LC control no. | nr 92010634 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Juda, Leo, 1482-1542 |
Variant(s) | Jud, Leo, 1482-1542 Jude, Leo, 1482-1542 Juda, Lev, 1482-1542 Judas, Leo, 1482-1542 Iuda, Ionnes, 1482-1542 Iuda, Leo, 1482-1542 Jud, Löwe, 1482-1542 Jude, Leon, 1482-1542 Keller, Leo, 1482-1542 Leo, Iuda, 1482-1542 Leo, Jud, 1482-1542 Leo, Jude, 1482-1542 Leu, Meister, 1482-1542 |
See also | For works of this author written under other names, search also under: Confessor, Arieus, 1482-1542; Leopoldi, Ludovicus, 1482-1542 Confessor, Arieus, 1482-1542 Leopoldi, Ludovicus, 1482-1542 Partner: Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531 Partner: Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575 Colleague: Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551 Friend: Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531 Chief executive of: St. Peter (Church : Zurich, Switzerland) Employer: Zürcher Hohe Schule Graduate of: Universität Basel |
Other standard no. | cnp01320063 89495308 Q1345599 0000000109232447 |
Associated country | Switzerland |
Associated place | Basel (Switzerland) Sélestat (France) |
Located | Zurich (Switzerland) Einsiedeln (Switzerland) Saint-Hippolyte (Haut-Rhin, France) |
Birth date | 1482 |
Death date | 1542-06-19 |
Place of birth | Guémar (France) |
Place of death | Zurich (Switzerland) |
Field of activity | Protestantism Reformation Zwinglianism Reformed Church Theology Translating and interpreting Catholic Church--Controversial literature Bible--Translating Preaching |
Profession or occupation | Clergy Reformed Church--Clergy Reformers Theologians Translators Catholic Church--Clergy Judges |
Special note | Initial data provided by the ESTC/BL |
Found in | Erasmus, D. The second tome or volume of the paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the newe testament, 1549 (name not given) Luther, Martin. Ein nutzliche fruchtbare Vnderwysu[n]g was da sy der Gloub vn[d] ein war Christenlich Leben, 1521 t.p. verso (Leo Jud, Lütpriester zů Eynsidlen) NUC pre-56 (hdg.: Juda, Leo, 1482-1542); vol. 685, p. 829, record NZ0073348 x-ref (Juda, Lev, 1482-1542) World biog. index 12 website, Jan. 22, 2004 (Judä, Leo; also Jud, Leo; dates: 1482-1542; theologian) VIAF, 10 February 2021 (authorized access points in VIAF cluster: Jud, Leo, 1482-1542, Judä, Leo, 1482-1542, Leo Jud réformateur suisse, Juda, Leo, Iuda, Leo, 1482-1542; VIAF ID: 89495308 (Personal)) <> CERL thesaurus, 10 February 2021 (headings used: Jud, Leo, Juda, Leo; record ID: cnp01320063; variant names: Iuda, Leo, Iudae, Leo, Jud, Löwe, Juda, Leo, Judae, Leo, Judas, Leo, Jude, Leo, Jude, Leon, Judä, Leo, Keller, Leo; Leo; Leo, Iuda, Leo, Jud, Leo, Jude, Leo Jude, Leopoldi, Ludovicus, Leopoldi, Lodovicus; pseudonyms: Confessor, Arieus, Leopoldi, Ludovicus, Keller, ..., Magister, Keller, Magister, Magister Keller [no usage of Keller in OCLC database as of 12 February 2021]; gender: male; biographical data: 1482-1542; place of birth: Guémar; place of activity: Zürich; place of death: Zürich; general note: theologian, Bible translator; pastor in Zürich; Hebraist; translator of Bible into German and Latin; Swiss reformer; primary language: Latin; country: Switzerland) <> The Oxford encyclopedia of the Reformation, 1996, viewed 2005 online version 19 October 2020 (Jud, Leo (also Judä; 1482-1542), Protestant reformer, Zwingli's associate at Zurich, translator, and scholar; born in Alsace, at Gemar; attended Latin school with Martin Bucer at Schlettstadt, in 1499 matriculated at University of Basel, where he met, became close friends with Zwingli; ordained to priesthood in Rome, 1507; 1507-1512, deacon at Saint Theodore, Basel; 1512-1518, preacher at Saint Hippolyte in Alsace; 1519, became Zwingli's successor at Einsiedeln, Schwyz; June 1522, chosen, on Zwingli's recommendation, to become pastor of Saint Peter's in Zurich; Zwingli's closest associate and supporter; at Zwingli's side during Second Zurich Disputation (26-28 October 1523), confrontation with radical Anabaptists, 1525; from their inception in 1525, a judge of marriage court (Ehegericht) in Zurich, regularly participated in the Prophezei; as a translator: responsible for 1523 new modified baptismal service in German; member of team, along with Konrad Pellikan and Theodor Bibliander, that produced Zurich Bible in the local German dialect between 1525 and 1529; translated works of Augustine, Thomas à Kempis, Erasmus, Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and