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Jessie James Grelle - Voice Over🎤
🏳️‍⚧️They/She | Credited as Josh Grelle in 400+ anime including Devil is a Part-timer, Yuri on Ice, My Hero Academia, and Attack on Titan!
Earth, Sol Systemprimetimeappearances.comBorn November 2, 1985Joined July 2012

Jessie James Grelle - Voice Over🎤’s Tweets

THIS WEEKEND, April 14th & 15th, I'll be in Pflugerville for Ecchi Expo Austin-Cosplay Gala (18+) with and more! The gala is sold out, but you can still get weekend passes! See you there, ecchi lovers!
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! BEST NEWS TO WAKE UP TO! It's DBZ meets Iron Chef! The better the food, the stronger you get! If you haven't, give Toriko a taste! I think you'll find it irresistible :3 Watch it on HULU NOW!
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HOLY WHAAAT???? I literally just called @JoshGrelle screaming “They’re streaming TORIKO on HULU! THEYREFREAKINGSTREAMINGTORIKOONHULU!!!” Fork and Knife for life, Baby.…
He's the brilliant detective. And his story is heartbreaking😭 and I would gush about the show every recording session! the world of Id: Invaded is as dark as it is fascinating. if you enjoy worlds like Psycho Pass and dramatic stories like Steins Gate, WATCH THIS!
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Have you heard of the brilliant detective Sakaido? 🤔 (via ID: INVADED)
It was a real treat getting to voice Komatsu one more time. Toriko will forever be the show I wish we could have finished
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ANNOUNCEMENT📢: This March 4th on @adultswim's Toonami, episode #590 of One Piece, the "Toriko x One Piece x Dragon Ball Z Super Crossover Special", will finally be aired!!! Stay tuned! #OnePiece #DragonBallZ #Toriko #Toonami #AdultSwim
The Quintessential Quintuplets movie is in theaters this week! You can hear me as Uesugi Fuutarou! It was so much fun getting to work with this incredible cast! I will miss these characters alot. Enjoy the finale!
Continuously disgusted by the appalling news about Rooster Teeth. They have alot to answer for in their mistreatment of minorities and contract workers. As a queer person i refuse to reprise my role as Tyrian Callows for a company that thinks belittling BIPOC or LGBTQ is okay.