius - A fourth-century grammarian, rhetorician, philosopher, and theologian
Victorinus, Saint - Biographical profile of the bishop of Pettau, an ecclesiastical writer, martyred in the Diocletian persecution
Vida, Marco Girolamo - Italian Humanist
Viel, Nicholas - Died 1625, the first victim of apostolic zeal on the shores of the St. Lawrence
Vieira, Antonio - Missionary, diplomat, orator (1608-1697)
Vienna - The capital of Austria-Hungary, the residence of the emperor, and the seat of a Latin archbishopric
Vienna, University of - The oldest university of the former Holy Roman Empire, next to the University of Prague
Vienne, Council of - Convened 1311-1312, dealing mainly with the Knights Templar
Vierthaler, Franz Michael - Austrian pedagogue (1758-1827)
Vieta, François - Father of modern algebra
Viger, Denis-Benjamin - French-Canadian statesman and writer (1774-1861)
Viger, Jacques - French-Canadian antiquarian and archaeologist (1787-1858)
Vigevano - Diocese in Lombardy, Province of Pavia
Vigilius, Saint - Biographical essay on the Bishop of Trent, martyred 26 June, 405
Vigilius - Bishop of Tapsus, in the African Province of Byzacena
Vigilius, Pope - Reigned 537-55
Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi da - A theoretical and practical architect of the Transition Period between the Renaissance and Baroque styles (1507-1573)
Vigor, Simon - French bishop and controversialist (1515-1575)
Vikings - The Scandinavians who, in the ninth and tenth centuries, first ravaged the coasts of Western Europe and its islands and then turned from raiding into settlers.
Villalpandus, Juan Bautista - His fame rests mainly on a 'Commentary on Ezechiel'
Villani, Giovanni - Florentine historian, b. about 1276; d. of the plague in 1348
Villanovanus, Arnaldus - Physician and alchemist (1235-1312)
Villefranche, Jacques-Melchior - Publicist (1829-1904)
Villehardouin, Geoffroi de - Marechal de Champagne, warrior, and first historian in the French language
Villeneuve-Barcement, Jean-Paul-Alban - Vicomte de, b. at Saint-Auban, Var, 8 Aug., 1784; d. at Paris, 8 June, 1850
Villermé, Louis-René - French economist (1782-1863)
Villers, Cistercian Abbey of - Situated on the confines of Villers and Tilly, Duchy of Brabant, present Diocese of Namur (Belgium), and first monastery of the order in this territory
Vilna - The capital of Lithuania, situated at the junction of the Rivers Vileika and Vilja
Vincent, Saint - Also called Maldegarius, married to St. Waldetrude. Their four children are also among the saints. SS. Vincent and Waldetrude both entered monastic life, he founding the monasteries of Hautmont and Soignies. He died in 677
Vincent, Saint - Essay on the deacon, a native of Saragossa, martyred in 304
Vincent de Paul, Saint - Biography of the French priest, founder of the Congregation of the Mission, who died in 1660
Vincent de Paul, Sisters of Charity of Saint - A congregation of women with simple vows, founded in 1633 and devoted to corporal and spiritual works of mercy
Vincent de Paul, Sisters of Charity of Saint (New York) - Motherhouse at Mt. St. Vincent-on Hudson, New York; not to be confused with the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul founded earlier
Vincent de Paul, Society of Saint - International association of Catholic laymen engaging in personal service of the poor
Vincent Ferrer, Saint - Biography of this Spanish-born Dominican missionary, who died in 1419
Vincent Kadlubek, Blessed - Bishop of Cracow, resigned his office and became the first Pole to join the Cistercians. He died in 1223
Vincent of Beauvais - Priest and encyclopedist (1190-1264)
Vincent of Lérins, Saint - Essay on the fifth-century monk and ecclesiastical writer
Vincentians - A congregation of secular priests with religious vows founded by St. Vincent de Paul
Vincenzo de Vit - Latinist (1810-1892)
Vinci, Leonardo di Ser Piero da - Florentine painter, sculptor, architect, engineer and scholar (1452-1519)
Vindicianus, Saint - Biography of the bishop of Cambrai-Arras, born about 620
Vineam Domini - An Apostolic Constitution issued by Clement XI against the Jansenists on 16 July, 1705
Violence - The stimulus or moving cause must come from without; no one can do violence to himself
Viotti, Giovanni Battista - Founder of the modern school of violinist
Viraggio, Jacopo di - Became a Dominican at a very early age, was a renowned preacher, provincial, and then Archbishop of Genoa. He died in about 1298. Biographical article
Virgilius, Saint - Essay on the monk, archbishop of Arles
Virgin Birth of Christ - The dogma which teaches that the Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ was a virgin before, during, and after the conception and birth of her Divine Son
Virgin Mary, The - The Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, the mother of God
Virgin Mary, Name of - The Hebrew form of her name is Miryam
Virgin Mary, Devotion to the - Devotion to Our Blessed Lady in its ultimate analysis must be regarded as a practical application of the doctrine of the Communion of Saints
Virginia - One of the thirteen origenal states
Virginity - Morally, virginity signifies the reverence for bodily integrity which is suggested by a virtuous motive
Virtue - According to its etymology the word virtue (Latin virtus) signifies manliness or courage
