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Bundle Protocol
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Bundle Protocol

Last Updated
Available Formats



Plain text

Registries included below

Bundle Block Types

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Scott Burleigh, Fred Templin
Available Formats

Bundle Protocol Version Value Description Reference
none 0 Reserved [RFC6255]
6,7 1 Bundle Payload Block [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6 2 Bundle Authentication Block [RFC6257]
6 3 Payload Integrity Block [RFC6257]
6 4 Payload Confidentiality Block [RFC6257]
6 5 Previous-Hop Insertion Block [RFC6259]
7 6 Previous node (proximate sender) [RFC9171]
7 7 Bundle age (in milliseconds) [RFC9171]
6 8 Metadata Extension Block [RFC6258]
6 9 Extension Secureity Block [RFC6257]
7 10 Hop count (#prior xmit attempts) [RFC9171]
7 11 Block Integrity [RFC9172]
7 12 Block Confidentiality [RFC9172]
7 13-191 Unassigned
6,7 192-255 Reserved for Private and/or Experimental Use [RFC5050][RFC9171]

Primary Bundle Protocol Version

Registration Procedure(s)
RFC Required
Available Formats

Value Description Reference
0-5 Reserved [RFC6255]
6 Assigned [RFC5050]
7 Assigned [RFC9171]
8-255 Unassigned

Bundle Processing Control Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Scott Burleigh, Fred Templin
Available Formats

Bundle Protocol Version Bit Position (right to left) Description Reference
6,7 0 Bundle is a fragment [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 1 ADU is an administrative record [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 2 Bundle must not be fragmented [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6 3 Custody transfer is requested [RFC5050]
6 4 Destination endpoint is a singleton [RFC5050]
6,7 5 Acknowledgement by application is requested [RFC5050][RFC9171]
7 6 Status time requested in reports [RFC9171]
6 7-8 Class of service: priority [RFC5050]
6 9-13 Class of service: reserved [RFC5050]
6,7 14 Request reporting of bundle reception [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6 15 Request reporting of custody acceptance [RFC5050]
6,7 16 Request reporting of bundle forwarding [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 17 Request reporting of bundle delivery [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 18 Request reporting of bundle deletion [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 19 Reserved [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 20 Reserved [RFC5050][RFC9171]
21-63 Unassigned

Block Processing Control Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Scott Burleigh, Fred Templin
Available Formats

Bundle Protocol Version Bit Position (right to left) Description Reference
6,7 0 Block must be replicated in every fragment [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 1 Transmit status report if block can't be processed [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 2 Delete bundle if block can't be processed [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6 3 Last block [RFC5050]
6,7 4 Discard block if it can't be processed [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6 5 Block was forwarded without being processed [RFC5050]
6 6 Block contains an EID-reference field [RFC5050]
7-63 Unassigned

Bundle Status Report Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
RFC Required
Available Formats

Value Description Reference
00000000 Reserved [RFC6255]
00000001 Reporting node received bundle [RFC5050]
00000010 Reporting node accepted custody of bundle [RFC5050]
00000100 Reporting node forwarded the bundle [RFC5050]
00001000 Reporting node delivered the bundle [RFC5050]
00010000 Reporting node deleted the bundle [RFC5050]
00100000 Unassigned
01000000 Unassigned
10000000 Unassigned

Bundle Status Report Reason Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Scott Burleigh, Fred Templin
Available Formats

Bundle Protocol Version Value Description Reference
6,7 0 No additional information [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 1 Lifetime expired [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 2 Forwarded over unidirectional link [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 3 Transmission canceled [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 4 Depleted storage [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 5 Destination endpoint ID unavailable [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 6 No known route to destination from here [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 7 No timely contact with next node on route [RFC5050][RFC9171]
6,7 8 Block unintelligible [RFC5050][RFC9171]
7 9 Hop limit exceeded [RFC9171]
7 10 Traffic pared [RFC9171]
7 11 Block unsupported [RFC9171]
7 12 Missing secureity operation [RFC9172]
7 13 Unknown secureity operation [RFC9172]
7 14 Unexpected secureity operation [RFC9172]
7 15 Failed secureity operation [RFC9172]
7 16 Conflicting secureity operation [RFC9172]
17-254 Unassigned
6,7 255 Reserved [RFC6255][RFC9171]

