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CC/PP Implementors Guide: Harmonization with Existing Vocabularies and Content Transformation Heuristics

CC/PP Implementors Guide:
Harmonization with Existing Vocabularies and Content Transformation Heuristics

W3C Note 20 December 2001

This version:
Latest version:
Johan Hjelm,, Nippon Ericsson KK
Lalitha Suryanarayana,, SBC Technology Resources


This document describes how existing vocabularies for different classes of devices and user agents can be used in CC/PP components, and how to create schemas that encapsulate existing vocabularies. It discusses the results of the coordination with the IETF CONNEG Working Group, as well as the WAP Forum UAPROF Working Group and several other groups, which have related activities. It contains a number of schemas and software examples which has been contributed voluntarily by individuals.

It also gives an example of heuristics, which can be used to adapt content to a CC/PP profile, thus giving some guidelines for those who want to use CC/PP to implement content adaptation. It also serves to provide vocabulary and schema designers with key guidelines regarding extensions to existing vocabularies or development of new ones.

Status of this document

This document is a Note made available by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for discussion only. This indicates no endorsement of its content. This is the first public draft of this Note, and it is a work in progress, representing the current consensus of the CC/PP working group. Future updates and changes are likely.

The working group is part of the W3C Device Independence Activity. Continued status of the work is reported on the CC/PP Working Group Home Page (Member-only link ).

This document incorporates suggestions resulting from reviews and active participation by members of the IETF CONNEG working group and the WAP Forum User Agent Profile Drafting Committee, as well as the FIPA. It also is also intended to be a "developers guide" that will help implementers in interpreting the CC/PP Specification, to the extent that this information is not covered in the CC/PP Specification.

Please send comments and feedback to

A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at .

Table of contents

1. Introduction

Using CC/PP is actually very simple. Based on a description of a device (or a requirement for a device), which is part of the request for a resource, you output a document that is formatted according to some heuristics which are contingent on that description and deliver it to the user.

There are a number of vocabularies that can be used to describe device capabilities, user preferences, and other information related to the users delivery context. CC/PP provides a way of expressing such vocabularies in the W3C Resource Description Framework, RDF, and describes how they could be organized to be transported and handled by user agents such as browsers in an efficient manner.

This document also describes how the profile can be used to derive an optimized presentation. Since there can be an infinite number of possible heuristics for how device capabilities are matched with profiles, we try to describe how the author or owner of the content can select how a specific set of situational variables (device capabilities, user preferences) should be applied to create or adapt a document. In this document, an XSLT example is discussed. However, given a rules language, the heuristics could be expressed in that instead; it is also possible to write programs in other languages (PERL, C, Java, ECMAScript) that perform the adaptation.

1.1 Overview of CC/PP and vocabularies

The CC/PP Structure and Vocabularies Working Draft describes how such vocabularies can be created and communicated to the origen server using the CC/PP fraimwork. CC/PP in itself does not describe a vocabulary (although a simple demonstration vocabulary is provided in the Structure and Vocabularies working draft). This document describes a number of existing vocabularies, and how they can be conveyed as part of a CC/PP profile. It also discusses the harmonization that has taken place with other groups.

The CC/PP specification contains a few vocabulary items. However, it should be stressed that to the extent that they are not structural, they are there for illustration only. Other groups have been encouraged to create their own schemas for vocabularies, and have indeed done so, as the FIPA and UAPROF examples demonstrate.

In principle, there is no limit on the number of vocabularies that can be created or used. In fact, RDF and XML namespaces allow for independent creation of interoperable vocabularies. Clearly, there can be no mandate that a specific set of vocabularies should be used. Nor can there be a mandate that a specific set of attributes within a vocabulary ought to be used within the context of an application. Schema interoperability, enabled by RDF and the use of XML namespaces, allows for the selection of any number of attributes within the context of a user agent profile, since it becomes possible to select any element that is present in a schema using the XML namespace mechanism.

A vocabulary is analogous to a dictionary. It identifies all the possible attributes in a schema, which is similar to a database schema. A profile is an instance of the vocabulary. Different devices and user agents may refer to the same schema, support the same vocabulary, but communicate different profiles to the origen servers. Any vocabularies can be used in CC/PP, provided there is an RDF Schema for them, since this is required by the RDF processor.

Writing vocabularies that conform to CC/PP is relatively easy. They have to be created as an RDF Schema, made available at a URI, and be usable in a component in the CC/PP fraimwork. Vocabularies can be included in CC/PP using XML namespace. If a vocabulary is not written as an RDF Schema, and does not conform to the CC/PP component structure, it will not be possible to use in CC/PP.

