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Realtime Coastal Observation Network (RECON) Station
Grand Haven South Buoy   Location: 43° 01.981´ N,   86° 14.975´ W,   Depth: 30 ft (9.0 m)

Photo of Station Map of Station

This station is no longer in operation.

Conditions around 5:00 am EDT on Thu, Oct 25, 2007 (09:00 GMT)
Dynamic plot iccon  Dynamic Plots    Quick plot iccon  Quick Plots
Air Data:   
Wind Speed: 6.72 kts   (3.46 m/s)   [Oct 25] R.M.Young Wind Monitor
Maximum Wind Speed: 8.27 kts   (4.25 m/s)   [Oct 25] R.M.Young Wind Monitor
Wind Direction: 112.6°   (ESE)   [Oct 25] R.M.Young Wind Monitor
Air Temperature: 37.6 °F   (3.1 °C)   [Oct 25] CSI Temp Probe
Water Data:   
Significant Wave Height: 4.8 ft   (1.45 m)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
Maximum Wave Height: 6.0 ft   (1.84 m)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
Peak Wave Period: 5.50 secs   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
Wave Direction: 212.0°   (SSW)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
ADCP Temp at Bottom: 71.9 °F   (22.1 °C)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
Pressure Sensor: 26.478 psia   (18.256 dbar)   [Sep 07] Pressure Sensor near Bottom
Significant Wave Height: 6.2 ft   (1.88 m)   [Sep 07] Pressure Sensor near Bottom
Peak Wave Period: 5.68 secs   [Sep 07] Pressure Sensor near Bottom
Current @ 9.8 ft (3.0 m) Depth: 0.93 kts (47.9 cm/s),   359.6°   (N)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
Current @ 23.0 ft (7.0 m) Depth: 0.71 kts (36.4 cm/s),   7.7°   (N)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
Current @ 39.4 ft (12.0 m) Depth: 0.84 kts (43.1 cm/s),   6.4°   (N)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
Current @ 52.5 ft (16.0 m) Depth: 0.58 kts (30.0 cm/s),   7.5°   (N)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
Engineering Data:   
ADCP Depth: 27.23 ft   (8.30 m)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
ADCP Compass Heading: 176.3°   (S)   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
ADCP Pitch: -1.0°   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
ADCP Roll: -1.3°   [Sep 07] WH-ADCP Profiler
Buoy Compass Heading: 316.7°   (NW)   [Oct 25] KVH Fluxgate Compass
Solar Panel Voltage: 0.00 volts   [Oct 25] Buoy Electronics
Solar Panel Current: 0.010 amps   [Oct 25] Buoy Electronics
Battery Voltage: 6.50 volts   [Oct 25] Buoy Electronics
Battery Current: -0.597 amps   [Oct 25] Buoy Electronics (neg = discharging)
Buoy Current: 0.588 amps   [Oct 25] Buoy Electronics
U/W Hub Current: 0.012 amps   [Oct 25] Buoy Electronics
U/W Hub Voltage: 10.62 volts   [Sep 07] U/W Hub Electronics
Signal Strength: -84.0 dB   [Oct 26] RSL at Shore Station
Data Throughput Rate: 0.078 Mbits/sec   [Oct 26] FTP Transfer Buoy to Shore

Last data download at Thu Oct 25 5:16:09 EDT 2007

Station Map | Alpena | Cleveland Central | Cleveland North | Grand Haven North | Grand Haven Pier | Grand Haven South | Saginaw Marker 1 | Toledo Harbor Light | Toledo Marker 2 | West Sister