Tony Amato(1920-2011)
- Actor
Anthony Amato was born on July 21, 1920 in Minori, Campania, Italy. He
met his future wife, Sally Amato, while performing in a musical comedy
production at the Papermill Playhouse in New Jersey. They were married
in 1945. In 1948, Tony and Sally opened the Amato Opera Theater in the
basement of Our Lady of Pompeii Church in Greenwich Village. They later
moved to 159 Bleecker Street where they developed one of the first
off-Broadway theater companies. In 1963, the Amato Opera Theater moved
to 319 Bowery Street where they are still currently based. He continues
to work as Artistic Director. Tony and Sally received many accolades
during their fifty-two years working in theater. They were inducted
into the City Lore's Peoples' Hall of Fame and received commendations
from the American Cultural Roundtable and the Italian Heritage and
Cultural Committee. They were also the subject of a PBS documentary,
"Amato: A Love Affair With Opera". Sadly, Sally passed away on 16
August 2000 after a a long illness. Her funeral was held on 19 August
2000 at Our Lady of Pompeii Church in Greenwich Village and she is
buried at City Island Cemetery.