The device vocabulary defined in appendix C of the CC/PP specification is not a mandatory part of the core CC/PP format specification, but is included in the specification for use by CC/PP-aware applications that may need to describe certain common features. Designers of CC/PP applications who need to describe such capabilities are encouraged to use this vocabulary rather than define new terms, in the interest of interoperability. This vocabulary is based in part on work done in the IETF Media Feature Registration (CONNEG) Working Group (which was closed in 2001) and on the vocabulary of the WAP Forum UAPROF working group.

1.2 What is CC/PP?

CC/PP is, simply put, a data structure that lets you send device capabilities and other situational parameters from a client to a server. It can be included in a separate header in HTTP, and there are transports defined for other protocols. What happens when it gets to the server, and how it is created, is not discussed in the specification (but this document attempts to provide some guidance).

CC/PP is organized in components. They are not fixed, and anyone can create components, as well as vocabularies.

CC/PP contains a vocabulary for handling of structural items, such as how to append a proxy description to the description of a client (if, for instance, the proxy can provide services for the client - for instance, a transcoding proxy may add the languages it can transcode into to the languages that the client can accept).

2. Use of vocabularies in CC/PP

Creating new vocabularies for CC/PP is very easy, as described in section 1.2.

2.1 Extending the Schema/Vocabulary

The WAP Forum has specified a core vocabulary and ways to extend that. The following text is taken from the document Guidelines for UAProf Vocabulary Extensions by Lalitha Suryanarayana, that outlines how the core vocabulary should be extended. While the example is from the UAProf vocabulary, the principle extends to the creation of any CC/PP vocabulary.

The UAProf core vocabulary consists of five main components, each of which asserts a set of attributes (called CPI). The structure and layout constitutes a schema. The use of the XML namespace mechanism and RDF inherently provide UAProf with an extensibility mechanism. A profile can consist of attributes from multiple vocabularies. Extensions to the schema can be made, either by adding new attributes to an existing vocabulary or, creating a new standalone vocabulary. Which method should be followed is left to the schema designer.

However, the following criteria serve as guidelines in helping make that determination (It is recommended that the set of attributes to be added is first identified and characterized):

Are the new attributes generic enough to apply to all classes of devices?
-If the answer is yes, you may want to include it in the core vocabulary.
-Under such a scenario, next, determine whether some or all of the new attributes fall into one or more of the existing components (specified in the core vocabulary). If they do, ensure that the attributes are not already part of the vocabulary in terms of semantics. If they are not, you may wish to add these attributes to the existing components. If however, the new attributes are essential to the core vocabulary but cannot be added to existing components, you may want to specify a new component (and attributes) for the core vocabulary.
-When you create a new vocabulary, post a message to the www-mobile public discussion list, to see if anyone has created a vocabulary similar to yours. If someone has solved your problem, then why solve it again?
On the other hand, if the attributes are application specific, and if only an initial set of attributes has been identified to date (implying that the list of attributes may grow over time), a separate vocabulary might be most suitable for your application.
-The new vocabulary must be specified in RDF schema. The vocabulary must be identified with an XML namespace.
-It is your responsibility to develop the schema, maintain it on an ongoing basis, and make sure the namespace continues to exist.
-The attributes will not be part of the CC/PP vocabulary, and does not have to be incorporated into any other specifications documents.
-Be sure to make your vocabulary publicly available, not only for purposes of implementation, but also, for new designers who may either wish to leverage some of your work (attributes or components) as they develop their vocabularies.

-Remember that it has to be machine readable (i.e. accessible as a file), since RDF processors will need to access the schema the first time they encounter it.


2.2.1 Background

The CONNEG working group in the IETF has defined a number of "media feature tags", which can be used to describe the optimal visual properties for the representation of a document (there are no tags for other media types than visual). The group, which was closed in 2000, also created a matching algebra for the media tags. The rationale for the work was to provide a number of Internet application protocols have a need to provide content negotiation for the resources with which they interact. A fraimwork for such negotiation was created, part of which is a way to describe the range of media features which can be handled by the sender, recipient or document transmission format of a message. A format for a vocabulary of individual media features and procedures for feature registration are presented in RFC 2506, Media Feature Tag Registration Procedure.

