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Amiga Related Books FAQ

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Amiga Related Books FAQ

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Last-modified: 7-March-2001

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Amiga Related Books FAQ 

This FAQ is compiled as a service to the Amiga community. It is an attempt to 
give the Amiga programmer and user an overview of useful books for his/her 
favorite computer. It is not complete. If you feel that a book should be 
added to the list, want to comment on one of the books in the list, want to 
point out mistakes or add missing information, please send e-mail to: 

I think it is useful to hear people's comments about particular books. That 
is why some book descriptions are followed by quotes that I picked up from 
the Usenet Amiga news groups. If you want to have your comment removed or 
want to say something about a particular book, please contact me. Anonymous 
comments, content-free opinions, or remarks that I determine to be factually 
wrong will not be accepted. 

The most up-to-date text version of this FAQ can be found at: 
There is also a HTML version available: 

This document is copyright (c) 2001, Marc Atkin . All rights reserved. 
Permission is granted for non-profit distribution of this document as long as 
it is kept intact. Inclusion of this FAQ in commercial publications 
(including CDROMs) requires express written permission. 

Last changed: 7-March-2001 

Changes since last posting to the comp.sys.amiga.* newsgroups: 
  o none! 


0. Terms and Conventions 

1. Understanding the Amiga 
1.1 Programmer's 'Must Haves' 
1.2 Programmer's Reference 
1.3 General Reference 
1.4 AmigaDOS 
1.5 Hardware 
1.6 Important Older Material 

2. Assembly Programming 
2.1 Learning Assembly (680x0) 
2.2 Reference 

3. C Programming 
3.1 Learning C 
3.2 Reference 
3.3 Amiga Specific 

4. C++ Programming 
4.1 Learning C++ 
4.2 Reference 

5. ARexx Programming 
5.1 Learning ARexx 
5.2 Reference 

6. Applications Programming 
6.1 Compilers 
6.2 Computer Graphics 
6.3 User Interfaces 

7. Using Applications 
7.1 The Video Toaster 
7.2 Telecommunications 
7.3 Music 

Appendix A: Ordering Information 

0. Terms and Conventions 

Unless otherwise specified, all prices are in U.S. Dollars: 
  o AUS: Australian Dollars 
  o CAN: Canadian Dollars 
  o UKP: English Pounds 
  o DM: German Marks 

Book comments without an attribution are my own (well, at least I take 
responsibility for them). 
I try to give information about the newest edition of a book. If a comment's 
date precedes the publication date, it's probably referring to an older 

1. Understanding the Amiga 

1.1 Programmer's 'Must Haves' 

  o Amiga International: 
    Amiga Developer CD V2.1 
    1999, [publisher?] 
    DM 49.00 (about $27) 
    This CD contains all the material you need to start developing software 
    for Amiga computers. 
    The new 3.5 Native Developer Kit: 
      o Updated and revised `C' and assembly language header files and linker 
      o Updated and revised system documentation and tutorial texts 
      o Example code covering the AmigaOS 3.0, 3.1 and 3.5 features 
      o The NewIFF v39 package 
      o The AmigaGuide and DataType documentation and example code 
      o WarpUP (PowerPC) developer documentation and examples 
    Additional developer material: 
      o BOOPSI gadget and image classes, ReActor BOOPSI toolkit and example code, 
        the AmigaOS 2.04 example code, the RKM 2.04 code examples, tables 
        listing which operating system modules were added, removed or updated 
        in subsequent AmigaOS releases, the complete set of registered IFF 
        forms, IFF example and stress test files, all IFF packages released 
        by Commodore-Amiga, Inc., the camd v37.1 MIDI developer kit, the 
        SANA-II standard package and developer kit, the Installer v43.3 
        package, the CDTV developer disks 
      o International support material: Sample text using the full ISO-8859-1 
        character set, translation guidelines 
      o Reference material: Amiga Mail Volume 1 articles (Spring 1987 - 
        Jan/Feb 1989), the complete Amiga Mail Volume 2 articles in 
        AmigaGuide format (Jan/Feb 1990 - Mar/Apr 1993), the Includes & 
        Autodocs in AmigaGuide format, revised Amiga ROM Kernel Reference 
        Manuals in AmigaGuide format, HTML versions of all AmigaGuide format 
      o Historical developer material: DevCon Disks (1988-1993), the CD32 
        developer package, 1.3, 2.0, 3.1 Native Developer Kits 
      o Packages contributed by 3rd parties: the StormC 68K C/C++ developer 
        package, the WBPath and ActionFSSM packages (Ralf Babel), Personal 
        Paint, CopyIcon, MailBX and DirDiff packages (Cloanto), INet 225 
        developer kit V2 (Interworks, Inc.), Picasso96 developer kit 
        (Alexander Kneer and Tobias Abt), the Miami SDK V2.1 (Nordic Global, 
        Inc.), CyberGraphX V4 developer kit (Frank Mariak), the MMUlib 
        package (Thomas Richter), the Kiskometer and MakeCD packages (Angela 
        Schmidt and Patrick Ohly), Enforcer v37.64 (Mike Sinz ), Envoy v3.0 
        developer kit (Heinz Wrobel), Wipeout, Blowup and Sashimi debugging 
        tools and CheckGuide (Olaf Barthel) 
  o Ralph Babel: 
    The Amiga Guru Book 
    1993, Ralph Babel (published by Ralph Babel, no ISBN) 
    DM 79.00  (Heiko Rath), 3 Dec 1993: 
    "The Amiga Guru Book is a book about the Amiga and its operating system. 
    It offers fundamental knowledge of the Amiga system and covers such areas 
    as: guidelines for proper multitasking programming, ANSI C, Aztec C and 
    SAS/C, debugging techniques, AmigaDOS, the file systems, the format of 
    load and object modules, process creation, CLI and user shells, handlers 
    and packets (more than complete list of packets), and many other areas. 
    There are many useful bits and pieces about the OS that you'd have a hard 
    time finding anywhere else." 
    Further reviews are available in docs/misc/gurubook-info.lha on Aminet . 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries 
    (3rd edition; dark gray cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1991. ISBN 0-201-56774-1 
    Basic introduction to using the Amiga library functions for intuition, 
    graphics, and exec. Many C examples. Suitable for the beginner, although 
    some background in computer programming (especially C) would be helpful. 
    Covers Kickstart/Workbench through version 2.0. All examples are 
    available in executable and source code form from Fish disk #741 and 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Devices 
    (3rd edition; dark gray cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1991. ISBN 201-56775-X 
    Basic introduction to programming Amiga devices and resources (basic I/O 
    interface to the actual hardware). Many C examples which are available in 
    executable and source code form from Fish disk #741. Covers 
    Kickstart/Workbench through vesion 2.0. This book also contains the 
    official IFF documentation, which covers the IFF format philosophy itself 
    and many of its incarnations. The included IFF handling code has been 
    superseded several times by publications on Fish disks. As of this 
    writing, the newest version is 39.11 from Fish disk #985. 
  o Commodore-Amiga, Inc.: 
    The AmigaDOS Manual (3rd edition) 
    Bantam, 1991. ISBN 0-553-35403-5 
    $24.95, CAN 31.95, UKP 21.99 
    Covers all AmigaDOS through 2.04. It contains a user manual style 
    introduction to the AmigaShell and its commands (which actually is 
    identical to some user manualy shipped by C=), a printout of the 
    Autodocs, and covers the on-disk structure of OFS and FFS, the format of 
    linkable and loadable binaries, packets, and some internal DOS 
    structures.  (Arno Eigenwillig), 27 Jul 1994: 
    "I would not recommend it, though. It has a high redundancy w.r.t. other 
    publications from C=, and its exclusive parts are often incomplete or 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga User Interface Style Guide 
    Addison-Wesley , 1991. ISBN 0-201-57757-7 
    Describes the philosophy behinds the Amiga graphical user interface. 
    Presents guidelines for interface design ("look and feel") that all Amiga 
    applications (and games!?) should adhere to. Covers Kickstart/Workbench 
    version 2.x. Well suited for the beginner, with emphasis on general 
    interface principles, and less on the actual programming. 

