The insects : structure and function : Chapman, R. F. (Reginald Frederick) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveSkip to main content
pt. I. The head, ingestion, utilization and distribution of food -- 1. Head -- 2. Mouthparts and feeding -- 3. Alimentary canal, digestion and absorption -- 4. Nutrition -- 5. Circulatory system, blood and immune system -- 6. Fat body -- pt. II. The thorax and locomotion -- 7. Thorax -- 8. Legs and locomotion -- 9. Wings and flight -- 10. Muscles -- pt. III. The abdomen, reproduction and development -- 11. Abdomen -- 12. Reproductive system : male -- 13. Reproductive system : female -- 14. The egg and embryology -- 15. Postembryonic development -- pt. IV. The integument, gas exchange and homeostasis -- 16. Integument -- 17. Gaseous exchange -- 18. Excretion and salt and water regulation -- 19. Thermal relations -- pt. V. Communication -- 20. Nervous system -- 21. Endocrine system -- 22. Vision -- 23. Mechanoreception -- 24. Chemoreception -- 25. Visual signals : color and light production -- 26. Mechanical communication : producing sound and substrate vibration -- 27. Chemical communication : pheromones and chemicals with interspecific significance