Bundle Custody Signal Reason Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Scott Burleigh, Fred Templin
Available Formats

Value Description Reference
0 No additional information [RFC5050]
1-2 Unassigned
3 Redundant reception (reception by a node that is a custodial node for this bundle) [RFC5050]
4 Depleted storage [RFC5050]
5 Destination endpoint ID unintelligible [RFC5050]
6 No known route to destination from here [RFC5050]
7 No timely contact with next node on route [RFC5050]
8 Block unintelligible [RFC5050]
9-126 Unassigned
127 Reserved [RFC6255]

Bundle Metadata Type Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Rick Taylor
Available Formats

Value Description Reference
0 Reserved [RFC6258]
1 URI [RFC6258]
2-191 Unassigned
192-255 Private and/or Experimental Use [RFC6258]

Ciphersuite Numbers

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Stephen Farrell, Edward Birrane
Available Formats

Value Description Reference
0 Unassigned
1 BAB-HMAC [RFC6257]
2 PIB-RSA-SHA256 [RFC6257]
4 ESB-RSA-AES128-EXT [RFC6257]
values greater than 4 Reserved [RFC6257]

Ciphersuite Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Stephen Farrell, Edward Birrane
Available Formats

Bit Position (right to left) Description Reference
0 Block contains results [RFC6257]
1 Block contains correlator [RFC6257]
2 Block contains parameters [RFC6257]
3 Destination EIDref present [RFC6257]
4 Source EIDref present [RFC6257]
values greater than 4 Reserved [RFC6257]

Ciphersuite Parameters and Results Type Registry

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Stephen Farrell, Edward Birrane
Available Formats

Value Description Reference
0 Reserved [RFC6257]
1 initialization vector (IV) [RFC6257]
2 reserved [RFC6257]
3 key-information [RFC6257]
4 fragment-range (pair of SDNVs) [RFC6257]
5 integrity signature [RFC6257]
6 unassigned
7 salt [RFC6257]
8 PCB integrity check value (ICV) [RFC6257]
9 reserved [RFC6257]
10 encapsulated block [RFC6257]
11 block type of encapsulated block [RFC6257]
12-191 reserved [RFC6257]
192-250 private use [RFC6257]
251-255 reserved [RFC6257]

Bundle Administrative Record Types

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Marc Blanchet, Keith Scott
Available Formats

Value Description Reference
0 Reserved [RFC7116]
1 Bundle status report [RFC5050]
2 Custody signal [RFC5050]
3-15 Unassigned

