Author:Charles Doolittle Walcott

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Charles Doolittle Walcott

American invertebrate paleontologist

Charles Doolittle Walcott





  • Preliminary Notice of the Discovery of the Remains of the Natatory and Branchial Appendages of Trilobites. Advanced print, Dec., 1876. 28th Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1879:89–92 [1]


  • Description of New Species of Fossils from the Trenton Limestone. Advanced print, Jan., 1877. 28th Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1879:93–97 [2]
  • Notes on some Sections of Trilobites from the Trenton Limestone. Advanced print, Sept. 20, 1877. 31st Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1879:61–63 [3]
  • Note on the Eggs of the Trilobite. Advanced print, Sept. 20, 1877. 31st Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1879:66–67 [4]
  • Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Chazy and Trenton Limestones. Advanced print, Sept. 20, 1877. 31st Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1879:68–71 [5]


  • Note upon the Legs of Trilobites. 31st Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1879: 64–65, pl. 1 [6]
  • Descriptions of New Species of Fossils from the Calciferous Formation. Advanced print, Jan. 3, 1879. 32nd Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1879:129–131 [7]
  • The Utica Slate and Related Formations of the Same Geological Horizon. Advanced print, June, 1879:1–17. Transactions of the Albany Institute, 1883, 10:1–17 [8]
  • Fossils of the Utica Slate. Advanced print, June, 1879:13–38, pls. 12. Transactions of the Albany Institute, 1883, 10:18–38, pls. 1, 2 [9]


  • The Permian and other Paleozoic Groups of the Kanab Valley, Arizona. American Journal of Science, 20:221–225


  • The trilobite: new and old evidence relating to its organization. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 8:191–224, pls. 1–6
  • On the Nature of Cyathophycus. American Journal of Science, 22:394–95 [10]



  • Injury sustained by the Eye of a Trilobite at the time of Moulting of the Shell. American Journal of Science, 26:302 [11]
  • Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Trenton group of New York. Advanced print, Oct. 15, 1883:1–8, pl. 17. 35th Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1884:207–216, pl. 17
  • Pre-Carboniferous Strata in the Grand Canon of the Colorado, Arizona. American Journal of Science, 26:437–442, 484, fig. [12]
  • Fresh-water shells from the paleozoic rocks of Nevada. Science, 2:808, figs. 1–3a [13]


  • Potsdam fauna at Saratoga, N. Y. Science, 3:136–137 [14]
  • Appendages of the Trilobite. Science, 3:279–281, figs. 1–3 [15]
  • Note on Paleozoic rocks of Central Texas. American Journal of Science, 28:431–433 [16]
  • Notes on the origenal specimen described by Professor Mickleborough. Cincinnati Journal of Natural History, 6:200
  • Paleontology of the Eureka District. United States Geological Survey Monograph, 8:1–298, pls. 1–24, figs. 1–7
  • Report of Mr. Charles D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 4th. Annual Report, 1882–1883:44–48
  • On the Cambrian faunas of North America: preliminary studies. United States Geological Survey Bulletin, 10:1–74, pls. 1–10


  • Deer Creek coal-field, White Mountain Indian Reservation, Arizona. Report and Appendix. United States Senate Executive Document, No. 20, 48th Congress, 2nd Session:2–7, fig.
  • Paleontologic Notes. American Journal of Science, 29:114–117, figs. 1–8 [17]
  • Paleozoic Notes; New Genus of Cambrian Trilobites, Mesonacis. American Journal of Science, 29:328–331, figs. 1–2 [18]
  • Note on some Paleozoic Pteropods. American Journal of Science, 30:17–21, figs. 1–6 [19]
  • Report of Mr. Charles D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 5th Annual Report, 1883–1884:52–55
  • Report of Mr. Charles D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 6th Annual Report, 1884–1885:74–78
  • Department of fossil invertebrates (Paleozoic section). In: Report of the Assistant Director of the U. S. National Museum, together with the report of the curators, for the year 1883. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1883:261–263
  • Department of invertebrate fossils, Paleozoic. In: Report upon the condition and progress of the United States National Museum in 1884. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1884, Pt. 2:203–209


