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HOLY BIBLE: 1 Kings 6  
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1 Kings 6

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1 καὶ ἐγενήθη ἐν τῷ τεσσαρακοστῷ καὶ τετρακοσιοστῷ ἔτει τῆς ἐξόδου υἱῶν Ισραηλ ἐξ Αἰγύπτου τῷ ἔτει τῷ τετάρτῳ ἐν μηνὶ τῷ δευτέρῳ βασιλεύοντος τοῦ βασιλέως Σαλωμων ἐπὶ Ισραηλ καὶ ἐνετείλατο ὁ βασιλεὺς καὶ αἴρουσιν λίθους μεγάλους τιμίους εἰς τὸν θεμέλιον τοῦ οἴκου καὶ λίθους ἀπελεκήτους καὶ ἐπελέκησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Σαλωμων καὶ οἱ υἱοὶ Χιραμ καὶ ἔβαλαν αὐτούς ἐν τῷ ἔτει τῷ τετάρτῳ ἐθεμελίωσεν τὸν οἶκον κυρίου ἐν μηνὶ Νισω τῷ δευτέρῳ μηνί ἐν ἑνδεκάτῳ ἐνιαυτῷ ἐν μηνὶ Βααλ οὗτος ὁ μὴν ὁ ὄγδοος συνετελέσθη ὁ οἶκος εἰς πάντα λόγον αὐτοῦ καὶ εἰς πᾶσαν διάταξιν αὐτοῦ 2 καὶ ὁ οἶκος ὃν ᾠκοδόμησεν ὁ βασιλεὺς Σαλωμων τῷ κυρίῳ τεσσαράκοντα πήχεων μῆκος αὐτοῦ καὶ εἴκοσι ἐν πήχει πλάτος αὐτοῦ καὶ πέντε καὶ εἴκοσι ἐν πήχει τὸ ὕψος αὐτοῦ 3 καὶ τὸ αιλαμ κατὰ πρόσωπον τοῦ ναοῦ εἴκοσι ἐν πήχει μῆκος αὐτοῦ εἰς τὸ πλάτος τοῦ οἴκου καὶ δέκα ἐν πήχει τὸ πλάτος αὐτοῦ κατὰ πρόσωπον τοῦ οἴκου καὶ ᾠκοδόμησεν τὸν οἶκον καὶ συνετέλεσεν αὐτόν 4 καὶ ἐποίησεν τῷ οἴκῳ θυρίδας παρακυπτομένας κρυπτάς 5 καὶ ἔδωκεν ἐπὶ τὸν τοῖχον τοῦ οἴκου μέλαθρα κυκλόθεν τῷ ναῷ καὶ τῷ δαβιρ καὶ ἐποίησεν πλευρὰς κυκλόθεν 6 ἡ πλευρὰ ἡ ὑποκάτω πέντε πήχεων τὸ πλάτος αὐτῆς καὶ τὸ μέσον ἕξ καὶ ἡ τρίτη ἑπτὰ ἐν πήχει τὸ πλάτος αὐτῆς ὅτι διάστημα ἔδωκεν τῷ οἴκῳ κυκλόθεν ἔξωθεν τοῦ οἴκου ὅπως μὴ ἐπιλαμβάνωνται τῶν τοίχων τοῦ οἴκου 7 καὶ ὁ οἶκος ἐν τῷ οἰκοδομεῖσθαι αὐτὸν λίθοις ἀκροτόμοις ἀργοῖς ᾠκοδομήθη καὶ σφῦρα καὶ πέλεκυς καὶ πᾶν σκεῦος σιδηροῦν οὐκ ἠκούσθη ἐν τῷ οἴκῳ ἐν τῷ οἰκοδομεῖσθαι αὐτόν 8 καὶ ὁ πυλὼν τῆς πλευρᾶς τῆς ὑποκάτωθεν ὑπὸ τὴν ὠμίαν τοῦ οἴκου τὴν δεξιάν καὶ ἑλικτὴ ἀνάβασις εἰς τὸ μέσον καὶ ἐκ τῆς μέσης ἐπὶ τὰ τριώροφα 9 καὶ ᾠκοδόμησεν τὸν οἶκον καὶ συνετέλεσεν αὐτόν καὶ ἐκοιλοστάθμησεν τὸν οἶκον κέδροις 10 καὶ ᾠκοδόμησεν τοὺς ἐνδέσμους δ{I'} ὅλου τοῦ οἴκου πέντε ἐν πήχει τὸ ὕψος αὐτοῦ καὶ συνέσχεν τὸν ἔνδεσμον ἐν ξύλοις κεδρίνοις 1 It was in the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites left Egypt, in the second month (Zio, as it is called) of the fourth year of Solomon’s reign in Israel, that the building of the Lord’s house began.[1] 2 This house built by Solomon in the Lord’s honour was sixty cubits long, twenty wide, and thirty high; 3 in front of the temple was a porch whose length, like the width of the temple itself, was twenty cubits, but it was only ten cubits wide. 4 Slanting windows he made to light his temple, 5 and about its walls he built storied galleries, that ran all round the sides of the temple and its shrine with pent-houses round about them; 6 the lowest of these galleries was five, the middle six, and the highest seven cubits broad; and they rested on beams close to the outside of the building all about, they were not attached to the temple walls. 