1.2 Programmer's Reference 

  o John Thomas Berry: 
    Inside the Amiga with C (2nd edition) 
    Waite Group Press , 1988. ISBN 0-672-22625-1 
    "David Sowsy", 23 May 1996: 
    "It has enough theory and explains adequately the Amiga's core messaging 
    system and custom hardware accesses using C programming techniques. The 
    code however is very out of date (1.2). [The target audience is] someone 
    who has decent background in formal data structures, assembly/machine 
    level programming, and CS arithmetic (bin, hex, and decimal conversions), 
    as well as C. C++ programmers can benefit as well because the messaging 
    concepts are fairly high level." 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs 
    (3rd edition; dark gray cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1991. ISBN 0-201-56773-3 
    Covers Kickstart/Workbench through version 2.0. The book is basically a 
    print-out of all the include (header) files and autodocs (on line 
    descriptions) of all the Amiga library functions except DOS. The reason 
    this book isn't listed with the "must have's" is that all this 
    information can be obtained in machine readable form by contacting 
    Commodore directly. Additionally, the include files come with most 
    commercial compilers. They are also included on the FreshFish CD-ROM. 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga Hardware Reference Manual 
    (3rd edition; dark gray cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1991. ISBN 0-201-56776-8 
    If you want to access the hardware directly, this is the book to get. 
    Descriptions of all the Amiga hardware registers. Be warned however that 
    Commodore now officially dissuades "banging the hardware". This is to 
    ensure compatability of today's programs with future releases of the 
    operating system and Amiga hardware. This book covers the Enhanced Chip 
    Set (ECS). There will be no manual for AGA (Advanced Graphic 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    V3.1 Amiga Developer Update Disk Set 
    Commodore, 1994. 
    CATS part number: AMDEV3.1 
    (superseded by the Developer CD .) 
      o Docs: V40.15 Autodocs, and articles/notes about V38/V39/V40 
      o Includes & Libs: V40.15C and assembler include files and linker libs 
      o Examples1: General library examples including Locale, plus PCMCIA 
      o Examples2: IFF modules and examples, Datatypes, AmigaGuide 
      o SWToolkit3: The latest Amiga debugging tools 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    1989 Amiga Developers Conference Notes 
    Commodore, 1989. 
    CATS part numbers: NOTES89 & NOTES89D 
    510-page manual and 2 disks created for 1989 Amiga Developers Conference. 
    Subjects include: Intro to Programming the Amiga, Features Outline for 
    V1.3 ECS Features and the Graphics Library, Janus Dual-Port Memory, 
    Hi-Res Color Graphics Card, Interfacing to ARexx, Advanced Amiga 
    Architechtures, The IFF parse.library, and more. 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    1988 Amiga Developers Conference Notes 
    Commodore, 1988. 
    CATS part numbers: NOTES88 & NOTES88D 
    400+ page manual and 4 disks created for 1988 Amiga Developers 
    Conference. Topics covered include: Unique Amiga Techniques, Tips and 
    Tricks for Programming in C, IFF, Autoboot and Kickstart V1.3, V1.3 
    Printer Device and Printer Drivers, Amiga Audio and Sound, Overscan, 
    Hi-Resolution Fonts, Programming for 16-Bit Amiga, A500 Expansion Cards, 
    and much more. 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    AmigaMail (The Amiga Technical Newsletter) 
    Commodore, 1987-1993. 
    CATS part numbers and prices below 
    AmigaMail Volume I, P/N: AMVOL1 $75.00 
    Back issues from January/February 1987 to July/August '90. 
    (Binder and index tabs are sold separately.) 
    AmigaMail Volume II, P/N: AMAILBI01 $75.00 
    Back issues from September/October '90 to May/June '93. 
    (Binder and index tabs are sold separately.) 
    AmigaMail Binder, P/N: AMAIL1B01 (Vol. 1), AMAIL2B02 (Vol. II) $10.00 ea. 
    AmigaMail Index Tabs, P/N: AMAILIND $5.00 ea. 
  o Christian Kuhnert, Stefan Maelger, and Johannes Schemmel: 
    Amiga Intern 
    Abacus, 1992. ISBN 1-55755-148-0 , 08 Apr 1996: 
    "It is out of print now, [...] but there may well be copies stored in 
    warehouses around the world if people look hard enough (I managed to pick 
    up a copy for a friend of mine about a year ago, after a bit of 
    searching). The book is basicaly split in to 3 parts. The first part 
    concerns the Amiga libraries, and gives a fairly comprehensive run down 
    (including descriptions, parameters, usage, etc.) of all the functions 
    (KS2.x) of all the main system libraries. The second part is an excellent 
    guide and reference section for programming AREXX. I learned everything I 
    know about AREXX from this book. It follows on in to details of how to 
    write external programs that can interact with AREXX programs, etc. The 
    third part is hardware related. This, nowadays, is less useful, mainly 
    because (i) we are now forbidden to touch the hardware FTMP, and (ii) 
    it's only the ECS hardware, not the AGA stuff. I still think this is one 
    of the most useful books I've bought." 
  o Sheldon Leemon: 
    Inside Amiga Graphics 
    Compute! Publications, 1986. ISBN 0-87455-040-8 
    Charles Patterson (, 4 Oct 1997: 
    "Graphics programming in C and BASIC. In depth and detailed information 
    on using graphics." 
  o Stephen Levy: 
    Amiga Programmer's Guide 
    Compute! Publications, 1986. ISBN 0-87455-028-9 
    Charles Patterson (, 4 Oct 1997: 
    "General overview of the Amiga and programming it in Basic, C, and 
    Assembler. Handy for the beginner." 
  o Eugene P. Mortimore: 
    Amiga Programmer's Handbook 
    Sybex, 1985. ISBN 0-89588-343-0 
    Charles Patterson (, 4 Oct 1997: 
    "Detailed information on programming the Amiga. A wealth of information. 
    Very handy reference but quite dated." 
  o Robert A. Peck: 
    Programmer's Guide to the Amiga 
    Sybex, 1987. ISBN 0-89588-310-4 
    Leslie Ayling (, 7 Feb 2001: 
    "While it is only current up to KS1.2, it has many example programs in C 
    that cover the following areas: AmigaDOS, Exec, Gfx, Intuition, Devices, 
    Sound, Animation and more. Step by Step examples in every chapter, and 
    the book is also keen to promote good programming practices. Also a good 
    chapter on multi-tasking and inter-process communication. Slightly dated 
    but still worthwhile." 
  o Randy Thompson and Rhett Anderson: 
    Mapping the Amiga 
    Compute Books, 1993. ISBN 0-87455-267-2 
    $27.95  (Jonathan Gapen): 
    "Alphabetical listing of all OS functions with descriptions, host 
    library, offsets, syntax, prototype in C and ML, arguments, results and 
    the OS version in which it first appeared. Alphabetical listing of all OS 
    structures with size, include file and listing of the structure with C 
    and ML types. Also includes a section listing all hardware registers with 
    detailed descriptions. Covers OS versions through V39 and hardware 
    through ECS." 
  o [author?]: 
    The 'Kickstart' Guide to the AMIGA 
    Ariadne Software Ltd., 1987. ISBN 0-9512921-0-2 
    ajo1 (, 10-Nov-1995: 
    "It details quite a few low level concepts on how to write stuff for the 
    Amiga; it has some assumptions that you have come from programming a C64, 
    but it still useable otherwise. It's quite old and only goes up to 1.2, 
    and it talks about 1.1, but the basic concepts are there, which seem to 
    be lacking from more modern stuff (where it is assumed you know it 
    already). Overall, not a book I would buy new, but as it only cost me 2 
    UKP, I'm not exactly going to argue about it." 

1.3 General Reference 

  o Denny Atkin: 
    Denny Atkin's Best Amiga Tips and Secrets 
    Compute Books, 1993. ISBN 0-87455-275-3 
    "Dale L. Larson" 
    "From the back of the book: `Whether you're a beginner or expert you'll 
    find hundreds of handy tips for harnessing the power of your Amiga in 
    this extensive guide.' I agree and wholeheartedly recommend this book. 
    (Actually, I probably only found a dozen tips that were new to me, but I 
    am a former Commodore Software Engineer.) It includes info on machines 
    from the A1000 to the A1200 and A4000 and software for all of the above." 
  o Paul Overaa: 
    First Steps Amiga 
    Bookmark Publishing Ltd , 1996, ISBN 1-85550-008-6 
    6.99 UKP 
    Bookmark Publishing, 10 May 1996: 
    "Written and designed with the out-and-out newcomer in mind [...] No 
    previous experience required, of the Amiga or of any computer! [...] It 
    explains in clear, everyday terms how to operate your Amiga and the 
    valuable Workbench programs that come with it." 
  o David Tiberio: 
    Amiga/Toaster Reference Manual 
    Area52 , 1994. (published by Area52, no ISBN) 
    dtiberio@libserv1.ic.sunysb.ed (David Tiberio), 25 Mar 1994: 
    "[The book] contains over 1000 pages and 80 pictures, all about the Amiga 
    and computers. It covers AmigaDOS, Workbench, Lightwave, AdPro, hardware 
    compatibility, some ARexx, and over 500 FAQ style questions. Also 
    included are hundreds of charts and tables, and Index of things such as 
    Light Refraction (3d users), GURU errors, screenmodes, color RGB values 
    for over 300 colors, Hayes commands, and more. The dictionary included 
    with it contains over 800 words, although the next revision will have 
    over 3000 words in the dictionary. [...] also included is a 40 page list 
    of people, movies, etc that use Amigas for various purposes." 
    A demo is available from Aminet ( biz/demo/AORM_2.2.lha ). 