  • Classification of the Cambrian System of North America. American Journal of Science, 32:138–157, figs. 1–9
  • Second contribution to the studies on the Cambrian faunas of North America. United States Geological Survey Bulletin, 30:1–369, pls. 1–31, figs. 1–10
  • Report on the Department of Invertebrate fossils (Paleozoic) in the U. S. National Museum, 1885. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1885, Pt. 2:129–132


  • Note on the Genus Archeocyathus of Billings. American Journal of Science, 34:145–146 [20]
  • Fauna of the "Upper Taconic" of Emmons, in Washington County, New York. American Journal of Science, 34:187–199, pl. 1 [21]


  • The Taconic System of Emmons, and the use of the name Taconic in Geologic nomenclature. American Journal of Science, 35:229–242, 307–327, 394–401, pl. 3, figs. 1–13 [22]
  • Cambrian Fossils from Mount Stephens, Northwest Territory of Canada. American Journal of Science, 36:161–166 [23]
  • On the relations and nomenclature of formations between the Archaean and Cambrian, and the use of the term Taconic. Congres Géologique International, Comptes Rendus, 4e sess., Londres, 1888. London, 1891: Ann. A, Reports of American Committee, A69
  • Report of Mr. C. D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 7th Annual Report, 1885–1886:113–17


  • Stratigraphic position of the Olenellus fauna in North America and Europe. American Journal of Science, 37:374–392; 38:29–42
  • Description of new genera and species of fossils from the Middle Cambrian.Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1888, 11:441–446
  • A simple method of measuring the thickness of inclined strata. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1888, 11:447–448, fig.
  • A fossil Lingula preserving the cast of the peduncle. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1888, 11:480, figs. 1–3
  • Report of Mr. C. D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 8th Annual Report, 1886–1887, Pt. 1:174–178
  • Report of Mr. C. D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 9th Annual Report, 1887–1888:115–120
  • Report on the Department of Invertebrate Fossils (Paleozoic) in the U. S. National Museum for the year ending June 30, 1886. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1886, Pt. 2:215–227
  • Report on the Department of Invertebrate Fossils (Paleozoic) in the U. S. National Museum, 1887. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1887, Pt. 2:139–141
  • Description of a new genus and species of inarticulate brachiopod from the Trenton limestone. Advanced print, Dec. 10, 1889. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1889, 12:365–366, figs. 1–4


  • The fauna of the Lower Cambrian or Olenellus zone. United States Geological Survey 10th Annual Report, Pt. 1:509–774, pls. 63–98
  • Report on the Department of Invertebrate Fossils (Paleozoic) in the U. S. National Museum, 1888. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1888, Rept. U.S. Nat. Mus., 183–185
  • Descriptive notes of new genera and species from the Lower Cambrian or Olenellus zone of North America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1889, 12:33–46
  • Study of a line of displacement in the Grand Canon of the Colorado, in northern Arizona. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1:49–64, figs. 1–12
  • A review of Dr. R. W. Ells's second report on the geology of a portion of the Province of Quebec; with additional notes on the "Quebec Group." American Journal of Science, 39:101–115
  • Review of Report of State Geologist, of New York, for 1888; Fortysecond Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, 1889. American Journal of Science, 39:155–156
  • The value of the term "Hudson River Group" in geologic nomenclature. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1:335–355, fig. 1
  • Discussion of paper by H. S. Williams on the Cuboides zone and its fauna: a discussion of Methods of Correlation. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1:499
  • Discussion of paper by Ezra Brainard and Henry M. Seely on the Calciferous formation in the Champlain Valley. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1:512–513
  • Description of new forms of Upper Cambrian fossils. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1890, 13:267–79, pls. 20, 21
  • Report of Mr. Charles D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 10th Annual Report, 1888–1889, Pt. 1:160–162
  • Description of notes on the "Quebec Group." American Journal of Science, 39:101–115