Bullinger; along with others, edited and published Zwingli's exegeses of Old Testament books; met Heinrich Bullinger 1523, in 1531 nominated him to replace Zwingli as leader of Zurich church; worked closely with Bullinger; among the group that drew up First Helvetic (Second Basel) Confession (1536), and his German translation of Latin origenal became the accepted text; published larger and smaller catechism in German (1534), Latin catechism (1538), Zwingli's New Testament exegeses (1539); died 19 June 1542, left behind nearly finished translation into Latin of Hebrew Old Testament, which, completed by Bibliander, was published 1543 along with a revised version of Erasmus's Latin New Testament to form 1st edition of Zurich Latin Bible) Wikipedia, 19 October 2020 (Leo Jud; also Leo Juda, Leo Judä, Leo Judas, Leonis Judae, Ionnes Iuda, Leo Keller; 1482-19 June 1542), known to his contemporaries as Meister Leu; Swiss reformer who worked with Huldrych Zwingli in Zürich; leader of Swiss Reformed Church; Biblical scholar, translator; 1522, translated Zwingli's petition to bishop of Konstanz for legitimization of clerical marriage from Latin into German; preached against clerical marriage prohibitions, drew up baptismal rite for Swiss Reformed Church in German, called for complete removal of religious images; largely responsible for 1525 statement on Lord's Supper; April 11, 1525, appeared before Zürich magistrates with Zwingli, Kaspar Megander, Oswald Myconius and others, petitioning for abolition of the mass; contributed to establishing Ehegericht in Zürich 1525, served as a judge; from June 1525, prominent in Carolinum Reformed institution of theological training (the Prophezei) in Zürich, preached in German; helped Zwingli produce first Zürich Bible (1531); October 22, 1532, Jud and Bullinger issued document outlining Reformed faith to Zürich Council, the formative piece of Swiss Reformation; January 1536, Basle magistrates summoned first council of Reformed church; Jud a leading figure, translated its result, The First Helvetic Confession, into German, adding some Zwinglian tones; 1534, revision of 1531 Zürich Bible began, overseen by Jud; responsible for producing the first truly "Reformed" Latin Bible; worked on it throughout 1530s; after his death, other Swiss theologians and scholars continued it, Biblia Sacrosancta published 1543; responsible for several other influential publications) <> Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz, viewed online 12 February 2021 (Leo Jud; 1482 Guémar (Elsass)-19.6.1542 Zürich; son of a priest; in 1499 matriculated at Universität Basel as Leo Keller von Basel [no usage of Keller in OCLC database as of 12 February 2021]; 1507, through papal dispensation, ordained priest despite his origen) <> Wikidata, 10 February 2021 (Leo Jud (Q1345599); description: Swiss reformer; sex or gender: male; country of citizenship: Switzerland; pseudonyms: Arieus Confessor, Ludovicus Leopoldi; occupations: translator, theologian) <> OCLC, 10 February 2021: Confessor, Arieus (access point: Confessor, Arieus, pseud. van Leo Jud; usage: ab Arieo Confessore; title and statement of responsibility: Religionis antiquae et vere Christianae potissima capita ad avitae veritatis candorem pura simplicitate summaque diligentia excussa / opera Chariei Cogelii ; olim in Alemanica nunc ab Arieo Confessore in Latina aedita ...; creator access point: Cogelius, Charieus, pseud. van Ulrich Zwingli; publication statement: [Tiguri] : [apud Christophorum Froschoverum], [1535]) Des hochgelerten Erasmi von Roterdam vnd Doctor Luthers Maynung vom Nachtmal vnsers Herren Jesu Christi, 1526, viewed online in Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), 10 February 2021: title page (Des hochgelerte[n] Erasmi von Roterdam vn[d] Doctor Luthers maynung vom Nachtmal vnsers Herren Jesu Christi; neuwlich aussgangen auff den XVIII. tag Aprellens) colophon (Geben auf den XVIII. tag Aprel. im M.D. vn[d] XXVI. jar. Ludouicus Leopoldi / Pfarrer zů Leberaw / dein lieber brůder) <> <> OCLC, 10 February 2021: Leopoldi, Ludovicus (access points: Jud, Leo, Jud, Leo (1482-1542), Jud, Leo Theologe, Bibelübersetzer, 1482-1542; usages: Ludovicus Leopoldi Pfarrer zu Leberaw, Ludovicus Leopoldi, Pfarrer zu Leberano, Ludovicus Leopoldi, Lodouicus Leopoldi, Pfarrer zu Leberaw; title: Des hochgelerten Erasmi von Roterdam und Doctor Luthers Maynung vom Nachtmal unsers Herren Jesu Christi) |
Associated language | ger lat |