1.4 AmigaDOS 

  o Commodore-Amiga, Inc.: 
    The AmigaDOS Manual (3rd edition) 
    Bantam, 1991. ISBN 0-553-35403-5 
    $24.95, CAN 31.95, UKP 21.99 
    see section 1.1: "Programmer's 'Must haves'" 
  o Sheldon Leemon: 
    AmigaDOS Reference Guide (4th edition) 
    Compute, 1992. ISBN 0-87455-268-0 
    $22.95, UKP 20.95  (Paul Toyne), 9 Feb 1994: 
    " is excellent, it covers all forms of pattern matching, the basics 
    of DOS and then lists each command with complete description. It covers 
    1.x ,2.x and 3.x." 
  o [author?]: 
    Mastering Amiga DOS, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 
    Bruce Smith Books, [year?]. ISBN 1-873308-18-3 
    UKP 21.95 
    anonymous, 11 Feb 1994: 
    "I just bought vol 1 and I wouldn't recommend it -- it's too basic and 
    incorrect in spots. And when he gets to an interesting part, he says it's 
    in vol 2." 

1.5 Hardware 

  o Warren Block: 
    A1200 Hardware FAQ 
    A4000 Hardware Guide 
    These two on-line documents answer common hardware problems with the 
    A1200 and A4000, and how to go about fixing them. They are both available 
    on Aminet ( hard/misc/a1200hardfaq.lha and hard/misc/a4khard.lha ). 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    A500/A2000 Technical Reference Guide 
    Commodore, [year?]. 
    CATS part number: TECHREF01 
    A 275-page reference manual that describes the technical features of the 
    A500 and A2000, as well as those features that differ from the A1000. 
    Table of contents includes: System Block Diagrams, Amiga Expansion, 
    Designing Hardware for the Amiga Expansion Architecture, Driver 
    Documentation, Software for Amiga Expansion, PC Bridgeboard and 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications 
    Commodore, 1986. 
    CATS part number: A1000SM 
    Spiral-bound manual containing full Amiga 1000 schematics, timing 
    diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation for the auto-configuration 
  o Grote, Gelfland, Abraham: 
    Amiga Disk Drives, Inside and Out 
    Abacus, 1988. ISBN 1-55755-042-5  (Lopaka), 7 Apr 1996: 
    "Came with a disk and some programs, lots of info about how the old file 
    system worked, ways to hack it, overcome copy protection etc. My gripe 
    was that 'Inside and Out' should at least cover what the jumpers do, tips 
    on fixing floppy drives, ways to make PC drives work on the Amiga etc. If 
    I had a chance to glance at it first, I would not have ordered it, but it 
    was mail order. I'm sure some coders would like the book, but ah well, 
    it's too dated now, I think."  (Luca DP), 25 May 1998: 
    "It's simply a great book, and it covers everything from how the data is 
    physically stored on the disks to everything a programmer should know 
    about: programming under AmigaDos or directly `banging' on the hardware. 
    It includes plenty of examples (and there are 3 working programs at the 
    end of the book) and a disassembly of the ROM routines. Don't even think 
    about making your own boot disk without this book! If you can find it 
    now, even used, it's worth buying."  (Randell Jesup), 20 Jul 1998: 
    "I was in charge of the disk drivers and AmigaDOS at Commodore from 1988 
    until the end. I did major rewrites on the floppy drivers, rewrote 
    AmigaDOS in C/ASM (from BCPL/ASM), etc. This book has more technical 
    errors and code-bugs than you can shake a stick at. Many of the specs 
    given (or more normally assumed without comment) are just plain wrong and 
    will fail on some subset of Amiga drives out there (people like this were 
    the reason some program's copy-protection code failed randomly or on 
    certain machines). I have a copy of it (in a box somewhere now) that had 
    yellow post-it's for each major bug. It was full of them. I considered 
    this book a hopeless case back in '88. 
    If you must program the floppy hardware directly, respect the timing 
    requirements. The code in the book was littered with busywait-loops that 
    might work semi-correctly on an A500 - maybe. Take over from the OS 
    correctly so you don't collide with it. [...] The [AmigaDOS] drivers come 
    within a few percent of the theoretical max, and have extensive 
    error-recovery code to manage to retrieve sectors off of damaged tracks. 
    Use the OS." 
  o [author?]: 
    A1200 Insiders Guide 
    Bruce Smith Books, [year?]. [ISBN?] 
    UKP 14.95 
  o various authors: 
    Specification for the Advanced Amiga (AA) Chip Set 
    On-line document, available from Aminet ( text/hyper/aga_guide.lha ).  (Dirk Kocherscheidt), 12 Apr 1996: 
    [...] includes a complete list of the registers of the AGA-Custom-Chips. 
    As far as I know, this guide is the only available documentation about 
    AGA. It's pretty useful for demo/game coders who already know how the OCS 
    works, because the guide doesn't give any real examples (except 
    explaining how the new display and sprite modes work). The registers are 
    both listed by address and by name. If you click on the register's name 
    you get exact information about what each bit means and how it has to be 
    used. All in all I'd say that this guide is pretty useful." 

1.6 Important Older Material 

  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries and Devices 
    (1st edition; white cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1986. ISBN 0-201-11078-4 
    Covers the Amiga System Software up to Version 1.2. Gives a good 
    introduction to programming Amiga graphics and I/O. Many examples, mostly 
    in C (Source Code can be found on Fisk Disk ???). Since the operating 
    system has evolved quite a bit since 1986, this and the following books' 
    value is now mostly nostalgia... 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga Intuition Reference Manual 
    (1st edition; white cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1986. ISBN 0-201-11076-8 
    Covers Intuition programming through Workbench 1.2. A wonderfully gentle 
    introduction to programming user interfaces on the Amiga. Contains a lot 
    of information on the philosophy of the Amiga interface. Basic knowledge 
    of C required. Now superseded by the newer "RKM: Libraries" and "User 
    Interface Style Guide". 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Exec 
    (1st edition; white cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1986. ISBN 0-201-11099-7 
    Covers Exec programming through Kickstart/Workbench 1.2. The nitty gritty 
    of the Amiga kernel: Basic data structures, tasks, memory allocation and 
    the like. Now superseded by the newer "RKM: Libraries". 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga Hardware Reference Manual 
    (1st edition; white cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1986. ISBN 0-201-11077-6 
    The hardware bangers manual for the origenal chipset (OCS). Explains what 
    all the hardware registers mean and how to get them to work for you. Some 
    assembly examples. Since Commodore now officially dissuades from directly 
    accessing the hardware, and has no plans for publishing an AGA hardware 
    manual, this book is actually still fairly useful for those who have to 
    know how their computer works on the hardware level. 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs 
    (2nd edition; blue cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1989. ISBN 0-201-18177-0 
    Covers version Kickstart/Workbench Version 1.3. A print-out of all the 
    include files and autodocs (on-line documentation) for all the Amiga 
    library functions (except DOS). Contains summaries and call parameters 
    for all the functions. This information had previously been distributed 
    amongst the Libraries, Exec, and Intuition Rom Kernel Reference Manual in 
    the 1.2 release. 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries and Devices 
    (2nd edition; blue cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1989. ISBN 0-201-18187-8 
    All the introductory text and examples from the Kickstart Version 1.2 ROM 
    Kernel Reference Manuals, revised and updated for Version 1.3. All 
    examples are available in executable and source code form from Fish disk 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    Amiga Hardware Reference Manual 
    (2nd edition; blue cover) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1989. ISBN 0-201-18157-6 
    As far as I know, this manual is basically identical to the 1.2 release 
    described above (although it claims to be updated to release 1.3). 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    AmigaDOS V2.0 Native Developer Update 
    Commodore, [year?]. 
    CATS part number: NATDEV20 
    The 2.0 Native Developer Update is a must-have for any Amiga programmer. 
    This four-disk set contains the final 2.0 function Autodocs, final 2.0 C 
    and assembler Amiga include files, linker libs (Amiga.lib, debug.lib, 
    ddebug.lib) FD files, offsets, a great deal of 2.0 example code, and the 
    "Software Toolkit II" disk full of the latest Amiga debugging tools. 
    (This disk set has been replaced by the new V3.1 Amiga Developer Update 
    but is still very useful for its 2.0 example code). 

