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Technical Plenary and WG Meeting Event Hotel Royal Casino - Cannes Mandelieu FRANCE
Telecon partipants attended the two telecon's at 4pm each day.
irc channel: #rdfcore
0830 Welcome, Introductions, meeting objectives, agenda review 0845 The current state of play (bwm) 0900 Issues session 1 rdfms-not-id-and-resource-attr rdfms-nested-bagIDs rdfms-rdf-names-use 1030 Coffee 1045 short presentation 1100 issues session 2 rdfms-replace-value rdfms-editorial rdfms-xml-base rdfms-fragments 1230 lunch 1330 issues session 3 preparing for I18N meeting Datatypes 1515 coffee 1545 short presentation 1600 telecon review of the day rdfms-identity-of-statements rdfms-fragments datatypes 1730 plans for next day 1745 close Dinner Homework - read Pat's latest datatyping proposal
0900 Split Session Meeting with I18N irc #rdfcore-i18n breakout group - test cases DaveB's detailed test case for rdfms-nested-bagID Jeremy's XML base test cases (+ve test cases for error2 and error3) generate test cases for illegal names use e.g. <rdf:foo> Discuss RDF 2396 - rdf:ID="foo" is equiv to rdf:about=".#foo" 1030 Coffee 1045 issues session 4 rdf-charmod-literals rdf-charmod-uris rdfms-xmllang rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure rdfms-xml-literal-namespaces Test cases from morning session RFC 2396 - rdf:ID="foo" is equiv to rdf:about=".#foo" rdfms-assertion rdfms-not-id-and-resource-attr 1230 lunch 1330 Issues session 5 rdfms-assertion rdfms-not-id-and-resource-attr datatyping 1515 short presentation - Patrick 1530 coffee 1600 Telecon Getting to Rec Goals and Next Steps 1800 close
2002-02-25#1 | jjc | Formalize test case for <eg:prop rdf:ID="issue" eg:p1="foo" /> |
2002-02-25#2 | JanG | Add test case for <eg:prop rdf:ID="issue" eg:p1="foo" /> to test cases draft |
2002-02-25#3 | JanG | Review test cases in case changed by <eg:prop rdf:ID="issue" eg:p1="foo" /> decision |
2002-02-25#4 | DaveB | rdfms-nested-bagID: update syntax WD to reflect decision |
2002-02-25#5 | bwm | review test case for rdfms-nested-bagID |
2002-02-25#6 | jjc | generate more test cases for rdfms-nested-bagID |
2002-02-25#7 | DaveB | Emphasise in syntax WD that rdf:li is not allowed as an attribute |
2002-02-25#8 | DaveB | Update syntax doc to reflect |
2002-02-25#9 | JanG | Ensure test cases for rdf:foo added to test cases WD |
2002-02-25#10 | DaveB | Update syntax doc to reflect xml:base same doc ref decision |
2002-02-25#11 | JanG | Add test case for xml:base same doc reference to test cases WD |
2002-02-25#12 | DanC | Contact RFC 2396 editors to confirm that RDF will use a different algorithm for xml:base |
2002-02-25#13 | DaveB | Update syntax WD to reflect xml:base=""> decision |
2002-02-25#14 | JanG | update test cases to reflect xml:base=""> decision |
2002-02-25#15 | DanC | Confirm with RDF 2396 that xml:base=""> decision is correct |
2002-02-25#16 | jjc | replace xml:base error cases 1 and 2 with +ve test cases |
2002-02-25#17 | EricM | Ensure primer has appropriate description of use of rdf:value |
2002-02-25#18 | bwm | ensure model theory updated to reflect semantics of rdf:value |
2002-02-25#19 | Graham | Draft text for the primer on use of frag id's with appropriate warnings re mime types |
2002-02-25#20 | DanC | Highlight frag id semantics issue with the TAG |
2002-02-25#21 | EricM | Ensure M&S has an erratum to say the M&S will be superceded by new documents |
2002-02-26#1 | bwm | Add to postponed issues list, URI's to represent languages in literals |
2002-02-26#2 | DanC | Create test case for daml:collection behaves like Literal |
2002-02-26#3 | DaveB | Update syntax doc to reflect decsision about structure of literals |
2002-02-26#4 | bwm | Contact Pat re effects of literals decision on model theory |
2002-02-26#5 | jjc | Produce proposal for use of canonicalization for parseType literals |
2002-02-26#6 | bwm | send draft text for #rdfms-assertion issue to TimBL for comment |
2002-02-26#7 | DaveB | Update test cases to reflect not-id-and-resource decision |
2002-02-26#8 | PatrickS | Create XML examples for datatypes doc |
2002-02-26#9 | FrankM | Primer WD ready for review by 8th Mar |
2002-02-26#10 | bwm | Organise f2f around Sardinia timescales in Bristol |
2002-02-26#11 | bwm | Consider arrangements for RDF 2 workshop |
2002-02-26#12 | DaveB | Propose n-triples changes to represent the new form of rdf literals. |
Issue: rdfms-not-id-and-resource-attr
<rdf:RDF> <rdf:Description> <eg:prop rdf:ID="issue" eg:p1="foo" /> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>
should generate
_:a <eg:prop> _: b. _:b <eg:p1> "foo" . <#issue> <rdf:type> <rdf:Statement> . <#issue> <rdf:subject> _:a. <#issue> <rdf:predicate> <eg:prop>. <#issue> <rdf:object> _:b.