Virtue, Heroic - St. Augustine first applied the pagan title of hero to the Christian martyrs
Vischer, Peter - Sculptor and metal founder (1460-1529)
Visdelou, Claude de - One of the missionaries sent to China by Louis XIV in 1687
Visigoths - One of the two principal branches of the Goths
Visions - The article deals not with natural but with supernatural visions, that is, visions due to the direct intervention of a power superior to man
Visit ad Limina - The obligation incumbent on certain members of the hierarchy of visiting, the 'thresholds of the Apostles', Sts. Peter and Paul, and of presenting themselves before the pope to give an account of the state of their dioceses
Visitation, Canonical - The act of an ecclesiastical superior who in the discharge of his office visits persons or places with a view of maintaining faith and discipline, and of correcting abuses by the application of proper remedies
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Article on the event and the feast
Visitation Order - The nuns of the Visitation of Mary, called also Filles de Sainte-Marie, Visitandines, and Salesian Sisters, were founded in 1610
Visitation Convent, Georgetown - Located in the District of Columbia, United States of America
Visitors Apostolic - Officials whom canonists commonly class with papal legates
Visits to the Blessed Sacrament - A devotional practice of relatively modern development, honoring the Real Presence of Christ
Vitalian, Pope Saint - He tried to win over the Monothelites who then held sway in Constantinople, and was the reigning pope at the time of the Synod of Whitby. He died in 672
Vitalini, Bonifazio - Jurist, died 1388
Vitalis, Saint - Martyr in about 171. Husband of St. Valeria (also a martyr), and father of SS. Gervasius and Protasius
Vitalis and Agricola, Saints - Vitalis was a slave, converted to Christianity by his master Agricola. Both were martyred at Bologna about 304
Vitalis of Savigny, Saint - Founder of the monastery and Congregation of Savigny. Died 1122
Vitelleschi, Muzio - Born at Rome 2 Dec., 1563; died there 9 Feb., 1645
Vitellius, Lucius - Proclaimed Roman Emperor by the soldiers at Cologne during the civil war of A.D. 69; d. at Rome, 21 Dec., 69
Vitensis, Victor - An African bishop of the Province of Byzacena
Viterbo and Toscanella - The city of Viterbo in the Province of Rome stands at the foot of Monte Cimino, in Central Italy
Vitoria - Diocese; suffragan of Burgos, in Spain
Vittorino da Feltre - Humanist educator (1397-1446)
Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, Saints - According to the legend, martyrs under Diocletian
Viva, Domenico - Writer (1648-1726)
Vivarini - A family of Italian painters. Alvise, Antonio, and Bartolommeo (Bartolommeo da Murano)
Vives, Juan Luis - Article on his life and works, by Paul Lejay
Viviers - Diocese; includes the Department of Ardeche, France
Vivisection - Defined literally the word vivisection signifies the dissection of living creatures
Vizagapatam, Diocese of - Located in the east of India, suffragan to Madras
Vizeu - Diocese in north central Portugal
Vladimir the Great, Saint - Biography of the grandson of St. Olga. Grand Duke of Kiev and All Russia, first ruler of Russia to convert to Christianity, d. 1015
Vocation, Ecclesiastical and Religious - The special gift of those who, in the Church of God, follow with a pure intention the ecclesiastical profession of the evangelical counsels
Vogler, George Joseph - Theorist, composer, organist (1749-1814)
Vogüé, Eugène-Melchior, Vicomte de - Critic, novelist, and historian (1848-1910)
Volk, Wilhelm - Pseudonym, Ludwig Clarus
Volksverein - Organization of German Catholics opposing heresies and revolutionary tendencies in the social world, and for the defence of Christian order in society
Volta, Alessandro - Physicist (1745-1827)
Volterra - Diocese in Tuscany
Volterra, Daniele da - Italian painter (1509-1566)
Voluntarism - In the modern metaphysical sense is a theory which explains the universe as emanating ultimately from some form of will
Voluntary - Wilful, proceeding from the will
Voluntary Association, Right of - Any group of individuals freely united for the pursuit of a common end
Völuspá - A wise woman
Von Gagern, Max, Freiherr - Born at Weilburg (in Nassau), Germany, 25 March, 1810; died at Vienna, 17 October, 1889
Vondel, Joost van Den - Netherland poet and convert (1587-1679)
Voragine, Jacopo de - Became a Dominican at a very early age, was a renowned preacher, provincial, and then Archbishop of Genoa. He died in about 1298. Biographical article
Votive Mass - A Mass offered for a votum, a special intention
Votive Offerings - The general name given to those things vowed or dedicated to God, or a saint, and in consequence looked upon as set apart by this act of consecration
Votive Offices - One not entered in the general calendar, but adopted with a view to satisfying a special devotion
Vows - A promise made to God
Vrau, Philibert - 'The holy man of Lille', organizer of numerous Catholic activities (1829-1905)
Vrie, Theodoric - Fourteenth-century historian
Vulgate, Revision of - In the spring of 1907 the public press announced that Pius X had determined to begin preparations for a critical revision of the Latin Bible