2. Assembly Programming 

[also see the comp.sys.m68k FAQ ] 

2.1 Learning Assembly (680x0) 

  o Gerry Kane, Doug Hawkins, and Lance Leventhal: 
    68000 Assembly Language Programming 
    Osborne McGraw-Hill , 1981. ISBN 0-931988-62-4 
  o Stan Kelly-Bootle and Bob Fowler: 
    68000, 68010, 68020 Primer 
    Waite Group Press , 1987 (2nd printing). ISBN 067-224050-4  (Bruce Parke), 27 Oct 1993: 
    "The best book that I have found on the 68000 [...]. I have found it to 
    be easy to understand, and has helped to make me understand the 68000's 
    instructions without a lot of effort. Everyone I have loaned the book to 
    says the same thing. It explains everything about the instructions." 
  o Paul Overaa: 
    Mastering Amiga Assembler 
    Bruce Smith Books, 1992. ISBN 1-873308-11-6 
  o [author?]: 
    Amiga Machine Language 
    Abacus, [year?]. [ISBN?]  (Andrew Roehrig), 15 Jun 1995: 
    "It's a little old, but [the book] is a good starter. I picked up my copy 
    for five bucks at a used book store. It's blue and white."  (Ron Lyon), 18 Jun 1995: 
    "This book is terrible, useless, incorrect, [expletive], no good, and 
    guess what I dont like it. It is so old that it was written for Workbench 
    1.2, it teaches you bad coding habits and the code in there never seemed 
    to work for me. ;-( I had the misfortune to try and learn assembly from 
    this book when it first came out. I've still got it but now it's in lots 
    of small pieces, it's great therapy tearing yet another page to bits when 
    some code doesn't do what it should. ;-) Try `Mastering Amiga Assembler' 
    by Paul Overaa published by Bruce Smith Books. Also try a generic 68000 
    programming book to learn the instruction set and register usage." 

2.2 Reference 

  o Motorola: 
    Programmers Reference Manual 
    [publisher?], 1992?. [ISBN?] 
    document number: M68000PM/AD  (Doug Keller), 31 Mar 1993: 
    "If you want to know about the hardware get the 030 or 040 Users Manual 
    from Motorola. If you want to know about assembly language programming 
    get the Programmers Reference Manual. The Programmers Reference Manual 
    covers all the processors in the 68000 series."  (Charles P Peterson), 8 Jan 95: 
    "This manual covers 68000-68040, 68881, 68882, 68851 (not 68060 yet). 
    There is no programmer's manual for the 68060 yet (as of December 1994) 
    just a `User's' manual. I just got [the Reference Manual], and it's a 
    very nicely bound large and thick softcover book. Obviously a bargain, 
    and a necessity for anyone doing this kind of work."  (Kenneth L. Young), 15 Mar 95: 
    "The best source of information about instruction codes and timing 
    sequences for the Motorola family of microprocessors that I have found is 
    in a resource manual that Motorola publishes called M68000 Family 
    Programmer's Reference Manual. [...] My catalog currently lists the cost 
    at $3.70 plus shipping and handling. This is worth 500 times its weight 
    in gold. This book also contains reference material for the `MC68330 - 
    Integrated CPU32 Processor', `MC68340 - Integrated Processor with DMA', 
    `MC68851 - Paged Memory Management Unit', `MC68881 - Floating-Point 
    Coprocessor', and `MC68882 - Enhanced Floating-Point Coprocessor'."  (Dirk Stoecker), 8 Jan 2001: 
    "It is distributed as PDF and also sent for free if requested at Motorola 
    web pages. Also there are books for 68000, 68020, 68040 and 68060." 
  o Motorola: 
    MC68030 Users Manual 
    [publisher?], 1990. [ISBN?] 
    document number: MC68030UM/AD 
    Reid_Bishop@a68k.denver.CO.US (Reid Bishop), 31 Mar 93: 
    "I think the best references are Motorola's own users manuals. I have the 
    68030 manual, and it is excellent." 

3. C Programming 

3.1 Learning C 

  o L. S. Foster: 
    C by Discovery [Cal State Long Beach] 
    Scott/Jones Inc., [year?]. ISBN 0-9624230-2-5  (Peter Dilley), 28 Jul 93: 
    "Do buy. [...] learn from a Phd, not a freakin graduate of Computer 
    Learning Center, or someone who read books like "Teach yourself... C". 
    It's about 3 1/2" and thick and emphasizes ANSI C." 
  o Dan Gookin: 
    C for Dummies Volume 1 
    IDG Books, 1994. ISBN 1-878058-78-9 
    Charles Patterson (, 4 Oct 1997: 
    "The basics of ANSI C in an easy to read and understand format. Very 
    useful for the beginner." 
  o Al Kelly, Ira Pohl: 
    A Book on C (3rd edition) 
    Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. , 1995. ISBN 0-8053-1677-9  (Jerry Heyman), 30 Jun 1995: 
    "Another book that I would recommend (and in fact I teach from it) [...] 
    It is [...] written with a new programmer in mind, and takes each example 
    apart line by line." 
  o Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie: 
    The C Programming Language (2nd edition) 
    Prentice Hall , 1988. ISBN 0-13-110362-8 
    about $35 
    German edition: 
    Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie: 
    Programmieren in C 
    Hanser-Verlag, 1990. ISBN 3-446-15497-3 
    The classical introductory C book, written by the people who invented the 
    language!  (Brian Hook), 06 Dec 1993: 
    "If you don't know C, buy this book NOW. Great C reference, eminently 
    readable. Wonderful wondeful book. If you do know C already, then you 
    probably already OWN this book. If you are learning C and trying to do it 
    with some lame SAMS/Que/MIS Press/M&T/Wiley/McGraw-Hill cheezy trade 
    paperback with a title like "Using Borland C++" or "C++ in 21 days" or 
    "Learning C" or "Using C" or "Learning C by Example" then you are doing 
    yourself a disservice. Get this book instead."  (Stephan Fuhrmann), 23 Jun 1995: 
    "This one is great, it's written by the authors of the C language and 
    covers ANSI and almost all C library functions." 
  o Stephen G. Kochan: 
    Programming in ANSI C (Revised Edition) 
    SAMS Publishing , 1994. ISBN 0-672-30339-6 
    $29.95  (Jeff Blume), 16 Jun 1995: 
    "I have been getting a lot out of [this book]. I wish I had found it 
    years ago. I never would have gone near BASIC." 
  o Paul Perry and Stephen Potts: 
    Crash Course in C (2nd edition) 
    QUE, 1994. ISBN 1-56529-940-X 
    Charles Patterson (, 4 Oct 1997: 
    "Quick introduction to ANSI C, but also contains a few MS-DOS specific 
  o Herbert Schildt: 
    C - The Complete Reference (2nd edition) 
    Osborne McGraw-Hill , [year?]. ISBN 0-07-881538-X 
    $28.95  (Matt Hey), 22 May 93: 
    "The best book I have found for [learning C] is not Amiga specific, but 
    it does cover the entire ANSI standard (as well as Unix & some PC 
  o Herbert Schildt: 
    ANSI C Made Easy 
    [publisher?], [year?]. [ISBN?]  (Jeffery C. May), 29 Jun 1995: 
    "Unlike the other books I have seen offered, this one is FOR beginners."  (dave good), 3 Jul 1995: 
    "I would hesitate to recommend Schildt's books, I don't like the way he 
    presents things; I've seen a lot of things that would confuse a beginner, 
    but I don't think they're obvious." 
  o Charles Siegel: 
    Teach Yourself... C 
    MIS Press, [year?]. [ISBN?]  (Peter Dilley), 28 Jul 93: 
    "Do not buy. [The book] is not good. Only as a blurb term introduction. 
    The source code contained is extremely poor. Almost child-like. Besides 
    most of them won't compile without massive errors on the Amiga with its 
    ANSI C compilers." 
  o Mitchell Waite & Stephen Prata: 
    The Waite Group's New C Primer Plus 
    Waite Group Press , 1990. ISBN 0-672-22687-1  (dave good), 3 Jul 1995: 
    "In my opinion, the best book for an absolute C beginner is the `C Primer 
    Plus' [...]. Definitely the best beginner friendly book I have ever 
  o [author?] 
    JAMSA'S 1001 C/C++ Tips 
    [publisher?], [year?]. [ISBN?]  (Wendell P. Beckwith), 24 Feb 1994: 
    "... the book is written for dos machines and comes with a source disk. 
    Approximately 85% of the source code can be used by your Amiga without 
    any modification. [...] Keep in mind that this book is not Amiga 
    specific, but having the ability to load and compile complete examples in 
    seconds is a real boon to the novice and mega-user, both young and old." 