7 All the time the temple was a-building, the stones used were ready hewn and shaped, so that there was no ringing of hammer or axe or iron tool in the house itself, while it was being built. 8 There was a door in the middle of the pent-house on the southern side of the building; from this a spiral staircase led to the first floor, and another to the top floor. 9 When he had finished building the walls of the house, Solomon covered it in with cedar rafters; 10 then, over the whole of it, he built an added storey five cubits high, and roofed the house with planks of cedar. 1 Factum est ergo quadringentesimo et octogesimo anno egressionis filiorum Israël de terra Ægypti, in anno quarto, mense Zio (ipse est mensis secundus), regni Salomonis super Israël, ædificari cœpit domus Domino. 2 Domus autem quam ædificabat rex Salomon Domino, habebat sexaginta cubitos in longitudine, et viginti cubitos in latitudine, et triginta cubitos in altitudine. 3 Et porticus erat ante templum viginti cubitorum longitudinis, juxta mensuram latitudinis templi: et habebat decem cubitos latitudinis ante faciem templi. 4 Fecitque in templo fenestras obliquas. 5 Et ædificavit super parietem templi tabulata per gyrum, in parietibus domus per circuitum templi et oraculi, et fecit latera in circuitu. 6 Tabulatum quod subter erat, quinque cubitos habebat latitudinis, et medium tabulatum sex cubitorum latitudinis, et tertium tabulatum septem habens cubitos latitudinis. Trabes autem posuit in domo per circuitum forinsecus, ut non hærerent muris templi. 7 Domus autem cum ædificaretur, de lapidibus dolatis atque perfectis ædificata est: et malleus, et securis, et omne ferramentum non sunt audita in domo cum ædificaretur. 8 Ostium lateris medii in parte erat domus dextræ: et per cochleam ascendebant in medium cœnaculum, et a medio in tertium. 9 Et ædificavit domum, et consummavit eam: texit quoque domum laquearibus cedrinis. 10 Et ædificavit tabulatum super omnem domum quinque cubitis altitudinis, et operuit domum lignis cedrinis.
11 12 13 11 This was a message the Lord sent to Solomon: 12 So thou art building me a house? Follow, then, my commandments, execute my decrees, hold fast to all the laws I have given thee, and by these guide thy steps. So I will grant thee fulfilment of the promise I made to thy father David; 13 I will come and live among the sons of Israel, and not forsake my people any more. 11 Et factus est sermo Domini ad Salomonem, dicens: 12 Domus hæc, quam ædificas, si ambulaveris in præceptis meis, et judicia mea feceris, et custodieris omnia mandata mea, gradiens per ea, firmabo sermonem meum tibi, quem locutus sum ad David patrem tuum: 13 et habitabo in medio filiorum Israël, et non derelinquam populum meum Israël.
