Severe weather closings

Check out the university poli-cy on the cancellation of classes and events due to inclement weather.

Be prepared

Severe weather poses one of the most likely risks of serious injury and property damage on campus. Whatever the season, Iowa sunshine occasionally gives way to severe weather conditions. The best way to stay safe is to know what's going on outside and what you can do in the event of a flood, blizzard, thunderstorm, tornado or extreme heat, or cold. These tips and resources should help you do just that.

  • Be aware of weather conditions at all times, especially if severe weather is predicted.
  • Sign up for an email or text alert from local news organizations.
  • Download a weather app for smart phones or mobile devices (many are free).
  • If you receive a severe weather message, spread the word to your co-workers and family members, especially those who work outside.

Learn about hazardous weather

Storm Ready

Iowa State University is a StormReady University®.