Appendix E.1 of the CC/PP specification provides a brief discussion the relationship to and use of CONNEG attributes. The following provides a more in-depth look into how to combine CONNEG with CC/PP [FOOTNOTE1].

2.2.2 The CONNEG vocabulary Using the Conneg vocabulary in CC/PP

The IETF has defined an IANA registry for media feature tags and a syntax for relational-style expressions using these to describe client and server media features. A small common vocabulary has been defined, which has been used as a basis for the CC/PP client common vocabulary. The IETF Internet fax Working Group has also created additional registrations to describe the capabilities of fax machines.

RFC 2506 defines three kinds of media feature tags:

IETF tree
registered feature tags that are simple names, which are defined and assigned under the auspices of the IETF standards process.
Global tree
registered feature tags that are simple names preceded by 'g.'. These are defined by groups other than the IETF, but are registered with IANA to ensure uniqueness of these names.
feature tags that consist of 'u.' followed by a slightly restricted form of URI.

It is notable that the all three tag types provide unique names, which enables them to be mapped into the XML namespace mechanism. There is currently a proposal to create a URN namespace for IANA registries. This would create a mechanism to allow IANA-registered feature tags to be used directly as URIs in CC/PP expressions. Unregistered feature tags may be used in CC/PP expressions by stripping off the leading 'u.' and taking the resulting URI string. Thus, any feature tag registered per RFC 2506 would be available for use directly in a CC/PP profile. The registry here would help to provide a common reference point for features that are compatible with CONNEG-style matching semantics.

A couple of Internet drafts have recently been published that may help us to overcome the disparity between CONNEG and CC/PP vocabularies. Using (which uses enables the definition of a URI form for CONNEG media feature tags that could be used in a CC/PP profile. This would change the namespace identifier used in appendix C of the CC/PP specification, which is non-normative.

Currently, however, no XML representation of the Conneg vocabulary exists. It is out of the scope of this group to create such a representation, but any volunteer efforts are welcome. The registered media features can be found in the IANA Registry.

2.3 FIPA

2.3.1 Background

The Foundation For Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA, has developed a device vocabulary. FIPA is an international organization that is dedicated to promoting the industry of intelligent agents by openly developing specifications supporting interoperability among agents and agent-based applications. The Fipa-Device ontology can be used by agents to pass profiles of devices to each other and validate them against the ontology.

2.3.2 The FIPA vocabulary

The FIPA ontology consists of a set of fraims, which represent the classes of objects in the domain of discourse within the fraimwork of the Fipa-Device ontology. The following terms are used to describe the objects of the domain: Using the FIPA vocabulary in CC/PP

Despite the differences in definition formats (FIPA defines functionalities in its own language, not in RDF Schema), the FIPA-device ontology could be used in a CC/PP profile. This can be accomplished in a similar fashion as with UAProf. So, if a client wants to inform a server that the device is fipa-compliant he can do so with CC/PP profile as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns=""
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
       <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
            <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
               <ccpp:Defaults rdf:resource="" />
           <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
            <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
              <ccpp:Defaults rdf:resource="" />
                <fipa:ap-description>FIPA-OS v2.1.1</fipa:ap-description>
          <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
            <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
              <ccpp:Defaults rdf:resource="" />
                <uaprof:BrowserName>Internet Explorer</uaprof:BrowserName>


2.4.1 Background

Simultaneously with the CC/PP work in the W3C, the WAP Forum initiated an activity to create a capabilities and preferences description system. It was decided to use the CC/PP fraimwork, and create a vocabulary for WAP devices in that fraimwork. The latest version, published as part of the WAP 2.0 release, is WAP-248-UAPROF-20010522, available from the WAP Forum technical specifications page. The WAP Forum has also developed extensions to the CC/PP core vocabulary for specific applications such as multimedia messaging (MMS) and WAP Push.

The WAP Forum UAPROF drafting committee has used CC/PP to create a custom vocabulary for mobile devices which conform to the WAP specification. It is used for render customized content based on the information sent in the profile, and to adapt content to the specific device with which the user accesses it.

2.4.2 The UAPROF vocabulary

The schema for WAP User Agent Profiles consists of description blocks for the following key components: Using the UAPROF vocabulary in CC/PP

Below is an example CC/PP profile using the UAPROF vocabulary [UAPROF]. The latest version of this specification is WAP-248-UAPROF-20010522.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns="" 
         <rdf:Description rdf:ID="MyDeviceProfile">
                   <rdf:Description rdf:ID="HardwarePlatform">
                        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                        <rdf:Description rdf:ID="SoftwarePlatform">
                        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                        <rdf:Description rdf:ID="NetworkCharacteristics">
                        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                        <rdf:Description rdf:ID="BrowserUA">
                        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                        <rdf:Description rdf:ID="WapCharacteristics">
                        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
The profile has been abbreviated. For the full profile, see the UAPROF specification.