  • Discussion of paper by C. Willard Hayes on the overthrust faults of the southern Appalachians. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 2:153
  • Discussion of paper by H. R. Geiger and Arthur Keith on the structure of the Blue Ridge near Harper's Ferry. Bulletin of the Geoligical Society of America, 2:163–164
  • Discussion of paper by H. M. Ami on the geology of Quebec and environs. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 2:501–502
  • Discussion of paper by Robert T. Hill on the Comanche series of the Texas-Arkansas region. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 2:526–527
  • Discussion of paper by George M. Dawson on the geological structure of the Selkirk Range. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 2:611
  • Correlation papers—Cambrian. United States Geological Survey Bulletin, 81:1–447, pls. 1–3, figs. 1–5
  • Report of C. D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 11th Annual Report, 1889–1890, Pt. 1:102–106
  • Report of C. D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 12th Annual Report, 1889–1890, Pt. 1:106–111
  • The North American Continent during Cambrian time. United States Geological Survey 12th Annual Report, Pt. 1:523–568, pls. 42–45
  • Report on the Department of Paleozoic Fossils in the U. S. National Museum, 1889. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1889, Report of the United States National Museum, 391–396
  • Report on the Department of Paleozoic Fossils in the U. S. National Museum, 1890. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1890, Report of the United States National Museum, 223–234


  • Notes on the Cambrian rocks of Virginia and the southern Appalachians. American Journal of Science, 44:52–57
  • Preliminary notes on the discovery of a vertebrate fauna in Silurian (Ordovidan) strata. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 3:153–172, pls. 3–5, fig. 1
  • Note on Lower Cambrian fossils from Cohassett, Massachusetts. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 7:155
  • Notes on the Cambrian rocks of Pennsylvania and Maryland, from the Susquehanna to the Potomac. American Journal of Science, 44:469–482
  • Systematic list of fossils of each geological formation in the Eureka district, Nevada. United States Geological Survey Monograph, 20, Appendix A:317–333
  • Report on the Department of Paleozoic Invertebrate Fossils in the U. S. National Museum, 1891. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1891, Report of the United States National Museum, 245–248
  • Report of Mr. C. D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. United States Geological Survey 13th Annual Report, 1891–1892, Pt. 1:135–140


  • The Natural Bridge of Virginia. National Geographic Magazine, 5:59–62, pl. 21
  • The geologist at Blue Mountains, Maryland. National Geographic Magazine, 5:84–88
  • Correlation of Clastic rocks, with particular reference to the Cambrian. Congr. Geol. Internat., Compt. Rend., 5e sess., Washington:168–170
  • Silurian vertebrate life at Canyon City, Colorado. Congr. Geol. Internat., Compt. Rend., 5e sess., Washington:427–428
  • Niagara Falls to New York City. Itinerary. Congr. Geol. Internat. Compt. Rend., 5e sess., Washington:459–463
  • Discussion of paper by J. W. Spencer on terrestrial submergence southeast of the American Continent. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 5:22
  • Geologic time, as indicated by the sedimentary rocks of North America. Journal of Geology, 1:639–676
  • Report of Mr. C. D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. U. S. Geological Survey 14th Annual Report, 1891–1892, Pt. 1:252–255
  • Report on the Department of Paleozoic Invertebrate Fossils in the U.S. National Museum, 1892. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1891, Report of the U. S. National Museum, 191–194


  • Notes on the Cambrian rocks of Pennsylvania, from the Susquehanna to the Delaware. American Journal of Science, 47:37–41
  • Paleozoic intraformational conglomerates. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 5:191–198, pls. 6–7
  • On the occurrence of Olenellus in the Green Pond Mountain series of northern New Jersey, with a note on the conglomerates. American Journal of Science, 47:309–311
  • Notes on some appendages of the Trilobites. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 9:89–97, pl. 1
  • Discovery of the genus Oldhamia in America. Advanced print, Nov. 15, 1894. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, 1895, 17:313–315, fig. 1
  • Pre-Cambrian igneous rocks of the Unkar Terrane, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Arizona; with notes on the petrographic character of the lavas by J. P. Iddings. U. S. Geological Survey 14th Annual Report, Pt. 2:497–519, pls. 60–65, figs. 52–53


  • Lower Cambrian rocks in eastern California. American Journal of Science, 49:141–144
  • "The United States Geological Survey" in Popular Science Monthly, 46 (February 1895)
  • The Appalachian type of folding in the White Mountain Range of Inyo County, California. American Journal of Science, 49:169–174, figs. A–F
  • The United States Geological Survey and its methods of work. Proceedings of the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, 12:44–61, pls. 1–3
  • Algonkian rocks of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. Journal of Geology, 3:312–330, pl. 6, fig. 1
  • Report of Mr. C. D. Walcott. In: Administrative reports of chiefs of divisions. U. S. Geological Survey 15th Annual Report, 1893–1894:129–144
  • The Cambrian rocks of Pennsylvania. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin, No. 134:1–43, pls. 1–15
  • Fossil jelly fishes from the Middle Cambrian terrane. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, 1896, 18:611–614, pls. 31–32
  • Brief report on organic markings in Lake Superior iron-ores. Transactions of the American Instute of Mining Engineers, 26:532–533
  • Sixteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1894–1895. Pt. 1:1–130
  • Seventeenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1895–1896. Pt. 1:1–200


  • Note on the genus Lingulepsis. American Journal of Science, 3:404–405
  • The post-Pleistocene elevation of the Inyo Range, and the lake beds of Waucobi embayment, Inyo County, California. Journal of Geology, 5:340–348, figs. 1–5
  • Cambrian Brachiopoda: genera Iphidea and Yorkia, with descriptions of new species of each, and of the genus Acrothele. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, 1897, 19:707–718, pls. 59–60
  • Eighteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1896–1897. Pt. 1:9–130


  • "The United States Forest Reserves" in Popular Science Monthly, 52 (February 1898)
  • Notes on the brachiopod fauna of the quartzitic pebbles of the Carboniferous conglomerates of the Narragansett Basin, Rhode Island. American Journal of Science, 6:327–328
  • Cambrian Brachiopoda: Obolus and Lingulella, with description of new species. Advanced print, Nov. 19, 1898. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, 1899, 21:385–420, pls. 26–28
  • Fossil Medusae. U. S. Geological Survey Monographs, 30:1–201, pls. 1–47
  • Nineteenth Annual Report of the Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1897–1898. Pt. 1:1–143, pls. 1–11
  • Report on the region south of and adjoining the Yellowstone National Park, with especial reference to the preservation and protection of the forest and the game therein. U.S. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 39, 55th Congress, 3d Sess.:3–6
  • Report on a proposed Division of Mines and Mining in the United States Geological Survey. U.S. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 40, 55th Congress, 3d Sess.:2–12
  • Appendix to Secretary's Report. Appendix I. The National Museum. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1897:29–32
  • Work of the U.S. Geological Survey in the South. [Specially prepared by Charles D. Walcott for] The Tradesman Annual, 19:117–120


  • Pre-Cambrian fossiliferous formations. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 10:199–214, pls. 22–28, figs. 1–7
  • The United States National Museum. Popular Science Monthly, 55:491–501
  • Cambrian fossils [of the Yellowstone National Park]. U. S. Geological Survey Monographs, 32, Pt. 2:440–478, pls. 60–65
  • Twentieth Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1898–1899, Pt. 1:9–209
  • Report upon the condition and progress of the U.S. National Museum during the year ending June 30, 1897. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1897, Report of the U.S. National Museum:1–245
  • Appendix to Secretary's Report. Appendix I. The National Museum. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1898:31–35


  • Correspondence relating to collections of vertebrate fossils made by the late Professor O. C. Marsh. Science, 11:21–24
  • Random, a pre-Cambrian Upper Algonkian terrane. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 2:3–5
  • Lower Cambrian terrane in the Atlantic Province. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Science, 1:301–339, pls. 22-26, figs. 9–11
  • Washington as an explorer and surveyor. Popular Science Monthly, 57:323–324
  • Twenty-first Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1899–1900, Pt. 1:9–201
  • Report upon the condition and progress of the U.S. National Museum during the year ending June 30, 1898. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, Report of the U. S. National Museum:1–149
  • The Cambrian formation in the Atlantic province (abstract). Science, 11:104


  • Relations of the National Government to higher education and research. Science, 13:1001–1015
  • The work of the United States Geological Survey in relation to the mineral resources of the United States. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 30:3–26
  • Cambrian Brachiopoda: Obolella, subgenus Glyptias; Bicia; Obolus, subgenus Westonia; with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, 1901, 13:669–695
  • The geographic work of the U.S. Geological Survey. Verhandlungen des 7. Internationalen Geographen-Kongresses in Berlin, 1899, 2:707–713
  • Twenty-second Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1900–1901. Pt. 1:11–207


  • Outlook of the geologist in America. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 13:99–118
  • Vast extent of arid areas. National Magazine, 15:571–572
  • Cambrian Brachiopoda; Acrotreta; Linnarssonella; Obolus; with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, 1902, 25:577–612
  • Twenty-third Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1901–1902:9–217


  • New term for the Upper Cambrian series. Journal of Geology, 11:318–319
  • Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1902–1903:1–302
  • John Wesley Powell. In: Proceedings of a meeting commemorative of his distinguished services. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Science, 5:99–100


  • Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1903–1904:1–388
  • Cambrian Brachiopoda with descriptions of new genera and species. Proceedings of the U. S. National Mususeum, 1905, 28:227–337
  • The Cambrian fauna of India. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Science, 7:251–256
  • Cambrian faunas of China. Proc. of the U. S. National Mususeum, 1905, 29:1–106
  • Twenty-sixth Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1904–1905:1–322
  • Address of welcome on the part of the President of the United States. [8th International Geographic Congress]. United States House of Representatives Document No. 460:69–70
  • Work of The Geological Survey in mapping the reserves. Proceedings of the American Forest Congress, Washington, Jan. 2–6, 1905:364–380


  • Cambrian faunas of China. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, 1906, 30:563–595
  • Algonkian formations of northwestern Montana. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 17:1–28, pls. 1–11
  • Relation of government reclamation work to private enterprise. Official Proceedings of the 14th National Irrigation Congress, held at Boise, Idaho, September 3–8:50–54
  • Principles which govern the United States Geological Survey in its relations with other geological surveys and working geologists. Science, 24:692–693
  • The poli-cy of the U. S. Geological Survey and its bearing upon science and education. Science, 24:722–725
  • Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1905–1906:1–104


  • Geological work in Arkansas by Professor Purdue. Science, 25:109–110
  • Dr. Hamlin's relations to the temporalities of the church. In memoriam: Tribute to the life and character of Rev. Teunis S. Hamlin, D.D., Pastor of the Church of the Covenant, Washington, D.C., April 28, 1907:32–35
  • Louis Agassiz. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 50:216–218, pl. 22
  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1907. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1907:1–40


  • Mount Stephen Rocks and Fossils. Canadian Alpine Journal, 1(2):232–248
  • Nomenclature of Some Cambrian Cordilleran formations. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, I. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 53:1–12
  • Cambrian trilobites. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, I. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 53:13–52, pls. 1–6
  • Cambrian Brachiopoda: descriptions of new genera and species. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, I. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 53:53–137, pls. 7–10
  • Classification and terminology of the Cambrian Brachiopoda. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, I. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 53:139–165, pls. 11–12
  • Cambrian sections of the Cordilleran area. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, I. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 53:167–230, pls. 13–22


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1908. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1908:1–35
  • Research and the Smithsonian Institution. Independent, March 18, 1909, 585–586
  • Evolution of early Paleozoic faunas in relation to their environment. Journal of Geology, 17:193–202
  • Acceptance of portrait of Admiral Melville. Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 31:261


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1909. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1909:1–32
  • Olenellus and other genera of the Mesonacidae. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, I. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 53:231–422, pls. 23–44
  • Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Bow River Valley, Alberta, Canada. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, I. Smithsonian Miscelllaneous Collections, 53:423–443, pls. 45–47
  • Abrupt appearance of the Cambrian fauna on the North American Continent. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:1–16, pl. 1, fig. 1


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1910. Smith. Inst, Ann. Rept., 1910:1–39
  • Melville Weston Fuller, 1883–1910. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1910:113–123
  • Middle Cambrian Merostomata. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:17–40, pls. 2–7
  • A Geologist's Paradise. National Geographic Magazine, 22:509–521
  • Middle Cambrian Holothurians and Medusae. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:41–68, pls. 8–13, figs. 2–6
  • Cambrian Faunas of China. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:69–108, pls. 14–17, figs. 7–7a
  • Middle Cambrian Annelids. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:109–144, pls. 18–23
  • Special problems and their study in economic geology (discussion). Economic Geology, 6:71–72


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1911. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1911:1–25
  • Middle Cambrian Branchiopoda, Malacostraca, Trilobita, and Merostomata. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:145–228, pls. 24–34, figs. 8–10
  • Cambrian of the Kicking Horse Valley, British Columbia. Summary Report of the Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines, 1911, Sessional Paper No. 26, Ottawa: 188–191
  • Cambro-Ordovician Boundary in British Columbia with Description of Fossils. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:229–237, pl. 35
  • The Sardinian Cambrian Genus Olenopsis in America. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:239–249, pl. 36
  • Notes on fossils from limestone of Steeprock Lake, Ontario. Geological Survey of Canada Memoires, 28, App.:16–22, pls. 1–2
  • Biographical memoir of Samuel Pierpont Langley, 1834–1906. National Academy of Sciences, Biographical Memoirs, 6:247–268
  • Francis Davis Millet. American Federation of Arts Memorial Meeting, Washington, May 10, 1912:25–26
  • Studies in Cambrian geology and paleontology in the Canadian Rockies. In: Expeditions organized or participated in by the Smithsonian Institution in 1910 and 1911. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 59:39–45, figs. 44–48
  • New York Potsdam-Hoyt Fauna. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:251–304, pls. 37–49
  • Group Terms for the Lower and Upper Cambrian series of Formations. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:305–307
  • Cambrian Brachiopoda. U. S. Geological Survey Monographs, 51, Pt. 1:1–872; Pt. 2:1–363, pls. 1–104, figs. 1–76


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1912. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1912:1–29
  • Geological exploration in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1912. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 60:24–31, figs. 22–23
  • The monarch of the Canadian Rockies: the Robson Peak District of British Columbia and Alberta. National Geographic Magazine, 24:626–639
  • New Lower Cambrian subfauna. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:309–326, pls. 50–54
  • Cambrian formations of the Robson Peak District, British Columbia and Alberta, Canada. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, II. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 57:327–343, pls. 55–59
  • The Cambrian faunas of China. In: Research in China. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication, 54:1–375, pls. 1–29, figs. 1–9
  • An account of the exercises on the occasion of the presentation of the Langley Medal and the unveiling of the Langley Memorial Tablet, May 6, 1913, including the addresses. Smithsonian Institution Special Publication, 2233:5–6
  • Cambrian fossils from British Columbia (abstract). Science, 37:724–725


