found: Leach, P.E. James Paine, c1988:p. 17 (James, son of John Pain, [i.e. Paine] b. 10-9-1717 in Andover, Hampshire, probably can be identified with future architect) p. 38 (d. 1789)
found: NUC pre-56(hdg.: Paine, James, 1725-1789)
found: Plans, elevations and sections, of noblemen and gentlemen's houses ... 1767:t.p. (executed by James Paine)
found: Oxford DNB online, 23 July 2013(James Paine [Payne], bap. 1717?, d. 1789, architect; can probably be identified with the infant of that name baptized on 9 October 1717 at Andover, Hampshire, the youngest in the family of three sons and two daughters of John Paine (d. 1727), carpenter, of Andover; retired to France where he died in 1789)
found: National Portrait Gallery website, 23 July 2013:collections, persons (James Paine the Elder, 1717?-1789, architect)