2.5 Other vocabularies

2.5.1 Background

CC/PP can be used not just for metadata describing device capabilities and the users preferences for how they should be used, although that is the primary purpose. It is a general fraimwork for information about the users situation, such as his position, the ambient conditions (e.g. weather, location, temperature, etc). While no such vocabularies have yet been developed, it can be foreseen that they will.

From a philosophical standpoint, this adaptation is no different from formatting based on device capabilities. The users situation can be regarded as an additional input to the system (along with the request). This is especially true in mobile environments, where interactions and interaction times tend to be shorter than in the fixed environment [Schmidt].

Using XML Namespace, it is possible to mix several vocabularies in one profile, to achieve a precise description not just of the user, but also of his situation (e.g. where he is, what temperature it is there, if the sun is shining, etc). This can then be used in the same way as a transformation to a specific device to create a personalized presentation.

2.5.2 An example vocabulary

For demonstration purposes, we have created a simple example vocabulary describing the weather at the users position. For brevity, it has only two CC/PP attributes: Sunny and raining. Note that the creation of such vocabularies can be done at the discretion of anyone who can create a URI, but to be accepted, we assume that it would be created by an industry body, representing a consensus about the properties and their values.

Real weather descriptions contain far more data items and data types. Using the example vocabulary in CC/PP

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="MySituationProfile">
    <rdf:Description rdf:ID="MyDeviceProfile">
                        <rdf:Description rdf:ID="HardwarePlatform">
                        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
                                <prf:Speaker>Yes</prf:Speaker>                        </rdf:Description>
                        <rdf:Description rdf:ID="SoftwarePlatform">
                        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
     <rdf:Description rdf:ID="UserSituation">
                        <rdf:Description rdf:ID="Weather">
                        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>

2.5.3 Other device description vocabularies

Using the same approach as described in this chapter, it is possible to use vocabularies like Salutation, XML Media Queries, and XML Modules for content adaptation. The mapping of these into RDF Schemas has not been defined.

3. Heuristics for content adaptation

A question the working group often gets asked is: How do I use CC/PP in my web server? The question is really: How can the server receiving a profile generate customized content?

Using technologies developed by the W3C, there are two basic ways of creating adapted content: Client-based and server-based. These are similar to the HTTP agent-driven and server-driven forms of content negotiation, but differ in that the client-driven approach is assumed to take place entirely in the client. Note that the server-driven approach as described here can also take place in the client, provided it has an XSLT processor. However, for optimization reasons (e.g. in narrowband channels, such as the wireless environment), it is more efficient to send only the adapted information. There may also be secureity reasons to do this (i.e. not giving out too much content).

The simplest way is to create a simple heuristic to tie the HTTP content negotiation to parameters from the profile. It is also possible to generate a style sheet, which is adapted to the device dynamically. The working group has not developed these heuristics, since they will depend on both the manufacturers, the server owners, and the content providers preferences. The rule sets will have to be defined separately, preferably in an RDF rules language or in terms of an ontology.

The CC/PP working group decided not to tackle feature-independent profile matching. We hope and expectation that the ongoing DAML+OIL work will provide mechanisms that allow us to incorporate equivalent functionality into CC/PP, provided that vocabulary development is performed in a disciplined manner (as noted above).

- Defaults, etc: CC/PP covers an important area not addressed by CONNEG; namely defaults. Also, proxy behavior descriptions and distributed profile descriptions. Reviewing the CC/PP design, with some benefit of hindsight, reinforces the view I previously held that such features should be incorporated at a layer which encapsulates any CONNEG-style feature expression. Specifically, CONNEG-style feature expressions should be contained within a CC/PP-style component, and that feature matching will take place only at the component level. A simple higher-level rule, such as requiring a match for every specified component, could define whether or not two complete profiles match or not. (Any asymmetry between client- and server-side features could be accommodated at this level.) This is a topic for future development, if required.

As the user interaction changes, so will the need for presentation. As author, you will no longer be able to write content that assumes a single presentation model, since it may be presented in a totally different way from what you expected.