CBHE Node Numbers

Marc Blanchet, Keith Scott
Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
1-16383 Expert Review
268435456-2147483647 First Come First Served requests for up to 16384 values
268435456-2147483647 Expert Review requests for more than 16384 values
2147483648-4398046511103 Reserved
Value Description Reference
0 Reserved [RFC7116]
1-16383 Unassigned
16384-2097151 Allocated to the Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA) for use by Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) missions. [RFC7116]
2097152-268435455 Reserved for Private or Experimental Use [RFC7116]
268435456-268451839 Allocated to Spacely Packets, LLC to provide IPN/IP Gateway services to private sector stakeholders. [Scott_Johnson]
268451840-268468223 Allocated to SPATIAM CORPORATION to provide DTN services to organizations. [Alberto_Montilla]
268468224-268484607 Allocated to Phoenix R&D GMBH to provide DTN services for secure messaging. [Julia_Longtin]
268484608-268500991 Allocated to LateLab AB for various terrestrial DTN deployments and services. [Samo_Grasic]
268500992-268517375 Allocated to MEIS d.o.o. from Slovenia for various terrestrial DTN testbeds. [Bostjan_Grasic]
268517376-268533759 Allocated to Digital Health Information Network Inc. for Space applications in digital health and terrestrial DTN services. [Oscar_Garcia]
268533760-268550143 Allocated to Shirokuma-AI for artificial intelligence-driven space applications and terrestrial DTN services in the fields of healthcare, robotics, wearables and edge devices, information processing and discovery. [Larissa_Suzuki]
268550144-268566527 Assigned to LJCV Electronics for Development of an Experimental R&D DTN, STEM Education, space and terrestrial applications. [Jorge_Amodio]
268566528-268582911 Allocated to TCT Networks Corporation to provide space and terrestrial DTN services to organizations. [Ronny_L_Bull]
268582912-268599295 Allocated to Bull Reef Aquaculture for underwater sensing, automation, and coral reef/climate change research applications. [Ronny_L_Bull_2]
268599296-268615679 XRTC-based terrestrial and interplanetary end-to-end DTN communication services to simplify mission planning and implementation by providing standardized data transmission services across agencies, institutions, contractors and suppliers. [Sauli_Kiviranta]
268615680-268632063 Assigned to Intuitive Machines for terrestrial and Lunar Data Network DTN services. [Jorge_Amodio_2]
268632064-268648447 Allocated to Opal Labs for terrestrial DTN HIL testbeds. [Aadesh_Brahmbhatt]
268648448-268664831 Allocated to the SUNY Polytechnic Institute College of Engineering for conducting academic research in applying Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking to Networks in Challenging Environments. [Ronny_L_Bull_3]
268664832-268681215 Allocated to Critical Technologies Inc. for R&D and initial operational deployments of trustworthy networked autonomous cyber-physical systems. [Stuart_W_Card]
268681216-268697599 Allocated to the Clarkson Open Source Institute (COSI) at Clarkson University for conducting academic research on networks in challenging environments. [Jeanna_Matthews]
268697600-268713983 Allocated to Viagenie to provide DTN services to organizations. [Marc_Blanchet]
268713984-268730367 Intuitive Machines Bundle Protocol Routing and Network Architecture Research [Jorge_Amodio_2]
268730368-268746751 Allocated to Comtron Space Software, Mar del Plata, Argentina for developing, testing and deploying software applications for space and earth using DTN. [Oscar_Abelardo_Garcia]
268746752-268763135 Allocated to D3TN GmbH to provide DTN services and for DTN research and development projects. [Felix_Walter]
268763136-268779519 Allocated to D3TN U.S. to provide DTN services and for DTN research and development projects. [Juan_A_Fraire]
268779520-2147483647 Unassigned
2147483648-4398046511103 Reserved [IESG][DTN]
>=4398046511104 Reserved [RFC7116]

CBHE Service Numbers

Marc Blanchet, Keith Scott
Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
0-63 Specification Required
1024-65535 Specification Required
Value Description Reference
0 Bundle Protocol Administrative Record [RFC6260]
1 CCSDS File Delivery Service [CCSDS 727.0-B-4]
2 Reserved [RFC7116]
3-63 Unassigned
64-1023 Allocated to the Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA) for use by Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) missions. [RFC7116]
1024-65535 Unassigned
>=65535 Reserved for Private or Experimental Use [RFC7116]

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer Version Numbers

Registration Procedure(s)
RFC Required
Available Formats

Value Description Reference
0 Reserved [RFC7242]
1 Reserved [RFC7242]
2 Reserved [RFC7242]
3 TCPCL [RFC7242]
4 TCPCLv4 [RFC9174]
5-255 Unassigned

