Capitalism drives our global food system. Everyone who wants to end hunger, who wants to eat good, clean, healthy food, needs to understand capitalism. This book will help do that.
In his latest book, Eric Holt-Giménez takes on the social, environmental, and economic crises of the capitalist mode of food production. Drawing from classical and modern analyses, A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism introduces the reader to the history of our food systemand to the basics of capitalism. In straightforward prose, Holt-Giménez explains the political economics of why―even as local, organic, and gourmet food have spread around the world―billions go hungry in the midst of abundance; why obesity is a global epidemic; and why land-grabbing, global warming, and environmental pollution are increasing.
Holt-Giménez offers emblematic accounts―and critiques―of past and present-day struggles to change the food system, from "voting with your fork," to land occupations. We learn about the potential and the pitfalls of organic and community-supported agriculture, certified fair trade, microfinance, land trusts, agrarian reform, cooperatives, and food aid. We also learn about the convergence of growing social movements using the food system to challenge capitalism. How did racism, classism, and patriarchy become structural components of our food system? Why is a rational agriculture incompatible with the global food regime? Can transforming our food system transform capitalism? These are questions that can only be addressed by first understanding how capitalism works.
Agroecologist, political economist and author. From 1975-2002 he worked in Mexico, Central America, and South Africa in sustainable agricultural development. During this time he helped to start the Campesino a Campesino (Farmer to Farmer) Movement. He returned to the U.S. twice during this period: once for his M.Sc. In International Agricultural Development (UC Davis, 1981) and then for his Ph.D. in Environmental Studies (UC Santa Cruz, 2002). His dissertation research was the basis for his first book "Campesino a Campesino: Voices from the farmer-to-farmer movement for sustainable agriculture in Latin America." After getting his Ph.D. with an emphasis in agroecology and political economy, he taught as a university lecturer at UC Santa Cruz and Boston University in the International Honors Program in Global Ecology.
In 2004-2006 he became the Latin America Program Coordinator for the Bank Information Center in Washington, D.C. His seminal work "Land-Gold-Reform: The Territorial Restructuring of the Guatemalan Highlands" links the struggle against extractive industries with the struggle for land in Latin America (published in English, Spanish and Portuguese), is a product of this experience. In June, 2006 he was hired as the executive director of Food First the Institute for Food and Development Policy, a people's think tank started be Francis Moore Lappe over thirty years ago. He specializes in environmental studies, area studies, development studies, agroecology and the political economy of hunger. He works closely with social movements in the U.S. and internationally and asserts that, “Successful social movements are formed by integrating activism with livelihoods. These integrated movements create the deep sustained social pressure that produces political will—the key to changing the financial, governmental, and market structures that presently work against sustainability.” Walden Bello is a particular advocate of the importance of Gimenez’s work, referring to him as one of the world’s most “prominent critics of the global food system.”
This is sort of an unfortunate book. Holt-Gimenez believes that people who are interested in food (i.e., "foodies") should understand capitalism, which is absolutely correct, but he doesn't engage the foodie identity in a serious way or explain what foodies specifically need to know about capitalism. On the contrary, although the title contains the word "foodie," the substance of the book itself is a simplistic, textbook-style Marxist account of the food system. There is no serious exploration of the foodie identity or how its rise relates to changes in the capitalist social order.
There is so much to say about food and capitalism, but the world doesn’t need another generic restatement of Marxist theory. And throwing the word “foodie” in the title here feels like a deceptive ploy designed to generate interest in the text that would not exist if it were more accurately titled.
I am also unsympathetic to his use of the term "food sovereignty." When Holt-Gimenez describes "food sovereignty," he is describing what would amount to a communist social revolution. I think that's great, and I support the goal, but it serves no one to use ambiguous (and, frankly, silly) terms to describe it. That just confuses matters.
Holt-Giménez probably delves too deeply into political theory to hold the interest of some foodies, but his book shines in helping us to understand the struggles of the men and women who work in the farms and packing plants. Likewise, it explains why major capitalists have typically shown little interest in direct involvement in agriculture – preferring to make their money selling farm inputs, trading farm commodities, or turning farm products into the thousands of refined products that fill supermarket shelves.
