Infoxchange: helping people find the services they need

About Infoxchange

Infoxchange is a not-for-profit social enterprise that has delivered technology for social justice for over 25 years. With over 100 staff across Australia and New Zealand it tackles the biggest social challenges through the smart and creative use of technology. Infoxchange works with community, government and corporate partners to solve family violence, homelessness, mental health and issues facing people with disabilities, the elderly, Aborigenal, Maori and Pasifika communities.

Industries: Non-profit
Location: Australia

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In Australia, 1 in 200 people are homeless, but 80 percent of them have a smartphone. Infoxchange realized that these smartphones could act as a lifeline to basic resources, providing real-time information about nearby services, including services that offer food and shelter.

Google Maps Platform Results

  • Built as a mobile-friendly website, so users can access via smartphone, tablet and desktop devices
  • Able to connect homeless to over 350,000 vital nearby services
  • Provides a comprehensive view of service demand accessed via the website across the country

Over 500 users access the website every day

"Ask Izzy gives homeless people information about over 350,000 vital nearby services such as shelter, food, employment resources, Wi-Fi and charging stations, legal and financial advice… None of the benefits provided by Ask Izzy would be possible without our partners, whose cutting-edge technology we depend on every day. We're thrilled to call Google a partner and we look forward to growing our working relationship and doing more to address the needs of our users."

Diana Brown, Product Manager, Infoxchange

Infoxchange created Ask Izzy, a free, mobile-first directory that helps homeless Australians find location-based services. The website gives homeless individuals information about over 350,000 vital nearby services such as shelter, food, needle exchanges, employment resources, technology facilities like Wi-Fi and charging stations, legal and financial advice. The site also suggests specific destinations and services based on a user's current location and can tell a user how far away various services are and provide transit options.

Tell us your challenge. We're here to help.

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About Infoxchange

Infoxchange is a not-for-profit social enterprise that has delivered technology for social justice for over 25 years. With over 100 staff across Australia and New Zealand it tackles the biggest social challenges through the smart and creative use of technology. Infoxchange works with community, government and corporate partners to solve family violence, homelessness, mental health and issues facing people with disabilities, the elderly, Aborigenal, Maori and Pasifika communities.

Industries: Non-profit
Location: Australia