This is a change to some readings of M&S and is made on the on the grounds that M&S is confusing and this decision adopts a consistent interpretation of rdf:ID on property elements. This issue is now closed.
Issue: rdfms-nested-bagID
The WG decided that:
A bagID reifies the property attributes on the same element as the bagid, the type node and statements immediately arising from property elements that are immediate children of the element containing the bagId. In particular a property element whose statement is part of the bag, which has property attributes, those statements are not part of the bag.
<rdf:Description about="a" bagID="bag1"> <some:prop rdf:ID="st1"> <rdf:Description about="b" bagID="bag2"> <some:otherProp rdf:ID="st2"> A literal </some:otherProp> </rdf:Description> </some:prop> </rdf:Description>
generates two bags. Bag1 contains st1 only. Bag2 contains st2 only. This issue is closed.
Issue: rdfms-rdf-names-use
The WG reaffirmed its decision not to restrict names in the RDF namespaces which are not syntactic. The WG decided that an RDF processor SHOULD emit a warning when encountering names in the RDF namespace which are not defined, but should otherwise behave normally.
<rdf:Description> <rdf:foo>foo</rdf:foo> </rdf:Description>is equivalent to:
_:a <rdf:foo> "foo" .
This issue is closed.
Issue: rdfms-xml-base
RFC 2396 states that self document references, such as rdf:about="", are not relative URI"s are thus not subject to being converted to an absolute URI using xml:base. It was also noted in section 4.2 of RFC 2396 it states:
However, if the URI reference occurs in a context that is always intended to result in a new request, as in the case of HTML's FORM element, then an empty URI reference represents the base URI of the current document and should be replaced by that URI when transformed into a request.
It can be argued that this case should cover RDF's use of URI's.
The WG decided that RDF will convert such references to absolute URI's and will take in scope xml:base attributes into account in such conversions.
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:eg="" xml:base=""> <eg:type rdf:about="" /> </rdf:RDF>
is equivalent to:
<> <> <> .
Issue: rdfms-xml-base
The algorithm in RFC 2396 for creating an absolute URI is flawed in the case where the base consists of a scheme, such as http:, followed by a domain name with no terminating '/'.
Specifically, the WG decided that:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:eg="" xml:base=""> <eg:type rdf:about="relfile" /> </rdf:RDF>
is equivalent to:
<> <> <> .
Issue: rdfms-xml-base
M∓S states that it is not legal to have two rdf:ID attributes in a document with the same value. The WG decided that any scope xml:base attributes should be taken into account in this test.
Specifically, the WG decided that
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:eg="" > <rdf:Description xml:base="" rdf:ID="frag" eg:value="v" /> <rdf:Description rdf:ID="frag" eg:value="v" /> </rdf:RDF>
is not an error
All outstanding questions on this issue have been resolved. It will be closed when all test cases have been approved.
Issue: rdfms-replace-value
The WG resolved:
The WG resolved that the Model and Syntax recommendation would be replaced by the following documents:
Issue: rdfms-editorial
The WG resolved, given decision d-2002-02-25-8, the editorial issues with M&S are now not relevant to the current document set and this issue be closed.
Issue: rdfms-fragments
The WG resolved that RDF uses URI's with fragment ID's to identify resources. This issue is now closed.
Issue: rdfms-xmllang Issue: rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure
The WG resolved that a literal consists of three components:
Further, the WG resolved that these two issues are closed.
Issue: rdfms-not-id-and-resource-attr
The WG resolved that:
<rdf:Description> <foo:bar rdf:ID="foo" rdf:resource="bar"/> </rdf:Description>
is legal. This issue is now closed.
Issue: rdfs-xml-schema-datatypes
The WG resolved that:
Further, the WG agreed that the following issues with the datatyping proposal were problems:
The WG made the following decision with respect to the documents under development:
The WG agreed to continue until six months after the documents become recommendations, though not necessarily meeting regularly.
The WG decided to hold a face to face meeting in June to consider last call comments.
Royal Hotel Casino, Cannes-Mandelieu, France
605 avenue du G诩ral de Gaulle
06210 Mandelieu la Napoule
T誮 : +33 (0)4 92 97 70 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 93 49 51 50
None required.
Brian McBride <> $Id: Overview.html,v 1.21 2002/05/24 09:14:57 bmcbride Exp $
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