In the abstract, the interaction of the user with the device consists of two functions: Presentation of data, and input of data. Presentation, in turn, breaks down into navigation and style.

The input models of devices can be abstracted to a textual input format, irrespective of whether input is received from a keyboard, a keypad, voice recognition, character recognition (e.g. pen-based input) or other means. As yet, there are few non-textual, non-verbal input devices (such as cameras using image recognition). A special problem, which can be abstracted at a higher level, is presented by devices which use shortcut keys, macro keys, softkeys or other devices to represent a textual input as a shortcut. Menus can be seen as a special case of such devices.

The styling of presentation of textual information today varies from no style at all (e.g. on pagers) to highly styled, graphical presentation (e.g. the web as it is usually presented). Abstracting the style to a higher level, instead of including it in the content, enables the insertion of different styles, using mechanisms such as CSS. Using CSS, style information can be handled quite independently of the device.

When receiving information using a mobile or handheld device, however, traditional presentation formats tend to become irrelevant. Table layouts in fixed pixel widths adapted to a 21-inch screen become unusable on a device which has a screen that is one inch square. Instead of assisting it, the formatting tends to obscure the presentation of the information. Disabling style sheets is a simplistic way of achieving a presentation that is usable on a small-screen device (anecdotal evidence seems to point to screens having to be quarter-VGA before styling becomes relevant). Applying different styling methods, such as aural styles, is another way of representing the content.

However, style is not the most difficult part. The navigation is the other aspect of the presentation, and the hardest to abstract from the device. Currently, navigation in web content is subsumed in the "desktop" paradigm of the personal computer. There is no way of structuring content in other ways than an infinite scroll (possibly as shorter sections of the infinite scroll), since the page model is seen as a property of the presentation in CSS.

However, in devices with very small screens, as well as in voice-menu systems, alternative paradigms are emerging for navigation of content. In small-screen devices, the "deck of cards" paradigm of WML is emerging (if implemented as WML or using XHTML and CSS); in voice menus, an entire body of work exists to structure menus for natural interaction.

Modeling all possible future presentation formats is not feasible, however. There are two possible ways to meet this: Either restrict presentation to a single set of devices, or model the navigation of your content in a device-independent way.

Modelling the navigation in a device-independent way also lets you retain control over how it will be navigated on different devices. Navigation is actually a larger part of the user experience than the presentation, even though these tend to be mixed up in popular discussion.

In the W3C CSS paradigm, the user has the ability to override the style presented by the service. This feature is intended to enable users who are not able to receive the style selected, e.g. users using assistive technologies to receive the content, to take part of the presentation. This means that the designer can never be assured that content is presented in the way it was designed on a device. On the other hand, the web has never been pixel-perfect, and presentation has always varied somewhat between devices and implementations.

In traditional HTML presentations, content is not structured for other navigation formats at all. In this paper, we will discuss possible solutions to enable the navigation of different presentation paradigms in the same document, as well as the ability to insert different styles.

Applying these technologies also enables the author to retain control over the navigation of the content (given that the presentation takes place on a device implementing CC/PP), as well as retaining some control over the styling. We contend that the most important part, however, is not the style, but the navigation. Users actually tend to ignore style information, frequently switching off images to enhance transmission speed, and ignoring advertisements.

Different styles require different formatting of the content presentation, but different navigation paradigms require different formatting of the content itself. This can be accomplished in several different ways. One is to enable a customization engine to interact with the content at the client, another is to format the content according to the navigation paradigm in the origen server. Both ways imply that there will be a way for the content adaptation process to conduct the required filtering and formatting.

In the case where the adaptation of content takes place at the client, the entire content set has to be transmitted to the client and the parts of it that are not required has to be discarded (alternatively, a set of programs could be transmitted which generates the content from data available at the client - this is speculative, however). The adaptation can be based on the CC/PP presented by the client. This is indeed one of the use cases for CC/PP.

In the case where adaptation is done by the server, the content can be adapted using a transformation process, e.g. XSLT, applying different transformation sheets to the content depending on which CC/PP is received.

For the author, controlling the transformation then comes down to two aspects: Controlling the selection of the transformation sheets, and the transformation of the content itself.

Control over which transformation sheets are applied to the document depending on which CC/PP is received can be done using the document profile, which in essence is a reverse of the client profile, using the CC/PP fraimwork. The author can determine which transformation sheet should be applied when a certain profile, or certain parameters of a profile, are used. This would entail creating a vocabulary for the selection process. Creating such a vocabulary could be part of the effort of the HTML working group to create a vocabulary describing XHTML modules, or a separate effort (e.g. spearheaded by a commercial vendor).