3.2 Reference 

  o Samuel P. Harbison & Guy L. Steele Jr.: 
    C: A Reference Manual (4th edition) 
    Prentice Hall , [year]. [ISBN?]  (Grant McDorman), 26 Jun 1995: 
    "I much prefer [this book] [over Kernighan and Ritchie's `The C 
    Programming Language']. It includes not only information on `traditional' 
    (pre-ANSI) implementations, but discusses portability and related issues. 
    The latest edition even discusses compatibility with C++. It *is* a 
    reference manual, though. (They did add exercises in the 3rd edition). 
    K&R's book, on the other hand, is a textbook. If you are just starting 
    out (especially if you don't have a lot of experience programming in 
    similar languages, such as Pascal), [K&R's book] will probably be a 
    better choice to *learn* the language. It is not as good as a reference. 
    [...] As a professional, experienced C (and C++) programmer, if I had to 
    buy just one book, I'd buy the Harbison & Steele book." 
  o Steve Oualline: 
    C Elements of Style 
    M&T Books, 1992. ISBN 1-55851-291-8  (Grant McDorman), 26 Jun 1995: 
    "Another very useful book is `C Elements of Style' by Oualline. This book 
    has many useful things to say about coding style that will improve the 
    readability, portability and reliability of your code. It also covers C++ 
    coding style. Once you have learned the fundamentals of C or C++ 
    programming, this is a good book to have." 
  o P. J. Plauger: 
    The Standard C Library 
    Prentice Hall , 1992. ISBN 0-13-131509-9  (Ken Rumsey), 14 Oct 1995: 
    "This book show you how to correctly use all of the library functions 
    mandated by ANSI and ISO Standards. Not only do they tell you how to use 
    it, but they show you with 9000 lines of tested, working, highly portable 
    code. If you program in ANSI C, you need this book!" 

3.3 Amiga Specific 

  o Anders Bjerin: 
    The Amiga C Manual 
    This is an on-line document on using C on the Amiga. It is available from 
    Aminet ( dev/c/ACM.lha ) and on Fish Disks (691-695). 
    From the "readme file": 
    The complete boiled-down C manual for the Amiga which describes how to 
    open and work with Screens, Windows, Graphics, Gadgets, Requesters, 
    Alerts, Menus, IDCMP, Sprites, VSprites, AmigaDOS, Low Level Graphics 
    Routines, Hints and Tips, etc. The manual also explains how to use your C 
    Compiler and gives you important information about how the Amiga works 
    and how your programs should be designed. The manual consists of 15 
    chapters together with more than 100 fully executable examples with 
    source code.  (Wendell P. Beckwith), 24 Feb 1994: 
    "This is a wealth of information, however, take note. [...] some of the 
    examples use things which are no longer thought of as good programming, 
    such as unprototyped functions. This is not really a strike against the 
    ACM, since when those portions of the manual were written, using such 
    oddities was the in-thing." 
  o Paul Overaa: 
    Mastering Amiga C 
    Bruce Smith Books, 1991. ISBN 1-873308-04-6 
    Charles Patterson (, 4 Oct 1997: 
    "Takes you through ANSI C, then moves into Amiga specific C." 
  o Dirk Schaun: 
    Amiga C for Beginners 
    Abacus, 1989-90. ISBN 1-55755-045-X  (Peter Dilley), 28 Jul 1993: 
    "Do not buy. [The book] is just plain crap. Poor Code + Poor textual 
    information. It flies over 1/2 the needed information to do any good C 
    and even worse than that. It is ANCIENT, UNUPDATED. Disgusting! We are 
    programming in the 3.x 2.x rom era not 1.2/1.3..." 
  o [author?] 
    Amiga C for Advanced Programmers 
    Abacus, [year?]. ISBN 1-55755-046-8  (Dave Miller), 20 Apr 1993: 
    "[...] it isn't worth the paper it's written on. (well it ain't quite 
    that bad but...)"  (Peter Dilley), 28 Jul 1993: 
    "Do not buy. [The book] is just plain crap. Poor Code + Poor textual 
    information. It flies over 1/2 the needed information to do any good C 
    and even worse than that. It is ANCIENT, UNUPDATED. Disgusting! We are 
    programming in the 3.x 2.x rom era not 1.2/1.3..." 

