Dominicanisce Cynewise
| |||
Heafodstol | Sanct Dominicesburg | ||
Brego | Luis Abinader | ||
Bradnes | 48,670.82 km² | ||
Feoh | Dominican peso | ||
Tidgyrdel | Eallic tid UTC−04:00, America/Santo Domingo | ||
Wægnplatung | DOM | ||
Webbnamena tægl | .do | ||
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande | +1809, +1829, +1849 |
Seo Dominicanisce Cynewise is rice ðæt onwriehþ Lytel Spēonlandes easthealf in þæm Caribsican Sæ. Þeos cynewise hæfþ landgemæro mid Haitiege be westen hiere. Healf endleofen þusenda þusend onwunienda sind on þissum rice.
In geardagum wæs þissum land Speoniscu landgebunes be naman 'Santo Domingo', se is 'Halga Dominicus'. In 1821 abannede his ealdorman sundorrice ac æfter twæm monaþum hie onswog Haitieg, and Halga Dominicus abrac of ðissum griman geoc in 1844.
Rīcu in Norðamerican |
Antigua and Barbuda | Þā Bahamas | Barbados | Belīs | Canada | Cūba | Dīepþland | Dominica | seo Dominicanisce Cynewise | Geanedu Ricu | Grenadieg | Guatemala | Hǣlendlond | Haitieg | Halga Uincentius and þa Grenadingas | Iamaica | Mexico | Nicaragua | Panama | Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis | Sancte Lucia | Þrines and Tobāgo | Weligrima |
Nēatlandu: Anguilla | Aruba | Bermuda | Bryttiscan Fæmne Iegland | Cægman Iegland | G.R. Fæmne Īegland | Grēneland | Guadelūp | Halga Petrus and Micelong | Martinic | Montserrat | Nafāssa-Īeg | Niðerlandisc Antilles | Ricehyð | Turcas and Caicos Īegland |