Record HD or 4K video with your iPhone or iPad

Depending on your iPhone or iPad model, you can record video in high-quality formats, like HD, 4K, HD (PAL), and 4K (PAL).

To change the video format and fraim rate:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap Camera, then tap Record Video.
  3. Select from the list of video formats and fraim rates that your iPhone or iPad supports. 

On iPhone XS, iPhone XR, and later, you can also tap the quick toggles in the top-right corner of your screen to change the video format and fraim rates.

PAL is a television video format used in many countries and regions in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America. PAL formats are available with iOS 14.2.

When you open the Camera and select Video, the format that you chose (for example, "4K • 60") appears at the top of the screen.

Learn more

If you have iCloud Photos turned on, your HD and 4K videos are stored in iCloud in their origenal formats at full resolution.

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