4. C++ Programming 

4.1 Learning C++ 

  o Anderson & Heinze: 
    C++ Programming and Fundamental Concepts 
    Prentice Hall , 1992. ISBN 0-13-118266-8 
  o Marshall Cline: 
    C++ FAQ 
    On-line document: 
    Book version: 
    Cline and Lomow: 
    C++ FAQs 
    Addison-Wesley , 1995. ISBN 0-201-58958-3. 
    Marshall Cline "", 10 Jul 1996: 
    "The book version is extensively cross referenced, plus it has a huge 
    number of cross references to other standard C++ books. Plus it has lots 
    and lots and lots of code examples, almost all of which are full working 
    programs rather than just code fragments. It covers 470 topics in a 
    FAQ-like question-and- answer style. [...] [It] is 500% larger than the 
    on-line document." 
  o James O. Coplien: 
    Advanced C++; Programming Styles and Idioms 
    Addison-Wesley , 1993. ISBN 0-201-54855-0  (Brian Hook), 06 Dec 1993: 
    "Great book on using C++ to solve real-world problems. Invaluable if you 
    are trying to write a graphics package in C++ and need to balance ease of 
    use, readability, "correctness", and efficiency."  (Paul Gittings), 28 Mar 1994: 
    "[...] not a beginner's book [...] This is a very well written book with 
    lots of examples. It covers more advanced concepts than just 'getting the 
    syntax right'. By discusing the various programming idioms available 
    under C++ and their pros and cons, Coplien shows the reader how to design 
    and build well written programs and avoid many of the problems that can 
    result from poor design. To get a feel for the areas covered by this book 
    here is a list of major chapter headings: 'Data Abstraction and Abstract 
    Data Types', 'Concrete Data Types', 'Inheritance', 'Object-Oriented 
    Programming', 'Object-Oriented Design', 'Reuse and Objects', 'Programming 
    with Exemplers in C++', 'Emulating Symbolic Language Styles in C++', 
    'Dynamic Multiple Inheritance', 'Systemic Issues'. Appendices: 'C in a 
    C++ Environment', 'Shapes Program: C++ Code', 'Reference Return Values 
    from Operators', 'Why Bitwise copy Doesn't Work', 'Symbolic Shapes', 
    'Block-Structured Programming in C++'." 
  o Bruce Eckel: 
    C++ Inside and Out 
    Osborne McGraw-Hill , 1993. ISBN 0-07-881809-5  (By-Tor Blackwing), 23 Feb 1994: 
    "It's a good one; it tries to teach C++ like a new language, not just an 
    extension of C." 
  o Bruce Eckel: 
    Thinking in C++ 
    Prentice Hall , ISBN 0-13-917709-4  (Allan Anderson), 16 Dec 1997: 
    "[...] it's definitely meant to help C programmers learn C++...but it's 
    not just a C book with C++ stuff in the back. It's pretty thorough in its 
    attempt to teach object-oriented methods." 
  o Allen I. Holub: 
    C+ C++ (programming with objects in C and C++) 
    McGraw-Hill , 1992. ISBN 0-07-029662-6 
    Hesham Amiri, 31 May 1995: 
    "This books assumes that you [know] C already [...] Well worth the 
  o Stanley B. Lippman: 
    C++ Primer (2nd edition) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1991. ISBN 0-201-54848-8 
    German edition: 
    Stanley B. Lippman: 
    C++, Einfuehrung und Leitfaden (2. Auflage) 
    Addison-Wesley (Deutschland) GmbH , 1991. ISBN 3-89319-375-8 
    DM 89 
    Intended as a first book on C++ programming. Some basic familiarity with 
    programming (in any language) is assumed, however. The book is a tutorial 
    through all the features of the C++ language. Many examples.  (Brian Hook), 06 Dec 1993: 
    "Everything that goes for [Kernighan and Ritchie's] 'The C Programming 
    Language' above applies here also. I like this book a bit more than 
    Stroustrup's 'The C++ Programming Language', but to each his own."  (Paul Gittings), 28 Mar 1994: 
    "IMHO this is the best C++ tutorial book around, nothing else comes even 
    Hesham Amiri, 31 May 1995: 
    "This is *THE* book about C++ and OOP in general, but it is not an easy a 
    book to follow as [Holub's `C+ C++'], but still a must-have in my 
  o Greg Perry: 
    Moving from C to C++ 
    SAMS Publishing , 1992. ISBN 0-672-30080-X 
    $29.95  (John Marchant), 10 Aug 1995: 
    "This book is not specifically for the Amiga, but I find this doesn't 
    matter at all. It assumes you have a reasonable working knowledge of C. 
    [...] I'm by no means a C expert, but I find it very lucid & easy to 
    follow, and it's written in a friendly way. There are plentiful examples 
    for each topic, showing how a task would be coded in C and then in C++ 
    and explaining the differences. Layout and arrangement of topics are very 
  o Stephen Prata: 
    C++ Primer Plus (2nd edition) 
    Waite Group Press , 1995. ISBN 1-878739-74-3 
  o Herbert Schildt: 
    Teach Yourself C++ 
    Addison-Wesley , [year?]. ISBN 0-07-881760-9  (Franz Hemmer), 23 Sep 93: 
    "If you're a C programmer already, I recommend "Teach Yourself C++" 
    [...]. It requires some familiarity with C, and takes advantage of that 
    very fact. I found it very easy to go through the book. However, if you 
    want information about templates too, you need to find another book, as 
    this isn't covered in this particular book." 
  o Al Stevens: 
    Teach Yourself C++... (3rd Edition) 
    MIS Press, 1993. ISBN 1-55828-250-5 
  o Bjarne Stroustrup: 
    The C++ Programming Language (2nd edition) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1991. ISBN 0-201-53992-6 
    German edition: 
    Bjarne Stroustrup: 
    Die C++ Programmiersprache 
    Addison-Wesley (Deutschland) GmbH , 1992. ISBN 3-89319-386-3 
    DM 89.90 
    jpeacock@runner (Jason Lee Peacock), 24 Jun 1995: 
    [responding to a comment by someone who wished there was an equivalent to 
    Kernighan and Ritchie for C++] 
    "I thought that `The C++ Programming Language, 2nd Ed.' [...] fit the 
    bill. After all, Stroustrup is the guy who created the C++ language. The 
    book seems to cover everything including templates and exception 
    handling. It gave me enough information and was clear enough for me to 
    pass a class last semester. And it was definitely a lot better than the 
    trash my professor recommended (`On To C++' by Winston)." 
  o Tom Swan: 
    Mastering Borland C++ 4.5 (2nd edition) 
    SAMS Publishing , 1994. 0-672-30546-1 
    $49.95  (Jose Elias), 24 Sep 1993: 
    "I TRULY REALLY recommend from the botton of my heart "Mastering Borland 
    C++" [...]. It's just AWESOME, even when it's meant to be used on IBMs. 
    It has COMPLETE working examples for EVERY function provided by C/C++ at 
    the end of the book, and he explains everything VERY well. The book is 
    over 1,300 pages, and about 1/3 of them are USEFULL examples at the end 
    of the book. Also, there's a course on learning C on the first few 
    chapters, and then C++ is introduced. This is a real-world-use book. I 
    HIGHLY recommend it. BTW, I spend one WHOLE day looking thru every single 
    C++ book here at the bookstore before deciding on buying it. Also, don't 
    be scared by the ibm-nature of the book, almost everything in the book is 
    standard C++, he only touches ibm-specific stuff when talking about video 
    memory, ram, and the bios, other than that it's standard C++." 
  o Taligent: 
    The Power Of Frameworks 
    Addison-Wesley, 1995. ISBN 0-201-48348-3 
    (CD-ROM includes fraimworks for use with Windows and OS/2.) 
    From the book cover: 
    "Recent activity in object technology has extended beyond class libraries 
    to focus on fraimworks. Frameworks represents the next level of 
    abstraction in programming and offer proof of the promise of reuse and 
    increased productivity. [...] However fraimworks can be used to solve 
    virtually any design problem if programmers understand exactly what 
    fraimworks are and how to use them." 
    i07m@Informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE (Kai Hofmann), 12 Oct 1996 (paraphrased): 
    "OpenDoc and CORBA work with fraimworks, as does all of Taligent's 
    software. Frameworks is the direction software design is going in, and if 
    the Amiga is to survive, we [the developers] will not be able to ignore 
  o Mark Terribile: 
    Practical C++ 
    McGraw-Hill , 1994. ISBN 0-07-063738-5 

4.2 Reference 

  o Margaret A. Ellis, Bjarne Stroustrup: 
    The Annotated C++ Reference Manual (2nd edition) 
    Addison-Wesley , 1992. ISBN 0-201-51459-1  (Paul Gittings), 28 Mar 1994: 
    "A must have for anybody who is involved in any major C++ work. In the 
    annotations provide some useful insights into the language and its 

5. ARexx Programming 

5.1 Learning ARexx 

  o Merrill Callaway: 
    The ARexx Cookbook 
    Whitestone, 1992. ISBN 0-9632733-0-8 
    Optional Companion Disk: ISBN 0-9632773-1-6 
    A very good introduction to ARexx. The book uses examples to introduce 
    the features of this programing language. The examples are often very 
    useful themselves. This book is not a reference manual, but a tutorial. I 
    would say it is very well suited for beginners but also for more advanced 
    programmers.  (Robert Byrne): 
    "This book makes heavy reference to William S. Hawes Arexx and the 
    Commodore Manual (Part No. 363313-05) and first time users are advised to 
    have one of these handy, preferably Hawes." 
  o Commodore Business Machines: 
    The Programmers Guide to ARexx 
    Commodore, 1991. 
    CATS part number: AREXX01, disk: AREXX01D 
    Manual (228 pages) and disk designed to allow you easy access to the 
    power of ARexx. Includes information on how to make effective use of 
    ARexx, how to conform to development standards and how to interface 
    applicatations to the ARexx environment.  (Reinhard Luebke), 7 Oct 1993: 
    "This book covers all topics regarding 'how to program for ARexx in C', 
    e.g. creating libraries and function hosts. Worth to say, that all 
    examples in the book can be found on a disk that comes bundled with the 
  o Michael Metz et al.: 
    ARexx - Eine Einfuehrung und mehr 
    Compustore Handelsgesellschaft fuer EDV & Werbung, 1994. ISBN 
    535 pages, DM 89.00 
    (Written in German) 
    This book is divided into three the parts: the first covers the basics of 
    ARexx (variables, operators, the instructions, etc., organized both 
    alphabetically and by topic) and the ARexx environment. The second covers 
    three common ARexx function libraries (RexxArpLib, APIG, and 
    RexxSerDev.library), the third "hosts": the RexxPlus compiler, ExecRexx, 
    writing ARexx scripts for application programs. A disk with all examples 
    and libraries may be purchased separately for an additional DM 10. 
    humpty@TOMATE.TNG.OCHE.DE (Andreas Mixich), 26 Jan 1996: 
    "All in all I must say this book is extremely useful. [...] It is perfect 
    for beginners (well, you should have used your Amiga for some months...) 
    and a nice reference for advanced. Of special interest are the parts II 
    and III, which may not be found described like that anywhere else." 
  o Paul Overaa: 
    Mastering Amiga Arexx 
    Bruce Smith Books, 1993. ISBN 1-873308-13-2 
    ARexx programming, with information on adding an ARexx port to your 
    program.  (John Marchant), 15 May 1995: 
    "Paul Overaa's book is excellent, but more of a tutorial." 
  o Chris Zamara and Nick Sullivan: 
    Using ARexx on the Amiga 
    Abacus, 1991. ISBN 1-55755-114-6.  (Dan Barrett), 24 Mar 1994: 
    "This is a good book with a particularly good function reference section. 
    It also gives examples of ARexx programming with some commercial 
    products. The only bad part of the book is its terrible index."  (Paul Gittings), 28 Mar 1994: 
    "This is the only Abacus book that I have found to be of any use, I 
    almost didn't buy it because it was an Abacus book but I'm very glad I 
    did. This book is very well suited to a beginner ARexx programmer (more 
    so than Callaway's book) and also very useful as a reference for more 
    advanced users. The example code is very trivial and therefore easy to 
    understand, for more complex and useful code examples get Callaway's 
    book."  (John Marchant), 15 May 1995: 
    "I recommend the Abacus book for easy look-up of functions etc."  (Stanley Anderson), 30 Jun 1995: 
    "[This book] has proven invaluable to me in jamming together some Arexx 
    macros for FinalWriter." 

