Jody Mena's Reviews > All the Lovely Bad Ones
All the Lovely Bad Ones

A ghost story, but not a particularly scary story, even for a children's book. Ghosts just aren't as scary when the protagonist can sit on the porch and have a conversation with them. It was more sad than scary, with the stories about the poor farm. The only real nervous moments were of a much more mundane nature, like children being caught somewhere they shouldn't be, doing something they shouldn't (lots of that). The final confrontation with Miss Ada was the only truly creepy part. However, it was still a very enjoyable story; I've read much more complex adult-level books that were far less entertaining or engaging. It was a quick read also, so thought it was a full length book, it almost had the feel of a short story. I'm definitely glad the intriguing title caught my eye, its not the most compelling thing I ever read, but I really did enjoy it!
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rated it 5 stars
Aug 07, 2012 03:59PM