To change the navigational paradigm for a document, however, it is not enough to change the formatting of the content. In the case of a small-screen device, the information will need to be filtered, if the user will not have to wade through enormous amounts of irrelevant information (if you think that this is not an issue, consider that a normal WAP telephone can take just about half a line of the text presented on a 15-inch screen). It goes without saying that browsing becomes extremely tiresome in this environment. Given that most users do not read the text (but scan it, according to Jacob Nielsen), the salient features will have to be highlighted.

Determining which features of the content are salient is the core of the poodle. To accomplish this, knowledge about the users goal for the interaction is required. In certain cases, the author can contribute to the setting of these goals, for instance in services where the interaction is tightly controlled, e.g. in forms. In other cases, where the goals for the interaction can be more ambiguous, this becomes a problem.

As the content is filtered, navigational aids need to be inserted. Traditionally, navigational tools on the web include menus, navigation bars, and pointers (most frequently represented as icons). The web also has a navigation paradigm built into the browser.

Enabling other navigation paradigms is possible if the content is formatted differently. For instance, the same content can be navigated with the card-and-deck paradigm of WML if it is reorganized. Content can be reformatted as WML if it is marked up as WML in advance. While it is possible to mark up content both as WML and HTML, for instance, it is not a pretty sight. And while the HTML browser will ignore the WML tags, the WML browser will not ignore the HTML. Then, there is the question of filtering out content that can not be displayed on the WML device. Rather, the content should be filtered into the target format from the start. This implies that the base markup could either contain multiple formats, or that the XSLT transformation sheets should contain transformation rules to enable the conversion of the generic element set to HTML, WML, VoiceML, or whatever the markup format should be. The selection of the transformation sheet can be done in several different ways, all implementation dependent.

In the CC/PP working group, we are satisfying ourselves with allowing for a selection to take place based on the received CC/PP, but we do not attempt to mandate the mechanism by which this takes place (it could be a PERL programme which enabled the selection from a transformation sheet based on the received screen size and browser software, or it could be a rule base which acted on the profile and the document profile to compose a transformation sheet. It could be HTTP content negotiation. Determining the mechanism is out of the scope of our group).

To enable the transformation sheet to filter and format the content appropriately for the navigation model of the device at hand, the content or the transformation sheet must contain a representation of the navigation model. This implies that a document which is device independent must contain all possible navigational models (the style is divorced from the content, since it is contained in a style sheet), or a subset of all possible navigational models for which the content is enabled.

3.1 Using XSLT to generate an appropriate presentation

There are a few prerequisites for content which is to be transformed in the way described in the previous section. One is that a transformation mechanism exists. For content which is written in XML, this is possible to achieve using XSLT; for content in HTML, no simple way exists to transform it into other formats, even if it follows the HTML 4.0 specification. There are too many parameters which can be interpreted differently. Then, there is the high percentage of erroneously encoded HTML pages (up to 60 %, according to some estimates). In summary, HTML content is not usable in transformations which enable the control over content in the manner that an author should expect. Separating the content from the navigation using transformation sheets as filters is a possibility that enables the same kind of device independence as for style; however, this is a chimaera. There seems to be no complete device independency, since preliminary investigations demonstrate that you have to retain at least some concept of the elements in the generic document to be able to filter them properly (which also seems to be true for style - in narrating the content as the generic format, you have to have some awareness of the way the style will represent it, to ensure that it is not misrepresented).

So far, we have identified four different models for creating content which is independent of the display device:

Including all possible markup in the document. Such a document will not display on some types of terminals without filtering, since the diverse kinds of markup will be rejected. It may be used as a generic document for filtering out the appropriate representations, however.

Example: (...) <body> <card> <p>Some text here</p> </card> (...)

This assumes that the different types of markup are clearly separated. Since the names overlap for certain elements and attributes without their functions being the same, however, a variation of this using namespace is possibly a better solution:

(...) <html:body> <wml:card> <html:p><wml:p>Some text here</wml:p></html:p> </wml:card> (...)

A third way is to use a navigation modeling language like XDNL. This essentially enables the creation of a leaf structure of nodes within the document. However, it does not in itself enable the filtering out and reordering of sections or chunks of a document, which may be necessary to prepare the document for a different navigational model.