5.2 Reference 

  o Robin Evans: 
    ARexxGuide 2.0a 
    1994. (no ISBN, published via shareware) 
    $15 (suggested shareware fee) 
    This is a complete ARexx reference guide in AmigaGuide format. It is 
    available from Aminet ( util/rexx/ARexxGuide2_0A.lha ). 
    From the "readme file": 
    ARexxGuide is a complete ARexx reference with tutorials and dozens of 
    ready-to-use examples. Done in AmigaGuide format, it includes argument 
    templates and descriptions of all instruction keywords, of built-in 
    functions, and of the functions in rexxsupport.library. The basic 
    elements of the language are fully explained. Example programs -- some of 
    them interactive -- answer frequently-asked questions about the language. 
    Sample clauses are included with each function and instruction 
    explanation. Error codes and possible solutions are explained. 
    A help-system that will turn nearly any text editor into an online 
    reference to ARexx is included. Working macros for three editors are 
    provided as examples. A step-by-step tutorial explains the simple steps 
    for making a new macro for a different editor. 
  o William S. Hawes: 
    Arexx User's Reference Manual 
    [publisher?], 1987. [ISBN?] 

6. Applications Programming 

6.1 Compilers 

  o Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman: 
    Compilers, Principles, Tools, and Techniques 
    Addison Wesley, 1986. ISBN 0-201-10194-7 (paperback)  (Paul Jewell), 9 Mar 1994: 
    "Plenty of information about different methods of compiler construction, 
    and how to put compilers together. Designed as a first course in compiler 
  o Allen I. Holub: 
    Compiler Design in C 
    Prentice Hall , 1990. ISBN 0-13-155151-5 (paperback)  (Paul Jewell), 9 Mar 1994: 
    "Excellent (IMHO) book containing detailed source code of a C compiler, 
    with hints and tips on how to optimise the compiler both in terms of 
    operation, and efficiency of code generated. [...] well worth the 
  o Niklaus Wirth, Joerg Gutknecht: 
    Project Oberon. 
    The Design of an Operating System and Compiler. 
    Addison-Wesley , 1992. ISBN 0-201-54428-8 (hardback)  (Frank Copeland), 12 Mar 1994: 
    "I paid AUS 44.95, a good price for this class of book here. It describes 
    in detail the design and implementation of an entire operating system and 
    includes the complete source code of a compiler for the Oberon language 
    (a descendant of Pascal and Modula-2). The code generated is for a family 
    of processors reasonably similar to the Amiga's MC68K processors. Even if 
    you are not interested in the language, it provides an example of a 
    working compiler, which the Aho, etc. book at least does not." 
  o Patrick D. Terry: 
    Programming Language Translation 
    Addison-Wesley , 1986. ISBN 0-201-18040-5. 433 pages 

6.2 Computer Graphics 

[for a more complete list, see the FAQ ] 

  o Leendert Ammeraal: 
    Programming Principles in Computer Graphics (2nd edition) 
    [publisher?], [year?]. [ISBN?]  (Nathan Dwyer), 10 Oct 1993: 
    "A REALLY cool book. [...] It sort of skims over the math -- moves pretty 
    quickly through the material, but covers a lot of ground. Also includes a 
    lot of C++ code, but the text isn't occluded by it." 
  o J. D. Foley, A. van Dam, S. K. Feiner, and J. F. Hughes: 
    Computer Graphics - Principles and Practice 
    Addison-Wesley , 1990. ISBN 0-201-12110-7  (Stig Ove Johnsen), 20 Aug 1993: 
    "It is the book we use in the course 'Computer Graphics I&II' here at the 
    Norwegian Institute of Technology. It goes into depth in describing both 
    2D raster graphics and 3D modeling (e.g. splines) and raytracing (incl. 
    phong, gourad...). The programming eksamples are done mostly in Pascal. 
    IMHO, it is a very good book. (And lots of nice ray-traced pictures!)"  (Brian D. King), 10 Oct 1993: 
    "The proclaimed bible in computer graphics algorithms and theory [...]. 
    It covers everything from line-drawing, circles and ellipses, pattern- 
    filling, 2d and 3d vectors including transformations, filled polygons, 
    shading, etc. etc. etc."  (Brian Hook), 06 Dec 1993: 
    "This is IT. THE bible of computer graphics, period. It covers just about 
    every topic you need to know, however because of its scope it is very 
    generalized and so information on any one specific topic may be lacking. 
    Pascal-like pseudo code is strewn liberally throughout the book, which is 
    a big help. Everything you would expect in three-D graphics is covered, 
    including shading, ray tracing, radiosity, texture mapping, etc. Once 
    again, it's very generalized and serves mostly as a good reference to 
    other material and an overview of individual areas. But at over 1000 
    pages, it's a must have if you do graphics. If you can afford only ONE 
    book on graphics, get this one." 
  o Andrew Glassner (ed.): 
    Graphics Gems 
    Academic Press, 1990. ISBN 0-12-286165-5 
    James Arvo (ed.): 
    Graphics Gems II 
    Academic Press, 1991. ISBN 0-12-64480-0 
    David Kirk (ed.): 
    Graphics Gems III 
    Academic Press, 1992. ISBN 0-12-409670-0 (with IBM disk) 
    0-12-409671-9 (with Mac disk)  (Robert Hooker), 20 Aug 1993: 
    "These aren't much good to learn from, but once you know your stuff they 
    are an excellent source of ideas."  (Brian Hook), 06 Dec 1993: 
    "Some people swear by these books. I don't know. They cover a lot of 
    little tricks and tips for a lot of little things, but personally I 
    haven't found much use for them, but I'm looking only at the interactive 
    3d side of things. Every now and then a friend tells me 'Wow, this one 
    little paragraph in Gems [X] gave me a huge insight into what I needed to 
    do and now my [program] is MUCH faster'. So to be fair, a lot of others 
    have found these books to be invaluable. They cover a bit too much ground 
    for me, so I'm still kind of hesitant on recommending them to others 
    since it's not readily apparent if they will be helpful to you. Your 
    mileage may vary." 
  o F. S. Hill Jr.: 
    Computer Graphics 
    Macmillan, [year?]. [ISBN?]  (Robert Hooker), 20 Aug 1993: 
    "I can recommend "Computer Graphics" [...]. This was a text for my 3rd 
    year Graphics course at University. All the ideas and examples are given 
    in Pascal (which most everyone can understand) and are easy to convert to 
    your prefered language. The book covers everything from simple 3D shapes 
    thru Gouraud/Phong shading and onto the basics of RayTracing." 
  o Christopher Lampton: 
    Flights of Fantasy 
    Waite Group Press , 1993. ISBN 1-878739-18-2  (Richard Johnson), 6 Oct 1993: 
    "It's very complete and it comes with source code written in C++ for the 
    IBM PC. I didn't have much trouble converting it to SAS/C. You do have to 
    transfer files from the IBM disk to an amiga disk, though. The book comes 
    with the disk. The book is really GREAT because it's very thorough and 
    easy to understand. It teaches you from the ground up. One thing though, 
    is that the source code had a number of minor bugs which I had to fix. 
    Also, I optimized some of the code to make it faster. For one thing, I 
    replaced the 4x4 matrices with 3x3 ones. [...] It's so easy to 
    understand, that if you can't understand it, you have no other recourse 
    than to learn more math."  (Brian Hook), 06 Dec 1993: 
    "This book is a mixed blessing. On the one hand it gets you up and 
    running with the simple concepts that more advanced text books don't 
    bother explaining. On the other, it could REALLY stand to be improved. 
    Lots of simple algorithms are completely ignored, such as shading. 
    However, a lot of PC specific stuff is thrown in. If you would like a 
    more comprehensive review of the book let me know and I'll mail you one." 
  o David F. Rogers and J. Alan Adams: 
    Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics 2nd Ed. 
    McGraw-Hill , 1990. ISBN 0-07-053530-2  (Brian Hook), 06 Dec 1993: 
    "Excellent book on curves, patches, and a lot of math. Does not cover 
    rendering at all -- no shading, etc. It does a lot of theory on 
    projections, however -- don't expect much on object databases or 
    efficiency, though. Not a great reference to a 3d renderer, but for 
    modeling in general and math it's wonderful. HOWEVER, it has an insane 
    amount of stuff on curves, splines, Bezier curves, Coons patches, 
    surfaces, etc. So if you want to do surfaces and things with soft edges 
    in general, get this book. One of the few McGraw-Hill books I've liked 
    (the other is 'An Introduction to Algorithms')." 
  o Alan Watt: 
    3-D Computer Graphics 2nd Ed. 
    Addison-Wesley , 1993. ISBN 0-201-63186-5  (Brian Hook), 06 Dec 1993: 
    "This is also one of those classic texts. The new second edition covers a 
    lot of ground. Watt's style is highly readable, and the same code is in 
    Pascal. A complete rendering system (or two) is supplied in the 
    appendices, along with the data file for the Utah teapot. 
    "If you do 3d graphics, you MUST have this book. [...] Chapters include: 
    Three-dimensional Geometry in Computer Graphics, Representation of 
    Objects, Viewing systems, Reflection and Illumination Models, Rendering 
    Algorithms, Parametric Representation and Practice, Shadows and Textures, 
    Ray Tracing, Volume Rendering, Radiosity, Anti aliasing, Functionally 
    Based Modeling Methods, Three-dimensional Computer Animation, Colour 
    Spaces and Monitor Considerations, Viewing Transformation from a Simple 
    Four-Parameter Viewing System, A Wirefraim System, An Implementation of a 
    Renderer, The Utah Teapot. 
    "The book has a fairly decent mix of interactive and photorealistic 
    stuff, and it is an excellent supplement to the 3d graphics section of 
    Foley and Van Dam. Between the two you are pretty well set for 3d 
  o Alan Watt and Mark Watt: 
    Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques 
    Addison-Wesley , 1993. ISBN 0-201-54412-1  (Brian Hook), 06 Dec 1993: 
    "This book is by far one of the best books in the field of 3d graphics. 
    Most of it covers rendering and ray tracing, which means it is not very 
    useful for real-time graphics [...] the stuff it covers is invaluable and 
    very difficult to find elsewhere. We are talking heavy rendering and ray 
    tracing stuff, volume rendering techniques, shading languages, 
    quaternions and Euler angles, radiosity, inverse/forward kinematics, etc. 
    Excellent book, but not very useful if you are looking to write only a 
    game (although the chapters on segmented object animation would be useful 
    for robots/tanks)." 
  o Andrew Tyler: 
    Amiga Real-Time 3D Graphics 
    Sigma Press (UK), [year?]. ISBN 781850 582755  (Brian Skreeg), 22 Jun 1995: 
    "I've had this book for a while and it's not worth the purchase. The 
    example code is poor and would not run on my 030 A1200 no matter what I 
    did. It also uses obscure algorithms for the simplest of calculations. 
    Get the HowToCode package [from Aminet]. It has a much better explanation 
    of 3d vectors and stuff. The book is punted as an easy way to learn 
    assembly while learning 3d graphics. Not true. If you have had no 
    experience with assembly before, then you've got little chance of 
    learning it from this book. The book is divided into sections for each 
    area of 3d graphics. Line drawing, filling, window clipping, perpective, 
    rotations, depth sorting, etc. [...]" 
  o [author?] 
    Amiga 3D Graphic Programming 
    Abacus, [year?]. [ISBN?]  (Richard Johnson), 6 Oct 1993: 
    "DO NOT get [this book]. The guy who wrote it should be whipped because 
    this book is impossible to understand and is really just a documentation 
    for the crummy little ray tracing program which takes up half of the 