This book was recommended to me by a professor friend who works on the politics of food. It does a thorough yet concise job of explaining the basics of Marxist critiques of capitalism. I was most interested (because it was new to me) Holt-Gimenez's rich summation of histories of food movements, his summation of where we are now, and his assessment of what needs to be done. The book is on the money. In every way.
Changed my perspective on more than just the food industry— made me reevaluate everything I believe about the way the world works. This should be mandatory to read for all environmental & food studies students. Can’t recommend this enough for anyone wanting to learn about capitalism, exploitation of natural resources, and how we end up with so much food waste & starving people.
A fantastic intro for those interested in the interactions of economics and politics on the food world. Having only a basic understanding of economic principles going into this book, it definitely helped clarify how elements of the food system work, and beyond that, capitalism itself.
Covering topics from the basic history of how we got to capitalism in the first place, issues with land ownership, racism, sexism, international relations, colonialism, food waste, the Green Revolution, the accumulation of capital by companies, and more, this book is definitely covers a sweeping swathe of information. For instance, I was fascinated to learn that the patriarchy is thought to have first emerged at the dawn of agriculture; as men couldn't necessarily know who their children were in the large polyamorous social groups of the time, they couldn't pass on their wealth (livestock) to their true progeny, prompting the switch to monogamy, while the increased surplus of agriculture meant more trade which meant more labor which meant women became baby machines for men's continued amassing of wealth.
Other tidbits are both informative and insightful; Gimenez points out that war production is especially appreciated by capitalism because the products of war are consumed in the process, meaning they get to make (and therefore sell) more. Contrasting that to the issue of the inability of laborers to buy products because their wages were cut to create surplus value for the company, prompting the capitalist to seek other markets, only to be forced to find new ways of lowering costs once they saturate the new market. Or statements as simple as, capitalism is inherently antithetical to democracy because the former is all about hoarding wealth - a 'duh' statement if there ever was one, but it still caught me and got me thinking.
In the end, this book was very informative and more than a small push against capitalism. After all, when food is turned into a commodity, suddenly it has more value than just what we need to exist - it suddenly can be sold. And when something can be sold, sellers will seek the highest value.
I think a more appropriate title would have been something like The Marxist Political Economy of Agriculture. I thought it was good at introducing the topic to a broad audience, with the first chapter in particular offering a really nice history of our modern agriculture system.
I usually found myself wishing it would go further in its analysis. For example, despite the prominent use of foodie in the title, the book doesn't say much about the restaurant and grocery industries (in fact, both the words "grocery" and "restaurant" appear a combined total of ~10 times in the whole text). The farm angle is definitely important and shouldn't be ignored, but I would have liked more content to connect to the part of the food industry that most people interact with.
Holt-Gimenez also shies from addressing some of the harder questions I had in describing a post-capitalist future to food production. For example, he makes it clear that our capitalist food system is one that relies on large-scale industrialized agriculture that ignores many environmental externalities while minimizing human labour costs. Would socialist food production therefore necessitate returning a greater proportion of the population to the farm in order to engage in the more sustainable agroecology techniques he supports? Would consumers likely be paying more for food as a result? It's possible these issues were touched on, but I can't recall them after my initial reading.
Still, I think this is a good start to addressing this topic, and I'd definitely be interested in giving it a re-read to see if I overlooked anything important, as well as keeping an eye out for future books expanding on this concept.
An excellent critique of the capitalist food system, emphasising that the food system is not broken; rather it is working precisely as a capitalist food system is supposed to work The author provides a strong case that an understanding of capitalism is crucial to know WHAT to change and an understanding of power is necessary to figure out HOW to bring about change
Highlights of the book include:
The use of Marxian economics to explain how capitalist practises such as private property and commodification of nature appropriate surplus value for the accumulation of wealth
The common progressive tactic of voting with our fork i.e. the freedom to consume food according to our values does not in and of itself change the power of commodities in our food system Fair Trade that purport to benefit farmers ate run by managers and distributors rather than farmers, which helps to explain why the fair trade premium is based on market prices rather than costs of production
Price of food doesn't and can't take into account the needs of people with low ability to pay, so-called effective demand
Introducing the concept of territorial restructuring in which developmental banks and international NGOs facilitate the development of capitalism by creating the conditions for capitalist development, rent capture and surplus extraction in a given region, country or territory that is assumed to be backward and in need of "development"
Many would disparage this book because of its ties to an "outdated" Marxist analysis of Capitalism, however I think it is quite well-placed in the numerous issues we face today. Personally, I had been a staunch Marxist, without much regard for intersectionality or the environment, until I read this book. Here, Eric discusses Capitalism (obviously) and how it interacts with gender, race, class, and, of course, the global food system.