14 15 καὶ ᾠκοδόμησεν τοὺς τοίχους τοῦ οἴκου διὰ ξύλων κεδρίνων ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐδάφους τοῦ οἴκου καὶ ἕως τῶν δοκῶν καὶ ἕως τῶν τοίχων ἐκοιλοστάθμησεν συνεχόμενα ξύλοις ἔσωθεν καὶ περιέσχεν τὸ ἔσω τοῦ οἴκου ἐν πλευραῖς πευκίναις 16 καὶ ᾠκοδόμησεν τοὺς εἴκοσι πήχεις ἀ{P'} ἄκρου τοῦ οἴκου τὸ πλευρὸν τὸ ἓν ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐδάφους ἕως τῶν δοκῶν καὶ ἐποίησεν ἐκ τοῦ δαβιρ εἰς τὸ ἅγιον τῶν ἁγίων 17 καὶ τεσσαράκοντα πηχῶν ἦν ὁ ναὸς κατὰ πρόσωπον 18 19 τοῦ δαβιρ ἐν μέσῳ τοῦ οἴκου ἔσωθεν δοῦναι ἐκεῖ τὴν κιβωτὸν διαθήκης κυρίου 20 εἴκοσι πήχεις μῆκος καὶ εἴκοσι πήχεις πλάτος καὶ εἴκοσι πήχεις τὸ ὕψος αὐτοῦ καὶ περιέσχεν αὐτὸν χρυσίῳ συγκεκλεισμένῳ καὶ ἐποίησεν θυσιαστήριον 21 κατὰ πρόσωπον τοῦ δαβιρ καὶ περιέσχεν αὐτὸ χρυσίῳ 22 καὶ ὅλον τὸν οἶκον περιέσχεν χρυσίῳ ἕως συντελείας παντὸς τοῦ οἴκου 14 So Solomon pressed on with the building of the house, until all was finished. 15 Its walls within were cedar-panelled, from the floor to the top of the walls, where the rafters sprang, no panel but was of cedar; only the floor was covered with planks of fir. 16 The furthest part of the temple was cedar-panelled to a height of twenty cubits from top to bottom; it was this inmost recess that he made into a shrine, a place all holiness, 17 and before the doors of this shrine the remaining forty cubits of length made up the temple proper. 18 All was cedar panelling, rounded and fitted with the craftsman’s utmost skill, embossed with carving, cedar everywhere, and no stone in the walls allowed to shew itself. 19 And there in the midst, in the inmost part of the building, stood the shrine in which the ark of the Lord was to rest; 20 twenty cubits in length, width, and height, and covered with plates of pure gold; plated, too, was the cedar altar. 21 Then he covered all the rest of the building, the ante-room of the shrine, with plates of pure gold, fastened with golden nails. 22 Nothing in the temple but was sheathed in gold, the altar that stood before the shrine with the rest. 14 Igitur ædificavit Salomon domum, et consummavit eam. 15 Et ædificavit parietes domus intrinsecus tabulatis cedrinis: a pavimento domus usque ad summitatem parietum, et usque ad laquearia, operuit lignis cedrinis intrinsecus: et texit pavimentum domus tabulis abiegnis. 16 Ædificavitque viginti cubitorum ad posteriorem partem templi tabulata cedrina, a pavimento usque ad superiora: et fecit interiorem domum oraculi in Sanctum sanctorum. 17 Porro quadraginta cubitorum erat ipsum templum pro foribus oraculi. 18 Et cedro omnis domus intrinsecus vestiebatur, habens tornaturas et juncturas suas fabrefactas, et cælaturas eminentes: omnia cedrinis tabulis vestiebantur: nec omnino lapis apparere poterat in pariete. 19 Oraculum autem in medio domus, in interiori parte fecerat, ut poneret ibi arcam fœderis Domini. 20 Porro oraculum habebat viginti cubitos longitudinis, et viginti cubitos latitudinis, et viginti cubitos altitudinis: et operuit illud atque vestivit auro purissimo: sed et altare vestivit cedro. 21 Domum quoque ante oraculum operuit auro purissimo, et affixit laminas clavis aureis. 22 Nihilque erat in templo quod non auro tegeretur: sed et totum altare oraculi texit auro.