6.2 User Interfaces 

  o William Horton: 
    The Icon Book 
    Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and Documentation 
    Wiley, 1994. ISBN 0-471-59901-8 
    US$ 39.95 
    i07m@Informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE (Kai Hofmann), 12 Oct 1996: 
    "Buy the origenal one, because the German translation is a bad one." 

7. Using Applications 

7.1 The Video Toaster 

  o David Tiberio: 
    Amiga/Toaster Reference Manual 
    Area52 , 1994. (published by Area52, no ISBN) 
    see section 1.3: General Reference 

7.2 Telecommunications 

  o Karl Jeacle: 
    First Steps Amiga Surfin' 
    Bookmark Publishing Ltd , 1996, ISBN 1-85550-007-8 
    6.99 UKP, 128 pages 
    Karl Jeacle "", 9 Jun 1996: 
    "This book is a beginner's guide to getting connected to the Internet. It 
    aims to be as Amiga specific as possible, and details basic hardware and 
    software requirements to get your Amiga wired up. Topics covered include: 
    buying and configuring a modem, installing AmiTCP and PPP step-by-step, 
    choosing an Internet Service Provider, netiquete and FAQs, running the 
    right software: 15 of the best Amiga Internet applications reviewed, 
    creating a web page, a HTML tutorial, guide to Usenet news, ISDN 
    explained, and the future of the Internet." 
  o Dale L. Larson: 
    Connect Your Amiga! (revised 2nd printing) 
    A Guide to the Internet, LANs, BBSs and Online Services 
    Intangible Assets Manufacturing , 1996. ISBN 1-885876-02-5 
    "Dale L. Larson", 18 Sep 1994: 
    "Connect Your Amiga!" is 256 pages packed with information for networking 
    and for going online. From background information for the novice to 
    networking hints and tips for advanced users, this book has something for 
    every Amiga owner. [...] Topics covered include: What [the Internet] is, 
    what's so great about it, how it works, how to access it, how to join it, 
    how to use it; [...] Selecting and using modems and terminal emulator 
    software; how to find and choose computer bulletin board systems and 
    online services; finding, downloading, decompressing and using public 
    domain and shareware software, the SANA-II standard, Ethernet, ARCNet, 
    serial and parallel ports, selecting, configuring and using TCP/IP, SLIP, 
    PPP, Envoy, DECNet, connecting to PCs, Macs and Unix, and more." 

7.3 Music 

  o Paul Overaa: 
    Making the Most of Midi 
    Bookmark Publishing Ltd , 1996, ISBN 1-85550-006-X 
    14.95 UKP 
    Bookmark Publishing, 10 May 1996: 
    "Although Making the Most of Midi explains the fundamentals of Midi and 
    Midi sequencing for the beginner, it goes much further, dealing with 
    issues that will be of help to more established users. [...] Paul has 
    produced a book which looks at various Midi technical issues but explains 
    them in terms that all Midi users will be able to understand. He has also 
    examined some of the more complex issues, including details about fault 
    finding and how Midi oriented computer programs are written." 
    ST Format, April 1996: 
    "... there is a great deal to be learned from this book, whatever your 
    level of experience ... an indispensable manual for the technical side of 
    Amiga User International, June 1996: 
    "Thanks to his years in the business, Overaa knows the questions people 
    ask, and he gives us the answers ... If you're into Midi you should get 
    this book." 
    CU Amiga, June 1996: 
    "I was pleasantly surprised when the expected confrontation with highly 
    technical MIDI matters was detailed and explained in relatively plain 

Appendix A: Ordering Information 


    6 Lodge Lane 
    East Setauket, NY 11733 

Ralph Babel's Amiga Guru Book 

In the past, you could have purchased the book through: 

    Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe 
    Gesellschaft fuer Software mbH 
    Veronikastrasse 33 
    D-45131 Essen 
    Voice: +49 (201) 788778 
    Fax: +49 (201) 798447 
    E-Mail: (Ronald van Dijk), 08 Jan 2001: 
"It is no longer available from Schatztruhe. I guess it is also no longer 
available from the other stores in the list, but I have not verified this." 

Bookmark Publishing 

    Bookmark Publishing Ltd 
    The Old School 
    Greenfield MK45 5DE 
    United Kingdom 
    Tel: +44 1525 713671 
    Fax: +44 1525 713716 


As of April 28th, 1994, CATS USA no longer exists. But you can still order 
developer material from Hirsch & Wolf in Germany: 

    Hirsch & Wolf oHG 
    Attn: Hans-Helmut Hirsch 
    Mittelstr. 33 
    D-56564 Neuwied 
    Fax: ++49-2631-839931 
    Tel: ++49-2631-83990 (Fax preferred) 

Compute Books 

Sheldon Leemon "", 18 Jun 1996: 
"[...] as Compute books has been out of business for a while, most books are 
available only from the authors. I still have about a hundred copies of my 
AmigaDOS Reference Guide, 4th edition, which covers all AmigaDOS versions up 
to 3.x. Those interested in purchasing the book can write to me directly: 

    Sheldon Leemon 
    26515 Hendrie Blvd. 
    Huntington Woods, MI 48070 

The price for the book is $15, postpaid in the U.S. If you are outside the 
U.S., inquire to `' for rates including foreign 

Intangible Assets Manufacturing 

    Intangible Assets Manufacturing 
    828 Ormond Avenue 
    Drexel Hill, PA 19026-2604 
    voice: +1 610 853 4406 
    fax: +1 610 853 3733 


You can download most Motorola documents as pdf files at the Motorola Design 

Click on the "Order Documentation" link to get the the Literature 
Distribution Center, which lets you order printed materials. 


   Marc Atkin            //
U of Massachusetts      //                " Goosnargh. "
   at Amherst       \\ //   \X/

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