Eric's analysis is spot on, of course, but what makes this book special is the fact that its grounded in decades of grass-roots organization and delivers a message of hope for the future. Eric came to my university to discuss his experiences in Latin America working with peasant farmers to fight against international, neoliberal institutions that would see their local food systems profitable and their ecosystems ruined. Hearing his account changed the way I saw social change from something to debate and read about in bookshelves of theory to a practice rooted in peoples' lives.
Give this book a chance; I consider it the foundational text for my political beliefs, and so should you. And, if you find it inspiring as much as I did, check out some of Eric's other work, most of which can be found at Food First.
absolutely incredible, full of resources and possibilities, all whilst informing and brilliantly analyzing capitalism and its impact on the world, both through climate, resource and survival. people will scream bloody murder when they read the name Marx, but i urge you to criticize any and all impulses to discard any literature when this fear stems from the very effective but nonsensical red scare-campaigns. will recommend this to anyone wanting to understand food industries from a perspective of actual love and curiosity. i thought this would be a lot more US-centric than i found it to be, which was incredibly uplifting, particularly as capitalism will come to do the same thing everywhere when reformism isnt effective enough. this was more optimistic than it had to be, and i cannot thank Eric enough for that.
completely in awe with this book, its highlighted issues that have even helped me recover from the persistent pressure for neoliberal individualism as though it could ever exist in a world where we have to market either ourselves or our capabilities. so unbelievably grateful for this book.
In-depth explanation of how capitalist concepts have shaped agriculture, in the U.S. and around the world.
The beginning is a very "chewy" presentation of dense background on theoretical underpinnings of capitalist economics. And, the vignettes (insertions) are sprinkled far too often (and without much reference to how they relate to the text they just interrupted)...I stopped reading them about halfway through the book.
But, if you want a perspective about where agriculture is, how it got here and where it may be going, it is a good read.
This isn't a spoiler per se, but it doesn't leave you with a lot of hope for the family-owned farm.
This book is extremely comprehensive. It is truly a deep dive into the current food system, how we got here, and what maybe we can do about it. The book does not advocate for vegetarianism but a part of it made me consider. The book does not advocate for the destruction of capitalism but it definitely got me thinking. The facts presented are not cherry picked and give a truly full picture of the food world around us. The fact that the book passes no judgement is what makes the conclusions you can draw all the more worthwhile. This book is dense, it is not an easy read, but everyone should absolutely read it.
This book demonstrates how capitalism is full of contradictions that require various interventions to maintain the system that is ultimately unjust, exploitative and implicitly violent. It uses the food and agricultural system as not only a framing device for applying an example but as a fundamental base for what a new political economy relies on. Being so contemporary is refreshing, to feel situated in our current context and be able to point to signs that we share everyday. I was recommended this book during a video from YouTuber Mexie - check her out.
A cohesive approach connecting the dots between basic left economic theory and our current food system. Has a tendency to wander sometimes, leading to minorly tedious sections.
This book felt like something I "should" read, and it came highly recommended by a person whose opinion I respect, so I decided to read at least a part of it. Yes, there were some times that my concentration level wasn't up to reading a lot of it at one setting, but I was amazed (and often horrified at what I learned. It gave me an entirely different view of how capitalism work in the lives some, and destroys the potential to work in others. How it affects food production and how we eat, and how it is affecting climate change negatively.
She does offer hope. Potentially the unique position of how capitalism does not work with food gives us the best opportunity to use it as a medium of change.
No matter where you are politically, I dare you to read this book...and to share it with others!
@bryn It started out a little slow and dense, but I think I personally got a lot out of the second half of the book. Very political and academic (lots of marxist terminology), so it's definitely not a light read. If you're motivated to I would recommend it!