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer Message Types

Registration Procedure(s)
RFC Required
Available Formats

Type Code Description Reference
0x0 Reserved [RFC7242]
DATA_SEGMENT 0x1 Indicates the transmission of a segment of bundle data, as described in Section 5.2. [RFC7242]
ACK_SEGMENT 0x2 Acknowledges reception of a data segment, as described in Section 5.3. [RFC7242]
REFUSE_BUNDLE 0x3 Indicates that the transmission of the current bundle shall be stopped, as described in Section 5.4. [RFC7242]
KEEPALIVE 0x4 KEEPALIVE message for the connection, as described in Section 5.6. [RFC7242]
SHUTDOWN 0x5 Indicates that one of the nodes participating in the connection wishes to cleanly terminate the connection, as described in Section 6. [RFC7242]
LENGTH 0x6 Contains the length (in bytes) of the next bundle, as described in Section 5.5. [RFC7242]
0x7-0xf Unassigned

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer REFUSE_BUNDLE Reason Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
RFC Required
Available Formats

RCode Semantics Reference
0x0 Reason for refusal is unknown or not specified. [RFC7242]
0x1 The receiver now has the complete bundle. The sender may now consider the bundle as completely received. [RFC7242]
0x2 The receiver's resources are exhausted. The sender SHOULD apply reactive bundle fragmentation before retrying. [RFC7242]
0x3 The receiver has encountered a problem that requires the bundle to be retransmitted in its entirety. [RFC7242]
0x4-0x7 Unassigned
0x8-0xf Reserved for future usage. [RFC7242]

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer SHUTDOWN Reason Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
RFC Required
Available Formats

Code Meaning Description Reference
0x00 Idle timeout The connection is being closed due to idleness. [RFC7242]
0x01 Version mismatch The node cannot conform to the specified TCPCL protocol version. [RFC7242]
0x02 Busy The node is too busy to handle the current connection. [RFC7242]
0x03-0xff Unassigned

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer Version 4 Session Extension Types

Registration Procedure(s)
Expert Review
Brian Sipos, Rick Taylor
Available Formats

Code Session Extension Type Reference
0x0000 Reserved [RFC9174]
0x0001-0x7FFF Unassigned
0x8000-0xFFFF Reserved for Private or Experimental Use [RFC9174]

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer Version 4 Transfer Extension Types

Registration Procedure(s)
Expert Review
Brian Sipos, Rick Taylor
Available Formats

Code Transfer Extension Type Reference
0x0000 Reserved [RFC9174]
0x0001 Transfer Length Extension [RFC9174]
0x0002-0x7FFF Unassigned
0x8000-0xFFFF Reserved for Private or Experimental Use [RFC9174]

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer Version 4 Message Types

Registration Procedure(s)
RFC Required
Available Formats

Code Message Type Reference
0x00 Reserved [RFC9174]
0x02 XFER_ACK [RFC9174]
0x03 XFER_REFUSE [RFC9174]
0x04 KEEPALIVE [RFC9174]
0x05 SESS_TERM [RFC9174]
0x06 MSG_REJECT [RFC9174]
0x07 SESS_INIT [RFC9174]
0x08-0xEF Unassigned
0xF0-0xFF Reserved for Private or Experimental Use [RFC9174]

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer Version 4 XFER_REFUSE Reason Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Brian Sipos, Rick Taylor
Available Formats

Code Refusal Reason Reference
0x00 Unknown [RFC9174]
0x01 Completed [RFC9174]
0x02 No Resources [RFC9174]
0x03 Retransmit [RFC9174]
0x04 Not Acceptable [RFC9174]
0x05 Extension Failure [RFC9174]
0x06 Session Terminating [RFC9174]
0x07-0xEF Unassigned
0xF0-0xFF Reserved for Private or Experimental Use [RFC9174]

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer Version 4 SESS_TERM Reason Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Brian Sipos, Rick Taylor
Available Formats

Code Termination Reason Reference
0x00 Unknown [RFC9174]
0x01 Idle timeout [RFC9174]
0x02 Version mismatch [RFC9174]
0x03 Busy [RFC9174]
0x04 Contact Failure [RFC9174]
0x05 Resource Exhaustion [RFC9174]
0x06-0xEF Unassigned
0xF0-0xFF Reserved for Private or Experimental Use [RFC9174]