23 καὶ ἐποίησεν ἐν τῷ δαβιρ δύο χερουβιν δέκα πήχεων μέγεθος ἐσταθμωμένον 24 καὶ πέντε πήχεων πτερύγιον τοῦ χερουβ τοῦ ἑνός καὶ πέντε πήχεων πτερύγιον αὐτοῦ τὸ δεύτερον ἐν πήχει δέκα ἀπὸ μέρους πτερυγίου αὐτοῦ εἰς μέρος πτερυγίου αὐτοῦ 25 οὕτως τῷ χερουβ τῷ δευτέρῳ ἐν μέτρῳ ἑνὶ συντέλεια μία ἀμφοτέροις 26 καὶ τὸ ὕψος τοῦ χερουβ τοῦ ἑνὸς δέκα ἐν πήχει καὶ οὕτως τὸ χερουβ τὸ δεύτερον 27 καὶ ἀμφότερα τὰ χερουβιν ἐν μέσῳ τοῦ οἴκου τοῦ ἐσωτάτου καὶ διεπέτασεν τὰς πτέρυγας αὐτῶν καὶ ἥπτετο πτέρυξ μία τοῦ τοίχου καὶ πτέρυξ ἥπτετο τοῦ τοίχου τοῦ δευτέρου καὶ αἱ πτέρυγες αὐτῶν αἱ ἐν μέσῳ τοῦ οἴκου ἥπτοντο πτέρυξ πτέρυγος 28 καὶ περιέσχεν τὰ χερουβιν χρυσίῳ 23 Within the shrine stood two cherubim, made of olive-wood, ten cubits high; 24 each of these had wings of five cubits’ breadth, so that there was ten cubits’ distance between the tips of them. 25 The second cherub matched the first in height, no difference of size or of workmanship between them. 26 Ten cubits high they stood, 27 there in the midst of the inner shrine, either touching the wall with one wing and its fellow’s wing with the other. 28 The cherubim, too, he plated with gold. 23 Et fecit in oraculo duos cherubim de lignis olivarum, decem cubitorum altitudinis. 24 Quinque cubitorum ala cherub una, et quinque cubitorum ala cherub altera: id est, decem cubitos habentes, a summitate alæ unius usque ad alæ alterius summitatem. 25 Decem quoque cubitorum erat cherub secundus: in mensura pari, et opus unum erat in duobus cherubim, 26 id est, altitudinem habebat unus cherub decem cubitorum, et similiter cherub secundus. 27 Posuitque cherubim in medio templi interioris: extendebant autem alas suas cherubim, et tangebat ala una parietem, et ala cherub secundi tangebat parietem alterum: alæ autem alteræ in media parte templi se invicem contingebant. 28 Texit quoque cherubim auro.
