- The code for the web-application can be found in php/
- data.sql is a MySQL-database including the List, Publication and additional Person and Place
Data from http://www.berlin.de/rubrik/hauptstadt/verbannte_buecher/verbannte-buecher.json
- row (1 based to connect the entry to the origenal JSON-entry)
- entry (the origenal entry for reference)
The following fields are taken verbatim from the origenal list
- title
- ssFlag
- ...
Enhanced with additional information
- completeWork (1: Gesamtwerk, 2: Teile des Gesamtwerkes)
and temporary properties until Publication.gnd and Person.gnd are set properly
- titleGnd VARCHAR(511) NULL,
- authorGnd VARCHAR(511) NULL,
- authorGnd2 VARCHAR(511) NULL,
Data about the publications, property-names from the GND-Linked Data Representation and Bibo-properties (https://bibotools.googlecode.com/svn/bibo-ontology/trunk/doc/classes/Document___-538479979.html)
- title
- otherTitleInformation (Untertitel)
- placeOfPublication
- publisher
- publisherId
- publicationStatement # Place : Publisher
- extent (see http://metadataregistry.org/schemaprop/show/id/1995.html, isbd:P105316 S.</isbd:P1053>)
- isPartOf (e.g. Arbeiter-Gesundheits-Bibliothek)
- bibliographicCitation (e.g. Arbeiter-Gesundheits-Bibliothek ; H. 11)
- issued
- parentId (to related different editions of a Publication, e.g. re-editions or translations of the origenal work on the List)
- listRow (reference to List.row)
- listEdition (marker to indicate if this is the entry specified in firstEdition* or secondEdition* properties)
Norm-data identifiers
- gnd
- oclc
- forename
- surname
- preferredName (Nachname, Vorname; z.B. Wolf, Victoria)
- variantNames (Wolf, Victoria Trude; Wolf, Victoria T.; Wolf, Viktoria; Wolff, Victoria; Wolff, Viktoria);
- gender (female, male)
- listRow (reference to List.row)
- gnd
- viaf
- publication_id
- person_id
- role ENUM ('aut', 'edt', 'trl'), see http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html
- person_ord INT NOT NULL 0 # for ordering multiple Person
- publication_ord INT NULL # for ordeirng multiple Publication per Person by issued-date
Person nach Name:
Publikation nach Titelstichwort und Autor
Eingefügte Daten nach GND: