This application presents a browsable archive of SPC issued tornado and severe thunderstorm watches. Each sequential watch is assigned a numeric ID, which uniquely identifies a watch for each year. Up until 2006, the polygon was the valid area of the watch. Since then, the valid area is issued by county and marine zone.

Related Links: View This Watch on SPC Website   Download Watches   List PDS Watches

All active watches at issuance:

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Watch #:
SAW Issuance202401081935-KWNS-WWUS30-SAW1
SEL Issuance202401081935-KWNS-WWUS20-SEL1
Watch Probs202401081933-KWNS-WWUS40-WWP1
Issue:2024-01-08 19:35 UTC
Expired/Cancelled:2024-01-09 03:00 UTC
WOU Outline Shapefiles20Z, 21Z, 22Z, 23Z, 00Z, 01Z, 02Z, 03Z,

Archive Status:

  • Watch archive should be complete back to 1997.
  • RADAR composite is mostly complete back to 1997.
  • Local Storm Reports are available after 2002.

Initial Watch Box and Watch By County Outline

Local Storm Reports:

Watch Polygon (KML):

<MultiGeometry><Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>-96.28,30.73 -91.75,30.84 -91.75,29.39 -96.28,29.28 -96.28,30.73</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon></MultiGeometry>

Watch Polygon (GeoJSON):