29 καὶ πάντας τοὺς τοίχους τοῦ οἴκου κύκλῳ ἐγκολαπτὰ ἔγραψεν γραφίδι χερουβιν καὶ φοίνικες τῷ ἐσωτέρῳ καὶ τῷ ἐξωτέρῳ 30 καὶ τὸ ἔδαφος τοῦ οἴκου περιέσχεν χρυσίῳ τοῦ ἐσωτάτου καὶ τοῦ ἐξωτάτου 31 καὶ τῷ θυρώματι τοῦ δαβιρ ἐποίησεν θύρας ξύλων ἀρκευθίνων καὶ φλιὰς πενταπλᾶς 32 καὶ δύο θύρας ξύλων πευκίνων καὶ ἐγκολαπτὰ ἐ{P'} αὐτῶν ἐγκεκολαμμένα χερουβιν καὶ φοίνικας καὶ πέταλα διαπεπετασμένα καὶ περιέσχεν χρυσίῳ καὶ κατέβαινεν ἐπὶ τὰ χερουβιν καὶ ἐπὶ τοὺς φοίνικας τὸ χρυσίον 33 καὶ οὕτως ἐποίησεν τῷ πυλῶνι τοῦ ναοῦ φλιαὶ ξύλων ἀρκευθίνων στοαὶ τετραπλῶς 34 καὶ ἐν ἀμφοτέραις ταῖς θύραις ξύλα πεύκινα δύο πτυχαὶ ἡ θύρα ἡ μία καὶ στροφεῖς αὐτῶν καὶ δύο πτυχαὶ ἡ θύρα ἡ δευτέρα στρεφόμενα 35 ἐγκεκολαμμένα χερουβιν καὶ φοίνικες καὶ διαπεπετασμένα πέταλα καὶ περιεχόμενα χρυσίῳ καταγομένῳ ἐπὶ τὴν ἐκτύπωσιν 36 καὶ ᾠκοδόμησεν τὴν αὐλὴν τὴν ἐσωτάτην τρεῖς στίχους ἀπελεκήτων καὶ στίχος κατειργασμένης κέδρου κυκλόθεν καὶ ᾠκοδόμησε καταπέτασμα τῆς αὐλῆς τοῦ αιλαμ τοῦ οἴκου τοῦ κατὰ πρόσωπον τοῦ ναοῦ 29 All the walls of the temple were adorned with bands of carved and embossed work, cherubim and palm-trees and other patterns, standing out in high relief; 30 the floor, within the sanctuary and without, he covered with gold. 31 At the entrance to the shrine he made doors of olive-wood, between five-sided pilasters; 32 doors of olive-wood, carved with figures of cherubim and palm-trees, and other sculpture in high relief; doors and cherubim and palm-trees and all the rest were covered with gold. 33 At the entrance to the temple were square posts of olive-wood; 34 and the door on either side was of fir-wood; either door was double, but the two halves were connected, so that they opened together. 35 Cherubim, and palm-trees, and other sculpture stood out in high relief, and he covered all with gold plates squared by rule. 36 He also built an inner courtyard, whose walls had three courses of dressed stone and one of cedar-wood.[2] 29 Et omnes parietes templi per circuitum sculpsit variis cælaturis et torno: et fecit in eis cherubim, et palmas, et picturas varias, quasi prominentes de pariete, et egredientes. 30 Sed et pavimentum domus texit auro intrinsecus et extrinsecus. 31 Et in ingressu oraculi fecit ostiola de lignis olivarum, postesque angulorum quinque. 32 Et duo ostia de lignis olivarum: et sculpsit in eis picturam cherubim, et palmarum species, et anaglypha valde prominentia: et texit ea auro, et operuit tam cherubim quam palmas, et cetera, auro. 33 Fecitque in introitu templi postes de lignis olivarum quadrangulatos, 34 et duo ostia de lignis abiegnis altrinsecus: et utrumque ostium duplex erat, et se invicem tenens aperiebatur. 35 Et sculpsit cherubim, et palmas, et cælaturas valde eminentes: operuitque omnia laminis aureis opere quadro ad regulam. 36 Et ædificavit atrium interius tribus ordinibus lapidum politorum, et uno ordine lignorum cedri.
37 38 37 So, in the month of Zio of the fourth year of his reign, the foundations of the building were laid; 38 and it was finished, in all its parts and with all its appurtenances, in the eighth month (Bul, as it is called) of his eleventh year; so that it was seven years in building. 37 Anno quarto fundata est domus Domini in mense Zio: 38 et in anno undecimo, mense Bul (ipse est mensis octavus), perfecta est domus in omni opere suo, et in universis utensilibus suis: ædificavitque eam annis septem.
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