ACTION-3097: Propose wording for the edge case where a radialGradient's focal point sits on the edge of the circle and the gradient repeats. the spec. should say that when the focal point is on the circle edge, with repeat, then the distance between the first and last stop for the repeating colors is 0 and the paint should generate a color that is the average of all the gradient stops.
Propose wording for the edge case where a radialGradient's focal point sits on the edge of the circle and the gradient repeats. the spec. should say that when the focal point is on the circle edge, with repeat, then the distance between the first and last stop for the repeating colors is 0 and the paint should generate a color that is the average of all the gradient stops.
- State:
- open
- Person:
- Erik Dahlström
- Due on:
- August 5, 2011
- Created on:
- July 29, 2011
- Related emails:
- minutes, 18 August 2011 SVG WG telcon (from on 2011-08-19)
- Re: About current gradients (Re: minutes, SVG WG Seattle F2F 2011 day 3) (from on 2011-08-04)
- About current gradients (Re: minutes, SVG WG Seattle F2F 2011 day 3) (from on 2011-08-04)
- About radial gradients (Seattle - current gradient issues.) (from on 2011-08-04)
- minutes, SVG WG Seattle F2F 2011 day 3 (from on 2011-07-29)
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No additional notes.
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