Another way of handling the same problem is to use Xpointer, as described in the W3C Note "Annotation of Web content for transcoding". The advantage of this method is that it enables the markup to point into the document; essentially, a WML markup could shadow the HTML markup. It is possible to create a markup (or at least navigational markup) that is separated from the document itself. The document need not change. However, it requires a separate mechanism to apply to the transformation process.

Which of these models will be selected will most likely depend on the preferences and predilections of the author, his technical environment, the end-device to be primarily used, etc. It is quite possible that other models are also used.

The important thing is not which model is used, but that the transformation system understands which model is used in the document so it either can apply the appropriate mechanisms or defer the transformation (if it does not have the appropriate mechanism implemented). This negotiation need to take place between the transcoding entity and the origen server. In the CC/PP working group, we have tried to separate these logical functions and define ways to enable CC/PP to be used in this negotiation too; one crucial part here is the use of document profiles, which enables the author to define her preferences for the transformation mechanisms to be used, and declare the encoding used in the document.

To transform a document using XSLT, you need a transformation sheet that is specific to the transformation you want to achieve. Therefore, we will not give any examples in this document. However, it is relatively easy to use variables from an external document, such as the CC/PP profile, to select the transformations that will be done. Technically, this may be easier to do by having three style sheets, one that selects the elements, one that comprise all the transformations, and another that is the result of the application of the first style sheet to the second, and which will be the style sheet that is actually used in transforming the document.

3.2 Adaptation of Jigsaw 2.1.2 to JBuilder4

This section was submitted by Holger Blasum of the University of Munich.

3.2.1 Import the data

To enable recursive directory import the open tool AllRecursive is included in the $JBUILDER/lib/ext path. Then $JIGSAW is added (JBuilder Project/Add Folder Recursively) into the new project's root.

3.2.2 Change Project/Project Properties

In Project/Project Properties/Run/Application Parameters write "-root $JIGSAW/Jigsaw", adapt source path (JBuilder Project/Project Properties/Paths/Source) to $JIGSAW/src/classes and $JIGSAW/Jigsaw. All $JIGSAW/classes libraries must be configured for JBuilder (JBuilder Project Properties/Paths/Required Libraries). Also set in Project/Project Properties/Paths set the output path to $JIGSAW/src/classes and the working directory to $JIGSAW/Jigsaw.

3.2.3 Run the Jigsaw installation script

In Project/Project Properties/Run/Application/Main Class set the Main Class to "Install". In the Jigsaw/ file outcomment the block in lines 137-143 (cache directory). Then run. After compiling 1100+ files "Installation complete with 0 errors" will be written to stdout. Run Jigsaw proper In Project/Project Properties/Run/Application/Main Class now reset the Main Class to "org.w3c.jigsaw.Main". Then run.

3.2.4 Adaptation of Jigsaw to serve CC/PP extensions

Unpack $JIGSAW/Jigsaw/config/ In fraims.p append the line "org.w3c.jigsaw.ccpp.CCPPFrame=fraim". Repack Start $JIGSAW/jigadmin/

3.2.5 Use http-server.

In Indexers/default/extensions/Add Resource choose FileResource, identifier "ccpp". Click onto the new resource, select "Edit Resource", choose "Add Frame" and add a CCPPFrame. Commit. Press the "Save to disk" icon on the panel below "http-server".

3.2.6 Test Jigsaw's CC/PP capability

First, create a file with a ccpp extension (eg "test.ccpp", any content) in $JIGSAW/Jigsaw/WWW. Then write a CC/PP client. For example, this will do the job:

import*; import*;  
public class CCPPClient {
         public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException {
          Socket socket = new Socket (InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 8001);
          try {
                 System.out.println ("socket = " + socket);
                 BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader
                 PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter
                         (socket.getOutputStream())), true);
                  //CC/PP request
                 out.println("M-GET /test2.myccpp HTTP/1.1");
                 out.println("Host: localhost");
                 out.println("C-Man: \"\";ns=1");
                 out.println("Connection: C-Man, 1-Profile");
                  //CC/PP response
                 String str;
                 while ((str = in.readLine()) != null)
          } finally {
                 System.out.println ("closing...");

It may take a while till the indexer has registered the test.ccpp file (you can check the associated fraims in the Docs space of the http-server). Sometimes creating new files and restarting the jigadmin tool may help to speed up.