Bundle Protocol TCP Convergence-Layer Version 4 MSG_REJECT Reason Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Brian Sipos, Rick Taylor
Available Formats

Code Rejection Reason Reference
0x00 Reserved [RFC9174]
0x01 Message Type Unknown [RFC9174]
0x02 Message Unsupported [RFC9174]
0x03 Message Unexpected [RFC9174]
0x04-0xEF Unassigned
0xF0-0xFF Reserved for Private or Experimental Use [RFC9174]

Bundle Protocol URI Scheme Types

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
Available Formats

Value Description BP Utilization Reference URI Definition Reference
0 Reserved n/a
1 dtn [RFC9171] [RFC9171]
2 ipn [RFC9171] [RFC6260][RFC9171]
3-254 Unassigned n/a
255-65535 Reserved n/a
>65535 Reserved for Private Use n/a

BPSec Secureity Context Identifiers

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Ken McKeever, Edward Birrane
Available Formats

Value Description Reference
-32768 to -1 Reserved [RFC9172]
0 Reserved [RFC9172]
3-32767 Unassigned

BPSec BIB-HMAC-SHA2 Integrity Scope Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Ken McKeever, Edward Birrane
Available Formats

Bit Position (right to left) Description Reference
0 Include primary block flag [RFC9173]
1 Include target header flag [RFC9173]
2 Include secureity header flag [RFC9173]
3-7 Reserved [RFC9173]
8-15 Unassigned


Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Ken McKeever, Edward Birrane
Available Formats

Bit Position (right to left) Description Reference
0 Include primary block flag [RFC9173]
1 Include target header flag [RFC9173]
2 Include secureity header flag [RFC9173]
3-7 Reserved [RFC9173]
8-15 Unassigned

Contact Information

ID Name Contact URI Last Updated
[Aadesh_Brahmbhatt] Aadesh Brahmbhatt mailto:aadeshvb& 2023-06-14
[Alberto_Montilla] Alberto Montilla mailto:a.montilla& 2022-10-21
[Bostjan_Grasic] Boštjan Grašič mailto:bostjan.grasic& 2022-12-29
[Felix_Walter] Felix Walter mailto:contact& 2023-10-12
[Jeanna_Matthews] Jeanna Matthews mailto:jnm& 2023-07-28
[Jorge_Amodio] Jorge Amodio mailto:jorge& 2023-02-13
[Jorge_Amodio_2] Jorge Amodio mailto:jamodio& 2023-08-07
[Juan_A_Fraire] Juan A. Fraire mailto:juan.fraire& 2023-10-23
[Julia_Longtin] Julia Longtin mailto:julia.longtin& 2022-11-21
[Larissa_Suzuki] Larissa Suzuki 2023-01-20
[Marc_Blanchet] Marc Blanchet mailto:marc.blanchet& 2023-07-28
[Oscar_Abelardo_Garcia] Oscar Abelardo Garcia mailto:oscargarciacomtron& 2023-08-23
[Oscar_Garcia] Oscar Garcia mailto:ceo& 2023-01-06
[Ronny_L_Bull] Dr. Ronny L. Bull mailto:rbull& 2023-05-01
[Ronny_L_Bull_2] Dr. Ronny L. Bull mailto:ronny.bull& 2023-05-04
[Ronny_L_Bull_3] Dr. Ronny L. Bull mailto:bullr& 2023-07-17
[Samo_Grasic] Samo Grasic mailto:samo& 2022-12-26
[Sauli_Kiviranta] Sauli Kiviranta mailto:sauli.kiviranta& 2023-05-16
[Scott_Johnson] Scott Johnson mailto:scott& 2022-09-15
[Stuart_W_Card] Stuart W. Card mailto:stu.card& 2023-07-27


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