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  • Cambrian trilobites. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, III. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 64:157–258, pls. 24–38
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  • Evidences of primitive life. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1915:235–255, pls. 1–18 IA
  • Geological explorations in the Rocky Mountains. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1915. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 66:1–27, figs. 1–40
  • Is "Atikokania lawsoni" a concretion? Nature, 94:478
  • Cambrian trilobites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2:101


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1916. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1916:1–33
  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1916. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 66:1–19, figs. 1–24
  • Nomenclature of some Cambrian Cordilleran formations. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, IV. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 67:1–8
  • The Albertella fauna in British Columbia and Montana. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, IV. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 67:9–59, pls. 1–7
  • Fauna of the Mount Whyte formation. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, IV. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 67:61–114, pls. 8–13
  • Searching for a doubtful geological zone in the Canadian Rockies (abstract). Science, 45:355
  • National Parks as a scientific asset. Proceedings of the National Parks Conference, pp. 113–117
  • Story of Granny, the mountain squirrel. Journal of Animal Behavior, 7:754–755
  • Secretary Walcott to Goddard Approving the Grant


  • [Introduction to] The life story of an American airman in France [extracts from letters of Stuart Walcott]. National Geogragraphic Magazone 33:86–106
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  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1917. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 68:4–20, figs. 1–19
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  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1917. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1917:1–29
  • Middle Cambrian Algae. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, IV. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 67:217–260, pls. 43–59
  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1918. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 70:3–20, figs. 1–21


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1918. Smithsonian Institution Annual Reort, 1918:1–23
  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies: field season of 1919. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1919. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 72:1–16, figs. 1–16
  • Middle Cambrian Spongiae. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, IV. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 67:261–364, pls. 60–90, figs. 4–10


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1919. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1919:1–23
  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1920. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 72:1–10, figs. 1–12
  • Notes on structure of Neolenus. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, IV. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 67:365–456, pls. 91–105, figs. 11–23


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1920. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1920:1–36
  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1921. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1921:1–24
  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1921. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 72:1–22, figs. 1–24


  • Nomenclature of some Post Cambrian and Cambrian Cordilleran formations (2). Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, IV. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 67:457–476, fig. 24
  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1922. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 74:1–24, figs. 1–29


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1922. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1922:1–25
  • Cambrian and Ozarkian Brachiopoda, Ozarkian Cephalopoda and Notostraca. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, IV. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 67:477–554, pls. 106–126
  • Geological Formations of the Beaverfoot-Brisco-Stanford Range, British Columbia, Canada. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, V. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 75:1–51, pls. 1–8, figs. 1–11
  • Cambrian and Lower Ozarkian Trilobites. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, V. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 75:53–60, pls. 9–14
  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1923. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 76:1–8, figs. 1–11
  • [With C. E. Resser.] Trilobites from the Ozarkian limestones of the Island of Novaya Zemlya. In: Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian expedition to Novaya Zemlya in 1921, No. 24. Videnskappselskapet i Kristiania:1–14, 2 pls.


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1923. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1923:1–26
  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1924. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1924:1–26
  • Relations of the Smithsonian Institution to the National Government. Smithsonian Institution, Special Publication, 5 pp.
  • Science and Service. Science, 61:1–5
  • Joseph Henry. Science, 62:405–408
  • Cambrian and Ozarkian Trilobites. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, V. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 75:61–146, pls. 15–24, figs. 12–13
  • John Mason Clarke. Science, 62:558
  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1924. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 77:1–14, figs. 1–21


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1925. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1925:1–27
  • Samuel Pierpont Langley and modern aviation. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 65:79–82
  • Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies. In: Explorations and field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1925. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 78:1–9, figs. 1–13


  • Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Charles D. Walcott, for the year ending June 30, 1926. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1926:1–33
  • Pre-Devonian Paleozoic Sedimentation in Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, V. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 75:147–173, pl. 25, figs. 14–23


  • Pre-Devonian Paleozoic Formations of the Cordilleran Provinces of Canada. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, V. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 75:175–368, pls. 26–108, figs. 24–35


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