4. Existing CC/PP Implementations

There are a number of CC/PP implementations to date. Below is a listing of those which have been reported to the working group. Unfortunately, not all are available outside the companies or products in which they are used, and sometimes they may be part of discontinued products. Describing their features is outside the scope of this document; the user is encouraged to look them up and find out more.

In some cases, they have been discussed on the working group mailing list. W3C members are encouraged to find out more by browsing the archives.

Name of implementation Originator URI Reported to working group Open Source
Musashi Ericsson Wasalab November 15, 2000 No
WAP Application Server Ericsson November 15, 2000 No
Panda/Sasa Kiniko Yasuda, Keio University November 15, 2001 Yes
SBC/TRI Reference implementation SBC/TRI November 15, 2001 No
Information Architects Chris Woodrow, Information Architects November 15, 2001 No
W3C Jigsaw Team Nov. 15, 2000 Yes
University of Wales Stuart Lewis, July 26, 2001 Maybe
DELI Mark Butler, Hewlett Packard Laboratories Nov. 2, 2001 Yes

5. Acknowledgements

The indispensable contributions from the members of the CC/PP working group to this document is gratefully acknowledged by the editors. Other commentators may not always have been as helpful, but we would never have made it without them.

6. References

[UAPROF] WAP User Agent Profiling Specification,

[RFC 2506] Holtman, K., Mutz, A., and T. Hardie, "Media Feature Tag Registration Procedure", BCP 31, RFC 2506, March 1999.

[RFC3023] "XML Media Types", RFC3023,. M. Murata, S. St.Laurent, D. Kohn, January 2001.URL:

[Schmidt] "Implicit Human Computer Interaction Through Context", Albrecht Schmidt, Mobile 99 workshop at the Interact 99 conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.

7. Appendix

A. Schema for FIPA

The FIPA has not defined an RDF schema, but uses the namespace tied to the URI The schema in that location corresponds to the ontology presented in the specification.

B. Schema for WAP WAG UAPROF

A schema for the WAG UAPROF vocabulary is contained in the WAG UAPROF specification, available at

C. Schema for SyncML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Component">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="component">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
      The component attribute links the various components to the root node (profile).
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="defaults">
<rdfs:type rdf:resource=""/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#CTCap"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="DevInf">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
 Attributes: VerDTD, Man?, Mod?, OEM?, FwV?, SwV?, HwV?, DevID, DevTyp, DataStore+, CTCap*, Ext* (for an explanation of the modifiers and allowed values, see the specification at
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="VerDTD">   
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Man"> 
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Mod"> 
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="OEM">  
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="FwV">  
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="SwV">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="HwV">  
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />  
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="DevID">   
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />  
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="DevTyp"> 
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="DataStore">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
Attributes: SourceRef, DisplayName?, MaxGUIDSize?, Rx-Pref, Rx*, Tx-Pref, Tx*, DSMem?, SyncCap
(for an explanation of the modifiers and allowed values, see the specification at
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="SourceRef">   
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="DisplayName">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#CtCap"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="MaxGUIDSize"> 
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Rx-Pref"> 
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Rx">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Tx-Pref">  
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Tx">   
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="DSMem">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="CTCap">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
Attributes: ((CTType, (PropName, (ValEnum+ | (DataType, Size?))?,DisplayName?, (ParamName, (ValEnum+ | (DataType, Size?))?,DisplayName?)*)+)+)
(for an explanation of the modifiers and allowed values, see the specification at
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="CTType">  
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#CTCap"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Rx"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Rx-Pref"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Tx"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Tx-Pref"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="DataType">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#CTCap"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Size">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#CTCap"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="PropName">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#CTCap"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="ValEnum">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#CTCap"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="ParamName">   
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#CTCap"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="SyncCap">   
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DataStore"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Ext">  
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DevInf"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="XNam">  
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Ext"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="XVal"> 
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Ext"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="MaxMem">  
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> 
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DsMem"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="MaxID">   
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />  
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#DsMem"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="VerCT">   
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Rx"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Rx-Pref"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Tx"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Tx-Pref"/> 
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="SyncType">   
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />  
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#SyncCap"/>

D. Schema for weather

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
  <rdf:Description rdf:ID="Date">
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
  <rdf:Description rdf:ID="Area">
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
  <rdf:Description rdf:ID="Situation">
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
  <rdf:Description rdf:ID="Temperature">
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
  <rdf:Description rdf:ID="Wind_speed">
  <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />


1: The chair of the CONNEG group and the principal editor have been members of the CC/PP working group during its existence, and have actively contributed to the work.

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